Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2016 Sam Silverberg * * This file is part of OpenDedupe SDFS. * * OpenDedupe SDFS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * OpenDedupe SDFS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Foobar. If not, see <>. *******************************************************************************/ package org.opendedup.sdfs.replication; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionHandler; import java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import org.opendedup.collections.LongByteArrayMap; import org.opendedup.collections.SparseDataChunk; import org.opendedup.hashing.HashFunctionPool; import org.opendedup.logging.SDFSLogger; import org.opendedup.sdfs.Main; import org.opendedup.sdfs.filestore.MetaFileStore; import; import; import; import; import org.opendedup.sdfs.mgmt.cli.ProcessBatchGetBlocks; import org.opendedup.sdfs.notification.BlockImportEvent; import org.opendedup.sdfs.notification.SDFSEvent; import org.opendedup.sdfs.servers.HCServiceProxy; import org.opendedup.util.FileCounts; import; import; public class MetaFileImport implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2281680761909041919L; private long filesProcessed = 0; private transient ArrayList<byte[]> hashes = null; private int MAX_SZ = (500); private static final int MAX_BATCHHASH_SIZE = 100; boolean corruption = false; private long entries = 0; private long passEntries = 0; private AtomicLong bytesTransmitted = new AtomicLong(0); private AtomicLong virtualBytesTransmitted = new AtomicLong(0); private String server = null; private String path = null; private transient String password = null; private int port = 2222; long startTime = 0; long endTime = 0; BlockImportEvent levt = null; private boolean closed = false; boolean firstrun = true; private boolean useSSL; private Exception lastException; private transient RejectedExecutionHandler executionHandler = new BlockPolicy(); private transient BlockingQueue<Runnable> worksQueue = new SynchronousQueue<Runnable>(); private transient ThreadPoolExecutor executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(1, 4, 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES, worksQueue, executionHandler); protected MetaFileImport(String path, String server, String password, int port, int maxSz, SDFSEvent evt, boolean useSSL) throws IOException { SDFSLogger.getLog() .info("Starting MetaFile FDISK. Max entries per batch are " + MAX_SZ + " use ssl " + useSSL); levt = SDFSEvent.metaImportEvent("Starting MetaFile FDISK. Max entries per batch are " + MAX_SZ, evt); // this.useSSL = useSSL; if (maxSz > 0) MAX_SZ = (maxSz * 1024 * 1024) / Main.CHUNK_LENGTH; hashes = new ArrayList<byte[]>(); startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); File f = new File(path); SDFSLogger.getLog().info("getting file counts for " + f.getPath()); levt.maxCt = FileCounts.getDBFileSize(f, false); SDFSLogger.getLog().info("got file counts"); this.server = server; this.password = password; this.port = port; this.path = path; this.useSSL = useSSL; } public void close() { this.closed = true; } public void runImport() throws IOException, ReplicationCanceledException, InterruptedException { int i = 1; SDFSLogger.getLog().info("Running Import of " + path + " total runs=" + i); this.traverse(new File(this.path)); executor.shutdown(); try { while (!executor.awaitTermination(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { SDFSLogger.getLog().debug("Awaiting fdisk completion of threads."); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IOException(e); } if (hashes.size() != 0) { try { long sz = ProcessBatchGetBlocks.runCmd(hashes, server, port, password, useSSL); this.bytesTransmitted.addAndGet(sz); levt.bytesImported = this.bytesTransmitted.get(); } catch (Throwable e) { SDFSLogger.getLog().error("Corruption Suspected on import", e); corruption = true; } } this.firstrun = false; while (passEntries > 0) { i++; SDFSLogger.getLog() .info("Running Import of " + path + " total runs=" + i + " entries imported=" + passEntries); passEntries = 0; worksQueue = new SynchronousQueue<Runnable>(); executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(1, 4, 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES, worksQueue, executionHandler); this.traverse(new File(this.path)); executor.shutdown(); try { while (!executor.awaitTermination(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { SDFSLogger.getLog().debug("Awaiting fdisk completion of threads."); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IOException(e); } if (hashes.size() != 0) { try { long sz = ProcessBatchGetBlocks.runCmd(hashes, server, port, password, useSSL); this.bytesTransmitted.addAndGet(sz); levt.bytesImported = this.bytesTransmitted.get(); } catch (Throwable e) { SDFSLogger.getLog().error("Corruption Suspected on import", e); corruption = true; } } } // Wait for everything to finish. while (!executor.awaitTermination(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { levt.shortMsg = "Awaiting finalization"; } endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); levt.endEvent("took [" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000 + "] seconds to import [" + filesProcessed + "] files and [" + entries + "] blocks."); SDFSLogger.getLog().info("took [" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000 + "] seconds to import [" + filesProcessed + "] files and [" + entries + "] blocks."); } private void traverse(File dir) throws IOException, ReplicationCanceledException { if (this.closed) throw new ReplicationCanceledException("MetaFile Import Canceled"); if (Files.isSymbolicLink(dir.toPath())) { if (SDFSLogger.isDebug()) SDFSLogger.getLog().debug("File is symlink"); } else if (dir.isDirectory()) { String[] children = dir.list(); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { traverse(new File(dir, children[i])); } } else { this.checkDedupFile(dir); } } public boolean isCorrupt() { return this.corruption; } private boolean batchCheck(ArrayList<HashLocPair> chunks, MetaDataDedupFile mf) throws IOException { List<HashLocPair> pchunks = HCServiceProxy.batchHashExists(chunks); if (pchunks.size() != chunks.size()) { SDFSLogger.getLog().warn("requested " + chunks.size() + " but received " + pchunks.size()); } corruption = false; for (HashLocPair p : chunks) { byte[] eb = p.hashloc; boolean exists = false; if (eb[0] == 1) exists = true; mf.getIOMonitor().addVirtualBytesWritten(Main.CHUNK_LENGTH, true); if (!exists) { hashes.add(p.hash); entries++; levt.blocksImported = entries; mf.getIOMonitor().addActualBytesWritten(Main.CHUNK_LENGTH, true); } else { if (HashFunctionPool.max_hash_cluster == 1) mf.getIOMonitor().addDulicateData(Main.CHUNK_LENGTH, true); } if (hashes.size() >= MAX_SZ) { try { if (SDFSLogger.isDebug()) SDFSLogger.getLog().debug("fetching " + hashes.size() + " blocks"); ProcessBatchGetBlocks.runCmd(hashes, server, port, password, useSSL); if (SDFSLogger.isDebug()) SDFSLogger.getLog().debug("fetched " + hashes.size() + " blocks"); this.bytesTransmitted.addAndGet((hashes.size() * Main.CHUNK_LENGTH)); levt.bytesImported = this.bytesTransmitted.get(); hashes = null; hashes = new ArrayList<byte[]>(); } catch (Throwable e) { SDFSLogger.getLog().error("Corruption Suspected on import", e); corruption = true; } } } return corruption; } private void checkDedupFile(File metaFile) throws IOException, ReplicationCanceledException { if (this.closed) throw new ReplicationCanceledException("MetaFile Import Canceled"); MetaDataDedupFile mf = MetaDataDedupFile.getFile(metaFile.getPath()); ArrayList<HashLocPair> bh = new ArrayList<HashLocPair>(MAX_BATCHHASH_SIZE); mf.getIOMonitor().clearFileCounters(true); String dfGuid = mf.getDfGuid(); if (dfGuid != null) { LongByteArrayMap mp = LongByteArrayMap.getMap(dfGuid); try { SparseDataChunk ck = new SparseDataChunk(); long prevpos = 0; mp.iterInit(); while (ck != null) { if (this.closed) throw new ReplicationCanceledException("MetaFile Import Canceled"); if (this.lastException != null) throw this.lastException; levt.curCt += (mp.getIterPos() - prevpos); prevpos = mp.getIterPos(); ck = mp.nextValue(this.firstrun); if (ck != null) { ck.setFpos((prevpos / mp.getFree().length) * Main.CHUNK_LENGTH); List<HashLocPair> al = ck.getFingers(); if (Main.chunkStoreLocal) { mf.getIOMonitor().addVirtualBytesWritten(Main.CHUNK_LENGTH, true); // Todo : Must fix how this is counted if (HashFunctionPool.max_hash_cluster > 1) mf.getIOMonitor().addDulicateData(Main.CHUNK_LENGTH, true); boolean hpc = false; for (HashLocPair p : al) { long pos = 0; if (Main.refCount && Arrays.areEqual(WritableCacheBuffer.bk, p.hash)) pos = 0; else pos = HCServiceProxy.hashExists(p.hash, false); boolean exists = false; if (pos != -1) { p.hashloc = Longs.toByteArray(pos); hpc = true; exists = true; } if (!exists) { hashes.add(p.hash); entries++; passEntries++; levt.blocksImported = entries; } else { if (HashFunctionPool.max_hash_cluster == 1) mf.getIOMonitor().addDulicateData(Main.CHUNK_LENGTH, true); } if (hashes.size() >= MAX_SZ) { executor.execute(new DataImporter(this, hashes)); hashes = new ArrayList<byte[]>(); } } if (hpc) { mp.put(ck.getFpos(), ck); } } else { bh.addAll(ck.getFingers()); if (bh.size() >= MAX_BATCHHASH_SIZE) { boolean cp = batchCheck(bh, mf); if (cp) corruption = true; bh = new ArrayList<HashLocPair>(MAX_BATCHHASH_SIZE); } } } } if (bh.size() > 0) { boolean cp = batchCheck(bh, mf); if (cp) corruption = true; } Main.volume.updateCurrentSize(mf.length(), true); if (corruption) { MetaFileStore.removeMetaFile(mf.getPath(), true); throw new IOException( "Unable to continue MetaFile Import because there are too many missing blocks"); } mf.setDirty(true); mf.sync(); //mf.getDedupFile(false).forceRemoteSync(); Main.volume.addFile(); } catch (Throwable e) { SDFSLogger.getLog().warn("error while checking file [" + dfGuid + "]", e); levt.endEvent("error while checking file [" + dfGuid + "]", SDFSEvent.WARN, e); throw new IOException(e); } finally { mp.close(); mp = null; if (this.firstrun) { this.virtualBytesTransmitted.addAndGet(mf.length()); levt.virtualDataImported = this.virtualBytesTransmitted.get(); } } } this.filesProcessed++; if (this.firstrun) levt.filesImported = this.filesProcessed; } public long getFilesProcessed() { return filesProcessed; } public int getMAX_SZ() { return MAX_SZ; } public boolean isCorruption() { return corruption; } public long getEntries() { return entries; } public long getBytesTransmitted() { return bytesTransmitted.get(); } public long getVirtualBytesTransmitted() { return virtualBytesTransmitted.get(); } public String getServer() { return server; } public int getPort() { return port; } public long getStartTime() { return startTime; } public long getEndTime() { return endTime; } private static class DataImporter implements Runnable { MetaFileImport mfi; ArrayList<byte[]> hashes; DataImporter(MetaFileImport mfi, ArrayList<byte[]> hashes) { this.mfi = mfi; this.hashes = hashes; } @Override public void run() { try { if (SDFSLogger.isDebug()) SDFSLogger.getLog().debug("thread fetching " + hashes.size() + " blocks"); int tries = 0; for (;;) { try { long sz = ProcessBatchGetBlocks.runCmd(hashes, mfi.server, mfi.port, mfi.password, mfi.useSSL); if (SDFSLogger.isDebug()) SDFSLogger.getLog().debug("fetched " + hashes.size() + " blocks"); Main.volume.addDuplicateBytes(-1 * sz, true); mfi.bytesTransmitted.addAndGet(sz); mfi.levt.bytesImported = mfi.bytesTransmitted.get(); hashes = null; break; } catch (Exception e) { tries++; if (tries > 3) throw e; } } } catch (Throwable e) { SDFSLogger.getLog().error("Corruption Suspected on import", e); } } } }