Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2016 Sam Silverberg * * This file is part of OpenDedupe SDFS. * * OpenDedupe SDFS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * OpenDedupe SDFS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Foobar. If not, see <>. *******************************************************************************/ package org.opendedup.mtools; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.opendedup.collections.DataMapInterface; import org.opendedup.collections.HashtableFullException; import org.opendedup.collections.LongByteArrayMap; import org.opendedup.collections.SparseDataChunk; import org.opendedup.logging.SDFSLogger; import org.opendedup.sdfs.Main; import; import; import; import org.opendedup.sdfs.notification.SDFSEvent; import org.opendedup.sdfs.servers.HCServiceProxy; import org.opendedup.util.FileCounts; import org.opendedup.util.StringUtils; import; public class ClusterRedundancyCheck { private long files = 0; private long corruptFiles = 0; private long newRendundantBlocks = 0; private long failedRendundantBlocks = 0; SDFSEvent fEvt = null; private static final int MAX_BATCH_SIZE = 200; private boolean metaTree = false; public ClusterRedundancyCheck(SDFSEvent fEvt, File f, boolean metaTree) throws IOException { this.metaTree = metaTree; init(fEvt, f); } private void init(SDFSEvent fEvt, File f) throws IOException { this.fEvt = fEvt; if (!f.exists()) { fEvt.endEvent("Cluster Redundancy Check Will not start because the volume has not been written too"); throw new IOException( "Cluster Redundancy Check Will not start because the volume has not been written too"); } if (Main.chunkStoreLocal) { fEvt.endEvent("Cluster Redundancy Check Will not start because the volume storage is local"); throw new IOException("Cluster Redundancy Check Will not start because the volume storage is local"); } fEvt.shortMsg = "Cluster Redundancy for " + Main.volume.getName() + " file count = " + FileCounts.getCount(f, false) + " file size = " + FileCounts.getSize(f, false) + " file-path=" + f.getPath(); fEvt.maxCt = FileCounts.getSize(f, false); SDFSLogger.getLog().info("Starting Cluster Redundancy Check on " + f.getPath()); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { this.traverse(f); SDFSLogger.getLog() .info("took [" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000 + "] seconds to check [" + files + "]. Found [" + this.corruptFiles + "] corrupt files. Made [" + this.newRendundantBlocks + "] blocks redundant. Failed to make [" + this.failedRendundantBlocks + "] blocks redundant for path [" + f.getPath() + "]."); fEvt.endEvent("took [" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000 + "] seconds to check [" + files + "]. Found [" + this.corruptFiles + "] corrupt files. Made [" + this.newRendundantBlocks + "] blocks redundant. Failed to make [" + this.failedRendundantBlocks + "] blocks redundant for path [" + f.getPath() + "]."); } catch (Exception e) { SDFSLogger.getLog().info("cluster redundancy failed", e); fEvt.endEvent("cluster redundancy failed because [" + e.toString() + "]", SDFSEvent.ERROR); throw new IOException(e); } } public ClusterRedundancyCheck(SDFSEvent fEvt) throws IOException { // this.fEvt = fEvt; File f = new File(Main.dedupDBStore); init(fEvt, f); } private void traverse(File dir) throws IOException { if (dir.isDirectory()) { try { String[] children = dir.list(); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { traverse(new File(dir, children[i])); } } catch (Exception e) { SDFSLogger.getLog().debug("error traversing " + dir.getPath(), e); } } else if (metaTree) { MetaDataDedupFile mf = MetaDataDedupFile.getFile(dir.getPath()); mf.getIOMonitor().clearFileCounters(true); String dfGuid = mf.getDfGuid(); if (SDFSLogger.isDebug()) SDFSLogger.getLog().debug("checking " + dir.getPath() + " with guid" + dfGuid); if (dfGuid != null) { File mapFile = new File(Main.dedupDBStore + File.separator + dfGuid.substring(0, 2) + File.separator + dfGuid + File.separator + dfGuid + ".map"); if (!mapFile.exists()) { return; } this.checkDedupFile(mapFile); } } else { if (dir.getPath().endsWith(".map")) { this.checkDedupFile(dir); } } } private int batchCheck(ArrayList<SparseDataChunk> chunks, DataMapInterface mp) throws IOException, HashtableFullException, FileClosedException { ArrayList<HashLocPair> al = new ArrayList<HashLocPair>(); for (SparseDataChunk ck : chunks) { al.addAll(ck.getFingers()); } List<HashLocPair> pchunks = HCServiceProxy.batchHashExists(al); int corruptBlocks = 0; for (HashLocPair p : pchunks) { byte[] exists = p.hashloc; if (exists[0] == -1) { if (SDFSLogger.isDebug()) SDFSLogger.getLog().debug(" could not find " + StringUtils.getHexString(p.hash)); corruptBlocks++; } else { byte[] currenthl = p.hashloc; exists[0] = currenthl[0]; try { int ncopies = 0; for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++) { if (exists[i] > (byte) 0) { ncopies++; } } if (ncopies < Main.volume.getClusterCopies()) { byte[] nb = HCServiceProxy.fetchChunk(p.hash, exists, false); exists = HCServiceProxy.writeChunk(p.hash, nb, exists).getHashLocs(); ncopies = 0; for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++) { if (exists[i] > (byte) 0) { ncopies++; } } if (ncopies >= Main.volume.getClusterCopies()) { this.newRendundantBlocks++; } else this.failedRendundantBlocks++; } exists[0] = currenthl[0]; if (!brequals(currenthl, exists)) { p.hashloc = exists; } } catch (Exception e) { this.failedRendundantBlocks++; } } for (SparseDataChunk ck : chunks) { mp.put(ck.getFpos(), ck); } } return corruptBlocks; } private void checkDedupFile(File mapFile) throws IOException { if (SDFSLogger.isDebug()) SDFSLogger.getLog().debug("Cluster check " + mapFile.getPath()); LongByteArrayMap mp = LongByteArrayMap .getMap(mapFile.getName().substring(0, mapFile.getName().length() - 4)); long prevpos = 0; try { ArrayList<SparseDataChunk> chunks = new ArrayList<SparseDataChunk>(MAX_BATCH_SIZE); byte[] val = new byte[0]; mp.iterInit(); SparseDataChunk ck = mp.nextValue(false); long corruptBlocks = 0; while (val != null) { fEvt.curCt += (mp.getIterPos() - prevpos); prevpos = mp.getIterPos(); ck.setFpos((prevpos / mp.getFree().length) * Main.CHUNK_LENGTH); HashLocPair p = ck.getFingers().get(0); if (Main.chunkStoreLocal) { byte[] exists = Longs.toByteArray(HCServiceProxy.hashExists(p.hash, true)); if (exists[0] == -1) { if (SDFSLogger.isDebug()) SDFSLogger.getLog().debug( "file [" + mapFile + "] could not find " + StringUtils.getHexString(p.hash)); corruptBlocks++; } else { byte[] currenthl = p.hash; exists[0] = currenthl[0]; try { int ncopies = 0; for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++) { if (exists[i] > (byte) 0) { ncopies++; } } if (ncopies < Main.volume.getClusterCopies() && ncopies < HCServiceProxy.cs.getStorageNodes().size()) { byte[] nb = HCServiceProxy.fetchChunk(p.hash, exists, false); exists = HCServiceProxy.writeChunk(p.hash, nb, exists).getHashLocs(); ncopies = 0; for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++) { if (exists[i] > (byte) 0) { ncopies++; } } if (ncopies >= Main.volume.getClusterCopies()) { this.newRendundantBlocks++; } else this.failedRendundantBlocks++; } else if (ncopies < Main.volume.getClusterCopies() && ncopies >= HCServiceProxy.cs.getStorageNodes().size()) { this.failedRendundantBlocks++; } exists[0] = currenthl[0]; if (!brequals(currenthl, exists)) { p.hashloc = exists; } mp.put(ck.getFpos(), ck); } catch (IOException e) { this.failedRendundantBlocks++; } } } else { chunks.add(ck); if (chunks.size() >= MAX_BATCH_SIZE) { corruptBlocks += batchCheck(chunks, mp); chunks = new ArrayList<SparseDataChunk>(MAX_BATCH_SIZE); } } ck = mp.nextValue(false); } if (chunks.size() > 0) { corruptBlocks += batchCheck(chunks, mp); } if (corruptBlocks > 0) { this.corruptFiles++; SDFSLogger.getLog().info("************** map file " + mapFile.getPath() + " is suspect, [" + corruptBlocks + "] missing blocks found.***************"); } } catch (Exception e) { if (SDFSLogger.isDebug()) SDFSLogger.getLog().debug("error while checking file [" + mapFile.getPath() + "]", e); throw new IOException(e); } finally { mp.close(); mp = null; } this.files++; } static int count(byte[] nums, byte x) { int count = 0; for (byte num : nums) { if (num == x) count++; } return count; } static boolean brequals(byte[] arr1, byte[] arr2) { if (arr1.length != arr2.length) return false; for (byte x : arr1) { if (count(arr1, x) != count(arr2, x)) return false; } return true; } public static void main(String[] args) { byte[] b1 = { (byte) 0, (byte) 1, (byte) 2, (byte) 3, (byte) 4, (byte) 5, (byte) 6 }; byte[] b2 = { (byte) 0, (byte) 1, (byte) 6, (byte) 4, (byte) 3, (byte) 5, (byte) 2 }; System.out.println("array equal =" + brequals(b1, b2)); } }