Source code

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 * Copyright (c) 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others.  All rights reserved.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
 * and is available at
package org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.util;

import static;
import static;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.Augmentable;
import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.Augmentation;
import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataContainer;
import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject;
import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.Identifiable;
import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.Identifier;
import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.InstanceIdentifier;
import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.InstanceIdentifier.IdentifiableItem;
import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.InstanceIdentifier.Item;
import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.InstanceIdentifier.PathArgument;

public class DataObjectReadingUtil {

    private DataObjectReadingUtil() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Utility class. Instantion is not allowed.");

     * @param parent
     *            Parent object on which read operation will be performed
     * @param parentPath
     *            Path, to parent object.
     * @param childPath
     *            Path, which is nested to parent, and should be readed.
     * @return Value of object.
    public static final <T extends DataObject, P extends DataObject> Map<InstanceIdentifier<T>, T> readData(
            final P parent, final InstanceIdentifier<P> parentPath, final InstanceIdentifier<T> childPath) {
        checkArgument(parent != null, "Parent must not be null.");
        checkArgument(parentPath != null, "Parent path must not be null");
        checkArgument(childPath != null, "Child path must not be null");
        checkArgument(parentPath.containsWildcarded(childPath), "Parent object must be parent of child.");

        List<PathArgument> pathArgs = subList(parentPath.getPathArguments(), childPath.getPathArguments());
        Map<InstanceIdentifier, DataContainer> lastFound = Collections
                .<InstanceIdentifier, DataContainer>singletonMap(parentPath, parent);
        for (PathArgument pathArgument : pathArgs) {
            final ImmutableMap.Builder<InstanceIdentifier, DataContainer> potentialBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder();
            for (@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
            Entry<InstanceIdentifier, DataContainer> entry : lastFound.entrySet()) {
                potentialBuilder.putAll(readData(entry, pathArgument));
            lastFound =;
            if (lastFound.isEmpty()) {
                return Collections.emptyMap();
        @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
        final Map<InstanceIdentifier<T>, T> result = (Map) lastFound;
        return result;

    private static Map<InstanceIdentifier, DataContainer> readData(
            final Entry<InstanceIdentifier, DataContainer> entry, final PathArgument pathArgument) {
        return readData(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey(), pathArgument);

    public static final <T extends DataObject> Optional<T> readData(final DataObject source, final Class<T> child) {
        checkArgument(source != null, "Object should not be null.");
        checkArgument(child != null, "Child type should not be null");
        Class<? extends DataContainer> parentClass = source.getImplementedInterface();

        T potential = (T) resolveReadStrategy(parentClass, child).read(source, child);
        return Optional.fromNullable(potential);

    private static final Map<InstanceIdentifier, DataContainer> readData(final DataContainer parent,
            final InstanceIdentifier parentPath, final PathArgument child) {
        checkArgument(parent != null, "Object should not be null.");
        checkArgument(child != null, "Child argument should not be null");
        Class<? extends DataContainer> parentClass = parent.getImplementedInterface();
        return resolveReadStrategy(parentClass, child.getType()).readUsingPathArgument(parent, child, parentPath);

    private static DataObjectReadingStrategy resolveReadStrategy(final Class<? extends DataContainer> parentClass,
            final Class<? extends DataContainer> type) {

        DataObjectReadingStrategy strategy = createReadStrategy(parentClass, type);
        // FIXME: Add caching of strategies
        return strategy;

    private static DataObjectReadingStrategy createReadStrategy(final Class<? extends DataContainer> parent,
            final Class<? extends DataContainer> child) {

        if (Augmentable.class.isAssignableFrom(parent) && Augmentation.class.isAssignableFrom(child)) {

         * FIXME Ensure that this strategies also works for children of cases.
         * Possible edge-case is : Parent container uses grouping foo case is
         * added by augmentation also uses foo.
        if (Identifiable.class.isAssignableFrom(child)) {
            final Class<? extends Identifiable<?>> identifiableClass = (Class<? extends Identifiable<?>>) child;
            return new ListItemReadingStrategy(parent, identifiableClass);
        return new ContainerReadingStrategy(parent, child);

    private static Method resolveGetterMethod(final Class<? extends DataContainer> parent, final Class<?> child) {
        String methodName = "get" + child.getSimpleName();
        try {
            return parent.getMethod(methodName);
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
        } catch (SecurityException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(e);

    private static abstract class DataObjectReadingStrategy {

        private final Class<? extends DataContainer> parentType;
        private final Class<? extends DataContainer> childType;
        private final Method getterMethod;

        public DataObjectReadingStrategy(final Class parentType, final Class childType) {
            this.parentType = parentType;
            this.childType = childType;
            this.getterMethod = resolveGetterMethod(parentType, childType);

        public DataObjectReadingStrategy(final Class parentType, final Class childType, final Method getter) {
            this.parentType = parentType;
            this.childType = childType;
            this.getterMethod = getter;

        protected Class<? extends DataContainer> getParentType() {
            return parentType;

        protected Class<? extends DataContainer> getChildType() {
            return childType;

        protected Method getGetterMethod() {
            return getterMethod;

        public abstract Map<InstanceIdentifier, DataContainer> readUsingPathArgument(DataContainer parent,
                PathArgument childArgument, InstanceIdentifier targetBuilder);

        public abstract DataContainer read(DataContainer parent, Class<?> childType);


    private static class ContainerReadingStrategy extends DataObjectReadingStrategy {

        public ContainerReadingStrategy(final Class<? extends DataContainer> parent,
                final Class<? extends DataContainer> child) {
            super(parent, child);

        public Map<InstanceIdentifier, DataContainer> readUsingPathArgument(final DataContainer parent,
                final PathArgument childArgument, final InstanceIdentifier parentPath) {
            final DataContainer result = read(parent, childArgument.getType());
            if (result != null) {
                InstanceIdentifier childPath = parentPath.child(childArgument.getType());
                return Collections.singletonMap(childPath, result);
            return Collections.emptyMap();

        public DataContainer read(final DataContainer parent, final Class<?> childType) {
            try {
                Object potentialData = getGetterMethod().invoke(parent);
                checkState(potentialData instanceof DataContainer);
                return (DataContainer) potentialData;

            } catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);

    private static class ListItemReadingStrategy extends DataObjectReadingStrategy {

        public ListItemReadingStrategy(final Class<? extends DataContainer> parent, final Class child) {
            super(parent, child);

        public DataContainer read(final DataContainer parent, final Class<?> childType) {
            // This will always fail since we do not have key.
            return null;

        public Map<InstanceIdentifier, DataContainer> readUsingPathArgument(final DataContainer parent,
                final PathArgument childArgument, final InstanceIdentifier builder) {
            try {
                Object potentialList = getGetterMethod().invoke(parent);
                if (potentialList instanceof Iterable) {

                    final Iterable<Identifiable> dataList = (Iterable<Identifiable>) potentialList;
                    if (childArgument instanceof IdentifiableItem<?, ?>) {
                        return readUsingIdentifiableItem(dataList, (IdentifiableItem) childArgument, builder);
                    } else {
                        return readAll(dataList, builder);
            } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(e);
            } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(e);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(e);
            return Collections.emptyMap();

        private Map<InstanceIdentifier, DataContainer> readAll(final Iterable<Identifiable> dataList,
                final InstanceIdentifier parentPath) {
            Builder<InstanceIdentifier, DataContainer> result = ImmutableMap
                    .<InstanceIdentifier, DataContainer>builder();
            for (Identifiable item : dataList) {
                InstanceIdentifier childPath = parentPath.child(getChildType(), item.getKey());
                result.put(childPath, (DataContainer) item);

        private static Map<InstanceIdentifier, DataContainer> readUsingIdentifiableItem(
                final Iterable<Identifiable> dataList, final IdentifiableItem childArgument,
                final InstanceIdentifier parentPath) {
            final Identifier<?> key = childArgument.getKey();
            for (Identifiable item : dataList) {
                if (key.equals(item.getKey()) && item instanceof DataContainer) {
                            "Found child is not instance of requested type");
                    InstanceIdentifier childPath = parentPath.child(childArgument.getType(), item.getKey());
                    return Collections.singletonMap(childPath, (DataContainer) item);
            return Collections.emptyMap();


    private static final DataObjectReadingStrategy REAUSABLE_AUGMENTATION_READING_STRATEGY = new AugmentationReadingStrategy();

    private static final class AugmentationReadingStrategy extends DataObjectReadingStrategy {

        public AugmentationReadingStrategy() {
            super(Augmentable.class, Augmentation.class, null);

        public Map<InstanceIdentifier, DataContainer> readUsingPathArgument(final DataContainer parent,
                final PathArgument childArgument, final InstanceIdentifier builder) {
            checkArgument(childArgument instanceof Item<?>, "Path Argument must be Item without keys");
            DataContainer aug = read(parent, childArgument.getType());
            if (aug != null) {
                final InstanceIdentifier childPath = builder.child(childArgument.getType());
                return Collections.singletonMap(childPath, aug);
            } else {
                return Collections.emptyMap();

        public DataContainer read(final DataContainer parent, final Class<?> childType) {
            checkArgument(Augmentation.class.isAssignableFrom(childType), "Parent must be Augmentable.");
            checkArgument(parent instanceof Augmentable<?>, "Parent must be Augmentable.");

            @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
            Augmentation potential = ((Augmentable) parent).getAugmentation(childType);
            checkState(potential instanceof DataContainer, "Readed augmention must be data object");
            return (DataContainer) potential;

     * Create sublist view of child from element on [size-of-parent] position to
     * last element.
     * @param parent
     * @param child
     * @return sublist view of child argument
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             if parent argument is bigger than child
    private static <P, C> List<C> subList(final Iterable<P> parent, final Iterable<C> child) {
        Iterator<P> iParent = parent.iterator();
        List<C> result = new ArrayList<>();
        for (C arg : child) {
            if (iParent.hasNext()) {
            } else {
        if (iParent.hasNext()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parent argument is bigger than child.");
        return result;
