Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others.  All rights reserved.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
 * and is available at

package org.opendaylight.restconf.restful.utils;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import org.opendaylight.netconf.sal.restconf.impl.RestconfDocumentedException;
import org.opendaylight.netconf.sal.restconf.impl.RestconfError;
import org.opendaylight.netconf.sal.restconf.impl.RestconfError.ErrorTag;
import org.opendaylight.netconf.sal.restconf.impl.RestconfError.ErrorType;

class ParametersUtil {

    private ParametersUtil() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Util class.");

     * Check if URI does not contain not allowed parameters for specified operation
     * @param operationType
     *            - type of operation (READ, POST, PUT, DELETE...)
     * @param usedParameters
     *            - parameters used in URI request
     * @param allowedParameters
     *            - allowed parameters for operation
    static void checkParametersTypes(@Nonnull final String operationType, @Nonnull final Set<String> usedParameters,
            @Nonnull final String... allowedParameters) {
        final Set<String> notAllowedParameters = Sets.newHashSet(usedParameters);

        if (!notAllowedParameters.isEmpty()) {
            throw new RestconfDocumentedException(
                    "Not allowed parameters for " + operationType + " operation: " + notAllowedParameters,
                    RestconfError.ErrorType.PROTOCOL, RestconfError.ErrorTag.INVALID_VALUE);

     * Check if URI does not contain value for the same parameter more than once
     * @param parameterValues
     *            - URI parameter values
     * @param parameterName
     *            - URI parameter name
    static void checkParameterCount(@Nonnull final List<String> parameterValues,
            @Nonnull final String parameterName) {
        if (parameterValues.size() > 1) {
            throw new RestconfDocumentedException(
                    "Parameter " + parameterName + " can appear at most once in request URI", ErrorType.PROTOCOL,