Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright (C) 2015 University of Washington
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
 * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
 * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.

package org.opendatakit.utilities;

import android.Manifest;
import android.content.ContentValues;
import android.database.Cursor;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.CharEncoding;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.opendatakit.database.DatabaseConstants;
import org.opendatakit.database.RoleConsts;
import org.opendatakit.database.service.DbHandle;
import org.opendatakit.database.utilities.CursorUtils;
import org.opendatakit.database.utilities.KeyValueStoreUtils;
import org.opendatakit.database.utilities.QueryUtil;
import org.opendatakit.exception.ActionNotAuthorizedException;
import org.opendatakit.logging.WebLogger;
import org.opendatakit.provider.ChoiceListColumns;
import org.opendatakit.provider.ColumnDefinitionsColumns;
import org.opendatakit.provider.DataTableColumns;
import org.opendatakit.provider.KeyValueStoreColumns;
import org.opendatakit.provider.TableDefinitionsColumns;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotSame;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;

 * Created by wrb on 9/21/2015.
 * Put the actual unit tests in this Abstract class as there are two setups for running these tests
 * In ODKDatabaseImplUtilsKeepState it keeps the database initalized between tests whereas
 * in ODKDatabaseImplUtilsResetState, it wipes the database from the file system between each test
public abstract class AbstractODKDatabaseUtilsTest {

    private static final String TAG = "AbstractODKDatabaseUtilsTest";

    private static final String localTestTable = "L_testTable";
    private static final String testTable = "testTable";

    private static final String elemKey = "_element_key";
    private static final String elemName = "_element_name";
    private static final String listChildElemKeys = "_list_child_element_keys";
    private static final String activeUser = "anonymous";
    private static final String currentLocale = "en_US";

    protected OdkConnectionInterface db;

    protected abstract String getAppName();

    protected void verifyNoTablesExistNCleanAllTables() {
        /* NOTE: if there is a problem it might be the fault of the previous test if the assertion
           failure is happening in the setUp function as opposed to the tearDown function */

        List<String> tableIds = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAllTableIds(db);

        boolean tablesGone = (tableIds.size() == 0);

        // Drop any leftover table now that the test is done
        for (String id : tableIds) {
            ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, id);


    public void verifyNoTablesExist() {
        List<String> tableIds = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAllTableIds(db);
        assertTrue(tableIds.size() == 0);

     * Check that the database is setup
    public void testPreConditions() {

    * Test creation of user defined database table when table doesn't exist
    public void testCreateOrOpenTableWhenTableDoesNotExist_ExpectPass() {

        // Create the database table
        String tableName = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableName,

        // Check that the table exists
        Cursor cursor = db
                .rawQuery("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='" + tableName + "'", null);
        assertNotNull("Cursor is null", cursor);
        assertEquals("Cursor should only have 1 row", cursor.getCount(), 1);
        assertEquals("Name of user defined table does not match", cursor.getString(0), tableName);

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableName);

    public GrantPermissionRule writeRuntimePermissionRule = GrantPermissionRule

    public GrantPermissionRule readtimePermissionRule = GrantPermissionRule

     * Test query when there is no data
    public void testQueryWithNoData_ExpectFail() {
        String tableId = testTable;
        boolean thrown = false;

        try {
            // this will not interact with the database if the
            // query string is found in the PreparedStatement cache.
            Cursor c = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().queryForTest(db, tableId, null, null, null, null, null, null,
            // we must get the count of rows to actually interact
            // with the database.
        } catch (Exception e) {
            thrown = true;

     * Test query when there is data
    public void testQueryWithData_ExpectPass() {
        String tableId = testTable;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column("col1", "col1", "string", "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        // Check that the user defined rows are in the table
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().queryForTest(db, tableId, null, null, null, null, null, null,
        Cursor refCursor = db.query(tableId, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);

        if (cursor != null && refCursor != null) {
            int index = 0;
            while (cursor.moveToNext() && refCursor.moveToNext()) {
                int testType = cursor.getType(index);
                int refType = refCursor.getType(index);
                assertEquals(testType, refType);

                switch (refType) {
                case Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_BLOB:
                    byte[] byteArray = cursor.getBlob(index);
                    byte[] refByteArray = refCursor.getBlob(index);
                    assertEquals(byteArray, refByteArray);
                case Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT:
                    float valueFloat = cursor.getFloat(index);
                    float refValueFloat = refCursor.getFloat(index);
                    assertEquals(valueFloat, refValueFloat, 0.0);
                case Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER:
                    int valueInt = cursor.getInt(index);
                    int refValueInt = refCursor.getInt(index);
                    assertEquals(valueInt, refValueInt);
                case Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING:
                    String valueStr = cursor.getString(index);
                    String refValueStr = refCursor.getString(index);
                    assertEquals(valueStr, refValueStr);
                case Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_NULL:

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test raw query when there is data
    public void testRawQueryWithNoData_ExpectFail() {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String query = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId;
        boolean thrown = false;

        try {

            ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db,
                    tableId, activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

            // this will not interact with the database if the
            // query string is found in the PreparedStatement cache.
            Cursor c = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, query, null, null, accessContext);
            // we must get the count of rows to actually interact
            // with the database.
        } catch (Exception e) {
            thrown = true;


     * Test raw query when there is no data
    public void testRawQueryWithData_ExpectPass() {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String query = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column("col1", "col1", "string", "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        // Check that the user defined rows are in the table
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, query, null, null, accessContext);
        Cursor refCursor = db.rawQuery(query, null);

        if (cursor != null && refCursor != null) {
            int index = 0;
            while (cursor.moveToNext() && refCursor.moveToNext()) {
                int testType = cursor.getType(index);
                int refType = refCursor.getType(index);
                assertEquals(testType, refType);

                switch (refType) {
                case Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_BLOB:
                    byte[] byteArray = cursor.getBlob(index);
                    byte[] refByteArray = refCursor.getBlob(index);
                    assertEquals(byteArray, refByteArray);
                case Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT:
                    float valueFloat = cursor.getFloat(index);
                    float refValueFloat = refCursor.getFloat(index);
                    assertEquals(valueFloat, refValueFloat, 0.0);
                case Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER:
                    int valueInt = cursor.getInt(index);
                    int refValueInt = refCursor.getInt(index);
                    assertEquals(valueInt, refValueInt);
                case Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING:
                    String valueStr = cursor.getString(index);
                    String refValueStr = refCursor.getString(index);
                    assertEquals(valueStr, refValueStr);
                case Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_NULL:

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test creation of user defined database table with column when table does
     * not exist
    public void testCreateOrOpenTableWithColumnWhenColumnDoesNotExist_ExpectPass() {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        OrderedColumns coldefs = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getUserDefinedColumns(db, tableId);
        assertEquals(coldefs.getColumnDefinitions().size(), 1);
        assertEquals(coldefs.getColumnDefinitions().get(0).getElementKey(), testCol);

        for (ColumnDefinition col : coldefs.getColumnDefinitions()) {
            String key = col.getElementKey();
            String name = col.getElementName();
            String type = col.getElementType();

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test updating the data in a local table with valid values when the id already exists
    public void testUpdateDataInExistingLocalTableWithIdWhenIdAlreadyExists_ExpectPass()
            throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {

        String tableId = localTestTable;

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.USER_ROLES_LIST);

        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        String testStrCol = "testStrColumn";
        String testStrColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        columns.add(new Column(testStrCol, testStrCol, testStrColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createLocalOnlyTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        int testVal = 5;
        String testStrVal = "five";
        boolean thrown = false;

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);
        cvValues.put(testStrCol, testStrVal);

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertLocalOnlyRow(db, tableId, cvValues);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
        Object[] selArgs = new Object[1];
        selArgs[0] = testVal;
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);
        assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 1);

        int val = 0;
        String valStr = null;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
                int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
                int type = cursor.getType(ind);
                assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
                val = cursor.getInt(ind);
                int indStr = cursor.getColumnIndex(testStrCol);
                int typeStr = cursor.getType(indStr);
                assertEquals(typeStr, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
                valStr = cursor.getString(indStr);

        assertEquals(val, testVal);
        assertEquals(valStr, testStrVal);

        // Try updating that row in the database
        int testVal2 = 25;
        String testStrVal2 = "twenty-five";
        ContentValues cvValues2 = new ContentValues();
        cvValues2.put(testCol, testVal2);
        cvValues2.put(testStrCol, testStrVal2);

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().updateLocalOnlyRow(db, tableId, cvValues2, testCol + "= ?", selArgs);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel2 = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId;
        Object[] selArgs2 = new Object[0];
        Cursor cursor2 = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel2, selArgs2, null, accessContext);
        assertEquals(cursor2.getCount(), 1);

        int val2 = 0;
        String valStr2 = null;
        while (cursor2.moveToNext()) {
                int ind = cursor2.getColumnIndex(testCol);
                int type = cursor2.getType(ind);
                assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
                val2 = cursor2.getInt(ind);
                int indStr = cursor2.getColumnIndex(testStrCol);
                int typeStr = cursor2.getType(indStr);
                assertEquals(typeStr, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
                valStr2 = cursor2.getString(indStr);

        assertEquals(val2, testVal2);
        assertEquals(valStr2, testStrVal2);

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteLocalOnlyTable(db, tableId);

     * Test creation of user defined database table with column when table does
     * exist
    public void testCreateOrOpenTableWithColumnWhenColumnDoesExist_ExpectPass() {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns2 = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        OrderedColumns coldefs = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getUserDefinedColumns(db, tableId);
        assertEquals(coldefs.getColumnDefinitions().size(), 1);
        assertEquals(coldefs.getColumnDefinitions().get(0).getElementKey(), testCol);

        for (ColumnDefinition col : coldefs.getColumnDefinitions()) {
            String key = col.getElementKey();
            String name = col.getElementName();
            String type = col.getElementType();

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test creation of user defined database table with column when column is
     * null
    public void testCreateOrOpenTableWithColumnWhenColumnIsNull_ExpectFail() {
        String tableId = testTable;
        boolean thrown = false;
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = null;

        try {
            orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId, null);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            thrown = true;


        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test creation of user defined database table with column when column is
     * null
    public void testCreateOrOpenTableWithColumnWhenColumnIsEmpty_ExpectPass() {
        String tableId = testTable;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();

        boolean thrown = false;
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = null;

        try {
            orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId, columns);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            thrown = true;


        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test creation of user defined database table with column when column is int
    public void testCreateOrOpenTableWithColumnWhenColumnIsInt_ExpectPass() {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        OrderedColumns coldefs = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getUserDefinedColumns(db, tableId);
        assertEquals(coldefs.getColumnDefinitions().size(), 1);
        assertEquals(coldefs.getColumnDefinitions().get(0).getElementKey(), testCol);

        for (ColumnDefinition col : coldefs.getColumnDefinitions()) {
            String key = col.getElementKey();
            String name = col.getElementName();
            String type = col.getElementType();

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test creation of user defined database table with column when column is
     * array
    public void testCreateOrOpenTableWithColumnWhenColumnIsArray_ExpectFail() {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String itemsStr = "items";
        String testColItems = testCol + "_" + itemsStr;
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[\"" + testColItems + "\"]"));

        boolean success = false;
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns;

        try {
            orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId, columns);
            success = true;
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            // no-op

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test creation of user defined database table with column when column is
     * array
    public void testCreateOrOpenTableWithColumnWhenColumnIsArrayEmpty_ExpectFail() {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));

        boolean success = false;
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns;

        try {
            orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId, columns);
            success = true;
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            // no-op

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test creation of user defined database table with column when column is
     * array
    public void testCreateOrOpenTableWithColumnWhenColumnIsArray_ExpectPass() {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String itemsStr = "items";
        String testColItems = testCol + "_" + itemsStr;
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[\"" + testColItems + "\"]"));
        columns.add(new Column(testColItems, itemsStr,, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        OrderedColumns coldefs = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getUserDefinedColumns(db, tableId);
        assertEquals(coldefs.getColumnDefinitions().size(), 2);
        assertEquals(coldefs.getColumnDefinitions().get(0).getElementKey(), testCol);
        assertEquals(coldefs.getColumnDefinitions().get(1).getElementKey(), testColItems);

        for (ColumnDefinition col : coldefs.getColumnDefinitions()) {
            String key = col.getElementKey();
            String name = col.getElementName();
            String type = col.getElementType();
            if (key.equals(testCol)) {
            } else {

        // Select everything out of the table
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testCol };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().queryForTest(db, DatabaseConstants.COLUMN_DEFINITIONS_TABLE_NAME,
                null, elemKey + " = ?", selArgs, null, null, null, null);

        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(listChildElemKeys);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            String valStr = cursor.getString(ind);
            String testVal = "[\"" + testColItems + "\"]";
            assertEquals(valStr, testVal);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String[] selArgs2 = { testColItems };
        cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().queryForTest(db, DatabaseConstants.COLUMN_DEFINITIONS_TABLE_NAME, null,
                elemKey + " = ?", selArgs2, null, null, null, null);

        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(elemName);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            String valStr = cursor.getString(ind);
            assertEquals(valStr, itemsStr);

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test creation of user defined database table with column when column is
     * array
    public void testCreateOrOpenTableWithColumnWhenColumnIsBoolean_ExpectPass() {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        OrderedColumns coldefs = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getUserDefinedColumns(db, tableId);
        assertEquals(coldefs.getColumnDefinitions().size(), 1);
        assertEquals(coldefs.getColumnDefinitions().get(0).getElementKey(), testCol);

        for (ColumnDefinition col : coldefs.getColumnDefinitions()) {
            String key = col.getElementKey();
            String name = col.getElementName();
            String type = col.getElementType();

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test creation of user defined database table with column when column is
     * string
    public void testCreateOrOpenTableWithColumnWhenColumnIsString_ExpectPass() {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        OrderedColumns coldefs = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getUserDefinedColumns(db, tableId);
        assertEquals(coldefs.getColumnDefinitions().size(), 1);
        assertEquals(coldefs.getColumnDefinitions().get(0).getElementKey(), testCol);

        for (ColumnDefinition col : coldefs.getColumnDefinitions()) {
            String key = col.getElementKey();
            String name = col.getElementName();
            String type = col.getElementType();

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test creation of user defined database table with column when column is
     * date
    public void testCreateOrOpenTableWithColumnWhenColumnIsDate_ExpectPass() {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType = ElementType.DATE;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        OrderedColumns coldefs = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getUserDefinedColumns(db, tableId);
        assertEquals(coldefs.getColumnDefinitions().size(), 1);
        assertEquals(coldefs.getColumnDefinitions().get(0).getElementKey(), testCol);

        for (ColumnDefinition col : coldefs.getColumnDefinitions()) {
            String key = col.getElementKey();
            String name = col.getElementName();
            String type = col.getElementType();

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test creation of user defined database table with column when column is
     * datetime
    public void testCreateOrOpenTableWithColumnWhenColumnIsDateTime_ExpectPass() {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType = ElementType.DATETIME;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        OrderedColumns coldefs = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getUserDefinedColumns(db, tableId);
        assertEquals(coldefs.getColumnDefinitions().size(), 1);
        assertEquals(coldefs.getColumnDefinitions().get(0).getElementKey(), testCol);

        for (ColumnDefinition col : coldefs.getColumnDefinitions()) {
            String key = col.getElementKey();
            String name = col.getElementName();
            String type = col.getElementType();

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test creation of user defined database table with column when column is
     * time
    public void testCreateOrOpenTableWithColumnWhenColumnIsTime_ExpectPass() {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType = ElementType.TIME;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        OrderedColumns coldefs = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getUserDefinedColumns(db, tableId);
        assertEquals(coldefs.getColumnDefinitions().size(), 1);
        assertEquals(coldefs.getColumnDefinitions().get(0).getElementKey(), testCol);

        for (ColumnDefinition col : coldefs.getColumnDefinitions()) {
            String key = col.getElementKey();
            String name = col.getElementName();
            String type = col.getElementType();

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test creation of user defined database table with column when column is
     * geopoint
    public void testCreateOrOpenTableWithColumnWhenColumnIsGeopointLongMissing_ExpectFail() {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String lat = "latitude";
        String lng = "longitude";
        String alt = "altitude";
        String acc = "accuracy";
        String testColLat = testCol + "_" + lat;
        String testColLng = testCol + "_" + lng;
        String testColAlt = testCol + "_" + alt;
        String testColAcc = testCol + "_" + acc;
        String testColType = ElementType.GEOPOINT;
        String testColResType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType,
                "[\"" + testColLat + "\",\"" + testColLng + "\",\"" + testColAlt + "\",\"" + testColAcc + "\"]"));
        columns.add(new Column(testColLat, lat, testColResType, "[]"));
        columns.add(new Column(testColAlt, alt, testColResType, "[]"));
        columns.add(new Column(testColAcc, acc, testColResType, "[]"));

        boolean success = false;
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns;

        try {
            orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId, columns);
            success = true;
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            // expected

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test creation of user defined database table with column when column is
     * geopoint
    public void testCreateOrOpenTableWithColumnWhenColumnIsGeopointAltMissing_ExpectFail() {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String lat = "latitude";
        String lng = "longitude";
        String alt = "altitude";
        String acc = "accuracy";
        String testColLat = testCol + "_" + lat;
        String testColLng = testCol + "_" + lng;
        String testColAlt = testCol + "_" + alt;
        String testColAcc = testCol + "_" + acc;
        String testColType = ElementType.GEOPOINT;
        String testColResType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType,
                "[\"" + testColLat + "\",\"" + testColLng + "\",\"" + testColAlt + "\",\"" + testColAcc + "\"]"));
        columns.add(new Column(testColLat, lat, testColResType, "[]"));
        columns.add(new Column(testColLng, lng, testColResType, "[]"));
        columns.add(new Column(testColAcc, acc, testColResType, "[]"));

        boolean success = false;
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns;

        try {
            orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId, columns);
            success = true;
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            // expected

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test creation of user defined database table with column when column is
     * geopoint
    public void testCreateOrOpenTableWithColumnWhenColumnIsGeopointAccMissing_ExpectFail() {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String lat = "latitude";
        String lng = "longitude";
        String alt = "altitude";
        String acc = "accuracy";
        String testColLat = testCol + "_" + lat;
        String testColLng = testCol + "_" + lng;
        String testColAlt = testCol + "_" + alt;
        String testColAcc = testCol + "_" + acc;
        String testColType = ElementType.GEOPOINT;
        String testColResType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType,
                "[\"" + testColLat + "\",\"" + testColLng + "\",\"" + testColAlt + "\",\"" + testColAcc + "\"]"));
        columns.add(new Column(testColLat, lat, testColResType, "[]"));
        columns.add(new Column(testColLng, lng, testColResType, "[]"));
        columns.add(new Column(testColAlt, alt, testColResType, "[]"));

        boolean success = false;
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns;

        try {
            orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId, columns);
            success = true;
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            // expected

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test creation of user defined database table with column when column is
     * geopoint and there is no list of children -- this is expected to succeed
     * because we do not have a separate table of data types.
     * If we registered data types, we could detect the malformedness of the
     * geopoint data type (and we could even create the subelements based off of
     * the known definition of this datatype.
    public void testCreateOrOpenTableWithColumnWhenColumnIsGeopointListMissing_ExpectSuccess() {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String lat = "latitude";
        String lng = "longitude";
        String alt = "altitude";
        String acc = "accuracy";
        String testColLat = testCol + "_" + lat;
        String testColLng = testCol + "_" + lng;
        String testColAlt = testCol + "_" + alt;
        String testColAcc = testCol + "_" + acc;
        String testColType = ElementType.GEOPOINT;
        String testColResType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        columns.add(new Column(testColLat, lat, testColResType, "[]"));
        columns.add(new Column(testColLng, lng, testColResType, "[]"));
        columns.add(new Column(testColAlt, alt, testColResType, "[]"));

        boolean success = false;
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns;

        try {
            orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId, columns);
            success = true;
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            // expected

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

    public void testCreateOrOpenTableWithColumnWhenColumnIsGeopointBadChildKey_ExpectFail() {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String lat = "latitude";
        String lng = "longitude";
        String alt = "altitude";
        String acc = "accuracy";
        String testColLat = testCol + "_" + lat;
        String testColLng = testCol + "d_" + lng;
        String testColAlt = testCol + "_" + alt;
        String testColAcc = testCol + "_" + acc;
        String testColType = ElementType.GEOPOINT;
        String testColResType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType,
                "[\"" + testColLat + "\",\"" + testColLng + "\",\"" + testColAlt + "\",\"" + testColAcc + "\"]"));
        columns.add(new Column(testColLat, lat, testColResType, "[]"));
        columns.add(new Column(testColLng, lng, testColResType, "[]"));
        columns.add(new Column(testColAlt, alt, testColResType, "[]"));

        boolean success = false;
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns;

        try {
            orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId, columns);
            success = true;
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            // expected

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test creation of user defined database table with column when column is
     * geopoint
    public void testCreateOrOpenTableWithColumnWhenColumnIsGeopointLatMissing_ExpectFail() {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String lat = "latitude";
        String lng = "longitude";
        String alt = "altitude";
        String acc = "accuracy";
        String testColLat = testCol + "_" + lat;
        String testColLng = testCol + "_" + lng;
        String testColAlt = testCol + "_" + alt;
        String testColAcc = testCol + "_" + acc;
        String testColType = ElementType.GEOPOINT;
        String testColResType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType,
                "[\"" + testColLat + "\",\"" + testColLng + "\",\"" + testColAlt + "\",\"" + testColAcc + "\"]"));
        columns.add(new Column(testColLng, lng, testColResType, "[]"));
        columns.add(new Column(testColAlt, alt, testColResType, "[]"));
        columns.add(new Column(testColAcc, acc, testColResType, "[]"));

        boolean success = false;
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns;

        try {
            orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId, columns);
            success = true;
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            // expected

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test creation of user defined database table with column when column is
     * geopoint
    public void testCreateOrOpenTableWithColumnWhenColumnIsGeopoint_ExpectPass() {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String lat = "latitude";
        String lng = "longitude";
        String alt = "altitude";
        String acc = "accuracy";
        String testColLat = testCol + "_" + lat;
        String testColLng = testCol + "_" + lng;
        String testColAlt = testCol + "_" + alt;
        String testColAcc = testCol + "_" + acc;
        String testColType = ElementType.GEOPOINT;
        String testColResType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType,
                "[\"" + testColLat + "\",\"" + testColLng + "\",\"" + testColAlt + "\",\"" + testColAcc + "\"]"));
        columns.add(new Column(testColLat, lat, testColResType, "[]"));
        columns.add(new Column(testColLng, lng, testColResType, "[]"));
        columns.add(new Column(testColAlt, alt, testColResType, "[]"));
        columns.add(new Column(testColAcc, acc, testColResType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        OrderedColumns coldefs = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getUserDefinedColumns(db, tableId);
        assertEquals(coldefs.getColumnDefinitions().size(), 5);
        assertEquals(coldefs.getColumnDefinitions().get(0).getElementKey(), testCol);
        assertEquals(coldefs.getColumnDefinitions().get(1).getElementKey(), testColAcc);
        assertEquals(coldefs.getColumnDefinitions().get(2).getElementKey(), testColAlt);
        assertEquals(coldefs.getColumnDefinitions().get(3).getElementKey(), testColLat);
        assertEquals(coldefs.getColumnDefinitions().get(4).getElementKey(), testColLng);

        List<String> cols = new ArrayList<String>();

        for (ColumnDefinition col : coldefs.getColumnDefinitions()) {
            String key = col.getElementKey();
            String name = col.getElementName();
            String type = col.getElementType();
            if (key.equals(testCol)) {
            } else {
                assertTrue(key.equals(testCol + "_" + name));

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test creation of user defined database table with column when column is
     * mimeUri
    public void testCreateOrOpenTableWithColumnWhenColumnIsMimeUri_ExpectPass() {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String uriFrag = "uriFragment";
        String conType = "contentType";
        String testColUriFrag = testCol + "_" + uriFrag;
        String testColContType = testCol + "_" + conType;
        String testColType = DataTypeNamesToRemove.MIMEURI;

        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType,
                "[\"" + testColUriFrag + "\",\"" + testColContType + "\"]"));
        columns.add(new Column(testColUriFrag, "uriFragment",, "[]"));
        columns.add(new Column(testColContType, "contentType",, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        OrderedColumns coldefs = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getUserDefinedColumns(db, tableId);
        assertEquals(coldefs.getColumnDefinitions().size(), 3);
        assertEquals(coldefs.getColumnDefinitions().get(0).getElementKey(), testCol);
        assertEquals(coldefs.getColumnDefinitions().get(1).getElementKey(), testColContType);
        assertEquals(coldefs.getColumnDefinitions().get(2).getElementKey(), testColUriFrag);

        List<String> cols = new ArrayList<String>();

        for (ColumnDefinition col : coldefs.getColumnDefinitions()) {
            String key = col.getElementKey();
            String name = col.getElementName();
            String type = col.getElementType();
            if (key.equals(testCol)) {
            } else {
                assertTrue(key.equals(testCol + "_" + name));
                if (name.equals(uriFrag)) {
                } else {

        // Select everything out of the table for element key
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testCol };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().queryForTest(db, DatabaseConstants.COLUMN_DEFINITIONS_TABLE_NAME,
                null, elemKey + " = ?", selArgs, null, null, null, null);
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(listChildElemKeys);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            String valStr = cursor.getString(ind);
            String testVal = "[\"" + testColUriFrag + "\",\"" + testColContType + "\"]";
            assertEquals(valStr, testVal);

        // Select everything out of the table for uriFragment
        String[] selArgs2 = { testColUriFrag };
        cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().queryForTest(db, DatabaseConstants.COLUMN_DEFINITIONS_TABLE_NAME, null,
                elemKey + " = ?", selArgs2, null, null, null, null);

        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(elemName);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            String valStr = cursor.getString(ind);
            assertEquals(valStr, uriFrag);

        // Select everything out of the table for contentType
        String[] selArgs3 = { testColContType };
        cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().queryForTest(db, DatabaseConstants.COLUMN_DEFINITIONS_TABLE_NAME, null,
                elemKey + " = ?", selArgs3, null, null, null, null);

        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(elemName);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            String valStr = cursor.getString(ind);
            assertEquals(valStr, conType);

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test getting all column names when columns exist
    public void testGetAllColumnNamesWhenColumnsExist_ExpectPass() {
        String tableId = testTable;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        String[] colNames = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAllColumnNames(db, tableId);
        boolean colLength = (colNames.length > 0);

        List<String> defCols = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAdminColumns();

        assertEquals(colNames.length, defCols.size());
        for (int i = 0; i < colNames.length; i++) {
            assertEquals(colNames[i], defCols.get(i));

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test getting all column names when table does not exist
    public void testGetAllColumnNamesWhenTableDoesNotExist_ExpectFail() {
        String tableId = testTable;
        boolean thrown = false;

        try {
            String[] results = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAllColumnNames(db, tableId);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            thrown = true;


     * Test getting user defined column names when columns exist
    public void testGetUserDefinedColumnNamesWhenColumnsExist_ExpectPass() {
        String tableId = testTable;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column("testCol", "testCol", "string", "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        OrderedColumns defns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getUserDefinedColumns(db, tableId);

        assertEquals(defns.getColumnDefinitions().size(), 1);
        assertEquals(columns.size(), 1);
        Column cdref = ColumnDefinition.getColumns(defns.getColumnDefinitions()).get(0);
        Column cdalt = columns.get(0);
        assertEquals(cdref, cdalt);

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test getting user defined column names when column does not exist
    public void testGetUserDefinedColumnNamesWhenColumnDoesNotExist_ExpectPass() {
        String tableId = testTable;
        OrderedColumns defns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getUserDefinedColumns(db, tableId);


     * Test getting user defined column names when table does not exist
    public void testGetUserDefinedColumnNamesWhenTableDoesNotExist_ExpectPass() {
        String tableId = testTable;
        OrderedColumns defns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getUserDefinedColumns(db, tableId);

     * Test writing the data into the existing db table with all null values
    public void testWriteDataIntoExistingTableWithAllNullValues_ExpectFail() throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        boolean thrown = false;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        try {
            ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, null, null, activeUser,
                    RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);
        } catch (ActionNotAuthorizedException ex) {
            throw ex;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            thrown = true;


        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test writing the data into the existing db table with valid values
    public void testWriteDataIntoExistingTableWithValidValue_ExpectPass() throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        int testVal = 5;

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues,
                LocalizationUtils.genUUID(), activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        int val = 0;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
            val = cursor.getInt(ind);

        assertEquals(val, testVal);

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test writing the data into the existing db table with valid values and a
     * certain id
    public void testWriteDataIntoExistingTableWithIdWhenIdDoesNotExist_ExpectPass()
            throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        int testVal = 5;

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);

        String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, uuid, activeUser,
                RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);
        assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 1);

        int val = 0;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
            val = cursor.getInt(ind);

        assertEquals(val, testVal);

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test writing the data into the existing db table with valid values and an
     * existing id
    public void testWriteDataIntoExistingTableWithIdWhenIdAlreadyExists_ExpectPass()
            throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        int testVal = 5;
        boolean thrown = false;

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);

        String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, uuid, activeUser,
                RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
        Cursor cursor = null;
        try {
            cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);
            assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 1);

            int val = 0;
            while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
                int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
                int type = cursor.getType(ind);
                assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
                val = cursor.getInt(ind);

            assertEquals(val, testVal);
        } finally {
            if (cursor != null && !cursor.isClosed()) {
        // Try updating that row in the database
        int testVal2 = 25;
        ContentValues cvValues2 = new ContentValues();
        cvValues2.put(testCol, testVal2);

        try {
            ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues2, uuid, activeUser,
                    RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);
        } catch (ActionNotAuthorizedException ex) {
            throw ex;
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            thrown = true;

        assertEquals(thrown, true);

         * NOTE: we expect the log to report a failure to close this cursor.
         * It is GC'd and closed in its finalizer. This is confirming that
         * the finalizer is doing the right thing.

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel2 = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId;
        String[] selArgs2 = {};
        Cursor cursor2 = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel2, selArgs2, null, accessContext);
        assertEquals(cursor2.getCount(), 1);

        int val2 = 0;
        while (cursor2.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor2.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type = cursor2.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
            val2 = cursor2.getInt(ind);

        assertEquals(val2, testVal);

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test updating the data in an existing db table with valid values when the
     * id does not exist
    public void testUpdateDataInExistingTableWithIdWhenIdDoesNotExist_ExpectPass()
            throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {

        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        int testVal = 5;

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);

        String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().updateRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, uuid, activeUser,
                RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);
        assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 1);

        int val = 0;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
            val = cursor.getInt(ind);

        assertEquals(val, testVal);

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test updating the data in the existing db table with valid values when the
     * id already exists
    public void testUpdateDataInExistingTableWithIdWhenIdAlreadyExists_ExpectPass()
            throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        int testVal = 5;
        boolean thrown = false;

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);

        String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().updateRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, uuid, activeUser,
                RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);
        assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 1);

        int val = 0;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
            val = cursor.getInt(ind);

        assertEquals(val, testVal);

        // Try updating that row in the database
        int testVal2 = 25;
        ContentValues cvValues2 = new ContentValues();
        cvValues2.put(testCol, testVal2);

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().updateRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues2, uuid, activeUser,
                RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel2 = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId;
        String[] selArgs2 = {};
        Cursor cursor2 = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel2, selArgs2, null, accessContext);
        assertEquals(cursor2.getCount(), 1);

        int val2 = 0;
        while (cursor2.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor2.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type = cursor2.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
            val2 = cursor2.getInt(ind);

        assertEquals(val2, testVal2);

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test writing the data into the existing db table with valid values and an
     * existing id
    public void testWriteDataIntoExistingTableWithIdWhenIdIsNull_ExpectFail() throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        int testVal = 5;
        boolean thrown = false;

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);

        String uuid = null;
        try {
            ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, uuid, activeUser,
                    RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);
        } catch (ActionNotAuthorizedException ex) {
            throw ex;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            thrown = true;


        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test writing the data and metadata into the existing db table with valid
     * values
    public void testWriteDataAndMetadataIntoExistingTableWithValidValue_ExpectPass()
            throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column("col1", "col1", testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
        String timeStamp = TableConstants.nanoSecondsFromMillis(System.currentTimeMillis());

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        cvValues.put(DataTableColumns.ID, uuid);
        cvValues.put(DataTableColumns.SAVEPOINT_TIMESTAMP, timeStamp);

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, uuid, activeUser,
                RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + DataTableColumns.ID + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { uuid };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.SAVEPOINT_TIMESTAMP);
            String ts = cursor.getString(ind);
            assertEquals(ts, timeStamp);

            ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.SYNC_STATE);
            String ss = cursor.getString(ind);

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test writing writing metadata into an existing table when the rowID is null
    public void testWriteDataAndMetadataIntoExistingTableWhenIDIsNull_ExpectFail()
            throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        boolean thrown = false;
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column("col1", "col1", testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        String timeStamp = TableConstants.nanoSecondsFromMillis(System.currentTimeMillis());

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        cvValues.put(DataTableColumns.SAVEPOINT_TIMESTAMP, timeStamp);

        try {
            ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, null, activeUser,
                    RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);
        } catch (ActionNotAuthorizedException ex) {
            throw ex;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            thrown = true;


        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test writing metadata into the existing db table when sync state is null.
     * The sync state and other fields that should not be null will be silently
     * replaced with non-null values.
    public void testWriteDataAndMetadataIntoExistingTableWhenSyncStateIsNull_ExpectSuccess()
            throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        boolean thrown = false;
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column("col1", "col1", testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
        String timeStamp = TableConstants.nanoSecondsFromMillis(System.currentTimeMillis());

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        cvValues.put(DataTableColumns.ID, uuid);
        cvValues.put(DataTableColumns.SAVEPOINT_TIMESTAMP, timeStamp);

        try {
            ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, uuid, activeUser,
                    RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);
        } catch (ActionNotAuthorizedException ex) {
            throw ex;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            thrown = true;


        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test writing metadata into the existing db table when sync state is null
    public void testWriteDataAndMetadataIntoExistingTableWhenTimeStampIsNull_ExpectFail()
            throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        // TODO: should this fail or succeed?
        String tableId = testTable;
        boolean thrown = false;

        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column("col1", "col1", testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        cvValues.put(DataTableColumns.ID, uuid);

        try {
            ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, uuid, activeUser,
                    RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);
        } catch (ActionNotAuthorizedException ex) {
            throw ex;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            thrown = true;

        // TODO: should this fail or succeed?
        // assertTrue(thrown);

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test writing the data into the existing db table with array value
    public void testWriteDataIntoExistingTableWithArray_ExpectPass() throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        String testVal = "item";

        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[\"" + testCol + "_items\"]"));
        columns.add(new Column(testCol + "_items", "items",, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues,
                LocalizationUtils.genUUID(), activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        String val = null;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            val = cursor.getString(ind);

        assertEquals(val, testVal);

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test writing the data into the existing db table with boolean value
    public void testWriteDataIntoExistingTableWithBoolean_ExpectPass() throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        int testVal = 1;

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues,
                LocalizationUtils.genUUID(), activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        int val = 0;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
            val = cursor.getInt(ind);

        assertEquals(val, testVal);

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test writing the data into the existing db table with valid values
    public void testWriteDataIntoExistingTableWithDate_ExpectPass() throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType = ElementType.DATE;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        String testVal = TableConstants.nanoSecondsFromMillis(System.currentTimeMillis());

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues,
                LocalizationUtils.genUUID(), activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        String val = null;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            val = cursor.getString(ind);

        assertEquals(val, testVal);

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test writing the data into the existing db table with datetime
    public void testWriteDataIntoExistingTableWithDatetime_ExpectPass() throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType = ElementType.DATETIME;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        String testVal = TableConstants.nanoSecondsFromMillis(System.currentTimeMillis());

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues,
                LocalizationUtils.genUUID(), activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        String val = null;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            val = cursor.getString(ind);

        assertEquals(val, testVal);

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test writing the data into the existing db table with geopoint
    public void testWriteDataIntoExistingTableWithGeopoint_ExpectPass() throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColLat = "testColumn_latitude";
        String testColLong = "testColumn_longitude";
        String testColAlt = "testColumn_altitude";
        String testColAcc = "testColumn_accuracy";
        double pos_lat = 5.55;
        double pos_long = 6.6;
        double pos_alt = 7.77;
        double pos_acc = 8.88;
        String testColType = ElementType.GEOPOINT;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType,
                "[\"" + testColLat + "\",\"" + testColLong + "\",\"" + testColAlt + "\",\"" + testColAcc + "\"]"));
        columns.add(new Column(testColLat, "latitude",, "[]"));
        columns.add(new Column(testColLong, "longitude",, "[]"));
        columns.add(new Column(testColAlt, "altitude",, "[]"));
        columns.add(new Column(testColAcc, "accuracy",, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        cvValues.put(testColLat, pos_lat);
        cvValues.put(testColLong, pos_long);
        cvValues.put(testColAlt, pos_alt);
        cvValues.put(testColAcc, pos_acc);

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues,
                LocalizationUtils.genUUID(), activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testColLat + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + pos_lat };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        double valLat = 0;
        double valLong = 0;
        double valAlt = 0;
        double valAcc = 0;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testColLat);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT);
            valLat = cursor.getDouble(ind);

            ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testColLong);
            type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT);
            valLong = cursor.getDouble(ind);

            ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testColAlt);
            type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT);
            valAlt = cursor.getDouble(ind);

            ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testColAcc);
            type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT);
            valAcc = cursor.getDouble(ind);

        assertEquals(valLat, pos_lat, 0.0);
        assertEquals(valLong, pos_long, 0.0);
        assertEquals(valAlt, pos_alt, 0.0);
        assertEquals(valAcc, pos_acc, 0.0);


        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test writing the data into the existing db table with integer
    public void testWriteDataIntoExistingTableWithInteger_ExpectPass() throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        int testVal = 5;

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues,
                LocalizationUtils.genUUID(), activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        int val = 0;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
            val = cursor.getInt(ind);

        assertEquals(val, testVal);

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test writing the data into the existing db table with mimeUri
    public void testWriteDataIntoExistingTableWithMimeUri_ExpectPass() throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColUriFragment = "testColumn_uriFragment";
        String testColContentType = "testColumn_contentType";
        String testColType = DataTypeNamesToRemove.MIMEURI;

        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType,
                "[\"" + testColUriFragment + "\",\"" + testColContentType + "\"]"));
        columns.add(new Column(testColUriFragment, "uriFragment",, "[]"));
        columns.add(new Column(testColContentType, "contentType",, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();

        String testUriFragment = "tables/example/instances/" + uuid + "/" + testCol + "-" + uuid + ".jpg";
        String testContentType = "image/jpg";

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        cvValues.put(testColUriFragment, testUriFragment);
        cvValues.put(testColContentType, testContentType);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, uuid, activeUser,
                RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testColUriFragment + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testUriFragment };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        String valUriFragment = null;
        String valContentType = null;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testColUriFragment);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            valUriFragment = cursor.getString(ind);

            ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testColContentType);
            type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            valContentType = cursor.getString(ind);

        assertEquals(valUriFragment, testUriFragment);
        assertEquals(valContentType, testContentType);

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test writing the data into the existing db table with number
    public void testWriteDataIntoExistingTableWithNumber_ExpectPass() throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        double testVal = 5.5;

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues,
                LocalizationUtils.genUUID(), activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        double val = 0;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT);
            val = cursor.getDouble(ind);

        assertEquals(val, testVal, 0.0);

        // cursor.close();

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test writing the data into the existing db table with string
    public void testWriteDataIntoExistingTableWithString_ExpectPass() throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        String testVal = "test";

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues,
                LocalizationUtils.genUUID(), activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        String val = null;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            val = cursor.getString(ind);

        assertEquals(val, testVal);

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test writing the data into the existing db table with time
    public void testWriteDataIntoExistingTableWithTime_ExpectPass() throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType = ElementType.TIME;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        String interMed = TableConstants.nanoSecondsFromMillis(System.currentTimeMillis());
        int pos = interMed.indexOf('T');
        String testVal = null;

        if (pos > -1) {
            testVal = interMed.substring(pos + 1);
        } else {
            fail("The conversion of the date time string to time is incorrect");
            // Log.i(TAG, "Time string is " + interMed);

        // Log.i(TAG, "Time string is " + testVal);

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues,
                LocalizationUtils.genUUID(), activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        String val = null;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            val = cursor.getString(ind);

        assertEquals(val, testVal);

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);


     * Test inserting a checkpoint row in the database
    public void testInsertCheckpointRowIntoExistingTableWithIdWhenRowAlreadyExists_ExpectPass()
            throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        String testVal = "test";
        String testVal2 = "test2";
        String rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, rowId, activeUser,
                RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        String val = null;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            val = cursor.getString(ind);

        assertEquals(val, testVal);

        ContentValues updatedCvValues = new ContentValues();
        updatedCvValues.put(testCol, testVal2);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertCheckpointRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, updatedCvValues, rowId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId;
        selArgs = new String[0];
        cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 2);

        // Select everything out of the table
        sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
        selArgs = new String[1];
        selArgs[0] = "" + testVal2;
        cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        String val2 = null;
        String saveptType = null;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            // Get the actual value
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            val2 = cursor.getString(ind);

            // Get the savepoint_type
            ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.SAVEPOINT_TYPE);

            // Get the conflict_type and make sure that it is null
            ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.CONFLICT_TYPE);

        assertEquals(val2, testVal2);

        // Also make sure that the savepoint_type
        // is empty
        assertNotSame(saveptType, SavepointTypeManipulator.incomplete());
        assertNotSame(saveptType, SavepointTypeManipulator.complete());

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test inserting a checkpoint row in the database
    public void testInsertCheckpointRowIntoExistingTableWithIdWhenRowDoesNotExist_ExpectPass()
            throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        String testVal = "test";
        String rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertCheckpointRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, rowId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        String val = null;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            val = cursor.getString(ind);

            ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.SAVEPOINT_TYPE);

            // Get the conflict_type and make sure that it is null
            ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.CONFLICT_TYPE);

        assertEquals(val, testVal);

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test inserting a checkpoint row in the database
    public void testInsertCheckpointRowIntoExistingTableWithIdWhenRowIdNotProvided_ExpectPass()
            throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        String testVal = "test";
        String rowId = null;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertCheckpointRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, rowId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        String val = null;
        String saveptType = null;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            val = cursor.getString(ind);

            ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.SAVEPOINT_TIMESTAMP);
            type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            saveptType = cursor.getString(ind);

            // Get the conflict_type and make sure that it is null
            ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.CONFLICT_TYPE);

        assertEquals(val, testVal);

        // Also make sure that the savepoint_type
        // is empty
        assertNotSame(saveptType, SavepointTypeManipulator.incomplete());
        assertNotSame(saveptType, SavepointTypeManipulator.complete());

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test inserting a checkpoint row in the database
    public void testInsertCheckpointRowIntoExistingTableWithIdWithRowConflictType_ExpectFail()
            throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        String testVal = "test";
        String rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);

        boolean thrown = true;
        try {
            ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertCheckpointRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, rowId,
                    activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);
        } catch (ActionNotAuthorizedException ex) {
            throw ex;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            thrown = true;


        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test inserting a checkpoint row in the database
    public void testInsertCheckpointRowIntoExistingTableWithIdWithRowSavepointType_ExpectFail()
            throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        String testVal = "test";
        String rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);

        boolean thrown = true;
        try {
            ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertCheckpointRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, rowId,
                    activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);
        } catch (ActionNotAuthorizedException ex) {
            throw ex;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            thrown = true;


        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test inserting a checkpoint row in the database
    public void testInsertCheckpointRowIntoExistingTableWithIdWithRowSavepointTimestamp_ExpectFail()
            throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        String testVal = "test";
        String rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);

        boolean thrown = true;
        try {
            ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertCheckpointRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, rowId,
                    activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);
        } catch (ActionNotAuthorizedException ex) {
            throw ex;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            thrown = true;


        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test inserting a checkpoint row in the database
    public void testInsertCheckpointRowIntoExistingTableWithIdAndNoData_ExpectFail()
            throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        String testVal = "test";
        String rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();

        boolean thrown = true;
        try {
            ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertCheckpointRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, rowId,
                    activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);
        } catch (ActionNotAuthorizedException ex) {
            throw ex;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            thrown = true;


        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test saving a checkpoint row in the database as complete
    public void testSaveAsCompleteMostRecentCheckpointDataInTableWithId_ExpectPass()
            throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        String testVal = "test";
        String testVal2 = "test2";
        String rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, rowId, activeUser,
                RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        String val = null;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            val = cursor.getString(ind);

        assertEquals(val, testVal);

        ContentValues updatedCvValues = new ContentValues();
        updatedCvValues.put(testCol, testVal2);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertCheckpointRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, updatedCvValues, rowId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId;
        selArgs = new String[0];
        cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 2);

        // Select everything out of the table
        sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
        selArgs = new String[1];
        selArgs[0] = "" + testVal2;
        cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        String val2 = null;
        String saveptType = null;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            // Get the actual value
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            val2 = cursor.getString(ind);

            // Get the savepoint_timestamp
            ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.SAVEPOINT_TIMESTAMP);
            type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            saveptType = cursor.getString(ind);

            // Get the conflict_type and make sure that it is null
            ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.CONFLICT_TYPE);

        assertEquals(val2, testVal2);

        // Also make sure that the savepoint_type
        // is empty
        assertNotSame(saveptType, SavepointTypeManipulator.incomplete());
        assertNotSame(saveptType, SavepointTypeManipulator.complete());

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().saveAsCompleteMostRecentCheckpointRowWithId(db, tableId, rowId);
        // Select everything out of the table
        sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId;
        selArgs = new String[0];
        cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 1);

        val2 = null;
        saveptType = null;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            // Get the actual value
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            val2 = cursor.getString(ind);

            // Get the savepoint_timestamp
            ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.SAVEPOINT_TYPE);
            type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            saveptType = cursor.getString(ind);

            // Get the conflict_type and make sure that it is null
            ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.CONFLICT_TYPE);

        assertEquals(val2, testVal2);
        assertEquals(saveptType, SavepointTypeManipulator.complete());

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test saving a checkpoint row in the database as incomplete
    public void testSaveAsIncompleteMostRecentCheckpointDataInTableWithId_ExpectPass()
            throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        String testVal = "test";
        String testVal2 = "test2";
        String rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, rowId, activeUser,
                RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        String val = null;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            val = cursor.getString(ind);

        assertEquals(val, testVal);

        ContentValues updatedCvValues = new ContentValues();
        updatedCvValues.put(testCol, testVal2);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertCheckpointRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, updatedCvValues, rowId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId;
        selArgs = new String[0];
        cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 2);

        // Select everything out of the table
        sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
        selArgs = new String[1];
        selArgs[0] = "" + testVal2;
        cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        String val2 = null;
        String saveptType = null;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            // Get the actual value
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            val2 = cursor.getString(ind);

            // Get the savepoint_timestamp
            ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.SAVEPOINT_TIMESTAMP);
            type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            saveptType = cursor.getString(ind);

            // Get the conflict_type and make sure that it is null
            ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.CONFLICT_TYPE);

        assertEquals(val2, testVal2);

        // Also make sure that the savepoint_type
        // is empty
        assertNotSame(saveptType, SavepointTypeManipulator.incomplete());
        assertNotSame(saveptType, SavepointTypeManipulator.complete());

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().saveAsIncompleteMostRecentCheckpointRowWithId(db, tableId, rowId);

        // Select everything out of the table
        sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId;
        selArgs = new String[0];
        cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 1);

        val2 = null;
        saveptType = null;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            // Get the actual value
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            val2 = cursor.getString(ind);

            // Get the savepoint_timestamp
            ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.SAVEPOINT_TYPE);
            type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            saveptType = cursor.getString(ind);

            // Get the conflict_type and make sure that it is null
            ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.CONFLICT_TYPE);

        assertEquals(val2, testVal2);
        assertEquals(saveptType, SavepointTypeManipulator.incomplete());

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test inserting a checkpoint row in the database
    public void testDeleteLastCheckpointRowWithId_ExpectPass() throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        String testVal = "test";
        String rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertCheckpointRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, rowId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        String val = null;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            val = cursor.getString(ind);

            ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.SAVEPOINT_TYPE);

            // Get the conflict_type and make sure that it is null
            ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.CONFLICT_TYPE);

        assertEquals(val, testVal);

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteLastCheckpointRowWithId(db, tableId, rowId, activeUser,
        // Select everything out of the table
        sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId;
        selArgs = new String[0];
        cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 0);

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test change data rows to new row state
    public void testChangeDataRowsToNewRowState_ExpectPass() {
        // Test this after restructuring of the Sync code

    // Added for the test below
    // Not sure if this needs to be public or not?
    private int countUpToLastNonNullElement(String[] row) {
        for (int i = row.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
            if (row[i] != null) {
                return (i + 1);
        return 0;

    private void columnPropertiesHelper(String tableId, List<Column> columns, List<KeyValueStoreEntry> kvsEntries) {
        // reading data
        File file = null;
        FileInputStream in = null;
        InputStreamReader input = null;
        RFC4180CsvReader cr = null;
        try {
            file = new File(ODKFileUtils.getTableDefinitionCsvFile(getAppName(), tableId));
            in = new FileInputStream(file);
            input = new InputStreamReader(in, CharEncoding.UTF_8);
            cr = new RFC4180CsvReader(input);

            String[] row;

            // Read ColumnDefinitions
            // get the column headers
            String[] colHeaders = cr.readNext();
            int colHeadersLength = countUpToLastNonNullElement(colHeaders);
            // get the first row
            row = cr.readNext();
            while (row != null && countUpToLastNonNullElement(row) != 0) {

                String elementKeyStr = null;
                String elementNameStr = null;
                String elementTypeStr = null;
                String listChildElementKeysStr = null;
                int rowLength = countUpToLastNonNullElement(row);
                for (int i = 0; i < rowLength; ++i) {
                    if (i >= colHeadersLength) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("data beyond header row of ColumnDefinitions table");
                    if (ColumnDefinitionsColumns.ELEMENT_KEY.equals(colHeaders[i])) {
                        elementKeyStr = row[i];
                    if (ColumnDefinitionsColumns.ELEMENT_NAME.equals(colHeaders[i])) {
                        elementNameStr = row[i];
                    if (ColumnDefinitionsColumns.ELEMENT_TYPE.equals(colHeaders[i])) {
                        elementTypeStr = row[i];
                    if (ColumnDefinitionsColumns.LIST_CHILD_ELEMENT_KEYS.equals(colHeaders[i])) {
                        listChildElementKeysStr = row[i];

                if (elementKeyStr == null || elementTypeStr == null) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("ElementKey and ElementType must be specified");

                columns.add(new Column(elementKeyStr, elementNameStr, elementTypeStr, listChildElementKeysStr));

                // get next row or blank to end...
                row = cr.readNext();

            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {

            file = new File(ODKFileUtils.getTablePropertiesCsvFile(getAppName(), tableId));
            in = new FileInputStream(file);
            input = new InputStreamReader(in, CharEncoding.UTF_8);
            cr = new RFC4180CsvReader(input);
            // Read KeyValueStore
            // read the column headers
            String[] kvsHeaders = cr.readNext();
            // read the first row
            row = cr.readNext();
            while (row != null && countUpToLastNonNullElement(row) != 0) {
                String partition = null;
                String aspect = null;
                String key = null;
                String type = null;
                String value = null;
                int rowLength = countUpToLastNonNullElement(row);
                for (int i = 0; i < rowLength; ++i) {
                    if (KeyValueStoreColumns.PARTITION.equals(kvsHeaders[i])) {
                        partition = row[i];
                    if (KeyValueStoreColumns.ASPECT.equals(kvsHeaders[i])) {
                        aspect = row[i];
                    if (KeyValueStoreColumns.KEY.equals(kvsHeaders[i])) {
                        key = row[i];
                    if (KeyValueStoreColumns.VALUE_TYPE.equals(kvsHeaders[i])) {
                        type = row[i];
                    if (KeyValueStoreColumns.VALUE.equals(kvsHeaders[i])) {
                        value = row[i];
                KeyValueStoreEntry kvsEntry = KeyValueStoreUtils.buildEntry(tableId, partition, aspect, key,
                        ElementDataType.valueOf(type), value);
                // get next row or blank to end...
                row = cr.readNext();
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {

        } catch (Exception e) {
        } finally {
            try {
                if (input != null) {
            } catch (IOException e) {

        // Go through the KVS list and replace all the choiceList entries with their choiceListId
        for (KeyValueStoreEntry entry : kvsEntries) {
            if (entry.partition.equals(KeyValueStoreConstants.PARTITION_COLUMN)
                    && entry.key.equals(KeyValueStoreConstants.COLUMN_DISPLAY_CHOICES_LIST)) {
                // stored type is a string -- the choiceListId
                entry.type =;
                if ((entry.value != null) && (entry.value.trim().length() != 0)) {
                    String choiceListId = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().setChoiceList(db, entry.value);
                    entry.value = choiceListId;
                } else {
                    entry.value = null;


     * Test create or open table with columns and properties
    public void testCreateOrOpenTableWithColumnsAndProperties_ExpectPass() throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        String testVal = "test";
        String rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));

        List<KeyValueStoreEntry> kvsEntries = new ArrayList<KeyValueStoreEntry>();
        KeyValueStoreEntry kvsEntry = KeyValueStoreUtils.buildEntry(tableId, KeyValueStoreConstants.PARTITION_TABLE,
                KeyValueStoreConstants.ASPECT_DEFAULT, KeyValueStoreConstants.COLUMN_DISPLAY_NAME,
                ElementDataType.valueOf(, tableId);

        try {
            ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumnsAndProperties(db, tableId, columns, kvsEntries,
        } catch (Exception e) {

        // Ensure that at least one of the expected properties is in the KVS table
        List<KeyValueStoreEntry> entries = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getTableMetadata(db, null,
                KeyValueStoreConstants.PARTITION_TABLE, null, KeyValueStoreConstants.COLUMN_DISPLAY_NAME)
        boolean found = false;
        for (KeyValueStoreEntry entry : entries) {
            if (entry.value != null && entry.value.equals(tableId)) {
                found = true;
        assertTrue("found at least one matching entry in KVS", found);

        // Now delete the metadata
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableMetadata(db, tableId, null, null, null);

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);


     * Test delete checkpoint rows with id
    public void testDeleteCheckpointRowsWithValidId_ExpectPass() throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        String testVal = "test";
        String rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertCheckpointRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, rowId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        String val = null;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            val = cursor.getString(ind);

            ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.SAVEPOINT_TYPE);

            // Get the conflict_type and make sure that it is null
            ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.CONFLICT_TYPE);

        assertEquals(val, testVal);

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteAllCheckpointRowsWithId(db, tableId, rowId, activeUser,
        // Select everything out of the table
        sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId;
        selArgs = new String[0];
        cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 0);

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

    * Test delete checkpoint rows with id
    public void testDeleteCheckpointRowsWithInvalidId_ExpectFail() throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        String testVal = "test";
        String rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertCheckpointRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, rowId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        String val = null;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            val = cursor.getString(ind);

            ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.SAVEPOINT_TYPE);

            // Get the conflict_type and make sure that it is null
            ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.CONFLICT_TYPE);

        assertEquals(val, testVal);

        String invalidRowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        boolean thrown = true;
        try {
            ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteAllCheckpointRowsWithId(db, tableId, invalidRowId, activeUser,
        } catch (ActionNotAuthorizedException ex) {
            throw ex;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            thrown = true;


        // Select everything out of the table
        sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId;
        selArgs = new String[0];
        cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 1);

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test delete db table metadata - delete all metadata
    public void testDeleteTableMetadata_ExpectPass() {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        String partition = KeyValueStoreConstants.PARTITION_TABLE;
        String aspect = KeyValueStoreConstants.ASPECT_DEFAULT;
        String key = KeyValueStoreConstants.COLUMN_DISPLAY_NAME;
        String type =;
        String kvsValue = tableId;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));

        List<KeyValueStoreEntry> kvsEntries = new ArrayList<KeyValueStoreEntry>();
        KeyValueStoreEntry kvsEntry = KeyValueStoreUtils.buildEntry(tableId, partition, aspect, key,
                ElementDataType.valueOf(type), kvsValue);

        try {
            ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumnsAndProperties(db, tableId, columns, kvsEntries,
        } catch (Exception e) {

        // Ensure that the expected properties is in the KVS table
        List<KeyValueStoreEntry> entries = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get()
                .getTableMetadata(db, null, partition, null, key).getEntries();
        assertEquals(entries.size(), 1);
        boolean found = false;
        for (KeyValueStoreEntry entry : entries) {
            if (entry.value != null && entry.value.equals(kvsValue)) {
                found = true;
        assertTrue("found the KVSEntry", found);

        // Now make sure that the returned value is equal to the original value
        ArrayList<KeyValueStoreEntry> retKVSEntries = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get()
                .getTableMetadata(db, tableId, partition, aspect, key).getEntries();

        assertEquals(retKVSEntries, kvsEntries);

        // Now delete the metadata
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableMetadata(db, tableId, partition, aspect, key);

        // Ensure that the expected properties is in the KVS table
        entries = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getTableMetadata(db, null, partition, null, key).getEntries();
        assertEquals(entries.size(), 0);

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test delete server conflict row with id
     * Place a row in conflict and then delete it
    public void testDeleteServerConflictRowWithIdAndLocDelOldVals_ExpectPass() throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        int testVal = 5;

        // local record that is synced and pending deletion...

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        String rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);
        cvValues.put(DataTableColumns.ROW_ETAG, LocalizationUtils.genUUID());
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, rowId, activeUser,
                RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + DataTableColumns.ID + " = ? ORDER BY "
                + DataTableColumns.CONFLICT_TYPE + " ASC";
        String[] selArgs = { rowId };
        Cursor cursor = null;

        int val = 0;
        try {
            cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);
            assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 1);

            while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
                int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
                int type = cursor.getType(ind);
                assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
                val = cursor.getInt(ind);
        } finally {

        assertEquals(val, testVal);

        // NOTE: all metadata fields need to be specified
        // server has a change...
        ContentValues updates = new ContentValues();
        // data value
        updates.put(testCol, testVal + 6);
        // metadata fields
        updates.put(DataTableColumns.CONFLICT_TYPE, ConflictType.SERVER_UPDATED_UPDATED_VALUES);
        updates.put(DataTableColumns.ROW_ETAG, LocalizationUtils.genUUID());
        // insert in_conflict server row
        updates.put(DataTableColumns.FORM_ID, "serverForm");
        updates.put(DataTableColumns.LOCALE, currentLocale);
        updates.put(DataTableColumns.SAVEPOINT_TYPE, SavepointTypeManipulator.complete());
        updates.put(DataTableColumns.SAVEPOINT_CREATOR, "");
        updates.put(DataTableColumns.ROW_OWNER, "");

        // Place row in conflict
        int conflictType = ConflictType.LOCAL_DELETED_OLD_VALUES;
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().privilegedPlaceRowIntoConflictWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, updates, rowId,
                conflictType, activeUser, currentLocale);

        // Run the query again and make sure that the place row in conflict worked as expected
        String whereClause = DataTableColumns.ID + "=?";
        String[] selectionArgs = new String[] { rowId };
        String[] orderByKeys = new String[] { DataTableColumns.CONFLICT_TYPE };
        String[] orderByDirs = new String[] { "ASC" };
        List<String> adminColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAdminColumns();
        String[] adminColArr = adminColumns.toArray(new String[adminColumns.size()]);

        BaseTable baseTable = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().query(db, tableId,
                QueryUtil.buildSqlStatement(tableId, whereClause, null, null, orderByKeys, orderByDirs),
                selectionArgs, null, accessContext);
        UserTable table = new UserTable(baseTable, orderedColumns, adminColArr);

        assertEquals(table.getNumberOfRows(), 2);

        Row first = table.getRowAtIndex(0);
        Row second = table.getRowAtIndex(1);

        String v;
        int conflictTypeVal;

        v = first.getDataByKey(DataTableColumns.CONFLICT_TYPE);
        conflictTypeVal = Integer.valueOf(v);
        assertEquals(conflictType, conflictTypeVal);

        v = second.getDataByKey(DataTableColumns.CONFLICT_TYPE);
        conflictTypeVal = Integer.valueOf(v);
        assertEquals(ConflictType.SERVER_UPDATED_UPDATED_VALUES, conflictTypeVal);

        // Now delete the row
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().resolveServerConflictWithDeleteRowWithId(db, tableId, rowId, activeUser);

        // Run the query yet again to make sure that things worked as expected
        baseTable = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().query(db, tableId,
                QueryUtil.buildSqlStatement(tableId, whereClause, null, null, orderByKeys, orderByDirs),
                selectionArgs, null, accessContext);
        table = new UserTable(baseTable, orderedColumns, adminColArr);

        assertEquals(table.getNumberOfRows(), 0);

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test delete server conflict row with id
     * Place a row in conflict and then delete it
    //  @Test
    //  public void testDeleteServerConflictRowWithIdAndLocUpdUpdVals_ExpectPass() {
    //    String tableId = testTable;
    //    String testCol = "testColumn";
    //    String testColType =;
    //    List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
    //    columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
    //    OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get()
    //        .createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId, columns);
    //    int testVal = 5;
    //  ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
    //  String rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
    //  cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);
    //  ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertDataIntoExistingTableWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns,
    //      cvValues, rowId);
    //  // Select everything out of the table
    //  String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
    //  String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
    //  Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs);
    //  int val = 0;
    //  while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
    //    int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
    //    int type = cursor.getType(ind);
    //    assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
    //    val = cursor.getInt(ind);
    //  }
    //  assertEquals(val, testVal);
    //  // Place row in conflict
    //  int conflictType = ConflictType.LOCAL_UPDATED_UPDATED_VALUES;
    //  ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().placeRowIntoServerConflictWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns,
    //      cvValues, rowId, conflictType);
    //  //ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().placeRowIntoConflict(db, tableId, rowId, conflictType);
    //  // Run the query again and make sure that the place row in conflict worked as expected
    //  cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs);
    //  assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 1);
    //  int conflictTypeVal = -1;
    //  while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
    //    int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.CONFLICT_TYPE);
    //    int type = cursor.getType(ind);
    //    assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
    //    conflictTypeVal = cursor.getInt(ind);
    //  }
    //  assertEquals(conflictType, conflictTypeVal);
    //  // Now delete the row
    //  ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteServerConflictRowWithId(db, tableId, rowId);
    //  // Run the query yet again to make sure that things worked as expected
    //  cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs);
    //  assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 1);
    //  // Drop the table now that the test is done
    //  ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test delete server conflict row with id
     * Place a row in conflict and then delete it
    //  @Test
    //  public void testDeleteServerConflictRowWithIdAndSrvDelOldValues_ExpectPass() {
    //    String tableId = testTable;
    //    String testCol = "testColumn";
    //    String testColType =;
    //    List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
    //    columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
    //    OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get()
    //        .createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId, columns);
    //    int testVal = 5;
    //    ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
    //    String rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
    //    cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);
    //    ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertDataIntoExistingTableWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns,
    //        cvValues, rowId);
    //    // Select everything out of the table
    //    String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
    //    String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
    //    Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs);
    //    int val = 0;
    //    while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
    //      int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
    //      int type = cursor.getType(ind);
    //      assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
    //      val = cursor.getInt(ind);
    //    }
    //    assertEquals(val, testVal);
    //    // Place row in conflict
    //    int conflictType = ConflictType.SERVER_DELETED_OLD_VALUES;
    //    ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().placeRowIntoConflict(db, tableId, rowId, conflictType);
    //    // Run the query again and make sure that the place row in conflict worked as expected
    //    cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs);
    //    assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 1);
    //    int conflictTypeVal = -1;
    //    while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
    //      int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.CONFLICT_TYPE);
    //      int type = cursor.getType(ind);
    //      assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
    //      conflictTypeVal = cursor.getInt(ind);
    //    }
    //    assertEquals(conflictType, conflictTypeVal);
    //    // Now delete the row
    //    ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteServerConflictRowWithId(db, tableId, rowId);
    //    // Run the query yet again to make sure that things worked as expected
    //    cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs);
    //    assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 0);
    //    // Drop the table now that the test is done
    //    ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);
    //  }

     * Test delete server conflict row with id
     * Place a row in conflict and then delete it
    //  @Test
    //  public void testDeleteServerConflictRowWithIdAndSrvUpdUpdVals_ExpectPass() {
    //    String tableId = testTable;
    //    String testCol = "testColumn";
    //    String testColType =;
    //    List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
    //    columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
    //    OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get()
    //        .createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId, columns);
    //    int testVal = 5;
    //    ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
    //    String rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
    //    cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);
    //    ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertDataIntoExistingTableWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns,
    //        cvValues, rowId);
    //    // Select everything out of the table
    //    String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
    //    String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
    //    Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs);
    //    int val = 0;
    //    while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
    //      int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
    //      int type = cursor.getType(ind);
    //      assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
    //      val = cursor.getInt(ind);
    //    }
    //    assertEquals(val, testVal);
    //    // Place row in conflict
    //    int conflictType = ConflictType.SERVER_UPDATED_UPDATED_VALUES;
    //    ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().placeRowIntoConflict(db, tableId, rowId, conflictType);
    //    // Run the query again and make sure that the place row in conflict worked as expected
    //    cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs);
    //    assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 1);
    //    int conflictTypeVal = -1;
    //    while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
    //      int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.CONFLICT_TYPE);
    //      int type = cursor.getType(ind);
    //      assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
    //      conflictTypeVal = cursor.getInt(ind);
    //    }
    //    assertEquals(conflictType, conflictTypeVal);
    //    // Now delete the row
    //    ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteServerConflictRowWithId(db, tableId, rowId);
    //    // Run the query yet again to make sure that things worked as expected
    //    cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs);
    //    assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 0);
    //    // Drop the table now that the test is done
    //    ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);
    //  }

     * Test enforce types table metadata
    public void testEnforceTypesTableMetadata_ExpectPass() {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        String partition = KeyValueStoreConstants.PARTITION_TABLE;
        String aspect = KeyValueStoreConstants.ASPECT_DEFAULT;
        String key = KeyValueStoreConstants.COLUMN_DISPLAY_NAME;
        String type =;
        String kvsValue = tableId;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));

        List<KeyValueStoreEntry> kvsEntries = new ArrayList<KeyValueStoreEntry>();
        KeyValueStoreEntry kvsEntry = KeyValueStoreUtils.buildEntry(tableId, partition, aspect, key,
                ElementDataType.valueOf(type), kvsValue);

        // createOrOpenTableWithColumnsAndProperties calls enforceTypesTableMetadata
        try {
            ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumnsAndProperties(db, tableId, columns, kvsEntries,
        } catch (Exception e) {

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        // Ensure that the expected properties is in the KVS table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + DatabaseConstants.KEY_VALUE_STORE_ACTIVE_TABLE_NAME + " WHERE "
                + KeyValueStoreColumns.PARTITION + " = ? AND " + KeyValueStoreColumns.KEY + " = ? AND "
                + KeyValueStoreColumns.VALUE + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { partition, key, kvsValue };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);
        assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 1);

        // Now make sure that the returned value is equal to the original value
        ArrayList<KeyValueStoreEntry> retKVSEntries = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get()
                .getTableMetadata(db, tableId, partition, aspect, key).getEntries();

        assertEquals(retKVSEntries.size(), kvsEntries.size());

        assertNotSame(retKVSEntries.get(0).type, kvsEntries.get(0).type);


        // Now make sure that the table has the right value for displayName
        cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);
        assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 1);

        String val = null;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(KeyValueStoreColumns.VALUE_TYPE);
            int resultType = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(resultType, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            val = cursor.getString(ind);

        // In this case the type should have been changed to string

        // Now delete the metadata
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableMetadata(db, tableId, partition, aspect, key);

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test get choice list
    public void testGetChoiceList_ExpectPass() {
        ArrayList<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>();
        Map<String, Object> myMap = new TreeMap<String, Object>();
        Map<String, Object> displayText = new TreeMap<String, Object>();
        displayText.put("text", "displayText");
        myMap.put("choice_list_name", "test_list");
        myMap.put("data_value", "test");
        myMap.put("display", displayText);

        String jsonChoiceList = null;
        try {
            jsonChoiceList = ODKFileUtils.mapper.writeValueAsString(values);
        } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {

        // Set the choice list id
        String choiceListId = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().setChoiceList(db, jsonChoiceList);

        // Get the choice list
        String retJsonChoiceList = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getChoiceList(db, choiceListId);

        assertEquals(jsonChoiceList, retJsonChoiceList);

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, null,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        // Select the _choice_list_id from the _choice_lists table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + DatabaseConstants.CHOICE_LIST_TABLE_NAME + " WHERE "
                + ChoiceListColumns.CHOICE_LIST_ID + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + choiceListId };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);
        assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 1);

        String val = null;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(ChoiceListColumns.CHOICE_LIST_JSON);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            val = cursor.getString(ind);

        assertEquals(val, retJsonChoiceList);

     * Test get table metadata
    public void testGetTableMetadata_ExpectPass() {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        String partition = KeyValueStoreConstants.PARTITION_TABLE;
        String aspect = KeyValueStoreConstants.ASPECT_DEFAULT;
        String key = KeyValueStoreConstants.COLUMN_DISPLAY_NAME;
        String type =;
        String kvsValue = tableId;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));

        List<KeyValueStoreEntry> kvsEntries = new ArrayList<KeyValueStoreEntry>();
        KeyValueStoreEntry kvsEntry = KeyValueStoreUtils.buildEntry(tableId, partition, aspect, key,
                ElementDataType.valueOf(type), kvsValue);

        try {
            ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumnsAndProperties(db, tableId, columns, kvsEntries,
        } catch (Exception e) {

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, null,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        // Ensure that the expected properties is in the KVS table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + DatabaseConstants.KEY_VALUE_STORE_ACTIVE_TABLE_NAME + " WHERE "
                + KeyValueStoreColumns.PARTITION + " = ? AND " + KeyValueStoreColumns.KEY + " = ? AND "
                + KeyValueStoreColumns.VALUE + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { partition, key, kvsValue };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);
        assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 1);

        // Now make sure that the returned value is equal to the original value
        ArrayList<KeyValueStoreEntry> retKVSEntries = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get()
                .getTableMetadata(db, tableId, partition, aspect, key).getEntries();

        assertEquals(retKVSEntries.get(0), kvsEntries.get(0));

        // Now delete the metadata
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableMetadata(db, tableId, partition, aspect, key);

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test get table definition entry
    public void testGetTableDefinitionEntry_ExpectPass() throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        int testVal = 5;

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        String rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, rowId, activeUser,
                RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);
        assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 1);

        int val = 0;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
            val = cursor.getInt(ind);

        assertEquals(val, testVal);

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContextNoTableId = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db,
                null, activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel2 = "SELECT * FROM " + DatabaseConstants.TABLE_DEFS_TABLE_NAME + " WHERE "
                + TableDefinitionsColumns.TABLE_ID + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs2 = { "" + tableId };
        cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel2, selArgs2, null, accessContextNoTableId);
        assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 1);

        String syncTimeVal = null;
        String schemaETagVal = null;
        String lastDataETagVal = null;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(TableDefinitionsColumns.LAST_SYNC_TIME);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            syncTimeVal = cursor.getString(ind);

            ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(TableDefinitionsColumns.SCHEMA_ETAG);

            ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(TableDefinitionsColumns.LAST_DATA_ETAG);

        // Now get the table definition entry
        TableDefinitionEntry tde = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getTableDefinitionEntry(db, tableId);

        // Compare the table definition entry and the raw query results
        assertEquals(syncTimeVal, tde.getLastSyncTime());
        assertEquals(schemaETagVal, tde.getSchemaETag());
        assertEquals(lastDataETagVal, tde.getLastDataETag());

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test get table health when table is healthy
    public void testGetTableHealthWhenTableIsClean_ExpectPass() throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        int testVal = 5;

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        String rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, rowId, activeUser,
                RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        int val = 0;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
            val = cursor.getInt(ind);

        assertEquals(val, testVal);

        // Test that the health of the table is CLEAN
        int health = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getTableHealth(db, tableId);


        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test get table health when table is healthy
    public void testVariousRawQueryFilters_ExpectPass() throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        int testVal = 5;

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        String rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, rowId, activeUser,
                RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        Cursor c;
        String sel;

        sel = "SELECT * FROM " + DatabaseConstants.COLUMN_DEFINITIONS_TABLE_NAME;
        c = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, null, null, accessContext);
        if (c.moveToFirst()) {
            assertTrue("did not expect effective privileges column",
                    c.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.EFFECTIVE_ACCESS) == -1);
        } else {
            assertTrue("should not get here", false);

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContextPlainUser, accessContextAnonymousUser;

        accessContextPlainUser = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId, activeUser,

        accessContextAnonymousUser = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId, "anonymous", null);

        c = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, null, null, accessContextPlainUser);
        if (c.moveToFirst()) {
            assertTrue("did not expect effective privileges column",
                    c.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.EFFECTIVE_ACCESS) == -1);
        } else {
            assertTrue("should not get here", false);

        c = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, null, null, accessContextAnonymousUser);
        if (c.moveToFirst()) {
            assertTrue("did not expect effective privileges column",
                    c.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.EFFECTIVE_ACCESS) == -1);
        } else {
            assertTrue("should not get here", false);

        sel = "SELECT testColumn, " + DataTableColumns.DEFAULT_ACCESS + " from " + testTable;
        c = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, null, null, accessContext);
        if (c.moveToFirst()) {
            assertTrue("did not expect effective privileges column",
                    c.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.EFFECTIVE_ACCESS) == -1);
        } else {
            assertTrue("should not get here", false);

        c = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, null, null, accessContextPlainUser);
        if (c.moveToFirst()) {
            assertTrue("did not expect effective privileges column",
                    c.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.EFFECTIVE_ACCESS) == -1);
        } else {
            assertTrue("should not get here", false);

        c = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, null, null, accessContextAnonymousUser);
        if (c.moveToFirst()) {
            assertTrue("did not expect effective privileges column",
                    c.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.EFFECTIVE_ACCESS) == -1);
        } else {
            assertTrue("should not get here", false);

        sel = "SELECT testColumn, " + DataTableColumns.DEFAULT_ACCESS + ", " + DataTableColumns.ROW_OWNER + " from "
                + testTable;
        c = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, null, null, accessContext);
        if (c.moveToFirst()) {
            assertTrue("did not expect effective privileges column",
                    c.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.EFFECTIVE_ACCESS) == -1);
        } else {
            assertTrue("should not get here", false);

        c = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, null, null, accessContextPlainUser);
        if (c.moveToFirst()) {
            assertTrue("did not expect effective privileges column",
                    c.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.EFFECTIVE_ACCESS) == -1);
        } else {
            assertTrue("should not get here", false);

        c = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, null, null, accessContextAnonymousUser);
        if (c.moveToFirst()) {
            assertTrue("did not expect effective privileges column",
                    c.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.EFFECTIVE_ACCESS) == -1);
        } else {
            assertTrue("should not get here", false);

        sel = "SELECT testColumn, " + DataTableColumns.DEFAULT_ACCESS + ", " + DataTableColumns.SYNC_STATE
                + " from " + testTable;
        c = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, null, null, accessContext);
        if (c.moveToFirst()) {
            assertTrue("did not expect effective privileges column",
                    c.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.EFFECTIVE_ACCESS) == -1);
        } else {
            assertTrue("should not get here", false);

        c = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, null, null, accessContextPlainUser);
        if (c.moveToFirst()) {
            assertTrue("did not expect effective privileges column",
                    c.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.EFFECTIVE_ACCESS) == -1);
        } else {
            assertTrue("should not get here", false);

        c = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, null, null, accessContextAnonymousUser);
        if (c.moveToFirst()) {
            assertTrue("did not expect effective privileges column",
                    c.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.EFFECTIVE_ACCESS) == -1);
        } else {
            assertTrue("should not get here", false);

        sel = "SELECT testColumn, " + DataTableColumns.DEFAULT_ACCESS + ", " + DataTableColumns.ROW_OWNER + ", "
                + DataTableColumns.SYNC_STATE + " from " + testTable;
        c = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, null, null, accessContext);
        if (c.moveToFirst()) {
            assertTrue("did not expect effective privileges column",
                    c.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.EFFECTIVE_ACCESS) == -1);
        } else {
            assertTrue("should not get here", false);

        sel = "SELECT testColumn, " + DataTableColumns.DEFAULT_ACCESS + ", " + DataTableColumns.ROW_OWNER + ", "
                + DataTableColumns.GROUP_READ_ONLY + ", " + DataTableColumns.GROUP_MODIFY + ", "
                + DataTableColumns.SYNC_STATE + " from " + testTable;
        c = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, null, null, accessContext);
        if (c.moveToFirst()) {
            assertTrue("did not expect effective privileges column",
                    c.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.EFFECTIVE_ACCESS) == -1);
        } else {
            assertTrue("should not get here", false);

        sel = "SELECT testColumn, " + DataTableColumns.DEFAULT_ACCESS + ", " + DataTableColumns.ROW_OWNER + ", "
                + DataTableColumns.GROUP_PRIVILEGED + ", " + DataTableColumns.GROUP_MODIFY + ", "
                + DataTableColumns.SYNC_STATE + " from " + testTable;
        c = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, null, null, accessContext);
        if (c.moveToFirst()) {
            assertTrue("did not expect effective privileges column",
                    c.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.EFFECTIVE_ACCESS) == -1);
        } else {
            assertTrue("should not get here", false);

        sel = "SELECT testColumn, " + DataTableColumns.DEFAULT_ACCESS + ", " + DataTableColumns.ROW_OWNER + ", "
                + DataTableColumns.GROUP_READ_ONLY + ", " + DataTableColumns.GROUP_MODIFY + ", "
                + DataTableColumns.GROUP_PRIVILEGED + ", " + DataTableColumns.SYNC_STATE + " from " + testTable;
        c = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, null, null, accessContext);
        if (c.moveToFirst()) {
            assertTrue("expected effective privileges column",
                    c.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.EFFECTIVE_ACCESS) != -1);
        } else {
            assertTrue("should not get here", false);

        c = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, null, null, accessContextPlainUser);
        if (c.moveToFirst()) {
            assertTrue("expected effective privileges column",
                    c.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.EFFECTIVE_ACCESS) != -1);
        } else {
            assertTrue("should not get here", false);

        c = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, null, null, accessContextAnonymousUser);
        if (c.moveToFirst()) {
            assertTrue("expected effective privileges column",
                    c.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.EFFECTIVE_ACCESS) != -1);
        } else {
            assertTrue("should not get here", false);

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

    * Test get table health when table has checkpoints
    public void testGetTableHealthWhenTableHasChkpts_ExpectPass() throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        int testVal = 5;

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        String rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, rowId, activeUser,
                RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        int val = 0;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
            val = cursor.getInt(ind);

        assertEquals(val, testVal);

        int testVal2 = 200;
        ContentValues updatedCvValues = new ContentValues();
        updatedCvValues.put(testCol, testVal2);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertCheckpointRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, updatedCvValues, rowId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId;
        selArgs = new String[0];
        cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 2);

        // Select everything out of the table
        sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
        selArgs = new String[1];
        selArgs[0] = "" + testVal2;
        cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        int val2 = 0;
        String saveptType = null;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            // Get the actual value
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
            val2 = cursor.getInt(ind);

            // Get the savepoint_type
            ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.SAVEPOINT_TYPE);

            // Get the conflict_type and make sure that it is null
            ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.CONFLICT_TYPE);

        assertEquals(val2, testVal2);

        // Also make sure that the savepoint_type
        // is empty
        assertNotSame(saveptType, SavepointTypeManipulator.incomplete());
        assertNotSame(saveptType, SavepointTypeManipulator.complete());

        // Test that the health of the table is CLEAN
        int health = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getTableHealth(db, tableId);


        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test get table health when table is has conflicts
    //  @Test
    //  public void testGetTableHealthWhenTableHasConflicts_ExpectPass() {
    //    String tableId = testTable;
    //    String testCol = "testColumn";
    //    String testColType =;
    //    List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
    //    columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
    //    OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get()
    //        .createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId, columns);
    //    int testVal = 5;
    //    ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
    //    String rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
    //    cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);
    //    ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertDataIntoExistingTableWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns,
    //        cvValues, rowId);
    //    // Select everything out of the table
    //    String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
    //    String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
    //    Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs);
    //    int val = 0;
    //    while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
    //      int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
    //      int type = cursor.getType(ind);
    //      assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
    //      val = cursor.getInt(ind);
    //    }
    //    assertEquals(val, testVal);
    //    // Place row in conflict
    //    int conflictType = ConflictType.LOCAL_DELETED_OLD_VALUES;
    //    ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().placeRowIntoServerConflictWithId(db, tableId,orderedColumns,
    //        cvValues, rowId, conflictType);
    //    //ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().placeRowIntoConflict(db, tableId, rowId, conflictType);
    //    // Run the query again and make sure that the place row in conflict worked as expected
    //    cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs);
    //    int conflictTypeVal = -1;
    //    while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
    //      int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.CONFLICT_TYPE);
    //      int type = cursor.getType(ind);
    //      assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
    //      conflictTypeVal = cursor.getInt(ind);
    //    }
    //    assertEquals(conflictType, conflictTypeVal);
    //    // Test that the health of the table is CLEAN
    //    int health = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getTableHealth(db, tableId);
    //    assertEquals(health, CursorUtils.TABLE_HEALTH_HAS_CONFLICTS);
    //    // Drop the table now that the test is done
    //    ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);
    //  }

     * Test get table health when table is has checkpoints and conflicts
    //  @Test
    //  public void testGetTableHealthWhenTableHasChkptsAndConflicts_ExpectPass() {
    //    String tableId = testTable;
    //    String testCol = "testColumn";
    //    String testColType =;
    //    List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
    //    columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
    //    OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get()
    //        .createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId, columns);
    //    int testVal = 5;
    //    ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
    //    String rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
    //    cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);
    //    ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertDataIntoExistingTableWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns,
    //        cvValues, rowId);
    //    // Select everything out of the table
    //    String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
    //    String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
    //    Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs);
    //    int val = 0;
    //    while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
    //      int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
    //      int type = cursor.getType(ind);
    //      assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
    //      val = cursor.getInt(ind);
    //    }
    //    assertEquals(val, testVal);
    //    int testVal2 = 200;
    //    ContentValues updatedCvValues = new ContentValues();
    //    updatedCvValues.put(testCol, testVal2);
    //    ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertCheckpointRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, updatedCvValues, rowId);
    //    // Select everything out of the table
    //    sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId;
    //    selArgs = new String[0];
    //    cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs);
    //    assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 2);
    //    // Select everything out of the table
    //    sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
    //    selArgs = new String[1];
    //    selArgs[0] =  "" + testVal2;
    //    cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs);
    //    int val2 = 0;
    //    String saveptType = null;
    //    while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
    //      // Get the actual value
    //      int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
    //      int type = cursor.getType(ind);
    //      assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
    //      val2 = cursor.getInt(ind);
    //      // Get the savepoint_type
    //      ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.SAVEPOINT_TYPE);
    //      assertTrue(cursor.isNull(ind));
    //      // Get the conflict_type and make sure that it is null
    //      ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.CONFLICT_TYPE);
    //      assertTrue(cursor.isNull(ind));
    //    }
    //    assertEquals(val2, testVal2);
    //    // Also make sure that the savepoint_type
    //    // is empty
    //    assertNotSame(saveptType, SavepointTypeManipulator.incomplete());
    //    assertNotSame(saveptType, SavepointTypeManipulator.complete());
    //    // Place row in conflict
    //    int conflictType = ConflictType.LOCAL_DELETED_OLD_VALUES;
    //    ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().placeRowIntoConflict(db, tableId, rowId, conflictType);
    //    // Run the query again and make sure that the place row in conflict worked as expected
    //    cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs);
    //    int conflictTypeVal = -1;
    //    while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
    //      int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.CONFLICT_TYPE);
    //      int type = cursor.getType(ind);
    //      assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
    //      conflictTypeVal = cursor.getInt(ind);
    //    }
    //    assertEquals(conflictType, conflictTypeVal);
    //    // Test that the health of the table is CLEAN
    //    int health = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getTableHealth(db, tableId);
    //    assertEquals(health, CursorUtils.TABLE_HEALTH_HAS_CHECKPOINTS_AND_CONFLICTS);
    //    // Drop the table now that the test is done
    //    ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);
    //  }

     * Test place row into conflict
    //  @Test
    //  public void testPlaceRowIntoConflict_ExpectPass() {
    //    String tableId = testTable;
    //    String testCol = "testColumn";
    //    String testColType =;
    //    List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
    //    columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
    //    OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get()
    //        .createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId, columns);
    //    int testVal = 5;
    //    ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
    //    String rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
    //    cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);
    //    ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertDataIntoExistingTableWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns,
    //        cvValues, rowId);
    //    // Select everything out of the table
    //    String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
    //    String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
    //    Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs);
    //    int val = 0;
    //    while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
    //      int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
    //      int type = cursor.getType(ind);
    //      assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
    //      val = cursor.getInt(ind);
    //    }
    //    assertEquals(val, testVal);
    //    // Place row in conflict
    //    int conflictType = ConflictType.LOCAL_DELETED_OLD_VALUES;
    //    ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().placeRowIntoConflict(db, tableId, rowId, conflictType);
    //    // Run the query again and make sure that the place row in conflict worked as expected
    //    cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs);
    //    int conflictTypeVal = -1;
    //    while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
    //      int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.CONFLICT_TYPE);
    //      int type = cursor.getType(ind);
    //      assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
    //      conflictTypeVal = cursor.getInt(ind);
    //    }
    //    assertEquals(conflictType, conflictTypeVal);
    //    // Drop the table now that the test is done
    //    ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);
    //  }

     * Test query distinct
     * Add two rows with the same data in a column
     * and make sure that only one is returned
    public void testQueryDistinct_ExpectPass() throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        int testVal = 5;
        boolean thrown = false;

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);

        String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, uuid, activeUser,
                RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
        Cursor cursor = null;
        try {
            cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);
            assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 1);

            int val = 0;
            while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
                int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
                int type = cursor.getType(ind);
                assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
                val = cursor.getInt(ind);

            assertEquals(val, testVal);
        } finally {
            if (cursor != null && !cursor.isClosed()) {
        // Add another row in the database with the same value
        String uuid2 = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
        ContentValues cvValues2 = new ContentValues();
        cvValues2.put(testCol, testVal);

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues2, uuid2, activeUser,
                RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel2 = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId;
        String[] selArgs2 = {};
        Cursor cursor2 = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel2, selArgs2, null, accessContext);
        assertEquals(cursor2.getCount(), 2);

        System.out.println("testQueryDistinct_ExpectPass: after select *  query");

        // Make sure the values are correct
        int val2 = 0;
        while (cursor2.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor2.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type = cursor2.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
            val2 = cursor2.getInt(ind);
            assertEquals(val2, testVal);

        // The moment of truth! test the queryDistinct
        // Get all of the rows of the database but only return testCol
        String[] retCols = { testCol };
        Cursor cursor3 = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().queryDistinctForTest(db, tableId, retCols, null, null, null,
                null, null, null);
        assertEquals(cursor3.getCount(), 1);

        int val3 = 0;
        while (cursor3.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor3.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type = cursor3.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
            val3 = cursor3.getInt(ind);

        assertEquals(val3, testVal);

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test replace metadata with KVS
    public void testReplaceTableMetadataWithKVS_ExpectPass() throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        String partition = KeyValueStoreConstants.PARTITION_TABLE;
        String aspect = KeyValueStoreConstants.ASPECT_DEFAULT;
        String key = KeyValueStoreConstants.COLUMN_DISPLAY_NAME;
        String type =;
        String kvsValue = tableId;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));

        List<KeyValueStoreEntry> kvsEntries = new ArrayList<KeyValueStoreEntry>();
        KeyValueStoreEntry kvsEntry = KeyValueStoreUtils.buildEntry(tableId, partition, aspect, key,
                ElementDataType.valueOf(type), kvsValue);

        try {
            ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumnsAndProperties(db, tableId, columns, kvsEntries,
        } catch (Exception e) {

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        // Ensure that the expected properties is in the KVS table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + DatabaseConstants.KEY_VALUE_STORE_ACTIVE_TABLE_NAME + " WHERE "
                + KeyValueStoreColumns.PARTITION + " = ? AND " + KeyValueStoreColumns.KEY + " = ? AND "
                + KeyValueStoreColumns.VALUE + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { partition, key, kvsValue };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);
        assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 1);

        // Make sure that the returned value is equal to the original value
        ArrayList<KeyValueStoreEntry> retKVSEntries = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get()
                .getTableMetadata(db, tableId, partition, aspect, key).getEntries();

        assertEquals(retKVSEntries.get(0), kvsEntries.get(0));

        // Replace the metadata
        String newKVSValue = "newTestTable";
        List<KeyValueStoreEntry> newKVSEntries = new ArrayList<KeyValueStoreEntry>();
        KeyValueStoreEntry newKVSEntry = KeyValueStoreUtils.buildEntry(tableId, partition, aspect, key,
                ElementDataType.valueOf(type), newKVSValue);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().replaceTableMetadata(db, tableId, newKVSEntries, true);

        String[] selArgs2 = { partition, key, newKVSValue };
        cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs2, null, accessContext);
        assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 1);

        // Make sure that the returned value is equal to the original value
        ArrayList<KeyValueStoreEntry> newRetKVSEntries = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get()
                .getTableMetadata(db, tableId, partition, aspect, key).getEntries();

        assertEquals(newRetKVSEntries.get(0), newKVSEntries.get(0));

        // Delete the metadata
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableMetadata(db, tableId, partition, aspect, key);

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test replace metadata
    public void testReplaceTableMetadata_ExpectPass() {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        String partition = KeyValueStoreConstants.PARTITION_TABLE;
        String aspect = KeyValueStoreConstants.ASPECT_DEFAULT;
        String key = KeyValueStoreConstants.COLUMN_DISPLAY_NAME;
        String type =;
        String kvsValue = tableId;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));

        List<KeyValueStoreEntry> kvsEntries = new ArrayList<KeyValueStoreEntry>();
        KeyValueStoreEntry kvsEntry = KeyValueStoreUtils.buildEntry(tableId, partition, aspect, key,
                ElementDataType.valueOf(type), kvsValue);

        try {
            ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumnsAndProperties(db, tableId, columns, kvsEntries,
        } catch (Exception e) {

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        // Ensure that the expected properties is in the KVS table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + DatabaseConstants.KEY_VALUE_STORE_ACTIVE_TABLE_NAME + " WHERE "
                + KeyValueStoreColumns.PARTITION + " = ? AND " + KeyValueStoreColumns.KEY + " = ? AND "
                + KeyValueStoreColumns.VALUE + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { partition, key, kvsValue };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);
        assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 1);

        // Make sure that the returned value is equal to the original value
        ArrayList<KeyValueStoreEntry> retKVSEntries = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get()
                .getTableMetadata(db, tableId, partition, aspect, key).getEntries();

        assertEquals(retKVSEntries.get(0), kvsEntries.get(0));

        // Replace the metadata
        String newKVSValue = "newTestTable";
        KeyValueStoreEntry newKVSEntry = KeyValueStoreUtils.buildEntry(tableId, partition, aspect, key,
                ElementDataType.valueOf(type), newKVSValue);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().replaceTableMetadata(db, newKVSEntry);

        String[] selArgs2 = { partition, key, newKVSValue };
        cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs2, null, accessContext);
        assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 1);

        // Make sure that the returned value is equal to the original value
        ArrayList<KeyValueStoreEntry> newRetKVSEntries = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get()
                .getTableMetadata(db, tableId, partition, aspect, key).getEntries();

        assertEquals(newRetKVSEntries.get(0), newKVSEntry);

        // Delete the metadata
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableMetadata(db, tableId, partition, aspect, key);

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test replace metadata sub list
    public void testReplaceTableMetadataSubList_ExpectPass() {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        String partition = KeyValueStoreConstants.PARTITION_TABLE;
        String aspect = KeyValueStoreConstants.ASPECT_DEFAULT;
        String key = KeyValueStoreConstants.COLUMN_DISPLAY_NAME;
        String type =;
        String kvsValue = tableId;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));

        List<KeyValueStoreEntry> kvsEntries = new ArrayList<KeyValueStoreEntry>();
        KeyValueStoreEntry kvsEntry = KeyValueStoreUtils.buildEntry(tableId, partition, aspect, key,
                ElementDataType.valueOf(type), kvsValue);

        try {
            ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumnsAndProperties(db, tableId, columns, kvsEntries,
        } catch (Exception e) {

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        // Ensure that the expected properties is in the KVS table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + DatabaseConstants.KEY_VALUE_STORE_ACTIVE_TABLE_NAME + " WHERE "
                + KeyValueStoreColumns.PARTITION + " = ? AND " + KeyValueStoreColumns.KEY + " = ? AND "
                + KeyValueStoreColumns.VALUE + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { partition, key, kvsValue };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);
        assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 1);

        // Make sure that the returned value is equal to the original value
        ArrayList<KeyValueStoreEntry> retKVSEntries = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get()
                .getTableMetadata(db, tableId, partition, aspect, key).getEntries();

        assertEquals(retKVSEntries.get(0), kvsEntries.get(0));

        // Replace the metadata
        List<KeyValueStoreEntry> newKVSEntries = new ArrayList<KeyValueStoreEntry>();
        String newKVSValue = "newTestTable";
        KeyValueStoreEntry newKVSEntry = KeyValueStoreUtils.buildEntry(tableId, partition, aspect, key,
                ElementDataType.valueOf(type), newKVSValue);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().replaceTableMetadataSubList(db, tableId, partition, aspect, newKVSEntries);

        String[] selArgs2 = { partition, key, newKVSValue };
        cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs2, null, accessContext);
        assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 1);

        // Make sure that the returned value is equal to the original value
        ArrayList<KeyValueStoreEntry> newRetKVSEntries = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get()
                .getTableMetadata(db, tableId, partition, aspect, key).getEntries();

        assertEquals(newRetKVSEntries.get(0), newKVSEntry);

        // Delete the metadata
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableMetadata(db, tableId, partition, aspect, key);

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test resolve server conflict with delete in existing table with id
    public void testResolveServerConflictWithDeleteInExistingTableWithId_ExpectPass() {
        // Test this after restructuring of the Sync code

     * Test resolve server conflict with update in existing table with id
    public void testResolveServerConflictWithUpdateInExistingTableWithId_ExpectPass() {
        // Test this after restructuring of the Sync code

     * Test restore row from conflict
    //  @Test
    //  public void testRestoreRowFromConflict_ExpectPass() {
    //    String tableId = testTable;
    //    String testCol = "testColumn";
    //    String testColType =;
    //    List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
    //    columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
    //    OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get()
    //        .createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId, columns);
    //    int testVal = 5;
    //    ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
    //    String rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
    //    cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);
    //    ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertDataIntoExistingTableWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns,
    //        cvValues, rowId);
    //    // Select everything out of the table
    //    String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
    //    String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
    //    Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs);
    //    int val = 0;
    //    while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
    //      int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
    //      int type = cursor.getType(ind);
    //      assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
    //      val = cursor.getInt(ind);
    //    }
    //    assertEquals(val, testVal);
    //    // Place row in conflict
    //    int conflictType = ConflictType.LOCAL_DELETED_OLD_VALUES;
    //    ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().placeRowIntoConflict(db, tableId, rowId, conflictType);
    //    // Run the query again and make sure that the place row in conflict worked as expected
    //    cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs);
    //    int conflictTypeVal = -1;
    //    while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
    //      int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.CONFLICT_TYPE);
    //      int type = cursor.getType(ind);
    //      assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
    //      conflictTypeVal = cursor.getInt(ind);
    //    }
    //    assertEquals(conflictType, conflictTypeVal);
    //    // Restore row from conflict
    //    ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().restoreRowFromConflict(db, tableId, rowId, SyncState.synced, conflictType);
    //    // Run the query again and make sure that the restore row
    //    // from conflict worked as expected
    //    cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs);
    //    assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 1);
    //    while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
    //      int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.CONFLICT_TYPE);
    //      assertTrue(cursor.isNull(ind));
    //      int indSyncState = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.SYNC_STATE);
    //      int typeSyncState = cursor.getType(indSyncState);
    //      assertEquals(typeSyncState, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
    //      String syncStateVal = cursor.getString(indSyncState);
    //      assertEquals(syncStateVal,;
    //    }
    //    // Drop the table now that the test is done
    //    ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);
    //  }

     * Test server table schema eTag changed
    public void testServerTableSchemaETagChanged_ExpectPass() {
        // Test this after restructuring of the Sync code

     * Test set choice list
    public void testSetChoiceList() {
        ArrayList<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>();
        Map<String, Object> myMap = new TreeMap<String, Object>();
        Map<String, Object> displayText = new TreeMap<String, Object>();
        displayText.put("text", "displayText");
        myMap.put("choice_list_name", "test_list");
        myMap.put("data_value", "test");
        myMap.put("display", displayText);

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, null,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        String jsonChoiceList = null;
        try {
            jsonChoiceList = ODKFileUtils.mapper.writeValueAsString(values);
        } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
        String choiceListId = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().setChoiceList(db, jsonChoiceList);

        // Select the _choice_list_id from the _choice_lists table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + DatabaseConstants.CHOICE_LIST_TABLE_NAME + " WHERE "
                + ChoiceListColumns.CHOICE_LIST_ID + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + choiceListId };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);
        assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 1);

        String val = null;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(ChoiceListColumns.CHOICE_LIST_JSON);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            val = cursor.getString(ind);

        assertEquals(val, jsonChoiceList);

     * Test update table eTags
    public void testUpdateTableETags() throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        int testVal = 5;

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        String rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, rowId, activeUser,
                RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);
        assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 1);

        int val = 0;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
            val = cursor.getInt(ind);

        assertEquals(val, testVal);

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContextNoTableId = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db,
                null, activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel2 = "SELECT * FROM " + DatabaseConstants.TABLE_DEFS_TABLE_NAME + " WHERE "
                + TableDefinitionsColumns.TABLE_ID + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs2 = { "" + tableId };
        cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel2, selArgs2, null, accessContextNoTableId);
        assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 1);

        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(TableDefinitionsColumns.SCHEMA_ETAG);

            int ind2 = cursor.getColumnIndex(TableDefinitionsColumns.LAST_DATA_ETAG);

        // update db schema etag and last data etag
        String newSchemaETag = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        String newLastDataETag = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().privilegedUpdateTableETags(db, tableId, newSchemaETag, newLastDataETag);

        // Select everything out of the table
        cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel2, selArgs2, null, accessContextNoTableId);
        assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 1);

        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(TableDefinitionsColumns.SCHEMA_ETAG);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            assertEquals(newSchemaETag, cursor.getString(ind));

            int ind2 = cursor.getColumnIndex(TableDefinitionsColumns.LAST_DATA_ETAG);
            int type2 = cursor.getType(ind2);
            assertEquals(type2, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            assertEquals(newLastDataETag, cursor.getString(ind2));

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test update table last sync time
    public void testUpdateTableLastSyncTime_ExpectPass() throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        int testVal = 5;

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        String rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, rowId, activeUser,
                RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);
        assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 1);

        int val = 0;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
            val = cursor.getInt(ind);

        assertEquals(val, testVal);

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContextNoTableId = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db,
                null, activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel2 = "SELECT * FROM " + DatabaseConstants.TABLE_DEFS_TABLE_NAME + " WHERE "
                + TableDefinitionsColumns.TABLE_ID + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs2 = { "" + tableId };
        cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel2, selArgs2, null, accessContextNoTableId);
        assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 1);

        String defaultSyncTime = "-1";
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(TableDefinitionsColumns.LAST_SYNC_TIME);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            assertEquals(cursor.getString(ind), defaultSyncTime);

        // udpate db table last sync time
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().privilegedUpdateTableLastSyncTime(db, tableId);

        // Select everything out of the table
        cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel2, selArgs2, null, accessContextNoTableId);
        assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 1);

        String syncTime = null;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(TableDefinitionsColumns.LAST_SYNC_TIME);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            syncTime = cursor.getString(ind);

        // CAL: Should there be more checks here?
        assertNotSame(syncTime, defaultSyncTime);

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test update row eTag and sync state
    public void testUpdateRowETagAndSyncState_ExpectPass() throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        int testVal = 5;

        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        String rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, rowId, activeUser,
                RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Select everything out of the table
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + testCol + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        int val = 0;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
            val = cursor.getInt(ind);

        assertEquals(val, testVal);

        // Update the row ETag and sync state
        String rowETag = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().privilegedUpdateRowETagAndSyncState(db, tableId, rowId, rowETag,
                SyncState.synced, activeUser);

        // Run the query again and make sure that the place row in conflict worked as expected
        cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.ROW_ETAG);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            String rowETagVal = cursor.getString(ind);
            assertEquals(rowETag, rowETagVal);

            int indSyncState = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.SYNC_STATE);
            int typeSyncState = cursor.getType(indSyncState);
            assertEquals(typeSyncState, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
            String syncStateVal = cursor.getString(indSyncState);

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Generates sequential unique IDs starting with 1, 2, 3, and so on.
     * <p>
     * This class is thread-safe.
     * </p>
    static class UniqueIdGenerator {
        private final AtomicLong counter = new AtomicLong(0);

        public long nextId() {
            return counter.incrementAndGet();

    private List<Long> threadTest(final int threadCount, final String tableId, final String rowId,
            final String colPrefix, final OrderedColumns orderedColumns, final boolean useNewDB,
            final boolean multipleWrites, final int numOfMultiWrites)
            throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {

        final UniqueIdGenerator domainObject = new UniqueIdGenerator();
        Callable<Long> task = new Callable<Long>() {
            public synchronized Long call() {
                Long origVal = domainObject.nextId();
                int testVal = origVal.intValue();
                String testCol = colPrefix + testVal;
                ContentValues cvValues = null;

                OdkConnectionInterface dbToUse = db;
                if (useNewDB) {
                    DbHandle uniqueKey = new DbHandle(AbstractODKDatabaseUtilsTest.class.getSimpleName() + testVal
                            + AndroidConnectFactory.INTERNAL_TYPE_SUFFIX);
                    dbToUse = OdkConnectionFactorySingleton.getOdkConnectionFactoryInterface()
                            .getConnection(getAppName(), uniqueKey);

                try {
                    if (multipleWrites) {
                        for (int i = 1; i <= numOfMultiWrites; i++) {
                            cvValues = new ContentValues();
                            cvValues.put(testCol, i);
                            ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().updateRowWithId(dbToUse, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues,
                                    rowId, activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);
                            try {
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                    } else {
                        cvValues = new ContentValues();
                        cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);
                        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().updateRowWithId(dbToUse, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues,
                                rowId, activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);
                } catch (ActionNotAuthorizedException ex) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException(ex);

                if (dbToUse != null && useNewDB) {
                return origVal;
        List<Callable<Long>> tasks = Collections.nCopies(threadCount, task);
        ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threadCount);
        List<Future<Long>> futures = executorService.invokeAll(tasks);
        List<Long> resultList = new ArrayList<Long>(futures.size());

        // Check for exceptions
        for (Future<Long> future : futures) {
            // Throws an exception if an exception was thrown by the task.
        // Validate the IDs
        assertEquals(threadCount, futures.size());
        List<Long> expectedList = new ArrayList<Long>(threadCount);
        for (long i = 1; i <= threadCount; i++) {
        assertEquals(expectedList, resultList);

        return resultList;

     * Test multi-threaded test for inserting data into the database
    public void testMultithreadedDBInsertionWithoutClosingCursor_ExpectPass() throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        int numOfThreads = 5;
        String tableId = testTable;
        String colPrefix = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();

        // Create table with the right number of columns
        for (int i = 0; i <= numOfThreads; i++) {
            String testCol = colPrefix + i;
            columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));

        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        // Insert data so that the threads can all just update
        int testVal = 0;
        String setupTestCol = colPrefix + 0;
        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        String rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        cvValues.put(setupTestCol, testVal);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, rowId, activeUser,
                RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Ensure that the row exists
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + setupTestCol + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(setupTestCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
            int val = cursor.getInt(ind);
            assertEquals(val, testVal);

        // Have the threads all update the corresponding column in the table
        try {
            threadTest(numOfThreads, tableId, rowId, colPrefix, orderedColumns, false, false, 0);
        } catch (Exception e) {

        // Ensure that the row exists
        String sel2 = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + DataTableColumns.ID + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs2 = { "" + rowId };
        Cursor cursor2 = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel2, selArgs2, null, accessContext);

        assertEquals(cursor2.getCount(), 1);

        System.out.println("testMultithreadedDBInsertionWithoutClosingCursor_ExpectPass: before assert");

        while (cursor2.moveToNext()) {
            for (int i = 0; i <= numOfThreads; i++) {
                String columnName = colPrefix + i;
                int ind = cursor2.getColumnIndex(columnName);
                int type = cursor2.getType(ind);
                assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
                int val = cursor2.getInt(ind);
                assertEquals(val, i);

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test multi-threaded test for inserting data into the database
    public void testMultithreadedDBInsertionWithClosingCursor_ExpectPass() throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        int numOfThreads = 5;
        String tableId = testTable;
        String colPrefix = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();

        // Create table with the right number of columns
        for (int i = 0; i <= numOfThreads; i++) {
            String testCol = colPrefix + i;
            columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));

        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        // Insert data so that the threads can all just update
        int testVal = 0;
        String setupTestCol = colPrefix + 0;
        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        String rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        cvValues.put(setupTestCol, testVal);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, rowId, activeUser,
                RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Ensure that the row exists
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + setupTestCol + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(setupTestCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
            int val = cursor.getInt(ind);
            assertEquals(val, testVal);

        if (cursor != null && !cursor.isClosed()) {

        List<Long> returnedResults = null;

        // Have the threads all update the corresponding column in the table
        try {
            returnedResults = threadTest(numOfThreads, tableId, rowId, colPrefix, orderedColumns, false, false, 0);
        } catch (Exception e) {

        // Extra check to make sure that this has finished before
        // anything continues
        List<Long> expectedList = new ArrayList<Long>(numOfThreads);
        for (long i = 1; i <= numOfThreads; i++) {
        if (returnedResults != null) {

        assertEquals(expectedList, returnedResults);

        // Ensure that the row exists
        String sel2 = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId;
        String[] selArgs2 = null;
        Cursor cursor2 = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel2, selArgs2, null, accessContext);

        assertEquals(cursor2.getCount(), 1);

        System.out.println("testMultithreadedDBInsertionWithClosingCursor_ExpectPass: before assert");

        while (cursor2.moveToNext()) {
            assertEquals(cursor2.getColumnIndex(colPrefix), -1);
            for (int i = 0; i <= numOfThreads; i++) {
                String columnName = colPrefix + i;
                int ind = cursor2.getColumnIndex(columnName);
                int type = cursor2.getType(ind);
                assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
                int val = cursor2.getInt(ind);
                assertEquals(val, i);

        if (cursor2 != null && !cursor2.isClosed()) {

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

    * Test multi-threaded test for inserting data into the database
    public void testMultithreadedDBInsertionWithClosingCursorAndOrigConn_ExpectPass()
            throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        int numOfThreads = 5;
        String tableId = testTable;
        String colPrefix = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();

        // Create table with the right number of columns
        for (int i = 0; i <= numOfThreads; i++) {
            String testCol = colPrefix + i;
            columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));

        String uniqueUUID = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        DbHandle prevUniqueKey = new DbHandle(AbstractODKDatabaseUtilsTest.class.getSimpleName() + uniqueUUID
                + AndroidConnectFactory.INTERNAL_TYPE_SUFFIX);
        OdkConnectionInterface prevDb = OdkConnectionFactorySingleton.getOdkConnectionFactoryInterface()
                .getConnection(getAppName(), prevUniqueKey);

        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(prevDb, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        // Insert data so that the threads can all just update
        int testVal = 0;
        String setupTestCol = colPrefix + 0;
        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        String rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        cvValues.put(setupTestCol, testVal);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(prevDb, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, rowId, activeUser,
                RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Ensure that the row exists
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + setupTestCol + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(prevDb, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(setupTestCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
            int val = cursor.getInt(ind);
            assertEquals(val, testVal);

        if (cursor != null && !cursor.isClosed()) {

        List<Long> returnedResults = null;

        // Have the threads all update the corresponding column in the table
        try {
            returnedResults = threadTest(numOfThreads, tableId, rowId, colPrefix, orderedColumns, true, false, 0);
        } catch (Exception e) {

        // Extra check to make sure that this has finished before
        // anything continues
        List<Long> expectedList = new ArrayList<Long>(numOfThreads);
        for (long i = 1; i <= numOfThreads; i++) {
        if (returnedResults != null) {

        assertEquals(expectedList, returnedResults);

        // Ensure that the row exists
        String sel2 = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId;
        String[] selArgs2 = null;
        Cursor cursor2 = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(prevDb, sel2, selArgs2, null, accessContext);

        assertEquals(cursor2.getCount(), 1);

        System.out.println("testMultithreadedDBInsertionWithClosingCursor_ExpectPass: before assert");

        while (cursor2.moveToNext()) {
            assertEquals(cursor2.getColumnIndex(colPrefix), -1);
            for (int i = 0; i <= numOfThreads; i++) {
                String columnName = colPrefix + i;
                int ind = cursor2.getColumnIndex(columnName);
                int type = cursor2.getType(ind);
                assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
                int val = cursor2.getInt(ind);
                assertEquals(val, i);

        if (cursor2 != null && !cursor2.isClosed()) {

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test multi-threaded test for inserting data into the database
    public void testMultithreadedDBInsertionWithDBIntPerThreadAndForQuery_ExpectPass()
            throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        int numOfThreads = 5;
        String tableId = testTable;
        String colPrefix = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();

        // Create table with the right number of columns
        for (int i = 0; i <= numOfThreads; i++) {
            String testCol = colPrefix + i;
            columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));

        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        // Insert data so that the threads can all just update
        int testVal = 0;
        String setupTestCol = colPrefix + 0;
        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        String rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        cvValues.put(setupTestCol, testVal);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, rowId, activeUser,
                RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Ensure that the row exists
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + setupTestCol + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(setupTestCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
            int val = cursor.getInt(ind);
            assertEquals(val, testVal);

        if (cursor != null && !cursor.isClosed()) {

        // Have the threads all update the corresponding column in the table
        try {
            threadTest(numOfThreads, tableId, rowId, colPrefix, orderedColumns, true, false, 0);
        } catch (Exception e) {

        // Ensure that the row exists
        String sel2 = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId;
        String[] selArgs2 = null;

        // Query with new connection to see if this gets all recent operations
        DbHandle uniqueKey = new DbHandle(AbstractODKDatabaseUtilsTest.class.getSimpleName() + testVal
                + AndroidConnectFactory.INTERNAL_TYPE_SUFFIX);
        OdkConnectionInterface dbForQuery = OdkConnectionFactorySingleton.getOdkConnectionFactoryInterface()
                .getConnection(getAppName(), uniqueKey);

        Cursor cursor2 = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(dbForQuery, sel2, selArgs2, null, accessContext);

        assertEquals(cursor2.getCount(), 1);

        System.out.println("testMultithreadedDBInsertionWithDBIntPerThreadAndForQuery_ExpectPass: before assert");

        while (cursor2.moveToNext()) {
            for (int i = 1; i <= numOfThreads; i++) {
                        .println("testMultithreadedDBInsertionWithDBIntPerThreadAndForQuery_ExpectPass: assertion "
                                + "for thread " + i);
                String columnName = colPrefix + i;
                int ind = cursor2.getColumnIndex(columnName);
                int type = cursor2.getType(ind);
                assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
                int val = cursor2.getInt(ind);
                assertEquals(val, i);

        if (cursor2 != null && !cursor2.isClosed()) {

        System.out.println("testMultithreadedDBInsertionWithDBIntPerThreadAndForQuery_ExpectPass: after assert");

        // Release the OdkConnectionInterface used for the query

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test multi-threaded test for inserting data into the database
    public void testMultithreadedDBInsertionWithDBIntPerThreadWithTxn_ExpectPass()
            throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        int numOfThreads = 5;
        String tableId = testTable;
        String colPrefix = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();

        // Create table with the right number of columns
        for (int i = 0; i <= numOfThreads; i++) {
            String testCol = colPrefix + i;
            columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));

        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        // Insert data so that the threads can all just update
        int testVal = 0;
        String setupTestCol = colPrefix + 0;
        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        String rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        cvValues.put(setupTestCol, testVal);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, rowId, activeUser,
                RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Ensure that the row exists
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + setupTestCol + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(setupTestCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
            int val = cursor.getInt(ind);
            assertEquals(val, testVal);

        if (cursor != null && !cursor.isClosed()) {

        // Have the threads all update the corresponding column in the table
        try {
            threadTest(numOfThreads, tableId, rowId, colPrefix, orderedColumns, true, false, 0);
        } catch (Exception e) {

        // Ensure that the row exists
        boolean dbWithinTrxn = db.inTransaction();
        if (!dbWithinTrxn) {
            String sel2 = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId;
            String[] selArgs2 = null;
            Cursor cursor2 = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel2, selArgs2, null, accessContext);

            assertEquals(cursor2.getCount(), 1);

            System.out.println("testMultithreadedDBInsertionWithDBIntPerThreadWithTxn_ExpectPass: before assert");

            while (cursor2.moveToNext()) {
                for (int i = 1; i <= numOfThreads; i++) {
                            .println("testMultithreadedDBInsertionWithDBIntPerThreadWithTxn_ExpectPass: assertion "
                                    + "for thread " + i);
                    String columnName = colPrefix + i;
                    int ind = cursor2.getColumnIndex(columnName);
                    int type = cursor2.getType(ind);
                    assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
                    int val = cursor2.getInt(ind);
                    assertEquals(val, i);

            if (cursor2 != null && !cursor2.isClosed()) {


        System.out.println("testMultithreadedDBInsertionWithDBIntPerThreadWithTxn_ExpectPass: after assert");

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test multi-threaded test for inserting data into the database
    public void testMultithreadedDBInsertionWithDBIntPerThreadWithTxnOnUpdate_ExpectPass()
            throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        int numOfThreads = 5;
        String tableId = testTable;
        String colPrefix = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();

        // Create table with the right number of columns
        for (int i = 0; i <= numOfThreads; i++) {
            String testCol = colPrefix + i;
            columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));

        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        // Insert data so that the threads can all just update
        int testVal = 0;
        String setupTestCol = colPrefix + 0;
        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        String rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        cvValues.put(setupTestCol, testVal);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, rowId, activeUser,
                RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Ensure that the row exists
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + setupTestCol + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(setupTestCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
            int val = cursor.getInt(ind);
            assertEquals(val, testVal);

        if (cursor != null && !cursor.isClosed()) {

        // Have the threads all update the corresponding column in the table
        try {
            threadTest(numOfThreads, tableId, rowId, colPrefix, orderedColumns, true, false, 0);
        } catch (Exception e) {

        // Ensure that the row exists
        boolean dbWithinTrxn = db.inTransaction();
        int testValAgain = 100;
        if (!dbWithinTrxn) {
            ContentValues cvValuesAgain = new ContentValues();
            cvValuesAgain.put(setupTestCol, testValAgain);
            ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().updateRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValuesAgain, rowId,
                    activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        String sel2 = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId;
        String[] selArgs2 = null;
        Cursor cursor2 = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel2, selArgs2, null, accessContext);

        assertEquals(cursor2.getCount(), 1);

        System.out.println("testMultithreadedDBInsertionWithDBIntPerThreadWithTxn_ExpectPass: before assert");

        while (cursor2.moveToNext()) {
            int indAgain = cursor2.getColumnIndex(setupTestCol);
            int typeAgain = cursor2.getType(indAgain);
            assertEquals(typeAgain, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
            int valAgain = cursor2.getInt(indAgain);
            assertEquals(valAgain, testValAgain);
            for (int i = 1; i <= numOfThreads; i++) {
                System.out.println("testMultithreadedDBInsertionWithDBIntPerThreadWithTxn_ExpectPass: assertion "
                        + "for thread " + i);
                String columnName = colPrefix + i;
                int ind = cursor2.getColumnIndex(columnName);
                int type = cursor2.getType(ind);
                assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
                int val = cursor2.getInt(ind);
                assertEquals(val, i);

        if (cursor2 != null && !cursor2.isClosed()) {

        System.out.println("testMultithreadedDBInsertionWithDBIntPerThreadWithTxn_ExpectPass: after assert");

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test multi-threaded test for inserting data into the database
    public void testMultithreadedMultipleDBInsertionWithNewDBForQuery_ExpectPass()
            throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        int numOfThreads = 20;
        String tableId = testTable;
        String colPrefix = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();

        // Create table with the right number of columns
        for (int i = 0; i <= numOfThreads; i++) {
            String testCol = colPrefix + i;
            columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));

        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        // Insert data so that the threads can all just update
        int testVal = 0;
        String setupTestCol = colPrefix + 0;
        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        String rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        cvValues.put(setupTestCol, testVal);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, rowId, activeUser,
                RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Ensure that the row exists
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + setupTestCol + " = ?";
        String[] selArgs = { "" + testVal };
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(setupTestCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
            int val = cursor.getInt(ind);
            assertEquals(val, testVal);

        if (cursor != null && !cursor.isClosed()) {

        // Have the threads all update the corresponding column in the table
        int numOfWritesForThreads = 100;
        try {
            threadTest(numOfThreads, tableId, rowId, colPrefix, orderedColumns, true, true, numOfWritesForThreads);
        } catch (Exception e) {

        // Ensure that the row exists
        Cursor cursor2 = null;

        // Try this to see if it makes a difference
        // Query with new connection to see if this gets all recent operations
        String uuid = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        DbHandle uniqueKey = new DbHandle(AbstractODKDatabaseUtilsTest.class.getSimpleName() + uuid
                + AndroidConnectFactory.INTERNAL_TYPE_SUFFIX);
        OdkConnectionInterface dbForQuery = OdkConnectionFactorySingleton.getOdkConnectionFactoryInterface()
                .getConnection(getAppName(), uniqueKey);

        String sel2 = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId;
        String[] selArgs2 = null;
        cursor2 = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(dbForQuery, sel2, selArgs2, null, accessContext);

        assertEquals(cursor2.getCount(), 1);

        System.out.println("testMultithreadedMultipleDBInsertion_ExpectPass: before assert");

        while (cursor2.moveToNext()) {
            int indAgain = cursor2.getColumnIndex(setupTestCol);
            int typeAgain = cursor2.getType(indAgain);
            assertEquals(typeAgain, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
            int valAgain = cursor2.getInt(indAgain);
            assertEquals(valAgain, testVal);
            for (int i = 1; i <= numOfThreads; i++) {
                        .println("testMultithreadedMultipleDBInsertion_ExpectPass: assertion " + "for thread " + i);
                String columnName = colPrefix + i;
                int ind = cursor2.getColumnIndex(columnName);
                int type = cursor2.getType(ind);
                assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
                int val = cursor2.getInt(ind);
                assertEquals(val, numOfWritesForThreads);

        if (cursor2 != null && !cursor2.isClosed()) {

        System.out.println("testMultithreadedMultipleDBInsertion_ExpectPass: after assert");

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test multi-threaded test for inserting data into the database
    public void testMultithreadedMultipleDBInsertionWithSameSelect_ExpectPass()
            throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        int numOfThreads = 20;
        String tableId = testTable;
        String colPrefix = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();

        // Create table with the right number of columns
        for (int i = 0; i <= numOfThreads; i++) {
            String testCol = colPrefix + i;
            columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));

        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        // Insert data so that the threads can all just update
        int testVal = 0;
        String setupTestCol = colPrefix + 0;
        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        String rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        cvValues.put(setupTestCol, testVal);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, rowId, activeUser,
                RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Ensure that the row exists
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId;
        String[] selArgs = null;
        Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(setupTestCol);
            int type = cursor.getType(ind);
            assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
            int val = cursor.getInt(ind);
            assertEquals(val, testVal);

        if (cursor != null && !cursor.isClosed()) {

        // Have the threads all update the corresponding column in the table
        int numOfWritesForThreads = 100;
        try {
            threadTest(numOfThreads, tableId, rowId, colPrefix, orderedColumns, true, true, numOfWritesForThreads);
        } catch (Exception e) {

        Cursor cursor2 = null;
        String sel2 = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId;
        String[] selArgs2 = null;
        cursor2 = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel2, selArgs2, null, accessContext);

        assertEquals(cursor2.getCount(), 1);

        System.out.println("testMultithreadedMultipleDBInsertionWithSameSelect_ExpectPass: before assert");

        while (cursor2.moveToNext()) {
            int indAgain = cursor2.getColumnIndex(setupTestCol);
            int typeAgain = cursor2.getType(indAgain);
            assertEquals(typeAgain, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
            int valAgain = cursor2.getInt(indAgain);
            assertEquals(valAgain, testVal);
            for (int i = 1; i <= numOfThreads; i++) {
                System.out.println("testMultithreadedMultipleDBInsertionWithSameSelect_ExpectPass: assertion "
                        + "for thread " + i);
                String columnName = colPrefix + i;
                int ind = cursor2.getColumnIndex(columnName);
                int type = cursor2.getType(ind);
                assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
                int val = cursor2.getInt(ind);
                assertEquals(val, numOfWritesForThreads);

        if (cursor2 != null && !cursor2.isClosed()) {

        System.out.println("testMultithreadedMultipleDBInsertionWithSameSelect_ExpectPass: after assert");

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test multi-threaded test for inserting data into the database
    public void testMultipleConnectionsWithTableDeletionAndCreation_ExpectPass()
            throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        String tableId = testTable;
        String testCol = "testColumn";
        String testColType =;
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));

        // Create two different db connections
        String uuid1 = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        DbHandle uniqueKey1 = new DbHandle(AbstractODKDatabaseUtilsTest.class.getSimpleName() + uuid1
                + AndroidConnectFactory.INTERNAL_TYPE_SUFFIX);
        OdkConnectionInterface db1 = OdkConnectionFactorySingleton.getOdkConnectionFactoryInterface()
                .getConnection(getAppName(), uniqueKey1);

        String uuid2 = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        DbHandle uniqueKey2 = new DbHandle(AbstractODKDatabaseUtilsTest.class.getSimpleName() + uuid2
                + AndroidConnectFactory.INTERNAL_TYPE_SUFFIX);
        OdkConnectionInterface db2 = OdkConnectionFactorySingleton.getOdkConnectionFactoryInterface()
                .getConnection(getAppName(), uniqueKey2);

        // Create a table on db1
        OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db1, tableId,

        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db, tableId,
                activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

        // Insert a row using db1
        int testVal = 5;
        ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
        String rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db1, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, rowId, activeUser,
                RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Have both query the table
        // Query with db1
        String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId;
        String[] selArgs = null;
        Cursor cursor1 = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db1, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        while (cursor1.moveToNext()) {
            int ind1 = cursor1.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type1 = cursor1.getType(ind1);
            assertEquals(type1, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
            int val1 = cursor1.getInt(ind1);
            assertEquals(val1, testVal);

        // Query with db2
        Cursor cursor2 = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db2, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        while (cursor2.moveToNext()) {
            int ind2 = cursor2.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type2 = cursor2.getType(ind2);
            assertEquals(type2, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
            int val2 = cursor2.getInt(ind2);
            assertEquals(val2, testVal);

        // Delete the table and recreate with a different row
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db1, tableId);

        // Create a table on db1
        String newTestCol = "testColumn0";
        List<Column> newColumns = new ArrayList<Column>();
        newColumns.add(new Column(newTestCol, newTestCol, testColType, "[]"));
        orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db1, tableId, newColumns);

        // Re-create the same table with different row
        int newTestVal = 200;
        cvValues = new ContentValues();
        rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();
        cvValues.put(newTestCol, newTestVal);
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db1, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, rowId, activeUser,
                RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

        // Have both connections re-query the table
        // Query with db1
        cursor1 = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db1, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        while (cursor1.moveToNext()) {
            int ind3 = cursor1.getColumnIndex(newTestCol);
            int type3 = cursor1.getType(ind3);
            assertEquals(type3, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
            int val3 = cursor1.getInt(ind3);
            assertEquals(val3, newTestVal);

        // Query with db2
        cursor2 = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db2, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

        while (cursor2.moveToNext()) {
            int ind4 = cursor2.getColumnIndex(testCol);
            int type4 = cursor2.getType(ind4);
            assertEquals(type4, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER);
            int val4 = cursor2.getInt(ind4);
            assertEquals(val4, newTestVal);

        // Close the cursor
        if (cursor1 != null && !cursor1.isClosed()) {

        if (cursor2 != null && !cursor2.isClosed()) {

        System.out.println("testMultipleConnectionsWithTableDeletionAndCreation_ExpectPass: after assert");

        // Drop the table now that the test is done
        ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

     * Test for memory leaks in the SQL interface.
     * The general plan is to do a large loop where we create a table, insert a row,
     * select data from the table, drop the table, and create 2 x ( set of small byte[]
     * allocations ), every iteration, free 1x of the byte[] allocations.
    private void internalTestMemoryLeakCycling_ExpectPass(int maxIterations) throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {

        LinkedList<byte[]> byteQueue = new LinkedList<byte[]>();

        String tableId = "memoryTest";
        int maxBytes = 32;
        String testColType =;

        for (int j = 0; j < maxIterations; ++j) {
            if (j % 10 == 0) {
                System.out.println("iteration " + j + " of " + maxIterations);

            int maxCols = 10 + (j % 7);
            // construct table
            List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
            for (int i = 0; i < maxCols; ++i) {
                String testCol = "testColumn_" + Integer.toString(i);
                columns.add(new Column(testCol, testCol, testColType, "[]"));
            OrderedColumns orderedColumns = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().createOrOpenTableWithColumns(db, tableId,

            ODKDatabaseImplUtils.AccessContext accessContext = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().getAccessContext(db,
                    tableId, activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

            String rowId = LocalizationUtils.genUUID();

            ContentValues cvValues = new ContentValues();
            for (int i = 0; i < maxCols; ++i) {
                String testCol = "testColumn_" + Integer.toString(i);
                String testVal = "testVal_" + Integer.toString(i);
                cvValues.put(testCol, testVal);

            ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().insertRowWithId(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvValues, rowId, activeUser,
                    RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST, currentLocale);

            // Select everything out of the table
            String queryCol = "testColumn_" + Integer.toString(j % maxCols);
            String queryVal = "testVal_" + Integer.toString(j % maxCols);
            String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + queryCol + " = ?";
            String[] selArgs = { queryVal };
            Cursor cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

            String val = null;
            while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
                int ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(queryCol);
                int type = cursor.getType(ind);
                assertEquals(type, Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING);
                val = cursor.getString(ind);

                ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.SAVEPOINT_TYPE);

                // Get the conflict_type and make sure that it is null
                ind = cursor.getColumnIndex(DataTableColumns.CONFLICT_TYPE);

            assertEquals(val, queryVal);

            ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteRowWithId(db, tableId, rowId, activeUser, RoleConsts.ADMIN_ROLES_LIST);

            // Select everything out of the table
            sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId;
            selArgs = new String[0];
            cursor = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs, null, accessContext);

            assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), 0);

            // Drop the table now that the test is done
            ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().deleteTableAndAllData(db, tableId);

            for (int len = 1; len < maxBytes; len += 4) {
                byte[] bytes = new byte[len];
                for (int k = 0; k < len; ++k) {
                    bytes[k] = (byte) k;
            for (int len = 1; len < maxBytes; len += 4) {
                byte[] bytes = new byte[len];
                for (int k = 0; k < len; ++k) {
                    bytes[k] = (byte) k;
            for (int len = 1; len < maxBytes; len += 4) {
                byte[] bytes = byteQueue.pop();
                for (int k = 0; k < len; ++k) {
                    assertEquals(bytes[k], (byte) k);

    public void testMemoryLeakCyclingSubset_ExpectPass() throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        int maxIterations = 200;


    public void testMemoryLeakCycling_ExpectPass() throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {
        int maxIterations = 1000;
