Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2012 University of Washington
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.
package org.opendatakit.sync;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
import org.apache.wink.client.ClientWebException;
import org.opendatakit.sync.SynchronizationResult.Status;
import org.opendatakit.sync.exceptions.InvalidAuthTokenException;
import org.opendatakit.sync.service.SyncProgressState;

import android.content.ContentValues;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAutoDetect.Visibility;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;

 * SyncProcessor implements the cloud synchronization logic for Tables.
 * @author
 * @author
public class ProcessRowDataChanges {

    private static final String TAG = ProcessRowDataChanges.class.getSimpleName();

    private static final int UPSERT_BATCH_SIZE = 500;
    private static final int ROWS_BETWEEN_PROGRESS_UPDATES = 10;
    private static final ObjectMapper mapper;

    static {
        mapper = new ObjectMapper();

    private WebLogger log;

    private final SyncExecutionContext sc;

    private Double perRowIncrement;
    private int rowsProcessed;

    public ProcessRowDataChanges(SyncExecutionContext sharedContext) { = sharedContext;
        this.log = WebLogger.getLogger(sc.getAppName());

     * Common error reporting...
     * @param method
     * @param tableId
     * @param e
     * @param tableResult
    private void clientAuthException(String method, String tableId, Exception e, TableResult tableResult) {
        String msg = e.getMessage();
        if (msg == null) {
            msg = e.toString();
                String.format("ResourceAccessException in %s for table: %s exception: %s", method, tableId, msg));

     * Common error reporting...
     * @param method
     * @param tableId
     * @param e
     * @param tableResult
    private void clientWebException(String method, String tableId, ClientWebException e, TableResult tableResult) {
        String msg = e.getMessage();
        if (msg == null) {
            msg = e.toString();
                String.format("ResourceAccessException in %s for table: %s exception: %s", method, tableId, msg));

     * Common error reporting...
     * @param method
     * @param tableId
     * @param e
     * @param tableResult
    private void exception(String method, String tableId, Exception e, TableResult tableResult) {
        String msg = e.getMessage();
        if (msg == null) {
            msg = e.toString();
        log.e(TAG, String.format("Unexpected exception in %s on table: %s exception: %s", method, tableId, msg));

     * Synchronize all synchronized tables with the cloud.
     * <p>
     * This becomes more complicated with the ability to synchronize files. The
     * new order is as follows:
     * <ol>
     * <li>Synchronize app-level files. (i.e. those files under the appid
     * directory that are NOT then under the tables, instances, metadata, or
     * logging directories.) This is a multi-part process:
     * <ol>
     * <li>Get the app-level manifest, download any files that have changed
     * (differing hashes) or that do not exist.</li>
     * <li>Upload the files that you have that are not on the manifest. Note that
     * this could be suppressed if the user does not have appropriate permissions.
     * </li>
     * </ol>
     * </li>
     * <li>Synchronize the static table files for those tables that are set to
     * sync. (i.e. those files under "appid/tables/tableid"). This follows the
     * same multi-part steps above (1a and 1b).</li>
     * <li>Synchronize the table properties/metadata.</li>
     * <li>Synchronize the table data. This includes the data in the db as well as
     * those files under "appid/instances/tableid". This file synchronization
     * follows the same multi-part steps above (1a and 1b).</li>
     * <li>TODO: step four--the synchronization of instances files--should perhaps
     * also be allowed to be modular and permit things like ODK Submit to handle
     * data and files separately.</li>
     * </ol>
     * <p>
     * TODO: This should also somehow account for zipped files, exploding them or
     * what have you.
     * </p>
     * @param workingListOfTables
     *          -- the list of tables we should sync with the server. This will be
     *          a subset of the available local tables -- if there was any error
     *          during the sync'ing of the table-level files, or if the table
     *          schema does not match, the local table will be omitted from this
     *          list.
    public void synchronizeDataRowsAndAttachments(List<TableResource> workingListOfTables,
            boolean deferInstanceAttachments) {
        log.i(TAG, "entered synchronize()");

        SQLiteDatabase db = null;

        // we can assume that all the local table properties should
        // sync with the server.
        for (TableResource tableResource : workingListOfTables) {
            // Sync the local media files with the server if the table
            // existed locally before we attempted downloading it.

            String tableId = tableResource.getTableId();
            TableDefinitionEntry te;
            ArrayList<ColumnDefinition> orderedDefns;
            String displayName;
            try {
                db = sc.getDatabase();
                te = ODKDatabaseUtils.get().getTableDefinitionEntry(db, tableId);
                orderedDefns = TableUtil.get().getColumnDefinitions(db, sc.getAppName(), tableId);
                displayName = TableUtil.get().getLocalizedDisplayName(db, tableId);
            } finally {
                if (db != null) {
                    db = null;

            synchronizeTableDataRowsAndAttachments(tableResource, te, orderedDefns, displayName,

    private UserTable updateLocalRowsFromServerChanges(TableResource tableResource, TableDefinitionEntry te,
            ArrayList<ColumnDefinition> orderedColumns, String displayName, boolean deferInstanceAttachments,
            ArrayList<ColumnDefinition> fileAttachmentColumns, List<SyncRowPending> rowsToPushFileAttachments,
            UserTable localDataTable, RowResourceList rows) throws IOException {

        String tableId = tableResource.getTableId();
        TableResult tableResult = sc.getTableResult(tableId);

        if (rows.getRows().isEmpty()) {
            // nothing here -- let caller determine whether we are done or
            // whether we need to issue another request to the server.
            return localDataTable;

        Map<String, SyncRow> changedServerRows = new HashMap<String, SyncRow>();
        for (RowResource row : rows.getRows()) {
            SyncRow syncRow = new SyncRow(row.getRowId(), row.getRowETag(), row.isDeleted(), row.getFormId(),
                    row.getLocale(), row.getSavepointType(), row.getSavepointTimestamp(), row.getSavepointCreator(),
                    row.getFilterScope(), row.getValues(), fileAttachmentColumns);
            changedServerRows.put(row.getRowId(), syncRow);

        sc.updateNotification(SyncProgressState.ROWS, R.string.anaylzing_row_changes, new Object[] { tableId }, 7.0,

         * PART 2: UPDATE THE DATA
        log.d(TAG, "updateDbFromServer setServerHadDataChanges(true)");
        // these are all the various actions we will need to take:

        // serverRow updated; no matching localRow
        List<SyncRowDataChanges> rowsToInsertLocally = new ArrayList<SyncRowDataChanges>();

        // serverRow updated; localRow SyncState is synced or
        // synced_pending_files
        List<SyncRowDataChanges> rowsToUpdateLocally = new ArrayList<SyncRowDataChanges>();

        // serverRow deleted; localRow SyncState is synced or
        // synced_pending_files
        List<SyncRowDataChanges> rowsToDeleteLocally = new ArrayList<SyncRowDataChanges>();

        // serverRow updated or deleted; localRow SyncState is not synced or
        // synced_pending_files
        List<SyncRowDataChanges> rowsToMoveToInConflictLocally = new ArrayList<SyncRowDataChanges>();

        // loop through the localRow table
        for (int i = 0; i < localDataTable.getNumberOfRows(); i++) {
            Row localRow = localDataTable.getRowAtIndex(i);
            String stateStr = localRow.getRawDataOrMetadataByElementKey(DataTableColumns.SYNC_STATE);
            SyncState state = stateStr == null ? null : SyncState.valueOf(stateStr);

            String rowId = localRow.getRowId();

            // see if there is a change to this row from our current
            // server change set.
            SyncRow serverRow = changedServerRows.get(rowId);

            if (serverRow == null) {

            // OK -- the server is reporting a change (in serverRow) to the
            // localRow.
            // if the localRow is already in a in_conflict state, determine
            // what its
            // ConflictType is. If the localRow holds the earlier server-side
            // change,
            // then skip and look at the next record.
            int localRowConflictTypeBeforeSync = -1;
            if (state == SyncState.in_conflict) {
                // we need to remove the in_conflict records that refer to the
                // prior state of the server
                String localRowConflictTypeBeforeSyncStr = localRow
                localRowConflictTypeBeforeSync = localRowConflictTypeBeforeSyncStr == null ? null
                        : Integer.parseInt(localRowConflictTypeBeforeSyncStr);
                if (localRowConflictTypeBeforeSync == ConflictType.SERVER_DELETED_OLD_VALUES
                        || localRowConflictTypeBeforeSync == ConflictType.SERVER_UPDATED_UPDATED_VALUES) {
                    // This localRow holds the server values from a
                    // previously-identified conflict.
                    // Skip it -- we will clean up this copy later once we find
                    // the matching localRow
                    // that holds the locally-changed values that were in conflict
                    // with this earlier
                    // set of server values.

            // remove this server row from the map of changes reported by the
            // server.
            // the following decision tree will always place the row into one
            // of the
            // local action lists.

            // OK the record is either a simple local record or a local
            // in_conflict record
            if (state == SyncState.synced || state == SyncState.synced_pending_files) {
                // the server's change should be applied locally.
                // the file attachments might be stale locally,
                // but those are dealt with separately.

                if (serverRow.isDeleted()) {
                    rowsToDeleteLocally.add(new SyncRowDataChanges(serverRow,
                            SyncRow.convertToSyncRow(orderedColumns, fileAttachmentColumns, localRow),
                            (state == SyncState.synced_pending_files)));
                } else {
                    rowsToUpdateLocally.add(new SyncRowDataChanges(serverRow,
                            SyncRow.convertToSyncRow(orderedColumns, fileAttachmentColumns, localRow),
                            (state == SyncState.synced_pending_files)));
            } else if (serverRow.isDeleted() && (state == SyncState.deleted || (state == SyncState.in_conflict
                    && localRowConflictTypeBeforeSync == ConflictType.LOCAL_DELETED_OLD_VALUES))) {
                // this occurs if
                // (1) a delete request was never ACKed but it was performed
                // on the server.
                // (2) if there is an unresolved conflict held locally with the
                // local action being to delete the record, and the prior server
                // state being a value change, but the newly sync'd state now
                // reflects a deletion by another party.

                // no need to worry about server in_conflict records.
                // any server in_conflict rows will be deleted during the delete
                // step
                rowsToDeleteLocally.add(new SyncRowDataChanges(serverRow,
                        SyncRow.convertToSyncRow(orderedColumns, fileAttachmentColumns, localRow), false));
            } else {
                // SyncState.deleted and server is not deleting
                // SyncState.new_row and record exists on server
                // SyncState.changed and new change on server
                // SyncState.in_conflict and new change on server

                // no need to worry about server in_conflict records.
                // any server in_conflict rows will be cleaned up during the
                // update of the in_conflict state.

                // figure out what the localRow conflict type should be...
                Integer localRowConflictType;
                if (state == SyncState.changed) {
                    // SyncState.changed and new change on server
                    localRowConflictType = ConflictType.LOCAL_UPDATED_UPDATED_VALUES;
                    log.i(TAG, "local row was in sync state CHANGED, changing to "
                            + "IN_CONFLICT and setting conflict type to: " + localRowConflictType);
                } else if (state == SyncState.new_row) {
                    // SyncState.new_row and record exists on server
                    // The 'new_row' case occurs if an insert is never ACKed but
                    // completes successfully on the server.
                    localRowConflictType = ConflictType.LOCAL_UPDATED_UPDATED_VALUES;
                    log.i(TAG, "local row was in sync state NEW_ROW, changing to "
                            + "IN_CONFLICT and setting conflict type to: " + localRowConflictType);
                } else if (state == SyncState.deleted) {
                    // SyncState.deleted and server is not deleting
                    localRowConflictType = ConflictType.LOCAL_DELETED_OLD_VALUES;
                    log.i(TAG, "local row was in sync state DELETED, changing to "
                            + "IN_CONFLICT and updating conflict type to: " + localRowConflictType);
                } else if (state == SyncState.in_conflict) {
                    // SyncState.in_conflict and new change on server
                    // leave the local conflict type unchanged (retrieve it and
                    // use it).
                    localRowConflictType = localRowConflictTypeBeforeSync;
                            "local row was in sync state IN_CONFLICT, leaving as "
                                    + "IN_CONFLICT and leaving conflict type unchanged as: "
                                    + localRowConflictTypeBeforeSync);
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected state encountered");
                SyncRowDataChanges syncRow = new SyncRowDataChanges(serverRow,
                        SyncRow.convertToSyncRow(orderedColumns, fileAttachmentColumns, localRow), false,

                if (!syncRow.identicalValues(orderedColumns)) {
                    if (syncRow.identicalValuesExceptRowETagAndFilterScope(orderedColumns)) {
                        // just apply the server RowETag and filterScope to the
                        // local row
                        rowsToUpdateLocally.add(new SyncRowDataChanges(serverRow,
                                SyncRow.convertToSyncRow(orderedColumns, fileAttachmentColumns, localRow), true));
                    } else {
                } else {
                    log.w(TAG, "identical rows returned from server -- SHOULDN'T THESE NOT HAPPEN?");

        // Now, go through the remaining serverRows in the rows map. That
        // map now contains only row changes that don't affect any existing
        // localRow. If the server change is not a row-deletion / revoke-row
        // action, then insert the serverRow locally.
        for (SyncRow serverRow : changedServerRows.values()) {
            boolean isDeleted = serverRow.isDeleted();
            if (!isDeleted) {
                rowsToInsertLocally.add(new SyncRowDataChanges(serverRow, null, false));

        // OK we have captured the local inserting, locally updating,
        // locally deleting and conflicting actions. And we know
        // the changes for the server. Determine the per-row percentage
        // for applying all these changes

        int totalChange = rowsToInsertLocally.size() + rowsToUpdateLocally.size() + rowsToDeleteLocally.size()
                + rowsToMoveToInConflictLocally.size();

        perRowIncrement = 70.0 / ((double) (totalChange + 1));
        rowsProcessed = 0;
        boolean hasAttachments = !fileAttachmentColumns.isEmpty();

        // i.e., we have created entries in the various action lists
        // for all the actions we should take.

        // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////

            SQLiteDatabase db = null;
            try {
                db = sc.getDatabase();

                // this will individually move some files to the locally-deleted state
                // if we cannot sync file attachments in those rows.
                pushLocalAttachmentsBeforeDeleteRowsInDb(db, tableResource, rowsToDeleteLocally,
                        fileAttachmentColumns, deferInstanceAttachments, tableResult);

                // and now do a big transaction to update the local database.

                deleteRowsInDb(db, tableResource, rowsToDeleteLocally, fileAttachmentColumns,
                        deferInstanceAttachments, tableResult);

                insertRowsInDb(db, tableResource, orderedColumns, rowsToInsertLocally, rowsToPushFileAttachments,
                        hasAttachments, tableResult);

                updateRowsInDb(db, tableResource, orderedColumns, rowsToUpdateLocally, rowsToPushFileAttachments,
                        hasAttachments, tableResult);

                conflictRowsInDb(db, tableResource, orderedColumns, rowsToMoveToInConflictLocally,
                        rowsToPushFileAttachments, hasAttachments, tableResult);

                localDataTable = ODKDatabaseUtils.get().rawSqlQuery(db, sc.getAppName(), tableId, orderedColumns,
                        null, null, null, null, DataTableColumns.ID, "ASC");

                // TODO: fix this for synced_pending_files
                // We likely need to relax this constraint on the
                // server?

            } finally {
                if (db != null) {
                    db = null;

        return localDataTable;

     * Synchronize the table data rows.
     * <p>
     * Note that if the db changes under you when calling this method, the tp
     * parameter will become out of date. It should be refreshed after calling
     * this method.
     * <p>
     * This method does NOT synchronize any non-instance files; it assumes the
     * database schema has already been sync'd.
     * @param tableResource
     *          the table resource from the server, either from the getTables()
     *          call or from a createTable() response.
     * @param te
     *          definition of the table to synchronize
     * @param orderedColumns
     *          well-formed ordered list of columns in this table.
     * @param displayName
     *          display name for this tableId - used in notifications
     * @param deferInstanceAttachments
     *          true if new instance attachments should NOT be pulled from or
     *          pushed to the server. e.g., for bandwidth management.
    private void synchronizeTableDataRowsAndAttachments(TableResource tableResource, TableDefinitionEntry te,
            ArrayList<ColumnDefinition> orderedColumns, String displayName, boolean deferInstanceAttachments) {
        boolean attachmentSyncSuccessful = false;
        boolean rowDataSyncSuccessful = false;

        ArrayList<ColumnDefinition> fileAttachmentColumns = new ArrayList<ColumnDefinition>();
        for (ColumnDefinition cd : orderedColumns) {
            if (cd.getType().getDataType() == ElementDataType.rowpath) {

        log.i(TAG, "synchronizeTableDataRowsAndAttachments - deferInstanceAttachments: "
                + Boolean.toString(deferInstanceAttachments));

        // Prepare the tableResult. We'll start it as failure, and only update it
        // if we're successful at the end.
        String tableId = te.getTableId();
        TableResult tableResult = sc.getTableResult(tableId);
        if (tableResult.getStatus() != Status.WORKING) {
            // there was some sort of error...
            log.e(TAG, "Skipping data sync - error in table schema or file verification step " + tableId);

        if (tableId.equals("framework")) {
            // do not sync the framework table
            sc.updateNotification(SyncProgressState.ROWS, R.string.table_data_sync_complete,
                    new Object[] { tableId }, 100.0, false);

        boolean containsConflicts = false;

        try {
            log.i(TAG, "REST " + tableId);

            int passNumber = 1;
            while (passNumber <= 2) {
                // reset the table status to working...
                tableResult.setMessage((passNumber == 1) ? "beginning row data sync" : "retrying row data sync");


                sc.updateNotification(SyncProgressState.ROWS, R.string.verifying_table_schema_on_server,
                        new Object[] { tableId }, 0.0, false);

                // test that the schemaETag matches
                // if it doesn't, the user MUST sync app-level files and
                // configuration
                // syncing at the app level will adjust/set the local table
                // properties
                // schemaETag to match that on the server.
                String schemaETag = te.getSchemaETag();
                if (schemaETag == null || !tableResource.getSchemaETag().equals(schemaETag)) {
                    // schemaETag is not identical
                            "Server schemaETag differs! Sync app-level files and configuration in order to sync this table.");

                // file attachments we should sync with the server...
                List<SyncRowPending> rowsToPushFileAttachments = new ArrayList<SyncRowPending>();

                boolean updateToServerSuccessful = false;
                for (; !updateToServerSuccessful;) {

                    updateToServerSuccessful = false;

                    // always start with an empty synced-pending-files list.

                    try {
                        // //////////////////////////////////////////////////
                        // //////////////////////////////////////////////////
                        // get all the rows in the data table -- we will iterate through
                        // them all.
                        UserTable localDataTable;
                            SQLiteDatabase db = null;

                            try {
                                db = sc.getDatabase();
                                localDataTable = ODKDatabaseUtils.get().rawSqlQuery(db, sc.getAppName(), tableId,
                                        orderedColumns, null, null, null, null, DataTableColumns.ID, "ASC");
                            } finally {
                                if (db != null) {
                                    db = null;

                        containsConflicts = localDataTable.hasConflictRows();

                        // //////////////////////////////////////////////////
                        // //////////////////////////////////////////////////
                        // fail the sync on this table if there are checkpoint rows.

                        if (localDataTable.hasCheckpointRows()) {
                            // should only be reachable on the first time through this for
                            // loop...

                        // //////////////////////////////////////////////////
                        // //////////////////////////////////////////////////
                        // Pull changes from the server...


                        sc.updateNotification(SyncProgressState.ROWS, R.string.getting_changed_rows_on_server,
                                new Object[] { tableId }, 5.0, false);

                        boolean pullCompletedSuccessfully = false;
                        String firstDataETag = null;
                        String websafeResumeCursor = null;
                        for (;;) {
                            RowResourceList rows = null;

                            try {
                                rows = sc.getSynchronizer().getUpdates(tableResource, te.getLastDataETag(),
                                if (firstDataETag == null) {
                                    firstDataETag = rows.getDataETag();
                            } catch (ClientWebException e) {
                                if (e.getResponse() != null
                                        && e.getResponse().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
                                    clientAuthException("synchronizeTable - pulling data down from server", tableId,
                                            e, tableResult);
                                } else {
                                    clientWebException("synchronizeTable - pulling data down from server", tableId,
                                            e, tableResult);
                            } catch (InvalidAuthTokenException e) {
                                clientAuthException("synchronizeTable - pulling data down from server", tableId, e,
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                exception("synchronizeTable -  pulling data down from server", tableId, e,

                            localDataTable = updateLocalRowsFromServerChanges(tableResource, te, orderedColumns,
                                    displayName, deferInstanceAttachments, fileAttachmentColumns,
                                    rowsToPushFileAttachments, localDataTable, rows);

                            if (rows.isHasMoreResults()) {
                                websafeResumeCursor = rows.getWebSafeResumeCursor();
                            } else {
                                // ////////////////////////////////
                                // ////////////////////////////////
                                // Success
                                // We have to update our dataETag here so that the server
                                // knows we saw its changes. Otherwise it won't let us
                                // put up new information.
                                // Note that we may have additional changes from
                                // subsequent dataETags (changeSets). We only 
                                // break out of this loop if the dataETag on the 
                                // last request matches the firstDataETag. Otherwise,
                                // we re-issue a fetch using the firstDataETag as 
                                // a starting point.
                                    SQLiteDatabase db = null;

                                    try {
                                        db = sc.getDatabase();
                                        // update the dataETag to the one returned by the first
                                        // of the fetch queries, above.
                                        ODKDatabaseUtils.get().updateDBTableETags(db, tableId,
                                                tableResource.getSchemaETag(), firstDataETag);
                                        // and be sure to update our in-memory objects...
                                    } finally {
                                        if (db != null) {
                                            db = null;

                                if ((firstDataETag == null) ? (rows.getDataETag() != null)
                                        : !firstDataETag.equals(rows.getDataETag())) {
                                    // re-issue request...
                                    websafeResumeCursor = null;
                                } else {
                                    // success -- exit the update loop...
                                    pullCompletedSuccessfully = true;

                        // If we made it here and there was data, then we successfully
                        // updated the localDataTable from the server.

                        if (!pullCompletedSuccessfully) {

                        // ////////////////////////////////
                        // ////////////////////////////////
                        // OK. We can now scan through the localDataTable for changes that
                        // should be sent up to the server.

                        sc.updateNotification(SyncProgressState.ROWS, R.string.anaylzing_row_changes,
                                new Object[] { tableId }, 70.0, false);

                         * PART 2: UPDATE THE DATA
                        // these are all the various actions we will need to take:

                        // localRow SyncState.new_row no changes pulled from server
                        // localRow SyncState.changed no changes pulled from server
                        // localRow SyncState.deleted no changes pulled from server
                        List<SyncRow> allAlteredRows = new ArrayList<SyncRow>();

                        // loop through the localRow table
                        for (int i = 0; i < localDataTable.getNumberOfRows(); i++) {
                            Row localRow = localDataTable.getRowAtIndex(i);
                            String stateStr = localRow
                            SyncState state = stateStr == null ? null : SyncState.valueOf(stateStr);

                            String rowId = localRow.getRowId();

                            // the local row wasn't impacted by a server change
                            // see if this local row should be pushed to the server.
                            if (state == SyncState.new_row || state == SyncState.changed
                                    || state == SyncState.deleted) {
                                        SyncRow.convertToSyncRow(orderedColumns, fileAttachmentColumns, localRow));
                            } else if (state == SyncState.synced_pending_files) {
                                rowsToPushFileAttachments.add(new SyncRowPending(
                                        SyncRow.convertToSyncRow(orderedColumns, fileAttachmentColumns, localRow),
                                        false, true, true));

                        // We know the changes for the server. Determine the per-row
                        // percentage for applying all these changes

                        int totalChange = allAlteredRows.size() + rowsToPushFileAttachments.size();

                        perRowIncrement = 90.0 / ((double) (totalChange + 1));
                        rowsProcessed = 0;
                        boolean hasAttachments = !fileAttachmentColumns.isEmpty();

                        // i.e., we have created entries in the various action lists
                        // for all the actions we should take.

                        // /////////////////////////////////////
                        // SERVER CHANGES
                        // SERVER CHANGES
                        // SERVER CHANGES
                        // SERVER CHANGES
                        // SERVER CHANGES
                        // SERVER CHANGES

                        if (allAlteredRows.size() != 0) {

                        // idempotent interface means that the interactions
                        // for inserts, updates and deletes are identical.
                        int count = 0;

                        ArrayList<RowOutcome> specialCases = new ArrayList<RowOutcome>();

                        if (!allAlteredRows.isEmpty()) {
                            int offset = 0;
                            while (offset < allAlteredRows.size()) {
                                // alter UPSERT_BATCH_SIZE rows at a time to the server
                                int max = offset + UPSERT_BATCH_SIZE;
                                if (max > allAlteredRows.size()) {
                                    max = allAlteredRows.size();
                                List<SyncRow> segmentAlter = allAlteredRows.subList(offset, max);
                                RowOutcomeList outcomes = sc.getSynchronizer().alterRows(tableResource,

                                if (outcomes.getRows().size() != segmentAlter.size()) {
                                    throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected partial return?");

                                // process outcomes...
                                count = processRowOutcomes(te, tableResource, tableResult, orderedColumns,
                                        fileAttachmentColumns, hasAttachments, rowsToPushFileAttachments, count,
                                        allAlteredRows.size(), segmentAlter, outcomes.getRows(), specialCases);

                                // NOTE: specialCases should probably be deleted?
                                // This is the case if the user doesn't have permissions...
                                // TODO: figure out whether these are benign or need
                                // reporting....
                                if (!specialCases.isEmpty()) {
                                    throw new IllegalStateException(
                                            "update request rejected by the server -- do you have table synchronize privileges?");

                                // update our dataETag. Because the server will have failed with
                                // a CONFLICT (409) if our dataETag did not match ours at the
                                // time the update occurs, we are assured that there are no
                                // interleaved changes we are unaware of.
                                    SQLiteDatabase db = null;

                                    try {
                                        db = sc.getDatabase();
                                        // update the dataETag to the one returned by the first
                                        // of the fetch queries, above.
                                        ODKDatabaseUtils.get().updateDBTableETags(db, tableId,
                                                tableResource.getSchemaETag(), outcomes.getDataETag());
                                        // and be sure to update our in-memory objects...
                                    } finally {
                                        if (db != null) {
                                            db = null;

                                // process next segment...
                                offset = max;

                        // And now update that we've pushed our changes to the server.

                        // OK. Now we have pushed everything.
                        // because of the 409 (CONFLICT) alterRows enforcement on the
                        // server, we know that our data records are consistent and
                        // our processing is complete.
                        updateToServerSuccessful = true;
                    } catch (ClientWebException e) {
                        if (e.getResponse().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_CONFLICT) {
                            // expected -- there were row updates by another client
                            // re-pull changes from the server. Return to the start
                            // of the for(;;) loop.
                        // otherwise it is an error...
                        if (e.getResponse() != null
                                && e.getResponse().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
                            clientAuthException("synchronizeTable - pushing data up to server", tableId, e,
                        } else {
                            clientWebException("synchronizeTable - pushing data up to server", tableId, e,
                    } catch (InvalidAuthTokenException e) {
                        clientAuthException("synchronizeTable - pushing data up to server", tableId, e,
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        exception("synchronizeTable - pushing data up to server", tableId, e, tableResult);
                // done with rowData sync. Either we were successful, or
                // there was an error. If there was an error, we will
                // try once more in the outer loop.

                rowDataSyncSuccessful = updateToServerSuccessful;

                // Our update may not have been successful. Only push files if it was...
                if (rowDataSyncSuccessful) {
                    try {
                        attachmentSyncSuccessful = (rowsToPushFileAttachments.isEmpty());
                        // And try to push the file attachments...
                        int count = 0;
                        boolean attachmentSyncFailed = false;
                        for (SyncRowPending syncRowPending : rowsToPushFileAttachments) {
                            boolean outcome = true;
                            if (!syncRowPending.onlyGetFiles()) {
                                outcome = sc.getSynchronizer().putFileAttachments(
                                        tableResource.getInstanceFilesUri(), tableId, syncRowPending,
                            if (outcome) {
                                outcome = sc.getSynchronizer().getFileAttachments(
                                        tableResource.getInstanceFilesUri(), tableId, syncRowPending,

                                if (syncRowPending.updateSyncState()) {
                                    if (outcome) {
                                        // OK -- we succeeded in putting/getting all attachments
                                        // update our state to the synced state.
                                        SQLiteDatabase db = null;

                                        try {
                                            db = sc.getDatabase();
                                            ODKDatabaseUtils.get().updateRowETagAndSyncState(db, tableId,
                                                    syncRowPending.getRowId(), syncRowPending.getRowETag(),
                                        } finally {
                                            if (db != null) {
                                                db = null;
                                    } else {
                                        // only care about instance file status if we are trying
                                        // to update state
                                        attachmentSyncFailed = false;
                            if (rowsProcessed % ROWS_BETWEEN_PROGRESS_UPDATES == 0) {
                                        new Object[] { tableId, count, rowsToPushFileAttachments.size() },
                                        10.0 + rowsProcessed * perRowIncrement, false);
                        attachmentSyncSuccessful = !attachmentSyncFailed;
                    } catch (ClientWebException e) {
                        if (e.getResponse() != null
                                && e.getResponse().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
                            clientAuthException("synchronizeTable - auth error synchronizing attachments", tableId,
                                    e, tableResult);
                            log.e(TAG, "[synchronizeTableRest] auth failure synchronizing attachments "
                                    + e.toString());
                        } else {
                            clientWebException("synchronizeTableRest", tableId, e, tableResult);
                            log.e(TAG, "[synchronizeTableRest] error synchronizing attachments " + e.toString());
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        exception("synchronizeTableRest", tableId, e, tableResult);
                        log.e(TAG, "[synchronizeTableRest] error synchronizing attachments " + e.toString());

                if (rowDataSyncSuccessful && attachmentSyncSuccessful) {
                    // no need to retry...

            if (rowDataSyncSuccessful) {
                // if the row data was sync'd
                // update the last-sync-time
                // NOTE: disregard whether
                // attachments were successfully
                // sync'd.
                SQLiteDatabase db = null;
                try {
                    db = sc.getDatabase();
                    ODKDatabaseUtils.get().updateDBTableLastSyncTime(db, tableId);
                } finally {
                    if (db != null) {
                        db = null;
        } finally {
            // Here we also want to add the TableResult to the value.
            if (rowDataSyncSuccessful) {
                // Then we should have updated the db and shouldn't have set the
                // TableResult to be exception.
                if (tableResult.getStatus() != Status.WORKING) {
                    log.e(TAG, "tableResult status for table: " + tableId + " was " + tableResult.getStatus().name()
                            + ", and yet success returned true. This shouldn't be possible.");
                } else {
                    if (containsConflicts) {
                        sc.updateNotification(SyncProgressState.ROWS, R.string.table_data_sync_with_conflicts,
                                new Object[] { tableId }, 100.0, false);
                    } else if (!attachmentSyncSuccessful) {
                        sc.updateNotification(SyncProgressState.ROWS, R.string.table_data_sync_pending_attachments,
                                new Object[] { tableId }, 100.0, false);
                    } else {
                        sc.updateNotification(SyncProgressState.ROWS, R.string.table_data_sync_complete,
                                new Object[] { tableId }, 100.0, false);

    private int processRowOutcomes(TableDefinitionEntry te, TableResource resource, TableResult tableResult,
            ArrayList<ColumnDefinition> orderedColumns, ArrayList<ColumnDefinition> fileAttachmentColumns,
            boolean hasAttachments, List<SyncRowPending> rowsToPushFileAttachments, int countSoFar,
            int totalOutcomesSize, List<SyncRow> segmentAlter, ArrayList<RowOutcome> outcomes,
            ArrayList<RowOutcome> specialCases) {

        ArrayList<SyncRowDataChanges> rowsToMoveToInConflictLocally = new ArrayList<SyncRowDataChanges>();

        // For speed, do this all within a transaction. Processing is
        // all in-memory except when we are deleting a client row. In that
        // case, there may be SDCard access to delete the attachments for
        // the client row. But that is local access, and the commit will
        // be accessing the same device.
        // i.e., no network access in this code, so we can place it all within
        // a transaction and not lock up the database for very long.

        SQLiteDatabase db = null;

        try {
            db = sc.getDatabase();

            for (int i = 0; i < segmentAlter.size(); ++i) {
                RowOutcome r = outcomes.get(i);
                SyncRow syncRow = segmentAlter.get(i);
                if (!r.getRowId().equals(syncRow.getRowId())) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected reordering of return");
                if (r.getOutcome() == OutcomeType.SUCCESS) {

                    if (r.isDeleted()) {
                        // DELETE
                        // move the local record into the 'new_row' sync state
                        // so it can be physically deleted.
                        ODKDatabaseUtils.get().updateRowETagAndSyncState(db, resource.getTableId(), r.getRowId(),
                                null, SyncState.new_row);
                        // !!Important!! update the rowETag in our copy of this row.
                        // and physically delete row and attachments from database.
                        ODKDatabaseUtils.get().deleteDataInExistingDBTableWithId(db, sc.getAppName(),
                                resource.getTableId(), r.getRowId());
                    } else {
                        ODKDatabaseUtils.get().updateRowETagAndSyncState(db, resource.getTableId(), r.getRowId(),
                                (hasAttachments && !syncRow.getUriFragments().isEmpty())
                                        ? SyncState.synced_pending_files
                                        : SyncState.synced);
                        // !!Important!! update the rowETag in our copy of this row.
                        if (hasAttachments && !syncRow.getUriFragments().isEmpty()) {
                            rowsToPushFileAttachments.add(new SyncRowPending(syncRow, false, true, true));
                        // UPDATE or INSERT
                } else if (r.getOutcome() == OutcomeType.FAILED) {
                    if (r.getRowId() == null || !r.isDeleted()) {
                        // should never occur!!!
                        throw new IllegalStateException(
                                "Unexpected null rowId or OutcomeType.FAILED when not deleting row");
                    } else {
                        // special case of a delete where server has no record of the row.
                        // server should add row and mark it as deleted.
                } else if (r.getOutcome() == OutcomeType.IN_CONFLICT) {
                    // another device updated this record between the time we fetched
                    // changes
                    // and the time we tried to update this record. Transition the record
                    // locally into the conflicting state.
                    // SyncState.deleted and server is not deleting
                    // SyncState.new_row and record exists on server
                    // SyncState.changed and new change on server
                    // SyncState.in_conflict and new change on server

                    // no need to worry about server in_conflict records.
                    // any server in_conflict rows will be cleaned up during the
                    // update of the in_conflict state.
                    Integer localRowConflictType = syncRow.isDeleted() ? ConflictType.LOCAL_DELETED_OLD_VALUES
                            : ConflictType.LOCAL_UPDATED_UPDATED_VALUES;

                    Integer serverRowConflictType = r.isDeleted() ? ConflictType.SERVER_DELETED_OLD_VALUES
                            : ConflictType.SERVER_UPDATED_UPDATED_VALUES;

                    // figure out what the localRow conflict type sh
                    SyncRow serverRow = new SyncRow(r.getRowId(), r.getRowETag(), r.isDeleted(), r.getFormId(),
                            r.getLocale(), r.getSavepointType(), r.getSavepointTimestamp(), r.getSavepointCreator(),
                            r.getFilterScope(), r.getValues(), fileAttachmentColumns);
                    SyncRowDataChanges conflictRow = new SyncRowDataChanges(serverRow, syncRow, false,

                    // we transition all of these later, outside this processing loop...
                } else if (r.getOutcome() == OutcomeType.DENIED) {
                    // user does not have privileges...
                } else {
                    // a new OutcomeType state was added!
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected OutcomeType! " + r.getOutcome().name());

                if (rowsProcessed % ROWS_BETWEEN_PROGRESS_UPDATES == 0) {
                    sc.updateNotification(SyncProgressState.ROWS, R.string.altering_server_row,
                            new Object[] { resource.getTableId(), countSoFar, totalOutcomesSize },
                            10.0 + rowsProcessed * perRowIncrement, false);

            // process the conflict rows, if any
            conflictRowsInDb(db, resource, orderedColumns, rowsToMoveToInConflictLocally, rowsToPushFileAttachments,
                    hasAttachments, tableResult);

            // and allow this to happen
        } finally {
            if (db != null) {
                db = null;

        return countSoFar;

     * Delete any pre-existing server conflict records for the list of rows
     * (changes). If the server and local rows are both deletes, delete the local
     * row (and its attachments), thereby completing the deletion of the row
     * (entirely). Otherwise, change the local row to the in_conflict state, and
     * insert a copy of the server row locally, configured as a server conflict
     * record; in that case, add the server and client rows to
     * rowsToSyncFileAttachments.
     * @param db
     * @param resource
     * @param orderedColumns
     * @param changes
     * @param rowsToSyncFileAttachments
     * @param hasAttachments
     * @param tableResult
     * @throws ClientWebException
    private void conflictRowsInDb(SQLiteDatabase db, TableResource resource,
            ArrayList<ColumnDefinition> orderedColumns, List<SyncRowDataChanges> changes,
            List<SyncRowPending> rowsToSyncFileAttachments, boolean hasAttachments, TableResult tableResult)
            throws ClientWebException {

        int count = 0;
        for (SyncRowDataChanges change : changes) {
            SyncRow serverRow = change.serverRow;
            log.i(TAG, "conflicting row, id=" + serverRow.getRowId() + " rowETag=" + serverRow.getRowETag());
            ContentValues values = new ContentValues();

            // delete the old server-values in_conflict row if it exists
            ODKDatabaseUtils.get().deleteServerConflictRowWithId(db, resource.getTableId(), serverRow.getRowId());
            // update existing localRow

            // the localRow conflict type was determined when the
            // change was added to the changes list.
            Integer localRowConflictType = change.localRowConflictType;

            // Determine the type of change that occurred on the server.
            int serverRowConflictType;
            if (serverRow.isDeleted()) {
                serverRowConflictType = ConflictType.SERVER_DELETED_OLD_VALUES;
            } else {
                serverRowConflictType = ConflictType.SERVER_UPDATED_UPDATED_VALUES;

            if (serverRowConflictType == ConflictType.SERVER_DELETED_OLD_VALUES
                    && localRowConflictType == ConflictType.LOCAL_DELETED_OLD_VALUES) {

                // special case -- the server and local rows are both being deleted --
                // just delete them!

                // move the local record into the 'new_row' sync state
                // so it can be physically deleted.
                ODKDatabaseUtils.get().updateRowETagAndSyncState(db, resource.getTableId(), serverRow.getRowId(),
                        null, SyncState.new_row);
                // and physically delete it.
                ODKDatabaseUtils.get().deleteDataInExistingDBTableWithId(db, sc.getAppName(), resource.getTableId(),

            } else {
                // update the localRow to be in_conflict
                ODKDatabaseUtils.get().placeRowIntoConflict(db, resource.getTableId(), serverRow.getRowId(),

                // set up to insert the in_conflict row from the server
                for (DataKeyValue entry : serverRow.getValues()) {
                    String colName = entry.column;
                    values.put(colName, entry.value);

                // insert in_conflict server row
                values.put(DataTableColumns.ROW_ETAG, serverRow.getRowETag());
                values.put(DataTableColumns.CONFLICT_TYPE, serverRowConflictType);
                values.put(DataTableColumns.FORM_ID, serverRow.getFormId());
                values.put(DataTableColumns.LOCALE, serverRow.getLocale());
                values.put(DataTableColumns.SAVEPOINT_TIMESTAMP, serverRow.getSavepointTimestamp());
                values.put(DataTableColumns.SAVEPOINT_CREATOR, serverRow.getSavepointCreator());
                Scope.Type type = serverRow.getFilterScope().getType();
                values.put(DataTableColumns.FILTER_TYPE, (type == null) ? :;
                values.put(DataTableColumns.FILTER_VALUE, serverRow.getFilterScope().getValue());
                ODKDatabaseUtils.get().insertDataIntoExistingDBTableWithId(db, resource.getTableId(),
                        orderedColumns, values, serverRow.getRowId());

                // We're going to check our representation invariant here. A local and
                // a server version of the row should only ever be changed/changed,
                // deleted/changed, or changed/deleted. Anything else and we're in
                // trouble.
                if (localRowConflictType == ConflictType.LOCAL_DELETED_OLD_VALUES
                        && serverRowConflictType != ConflictType.SERVER_UPDATED_UPDATED_VALUES) {
                            "local row conflict type is local_deleted, but server "
                                    + "row conflict_type is not server_udpated. These states must"
                                    + " go together, something went wrong.");
                } else if (localRowConflictType != ConflictType.LOCAL_UPDATED_UPDATED_VALUES) {
                            "localRowConflictType was not local_deleted or "
                                    + "local_updated! this is an error. local conflict type: "
                                    + localRowConflictType + ", server conflict type: " + serverRowConflictType);


                // try to pull the file attachments for the in_conflict rows
                // it is OK if we can't get them, but they may be useful for
                // reconciliation
                if (hasAttachments) {
                    if (!change.localRow.getUriFragments().isEmpty()) {
                        rowsToSyncFileAttachments.add(new SyncRowPending(change.localRow, true, false, false));
                    if (!serverRow.getUriFragments().isEmpty()) {
                        rowsToSyncFileAttachments.add(new SyncRowPending(serverRow, true, false, false));
            if (rowsProcessed % ROWS_BETWEEN_PROGRESS_UPDATES == 0) {
                sc.updateNotification(SyncProgressState.ROWS, R.string.marking_conflicting_local_row,
                        new Object[] { resource.getTableId(), count, changes.size() },
                        10.0 + rowsProcessed * perRowIncrement, false);

     * Inserts the given list of rows (changes) into the local database. Adds
     * those rows to the rowsToPushFileAttachments list if they have any non-null
     * media attachments.
     * @param db
     * @param resource
     * @param orderedColumns
     * @param changes
     * @param rowsToPushFileAttachments
     * @param hasAttachments
     * @param tableResult
     * @throws ClientWebException
    private void insertRowsInDb(SQLiteDatabase db, TableResource resource,
            ArrayList<ColumnDefinition> orderedColumns, List<SyncRowDataChanges> changes,
            List<SyncRowPending> rowsToPushFileAttachments, boolean hasAttachments, TableResult tableResult)
            throws ClientWebException {
        int count = 0;
        for (SyncRowDataChanges change : changes) {
            SyncRow serverRow = change.serverRow;
            ContentValues values = new ContentValues();

            values.put(DataTableColumns.ID, serverRow.getRowId());
            values.put(DataTableColumns.ROW_ETAG, serverRow.getRowETag());
                    (hasAttachments && !serverRow.getUriFragments().isEmpty())
            values.put(DataTableColumns.FORM_ID, serverRow.getFormId());
            values.put(DataTableColumns.LOCALE, serverRow.getLocale());
            values.put(DataTableColumns.SAVEPOINT_TIMESTAMP, serverRow.getSavepointTimestamp());
            values.put(DataTableColumns.SAVEPOINT_CREATOR, serverRow.getSavepointCreator());

            for (DataKeyValue entry : serverRow.getValues()) {
                String colName = entry.column;
                values.put(colName, entry.value);

            ODKDatabaseUtils.get().insertDataIntoExistingDBTableWithId(db, resource.getTableId(), orderedColumns,
                    values, serverRow.getRowId());

            if (hasAttachments && !serverRow.getUriFragments().isEmpty()) {
                rowsToPushFileAttachments.add(new SyncRowPending(serverRow, true, true, true));
            if (rowsProcessed % ROWS_BETWEEN_PROGRESS_UPDATES == 0) {
                sc.updateNotification(SyncProgressState.ROWS, R.string.inserting_local_row,
                        new Object[] { resource.getTableId(), count, changes.size() },
                        10.0 + rowsProcessed * perRowIncrement, false);

     * Updates the given list of rows (changes) in the local database. Adds those
     * rows to the rowsToPushFileAttachments list if they have any non-null media
     * attachments.
     * @param db
     * @param resource
     * @param orderedColumns
     * @param changes
     * @param rowsToSyncFileAttachments
     * @param hasAttachments
     * @param tableResult
     * @throws ClientWebException
    private void updateRowsInDb(SQLiteDatabase db, TableResource resource,
            ArrayList<ColumnDefinition> orderedColumns, List<SyncRowDataChanges> changes,
            List<SyncRowPending> rowsToSyncFileAttachments, boolean hasAttachments, TableResult tableResult)
            throws ClientWebException {
        int count = 0;
        for (SyncRowDataChanges change : changes) {
            // if the localRow sync state was synced_pending_files,
            // ensure that all those files are uploaded before
            // we update the row. This ensures that all attachments
            // are saved before we revise the local row value.
            if (change.isRestPendingFiles) {
                        "file attachment at risk -- updating from server while in synced_pending_files state. rowId: "
                                + change.localRow.getRowId() + " rowETag: " + change.localRow.getRowETag());

            // update the row from the changes on the server
            SyncRow serverRow = change.serverRow;
            ContentValues values = new ContentValues();

            values.put(DataTableColumns.ROW_ETAG, serverRow.getRowETag());
                    (hasAttachments && !serverRow.getUriFragments().isEmpty())
            values.put(DataTableColumns.FILTER_TYPE, serverRow.getFilterScope().getType().name());
            values.put(DataTableColumns.FILTER_VALUE, serverRow.getFilterScope().getValue());
            values.put(DataTableColumns.FORM_ID, serverRow.getFormId());
            values.put(DataTableColumns.LOCALE, serverRow.getLocale());
            values.put(DataTableColumns.SAVEPOINT_TYPE, serverRow.getSavepointType());
            values.put(DataTableColumns.SAVEPOINT_TIMESTAMP, serverRow.getSavepointTimestamp());
            values.put(DataTableColumns.SAVEPOINT_CREATOR, serverRow.getSavepointCreator());

            for (DataKeyValue entry : serverRow.getValues()) {
                String colName = entry.column;
                values.put(colName, entry.value);

            ODKDatabaseUtils.get().updateDataInExistingDBTableWithId(db, resource.getTableId(), orderedColumns,
                    values, serverRow.getRowId());

            if (hasAttachments && !serverRow.getUriFragments().isEmpty()) {
                rowsToSyncFileAttachments.add(new SyncRowPending(serverRow, false, true, true));

            if (rowsProcessed % ROWS_BETWEEN_PROGRESS_UPDATES == 0) {
                sc.updateNotification(SyncProgressState.ROWS, R.string.updating_local_row,
                        new Object[] { resource.getTableId(), count, changes.size() },
                        10.0 + rowsProcessed * perRowIncrement, false);

     * Attempt to push all the attachments of the local rows up to the server
     * (before the row is locally deleted). If the attachments were pushed to the
     * server, the 'isRestPendingFiles' flag is cleared. This makes the local row
     * eligible for deletion. Otherwise, the localRow is removed from the
     * localRowplaced in the
     * @param db
     * @param resource
     * @param tableId
     * @param changes
     * @param fileAttachmentColumns
     * @param deferInstanceAttachments
     * @param tableResult
     * @return
     * @throws IOException
    private void pushLocalAttachmentsBeforeDeleteRowsInDb(SQLiteDatabase db, TableResource resource,
            List<SyncRowDataChanges> changes, ArrayList<ColumnDefinition> fileAttachmentColumns,
            boolean deferInstanceAttachments, TableResult tableResult) throws IOException {

        // try first to push any attachments of the soon-to-be-deleted
        // local row up to the server
        for (int i = 0; i < changes.size();) {
            SyncRowDataChanges change = changes.get(i);
            if (change.isRestPendingFiles) {
                if (change.localRow.getUriFragments().isEmpty()) {
                    // nothing to push
                    change.isRestPendingFiles = false;
                } else {
                    // since we are directly calling putFileAttachments, the flags in this
                    // constructor are never accessed. Use false for their values.
                    SyncRowPending srp = new SyncRowPending(change.localRow, false, false, false);
                    boolean outcome = sc.getSynchronizer().putFileAttachments(resource.getInstanceFilesUri(),
                            resource.getTableId(), srp, deferInstanceAttachments);
                    if (outcome) {
                        // successful
                        change.isRestPendingFiles = false;
                    } else {
                        // there are files that should be pushed that weren't.
                        // change local state to deleted, and remove from the
                        // this list. Whenever we next sync files, we will push
                        // any local files that are not on the server then delete
                        // the local record.
                        ODKDatabaseUtils.get().updateRowETagAndSyncState(db, resource.getTableId(),
                                change.localRow.getRowId(), change.serverRow.getRowETag(), SyncState.deleted);
            } else {

     * Delete the rows that have had all of their (locally-available) attachments
     * pushed to the server. I.e., those with 'isRestPendingFiles' false.
     * Otherwise, leave these rows in the local database until their files are
     * pushed and they can safely be removed.
     * @param db
     * @param resource
     * @param changes
     * @param fileAttachmentColumns
     * @param deferInstanceAttachments
     * @param tableResult
     * @throws IOException
    private void deleteRowsInDb(SQLiteDatabase db, TableResource resource, List<SyncRowDataChanges> changes,
            ArrayList<ColumnDefinition> fileAttachmentColumns, boolean deferInstanceAttachments,
            TableResult tableResult) throws IOException {
        int count = 0;

        // now delete the rows we can delete...
        for (SyncRowDataChanges change : changes) {
            if (!change.isRestPendingFiles) {
                // DELETE
                // move the local record into the 'new_row' sync state
                // so it can be physically deleted.
                ODKDatabaseUtils.get().updateRowETagAndSyncState(db, resource.getTableId(),
                        change.serverRow.getRowId(), null, SyncState.new_row);
                // and physically delete row and attachments from database.
                ODKDatabaseUtils.get().deleteDataInExistingDBTableWithId(db, sc.getAppName(), resource.getTableId(),
            if (rowsProcessed % ROWS_BETWEEN_PROGRESS_UPDATES == 0) {
                sc.updateNotification(SyncProgressState.ROWS, R.string.deleting_local_row,
                        new Object[] { resource.getTableId(), count, changes.size() },
                        10.0 + rowsProcessed * perRowIncrement, false);