Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2010 University of Washington * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package org.opendatakit.common.persistence.engine.pgres; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Types; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.opendatakit.common.persistence.CommonFieldsBase; import org.opendatakit.common.persistence.DataField; import org.opendatakit.common.persistence.DataField.IndexType; import org.opendatakit.common.persistence.Datastore; import org.opendatakit.common.persistence.EntityKey; import org.opendatakit.common.persistence.PersistConsts; import org.opendatakit.common.persistence.Query; import org.opendatakit.common.persistence.Query.FilterOperation; import org.opendatakit.common.persistence.TaskLock; import org.opendatakit.common.persistence.engine.DatastoreAccessMetrics; import org.opendatakit.common.persistence.exception.ODKDatastoreException; import org.opendatakit.common.persistence.exception.ODKEntityNotFoundException; import org.opendatakit.common.persistence.exception.ODKEntityPersistException; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper; import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceTransactionManager; import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionStatus; import; /** * * @author * @author * */ public class DatastoreImpl implements Datastore, InitializingBean { // private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(DatastoreImpl.class.getName()); // issue 868 - PostgreSQL apparently has a 63-character limit on its column // names. private static final int MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LEN = 63; // issue 868 - assume this is also true of table names... private static final int MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN = 59; // reserve 4 char for idx // name private final DatastoreAccessMetrics dam = new DatastoreAccessMetrics(); private DataSource dataSource = null; private DataSourceTransactionManager tm = null; private static final Long MAX_BLOB_SIZE = 65536 * 4096L; private String schemaName = null; public DatastoreImpl() throws ODKDatastoreException { } public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { this.dataSource = dataSource; = new DataSourceTransactionManager(dataSource); } public void setSchemaName(String schemaName) { this.schemaName = schemaName; } @Override public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception { if (dataSource == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("dataSource property must be set!"); } if (schemaName == null) { JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); List<?> databaseNames = jdbcTemplate.queryForList("SELECT current_database()", String.class); schemaName = (String) databaseNames.get(0); } } public static final String K_CREATE_TABLE = "CREATE TABLE "; public static final String K_DROP_TABLE = "DROP TABLE "; public static final String K_OPEN_PAREN = " ( "; public static final String K_CLOSE_PAREN = " ) "; public static final String K_SELECT = "SELECT "; public static final String K_SELECT_DISTINCT = "SELECT DISTINCT "; public static final String K_CS = ", "; public static final String K_COLON = ";"; public static final String K_BQ = "\""; public static final String K_FROM = " FROM "; public static final String K_WHERE = " WHERE "; public static final String K_AND = " AND "; public static final String K_EQ = " = "; public static final String K_BIND_VALUE = "?"; public static final String K_CREATE_INDEX = "CREATE INDEX "; public static final String K_ON = " ON "; public static final String K_USING_HASH = " USING HASH "; public static final String K_INSERT_INTO = "INSERT INTO "; public static final String K_VALUES = " VALUES "; public static final String K_UPDATE = "UPDATE "; public static final String K_SET = " SET "; public static final String K_DELETE_FROM = "DELETE FROM "; public static final String K_DEFAULT = " DEFAULT "; public static final Integer DEFAULT_DBL_NUMERIC_SCALE = 10; public static final Integer DEFAULT_DBL_NUMERIC_PRECISION = 38; public static final Integer DEFAULT_INT_NUMERIC_PRECISION = 9; private static final class TableDefinition { public DataField.DataType getDataType() { return dataType; } public void setDataType(DataField.DataType dataType) { this.dataType = dataType; } public String getColumnName() { return columnName; } public boolean isNullable() { return isNullable; } public Long getMaxCharLen() { return maxCharLen; } public Integer getNumericScale() { return numericScale; } public Integer getNumericPrecision() { return numericPrecision; } public static final String COLUMN_NAME = "column_name"; public static final String TABLE_NAME = "table_name"; public static final String TABLE_SCHEMA = "table_schema"; public static final String CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH = "character_maximum_length"; public static final String NUMERIC_PRECISION = "numeric_precision"; public static final String NUMERIC_SCALE = "numeric_scale"; public static final String DATA_TYPE = "data_type"; public static final String IS_NULLABLE = "is_nullable"; public static final String INFORMATION_SCHEMA_COLUMNS = "information_schema.columns"; public static final String K_COUNT_ONE = "COUNT(1)"; public static final String TABLE_DEF_QUERY = K_SELECT + COLUMN_NAME + K_CS + IS_NULLABLE + K_CS + CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH + K_CS + NUMERIC_PRECISION + K_CS + NUMERIC_SCALE + K_CS + DATA_TYPE + K_FROM + INFORMATION_SCHEMA_COLUMNS + K_WHERE + TABLE_SCHEMA + K_EQ + K_BIND_VALUE + K_AND + TABLE_NAME + K_EQ + K_BIND_VALUE; public static final String TABLE_EXISTS_QUERY = K_SELECT + K_COUNT_ONE + K_FROM + INFORMATION_SCHEMA_COLUMNS + K_WHERE + TABLE_SCHEMA + K_EQ + K_BIND_VALUE + K_AND + TABLE_NAME + K_EQ + K_BIND_VALUE; private static final String YES = "YES"; private static final String TEXT = "text"; // lower case! private static final String CHAR = "char"; private static final String BLOB = "blob"; private static final String BYTEA = "bytea"; // different in pgres private static final String DATE = "date"; private static final String BOOLEAN = "boolean"; // private static final String DATETIME = "datetime"; private static final String TIME = "time"; private static final Long MAX_ROW_SIZE = 65000L; // to allow PK room private String columnName; private boolean isNullable; private Long maxCharLen = null; private Integer numericScale = null; private Integer numericPrecision = null; private DataField.DataType dataType; TableDefinition(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { columnName = rs.getString(COLUMN_NAME); String s = rs.getString(IS_NULLABLE); isNullable = YES.equalsIgnoreCase(s); String type = rs.getString(DATA_TYPE); BigDecimal num = rs.getBigDecimal(CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH); if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(BOOLEAN)) { dataType = DataField.DataType.BOOLEAN; } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(BYTEA)) { dataType = DataField.DataType.BINARY; maxCharLen = MAX_BLOB_SIZE; } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(TEXT)) { dataType = DataField.DataType.LONG_STRING; maxCharLen = MAX_BLOB_SIZE; } else if (num != null) { maxCharLen = num.longValueExact(); if (type.contains(TEXT) || type.contains(CHAR)) { if (maxCharLen.compareTo(MAX_ROW_SIZE) <= 0) { dataType = DataField.DataType.STRING; } else { dataType = DataField.DataType.LONG_STRING; } } else if (type.contains(BLOB) || type.contains(BYTEA)) { dataType = DataField.DataType.BINARY; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("unrecognized data type in schema: " + type); } } else { // must be date or numeric... num = rs.getBigDecimal(NUMERIC_SCALE); if (num == null) { // better be a date... if (type.contains(DATE) || type.contains(TIME)) { dataType = DataField.DataType.DATETIME; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("unrecognized data type in schema: " + type); } } else { // discriminate between decimal and integer by looking at value... // We assume that nobody is going crazy with the scale here... if (BigDecimal.ZERO.equals(num)) { dataType = DataField.DataType.INTEGER; numericScale = 0; } else { numericScale = num.intValueExact(); dataType = DataField.DataType.DECIMAL; } num = rs.getBigDecimal(NUMERIC_PRECISION); numericPrecision = num.intValueExact(); } } } }; private static RowMapper<TableDefinition> tableDef = new RowMapper<TableDefinition>() { @Override public TableDefinition mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException { return new TableDefinition(rs); } }; public static void buildArgumentList(Object[] ol, int[] il, int idx, CommonFieldsBase entity, DataField f) { switch (f.getDataType()) { case BOOLEAN: ol[idx] = entity.getBooleanField(f); il[idx] = java.sql.Types.BOOLEAN; break; case STRING: case URI: ol[idx] = entity.getStringField(f); il[idx] = java.sql.Types.VARCHAR; break; case INTEGER: ol[idx] = entity.getLongField(f); il[idx] = java.sql.Types.BIGINT; break; case DECIMAL: ol[idx] = entity.getNumericField(f); il[idx] = java.sql.Types.DECIMAL; break; case DATETIME: ol[idx] = entity.getDateField(f); il[idx] = java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP; break; case BINARY: ol[idx] = entity.getBlobField(f); il[idx] = java.sql.Types.LONGVARBINARY; break; case LONG_STRING: ol[idx] = entity.getStringField(f); il[idx] = java.sql.Types.LONGVARCHAR; break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected data type"); } } void recordQueryUsage(CommonFieldsBase relation, int recCount) { dam.recordQueryUsage(relation, recCount); } @Override public String getDefaultSchemaName() { return schemaName; } JdbcTemplate getJdbcConnection() { return new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); } @Override public int getMaxLenColumnName() { return MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LEN; } @Override public int getMaxLenTableName() { return MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN; } private final boolean updateRelation(JdbcTemplate jc, CommonFieldsBase relation, String originalStatement) { String qs = TableDefinition.TABLE_DEF_QUERY; List<?> columns; columns = jc.query(qs, new Object[] { relation.getSchemaName(), relation.getTableName() }, tableDef); dam.recordQueryUsage(TableDefinition.INFORMATION_SCHEMA_COLUMNS, columns.size()); if (columns.size() > 0) { Map<String, TableDefinition> map = new HashMap<String, TableDefinition>(); for (Object o : columns) { TableDefinition t = (TableDefinition) o; map.put(t.getColumnName(), t); } // we may have gotten some results into columns -- go through the fields // and // assemble the results... we don't care about additional columns in the // map... for (DataField f : relation.getFieldList()) { TableDefinition d = map.get(f.getName()); if (d == null) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); if (originalStatement == null) { b.append(" Retrieving expected definition ("); boolean first = true; for (DataField field : relation.getFieldList()) { if (!first) { b.append(K_CS); } first = false; b.append(field.getName()); } b.append(")"); } else { b.append(" Created with: "); b.append(originalStatement); } throw new IllegalStateException("did not find expected column " + f.getName() + " in table " + relation.getSchemaName() + "." + relation.getTableName() + b.toString()); } if (f.getDataType() == DataField.DataType.BOOLEAN && d.getDataType() == DataField.DataType.STRING) { d.setDataType(DataField.DataType.BOOLEAN); // don't care about size... } if (d.getDataType() == DataField.DataType.STRING && f.getMaxCharLen() != null && f.getMaxCharLen().compareTo(d.getMaxCharLen()) > 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("column " + f.getName() + " in table " + relation.getSchemaName() + "." + relation.getTableName() + " stores string-valued keys but is shorter than required by Aggregate " + d.getMaxCharLen().toString() + " < " + f.getMaxCharLen().toString()); } if (f.getDataType() == DataField.DataType.URI) { if (d.getDataType() != DataField.DataType.STRING) { throw new IllegalStateException( "column " + f.getName() + " in table " + relation.getSchemaName() + "." + relation.getTableName() + " stores URIs but is not a string field"); } d.setDataType(DataField.DataType.URI); } if (d.getDataType() != f.getDataType()) { throw new IllegalStateException("column " + f.getName() + " in table " + relation.getSchemaName() + "." + relation.getTableName() + " is not of the expected type " + f.getDataType().toString()); } // it is OK for the data model to be more strict than the data store. if (!d.isNullable() && f.getNullable()) { throw new IllegalStateException("column " + f.getName() + " in table " + relation.getSchemaName() + "." + relation.getTableName() + " is defined as NOT NULL but the data model requires NULL"); } f.setMaxCharLen(d.getMaxCharLen()); f.setNumericPrecision(d.getNumericPrecision()); f.setNumericScale(d.getNumericScale()); } return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Relation manipulation APIs */ @Override public void assertRelation(CommonFieldsBase relation, User user) throws ODKDatastoreException { JdbcTemplate jc = getJdbcConnection(); TransactionStatus status = null; try { DefaultTransactionDefinition paramTransactionDefinition = new DefaultTransactionDefinition(); // do serializable read on the information schema... paramTransactionDefinition.setIsolationLevel(DefaultTransactionDefinition.ISOLATION_SERIALIZABLE); paramTransactionDefinition.setReadOnly(true); status = tm.getTransaction(paramTransactionDefinition); // see if relation already is defined and update it with dimensions... if (updateRelation(jc, relation, null)) { // it exists -- we're done! tm.commit(status); status = null; return; } else { tm.commit(status); // Try a new transaction to create the table paramTransactionDefinition.setIsolationLevel(DefaultTransactionDefinition.ISOLATION_SERIALIZABLE); paramTransactionDefinition.setReadOnly(false); status = tm.getTransaction(paramTransactionDefinition); // need to create the table... StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append(K_CREATE_TABLE); b.append(K_BQ); b.append(relation.getSchemaName()); b.append(K_BQ); b.append("."); b.append(K_BQ); b.append(relation.getTableName()); b.append(K_BQ); b.append(K_OPEN_PAREN); boolean firstTime = true; for (DataField f : relation.getFieldList()) { if (!firstTime) { b.append(K_CS); } firstTime = false; b.append(K_BQ); b.append(f.getName()); b.append(K_BQ); DataField.DataType type = f.getDataType(); switch (type) { case BINARY: b.append(" BYTEA"); break; case LONG_STRING: b.append(" TEXT");// b.append(" CHARACTER SET utf8"); break; case STRING: b.append(" VARCHAR("); Long len = f.getMaxCharLen(); if (len == null) { len = PersistConsts.DEFAULT_MAX_STRING_LENGTH; } b.append(len.toString()); b.append(K_CLOSE_PAREN); // b.append(" CHARACTER SET utf8"); break; case BOOLEAN: b.append(" BOOLEAN"); break; case INTEGER: Integer int_digits = f.getNumericPrecision(); if (int_digits == null) { int_digits = DEFAULT_INT_NUMERIC_PRECISION; } Integer isSerial = f.getNumericScale(); // logger.warn("********************"); // logger.warn(int_digits + " ---" + isSerial); if (int_digits.compareTo(9) > 0) { if (isSerial != null && isSerial == 1) { b.append(" SERIAL"); continue; // logger.warn("^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"); } else { b.append(" BIGINT"); } } else { b.append(" INTEGER"); } break; case DECIMAL: Integer dbl_digits = f.getNumericPrecision(); Integer dbl_fract = f.getNumericScale(); if (dbl_digits == null) { dbl_digits = DEFAULT_DBL_NUMERIC_PRECISION; } if (dbl_fract == null) { dbl_fract = DEFAULT_DBL_NUMERIC_SCALE; } b.append(" DECIMAL("); b.append(dbl_digits.toString()); b.append(K_CS); b.append(dbl_fract.toString()); b.append(K_CLOSE_PAREN); break; case DATETIME: b.append(" TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE"); break; case URI: b.append(" VARCHAR("); len = f.getMaxCharLen(); if (len == null) { len = PersistConsts.URI_STRING_LEN; } b.append(len.toString()); b.append(")");// b.append(" CHARACTER SET utf8"); break; } if (f == relation.primaryKey) { b.append(" UNIQUE "); } if (f.getNullable()) { b.append(" NULL "); } else { b.append(" NOT NULL "); } } b.append(K_CLOSE_PAREN); String createTableStmt = b.toString(); LogFactory.getLog(DatastoreImpl.class).info("Attempting: " + createTableStmt); jc.execute(createTableStmt); LogFactory.getLog(DatastoreImpl.class) .info("create table success (before updateRelation): " + relation.getTableName()); String idx; // create other indicies for (DataField f : relation.getFieldList()) { if ((f.getIndexable() != IndexType.NONE) && (f != relation.primaryKey)) { idx = relation.getTableName() + "_" + shortPrefix(f.getName()); createIndex(jc, relation, idx, f); } } // and update the relation with actual dimensions... updateRelation(jc, relation, createTableStmt); tm.commit(status); } } catch (Exception e) { if (status != null) { tm.rollback(status); } throw new ODKDatastoreException(e); } } /** * Construct a 3-character or more prefix for use in the index name. * * @param name * @return */ private String shortPrefix(String name) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); String[] splits = name.split("_"); for (int i = 0; i < splits.length; ++i) { if (splits[i].length() > 0) { b.append(splits[i].charAt(0)); } } if (b.length() < 3) { b.append(Integer.toString(name.length() % 10)); } return b.toString().toLowerCase(); } private void createIndex(JdbcTemplate jc, CommonFieldsBase tbl, String idxName, DataField field) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append(K_CREATE_INDEX); b.append(K_BQ); b.append(idxName); b.append(K_BQ); b.append(K_ON); b.append(K_BQ); b.append(tbl.getSchemaName()); b.append(K_BQ); b.append("."); b.append(K_BQ); b.append(tbl.getTableName()); b.append(K_BQ); if (field.getIndexable() == IndexType.HASH) { b.append(K_USING_HASH); } b.append(" ("); b.append(K_BQ); b.append(field.getName()); b.append(K_BQ); b.append(" )"); jc.execute(b.toString()); } @Override public boolean hasRelation(String schema, String tableName, User user) { dam.recordQueryUsage(TableDefinition.INFORMATION_SCHEMA_COLUMNS, 1); String qs = TableDefinition.TABLE_EXISTS_QUERY; Integer columnCount = getJdbcConnection().queryForObject(qs, new Object[] { schema, tableName }, Integer.class); return (columnCount != null && columnCount != 0); } @Override public void dropRelation(CommonFieldsBase relation, User user) throws ODKDatastoreException { try { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append(K_DROP_TABLE); b.append(K_BQ); b.append(relation.getSchemaName()); b.append(K_BQ); b.append("."); b.append(K_BQ); b.append(relation.getTableName()); b.append(K_BQ); LogFactory.getLog(DatastoreImpl.class) .info("Executing " + b.toString() + " by user " + user.getUriUser()); getJdbcConnection().execute(b.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { LogFactory.getLog(DatastoreImpl.class).warn(relation.getTableName() + " exception: " + e.toString()); throw new ODKDatastoreException(e); } } /*************************************************************************** * Entity manipulation APIs * */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <T extends CommonFieldsBase> T createEntityUsingRelation(T relation, User user) { // we are generating our own PK, so we don't need to interact with DB // yet... T row; try { row = (T) relation.getEmptyRow(user); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("failed to create empty row", e); } return row; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <T extends CommonFieldsBase> T getEntity(T relation, String uri, User user) throws ODKEntityNotFoundException { Query query = new QueryImpl(relation, "getEntity", this, user); query.addFilter(relation.primaryKey, FilterOperation.EQUAL, uri); dam.recordGetUsage(relation); try { List<? extends CommonFieldsBase> results = query.executeQuery(); if (results == null || results.size() != 1) { throw new ODKEntityNotFoundException("Unable to retrieve " + relation.getSchemaName() + "." + relation.getTableName() + " key: " + uri); } return (T) results.get(0); } catch (ODKDatastoreException e) { throw new ODKEntityNotFoundException("Unable to retrieve " + relation.getSchemaName() + "." + relation.getTableName() + " key: " + uri, e); } } @Override public Query createQuery(CommonFieldsBase relation, String loggingContextTag, User user) { Query query = new QueryImpl(relation, loggingContextTag, this, user); return query; } @Override public void putEntity(CommonFieldsBase entity, User user) throws ODKEntityPersistException { dam.recordPutUsage(entity); try { boolean first; boolean containsACL = false; StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); if (entity.isFromDatabase()) { // we need to do an update entity.setDateField(entity.lastUpdateDate, new Date()); entity.setStringField(entity.lastUpdateUriUser, user.getUriUser()); b.append(K_UPDATE); b.append(K_BQ); b.append(entity.getSchemaName()); b.append(K_BQ); b.append("."); b.append(K_BQ); b.append(entity.getTableName()); b.append(K_BQ); b.append(K_SET); int idx = 0; for (DataField f : entity.getFieldList()) { if (f.getName().contains("ACL_ID")) { containsACL = true; break; } } //size is reduced, because ACL ID is autogenerated Object[] ol = new Object[entity.getFieldList().size() - (containsACL ? 1 : 0)]; int[] il = new int[entity.getFieldList().size() - (containsACL ? 1 : 0)]; first = true; // fields... for (DataField f : entity.getFieldList()) { // primary key goes in the where clause... if (f == entity.primaryKey) continue; if (f.getName().contains("ACL_ID")) { continue; } if (!first) { b.append(K_CS); } first = false; b.append(K_BQ); b.append(f.getName()); b.append(K_BQ); b.append(K_EQ); b.append(K_BIND_VALUE); buildArgumentList(ol, il, idx, entity, f); ++idx; } b.append(K_WHERE); b.append(K_BQ); b.append(entity.primaryKey.getName()); b.append(K_BQ); b.append(K_EQ); b.append(K_BIND_VALUE); buildArgumentList(ol, il, idx, entity, entity.primaryKey); // update... getJdbcConnection().update(b.toString(), ol, il); } else { // not yet in database -- insert b.append(K_INSERT_INTO); b.append(K_BQ); b.append(entity.getSchemaName()); b.append(K_BQ); b.append("."); b.append(K_BQ); b.append(entity.getTableName()); b.append(K_BQ); first = true; b.append(K_OPEN_PAREN); // fields... for (DataField f : entity.getFieldList()) { if (f.getName().contains("ACL_ID")) { containsACL = true; continue; } if (!first) { b.append(K_CS); } first = false; b.append(K_BQ); b.append(f.getName()); b.append(K_BQ); } b.append(K_CLOSE_PAREN); b.append(K_VALUES); int idx = 0; //size is reduced, because ACL ID is autogenerated Object[] ol = new Object[entity.getFieldList().size() - (containsACL ? 1 : 0)]; int[] il = new int[entity.getFieldList().size() - (containsACL ? 1 : 0)]; first = true; b.append(K_OPEN_PAREN); // values for (DataField f : entity.getFieldList()) { if (f.getName().contains("ACL_ID")) continue; if (!first) { b.append(K_CS); } first = false; b.append(K_BIND_VALUE); buildArgumentList(ol, il, idx, entity, f); ++idx; } b.append(K_CLOSE_PAREN); // insert... getJdbcConnection().update(b.toString(), ol, il); entity.setFromDatabase(true); // now it is in the database... } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ODKEntityPersistException(e); } } @Override public void putEntities(Collection<? extends CommonFieldsBase> entityList, User user) throws ODKEntityPersistException { for (CommonFieldsBase d : entityList) { putEntity(d, user); } } @Override public void batchAlterData(List<? extends CommonFieldsBase> changes, User user) throws ODKEntityPersistException { if (changes.isEmpty()) { return; } boolean generateSQL = true; String sql = null; int[] argTypes = new int[changes.get(0).getFieldList().size()]; List<Object[]> batchArgs = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); for (CommonFieldsBase entity : changes) { dam.recordPutUsage(entity); boolean first; b.setLength(0); Object[] ol = new Object[entity.getFieldList().size()]; if (entity.isFromDatabase()) { // we need to do an update entity.setDateField(entity.lastUpdateDate, new Date()); entity.setStringField(entity.lastUpdateUriUser, user.getUriUser()); if (generateSQL) { b.append(K_UPDATE); b.append(K_BQ); b.append(entity.getSchemaName()); b.append(K_BQ); b.append("."); b.append(K_BQ); b.append(entity.getTableName()); b.append(K_BQ); b.append(K_SET); } int idx = 0; first = true; // fields... for (DataField f : entity.getFieldList()) { // primary key goes in the where clause... if (f == entity.primaryKey) continue; if (generateSQL) { if (!first) { b.append(K_CS); } first = false; b.append(K_BQ); b.append(f.getName()); b.append(K_BQ); b.append(K_EQ); b.append(K_BIND_VALUE); } buildArgumentList(ol, argTypes, idx, entity, f); ++idx; } if (generateSQL) { b.append(K_WHERE); b.append(K_BQ); b.append(entity.primaryKey.getName()); b.append(K_BQ); b.append(K_EQ); b.append(K_BIND_VALUE); } buildArgumentList(ol, argTypes, idx, entity, entity.primaryKey); } else { if (generateSQL) { // not yet in database -- insert b.append(K_INSERT_INTO); b.append(K_BQ); b.append(entity.getSchemaName()); b.append(K_BQ); b.append("."); b.append(K_BQ); b.append(entity.getTableName()); b.append(K_BQ); first = true; b.append(K_OPEN_PAREN); // fields... for (DataField f : entity.getFieldList()) { if (!first) { b.append(K_CS); } first = false; b.append(K_BQ); b.append(f.getName()); b.append(K_BQ); } b.append(K_CLOSE_PAREN); b.append(K_VALUES); b.append(K_OPEN_PAREN); } int idx = 0; first = true; // fields... for (DataField f : entity.getFieldList()) { if (generateSQL) { if (!first) { b.append(K_CS); } first = false; b.append(K_BIND_VALUE); } buildArgumentList(ol, argTypes, idx, entity, f); ++idx; } if (generateSQL) { b.append(K_CLOSE_PAREN); } } if (generateSQL) { b.append(K_COLON); sql = b.toString(); } generateSQL = false; batchArgs.add(ol); } try { // update... getJdbcConnection().batchUpdate(sql, batchArgs, argTypes); // if this was an insert, set the fromDatabase flag in the entities if (!changes.get(0).isFromDatabase()) { for (CommonFieldsBase entity : changes) { entity.setFromDatabase(true); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ODKEntityPersistException(e); } } @Override public void deleteEntity(EntityKey key, User user) throws ODKDatastoreException { dam.recordDeleteUsage(key); try { CommonFieldsBase d = key.getRelation(); StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append(K_DELETE_FROM); b.append(K_BQ); b.append(d.getSchemaName()); b.append(K_BQ); b.append("."); b.append(K_BQ); b.append(d.getTableName()); b.append(K_BQ); b.append(K_WHERE); b.append(K_BQ); b.append(d.primaryKey.getName()); b.append(K_BQ); b.append(K_EQ); b.append(K_BIND_VALUE); LogFactory.getLog(DatastoreImpl.class).info( "Executing " + b.toString() + " with key " + key.getKey() + " by user " + user.getUriUser()); getJdbcConnection().update(b.toString(), new Object[] { key.getKey() }); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ODKDatastoreException("delete failed", e); } } @Override public void deleteEntities(Collection<EntityKey> keys, User user) throws ODKDatastoreException { ODKDatastoreException e = null; for (EntityKey k : keys) { try { deleteEntity(k, user); } catch (ODKDatastoreException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); if (e == null) { e = ex; // save the first exception... } } } if (e != null) throw e; // throw the first exception... } @Override public TaskLock createTaskLock(User user) { return new TaskLockImpl(this, dam, user); } }