Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 University of Washington * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package org.opendatakit.api.odktables; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.CharEncoding; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.opendatakit.api.odktables.TableService; import org.opendatakit.constants.BasicConsts; import org.opendatakit.constants.WebConsts; import org.opendatakit.context.CallingContext; import org.opendatakit.odktables.ConfigFileChangeDetail; import org.opendatakit.odktables.FileContentInfo; import org.opendatakit.odktables.FileManager; import org.opendatakit.odktables.TableManager; import org.opendatakit.odktables.TableManager.WebsafeTables; import org.opendatakit.odktables.exception.AppNameMismatchException; import org.opendatakit.odktables.exception.FileNotFoundException; import org.opendatakit.odktables.exception.PermissionDeniedException; import org.opendatakit.odktables.exception.SchemaETagMismatchException; import org.opendatakit.odktables.exception.TableAlreadyExistsException; import org.opendatakit.odktables.exception.TableNotFoundException; import; import; import org.opendatakit.persistence.QueryResumePoint; import org.opendatakit.persistence.exception.ODKDatastoreException; import org.opendatakit.persistence.exception.ODKEntityNotFoundException; import org.opendatakit.persistence.exception.ODKTaskLockException; import; import; import org.opendatakit.utils.WebUtils; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import io.swagger.annotations.Api; import io.swagger.annotations.ApiParam; import io.swagger.annotations.Authorization; @Api(authorizations = { @Authorization(value = "basicAuth") }) public class TableService { public static final String CURSOR_PARAMETER = "cursor"; public static final String FETCH_LIMIT = "fetchLimit"; public static final String OFFICE_ID = "officeId"; public static final String ERROR_TABLE_NOT_FOUND = "Table not found"; private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(TableService.class); private static final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); private static final String ERROR_SCHEMA_DIFFERS = "SchemaETag differs"; private final ServletContext sc; private final HttpServletRequest req; private final HttpServletResponse res; private final HttpHeaders headers; private final UriInfo info; private final String appId; private final String tableId; private final CallingContext callingContext; public TableService(ServletContext sc, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, HttpHeaders headers, UriInfo info, String appId, CallingContext cc) throws ODKEntityNotFoundException, ODKDatastoreException { = sc; this.req = req; this.res = res; this.headers = headers; = info; this.appId = appId; tableId = null; this.callingContext = cc; } public TableService(ServletContext sc, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, HttpHeaders headers, UriInfo info, String appId, String tableId, CallingContext cc) throws ODKEntityNotFoundException, ODKDatastoreException { = sc; this.req = req; this.res = res; this.headers = headers; = info; this.appId = appId; this.tableId = tableId; this.callingContext = cc; } /** * * Get all tables on the server. Invoked from OdkTables implementation class. * * @return {@link TableResourceList} of all tables the user has access to. * @throws ODKDatastoreException * @throws ODKTaskLockException * @throws PermissionDeniedException */ public Response getTables(@QueryParam(CURSOR_PARAMETER) String cursor, @QueryParam(FETCH_LIMIT) String fetchLimit, @QueryParam(OFFICE_ID) String officeId) throws ODKDatastoreException, PermissionDeniedException, ODKTaskLockException { TablesUserPermissions userPermissions = new TablesUserPermissionsImpl(callingContext); TableManager tm = new TableManager(appId, userPermissions, callingContext); int limit = (fetchLimit == null || fetchLimit.length() == 0) ? 2000 : Integer.valueOf(fetchLimit); WebsafeTables websafeResult = tm.getTables(QueryResumePoint.fromWebsafeCursor(WebUtils.safeDecode(cursor)), limit, officeId); ArrayList<TableResource> resources = new ArrayList<TableResource>(); for (TableEntry entry : websafeResult.tables) { // database cruft will have a null schemaETag -- ignore those if (entry.getSchemaETag() != null) { TableResource resource = getResource(info, appId, entry); // set the table-level manifest ETag if known... try { resource.setTableLevelManifestETag( FileManifestService.getTableLevelManifestETag(entry.getTableId(), callingContext)); } catch (ODKDatastoreException e) { // ignore } resources.add(resource); } } TableResourceList tableResourceList = new TableResourceList(resources, WebUtils.safeEncode(websafeResult.websafeRefetchCursor), WebUtils.safeEncode(websafeResult.websafeBackwardCursor), WebUtils.safeEncode(websafeResult.websafeResumeCursor), websafeResult.hasMore, websafeResult.hasPrior); // set the app-level manifest ETag if known... try { tableResourceList.setAppLevelManifestETag(FileManifestService.getAppLevelManifestETag(callingContext)); } catch (ODKDatastoreException e) { // ignore } return Response.ok(tableResourceList) .header(ApiConstants.OPEN_DATA_KIT_VERSION_HEADER, ApiConstants.OPEN_DATA_KIT_VERSION) .header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*").header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true") .build(); } /** * Get a particular tableId (supplied in implementation constructor) * * @return {@link TableResource} of the requested table. * @throws ODKDatastoreException * @throws PermissionDeniedException * @throws ODKTaskLockException * @throws TableNotFoundException */ @GET @Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, ApiConstants.MEDIA_TEXT_XML_UTF8, ApiConstants.MEDIA_APPLICATION_XML_UTF8 }) public Response getTable() throws ODKDatastoreException, TableNotFoundException, PermissionDeniedException, ODKTaskLockException { TablesUserPermissions userPermissions = new TablesUserPermissionsImpl(callingContext); TableManager tm = new TableManager(appId, userPermissions, callingContext); TableEntry entry = tm.getTable(tableId); if (entry == null || entry.getSchemaETag() == null) { // the table doesn't exist yet (or something is there that is database // cruft) throw new TableNotFoundException(ERROR_TABLE_NOT_FOUND + "\n" + tableId); } TableResource resource = getResource(info, appId, entry); // set the table-level manifest ETag if known... try { resource.setTableLevelManifestETag( FileManifestService.getTableLevelManifestETag(entry.getTableId(), callingContext)); } catch (ODKDatastoreException e) { // ignore } return Response.ok(resource) .header(ApiConstants.OPEN_DATA_KIT_VERSION_HEADER, ApiConstants.OPEN_DATA_KIT_VERSION) .header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*").header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true") .build(); } /** * Create a particular tableId (supplied in implementation constructor) * * @param definition * @return {@link TableResource} of the table. This may already exist (with identical schema) or be newly created. * @throws ODKDatastoreException * @throws TableAlreadyExistsException * @throws PermissionDeniedException * @throws ODKTaskLockException * @throws IOException */ @PUT @Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, ApiConstants.MEDIA_TEXT_XML_UTF8, ApiConstants.MEDIA_APPLICATION_XML_UTF8 }) @Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, ApiConstants.MEDIA_TEXT_XML_UTF8, ApiConstants.MEDIA_APPLICATION_XML_UTF8 }) public Response createTable(TableDefinition definition) throws ODKDatastoreException, TableAlreadyExistsException, PermissionDeniedException, ODKTaskLockException, IOException { TreeSet<GrantedAuthorityName> ui = SecurityServiceUtil.getCurrentUserSecurityInfo(callingContext); if (!ui.contains(GrantedAuthorityName.ROLE_ADMINISTER_TABLES)) { throw new PermissionDeniedException("User does not belong to the 'Administer Tables' group"); } TablesUserPermissions userPermissions = new TablesUserPermissionsImpl(callingContext); TableManager tm = new TableManager(appId, userPermissions, callingContext); // NOTE: the only access control restriction for // creating the table is the Administer Tables role. List<Column> columns = definition.getColumns(); TableEntry entry = tm.createTable(tableId, columns, null); TableResource resource = getResource(info, appId, entry); // set the table-level manifest ETag if known... try { resource.setTableLevelManifestETag( FileManifestService.getTableLevelManifestETag(entry.getTableId(), callingContext)); } catch (ODKDatastoreException e) { // ignore }"createTable: tableId: %s, definition: %s", tableId, definition)); return Response.ok(resource) .header(ApiConstants.OPEN_DATA_KIT_VERSION_HEADER, ApiConstants.OPEN_DATA_KIT_VERSION) .header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*").header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true") .build(); } /** * Get the realized version of this table. * * @param schemaETag * @return * @throws ODKDatastoreException * @throws PermissionDeniedException * @throws SchemaETagMismatchException * @throws AppNameMismatchException * @throws ODKTaskLockException * @throws TableNotFoundException */ @Path("ref/{schemaETag}") public RealizedTableService getRealizedTable(@PathParam("schemaETag") String schemaETag) throws ODKDatastoreException, PermissionDeniedException, SchemaETagMismatchException, AppNameMismatchException, ODKTaskLockException, TableNotFoundException { TablesUserPermissions userPermissions = new TablesUserPermissionsImpl(callingContext); TableManager tm = new TableManager(appId, userPermissions, callingContext); TableEntry entry = tm.getTable(tableId); if (entry == null) { // the table doesn't exist yet (or something is there that is database // cruft) throw new TableNotFoundException(ERROR_TABLE_NOT_FOUND + "\n" + tableId); } if (entry.getSchemaETag() != null && !entry.getSchemaETag().equals(schemaETag)) { throw new SchemaETagMismatchException(ERROR_SCHEMA_DIFFERS + "\n" + entry.getSchemaETag()); } logger.debug("Returning RealizedTableService " + tableId + " " + appId + " " + schemaETag); RealizedTableService service = new RealizedTableService(sc, req, headers, info, appId, tableId, schemaETag, (entry.getSchemaETag() == null), userPermissions, tm, callingContext); return service; } @Path("export/{format}") public ExportService getExportService( @ApiParam(value = "JSON or CSV", required = true) @PathParam("format") String exportFormat) { ExportService service = new ExportService(res, appId, tableId, exportFormat.toUpperCase(), callingContext); return service; } /** * ACL manager for a particular tableId (supplied in implementation constructor) * * @return {@link TableAclService} for ACL management on this table. * @throws ODKDatastoreException * @throws AppNameMismatchException * @throws ODKTaskLockException * @throws PermissionDeniedException */ @Path("acl") public TableAclService getAcl() throws ODKDatastoreException, AppNameMismatchException, PermissionDeniedException, ODKTaskLockException { TablesUserPermissions userPermissions = new TablesUserPermissionsImpl(callingContext); // orthogonal to access rights to the table... // TableManager tm = new TableManager(appId, userPermissions, cc); TableAclService service = new TableAclService(appId, tableId, info, userPermissions, callingContext); return service; } private TableResource getResource(UriInfo info, String appId, TableEntry entry) { String tableId = entry.getTableId(); String schemaETag = entry.getSchemaETag(); UriBuilder uriBuilder = info.getBaseUriBuilder(); uriBuilder.path(OdkTables.class); uriBuilder.path(OdkTables.class, "getTablesService"); URI self = uriBuilder.clone().build(appId, tableId); UriBuilder realized = uriBuilder.clone().path(TableService.class, "getRealizedTable"); URI data = realized.clone().path(RealizedTableService.class, "getData").build(appId, tableId, schemaETag); URI instanceFiles = realized.clone().path(RealizedTableService.class, "getInstanceFileService").build(appId, tableId, schemaETag); URI diff = realized.clone().path(RealizedTableService.class, "getDiff").build(appId, tableId, schemaETag); URI acl = uriBuilder.clone().path(TableService.class, "getAcl").build(appId, tableId); URI definition = realized.clone().build(appId, tableId, schemaETag); TableResource resource = new TableResource(entry); try { resource.setSelfUri(self.toURL().toExternalForm()); resource.setDefinitionUri(definition.toURL().toExternalForm()); resource.setDataUri(data.toURL().toExternalForm()); resource.setInstanceFilesUri(instanceFiles.toURL().toExternalForm()); resource.setDiffUri(diff.toURL().toExternalForm()); resource.setAclUri(acl.toURL().toExternalForm()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return resource; } /** * Get the properties.csv for this tableId. * * The properties.csv is not versioned but is atomically * updated. It is the metadata for the tableId excluding * the data type definitions which are defined in the * TableDefinition's Column array. * * @param odkClientVersion * @return * @throws ODKDatastoreException * @throws PermissionDeniedException * @throws ODKTaskLockException * @throws TableNotFoundException * @throws FileNotFoundException */ @GET @Path("properties/{odkClientVersion}") @Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, ApiConstants.MEDIA_TEXT_XML_UTF8, ApiConstants.MEDIA_APPLICATION_XML_UTF8 }) public Response getTableProperties(@PathParam("odkClientVersion") String odkClientVersion) throws ODKDatastoreException, PermissionDeniedException, ODKTaskLockException, TableNotFoundException, FileNotFoundException { TablesUserPermissions userPermissions = new TablesUserPermissionsImpl(callingContext); String appRelativePath = FileManager.getPropertiesFilePath(tableId); FileContentInfo fi; userPermissions.checkPermission(appId, tableId, TablePermission.READ_PROPERTIES); FileManager fm = new FileManager(appId, callingContext); fi = fm.getFile(odkClientVersion, tableId, appRelativePath); // And now prepare everything to be returned to the caller. if (fi.fileBlob != null && fi.contentType != null && fi.contentLength != null && fi.contentLength != 0L) { // read the byte[] array using the CSV reader, and build a // list of PropertyEntry objects. ByteArrayInputStream bas = new ByteArrayInputStream(fi.fileBlob); Reader rdr = null; RFC4180CsvReader csvReader = null; ArrayList<PropertyEntryXml> properties = new ArrayList<PropertyEntryXml>(); try { rdr = new InputStreamReader(bas, CharEncoding.UTF_8); csvReader = new RFC4180CsvReader(rdr); String[] entries = csvReader.readNext(); if (entries.length != 5) { throw new IllegalStateException("Uploaded properties.csv does not have 5 columns!"); } if (!"_partition".equals(entries[0])) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Uploaded properties.csv does not have 'partition' as first column heading!"); } if (!"_aspect".equals(entries[1])) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Uploaded properties.csv does not have 'aspect' as second column heading!"); } if (!"_key".equals(entries[2])) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Uploaded properties.csv does not have 'key' as third column heading!"); } if (!"_type".equals(entries[3])) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Uploaded properties.csv does not have 'type' as fourth column heading!"); } if (!"_value".equals(entries[4])) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Uploaded properties.csv does not have 'value' as fifth column heading!"); } entries = csvReader.readNext(); while (entries != null) { PropertyEntryXml e = new PropertyEntryXml(entries[0], entries[1], entries[2], entries[3], entries[4]); properties.add(e); entries = csvReader.readNext(); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new IllegalStateException("unrecognized UTF-8 charset encoding!"); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new IllegalStateException("unable to parse properties.csv!"); } finally { if (csvReader != null) { try { csvReader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (rdr != null) { try { rdr.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } PropertyEntryXmlList pl = new PropertyEntryXmlList(properties); List<MediaType> acceptableMedia = headers.getAcceptableMediaTypes(); double maxJson = 0.0; double maxOther = 0.0; MediaType xmlType = null; for (MediaType m : acceptableMedia) { // get q value, if any (default = 1.0). double weight = 0.0; String quotient = m.getParameters().get("q"); if (quotient != null) { try { weight = Double.valueOf(quotient); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { weight = 1.0; } } else { weight = 1.0; } if (m.isCompatible(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE)) { // this will snarf "*/*", so we will prefer the JSON return format. maxJson = (maxJson > weight) ? maxJson : weight; } else if (m.isCompatible(MediaType.valueOf(ApiConstants.MEDIA_TEXT_XML_UTF8)) || m.isCompatible(MediaType.valueOf(ApiConstants.MEDIA_APPLICATION_XML_UTF8))) { if (weight > maxOther) { maxOther = weight; xmlType = m; } } } if (maxJson >= maxOther) { // re-write as full Json object... PropertyEntryJsonList pjson = new PropertyEntryJsonList(); for (PropertyEntryXml e : properties) { PropertyEntryJson tpe = new PropertyEntryJson(e.getPartition(), e.getAspect(), e.getKey(), e.getType(), null); String value = e.getValue(); if (value == null) { // shouldn't happen... tpe.setValue(null); continue; } String type = e.getType(); if (type.equals("string")) { tpe.setValue(value); } else if (type.equals("number")) { try { double d = Double.valueOf(value); tpe.setValue(d); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { // swallow... tpe.setValue(null); } } else if (type.equals("integer")) { try { int i = Integer.valueOf(value); tpe.setValue(i); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { // swallow... tpe.setValue(null); } } else if (type.equals("boolean")) { boolean b = Boolean.valueOf(value); tpe.setValue(b); } else { // could be anything. most likely // an array or object -- just convert // and store... Object o = null; try { o = mapper.readValue(value, Object.class); } catch (JsonParseException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (JsonMappingException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } tpe.setValue(o); } pjson.add(tpe); } ResponseBuilder rBuild = Response.ok(pjson, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE) .header(ApiConstants.OPEN_DATA_KIT_VERSION_HEADER, ApiConstants.OPEN_DATA_KIT_VERSION) .header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") .header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true"); return; } else { ResponseBuilder rBuild = Response.ok(pl, xmlType) .header(ApiConstants.OPEN_DATA_KIT_VERSION_HEADER, ApiConstants.OPEN_DATA_KIT_VERSION) .header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") .header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true"); return; } } else { PropertyEntryXmlList pl = new PropertyEntryXmlList(null); ResponseBuilder rBuild = Response.ok(pl) .header(ApiConstants.OPEN_DATA_KIT_VERSION_HEADER, ApiConstants.OPEN_DATA_KIT_VERSION) .header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*").header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true"); return; } } /** * Replace the properties.csv with the supplied propertiesList. * This does not preserve the existing properties in the properties.csv, * but does a wholesale, atomic, replacement of those properties. * * This is the XML variant of this API. See putJsonTableProperties, below. * * @param odkClientVersion * @param propertiesList * @return * @throws ODKDatastoreException * @throws PermissionDeniedException * @throws ODKTaskLockException * @throws TableNotFoundException */ @PUT @Path("properties/{odkClientVersion}") @Consumes({ ApiConstants.MEDIA_TEXT_XML_UTF8, ApiConstants.MEDIA_APPLICATION_XML_UTF8 }) @Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, ApiConstants.MEDIA_TEXT_XML_UTF8, ApiConstants.MEDIA_APPLICATION_XML_UTF8 }) public Response putXmlTableProperties(@PathParam("odkClientVersion") String odkClientVersion, PropertyEntryXmlList propertiesList) throws ODKDatastoreException, PermissionDeniedException, ODKTaskLockException, TableNotFoundException { return putInternalTableProperties(odkClientVersion, propertiesList); } /** * Replace the properties.csv with the supplied propertiesList. * This does not preserve the existing properties in the properties.csv, * but does a wholesale, atomic, replacement of those properties. * * This is the JSON variant of this API. See putXmlTableProperties, above. * * @param odkClientVersion * @param propertiesList * @return * @throws ODKDatastoreException * @throws PermissionDeniedException * @throws ODKTaskLockException * @throws TableNotFoundException */ @PUT @Path("properties/{odkClientVersion}") @Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON }) @Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, ApiConstants.MEDIA_TEXT_XML_UTF8, ApiConstants.MEDIA_APPLICATION_XML_UTF8 }) public Response putJsonTableProperties(@PathParam("odkClientVersion") String odkClientVersion, ArrayList<Map<String, Object>> propertiesList) throws ODKDatastoreException, PermissionDeniedException, ODKTaskLockException, TableNotFoundException { ArrayList<PropertyEntryXml> properties = new ArrayList<PropertyEntryXml>(); for (Map<String, Object> tpe : propertiesList) { // bogus type and value... String partition = (String) tpe.get("partition"); String aspect = (String) tpe.get("aspect"); String key = (String) tpe.get("key"); String type = (String) tpe.get("type"); PropertyEntryXml e = new PropertyEntryXml(partition, aspect, key, type, null); // and figure out the correct type and value... Object value = tpe.get("value"); if (value == null) { e.setValue(null); } else if (value instanceof Boolean) { e.setValue(Boolean.toString((Boolean) value)); } else if (value instanceof Integer) { e.setValue(Integer.toString((Integer) value)); } else if (value instanceof Float) { e.setValue(Float.toString((Float) value)); } else if (value instanceof Double) { e.setValue(Double.toString((Double) value)); } else if (value instanceof List) { try { e.setValue(mapper.writeValueAsString(value)); } catch (JsonProcessingException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); e.setValue("[]"); } } else { try { e.setValue(mapper.writeValueAsString(value)); } catch (JsonProcessingException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); e.setValue("{}"); } } properties.add(e); } PropertyEntryXmlList pl = new PropertyEntryXmlList(properties); return putInternalTableProperties(odkClientVersion, pl); } public Response putInternalTableProperties(String odkClientVersion, PropertyEntryXmlList propertiesList) throws ODKDatastoreException, PermissionDeniedException, ODKTaskLockException, TableNotFoundException { TreeSet<GrantedAuthorityName> ui = SecurityServiceUtil.getCurrentUserSecurityInfo(callingContext); if (!ui.contains(GrantedAuthorityName.ROLE_ADMINISTER_TABLES)) { throw new PermissionDeniedException("User does not belong to the 'Administer Tables' group"); } TablesUserPermissions userPermissions = new TablesUserPermissionsImpl(callingContext); String appRelativePath = FileManager.getPropertiesFilePath(tableId); String contentType = WebConsts.CONTENT_TYPE_CSV_UTF8; // DbTableFileInfo.NO_TABLE_ID -- means that we are working with app-level // permissions userPermissions.checkPermission(appId, tableId, TablePermission.WRITE_PROPERTIES); ByteArrayOutputStream bas = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Writer wtr = null; RFC4180CsvWriter csvWtr = null; try { wtr = new OutputStreamWriter(bas, CharEncoding.UTF_8); csvWtr = new RFC4180CsvWriter(wtr); String[] entry = new String[5]; entry[0] = "_partition"; entry[1] = "_aspect"; entry[2] = "_key"; entry[3] = "_type"; entry[4] = "_value"; csvWtr.writeNext(entry); for (PropertyEntryXml e : propertiesList.getProperties()) { entry[0] = e.getPartition(); entry[1] = e.getAspect(); entry[2] = e.getKey(); entry[3] = e.getType(); entry[4] = e.getValue(); csvWtr.writeNext(entry); } csvWtr.flush(); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new IllegalStateException("Unrecognized UTF-8 charset!"); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to write into a byte array!"); } finally { if (csvWtr != null) { try { csvWtr.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (wtr != null) { try { wtr.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } byte[] content = bas.toByteArray(); FileManager fm = new FileManager(appId, callingContext); FileContentInfo fi = new FileContentInfo(appRelativePath, contentType, Long.valueOf(content.length), null, content); @SuppressWarnings("unused") ConfigFileChangeDetail outcome = fm.putFile(odkClientVersion, tableId, fi, userPermissions); return Response.status(Status.ACCEPTED) .header(ApiConstants.OPEN_DATA_KIT_VERSION_HEADER, ApiConstants.OPEN_DATA_KIT_VERSION) .header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*").header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true") .build(); } @GET @Path("offices") public Response getOfficeList() throws ODKDatastoreException, ODKTaskLockException, PermissionDeniedException, TableAlreadyExistsException, AppNameMismatchException, TableNotFoundException { TablesUserPermissions userPermissions = new TablesUserPermissionsImpl(callingContext); TableManager tm = new TableManager(appId, userPermissions, callingContext); TreeSet<GrantedAuthorityName> ui = SecurityServiceUtil.getCurrentUserSecurityInfo(callingContext); if (!ui.contains(GrantedAuthorityName.ROLE_ADMINISTER_TABLES)) { throw new PermissionDeniedException("User does not belong to the 'Administer Tables' group"); } String officeList = tm.getOffices(tableId); List<String> offices = Arrays.asList(officeList.split(",")); return Response.ok().entity(offices).encoding(BasicConsts.UTF8_ENCODE) .header(ApiConstants.OPEN_DATA_KIT_VERSION_HEADER, ApiConstants.OPEN_DATA_KIT_VERSION) .header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*").header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true") .build(); } @POST @Path("offices") public Response postOfficeList(List<String> regionalOffices) throws ODKDatastoreException, ODKTaskLockException, PermissionDeniedException, TableAlreadyExistsException, AppNameMismatchException, TableNotFoundException { TablesUserPermissions userPermissions = new TablesUserPermissionsImpl(callingContext); TableManager tm = new TableManager(appId, userPermissions, callingContext); TreeSet<GrantedAuthorityName> ui = SecurityServiceUtil.getCurrentUserSecurityInfo(callingContext); if (!ui.contains(GrantedAuthorityName.ROLE_ADMINISTER_TABLES)) { throw new PermissionDeniedException("User does not belong to the 'Administer Tables' group"); } tm.updateOffices(tableId, regionalOffices); return Response.ok().header(ApiConstants.OPEN_DATA_KIT_VERSION_HEADER, ApiConstants.OPEN_DATA_KIT_VERSION) .header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*").header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true") .build(); } }