Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. * Copyright (C) 2010 University of Washington. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package org.opendatakit.aggregate.parser; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.opendatakit.aggregate.constants.ParserConsts; import org.opendatakit.aggregate.constants.ServletConsts; import org.opendatakit.aggregate.datamodel.FormElementModel; import org.opendatakit.aggregate.datamodel.TopLevelInstanceData; import org.opendatakit.aggregate.exception.ODKConversionException; import org.opendatakit.aggregate.exception.ODKFormNotFoundException; import org.opendatakit.aggregate.exception.ODKFormSubmissionsDisabledException; import org.opendatakit.aggregate.exception.ODKIncompleteSubmissionData; import org.opendatakit.aggregate.exception.ODKIncompleteSubmissionData.Reason; import org.opendatakit.aggregate.exception.ODKParseException; import org.opendatakit.aggregate.form.FormFactory; import org.opendatakit.aggregate.form.IForm; import org.opendatakit.aggregate.submission.Submission; import org.opendatakit.aggregate.submission.SubmissionField; import org.opendatakit.aggregate.submission.SubmissionSet; import org.opendatakit.aggregate.submission.type.BlobSubmissionType; import org.opendatakit.aggregate.submission.type.RepeatSubmissionType; import org.opendatakit.common.datamodel.DeleteHelper; import org.opendatakit.common.datamodel.ODKEnumeratedElementException; import org.opendatakit.common.persistence.CommonFieldsBase; import org.opendatakit.common.persistence.Datastore; import org.opendatakit.common.persistence.EntityKey; import org.opendatakit.common.persistence.exception.ODKDatastoreException; import org.opendatakit.common.persistence.exception.ODKEntityNotFoundException; import; import org.opendatakit.common.utils.WebUtils; import org.opendatakit.common.web.CallingContext; import org.opendatakit.common.web.constants.BasicConsts; import org.opendatakit.common.web.constants.HtmlConsts; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; /** * Parsers submission xml and saves to datastore * * @author * @author * */ public class SubmissionParser { /** * form Id of submission */ private String formId; private IForm form; /** * Root of XML submission */ private Element root; /** * Submission object created from xml submission */ private Submission submission; /** * Track whether this submission was already present and complete. */ private boolean preExistingComplete = false; /** * Data items obtained from a multipart submission */ private MultiPartFormData submissionFormItems; private EntityKey topLevelTableKey = null; /** * Get submission object from parse * * @return submission */ public Submission getSubmission() { return submission; } public boolean wasPreexistingComplete() { return preExistingComplete; } /** * Get the form corresponding to the parsed submission. * * @return */ public IForm getForm() { return form; } /** * Construct an ODK submission by processing XML submission to extract values. * The submission is persisted to the database before returning. * * @param inputStreamXML * xml submission input stream * @param cc * the CallingContext of this request * @throws IOException * @throws ODKFormNotFoundException * thrown if a form is not found with a matching ODK ID * @throws ODKParseException * @throws ODKIncompleteSubmissionData * @throws ODKConversionException * @throws ODKDatastoreException * @throws ODKFormSubmissionsDisabledException */ public SubmissionParser(InputStream inputStreamXML, CallingContext cc) throws IOException, ODKFormNotFoundException, ODKParseException, ODKIncompleteSubmissionData, ODKConversionException, ODKDatastoreException, ODKFormSubmissionsDisabledException { constructorHelper(inputStreamXML, false, cc); } /** * Construct an ODK submission by processing XML submission to extract values. * The submission is persisted to the database before returning. * * @param submissionFormParser * multipart data submission that includes XML submission & possibly * other data * @param isIncomplete * @param cc * the CallingContext of this request * @throws IOException * @throws ODKFormNotFoundException * thrown if a form is not found with a matching ODK ID * @throws ODKParseException * @throws ODKIncompleteSubmissionData * @throws ODKConversionException * @throws ODKDatastoreException * @throws ODKFormSubmissionsDisabledException */ public SubmissionParser(MultiPartFormData submissionFormParser, boolean isIncomplete, CallingContext cc) throws IOException, ODKFormNotFoundException, ODKParseException, ODKIncompleteSubmissionData, ODKConversionException, ODKDatastoreException, ODKFormSubmissionsDisabledException { if (submissionFormParser == null) { // TODO: review best error handling strategy throw new IOException("DID NOT GET A MULTIPARTFORMPARSER"); } submissionFormItems = submissionFormParser; MultiPartFormItem submission = submissionFormItems .getFormDataByFieldName(ServletConsts.XML_SUBMISSION_FILE); if (submission == null) { // TODO: review best error handling strategy throw new IOException("DID NOT GET A SUBMISSION"); } InputStream inputStreamXML = new ByteArrayInputStream(submission.getStream().toByteArray()); try { constructorHelper(inputStreamXML, isIncomplete, cc); } finally { inputStreamXML.close(); } } private static final String OPEN_ROSA_NAMESPACE_PRELIM = ""; private static final String OPEN_ROSA_NAMESPACE = ""; private static final String OPEN_ROSA_NAMESPACE_SLASH = ""; private static final String OPEN_ROSA_METADATA_TAG = "meta"; private static final String OPEN_ROSA_INSTANCE_ID = "instanceID"; /** * Find the OpenRosa instanceID defined for this record, if any. * * @return */ private String getOpenRosaInstanceId() { Node n = findMetaTag(root); if (n != null) { NodeList nl = n.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); ++i) { Node cn = nl.item(i); String cnUri = cn.getNamespaceURI(); String cnName = cn.getLocalName(); if (cn.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && cnName.equals(OPEN_ROSA_INSTANCE_ID) && (cnUri == null || cnUri.equalsIgnoreCase(OPEN_ROSA_NAMESPACE) || cnUri.equalsIgnoreCase(OPEN_ROSA_NAMESPACE_SLASH) || cnUri.equalsIgnoreCase(OPEN_ROSA_NAMESPACE_PRELIM))) { NodeList cnl = cn.getChildNodes(); boolean textFound = false; int idxText = -1; for (int j = 0; j < cnl.getLength(); ++j) { Node cnln = cnl.item(j); if (cnln.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) { if (textFound) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expected a single text node"); } textFound = true; idxText = j; } } if (textFound) { return cnl.item(idxText).getNodeValue(); } } } } return null; } /** * Traverse submission looking for OpenRosa metadata tag (with or without * namespace). * * @param parent * @return */ private Node findMetaTag(Node parent) { if (parent.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) return null; @SuppressWarnings("unused") String parentName = parent.getLocalName(); NodeList nl = parent.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); ++i) { Node n = nl.item(i); String namespace = n.getNamespaceURI(); String name = n.getLocalName(); if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && name.equals(OPEN_ROSA_METADATA_TAG) && (namespace == null || namespace.equalsIgnoreCase(OPEN_ROSA_NAMESPACE) || namespace.equalsIgnoreCase(OPEN_ROSA_NAMESPACE_SLASH) || namespace.equalsIgnoreCase(OPEN_ROSA_NAMESPACE_PRELIM))) { return n; } else { n = findMetaTag(n); if (n != null) return n; } } return null; } /** * Helper Constructor an ODK submission by processing XML submission to * extract values * * @param inputStreamXML * xml submission input stream * @param isIncomplete * * @throws IOException * @throws ODKFormNotFoundException * thrown if a form is not found with a matching ODK ID * @throws ODKParseException * @throws ODKIncompleteSubmissionData * @throws ODKConversionException * @throws ODKDatastoreException * @throws ODKFormSubmissionsDisabledException */ private void constructorHelper(InputStream inputStreamXML, boolean isIncomplete, CallingContext cc) throws IOException, ODKFormNotFoundException, ODKParseException, ODKIncompleteSubmissionData, ODKConversionException, ODKDatastoreException, ODKFormSubmissionsDisabledException { try { DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); factory.setNamespaceAware(true); factory.setIgnoringComments(true); factory.setCoalescing(true); DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = builder.parse(inputStreamXML); root = doc.getDocumentElement(); // if debugging: printNode(root); // check for odk id formId = root.getAttribute(ParserConsts.FORM_ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME); // if odk id is not present use namespace if (formId.equalsIgnoreCase(BasicConsts.EMPTY_STRING)) { String schema = root.getAttribute(ParserConsts.NAMESPACE_ATTRIBUTE); // TODO: move this into FormDefinition? if (schema == null) { throw new ODKIncompleteSubmissionData(Reason.ID_MISSING); } formId = schema; } } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { throw new IOException(e); } catch (SAXException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException(e); } // need to escape all slashes... for xpath processing... formId = formId.replaceAll(ParserConsts.FORWARD_SLASH, ParserConsts.FORWARD_SLASH_SUBSTITUTION); String fullyQualifiedId = FormFactory.extractWellFormedFormId(formId); form = FormFactory.retrieveFormByFormId(fullyQualifiedId, cc); if (!form.getSubmissionEnabled()) { throw new ODKFormSubmissionsDisabledException(); } String modelVersionString = root.getAttribute(ParserConsts.MODEL_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE_NAME); String uiVersionString = root.getAttribute(ParserConsts.UI_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE_NAME); Long modelVersion = null; Long uiVersion = null; if (modelVersionString != null && modelVersionString.length() > 0) { modelVersion = Long.valueOf(modelVersionString); } if (uiVersionString != null && uiVersionString.length() > 0) { uiVersion = Long.valueOf(uiVersionString); } String instanceId = getOpenRosaInstanceId(); if (instanceId == null) { instanceId = root.getAttribute(ParserConsts.INSTANCE_ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME); if (instanceId == null || instanceId.length() == 0) { instanceId = CommonFieldsBase.newUri(); } } Date submissionDate = new Date(); String submissionDateString = root.getAttribute(ParserConsts.SUBMISSION_DATE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME); if (submissionDateString != null && submissionDateString.length() != 0) { submissionDate = WebUtils.parseDate(submissionDateString); } Date markedAsCompleteDate = new Date(); String markedAsCompleteDateString = root.getAttribute(ParserConsts.MARKED_AS_COMPLETE_DATE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME); if (markedAsCompleteDateString != null && markedAsCompleteDateString.length() != 0) { markedAsCompleteDate = WebUtils.parseDate(markedAsCompleteDateString); } // retrieve the record with this instanceId from the database or // create a new one. This supports submissions having more than // 10MB of attachments. In that case, ODK Collect will post the // submission in multiple parts and Aggregate needs to be able to // merge the parts together. This SHOULD NOT be used to 'update' // an existing submission, only to attach additional binary content // to an already-uploaded submission. boolean preExisting = false; try { Datastore ds = cc.getDatastore(); User user = cc.getCurrentUser(); TopLevelInstanceData fi = (TopLevelInstanceData) ds.getEntity( form.getTopLevelGroupElement().getFormDataModel().getBackingObjectPrototype(), instanceId, user); try { submission = new Submission(fi, form, cc); } catch (ODKDatastoreException e) { Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(Submission.class); e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("Unable to reconstruct submission for " + fi.getSchemaName() + "." + fi.getTableName() + " uri " + fi.getUri()); if ((e instanceof ODKEntityNotFoundException) || (e instanceof ODKEnumeratedElementException)) { // this is a malformed submission... // try to clean this up... DeleteHelper.deleteDamagedSubmission(fi, form.getAllBackingObjects(), cc); } throw e; } preExisting = true; preExistingComplete = submission.isComplete(); } catch (ODKEntityNotFoundException e) { submission = new Submission(modelVersion, uiVersion, instanceId, form, submissionDate, cc); } topLevelTableKey = submission.getKey(); Map<String, Integer> repeatGroupIndices = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); FormElementModel formRoot = form.getTopLevelGroupElement(); // if the submission is pre-existing in the datastore, ONLY update binaries boolean uploadAllBinaries = processSubmissionElement(formRoot, root, submission, repeatGroupIndices, preExisting, cc); submission.setIsComplete(uploadAllBinaries); if (uploadAllBinaries) { submission.setMarkedAsCompleteDate(markedAsCompleteDate); } // save the elements inserted into the top-level submission try { submission.persist(cc); } catch (Exception e) { List<EntityKey> keys = new ArrayList<EntityKey>(); submission.recursivelyAddEntityKeysForDeletion(keys, cc); keys.add(submission.getKey()); try { DeleteHelper.deleteEntities(keys, cc); } catch (Exception ex) { // ignore... we are rolling back... } throw new ODKDatastoreException("Unable to persist data", e); } } /** * * Helper function to process submission by taking the form element and * extracting the corresponding value from the XML submission. Recursively * applies itself to children of the form element. * * @param node * form data model of the group or repeat group being parsed. * @param currentSubmissionElement * xml document element that marks the start of this submission set. * @param submissionSet * the submission set to add the submission values to. * @param repeatGroupIndicies * tracks the ordinal number of the last stored repeat group of this * name. * @param preExisting * true if this submission already existed in the database. If so, do * not update fields. * @throws ODKParseException * @throws ODKIncompleteSubmissionData * @throws ODKConversionException * @throws ODKDatastoreException */ private boolean processSubmissionElement(FormElementModel node, Element currentSubmissionElement, SubmissionSet submissionSet, Map<String, Integer> repeatGroupIndicies, boolean preExisting, CallingContext cc) throws ODKParseException, ODKIncompleteSubmissionData, ODKConversionException, ODKDatastoreException { if (node == null || currentSubmissionElement == null) { return true; } // the element name of the fdm is the tag name... String submissionTag = node.getElementName(); if (submissionTag == null) { return true; } // verify that the xml matches the node we are processing... if (!currentSubmissionElement.getLocalName().equals(submissionTag)) { throw new ODKParseException("Xml document element tag: " + currentSubmissionElement.getLocalName() + " does not match the xform data model tag name: " + submissionTag); } // get the structure under the fdm tag name... List<Element> elements = getElements(currentSubmissionElement); if (elements.size() == 0) { return true; // the group is not relevant... } // and for each of these, they should be fields under the given fdm // and values within the submissionSet boolean complete = true; for (Element e : elements) { FormElementModel m = node.findElementByName(e.getLocalName()); if (m == null) { continue; // throw new ODKParseException(); } switch (m.getElementType()) { case METADATA: // This keeps lint warnings down break; case GROUP: // need to recurse on these elements keeping the same // submissionSet... complete = complete & processSubmissionElement(m, e, submissionSet, repeatGroupIndicies, preExisting, cc); break; case REPEAT: // get the field that will hold the repeats... // get the repeat group... RepeatSubmissionType repeats = (RepeatSubmissionType) submissionSet.getElementValue(m); // determine the ordinal of the repeat group element we are processing. // do this by constructing the submission key for the repeat group and // seeing if that key is in the repeatGroupIndicies table. If not, the // ordinal is 1L. Otherwise, it is the value in the table plus 1L. String fullName = repeats.constructSubmissionKey().toString(); Integer idx = repeatGroupIndicies.get(fullName); if (idx == null) { idx = 1; // base case -- not yet in repeatGroupIndicies map } else { ++idx; } // save the updated index repeatGroupIndicies.put(fullName, idx); // get or create the instance's submission set for this ordinal SubmissionSet repeatableSubmissionSet; if (repeats.getNumberRepeats() >= idx) { // we already have this set defined repeatableSubmissionSet = repeats.getSubmissionSets().get(idx - 1); } else if (repeats.getNumberRepeats() == idx - 1) { // Create a submission set for a new instance... long l = repeats.getNumberRepeats() + 1L; repeatableSubmissionSet = new SubmissionSet(submissionSet, l, m, form, topLevelTableKey, cc); repeats.addSubmissionSet(repeatableSubmissionSet); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("incrementing repeats by more than one!"); } // populate the instance's submission set with values from e... complete = complete & processSubmissionElement(m, e, repeatableSubmissionSet, repeatGroupIndicies, preExisting, cc); break; case STRING: case JRDATETIME: case JRDATE: case JRTIME: case INTEGER: case DECIMAL: case BOOLEAN: case SELECT1: // identifies SelectChoice table case SELECTN: // identifies SelectChoice table if (!preExisting) { String value = getSubmissionValue(e); SubmissionField<?> subField = (SubmissionField<?>) submissionSet.getElementValue(m); subField.setValueFromString(value); } break; case GEOPOINT: if (!preExisting) { String value = getSubmissionValue(e); ((SubmissionField<?>) submissionSet.getElementValue(m)).setValueFromString(value); } break; case BINARY: // identifies BinaryContent table { String value = getSubmissionValue(e); SubmissionField<?> submissionElement = ((SubmissionField<?>) submissionSet.getElementValue(m)); complete = complete & processBinarySubmission(m, submissionElement, value, cc); } break; } } return complete; } private boolean processBinarySubmission(FormElementModel m, SubmissionField<?> submissionElement, String value, CallingContext cc) throws ODKDatastoreException { // value will either be a byte array (if not a multipart/form-data // submission) // or the filename of the attached media file // or the name of the filed holding the media file contents. // It will be null only if there is no associated file. if (value == null) return true; // check to see if we received a multipart submission if (submissionFormItems == null) { // TODO: problem, only accept a base64 encoded in a direct XML post byte[] receivedBytes = Base64.decodeBase64(value.getBytes()); // TODO: problem since we don't know how to tell what type of // binary without content type, defaulting to JPG submissionElement.setValueFromByteArray(receivedBytes, HtmlConsts.RESP_TYPE_IMAGE_JPEG, null, false, cc); } else { // attempt to find binary data in multi-part form submission // first searching by file name, then field name MultiPartFormItem binaryData = submissionFormItems.getFormDataByFileName(value); if (binaryData == null) { binaryData = submissionFormItems.getFormDataByFieldName(value); } // after completing the search now check if found anything and // value, otherwise output error if (binaryData != null) { // determine the filename, if any... String fileName = binaryData.getFilename(); if (fileName == null || fileName.length() == 0) { fileName = null; } byte[] byteArray = binaryData.getStream().toByteArray(); submissionElement.setValueFromByteArray(byteArray, binaryData.getContentType(), fileName, false, cc); } else { // Assume the value is the filename... submissionElement.setValueFromByteArray(null, null, value, false, cc); // and if we already have the content loaded, the content hash will be // non-null BlobSubmissionType blob = (BlobSubmissionType) submissionElement; return (blob.getContentHash(1, cc) != null); } } return true; } private List<Element> getElements(Element rootNode) { List<Element> elements = new ArrayList<Element>(); NodeList nodeList = rootNode.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); ++i) { Node node = nodeList.item(i); if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { elements.add((Element) node); } } return elements; } /** * Extracts value from the XML submission element by getting value from the * text node * * @param element * element that has text child node that will contain the value * * @return value contained in the XML submission */ private String getSubmissionValue(Element element) { // could not find element, return null if (element == null) { return null; } NodeList childNodeList = element.getChildNodes(); // get element value for (int i = 0; i < childNodeList.getLength(); i++) { Node node = childNodeList.item(i); if (node.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) { String value = node.getNodeValue().trim(); if (value.length() > 0) { return value; } // else go to next node } } // else has no value so continue return null; } /** * Recursive function that prints the nodes from an XML tree * * @param node * xml node to be recursively printed */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void printNode(Element node) { System.out.println(ParserConsts.NODE_FORMATTED + node.getTagName()); if (node.hasAttributes()) { NamedNodeMap attributes = node.getAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { Node attr = attributes.item(i); System.out.println(ParserConsts.ATTRIBUTE_FORMATTED + attr.getNodeName() + BasicConsts.EQUALS + attr.getNodeValue()); } } if (node.hasChildNodes()) { NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node child = children.item(i); if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { printNode((Element) child); } else if (child.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) { String value = child.getNodeValue().trim(); if (value.length() > 0) { System.out.println(ParserConsts.VALUE_FORMATTED + value); } } } } } }