Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2010 University of Washington * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package org.opendatakit.aggregate.form; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.opendatakit.aggregate.datamodel.FormDataModel; import org.opendatakit.aggregate.datamodel.FormDataModel.ElementType; import org.opendatakit.aggregate.datamodel.FormElementModel; import org.opendatakit.aggregate.datamodel.InstanceData; import org.opendatakit.aggregate.datamodel.SelectChoice; import org.opendatakit.aggregate.datamodel.TopLevelInstanceData; import org.opendatakit.common.datamodel.BinaryContent; import org.opendatakit.common.datamodel.BinaryContentRefBlob; import org.opendatakit.common.datamodel.DeleteHelper; import org.opendatakit.common.datamodel.DynamicCommonFieldsBase; import org.opendatakit.common.datamodel.RefBlob; import org.opendatakit.common.persistence.CommonFieldsBase; import org.opendatakit.common.persistence.DataField; import org.opendatakit.common.persistence.Datastore; import org.opendatakit.common.persistence.EntityKey; import org.opendatakit.common.persistence.Query; import org.opendatakit.common.persistence.Query.FilterOperation; import org.opendatakit.common.persistence.exception.ODKDatastoreException; import org.opendatakit.common.persistence.exception.ODKEntityPersistException; import org.opendatakit.common.persistence.exception.ODKOverQuotaException; import; import org.opendatakit.common.web.CallingContext; /** * Describes everything about the database representation of a given xform as * extracted by javarosa during parsing of the xform and as backed by the * FormDataModel within the persistence layer. The form definition begins * with the SubmissionAssocationTable record that maps a particular * (form id, model version, ui version) to a particular database representation. * That table also contains flags for the state of the database representation * and whether or not submissions are accepted into that representation. * All other flags and metadata associated with the xform will be stored * separately in the form information table. * * @author * @author * */ public class FormDefinition { private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(FormDefinition.class.getName()); /** * Map from the uriSubmissionDataModel key (uuid) to the FormDefinition. * If forms are deleted and reloaded, they get a different key each time. * The key is defined in the SubmissionAssociationTable. * * NOTE: should only be accessed via synchronized methods to get or remove forms. */ private static final Map<String, FormDefinition> formDefinitions = new HashMap<String, FormDefinition>(); /** the entity that defines the mapping of the form id to this data model */ private final SubmissionAssociationTable submissionAssociation; /** list of all the elements in this submission definition */ private final List<FormDataModel> elementList = new ArrayList<FormDataModel>(); /** list of all tables (form, repeat group and auxillary) */ private final List<FormDataModel> tableList = new ArrayList<FormDataModel>(); /** list of non-repeat groups in xform */ private final List<FormDataModel> groupList = new ArrayList<FormDataModel>(); /** list of structured fields in xform */ private final List<FormDataModel> geopointList = new ArrayList<FormDataModel>(); /** map from fully qualified tableName to CFB definition */ private final Map<String, DynamicCommonFieldsBase> backingTableMap; private FormDataModel topLevelGroup = null; private FormElementModel topLevelGroupElement = null; private final String qualifiedTopLevelTable; private final String formId; public static final class OrdinalSequence { Long ordinal; int sequenceCounter; OrdinalSequence() { ordinal = 1L; sequenceCounter = 1; } } static final FormElementModel findElement(FormElementModel group, DataField backingKey) { for (FormElementModel m : group.getChildren()) { if (m.isMetadata()) continue; if (m.getFormDataModel().getBackingKey() == backingKey) return m; } return null; } private static final SubmissionAssociationTable getSubmissionAssociation(String formId, boolean canBeIncomplete, CallingContext cc) { SubmissionAssociationTable sa = null; { List<SubmissionAssociationTable> saList = SubmissionAssociationTable .findSubmissionAssociationsForXForm(formId, cc); if (saList.isEmpty()) { // may be in the process of being defined, or in a partially defined state. logger.warn("No sa record matching this formId " + formId); return null; } for (SubmissionAssociationTable st : saList) { if (canBeIncomplete || st.getIsPersistenceModelComplete()) { if (sa != null) { // We have two or more identical entries. Use the more recent one. // Presently, can have a duplicate of our main tables because of timing windows. // Eventually, can have two or more forms with the same submission structure. logger.warn("Two or more sa records matching this formId " + formId); if (sa.getCreationDate().compareTo(st.getCreationDate()) == -1) { // use the more recent data model... sa = st; } } sa = st; } } } return sa; } /** * Traverse the form data model and assertRelation() on all the backing objects. * Called from within the synchronized getFormDefinition() static method. * * @param m * @param objs * @param cc * @throws ODKDatastoreException */ private static synchronized final void assertBackingObjects(FormDataModel m, Set<CommonFieldsBase> objs, CallingContext cc) throws ODKDatastoreException { CommonFieldsBase obj = m.getBackingObjectPrototype(); if (obj != null && !objs.contains(obj)) { objs.add(obj); cc.getDatastore().assertRelation(obj, cc.getCurrentUser()); } for (FormDataModel c : m.getChildren()) { assertBackingObjects(c, objs, cc); } } /** * Synchronized access to the formDefinitions map. Synchronization is only required for the * put operation on the map, but also aids in efficient quota usage during periods of intense start-up. * * @param xformParameters -- the form id, version and ui version of a form definition. * @param uriSubmissionDataModel -- the uri of the definition specification. * @param cc * @return The definition. The uriSubmissionDataModel is used to ensure that the * currently valid definition of a form is being used (should the form be * deleted then reloaded). */ public static synchronized final FormDefinition getFormDefinition(String formId, CallingContext cc) { if (formId.indexOf('/') != -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("formId is not well formed: " + formId); } // always look at SubmissionAssociationTable to retrieve the proper variant boolean asDaemon = cc.getAsDeamon(); try { cc.setAsDaemon(true); List<? extends CommonFieldsBase> fdmList = null; Datastore ds = cc.getDatastore(); User user = cc.getCurrentUser(); try { SubmissionAssociationTable sa = getSubmissionAssociation(formId, false, cc); if (sa == null) { // must be in a partially defined state. logger.warn("No complete persistence model for sa record matching this formId " + formId); return null; } String uriSubmissionDataModel = sa.getUriSubmissionDataModel(); // try to retrieve based upon this uri... FormDefinition fd = formDefinitions.get(uriSubmissionDataModel); if (fd != null) { // found it... return fd; } else { // retrieve it... FormDataModel fdm = FormDataModel.assertRelation(cc); Query query = ds.createQuery(fdm, "FormDefinition.getFormDefinition", user); query.addFilter(FormDataModel.URI_SUBMISSION_DATA_MODEL, FilterOperation.EQUAL, uriSubmissionDataModel); fdmList = query.executeQuery(); if (fdmList == null || fdmList.size() == 0) { logger.warn("No FDM records for formId " + formId); return null; } // try to construct the fd... try { fd = new FormDefinition(sa, formId, fdmList, cc); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("Form definition is not interpretable for formId " + formId); return null; } // and synchronize field sizes to those defined in the database... try { Set<CommonFieldsBase> objs = new HashSet<CommonFieldsBase>(); assertBackingObjects(fd.getTopLevelGroup(), objs, cc); } catch (ODKDatastoreException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); logger.error("Asserting relations failed for formId " + formId); fd = null; } // errors might have not cleared the fd... if (fd != null) { // remember details about this form formDefinitions.put(uriSubmissionDataModel, fd); return fd; } } } catch (ODKDatastoreException e) { logger.warn("Persistence Layer failure " + e.getMessage() + " for formId " + formId); return null; } } finally { cc.setAsDaemon(asDaemon); } return null; } static synchronized final void forget(String uriSubmissionDataModel) { formDefinitions.remove(uriSubmissionDataModel); } public FormDefinition(SubmissionAssociationTable sa, String formId, List<?> formDataModelList, CallingContext cc) { this.submissionAssociation = sa; this.formId = formId; // map of tableName to map of columnName, FDM record Map<String, Map<String, FormDataModel>> eeMap = new HashMap<String, Map<String, FormDataModel>>(); Map<String, FormDataModel> uriMap = new HashMap<String, FormDataModel>(); for (Object o : formDataModelList) { FormDataModel m = (FormDataModel) o; elementList.add(m); uriMap.put(m.getUri(), m); String table = m.getPersistAsQualifiedTableName(); String column = m.getPersistAsColumn(); if (column != null && table == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Fdm uri: " + m.getUri() + " - Unexpected null persist-as table name when persist-as column name is: " + column); } if (column == null) { FormDataModel.ElementType type = m.getElementType(); if (table == null) { // should be structured field (e.g., geopoint) or form name. switch (type) { case GEOPOINT: geopointList.add(m); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException( "Unexpectedly no column and no table for type " + type.toString()); } } else { // should be either a structured field (e.g., geopoint), // group or repeat element or // one of the auxiliary table types. // assume it is for now; will throw an exception later... switch (type) { case GEOPOINT: geopointList.add(m); break; case GROUP: case REPEAT: case PHANTOM: groupList.add(m); break; default: tableList.add(m); break; } } } else { // a field or structured field part Map<String, FormDataModel> mfdm = eeMap.get(table); if (mfdm == null) { mfdm = new HashMap<String, FormDataModel>(); eeMap.put(table, mfdm); } mfdm.put(column, m); } } // stitch up data model's parent and child links... // everything has a parent except the top-level group and // long string text ref tables, which refer to the // key into the form_info table... int nullParentCount = 0; for (FormDataModel m : elementList) { String uriParent = m.getParentUriFormDataModel(); if (uriParent == null) { String str = "Every record in FormDataModel should have a parent key"; logger.error(str); m.print(System.err); throw new IllegalStateException(str); } FormDataModel p = uriMap.get(uriParent); if (p != null) { m.setParent(p); p.setChild(m.getOrdinalNumber(), m); } else { if (m.getElementType() != ElementType.GROUP) { String str = "Expected upward references only from GROUP elements"; logger.error(str); m.print(System.err); throw new IllegalStateException(str); } if (++nullParentCount > 1) { String str = "Expected at most one top level group"; logger.error(str); m.print(System.err); throw new IllegalStateException(str); } topLevelGroup = m; } } // ensure there are no nulls in the children array. // nulls would indicate a skipped ordinal position. for (FormDataModel m : elementList) { m.validateChildren(); } // OK. we have the list of tables, map of fqn's, // form name, non-repeat groups, geopoints, and // fully linked map of parent and children. // Now construct the descriptions of the tables // that represent this form. backingTableMap = new HashMap<String, DynamicCommonFieldsBase>(); for (FormDataModel m : tableList) { String tableName = (String) m.getPersistAsQualifiedTableName(); DynamicCommonFieldsBase b = backingTableMap.get(tableName); if (b != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Backing table already linked back: " + tableName); } switch (m.getElementType()) { case SELECTN: b = new SelectChoice(m.getPersistAsSchema(), m.getPersistAsTable()); m.setBackingObject(b); break; case BINARY: b = new BinaryContent(m.getPersistAsSchema(), m.getPersistAsTable()); m.setBackingObject(b); break; case BINARY_CONTENT_REF_BLOB: b = new BinaryContentRefBlob(m.getPersistAsSchema(), m.getPersistAsTable()); m.setBackingObject(b); break; case REF_BLOB: b = new RefBlob(m.getPersistAsSchema(), m.getPersistAsTable()); m.setBackingObject(b); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException( "Unexpectedly no column but has table for type " + m.getElementType().toString()); } backingTableMap.put(tableName, b); } for (FormDataModel m : groupList) { if (m.getPersistAsTable() == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("groups, phantoms and repeats should identify their backing table"); } String tableName = m.getPersistAsQualifiedTableName(); DynamicCommonFieldsBase b = backingTableMap.get(tableName); if (b == null) { /* * Determine if the given group is equivalent to the top level group. This * occurs when a given group's elements can be collapsed into the top level group * within the persistence layer (the top level group's backing object then holds * the data elements defined within it and within the given group). * When this collapse happens, the group and the parent group share * the same qualified table name. Phantom and Repeat elements are automatically * not equivalent to the top level group. */ boolean equivalentToTopLevelGroup = true; FormDataModel current = m; while (current != null) { if ((current.getElementType() == ElementType.REPEAT) || (current.getElementType() == ElementType.PHANTOM)) { // automatically not equivalent equivalentToTopLevelGroup = false; break; } FormDataModel parent = current.getParent(); if (parent != null && (!current.getPersistAsQualifiedTableName() .equals(parent.getPersistAsQualifiedTableName()))) { // backing tables are different -- not equivalent! equivalentToTopLevelGroup = false; break; } current = parent; } if (equivalentToTopLevelGroup) { b = new TopLevelInstanceData(m.getPersistAsSchema(), m.getPersistAsTable()); } else { b = new InstanceData(m.getPersistAsSchema(), m.getPersistAsTable()); } backingTableMap.put(tableName, b); } m.setBackingObject(b); } // set the backing object for the geopointList. // Geopoint value fields are all stored within the same table... // if the backing table was not yet defined by the groupList loop // above, then the backing table will never be equivalent to // a top-level group. for (FormDataModel m : geopointList) { if (m.getPersistAsTable() == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("geopoints should identify their backing table"); } String tableName = m.getPersistAsQualifiedTableName(); DynamicCommonFieldsBase b = backingTableMap.get(tableName); if (b == null) { b = new InstanceData(m.getPersistAsSchema(), m.getPersistAsTable()); backingTableMap.put(tableName, b); } m.setBackingObject(b); } // and now handle the primitive data elements in the main form... // all the backing tables must have been created at this point, // so it is a logic error if we find one that isn't. for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, FormDataModel>> e : eeMap.entrySet()) { String tableName = e.getKey(); DynamicCommonFieldsBase b = backingTableMap.get(tableName); Collection<FormDataModel> c = e.getValue().values(); // we should have created all the backing tables in the previous // two loops. If not, it is a logic error. if (b == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Backing table is not yet defined!"); } for (FormDataModel m : c) { DataField.DataType dataType = DataField.DataType.STRING; switch (m.getElementType()) { case STRING: dataType = DataField.DataType.STRING; break; case JRDATETIME: case JRDATE: case JRTIME: dataType = DataField.DataType.DATETIME; break; case INTEGER: dataType = DataField.DataType.INTEGER; break; case DECIMAL: dataType = DataField.DataType.DECIMAL; break; case BOOLEAN: dataType = DataField.DataType.BOOLEAN; break; default: String name = m.getElementName(); if (name == null) name = "--blank--"; throw new IllegalStateException("Element: " + name + "uri: " + m.getUri() + "Unexpected data type: " + m.getElementType().toString()); } DataField dfd = null; dfd = new DataField(m.getPersistAsColumn(), dataType, true); b.addDataField(dfd); m.setBackingKey(dfd); m.setBackingObject(b); } } if (topLevelGroup == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Top level group could not be found"); } if (topLevelGroup.getElementType() != ElementType.GROUP) { throw new IllegalStateException("Top level group is a non-group!"); } qualifiedTopLevelTable = topLevelGroup.getPersistAsQualifiedTableName(); topLevelGroupElement = FormElementModel.buildFormElementModelTree(topLevelGroup); } public static void deleteAbnormalModel(String formId, CallingContext cc) { boolean asDaemon = cc.getAsDeamon(); try { cc.setAsDaemon(true); List<? extends CommonFieldsBase> fdmList = null; Datastore ds = cc.getDatastore(); User user = cc.getCurrentUser(); try { SubmissionAssociationTable sa = getSubmissionAssociation(formId, true, cc); while (sa != null) { // prevent the form definition from being used... sa.setIsPersistenceModelComplete(false); sa.setIsSubmissionAllowed(false); ds.putEntity(sa, user); // forget us in the local cache... forget(sa.getUriSubmissionDataModel()); String uriSubmissionDataModel = sa.getUriSubmissionDataModel(); // retrieve it... FormDataModel fdm = FormDataModel.assertRelation(cc); Query query = ds.createQuery(fdm, "FormDefinition.deleteAbnormalModel", user); query.addFilter(FormDataModel.URI_SUBMISSION_DATA_MODEL, FilterOperation.EQUAL, uriSubmissionDataModel); fdmList = query.executeQuery(); if (fdmList == null || fdmList.size() == 0) { return; } // delete the form data model... List<EntityKey> eks = new ArrayList<EntityKey>(); for (CommonFieldsBase m : fdmList) { eks.add(m.getEntityKey()); } DeleteHelper.deleteEntities(eks, cc); // and delete the SA record ds.deleteEntity(sa.getEntityKey(), user); // just in case... forget(uriSubmissionDataModel); // and see if we have anything more to clean up... sa = getSubmissionAssociation(formId, true, cc); } // we don't delete the data tables -- the user may want to manually recover the data } catch (ODKDatastoreException e) { logger.warn("Persistence Layer failure deleting abnormal form definition " + e.getMessage() + " for formId " + formId); } } finally { cc.setAsDaemon(asDaemon); } } public final void deleteDataModel(CallingContext cc) throws ODKDatastoreException { User user = cc.getCurrentUser(); Datastore ds = cc.getDatastore(); // prevent the form definition from being used... submissionAssociation.setIsPersistenceModelComplete(false); submissionAssociation.setIsSubmissionAllowed(false); ds.putEntity(submissionAssociation, user); // forget us in the local cache... forget(submissionAssociation.getUriSubmissionDataModel()); List<EntityKey> eks = new ArrayList<EntityKey>(); // queue everything in the formDataModel for delete for (FormDataModel m : elementList) { eks.add(m.getEntityKey()); } // delete everything out of FDM DeleteHelper.deleteEntities(eks, cc); // drop the tables... for (CommonFieldsBase b : getBackingTableSet()) { try { ds.dropRelation(b, user); } catch (ODKDatastoreException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // delete the SA table linking to the model (orphans the model)... ds.deleteEntity(submissionAssociation.getEntityKey(), user); // forget us in the local cache (optimization...) forget(submissionAssociation.getUriSubmissionDataModel()); } public void persistSubmissionAssociation(CallingContext cc) throws ODKEntityPersistException, ODKOverQuotaException { // the only mutable part of the form definition is the // submission association table's flags... User user = cc.getCurrentUser(); Datastore ds = cc.getDatastore(); ds.putEntity(submissionAssociation, user); } public boolean getIsSubmissionAllowed() { return submissionAssociation.getIsSubmissionAllowed(); } public void setIsSubmissionAllowed(Boolean value) { submissionAssociation.setIsSubmissionAllowed(value); } /** * Get the top-level group for this form. * * @return */ public final FormDataModel getTopLevelGroup() { return topLevelGroup; } public final FormElementModel getTopLevelGroupElement() { return topLevelGroupElement; } public final FormElementModel getElementByName(String name) { String[] path = name.split("/"); FormElementModel m = topLevelGroupElement; boolean first = true; for (String p : path) { if (first) { first = false; // first entry can be form id... if (formId.equals(p)) continue; } m = getElementByNameHelper(m, p); if (m == null) return null; } return m; } private final FormElementModel getElementByNameHelper(FormElementModel group, String name) { if (group.getElementName() != null && group.getElementName().equals(name)) { return group; } for (FormElementModel m : group.getChildren()) { // depth first traversal... FormElementModel tmp = getElementByNameHelper(m, name); if (tmp != null) return tmp; } return null; } public final String getQualifiedTopLevelTable() { return qualifiedTopLevelTable; } public CommonFieldsBase getQualifiedTable(String qualifiedTableName) { return backingTableMap.get(qualifiedTableName); } public Collection<? extends CommonFieldsBase> getBackingTableSet() { return backingTableMap.values(); } public SubmissionAssociationTable getSubmissionAssociation() { return submissionAssociation; } public String getFormId() { return formId; } public String getElementKey(String keyString) { // TODO pick apart an "odkId" to return the key within... steal code from 0.9.3 throw new IllegalStateException("unimplemented"); } }