Java tutorial
/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright 2011 OpenConcerto, by ILM Informatique. All rights reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3 * only ("GPL"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a * copy of the License at See the License for the specific * language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each file. */ /* * SQLRow created on 20 mai 2004 */ package org.openconcerto.sql.model; import org.openconcerto.sql.Log; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.SQLSelect.ArchiveMode; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.graph.Link; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.graph.Link.Direction; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.graph.Path; import org.openconcerto.sql.utils.ReOrder; import org.openconcerto.utils.DecimalUtils; import org.openconcerto.utils.ListMap; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.collections.Predicate; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.ResultSetHandler; /** * Une ligne d'une table. Cette classe dcrit une ligne et ne reprsente pas exactement une ligne * relle, il n'y a pas unicit (cela reviendrait recrer la base en Java !). Pour charger les * valeurs depuis la base manuellement tout moment utiliser fetchValues(), cette mthode est * appele automatiquement si ncessaire. Les valeurs des champs sont stockes, ainsi toutes les * mthodes renvoient l'tat de la ligne relle au moment du dernier fetchValues(). * <p> * Une ligne peut ne pas exister ou tre archive, de plus elle peut ne pas contenir tous les champs * de la table. Pour accder la valeur des champs il existe getString() et getInt(), pour des * demandes plus complexes passer par getObject(). Si un champ qui n'est pas dans la ligne est * demand, un fetchValues() est automatiquement fait. * </p> * <p> * On peut obtenir un ligne en la demandant sa table, mais si l'on souhaite une SQLRow dcrivant * une ligne n'existant pas dans la base il faut passer par le constructeur. * </p> * * @author ILM Informatique 20 mai 2004 * @see #isValid() * @see #getObject(String) * @see org.openconcerto.sql.model.SQLTable#getRow(int) */ public class SQLRow extends SQLRowAccessor { /** * Each table must have a row with this ID, that others refer to to indicate the absence of a * link. * * @deprecated use either {@link SQLRowAccessor#isForeignEmpty(String)} / * {@link SQLRowValues#putEmptyLink(String)} or if you must * {@link SQLTable#getUndefinedID()} */ public static final int UNDEFINED_ID = 1; /** * No valid database rows should have an ID thats less than MIN_VALID_ID. But remember, you CAN * have a SQLRow with any ID. */ public static final int MIN_VALID_ID = 0; /** Value representing no ID, no table can have a row with this ID. */ public static final int NONEXISTANT_ID = MIN_VALID_ID - 1; /** <code>true</code> to print a stack trace when fetching missing values */ public static final boolean printSTForMissingField = false; /** * Cre une ligne avec les valeurs du ResultSet. * * @param table la table de la ligne. * @param rs les valeurs. * @param onlyTable pass <code>true</code> if <code>rs</code> only contains columns from * <code>table</code>, if unsure pass <code>false</code>. This allows to avoid calling * {@link ResultSetMetaData#getTableName(int)} which is expensive on some systems. * @return la ligne correspondante. * @throws SQLException si problme lors de l'accs au ResultSet. * @see SQLRow#SQLRow(SQLTable, Map) * @deprecated use {@link SQLRowListRSH} or {@link SQLRowValuesListFetcher} instead or if you * must use a {@link ResultSet} call * {@link #createFromRS(SQLTable, ResultSet, ResultSetMetaData, boolean)} thus * avoiding the potentially costly {@link ResultSet#getMetaData()} */ public static final SQLRow createFromRS(SQLTable table, ResultSet rs, final boolean onlyTable) throws SQLException { return createFromRS(table, rs, rs.getMetaData(), onlyTable); } public static final SQLRow createFromRS(SQLTable table, ResultSet rs, final ResultSetMetaData rsmd, final boolean onlyTable) throws SQLException { return createFromRS(table, rs, getFieldNames(table, rsmd, onlyTable)); } private static final List<String> getFieldNames(SQLTable table, final ResultSetMetaData rsmd, final boolean tableOnly) throws SQLException { final int colCount = rsmd.getColumnCount(); final List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(colCount); for (int i = 1; i <= colCount; i++) { // n'inclure que les colonnes de la table demande // use a boolean since some systems (eg pg) require a request to the db to return the // table name if (tableOnly || rsmd.getTableName(i).equals(table.getName())) { names.add(rsmd.getColumnName(i)); } else { names.add(null); } } return names; } // MAYBE create an opaque class holding names so that we can make this method, getFieldNames() // and createListFromRS() public static final SQLRow createFromRS(SQLTable table, ResultSet rs, final List<String> names) throws SQLException { final int indexCount = names.size(); final Map<String, Object> m = new HashMap<String, Object>(indexCount); for (int i = 0; i < indexCount; i++) { final String colName = names.get(i); if (colName != null) m.put(colName, rs.getObject(i + 1)); } final Number id = getID(m, table, true); // e.g. LEFT JOIN : missing values are null if (id == null) return null; // pass already found ID return new SQLRow(table, id, m); } /** * Create a list of rows using the metadata to find the columns' names. * * @param table the table of the rows. * @param rs the result set. * @param tableOnly <code>true</code> if <code>rs</code> only contains columns from * <code>table</code>. * @return the data of the result set as SQLRows. * @throws SQLException if an error occurs while reading <code>rs</code>. */ public static final List<SQLRow> createListFromRS(SQLTable table, ResultSet rs, final boolean tableOnly) throws SQLException { return createListFromRS(table, rs, getFieldNames(table, rs.getMetaData(), tableOnly)); } /** * Create a list of rows without using the metadata. * * @param table the table of the rows. * @param rs the result set. * @param names the name of the field for each column, nulls are ignored, e.g. ["DESIGNATION", * null, "ID"]. * @return the data of the result set as SQLRows. * @throws SQLException if an error occurs while reading <code>rs</code>. */ static final List<SQLRow> createListFromRS(SQLTable table, ResultSet rs, final List<String> names) throws SQLException { final List<SQLRow> res = new ArrayList<SQLRow>(); while ( { final SQLRow row = createFromRS(table, rs, names); if (row != null) res.add(row); } return res; } private final int ID; private final Number idNumber; private Map<String, Object> values; private boolean fetched; private SQLRow(SQLTable table, Number id) { super(table); this.fetched = false; this.ID = id.intValue(); this.idNumber = id; this.checkTable(); } // public pour pouvoir crer une ligne n'exisant pas public SQLRow(SQLTable table, int ID) { // have to cast to Number, if you use Integer.valueOf() (or cast to Integer) the resulting // Integer is converted to Long this(table, table.getKey().getType().getJavaType() == Integer.class ? (Number) ID : Long.valueOf(ID)); } private void checkTable() { if (!this.getTable().isRowable()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(this.getTable() + " is not rowable"); } /** * Cre une ligne avec les valeurs fournies. Evite une requte la base. * * @param table la table. * @param values les valeurs de la lignes. * @throws IllegalArgumentException si values ne contient pas la clef de la table. */ public SQLRow(SQLTable table, Map<String, ?> values) { this(table, null, values); } // allow to call getID() only once private SQLRow(SQLTable table, final Number id, Map<String, ?> values) { this(table, id == null ? getID(values, table, false) : id); // faire une copie, sinon backdoor pour changer les valeurs sans qu'on s'en aperoive this.setValues(new HashMap<String, Object>(values)); } // return ID, must always be present but may be null if <code>nullAllowed</code> private static Number getID(Map<String, ?> values, final SQLTable table, final boolean nullAllowed) { final String keyName = table.getKey().getName(); if (!values.containsKey(keyName)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(values + " does not contain the key of " + table); final Object keyValue = values.get(keyName); if (keyValue instanceof Number) { return (Number) keyValue; } else if (nullAllowed && keyValue == null) { return null; } else { final String valS = keyValue == null ? "' is null" : "' isn't a Number : " + keyValue.getClass() + " " + keyValue; throw new IllegalArgumentException("The value of '" + keyName + valS); } } private Map<String, Object> getValues() { if (!this.fetched) this.fetchValues(); return this.values; } /** * Recharge les valeurs des champs depuis la base. */ public void fetchValues() { this.fetchValues(true); } SQLRow fetchValues(final boolean useCache) { return this.fetchValues(useCache, useCache); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") SQLRow fetchValues(final boolean readCache, final boolean writeCache) { final IResultSetHandler handler = new IResultSetHandler(SQLDataSource.MAP_HANDLER) { @Override public boolean readCache() { return readCache; } @Override public boolean writeCache() { return writeCache; } public Set<SQLRow> getCacheModifiers() { return Collections.singleton(SQLRow.this); } }; this.setValues((Map<String, Object>) this.getTable().getBase().getDataSource().execute(this.getQuery(), handler, false)); return this; } // attention ne vrifie pas que tous les champs soient prsents private final void setValues(Map<String, Object> values) { this.values = values; if (!this.fetched) this.fetched = true; } /** * Retourne les noms des champs qui ont t charg depuis la base. * * @return les noms des champs qui ont t charg depuis la base. */ public Set<String> getFields() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(this.getValues().keySet()); } private String getQuery() { return "SELECT * FROM " + this.getTable().getSQLName().quote() + " WHERE " + this.getWhere().getClause(); } public Where getWhere() { return new Where(this.getTable().getKey(), "=", this.getID()); } /** * Est ce que cette ligne existe dans la base de donne. * * @return <code>true</code> si la ligne existait lors de son instanciation. */ public boolean exists() { return this.getValues() != null; } /** * Est ce que cette ligne existe et n'est pas archive. * * @return <code>true</code> si cette ligne est valide. */ public boolean isValid() { return this.exists() && this.getID() >= MIN_VALID_ID && !this.isArchived(); } public boolean isData() { return this.isValid() && !this.isUndefined(); } /** * Retourne le champ nomm <code>field</code> de cette ligne. * * @param field le nom du champ que l'on veut. * @return la valeur du champ sous forme d'objet Java, ou <code>null</code> si la valeur est * NULL. * @throws IllegalStateException si cette ligne n'existe pas. * @throws IllegalArgumentException si cette ligne ne contient pas le champ demand. */ public final Object getObject(String field) { if (!this.exists()) throw new IllegalStateException("The row " + this + "does not exist."); if (!this.getTable().contains(field)) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The table of the row " + this + " doesn't contain the field '" + field + "'."); // pour diffrencier entre la valeur est NULL (SQL) et la ligne ne contient pas ce champ if (!this.getValues().containsKey(field)) { // on ne l'a pas fetch this.fetchValues(); // MAYBE mettre un boolean pour choisir si on accde la base ou pas // since we just made a trip to the db we can afford to print at least a message final String msg = "The row " + this.simpleToString() + " doesn't contain the field '" + field + "' ; refetching."; Log.get().warning(msg); if (printSTForMissingField) new IllegalArgumentException(msg).printStackTrace(); } return this.getValues().get(field); } public final SQLRow getRow(boolean after) { final SQLTable t = this.getTable(); final BigDecimal destOrder = this.getOrder(); final int diff = (!after) ? -1 : 1; final SQLSelect sel = new SQLSelect(); // undefined must not move sel.setExcludeUndefined(true); // unique index prend aussi en compte les archivs sel.setArchivedPolicy(SQLSelect.BOTH); sel.addSelect(t.getKey()); sel.addSelect(t.getOrderField()); if (t.isArchivable()) sel.addSelect(t.getArchiveField()); sel.setWhere(new Where(t.getOrderField(), diff < 0 ? "<" : ">", destOrder)); sel.addFieldOrder(t.getOrderField(), diff < 0 ? Order.desc() : Order.asc()); sel.setLimit(1); final SQLDataSource ds = t.getBase().getDataSource(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final Map<String, Object> otherMap = ds.execute1(sel.asString()); if (otherMap != null) { return new SQLRow(t, otherMap); } else { return null; } } /** * The free order just after or before this row. * * @param after whether to look before or after this row. * @return a free order, or <code>null</code> if there's no room left. */ public final BigDecimal getOrder(boolean after) { final BigDecimal destOrder = this.getOrder(); final SQLRow otherRow = this.getRow(after); final BigDecimal otherOrder; if (otherRow != null) { otherOrder = otherRow.getOrder(); } else if (after) { // dernire ligne de la table otherOrder = destOrder.add(ReOrder.DISTANCE); } else { // premire ligne otherOrder = ReOrder.MIN_ORDER; } final int decDigits = this.getTable().getOrderDecimalDigits(); final BigDecimal least = BigDecimal.ONE.scaleByPowerOfTen(-decDigits); final BigDecimal distance = destOrder.subtract(otherOrder).abs(); if (distance.compareTo(least) <= 0) return null; else { final BigDecimal mean = destOrder.add(otherOrder).divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(2)); return DecimalUtils.round(mean, decDigits); } } @Override public SQLRow getForeign(String fieldName) { return this.getForeignRow(fieldName); } @Override public Number getForeignIDNumber(String fieldName) throws IllegalArgumentException { final SQLRow foreignRow = this.getForeignRow(fieldName, SQLRowMode.NO_CHECK); return foreignRow == null ? null : foreignRow.getIDNumber(); } @Override public boolean isForeignEmpty(String fieldName) { final SQLRow foreignRow = this.getForeignRow(fieldName, SQLRowMode.NO_CHECK); return foreignRow == null || foreignRow.isUndefined(); } /** * Retourne la ligne sur laquelle pointe le champ pass. Elle peut tre archiv ou indfinie. * * @param field le nom de la clef externe. * @return la ligne sur laquelle pointe le champ pass. * @throws IllegalArgumentException si <code>field</code> n'est pas une clef trangre de la * table de cette ligne. * @throws IllegalStateException si <code>field</code> contient l'ID d'une ligne inexistante. */ public SQLRow getForeignRow(String field) { return this.getForeignRow(field, SQLRowMode.EXIST); } /** * Retourne la ligne sur laquelle pointe le champ pass. * * @param field le nom de la clef externe. * @param mode quel type de ligne retourner. * @return la ligne sur laquelle pointe le champ pass, ou <code>null</code> si elle ne * correspond pas au mode. * @throws IllegalArgumentException si <code>field</code> n'est pas une clef trangre de la * table de cette ligne. * @throws IllegalStateException si <code>field</code> contient l'ID d'une ligne inexistante et * que l'on n'en veut pas (mode.wantExisting() == <code>true</code>). */ public SQLRow getForeignRow(String field, SQLRowMode mode) { if (!this.getTable().contains(field)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(field + " is not a field of " + this.getTable()); } final SQLField f = this.getTable().getField(field); if (!this.getTable().getForeignKeys().contains(f)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(field + " is not a foreign key of " + this.getTable()); } return this.getUncheckedForeignRow(this.getTable().getBase().getGraph().getForeignLink(f), mode); } private SQLRow getUncheckedForeignRow(Link foreignLink, SQLRowMode mode) { final SQLField field = foreignLink.getLabel(); final SQLTable foreignTable = foreignLink.getTarget(); if (this.getObject(field.getName()) == null) { return null; } else { final int foreignID = this.getInt(field.getName()); final SQLRow foreignRow = new SQLRow(foreignTable, foreignID); // we used to check coherence here before all our dbs had real foreign keys return mode.filter(foreignRow); } } /** * Retourne l'ensemble des lignes de destTable lies cette ligne. * * @param destTable la table dont on veut les lignes, eg "CPI_BT". * @return l'ensemble des lignes lies cette ligne, eg les cpis de LOCAL[5822]. * @see #getLinkedRows(String) */ public Set<SQLRow> getLinkedRows(String destTable) { return this.getDistantRows(Collections.singletonList(destTable)); } /** * Retourne l'ensemble des lignes de destTable qui sont pointes par celle-ci. * * @param destTable la table dont on veut les lignes, eg "OBSERVATION". * @return l'ensemble des lignes lies cette ligne, eg les lignes pointes par * "ID_OBSERVATION", "ID_OBSERVATION_2", etc. * @see #getLinkedRows(String) */ public Set<SQLRow> getForeignRows(String destTable) { return this.getForeignRows(destTable, SQLRowMode.DATA); } public Set<SQLRow> getForeignRows(String destTable, SQLRowMode mode) { return new HashSet<SQLRow>(this.getForeignRowsMap(destTable, mode).values()); } public Set<SQLRow> getForeignRows() { return this.getForeignRows(SQLRowMode.DATA); } public Set<SQLRow> getForeignRows(SQLRowMode mode) { return new HashSet<SQLRow>(this.getForeignRowsMap(mode).values()); } /** * Retourne les lignes de destTable lies cette ligne, indexes par les clefs externes. * * @param destTable la table dont on veut les lignes. * @return les lignes de destTable lies cette ligne. */ public Map<SQLField, SQLRow> getForeignRowsMap(String destTable) { return this.getForeignRowsMap(destTable, SQLRowMode.DATA); } public Map<SQLField, SQLRow> getForeignRowsMap(String destTable, SQLRowMode mode) { final Set<Link> links = this.getTable().getDBSystemRoot().getGraph().getForeignLinks(this.getTable(), this.getTable().getTable(destTable)); return this.foreignLinksToMap(links, mode); } public Map<SQLField, SQLRow> getForeignRowsMap() { return this.getForeignRowsMap(SQLRowMode.DATA); } public Map<SQLField, SQLRow> getForeignRowsMap(SQLRowMode mode) { final Set<Link> links = this.getTable().getBase().getGraph().getForeignLinks(this.getTable()); return this.foreignLinksToMap(links, mode); } private Map<SQLField, SQLRow> foreignLinksToMap(Collection<Link> links, SQLRowMode mode) { final Map<SQLField, SQLRow> res = new HashMap<SQLField, SQLRow>(); for (final Link l : links) { final SQLRow fr = this.getUncheckedForeignRow(l, mode); if (fr != null) res.put(l.getLabel(), fr); } return res; } /** * Fait la jointure entre cette ligne et les tables passes. * * @param path le chemin de la jointure. * @return la ligne correspondante. * @throws IllegalArgumentException si le path est mauvais. * @throws IllegalStateException si le path ne mne pas une ligne unique. * @see #getDistantRows(List) */ public SQLRow getDistantRow(List<String> path) { return this.getDistantRow(Path.get(this.getTable()).addTables(path)); } public SQLRow getDistantRow(final Path path) { final Set<SQLRow> rows = this.getDistantRows(path); if (rows.size() != 1) throw new IllegalStateException( "the path " + path + " does not lead to a unique row (" + rows.size() + ")"); return rows.iterator().next(); } /** * Fait la jointure entre cette ligne et les tables passes. * * @param path le chemin de la jointure. * @return un ensemble de lignes de la dernire table du chemin, dans l'ordre. * @throws IllegalArgumentException si le path est mauvais. */ public Set<SQLRow> getDistantRows(List<String> path) { return this.getDistantRows(Path.get(this.getTable()).addTables(path)); } public Set<SQLRow> getDistantRows(final Path path) { // on veut tous les champs de la derniere table et rien d'autre final List<List<String>> fields = new ArrayList<List<String>>( Collections.nCopies(path.length() - 1, Collections.<String>emptyList())); fields.add(null); final Set<List<SQLRow>> s = this.getRowsOnPath(path, fields); final Set<SQLRow> res = new LinkedHashSet<SQLRow>(s.size()); for (final List<SQLRow> l : s) { res.add(l.get(0)); } return res; } /** * Retourne les lignes distantes, plus les lignes intermdiaire du chemin. Par exemple * SITE[128].getRowsOnPath("BATIMENT,LOCAL", [null, "DESIGNATION"]) retourne tous les locaux du * site (seul DESIGNATION est charg) avec tous les champs de leurs btiments. * * @param path le chemin dans le graphe de la base, see {@link Path#addTables(List)}. * @param fields un liste de des champs, chaque lment est : * <ul> * <li><code>null</code> pour tous les champs</li> * <li>une Collection de nom de champs, e.g. ["DESIGNATION","NUMERO"]</li> * </ul> * @return un ensemble de List de SQLRow. */ public Set<List<SQLRow>> getRowsOnPath(final List<String> path, final List<? extends Collection<String>> fields) { return this.getRowsOnPath(Path.get(this.getTable()).addTables(path), fields); } public Set<List<SQLRow>> getRowsOnPath(final Path p, final List<? extends Collection<String>> fields) { final int pathSize = p.length(); if (pathSize == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("path is empty"); if (pathSize != fields.size()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "path and fields size mismatch : " + pathSize + " != " + fields.size()); if (p.getFirst() != this.getTable()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "path doesn't start with us : " + p.getFirst() + " != " + this.getTable()); final Set<List<SQLRow>> res = new LinkedHashSet<List<SQLRow>>(); final DBSystemRoot sysRoot = this.getTable().getDBSystemRoot(); Where where = sysRoot.getGraph().getJointure(p); // ne pas oublier de slectionner notre ligne where = where.and(this.getWhere()); final SQLSelect select = new SQLSelect(); final List<Collection<String>> fieldsCols = new ArrayList<Collection<String>>(pathSize); for (int i = 0; i < pathSize; i++) { final Collection<String> tableFields = fields.get(i); // +1 car p contient cette ligne final SQLTable t = p.getTable(i + 1); final Collection<String> fieldsCol; if (tableFields == null) { fieldsCol = t.getFieldsName(); } else { fieldsCol = tableFields; } fieldsCols.add(fieldsCol); // les tables qui ne nous interessent pas if (fieldsCol.size() > 0) { // toujours mettre l'ID select.addSelect(t.getKey()); // plus les champs demands select.addAllSelect(t, fieldsCol); } } // dans tous les cas mettre l'ID de la dernire table final SQLTable lastTable = p.getLast(); select.addSelect(lastTable.getKey()); // on ajoute une SQLRow pour chaque ID trouv select.setWhere(where).addOrderSilent(lastTable.getName()); sysRoot.getDataSource().execute(select.asString(), new ResultSetHandler() { public Object handle(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { final ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); while ( { final List<SQLRow> rows = new ArrayList<SQLRow>(pathSize); for (int i = 0; i < pathSize; i++) { // les tables qui ne nous interessent pas if (fieldsCols.get(i).size() > 0) { // +1 car p contient cette ligne final SQLTable t = p.getTable(i + 1); rows.add(SQLRow.createFromRS(t, rs, rsmd, pathSize == 1)); } } res.add(rows); } return null; } }); return res; } /** * Retourne les lignes pointant sur celle ci. * * @return les lignes pointant sur celle ci. */ public final List<SQLRow> getReferentRows() { return this.getReferentRows((Set<SQLTable>) null); } @Override public final List<SQLRow> getReferentRows(SQLTable refTable) { return this.getReferentRows(Collections.singleton(refTable)); } /** * Retourne les lignes des tables spcifies pointant sur celle ci. * * @param tables les tables voulues, <code>null</code> pour toutes. * @return les SQLRow pointant sur celle ci. */ public final List<SQLRow> getReferentRows(Set<SQLTable> tables) { return this.getReferentRows(tables, SQLSelect.UNARCHIVED); } /** * Returns the rows of tables that points to this row. * * @param tables a Set of tables, or <code>null</code> for all of them. * @param archived <code>SQLSelect.UNARCHIVED</code>, <code>SQLSelect.ARCHIVED</code> or * <code>SQLSelect.BOTH</code>. * @return a List of SQLRow that points to this. */ public final List<SQLRow> getReferentRows(Set<SQLTable> tables, ArchiveMode archived) { return new ArrayList<SQLRow>(this.getReferentRowsByLink(tables, archived).allValues()); } public final ListMap<Link, SQLRow> getReferentRowsByLink() { return this.getReferentRowsByLink(null); } public final ListMap<Link, SQLRow> getReferentRowsByLink(Set<SQLTable> tables) { return this.getReferentRowsByLink(tables, SQLSelect.UNARCHIVED); } public final ListMap<Link, SQLRow> getReferentRowsByLink(Set<SQLTable> tables, ArchiveMode archived) { // List since getReferentRows() is ordered final ListMap<Link, SQLRow> res = new ListMap<Link, SQLRow>(); final Set<Link> links = this.getTable().getBase().getGraph().getReferentLinks(this.getTable()); for (final Link l : links) { final SQLTable src = l.getSource(); if (tables == null || tables != null && tables.contains(src)) { res.addAll(l, this.getReferentRows(l.getLabel(), archived)); } } return res; } /** * Returns the rows that points to this row by the refField. * * @param refField a SQLField that points to the table of this row, eg BATIMENT.ID_SITE. * @return a List of SQLRow that points to this, eg [BATIMENT[123], BATIMENT[124]]. */ public List<SQLRow> getReferentRows(final SQLField refField) { return this.getReferentRows(refField, SQLSelect.UNARCHIVED); } public List<SQLRow> getReferentRows(final SQLField refField, final ArchiveMode archived) { return this.getReferentRows(refField, archived, null); } /** * Returns the rows that points to this row by <code>refField</code>. * * @param refField a SQLField that points to the table of this row, eg BATIMENT.ID_SITE. * @param archived specify which rows should be returned. * @param fields the list of fields the rows will have, <code>null</code> meaning all. * @return a List of SQLRow that points to this, eg [BATIMENT[123], BATIMENT[124]]. */ public List<SQLRow> getReferentRows(final SQLField refField, final ArchiveMode archived, final Collection<String> fields) { final SQLTable foreignTable = refField.getTable().getBase().getGraph().getForeignTable(refField); if (!foreignTable.equals(this.getTable())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(refField + " doesn't point to " + this.getTable()); } final SQLTable src = refField.getTable(); final SQLSelect sel = new SQLSelect(); if (fields == null) sel.addSelectStar(src); else { sel.addSelect(src.getKey()); for (final String f : fields) sel.addSelect(src.getField(f)); } sel.setWhere(new Where(refField, "=", this.getID())); sel.setArchivedPolicy(archived); sel.addOrderSilent(src.getName()); // - if some other criteria need to be applied, we could pass an SQLRowMode (instead of // just ArchiveMode) and modify the SQLSelect accordingly return SQLRowListRSH.execute(sel); } /** * Toutes les lignes qui touchent cette lignes. C'est dire les lignes pointes par les clefs * externes plus lignes qui pointent sur cette ligne. * * @return les lignes qui touchent cette lignes. */ private Set<SQLRow> getConnectedRows() { Set<SQLRow> res = new HashSet<SQLRow>(); res.addAll(this.getReferentRows((Set<SQLTable>) null, SQLSelect.BOTH)); res.addAll(this.getForeignRows(SQLRowMode.EXIST)); return res; } @Override public Collection<SQLRow> followLink(Link l, Direction direction) { // Path checks that one end of l is this table and that direction is valid (e.g. not ANY for // self-reference links) final boolean backwards = Path.get(getTable()).add(l, direction).isBackwards(0); if (backwards) return getReferentRows(l.getSingleField()); else return Collections.singletonList(getForeign(l.getSingleField().getName())); } /** * Trouve les lignes archives relies celle ci par moins de maxLength liens. * * @param maxLength la longeur maximale du chemin entre les lignes retournes et celle ci. * @return les lignes archives relies celle ci. */ public Set<SQLRow> findDistantArchived(int maxLength) { return this.findDistantArchived(maxLength, new HashSet<SQLRow>(), 0); } private Set<SQLRow> findDistantArchived(final int maxLength, final Set<SQLRow> been, int length) { final Set<SQLRow> res = new HashSet<SQLRow>(); if (maxLength == length) return res; // on avance d'un cran been.add(this); length++; // on garde les lignes appeler rcursivement pour la fin // car on veut parcourir en largeur d'abord final Set<SQLRow> rec = new HashSet<SQLRow>(); Iterator<SQLRow> iter = this.getConnectedRows().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { final SQLRow row =; if (!been.contains(row)) { if (row.isArchived()) { res.add(row); } else { rec.add(row); } } } iter = rec.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { final SQLRow row =; res.addAll(row.findDistantArchived(maxLength, been, length)); } return res; } // ATTN peut faire une requte si archive n'est pas charg public String toString() { String res = this.simpleToString(); if (!this.exists()) { res = "?" + res + "?"; } else if (this.isArchived()) { res = "(" + res + ")"; } return res; } public String simpleToString() { return this.getTable().getName() + "[" + this.ID + "]"; } /** * Renvoie tous les champs de cette ligne, clef comprises. En gnral on ne veut pas les valeurs * des clefs, voir getAllValues(). * <p> * Les valeurs de cette map sont les valeurs retournes par getObject(). * </p> * * @return tous les champs de cette ligne. * @see #getAllValues() * @see #getObject(String) */ @Override public Map<String, Object> getAbsolutelyAll() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(this.getValues()); } /** * Retourne toutes les valeurs de cette lignes, sans les clefs ni les champs d'ordre et * d'archive. * * @return toutes les valeurs de cette lignes. * @see #getAbsolutelyAll() */ public Map<String, Object> getAllValues() { // commence par tout copier final Map<String, Object> res = new HashMap<String, Object>(this.getValues()); final Set<SQLField> keys = this.getTable().getKeys(); // puis on enlve les clefs, l'ordre et l'archive CollectionUtils.filter(res.keySet(), new Predicate() { public boolean evaluate(Object object) { final SQLField field = getTable().getField((String) object); return !keys.contains(field) && field != getTable().getOrderField() && field != getTable().getArchiveField(); } }); return res; } /** * Creates a SQLRowValues with absolutely all the values of this row. ATTN the values are as * always the ones at the moment of the last fetching. * * <pre> * SQLRow r = table.getRow(123); // [a=>'26', b=> '25'] * r.createUpdateRow().put("a", 1).update(); * r.createUpdateRow().put("b", 2).update(); * </pre> * * You could think that r now equals [a=>1, b=>2]. No, actually it's [a=>'26', b=>2], because * the second line overwrote the first one. The best solution is to use only one SQLRowValues * (hence only one access to the DB), otherwise use createEmptyUpdateRow(). * * @see #createEmptyUpdateRow() * @return a SQLRowValues on this SQLRow. */ public SQLRowValues createUpdateRow() { return new SQLRowValues(this.getTable(), this.getValues()); } /** * Creates a SQLRowValues with just this ID, and no other values. * * @return a SQLRowValues on this SQLRow. */ @Override public SQLRowValues createEmptyUpdateRow() { final SQLRowValues res = new SQLRowValues(this.getTable()); res.put(this.getTable().getKey().getName(), this.getIDNumber()); return res; } /** * Gets the unique (among this table at least) identifier of this row. * * @return an int greater than {@link #MIN_VALID_ID} if this is valid. */ @Override public int getID() { return this.ID; } @Override public Number getIDNumber() { return this.idNumber; } @Override public SQLRow asRow() { return this; } @Override public final SQLRowValues asRowValues() { return this.createUpdateRow(); } /** * Note : ne compare pas les valeurs des champs de cette ligne. * * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object) */ public boolean equals(Object other) { if (!(other instanceof SQLRow)) return false; SQLRow o = (SQLRow) other; return this.equalsAsRow(o); } public int hashCode() { return this.hashCodeAsRow(); } /** * Transforme un chemin en une liste de nom de table. Si path est "" alors retourne une liste * vide. * * @param path le chemin, eg "BATIMENT,LOCAL". * @return une liste de String, eg ["BATIMENT","LOCAL"]. */ static public List<String> toList(String path) { return Arrays.asList(toArray(path)); } static private String[] toArray(String path) { if (path.length() == 0) return new String[0]; else // ATTN ',' : no spaces return path.split(","); } @Override public SQLTableModifiedListener createTableListener(SQLDataListener l) { return new SQLTableListenerData<SQLRow>(this, l); } }