Java tutorial
/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright 2011 OpenConcerto, by ILM Informatique. All rights reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3 * only ("GPL"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a * copy of the License at See the License for the specific * language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each file. */ package org.openconcerto.ftp; import org.openconcerto.utils.RecursionType; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public final class FTPUtils { private FTPUtils() { } // MAYBE use recurse, but can't recursively pass local static public final void saveR(FTPClient ftp, File local) throws IOException { local.mkdirs(); for (FTPFile child : ftp.listFiles()) { final String childName = child.getName(); if (childName.indexOf('.') != 0) { if (child.isDirectory()) { ftp.changeWorkingDirectory(childName); saveR(ftp, new File(local, childName)); ftp.changeToParentDirectory(); } else { final OutputStream outs = new FileOutputStream(new File(local, childName)); ftp.retrieveFile(childName, outs); outs.close(); } } } } static public final void rmR(final FTPClient ftp, final String toRm) throws IOException { final String cwd = ftp.printWorkingDirectory(); // si on ne peut cd, le dossier n'existe pas if (ftp.changeWorkingDirectory(toRm)) { recurse(ftp, new ExnClosure<FTPFile, IOException>() { @Override public void executeChecked(FTPFile input) throws IOException { final boolean res; if (input.isDirectory()) res = ftp.removeDirectory(input.getName()); else res = ftp.deleteFile(input.getName()); if (!res) throw new IOException("unable to delete " + input); } }, RecursionType.DEPTH_FIRST); } ftp.changeWorkingDirectory(cwd); ftp.removeDirectory(toRm); } static public final void recurse(FTPClient ftp, ExnClosure<FTPFile, ?> c) throws IOException { recurse(ftp, c, RecursionType.DEPTH_FIRST); } static public final void recurse(FTPClient ftp, ExnClosure<FTPFile, ?> c, RecursionType type) throws IOException { for (FTPFile child : ftp.listFiles()) { if (child.getName().indexOf('.') != 0) { if (type == RecursionType.BREADTH_FIRST) c.executeCheckedWithExn(child, IOException.class); if (child.isDirectory()) { ftp.changeWorkingDirectory(child.getName()); recurse(ftp, c, type); ftp.changeToParentDirectory(); } if (type == RecursionType.DEPTH_FIRST) c.executeCheckedWithExn(child, IOException.class); } } } }