Java tutorial
/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright 2011 OpenConcerto, by ILM Informatique. All rights reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3 * only ("GPL"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a * copy of the License at See the License for the specific * language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each file. */ package org.openconcerto.erp.model; import org.openconcerto.erp.config.ComptaPropsConfiguration; import org.openconcerto.erp.core.common.ui.SQLJavaEditor; import org.openconcerto.erp.core.humanresources.payroll.element.PeriodeValiditeSQLElement; import org.openconcerto.erp.core.humanresources.payroll.element.VariablePayeSQLElement; import org.openconcerto.erp.preferences.PayeGlobalPreferencePanel; import org.openconcerto.sql.Configuration; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.SQLBase; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.SQLRow; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.SQLRowValues; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.SQLSelect; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.SQLTable; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.Where; import org.openconcerto.sql.preferences.SQLPreferences; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.ArrayListHandler; // TODO gestion de la place des rubriques dans l'ordre brut - cot - net et comm everywhere // FIXME Thread pour le calcul public class FichePayeModel extends AbstractTableModel { // Rubrique private Vector<SQLRowValues> vectRubrique; private Vector<SQLRowValues> vectRowValsToDelete; // table des rubriques private final Map<String, SQLTable> mapTableSource = new HashMap<String, SQLTable>(); // Id de la fiche de paye concernee private int idFiche; private String[] title; private final static SQLBase base = ((ComptaPropsConfiguration) Configuration.getInstance()) .getSQLBaseSociete(); private final static SQLTable tableProfilElt = Configuration.getInstance().getBase() .getTable("PROFIL_PAYE_ELEMENT"); private final static SQLTable tableFichePayeElt = base.getTable("FICHE_PAYE_ELEMENT"); private final static SQLTable tableFichePaye = base.getTable("FICHE_PAYE"); private final static SQLTable tableValidite = Configuration.getInstance().getBase() .getTable("PERIODE_VALIDITE"); private SQLJavaEditor javaEdit = new SQLJavaEditor(VariablePayeSQLElement.getMapTree()); // liste des variable de paye calculer private float salBrut, cotPat, cotSal, netImp, netAPayer, csg; private Map<Integer, String> mapField; private final double tauxCSG; public FichePayeModel(int idFiche) { System.err.println("NEW FICHE PAYE MODEL"); this.idFiche = idFiche; this.vectRubrique = new Vector<SQLRowValues>(); this.vectRowValsToDelete = new Vector<SQLRowValues>(); // Titres des colonnes this.title = new String[9]; this.title[0] = "Libell"; this.title[1] = "Base"; this.title[2] = "Taux sal."; this.title[3] = "Montant sal. ajouter"; this.title[4] = "Montant sal. dduire"; this.title[5] = "Taux pat."; this.title[6] = "Montant pat."; this.title[7] = "Impression"; this.title[8] = "Dans la Priode"; SQLTable tableNet = Configuration.getInstance().getBase().getTable("RUBRIQUE_NET"); SQLTable tableBrut = Configuration.getInstance().getBase().getTable("RUBRIQUE_BRUT"); SQLTable tableCotis = Configuration.getInstance().getBase().getTable("RUBRIQUE_COTISATION"); SQLTable tableComm = Configuration.getInstance().getBase().getTable("RUBRIQUE_COMM"); this.mapTableSource.put(tableNet.getName(), tableNet); this.mapTableSource.put(tableBrut.getName(), tableBrut); this.mapTableSource.put(tableCotis.getName(), tableCotis); this.mapTableSource.put(tableComm.getName(), tableComm); this.mapField = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); this.mapField.put(new Integer(0), "NOM"); this.mapField.put(new Integer(1), "NB_BASE"); this.mapField.put(new Integer(2), "TAUX_SAL"); this.mapField.put(new Integer(3), "MONTANT_SAL_AJ"); this.mapField.put(new Integer(4), "MONTANT_SAL_DED"); this.mapField.put(new Integer(5), "TAUX_PAT"); this.mapField.put(new Integer(6), "MONTANT_PAT"); this.mapField.put(new Integer(7), "IMPRESSION"); this.mapField.put(new Integer(8), "IN_PERIODE"); SQLPreferences prefs = new SQLPreferences(tableFichePaye.getTable().getDBRoot()); this.tauxCSG = prefs.getDouble(PayeGlobalPreferencePanel.ASSIETTE_CSG, 0.9825D); // loadElement(); // methodeTmp(); } private void resetValueFiche() { /* * if (this.threadUpdate != null && this.threadUpdate.isAlive()) { this.threadUpdate.stop(); * } */ this.salBrut = 0.0F; this.cotPat = 0.0F; this.cotSal = 0.0F; this.netAPayer = 0.0F; this.netImp = 0.0F; this.csg = 0.0F; } public void loadAllElements() { System.err.println("Start At " + new Date()); if (this.idFiche <= 1) { System.err.println("Aucune fiche associe"); return; } // RAZ resetValueFiche(); /* * this.threadUpdate = new Thread("Update Fiche Paye") { public void run() { */ this.vectRubrique = new Vector<SQLRowValues>(); SQLRow rowFiche = tableFichePaye.getRow(this.idFiche); this.javaEdit.setSalarieID(rowFiche.getInt("ID_SALARIE")); // lments de la fiche de paye SQLSelect selAllIDFicheElt = new SQLSelect(); selAllIDFicheElt.addSelect(tableFichePayeElt.getField("ID")); selAllIDFicheElt.addSelect(tableFichePayeElt.getField("POSITION")); selAllIDFicheElt.setWhere(new Where(tableFichePayeElt.getField("ID_FICHE_PAYE"), "=", this.idFiche)); selAllIDFicheElt.setDistinct(true); selAllIDFicheElt.addRawOrder("\"FICHE_PAYE_ELEMENT\".\"POSITION\""); String reqAllIDFichelElt = selAllIDFicheElt.asString(); System.err.println("Request " + reqAllIDFichelElt); Object[] objIDFicheElt = ((List) base.getDataSource().execute(reqAllIDFichelElt, new ArrayListHandler())) .toArray(); System.err.println(objIDFicheElt.length + " elements to load"); for (int i = 0; i < objIDFicheElt.length; i++) { SQLRow row = tableFichePayeElt.getRow(Integer.parseInt(((Object[]) objIDFicheElt[i])[0].toString())); String source = row.getString("SOURCE"); int idSource = row.getInt("IDSOURCE"); if (source.trim().length() != 0) { // System.err.println("Source != null"); if (this.mapTableSource.get(source) != null) { SQLRow rowSource = this.mapTableSource.get(source).getRow(idSource); if (rowSource.getTable().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("RUBRIQUE_BRUT")) { loadElementBrut(rowSource, row); } if (rowSource.getTable().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("RUBRIQUE_COTISATION")) { loadElementCotisation(rowSource, row); } if (rowSource.getTable().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("RUBRIQUE_NET")) { loadElementNet(rowSource, row); } if (rowSource.getTable().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("RUBRIQUE_COMM")) { loadElementComm(rowSource, row); } } else { System.err.println("Table " + source + " non rfrence"); } } } System.err.println(this.vectRubrique.size() + " elements ADDed "); fireTableDataChanged(); /* * } }; this.threadUpdate.start(); */ System.err.println("End At " + new Date()); } public String getColumnName(int column) { return this.title[column]; } public int getRowCount() { return this.vectRubrique.size(); } public int getColumnCount() { return this.title.length; } public Object getValueAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { SQLRowValues row = this.vectRubrique.get(rowIndex); Object o = null; if (row != null) { o = row.getObject(this.mapField.get(new Integer(columnIndex)).toString()); } return o; } public Class<?> getColumnClass(int columnIndex) { Class<?> cl = tableFichePayeElt.getField(this.mapField.get(new Integer(columnIndex))).getType() .getJavaType(); return cl; } /* * public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { * * if (columnIndex == 0) { return true; } * * SQLRowValues rowVals = (SQLRowValues) this.vectRubrique.get(rowIndex); * * Object ob = rowVals.getObject("SOURCE"); String source = (ob == null) ? "" : ob.toString(); * * if ((source.trim().length() != 0) && (!source.equalsIgnoreCase("RUBRIQUE_COTISATION"))) { * * if (!source.equalsIgnoreCase("RUBRIQUE_COMM")) { if (columnIndex > 5) { return false; } else * { * * if (columnIndex == 1 || columnIndex == 2) { return true; } * * if (source.equalsIgnoreCase("RUBRIQUE_COT") && (columnIndex == 5)) { * * return true; } } } } return false; } * * public void setValueAt(Object aValue, int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { * * System.err.println("_______***$$$$ " + this.mapField.get(new * Integer(columnIndex)).toString()); SQLRowValues rowVals = (SQLRowValues) * this.vectRubrique.get(rowIndex); rowVals.put(this.mapField.get(new * Integer(columnIndex)).toString(), aValue); rowVals.put("VALIDE", Boolean.TRUE); * * try { rowVals.update(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } * * calculValue(); } */ public boolean containValueAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { if (columnIndex == 0) { return true; } SQLRowValues rowVals = this.vectRubrique.get(rowIndex); Object ob = rowVals.getObject("SOURCE"); String source = (ob == null) ? "" : ob.toString(); Object obId = rowVals.getObject("IDSOURCE"); int idSource = (obId == null) ? 1 : rowVals.getInt("IDSOURCE"); if ((source.trim().length() != 0) && (!source.equalsIgnoreCase("RUBRIQUE_COTISATION"))) { /* * if (source.equalsIgnoreCase("RUBRIQUE_COMM")) { return true; } else { */ if (columnIndex > 4) { return false; } else { SQLRow row = this.mapTableSource.get(source).getRow(idSource); if (source.equalsIgnoreCase("RUBRIQUE_BRUT")) { if ((row.getInt("ID_TYPE_RUBRIQUE_BRUT") == 2) && (columnIndex == 4)) { return false; } if ((row.getInt("ID_TYPE_RUBRIQUE_BRUT") == 3) && (columnIndex == 3)) { return false; } } else { if (source.equalsIgnoreCase("RUBRIQUE_NET")) { if ((row.getInt("ID_TYPE_RUBRIQUE_NET") == 2) && (columnIndex == 4)) { return false; } if ((row.getInt("ID_TYPE_RUBRIQUE_NET") == 3) && (columnIndex == 3)) { return false; } } else { return false; } } // } } } else { if (columnIndex == 3) { return false; } } return true; } public void loadFromProfil(final int idProfil) { System.err.println("Load from profil"); resetValueFiche(); /* * this.threadUpdate = new Thread("Update Fiche Paye") { public void run() { */ // On supprime les anciennes lignes de la fiche while (this.vectRubrique.size() > 0) { this.vectRowValsToDelete.add(this.vectRubrique.remove(0)); } // this.vectRubrique = new Vector(); // Listes des rubriques du profil SQLSelect selAllIDProfilElt = new SQLSelect(); selAllIDProfilElt.addSelect(tableProfilElt.getField("ID")); selAllIDProfilElt.addSelect(tableProfilElt.getField("POSITION")); selAllIDProfilElt.setWhere(new Where(tableProfilElt.getField("ID_PROFIL_PAYE"), "=", idProfil)); selAllIDProfilElt.addRawOrder("\"PROFIL_PAYE_ELEMENT\".\"POSITION\""); String reqAllIDProfilElt = selAllIDProfilElt.asString(); Object[] objIDProfilElt = ((List) Configuration.getInstance().getBase().getDataSource() .execute(reqAllIDProfilElt, new ArrayListHandler())).toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < objIDProfilElt.length; i++) { SQLRow rowTmp = tableProfilElt.getRow(Integer.parseInt(((Object[]) objIDProfilElt[i])[0].toString())); String source = rowTmp.getString("SOURCE"); int idSource = rowTmp.getInt("IDSOURCE"); if (this.mapTableSource.get(source) != null) { SQLRow row = this.mapTableSource.get(source).getRow(idSource); if (row.getTable().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("RUBRIQUE_BRUT")) { loadElementBrut(row, null); } if (row.getTable().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("RUBRIQUE_COTISATION")) { loadElementCotisation(row, null); } if (row.getTable().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("RUBRIQUE_NET")) { loadElementNet(row, null); } if (row.getTable().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("RUBRIQUE_COMM")) { loadElementComm(row, null); } } else { System.err.println( " --> Table non rfrence dans la Map. Table name : " + source); } } // this.vectRubrique = new Vector(); // updateFields(this.idFiche); fireTableDataChanged(); /* * } }; this.threadUpdate.start(); */ } public String getSourceAt(int rowIndex) { return this.vectRubrique.get(rowIndex).getString("SOURCE"); } public int upRow(int rowIndex) { // On vrifie qu'il est possible de remonter la ligne if ((this.vectRubrique.size() > 1) && (rowIndex > 0)) { System.err.println("UP"); SQLRowValues tmp = this.vectRubrique.get(rowIndex); this.vectRubrique.set(rowIndex, this.vectRubrique.get(rowIndex - 1)); this.vectRubrique.set(rowIndex - 1, tmp); this.fireTableDataChanged(); return rowIndex - 1; } System.err.println("can't up!!"); return rowIndex; } public int downRow(int rowIndex) { // On vrifie qu'il est possible de descendre la ligne if ((rowIndex >= 0) && (this.vectRubrique.size() > 1) && (rowIndex + 1 < this.vectRubrique.size())) { System.err.println("DOWN"); SQLRowValues tmp = this.vectRubrique.get(rowIndex); this.vectRubrique.set(rowIndex, this.vectRubrique.get(rowIndex + 1)); this.vectRubrique.set(rowIndex + 1, tmp); this.fireTableDataChanged(); return rowIndex + 1; } System.err.println("can't down!!!"); return rowIndex; } public void setLastRowAT(int rowIndex) { // On vrifie qu'il est possible de descendre la ligne if ((rowIndex > 0) && (rowIndex < this.vectRubrique.size())) { this.vectRubrique.add(rowIndex, this.vectRubrique.remove(this.vectRubrique.size() - 1)); } this.fireTableDataChanged(); } public void setFicheID(int id) { this.idFiche = id; // this.javaEdit.setSalarieID(this.tableFichePaye.getRow(this.idFiche).getInt("ID_SALARIE")); this.loadAllElements(); } /*********************************************************************************************** * Ajouter une ligne * * @param row SQLRow RUBRIQUE_BRUT, RUBRIQUE_COTISATION, RUBRIQUE_NET, RUBRIQUE_COMM * @param index index ou doit etre insere la row */ public void addRowAt(SQLRow row, int index) { int size = this.vectRubrique.size(); if (row.getTable().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("RUBRIQUE_BRUT")) { this.loadElementBrut(row, null); } else { if (row.getTable().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("RUBRIQUE_COTISATION")) { this.loadElementCotisation(row, null); } else { if (row.getTable().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("RUBRIQUE_NET")) { this.loadElementNet(row, null); } else { if (row.getTable().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("RUBRIQUE_COMM")) { this.loadElementComm(row, null); } } } } if (size != this.vectRubrique.size()) { setLastRowAT(index); } if (!row.getTable().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("RUBRIQUE_COMM")) { calculValue(); } this.fireTableDataChanged(); } public void removeRow(int rowIndex) { // System.err.println("_________________________________REMOVE"); if (rowIndex >= 0) { SQLRowValues rowVals = this.vectRubrique.remove(rowIndex); this.vectRowValsToDelete.add(rowVals); if (!rowVals.getString("SOURCE").equalsIgnoreCase("RUBRIQUE_COMM")) { calculValue(); } this.fireTableDataChanged(); } } public void updateFields(int idFiche) { // System.err.println("UPDATE FIELDS"); for (int i = 0; i < this.vectRowValsToDelete.size(); i++) { SQLRowValues rowVals = this.vectRowValsToDelete.get(i); if (rowVals.getID() != SQLRow.NONEXISTANT_ID) { rowVals.put("ARCHIVE", 1); try { rowVals.update(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } this.vectRowValsToDelete = new Vector<SQLRowValues>(); for (int i = 0; i < this.vectRubrique.size(); i++) { SQLRowValues rowVals = this.vectRubrique.get(i); rowVals.put("ID_FICHE_PAYE", idFiche); rowVals.put("POSITION", i); try { rowVals.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public void showData() { if (this.vectRubrique.size() == 0) { System.err.println("Vecteur contains no value."); } for (int i = 0; i < this.vectRubrique.size(); i++) { System.err.println(this.vectRubrique.get(i)); } } public Object getVectorObjectAt(int index) { return this.vectRubrique.get(index); } private boolean isEltInPeriod(SQLRow rowSource) { SQLRow rowFiche = tableFichePaye.getRow(this.idFiche); int mois = rowFiche.getInt("ID_MOIS") - 1; Object ob = PeriodeValiditeSQLElement.mapTranslate().get(Integer.valueOf(mois)); if (ob == null) { return false; } String moisName = ob.toString(); SQLRow rowPeriodeValid = tableValidite.getRow(rowSource.getInt("ID_PERIODE_VALIDITE")); return (rowPeriodeValid.getBoolean(moisName)); } private boolean isEltImprimable(SQLRow rowSource, SQLRowValues row) { int impression = rowSource.getInt("ID_IMPRESSION_RUBRIQUE"); if (impression == 3) { return true; } else { if (impression == 4) { return false; } else { if (impression == 2) { Object montantSalAjOb = row.getObject("MONTANT_SAL_AJ"); float montantSalAj = (montantSalAjOb == null) ? 0.0F : Float.valueOf(montantSalAjOb.toString()).floatValue(); Object montantSalDedOb = row.getObject("MONTANT_SAL_DED"); float montantSalDed = (montantSalDedOb == null) ? 0.0F : Float.valueOf(montantSalDedOb.toString()).floatValue(); Object montantPatOb = row.getObject("MONTANT_PAT"); float montantPat = (montantPatOb == null) ? 0.0F : Float.valueOf(montantPatOb.toString()).floatValue(); if (montantSalAj == 0 && montantSalDed == 0 && montantPat == 0) { return false; } return true; } } } return true; } /** * charge un lment de la fiche dans rowVals, dont la rubrique source est rowSource et * l'lment row si l'lment existe dja * * @param rowVals * @param rowSource * @param row * @return true si on doit calculer les valeurs */ private boolean loadElement(SQLRowValues rowVals, SQLRow rowSource, SQLRow row) { if (row != null) { rowVals.loadAbsolutelyAll(row); } // on vrifie que la rubrique s'applique pour le mois concern // if (!isEltInPeriod(rowSource)) { // System.err.println("Not In periode"); rowVals.put("IN_PERIODE", Boolean.valueOf(isEltInPeriod(rowSource))); // } rowVals.put("SOURCE", rowSource.getTable().getName()); rowVals.put("IDSOURCE", rowSource.getID()); Object ob = rowVals.getObject("VALIDE"); boolean b = (ob == null) ? false : new Boolean(ob.toString()).booleanValue(); return b; } private void updateValueFiche() { SQLRowValues rowValsFiche = new SQLRowValues(tableFichePaye); rowValsFiche.put("SAL_BRUT", Float.valueOf(this.salBrut)); rowValsFiche.put("NET_IMP", Float.valueOf(this.netImp + this.salBrut)); rowValsFiche.put("NET_A_PAYER", Float.valueOf(this.netAPayer + this.salBrut)); rowValsFiche.put("COT_SAL", Float.valueOf(this.cotSal)); rowValsFiche.put("COT_PAT", Float.valueOf(this.cotPat)); rowValsFiche.put("CSG", Float.valueOf((this.salBrut + this.csg) * (float) this.tauxCSG)); try { rowValsFiche.update(this.idFiche); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /*********************************************************************************************** * Charge un lment d'une rubrique de brut * * @param rowSource row de la rubrique source * @param row row de l'lment de la fiche **********************************************************************************************/ private void loadElementBrut(SQLRow rowSource, SQLRow row) { // System.err.println("________________________LOAD ELT BRUT"); SQLRowValues rowVals = new SQLRowValues(tableFichePayeElt); if (!loadElement(rowVals, rowSource, row)) { // System.err.println("________________________Recalcul des ELT BRUT "); Object baseOb = this.javaEdit.checkFormule(rowSource.getString("BASE"), "BASE"); Object tauxSalOb = this.javaEdit.checkFormule(rowSource.getString("TAUX"), "TAUX"); rowVals.put("NOM", rowSource.getString("NOM")); rowVals.put("NB_BASE", (baseOb == null) ? null : Float.valueOf(Math.round(Float.valueOf(baseOb.toString()).floatValue() * 100.0F) / 100.0F)); rowVals.put("TAUX_SAL", (tauxSalOb == null) ? null : Float.valueOf(Float.valueOf(tauxSalOb.toString()).floatValue())); } calculBrut(rowSource, rowVals); boolean b = isEltImprimable(rowSource, rowVals); // System.err.println("Impression --- > " + b); rowVals.put("IMPRESSION", Boolean.valueOf(b)); this.vectRubrique.add(rowVals); } /** * Calcul le montant d'une rubrique de brut et met jour les variables du salari * * @param rowSource * @param rowVals */ private void calculBrut(SQLRow rowSource, SQLRowValues rowVals) { if (((Boolean) rowVals.getObject("IN_PERIODE")).booleanValue()) { Object baseOb = rowVals.getObject("NB_BASE"); Object tauxSalOb = rowVals.getObject("TAUX_SAL"); float base = 0.0F; if ((baseOb != null) && (baseOb.toString().trim().length() != 0)) { base = Float.valueOf(baseOb.toString()).floatValue(); } float tauxSal = 0.0F; if ((tauxSalOb != null) && (tauxSalOb.toString().trim().length() != 0)) { tauxSal = Float.valueOf(tauxSalOb.toString()).floatValue(); } // Calcul du montant String formuleMontant = rowSource.getString("MONTANT"); float montant = 0.0F; if (formuleMontant.trim().length() == 0) { montant = Math.round(base * tauxSal * 100.0F) / 100.0F; } else { Object montantNet = this.javaEdit.checkFormule(rowSource.getString("MONTANT"), "MONTANT"); String montantNetS = (montantNet == null) ? "0.0" : montantNet.toString(); montant = Math.round(Float.valueOf(montantNetS).floatValue() * 100.0F) / 100.0F; } // Retenue if (rowSource.getInt("ID_TYPE_RUBRIQUE_BRUT") == 3) { rowVals.put("MONTANT_SAL_DED", Float.valueOf(montant)); this.salBrut -= montant; } // Gain else { rowVals.put("MONTANT_SAL_AJ", Float.valueOf(montant)); this.salBrut += montant; } // Mis a jour du salaire brut updateValueFiche(); } } private void calculNet(SQLRow rowSource, SQLRowValues rowVals) { if (((Boolean) rowVals.getObject("IN_PERIODE")).booleanValue()) { Object baseOb = rowVals.getObject("NB_BASE"); Object tauxSalOb = rowVals.getObject("TAUX_SAL"); float base = 0.0F; if ((baseOb != null) && (baseOb.toString().trim().length() != 0)) { base = ((Float) baseOb).floatValue(); } float tauxSal = 0.0F; if ((tauxSalOb != null) && (tauxSalOb.toString().trim().length() != 0)) { tauxSal = ((Float) tauxSalOb).floatValue(); } // Calcul du montant String formuleMontant = rowSource.getString("MONTANT"); float montant = 0.0F; if (formuleMontant.trim().length() == 0) { montant = Math.round(base * tauxSal * 100.0F) / 100.0F; } else { Object montantNet = this.javaEdit.checkFormule(rowSource.getString("MONTANT"), "MONTANT"); if (montantNet != null) { montant = Math.round(Float.valueOf(montantNet.toString()).floatValue() * 100.0F) / 100.0F; } } // Retenue if (rowSource.getInt("ID_TYPE_RUBRIQUE_NET") == 3) { rowVals.put("MONTANT_SAL_DED", Float.valueOf(montant)); if (rowSource.getBoolean("IMPOSABLE")) { this.netAPayer -= montant; } else { this.netAPayer -= montant; this.netImp -= montant; } } // Gain else { rowVals.put("MONTANT_SAL_AJ", Float.valueOf(montant)); if (rowSource.getBoolean("IMPOSABLE")) { this.netAPayer += montant; } else { this.netAPayer += montant; this.netImp += montant; } } // Mis a jour du salaire net updateValueFiche(); } } private void loadElementNet(SQLRow rowSource, SQLRow row) { SQLRowValues rowVals = new SQLRowValues(tableFichePayeElt); // System.err.println("________________________LOAD ELT NET"); if (!loadElement(rowVals, rowSource, row)) { Object baseOb = this.javaEdit.checkFormule(rowSource.getString("BASE"), "BASE"); Object tauxSalOb = this.javaEdit.checkFormule(rowSource.getString("TAUX"), "TAUX"); rowVals.put("NOM", rowSource.getString("NOM")); rowVals.put("NB_BASE", (baseOb == null) ? null : Float.valueOf(Math.round(Float.valueOf(baseOb.toString()).floatValue() * 100.0F) / 100.0F)); rowVals.put("TAUX_SAL", (tauxSalOb == null) ? null : Float.valueOf(Float.valueOf(tauxSalOb.toString()).floatValue())); } calculNet(rowSource, rowVals); boolean b = isEltImprimable(rowSource, rowVals); // System.err.println("Impression --- > " + b); rowVals.put("IMPRESSION", Boolean.valueOf(b)); this.vectRubrique.add(rowVals); } private void calculCotisation(SQLRow rowSource, SQLRowValues rowVals) { if (((Boolean) rowVals.getObject("IN_PERIODE")).booleanValue()) { Object baseOb = rowVals.getObject("NB_BASE"); Object tauxSalOb = rowVals.getObject("TAUX_SAL"); Object tauxPatOb = rowVals.getObject("TAUX_PAT"); float base = 0.0F; if ((baseOb != null) && (baseOb.toString().trim().length() != 0)) { base = ((Number) baseOb).floatValue(); } float tauxSal = 0.0F; if ((tauxSalOb != null) && (tauxSalOb.toString().trim().length() != 0)) { tauxSal = ((Number) tauxSalOb).floatValue() / 100.0F; } float tauxPat = 0.0F; if ((tauxPatOb != null) && (tauxPatOb.toString().trim().length() != 0)) { tauxPat = ((Number) tauxPatOb).floatValue() / 100.0F; } // Calcul du montant float montantSal = 0.0F; montantSal = Math.round(base * tauxSal * 100.0F) / 100.0F; float montantPat = 0.0F; montantPat = Math.round(base * tauxPat * 100.0F) / 100.0F; rowVals.put("MONTANT_SAL_DED", new Float(montantSal)); rowVals.put("MONTANT_PAT", new Float(montantPat)); if (rowSource.getBoolean("IMPOSABLE")) { this.netAPayer -= montantSal; } else { this.netAPayer -= montantSal; this.netImp -= montantSal; } if (rowSource.getBoolean("PART_CSG")) { this.csg += montantPat; } this.cotSal += montantSal; this.cotPat += montantPat; // Mis a jour des cotisations updateValueFiche(); } } private void loadElementCotisation(SQLRow rowSource, SQLRow row) { SQLRowValues rowVals = new SQLRowValues(tableFichePayeElt); // System.err.println("________________________LOAD ELT COTISATION"); if (!loadElement(rowVals, rowSource, row)) { // On calcule les valeurs Object baseOb = this.javaEdit.checkFormule(rowSource.getString("BASE"), "BASE"); Object tauxSalOb = this.javaEdit.checkFormule(rowSource.getString("TX_SAL"), "TX_SAL"); Object tauxPatOb = this.javaEdit.checkFormule(rowSource.getString("TX_PAT"), "TX_PAT"); rowVals.put("NOM", rowSource.getString("NOM")); rowVals.put("NB_BASE", (baseOb == null) ? null : Float.valueOf(Math.round(Float.valueOf(baseOb.toString()).floatValue() * 100.0F) / 100.0F)); rowVals.put("TAUX_SAL", (tauxSalOb == null) ? null : Float.valueOf(Float.valueOf(tauxSalOb.toString()).floatValue())); rowVals.put("TAUX_PAT", (tauxPatOb == null) ? null : Float.valueOf(Float.valueOf(tauxPatOb.toString()).floatValue())); } calculCotisation(rowSource, rowVals); boolean b = isEltImprimable(rowSource, rowVals); // System.err.println("Impression --- > " + b); rowVals.put("IMPRESSION", Boolean.valueOf(b)); this.vectRubrique.add(rowVals); } public void loadElementComm(SQLRow rowSource, SQLRow row) { SQLRowValues rowVals = new SQLRowValues(tableFichePayeElt); // System.err.println("________________________LOAD ELT COMM"); if (loadElement(rowVals, rowSource, row)) { this.vectRubrique.add(rowVals); return; } Object baseOb = this.javaEdit.checkFormule(rowSource.getString("NB_BASE"), "BASE"); Object tauxSalOb = this.javaEdit.checkFormule(rowSource.getString("TAUX_SAL"), "SAL"); Object tauxPatOb = this.javaEdit.checkFormule(rowSource.getString("TAUX_PAT"), "PAT"); Object montantPatOb = this.javaEdit.checkFormule(rowSource.getString("MONTANT_PAT"), "MONTANT"); Object montantAdOb = this.javaEdit.checkFormule(rowSource.getString("MONTANT_SAL_AJ"), "MONTANT"); Object montantDedOb = this.javaEdit.checkFormule(rowSource.getString("MONTANT_SAL_DED"), "MONTANT"); rowVals.put("NOM", rowSource.getBoolean("NOM_VISIBLE") ? rowSource.getString("NOM") : ""); rowVals.put("NB_BASE", baseOb); rowVals.put("TAUX_SAL", tauxSalOb); rowVals.put("TAUX_PAT", tauxPatOb); rowVals.put("MONTANT_PAT", montantPatOb); rowVals.put("MONTANT_SAL_AJ", montantAdOb); rowVals.put("MONTANT_SAL_DED", montantDedOb); boolean b = isEltImprimable(rowSource, rowVals); // System.err.println("Impression --- > " + b); rowVals.put("IMPRESSION", Boolean.valueOf(b)); this.vectRubrique.add(rowVals); } private void calculValue() { System.err.println("Start calculValue At " + new Date()); resetValueFiche(); /* * this.threadUpdate = new Thread("Update Fiche Paye") { public void run() { */ Vector<SQLRowValues> vectTmp = new Vector<SQLRowValues>(this.vectRubrique); this.vectRubrique = new Vector<SQLRowValues>(); for (int i = 0; i < vectTmp.size(); i++) { SQLRowValues rowVals = vectTmp.get(i); String source = rowVals.getString("SOURCE"); int idSource = rowVals.getInt("IDSOURCE"); SQLRow row = tableFichePayeElt.getRow(rowVals.getID()); if (source.trim().length() != 0) { // System.err.println("Source != null"); if (this.mapTableSource.get(source) != null) { SQLRow rowSource = this.mapTableSource.get(source).getRow(idSource); if (rowSource.getTable().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("RUBRIQUE_BRUT")) { loadElementBrut(rowSource, row); } if (rowSource.getTable().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("RUBRIQUE_COTISATION")) { loadElementCotisation(rowSource, row); } if (rowSource.getTable().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("RUBRIQUE_NET")) { loadElementNet(rowSource, row); } if (rowSource.getTable().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("RUBRIQUE_COMM")) { loadElementComm(rowSource, row); } } else { System.err.println("Table " + source + " non rfrence"); } } } System.err.println(this.vectRubrique.size() + " elements ADDed "); fireTableDataChanged(); /* * } }; this.threadUpdate.start(); */ System.err.println("End calculValue At " + new Date()); } public void validElt() { System.err.println("Validation des lments de la fiche."); for (int i = 0; i < this.vectRubrique.size(); i++) { SQLRowValues rowVals = this.vectRubrique.get(i); rowVals.put("VALIDE", Boolean.valueOf(true)); try { rowVals.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } System.err.println("Validation termine."); } }