Java tutorial
/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright 2011 OpenConcerto, by ILM Informatique. All rights reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3 * only ("GPL"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a * copy of the License at See the License for the specific * language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each file. */ package org.openconcerto.erp.graph; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.jopenchart.Axis; import org.jopenchart.AxisLabel; import org.jopenchart.DataModel1D; import org.jopenchart.DataModel2D; import org.jopenchart.DataModelMultiple; import org.jopenchart.DataModelPoint; import org.jopenchart.Label; import org.jopenchart.barchart.VerticalBarChart; import org.jopenchart.barchart.VerticalGroupBarChart; import org.jopenchart.barchart.VerticalStackBarChart; import org.jopenchart.gauge.AngularGauge; import org.jopenchart.linechart.LineChart; import org.jopenchart.piechart.PieChart; import org.jopenchart.piechart.PieChartWithSeparatedLabels; import org.jopenchart.scatterplot.PointChart; import org.jopenchart.table.SimpleTable; import com.lowagie.text.Document; import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException; import com.lowagie.text.PageSize; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfContentByte; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter; public class GraphSamplePDF { /** * @param args * @throws DocumentException * @throws IOException */ public static void main(String[] args) throws DocumentException, IOException { // ChartPanel panel = new ChartPanel(c); FileOutputStream baos = new FileOutputStream(new File("OpenConcerto_Chart.pdf")); Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4); // PdfWriter writer = new PdfWriter(document, baos); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, baos);; PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent(); System.out.println(document.getPageSize()); createPage1(document, cb); document.newPage(); createPage2(document, cb); document.close(); baos.close(); } private static void createPage1(Document document, PdfContentByte cb) { Graphics2D graphics2D = cb.createGraphics(document.getPageSize().getWidth(), document.getPageSize().getHeight()); int w = 180; int h = 200; int y = 140; Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 12); graphics2D.setFont(font); int xLogo = 30; // AngularGauge c = new AngularGauge(); // c.setMinValue(0); // c.setMaxValue(100); // c.setValue(30); // c.setChartRectangle(new Rectangle(0, 100, 150, 150)); // c.render(graphics2D); // int cX = xLogo; int cY = y + 30; // Line 1 table1(graphics2D, cX, cY); legend(graphics2D, cX, cY, "a) Classique"); cX += w; table2(graphics2D, cX, cY); legend(graphics2D, cX, cY, "b) Design"); cX += w; table3(graphics2D, cX, cY); legend(graphics2D, cX, cY, "c) Maximum par colonne"); // Line 2 cY += h; cX = xLogo; line1(graphics2D, cX, cY); legend(graphics2D, cX, cY, "a) Courbe simple"); cX += w; line2(graphics2D, cX, cY); legend(graphics2D, cX, cY, "b) Lignes multiples"); cX += w; line3(graphics2D, cX, cY); legend(graphics2D, cX, cY, "c) Quantitatif"); // Line 3 cY += h; cX = xLogo; piechart1(graphics2D, cX, cY); legend(graphics2D, cX, cY, "a) Simple"); cX += w; piechart2(graphics2D, cX, cY); legend(graphics2D, cX, cY, "b) Anneau"); cX += w; piechart3(graphics2D, cX, cY); legend(graphics2D, cX, cY, "c) Complet avec lgende"); // Logo graphics2D.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 24)); graphics2D.setColor(new Color(66, 119, 167)); graphics2D.drawString("Open", xLogo, 48); graphics2D.setColor(new Color(178, 81, 81)); graphics2D.drawString("Concerto", xLogo + 59, 48); graphics2D.setColor(Color.BLACK); // Main title and copyright drawCopyrightAndFooter(graphics2D, xLogo, 1); // Titles graphics2D.setFont(graphics2D.getFont().deriveFont(12f)); graphics2D.setFont(graphics2D.getFont().deriveFont(Font.BOLD)); graphics2D.drawString("Tableaux", xLogo, y); y += h; graphics2D.drawString("Graphiques", xLogo, y); y += h; graphics2D.drawString("Diagrammes circulaires", xLogo, y); graphics2D.dispose(); } private static void createPage2(Document document, PdfContentByte cb) { Graphics2D graphics2D = cb.createGraphics(document.getPageSize().getWidth(), document.getPageSize().getHeight()); int w = 180; int h = 200; int y = 140; Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 12); graphics2D.setFont(font); int xLogo = 30; // int cX = xLogo; int cY = y + 30; // Line 1 barchart1(graphics2D, cX, cY); legend(graphics2D, cX, cY, "a) Simple"); cX += w; barchart2(graphics2D, cX, cY); legend(graphics2D, cX, cY, "b) Group"); cX += w; barchart3(graphics2D, cX, cY); legend(graphics2D, cX, cY, "c) Empill"); // Line 2 cY += h; cX = xLogo; gauge1(graphics2D, cX, cY); legend(graphics2D, cX, cY, "a) Valeur"); cX += w; gauge2(graphics2D, cX, cY); legend(graphics2D, cX, cY, "b) Pourcentage"); cX += w; gauge3(graphics2D, cX, cY); legend(graphics2D, cX, cY, "c) Qualitatif"); // Line 3 cY += h; cX = xLogo; cloud1(graphics2D, cX, cY); legend(graphics2D, cX, cY, "a) Points"); cX += w; cloud2(graphics2D, cX, cY); legend(graphics2D, cX, cY, "b) Bulles"); cX += w; cloud3(graphics2D, cX, cY); legend(graphics2D, cX, cY, "c) Zones"); // Logo graphics2D.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 24)); graphics2D.setColor(new Color(66, 119, 167)); graphics2D.drawString("Open", xLogo, 48); graphics2D.setColor(new Color(178, 81, 81)); graphics2D.drawString("Concerto", xLogo + 59, 48); graphics2D.setColor(Color.BLACK); drawCopyrightAndFooter(graphics2D, xLogo, 2); // Titles graphics2D.setFont(graphics2D.getFont().deriveFont(12f)); graphics2D.setFont(graphics2D.getFont().deriveFont(Font.BOLD)); graphics2D.drawString("Diagrammes en btons", xLogo, y); y += h; graphics2D.drawString("Jauge", xLogo, y); y += h; graphics2D.drawString("Nuages", xLogo, y); graphics2D.dispose(); } public static void drawCopyrightAndFooter(Graphics2D graphics2D, int xLogo, int page) { // Main title and copyright graphics2D.setFont(graphics2D.getFont().deriveFont(16f)); graphics2D.drawString("Exemples de reprsentation de donnes", xLogo, 90); graphics2D.setColor(Color.BLACK); graphics2D.setFont(graphics2D.getFont().deriveFont(6f)); graphics2D.drawString(" ILM Informatique. Tous droits rservs. OpenConcerto est une marque dpose.", 30, 810); graphics2D.setFont(graphics2D.getFont().deriveFont(10f)); graphics2D.drawString("Page " + page + " / 2", 500, 810); } private static void legend(Graphics2D graphics2D, int cX, int cY, String string) { Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.ITALIC, 8); graphics2D.setColor(Color.BLACK); graphics2D.setFont(font); graphics2D.drawString(string, cX, cY - 10); } private static void piechart1(Graphics2D graphics2D, int cX, int cY) { PieChart c = new PieChart(); List<Color> colors = new ArrayList<Color>(); colors.add(new Color(178, 81, 81)); colors.add(new Color(66, 119, 167)); c.setColors(colors); c.addLabel(new Label("PME")); c.addLabel(new Label("Grands comptes")); c.addLabel(new Label("TPE")); c.setDimension(new Dimension(160, 120)); ArrayList<Number> l = new ArrayList<Number>(); l.add(50); l.add(20); l.add(10); c.setData(l); AffineTransform saveAT = graphics2D.getTransform(); Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 10); graphics2D.setFont(font); graphics2D.transform(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(cX, cY)); c.render(graphics2D); graphics2D.setTransform(saveAT); } private static void piechart3(Graphics2D graphics2D, int cX, int cY) { PieChart c = new PieChartWithSeparatedLabels(); c.addLabel(new Label("Open")); c.addLabel(new Label("Concerto")); c.addLabel(new Label("GPL")); c.setDimension(new Dimension(90, 80)); ArrayList<Number> l = new ArrayList<Number>(); l.add(60); l.add(50); l.add(20); c.setData(l); c.setInnerColor(Color.BLACK); c.setInnerDimension(2, 2); AffineTransform saveAT = graphics2D.getTransform(); Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 10); graphics2D.setFont(font); graphics2D.transform(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(cX, cY)); c.render(graphics2D); graphics2D.setTransform(saveAT); } private static void piechart2(Graphics2D graphics2D, int cX, int cY) { PieChart c = new PieChartWithSeparatedLabels(); c.addLabel(new Label("V1")); c.addLabel(new Label("V2")); c.addLabel(new Label("V3")); c.addLabel(new Label("V4")); c.addLabel(new Label("V5")); c.addLabel(new Label("V6")); c.addLabel(new Label("V7")); c.addLabel(new Label("V8")); c.addLabel(new Label("V9")); c.addLabel(new Label("V10")); c.setDimension(new Dimension(130, 160)); ArrayList<Number> l = new ArrayList<Number>(); l.add(60); l.add(50); l.add(20); l.add(20); l.add(30); l.add(20); l.add(20); l.add(40); l.add(20); l.add(20); l.add(20); c.setData(l); c.setInnerColor(Color.BLACK); c.setInnerDimension(40, 40); List<Color> colors = new ArrayList<Color>(); // colors.add(new Color(178, 81, 81)); colors.add(new Color(66, 119, 167)); c.setColors(colors); AffineTransform saveAT = graphics2D.getTransform(); Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 10); graphics2D.setFont(font); graphics2D.transform(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(cX, cY)); c.render(graphics2D); graphics2D.setTransform(saveAT); } private static void line1(Graphics2D graphics2D, int cX, int cY) { LineChart chart = new LineChart(); chart.setLowerRange(0); chart.setHigherRange(150); List<Number> data = new ArrayList<Number>(); data.add(15); data.add(5); data.add(20); data.add(50); data.add(60); data.add(90); data.add(95); data.add(60); data.add(83); data.add(102); data.add(123); data.add(143); chart.setData(data); final Axis axis = new Axis("CA"); axis.addLabel(new AxisLabel("0", 0)); axis.addLabel(new AxisLabel("50 000", 50)); axis.addLabel(new AxisLabel("100 000", 100)); axis.setLabelVisible(true); chart.setLeftAxis(axis); final Axis axis2 = new Axis("CA"); axis2.addLabel(new AxisLabel("0%", 0)); axis2.addLabel(new AxisLabel("50%", 6)); axis2.addLabel(new AxisLabel("100%", 11)); axis2.setLabelVisible(true); axis2.setMarkerLenght(4); axis.setMarkerLenght(4); chart.setGridXStep(50D); chart.setBottomAxis(axis2); chart.setDimension(new Dimension(160, 130)); AffineTransform saveAT = graphics2D.getTransform(); Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 10); graphics2D.setFont(font); graphics2D.transform(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(cX, cY)); chart.render(graphics2D); graphics2D.setTransform(saveAT); } private static void line2(Graphics2D graphics2D, int cX, int cY) { LineChart chart = new LineChart(); List<Color> colors = new ArrayList<Color>(); colors.add(new Color(66, 119, 167)); colors.add(new Color(178, 81, 81)); chart.setColors(colors); chart.setLowerRange(0); chart.setHigherRange(150); final List<Number> data = new ArrayList<Number>(); data.add(3); data.add(5); data.add(20); data.add(50); data.add(60); data.add(90); data.add(95); data.add(60); data.add(83); data.add(102); data.add(133); data.add(143); final List<Number> data2 = new ArrayList<Number>(); data2.add(24); data2.add(8); data2.add(10); data2.add(60); data2.add(100); data2.add(120); data2.add(130); data2.add(80); data2.add(90); data2.add(50); data2.add(30); data2.add(40); final List<List<Number>> multipleData = new ArrayList<List<Number>>(); multipleData.add(data2); multipleData.add(data); chart.setDataModel(new DataModelMultiple(multipleData)); final Axis axis = new Axis("CA"); axis.addLabel(new AxisLabel("", 0)); axis.addLabel(new AxisLabel("5", 25)); axis.addLabel(new AxisLabel("10", 50)); axis.addLabel(new AxisLabel("15", 75)); axis.addLabel(new AxisLabel("20", 100)); axis.setLabelVisible(true); chart.setLeftAxis(axis); final Axis axis2 = new Axis("CA"); axis2.addLabel(new AxisLabel("2010", 0)); axis2.addLabel(new AxisLabel("2011", 6)); axis2.addLabel(new AxisLabel("2012", 11)); axis2.setLabelVisible(true); axis2.setMarkerLenght(4); chart.setBottomAxis(axis2); // chart.setChartRectangle(new Rectangle(0, 100, 150, 150)); chart.setDimension(new Dimension(160, 130)); AffineTransform saveAT = graphics2D.getTransform(); Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 10); graphics2D.setFont(font); graphics2D.transform(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(cX, cY)); chart.render(graphics2D); graphics2D.setTransform(saveAT); } private static void line3(Graphics2D graphics2D, int cX, int cY) { LineChart chart = new LineChart(); chart.setLowerRange(-150); chart.setHigherRange(150); List<Color> colors = new ArrayList<Color>(); colors.add(new Color(178, 81, 81)); colors.add(new Color(66, 119, 167)); chart.setColors(colors); chart.setFillColor(new Color(178, 81, 81)); chart.setGridYStep(15.0D); List<Number> data = new ArrayList<Number>(); data.add(0); data.add(5); data.add(20); data.add(50); data.add(60); data.add(90); data.add(95); data.add(60); data.add(83); data.add(105); data.add(60); data.add(45); chart.setData(data); final Axis axis = new Axis("CA"); axis.addLabel(new AxisLabel("0", 0)); axis.addLabel(new AxisLabel("7 kg", 150)); axis.addLabel(new AxisLabel("3 kg", 64)); final AxisLabel label = new AxisLabel("6 kg", 128); label.setColor(new Color(178, 81, 81)); axis.addLabel(label); axis.setLabelVisible(true); chart.setLeftAxis(axis); final Axis axis2 = new Axis("CA"); axis2.setMarkerLenght(4); axis2.setLabelVisible(true); axis2.addLabel(new AxisLabel("Mars", 0)); axis2.addLabel(new AxisLabel("Avril", 6)); axis2.addLabel(new AxisLabel("Mai", 11)); chart.setBottomAxis(axis2); // chart.setChartRectangle(new Rectangle(0, 100, 150, 150)); chart.setDimension(new Dimension(160, 130)); AffineTransform saveAT = graphics2D.getTransform(); Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 10); graphics2D.setFont(font); graphics2D.transform(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(cX, cY)); chart.render(graphics2D); graphics2D.setTransform(saveAT); } private static void table1(Graphics2D graphics2D, int cX, int cY) { SimpleTable chart = new SimpleTable(new DataModel2D(4, 3)); chart.setDimension(new Dimension(160, 130)); AffineTransform saveAT = graphics2D.getTransform(); Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 10); graphics2D.setFont(font); graphics2D.transform(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(cX, cY)); chart.render(graphics2D); graphics2D.setTransform(saveAT); } private static void table2(Graphics2D graphics2D, int cX, int cY) { SimpleTable chart = new SimpleTable(new DataModel2D(4, 3)); chart.setGridColor(null); chart.setLabelColorBackground(null); Color col = new Color(232, 242, 254); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { chart.setBackgoundColor(col, 0, i); chart.setBackgoundColor(col, 2, i); } chart.setDimension(new Dimension(160, 110)); AffineTransform saveAT = graphics2D.getTransform(); Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 10); graphics2D.setFont(font); graphics2D.transform(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(cX, cY)); chart.render(graphics2D); graphics2D.setTransform(saveAT); } private static void table3(Graphics2D graphics2D, int cX, int cY) { SimpleTable chart = new SimpleTable(new DataModel2D(6, 3)); chart.setGridColor(Color.WHITE); chart.setLabelColorBackground(new Color(154, 12, 81)); chart.setLabelColorText(Color.white); chart.setBackgoundColor(Color.ORANGE, 2, 0); chart.setForegoundColor(Color.WHITE, 2, 0); chart.setBackgoundColor(Color.ORANGE, 2, 2); chart.setForegoundColor(Color.WHITE, 2, 2); chart.setBackgoundColor(Color.ORANGE, 5, 1); chart.setForegoundColor(Color.WHITE, 5, 1); chart.setDimension(new Dimension(160, 130)); AffineTransform saveAT = graphics2D.getTransform(); Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 10); graphics2D.setFont(font); graphics2D.transform(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(cX, cY)); chart.render(graphics2D); graphics2D.setTransform(saveAT); } private static void barchart1(Graphics2D graphics2D, int cX, int cY) { VerticalBarChart c = new VerticalBarChart(); c.setColor(new Color(0, 155, 100)); // c.setBackgroundRenderer(new SolidAreaRenderer(; Axis axis = new Axis("y"); axis.addLabel(new AxisLabel("0")); axis.addLabel(new AxisLabel("500 ")); axis.addLabel(new AxisLabel("1000 ")); c.setLeftAxis(axis); Axis axisX = new Axis("x"); axisX.addLabel(new AxisLabel("J", 1)); axisX.addLabel(new AxisLabel("F", 2)); axisX.addLabel(new AxisLabel("M", 3)); axisX.addLabel(new AxisLabel("A", 4)); axisX.addLabel(new AxisLabel("M", 5)); axisX.addLabel(new AxisLabel("J", 6)); axisX.addLabel(new AxisLabel("J", 7)); axisX.addLabel(new AxisLabel("A", 8)); axisX.addLabel(new AxisLabel("S", 9)); axisX.addLabel(new AxisLabel("O", 10)); axisX.addLabel(new AxisLabel("N", 11)); axisX.addLabel(new AxisLabel("D", 12)); c.setBottomAxis(axisX); c.setBarWidth(8); c.setSpaceBetweenBars(3); c.addModel(new DataModel1D(new Float[] { 5f, 10f, 50f, 30f, 200f, 20f, 30f, 120f, 180f, 70f, 10f, 120f })); c.setDimension(new Dimension(160, 140)); AffineTransform saveAT = graphics2D.getTransform(); Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 10); graphics2D.setFont(font); graphics2D.transform(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(cX, cY)); c.render(graphics2D); graphics2D.setTransform(saveAT); } private static void barchart2(Graphics2D graphics2D, int cX, int cY) { VerticalGroupBarChart c = new VerticalGroupBarChart(); List<Color> colors = new ArrayList<Color>(); colors.add(Color.decode("#4A79A5")); colors.add(Color.decode("#639ACE")); colors.add(Color.decode("#94BAE7")); c.setColors(colors); Axis axis = new Axis("y"); axis.addLabel(new AxisLabel("0")); axis.addLabel(new AxisLabel("100")); axis.addLabel(new AxisLabel("200")); c.setLeftAxis(axis); Axis axisX = new Axis("x"); axisX.addLabel(new AxisLabel("Janvier", 1)); axisX.addLabel(new AxisLabel("Fvrier", 2)); axisX.addLabel(new AxisLabel("Mars", 3)); c.setBottomAxis(axisX); c.setBarWidth(8); c.addModel(new DataModel1D(new Float[] { 5f, 10f, 50f })); c.addModel(new DataModel1D(new Float[] { 20f, 90f, 55f })); c.addModel(new DataModel1D(new Float[] { 28f, 9f, 60f })); c.setDimension(new Dimension(160, 140)); AffineTransform saveAT = graphics2D.getTransform(); Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 10); graphics2D.setFont(font); graphics2D.transform(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(cX, cY)); c.render(graphics2D); graphics2D.setTransform(saveAT); } private static void barchart3(Graphics2D graphics2D, int cX, int cY) { VerticalStackBarChart c = new VerticalStackBarChart(); c.setColor(new Color(0, 155, 100)); // c.setBackgroundRenderer(new SolidAreaRenderer(; Axis axis = new Axis("y"); axis.addLabel(new AxisLabel("0 %")); axis.addLabel(new AxisLabel("100 %")); axis.addLabel(new AxisLabel("200 %")); c.setLeftAxis(axis); c.addModel(new DataModel1D(new Float[] { 5f, 10f, 50f, 30f, 190f, 20f, 30f })); c.addModel(new DataModel1D(new Float[] { 20f, 90f, 50f, 70f, 10f, 180f, 70f })); c.setDimension(new Dimension(160, 125)); AffineTransform saveAT = graphics2D.getTransform(); Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 10); graphics2D.setFont(font); graphics2D.transform(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(cX, cY)); c.render(graphics2D); graphics2D.setTransform(saveAT); } private static void gauge1(Graphics2D graphics2D, int cX, int cY) { AngularGauge c = new AngularGauge(); c.setMinValue(0); c.setMaxValue(800); c.setValue(324); c.setChartRectangle(new Rectangle(0, 0, 140, 140)); AffineTransform saveAT = graphics2D.getTransform(); Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 38); graphics2D.setFont(font); graphics2D.transform(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(cX, cY)); c.render(graphics2D); graphics2D.setTransform(saveAT); } private static void gauge2(Graphics2D graphics2D, int cX, int cY) { AngularGauge c = new AngularGauge() { @Override public String getTextValue() { return super.getTextValue() + "%"; } }; c.setMinValue(0); c.setMaxValue(100); c.setValue(80); c.setColor(new Color(44, 120, 126)); c.setChartRectangle(new Rectangle(0, 0, 140, 140)); AffineTransform saveAT = graphics2D.getTransform(); Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 34); graphics2D.setFont(font); graphics2D.transform(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(cX, cY)); c.render(graphics2D); graphics2D.setTransform(saveAT); } private static void gauge3(Graphics2D graphics2D, int cX, int cY) { AngularGauge c = new AngularGauge() { @Override public String getTextValue() { return "Hausse"; } }; c.setMinValue(0); c.setMaxValue(100); c.setValue(68); c.setBackgroundValueColor(null); c.setColor(new Color(66, 119, 167)); c.setChartRectangle(new Rectangle(0, 0, 140, 140)); AffineTransform saveAT = graphics2D.getTransform(); Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 24); graphics2D.setFont(font); graphics2D.transform(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(cX, cY)); c.render(graphics2D); graphics2D.setTransform(saveAT); } private static void cloud1(Graphics2D graphics2D, int cX, int cY) { PointChart chart = new PointChart(new DataModelPoint(15)); chart.setLowerRange(0); chart.setHigherRange(150); final Axis axis = new Axis("CA"); axis.addLabel(new AxisLabel("0", 0)); axis.addLabel(new AxisLabel("50 000", 50)); axis.addLabel(new AxisLabel("100 000", 100)); axis.setLabelVisible(true); chart.setLeftAxis(axis); final Axis axis2 = new Axis("CA"); axis2.addLabel(new AxisLabel("0%", 0)); axis2.addLabel(new AxisLabel("50%", 5.5)); axis2.addLabel(new AxisLabel("100%", 11)); axis2.setLabelVisible(true); axis2.setMarkerLenght(4); axis.setMarkerLenght(4); chart.setGridXStep(50D); chart.setBottomAxis(axis2); chart.setDimension(new Dimension(160, 130)); AffineTransform saveAT = graphics2D.getTransform(); Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 10); graphics2D.setFont(font); graphics2D.transform(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(cX, cY)); chart.render(graphics2D); graphics2D.setTransform(saveAT); } private static void cloud2(Graphics2D graphics2D, int cX, int cY) { PointChart chart = new PointChart(new DataModelPoint(6)); chart.setLowerRange(0); chart.setHigherRange(150); final Axis axis = new Axis("CA"); axis.addLabel(new AxisLabel("0", 0)); axis.addLabel(new AxisLabel("100", 50)); axis.addLabel(new AxisLabel("200", 100)); axis.setLabelVisible(true); axis.setMarkerLenght(4); chart.setLeftAxis(axis); final Axis axis2 = new Axis("CA"); axis2.addLabel(new AxisLabel("0", 0)); axis2.addLabel(new AxisLabel("50%", 6)); axis2.addLabel(new AxisLabel("100%", 11)); axis2.setLabelVisible(true); axis2.setMarkerLenght(4); chart.setBottomAxis(axis2); chart.setPointSize(20); chart.setColor(new Color(66, 119, 167)); chart.setType(PointChart.TYPE_CIRCLE); chart.setDimension(new Dimension(160, 130)); AffineTransform saveAT = graphics2D.getTransform(); Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 10); graphics2D.setFont(font); graphics2D.transform(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(cX, cY)); chart.render(graphics2D); graphics2D.setTransform(saveAT); } private static void cloud3(Graphics2D graphics2D, int cX, int cY) { PointChart chart = new PointChart(new DataModelPoint(7)); chart.setLowerRange(0); chart.setHigherRange(150); final Axis axis = new Axis("CA"); axis.addLabel(new AxisLabel("0", 0)); axis.addLabel(new AxisLabel("1", 50)); axis.addLabel(new AxisLabel("2", 100)); axis.setLabelVisible(true); axis.setMarkerLenght(4); chart.setLeftAxis(axis); final Axis axis2 = new Axis("CA"); axis2.addLabel(new AxisLabel("2012", 0)); axis2.addLabel(new AxisLabel("2013", 6)); axis2.addLabel(new AxisLabel("2014", 11)); axis2.setLabelVisible(true); axis2.setMarkerLenght(4); chart.setBottomAxis(axis2); chart.setPointSize(40); chart.setColor(new Color(66, 119, 167, 125)); chart.addColor(new Color(66, 119, 167, 125)); chart.addColor(new Color(66, 119, 167, 125)); chart.addColor(new Color(66, 119, 167, 125)); chart.addColor(new Color(66, 119, 167, 125)); chart.addColor(new Color(66, 119, 167, 125)); chart.addColor(new Color(66, 119, 167, 125)); chart.addColor(new Color(66, 119, 167, 125)); chart.setType(PointChart.TYPE_PLAIN); chart.setDimension(new Dimension(160, 130)); AffineTransform saveAT = graphics2D.getTransform(); Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 10); graphics2D.setFont(font); graphics2D.transform(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(cX, cY)); chart.render(graphics2D); graphics2D.setTransform(saveAT); } }