Java tutorial
/* * This library is part of OpenCms - * the Open Source Content Management System * * Copyright (c) Alkacon Software GmbH ( * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * For further information about Alkacon Software GmbH, please see the * company website: * * For further information about OpenCms, please see the * project website: * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package org.opencms.workplace.explorer; import org.opencms.db.CmsDbEntryNotFoundException; import org.opencms.db.CmsResourceState; import org.opencms.file.CmsObject; import org.opencms.file.CmsProject; import org.opencms.file.CmsPropertyDefinition; import org.opencms.file.CmsRequestContext; import org.opencms.file.CmsResource; import org.opencms.file.CmsResourceFilter; import org.opencms.file.history.I_CmsHistoryResource; import org.opencms.file.types.CmsResourceTypePlain; import org.opencms.file.types.I_CmsResourceType; import org.opencms.i18n.CmsMessages; import org.opencms.lock.CmsLock; import org.opencms.main.CmsException; import org.opencms.main.CmsLog; import org.opencms.main.OpenCms; import; import; import; import; import org.opencms.util.A_CmsModeIntEnumeration; import org.opencms.util.CmsStringUtil; import org.opencms.util.CmsUUID; import org.opencms.workplace.CmsWorkplace; import org.opencms.workplace.commons.CmsTouch; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; /** * Provides {@link CmsResource} utility functions.<p> * * This class provides in java all resource information used by the explorer view, * mostly generated in javascript (see explorer.js)<p> * * @since 6.0.0 */ public final class CmsResourceUtil { /** * Enumeration class for defining the resource project state.<p> */ public static class CmsResourceProjectState extends A_CmsModeIntEnumeration { /** Constant for the project state unlocked. */ protected static final CmsResourceProjectState CLEAN = new CmsResourceProjectState(0); /** Constant for the project state locked for publishing. */ protected static final CmsResourceProjectState LOCKED_FOR_PUBLISHING = new CmsResourceProjectState(5); /** Constant for the project state locked in current project. */ protected static final CmsResourceProjectState MODIFIED_IN_CURRENT_PROJECT = new CmsResourceProjectState(1); /** Constant for the project state locked in other project. */ protected static final CmsResourceProjectState MODIFIED_IN_OTHER_PROJECT = new CmsResourceProjectState(2); /** serial version UID. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 4580450220255428716L; /** * Default constructor.<p> * * @param mode the mode descriptor */ protected CmsResourceProjectState(int mode) { super(mode); } /** * Checks if this is a {@link #LOCKED_FOR_PUBLISHING} state.<p> * * @return <code>true</code> if this is a {@link #LOCKED_FOR_PUBLISHING} state */ public boolean isLockedForPublishing() { return (this == LOCKED_FOR_PUBLISHING); } /** * Checks if this is a {@link #MODIFIED_IN_CURRENT_PROJECT} state.<p> * * @return <code>true</code> if this is a {@link #MODIFIED_IN_CURRENT_PROJECT} state */ public boolean isModifiedInCurrentProject() { return (this == MODIFIED_IN_CURRENT_PROJECT); } /** * Checks if this is a {@link #MODIFIED_IN_OTHER_PROJECT} state.<p> * * @return <code>true</code> if this is a {@link #MODIFIED_IN_OTHER_PROJECT} state */ public boolean isModifiedInOtherProject() { return (this == MODIFIED_IN_OTHER_PROJECT); } /** * Checks if this is a {@link #CLEAN} state.<p> * * @return <code>true</code> if this is a {@link #CLEAN} state */ public boolean isUnlocked() { return (this == CLEAN); } } /** * Enumeration class for defining the site modes.<p> */ private static class CmsResourceUtilSiteMode { /** * Default constructor.<p> */ protected CmsResourceUtilSiteMode() { // noop } } /** Layout style for resources after expire date. */ public static final int LAYOUTSTYLE_AFTEREXPIRE = 2; /** Layout style for resources before release date. */ public static final int LAYOUTSTYLE_BEFORERELEASE = 1; /** Layout style for resources after release date and before expire date. */ public static final int LAYOUTSTYLE_INRANGE = 0; /** Constant that signalizes that all path operations will be based on the current site. */ public static final CmsResourceUtilSiteMode SITE_MODE_CURRENT = new CmsResourceUtilSiteMode(); /** Constant that signalizes that all path operations will be based on the best matching site. */ public static final CmsResourceUtilSiteMode SITE_MODE_MATCHING = new CmsResourceUtilSiteMode(); /** Constant that signalizes that all path operations will be based on the root path. */ public static final CmsResourceUtilSiteMode SITE_MODE_ROOT = new CmsResourceUtilSiteMode(); /** Constant for the project state locked for publishing. */ public static final CmsResourceProjectState STATE_LOCKED_FOR_PUBLISHING = CmsResourceProjectState.LOCKED_FOR_PUBLISHING; /** Constant for the project state locked in current project. */ public static final CmsResourceProjectState STATE_MODIFIED_IN_CURRENT_PROJECT = CmsResourceProjectState.MODIFIED_IN_CURRENT_PROJECT; /** Constant for the project state locked in other project. */ public static final CmsResourceProjectState STATE_MODIFIED_IN_OTHER_PROJECT = CmsResourceProjectState.MODIFIED_IN_OTHER_PROJECT; /** The log object for this class. */ private static final Log LOG = CmsLog.getLog(CmsResourceUtil.class); /** The folder size display string constant. */ private static final String SIZE_DIR = "-"; /** Constant for the project state unlocked. */ private static final CmsResourceProjectState STATE_CLEAN = CmsResourceProjectState.CLEAN; /** If greater than zero, the path will be formatted to this number of chars. */ private int m_abbrevLength; /** The current cms context. */ private CmsObject m_cms; /** The current resource lock. */ private CmsLock m_lock; /** The message bundle for formatting dates, depends on the request locale. */ private CmsMessages m_messages; /** Reference project resources cache. */ private List<String> m_projectResources; /** The project to use to check project state, if <code>null</code> the current project will be used. */ private CmsProject m_referenceProject; /** The 'relative to' path. */ private String m_relativeTo; /** The current request context. */ private CmsRequestContext m_request; /** The current resource. */ private CmsResource m_resource; /** The current resource type. */ private I_CmsResourceType m_resourceType; /** The current site mode. */ private CmsResourceUtilSiteMode m_siteMode = SITE_MODE_CURRENT; /** * Creates a new {@link CmsResourceUtil} object.<p> * * @param cms the cms context */ public CmsResourceUtil(CmsObject cms) { setCms(cms); } /** * Creates a new {@link CmsResourceUtil} object.<p> * * @param cms the cms context * @param resource the resource */ public CmsResourceUtil(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) { setCms(cms); setResource(resource); } /** * Creates a new {@link CmsResourceUtil} object.<p> * * @param resource the resource */ public CmsResourceUtil(CmsResource resource) { setResource(resource); } /** * Returns the path abbreviation length.<p> * * If greater than zero, the path will be formatted to this number of chars.<p> * * This only affects the generation of the path for the current resource.<p> * * @return the path abbreviation Length */ public int getAbbrevLength() { return m_abbrevLength; } /** * Returns the cms context.<p> * * @return the cms context */ public CmsObject getCms() { return m_cms; } /** * Returns the formatted date of expiration.<p> * * @return the formatted date of expiration */ public String getDateExpired() { long release = m_resource.getDateExpired(); if (release != CmsResource.DATE_EXPIRED_DEFAULT) { return getMessages().getDateTime(release); } else { return CmsTouch.DEFAULT_DATE_STRING; } } /** * Returns the formatted date of release.<p> * * @return the formatted date of release */ public String getDateReleased() { long release = m_resource.getDateReleased(); if (release != CmsResource.DATE_RELEASED_DEFAULT) { return getMessages().getDateTime(release); } else { return CmsTouch.DEFAULT_DATE_STRING; } } /** * Returns the path of the current resource, taking into account just the site mode.<p> * * @return the full path */ public String getFullPath() { String path = m_resource.getRootPath(); if ((m_siteMode != SITE_MODE_ROOT) && (m_cms != null)) { String site = getSite(); if (path.startsWith(site)) { path = path.substring(site.length()); } } return path; } /** * Returns the resource icon path displayed in the explorer view for the given resource.<p> * * Relative to <code>/system/workplace/resources/</code>.<p> * * If the resource has no sibling it is the same as {@link #getIconPathResourceType()}.<p> * * @return the resource icon path displayed in the explorer view for the given resource * * @see #getStyleSiblings() */ public String getIconPathExplorer() { if (m_resource.getSiblingCount() > 1) { // links are present if (m_resource.isLabeled()) { // there is at least one link in a marked site return "explorer/link_labeled.gif"; } else { // common links are present return "explorer/link.gif"; } } else { return getIconPathResourceType(); } } /** * Returns the lock icon path for the given resource.<p> * * Relative to <code>/system/workplace/resources/</code>.<p> * * Returns <code>explorer/project_none.gif</code> if request context is <code>null</code>.<p> * * @return the lock icon path for the given resource */ public String getIconPathLock() { CmsLock lock = getLock(); String iconPath = null; if (!lock.isUnlocked() && (m_request != null) && isInsideProject()) { if (getLock().isOwnedBy(m_request.getCurrentUser()) && (getLockedInProjectId().equals(getReferenceProject().getUuid()))) { if (lock.isShared()) { iconPath = "shared"; } else { iconPath = "user"; } } else { iconPath = "other"; } } if (iconPath == null) { iconPath = "project_none"; } else { iconPath = "lock_" + iconPath; } return "explorer/" + iconPath + ".gif"; } /** * Returns the project state icon path for the given resource.<p> * * Relative to <code>/system/workplace/resources/</code>.<p> * * @return the project state icon path for the given resource */ public String getIconPathProjectState() { String iconPath; if (getProjectState() == STATE_MODIFIED_IN_CURRENT_PROJECT) { iconPath = "this.png"; } else if (getProjectState() == STATE_MODIFIED_IN_OTHER_PROJECT) { iconPath = "other.png"; } else if (getProjectState() == STATE_LOCKED_FOR_PUBLISHING) { iconPath = "publish.png"; } else { // STATE_UNLOCKED iconPath = "none.gif"; } return "explorer/project_" + iconPath; } /** * Returns the resource type icon path for the given resource.<p> * * Relative to <code>/system/workplace/resources/</code>.<p> * * @return the resource type icon path for the given resource */ public String getIconPathResourceType() { if (!isEditable()) { return CmsWorkplace.RES_PATH_FILETYPES + OpenCms.getWorkplaceManager() .getExplorerTypeSetting(CmsResourceTypePlain.getStaticTypeName()).getIcon(); } return CmsWorkplace.RES_PATH_FILETYPES + OpenCms.getWorkplaceManager().getExplorerTypeSetting(getResourceTypeName()).getIcon(); } /** * Returns an integer representation for the link type.<p> * * <ul> * <li><code>0</code>: No sibling * <li><code>1</code>: Sibling * <li><code>2</code>: Labeled sibling * </ul> * * @return an integer representation for the link type */ public int getLinkType() { if (m_resource.getSiblingCount() > 1) { // links are present if (m_resource.isLabeled()) { // there is at least one link in a marked site return 2; } else { // common links are present return 1; } } else { // no links to the resource are in the VFS return 0; } } /** * Returns the the lock for the given resource.<p> * * @return the lock the given resource */ public CmsLock getLock() { if (m_lock == null) { try { m_lock = getCms().getLock(m_resource); } catch (Throwable e) { m_lock = CmsLock.getNullLock(); LOG.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } return m_lock; } /** * Returns the user name who owns the lock for the given resource.<p> * * @return the user name who owns the lock for the given resource */ public String getLockedByName() { String lockedBy = ""; if (!getLock().isNullLock()) { // user lockedBy = getLock().getUserId().toString(); try { lockedBy = getCurrentOuRelativeName( CmsPrincipal.readPrincipalIncludingHistory(getCms(), getLock().getUserId()).getName()); } catch (Throwable e) { lockedBy = e.getMessage(); } } return lockedBy; } /** * Returns the id of the project in which the given resource is locked.<p> * * @return the id of the project in which the given resource is locked */ public CmsUUID getLockedInProjectId() { CmsUUID lockedInProject = null; if (getLock().isNullLock() && !getResource().getState().isUnchanged()) { // resource is unlocked and modified lockedInProject = getResource().getProjectLastModified(); } else if (!getResource().getState().isUnchanged()) { // resource is locked and modified lockedInProject = getProjectId(); } else if (!getLock().isNullLock()) { // resource is locked and unchanged lockedInProject = getLock().getProjectId(); } return lockedInProject; } /** * Returns the project name that locked the current resource's.<p> * * @return the the project name that locked the current resource's */ public String getLockedInProjectName() { try { CmsUUID pId = getLockedInProjectId(); if ((pId == null) || pId.isNullUUID()) { // the resource is unlocked and unchanged return ""; } try { return getCurrentOuRelativeName(getCms().readProject(pId).getName()); } catch (CmsDbEntryNotFoundException e) { return getCurrentOuRelativeName(getCms().readHistoryProject(pId).getName()); } } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); return ""; } } /** * Returns the lock state of the current resource.<p> * * @return the lock state of the current resource */ public int getLockState() { if (CmsStringUtil.isEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(getLockedByName())) { // unlocked return 0; } if (!getLockedByName().equals(getCurrentOuRelativeName(m_request.getCurrentUser().getName())) || !getLockedInProjectId().equals(m_request.getCurrentProject().getUuid())) { // locked by other user and/or project return 1; } if (getLock().getType().isShared()) { // shared lock return 2; } // exclusive lock return 3; } /** * Returns the navtext of a resource.<p> * * @return the navtext for that resource */ public String getNavText() { String navText = ""; try { navText = getCms().readPropertyObject(getCms().getSitePath(m_resource), CmsPropertyDefinition.PROPERTY_NAVTEXT, false).getValue(); } catch (Throwable e) { String storedSiteRoot = getCms().getRequestContext().getSiteRoot(); try { getCms().getRequestContext().setSiteRoot(""); navText = getCms() .readPropertyObject(m_resource.getRootPath(), CmsPropertyDefinition.PROPERTY_NAVTEXT, false) .getValue(); } catch (Exception e1) { // should usually never happen if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {; } } finally { getCms().getRequestContext().setSiteRoot(storedSiteRoot); } } if (navText == null) { navText = ""; } return navText; } /** * Checks is the current resource can be edited by the current user.<p> * * @param locale the locale to use for the messages * * @return an empty string if editable, or a localized string with the reason * * @throws CmsException if something goes wrong */ public String getNoEditReason(Locale locale) throws CmsException { return getNoEditReason(locale, false); } /** * Checks is the current resource can be edited by the current user.<p> * * @param locale the locale to use for the messages * @param ignoreExpiration <code>true</code> to ignore resource release and expiration date * * @return an empty string if editable, or a localized string with the reason * * @throws CmsException if something goes wrong */ public String getNoEditReason(Locale locale, boolean ignoreExpiration) throws CmsException { String reason = ""; if (m_resource instanceof I_CmsHistoryResource) { reason = Messages.get().getBundle(locale).key(Messages.GUI_NO_EDIT_REASON_HISTORY_0); } else if (!m_cms.hasPermissions(m_resource, CmsPermissionSet.ACCESS_WRITE, false, ignoreExpiration ? CmsResourceFilter.IGNORE_EXPIRATION : CmsResourceFilter.DEFAULT) || !isEditable()) { reason = Messages.get().getBundle(locale).key(Messages.GUI_NO_EDIT_REASON_PERMISSION_0); } else if (!getLock().isLockableBy(m_cms.getRequestContext().getCurrentUser())) { reason = Messages.get().getBundle(locale).key(Messages.GUI_NO_EDIT_REASON_LOCK_1, getLockedByName()); } return reason; } /** * Returns the path of the current resource.<p> * * Taking into account following settings:<br> * <ul> * <li>site mode * <li>abbreviation length * <li>relative to * </ul> * * @return the path */ public String getPath() { String path = getFullPath(); if (m_relativeTo != null) { path = getResource().getRootPath(); if (path.startsWith(m_relativeTo)) { path = path.substring(m_relativeTo.length()); if (path.length() == 0) { path = "."; } } else { String site = getSite(); if (path.startsWith(site + "/") || path.equals(site)) { path = path.substring(site.length()); } } } if (m_abbrevLength > 0) { boolean absolute = path.startsWith("/"); path = CmsStringUtil.formatResourceName(path, m_abbrevLength); if (!absolute && path.startsWith("/")) { // remove leading '/' path = path.substring(1); } } return path; } /** * Returns the permission set for the given resource.<p> * * @return the permission set for the given resource */ public CmsPermissionSet getPermissionSet() { CmsPermissionSetCustom pset = new CmsPermissionSetCustom(); CmsResource resource = getResource(); try { if (getCms().hasPermissions(resource, CmsPermissionSet.ACCESS_CONTROL, false, CmsResourceFilter.ALL)) { pset.grantPermissions(CmsPermissionSet.PERMISSION_CONTROL); } else { pset.denyPermissions(CmsPermissionSet.PERMISSION_CONTROL); } } catch (CmsException e) { LOG.error(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } try { if (getCms().hasPermissions(resource, CmsPermissionSet.ACCESS_DIRECT_PUBLISH, false, CmsResourceFilter.ALL)) { pset.grantPermissions(CmsPermissionSet.PERMISSION_DIRECT_PUBLISH); } else { pset.denyPermissions(CmsPermissionSet.PERMISSION_DIRECT_PUBLISH); } } catch (CmsException e) { LOG.error(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } try { if (getCms().hasPermissions(resource, CmsPermissionSet.ACCESS_READ, false, CmsResourceFilter.ALL)) { pset.grantPermissions(CmsPermissionSet.PERMISSION_READ); } else { pset.denyPermissions(CmsPermissionSet.PERMISSION_READ); } } catch (CmsException e) { LOG.error(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } try { if (getCms().hasPermissions(resource, CmsPermissionSet.ACCESS_VIEW, false, CmsResourceFilter.ALL)) { pset.grantPermissions(CmsPermissionSet.PERMISSION_VIEW); } else { pset.denyPermissions(CmsPermissionSet.PERMISSION_VIEW); } } catch (CmsException e) { LOG.error(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } try { if (getCms().hasPermissions(resource, CmsPermissionSet.ACCESS_WRITE, false, CmsResourceFilter.ALL)) { pset.grantPermissions(CmsPermissionSet.PERMISSION_WRITE); } else { pset.denyPermissions(CmsPermissionSet.PERMISSION_WRITE); } } catch (CmsException e) { LOG.error(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } return pset; } /** * Returns the permissions string for the given resource.<p> * * @return the permissions string for the given resource */ public String getPermissionString() { return getPermissionSet().getPermissionString(); } /** * Returns the id of the project which the resource belongs to.<p> * * @return the id of the project which the resource belongs to */ public CmsUUID getProjectId() { CmsUUID projectId = m_resource.getProjectLastModified(); if (!getLock().isUnlocked() && !getLock().isInherited()) { // use lock project ID only if lock is not inherited projectId = getLock().getProjectId(); } return projectId; } /** * Returns the project state of the given resource.<p> * * <ul> * <li>null: unchanged.</li> * <li>true: locked in current project.</li> * <li>false: not locked in current project.</li> * </ul> * * @return the project state of the given resource */ public CmsResourceProjectState getProjectState() { if (getResource().getState().isUnchanged()) { return STATE_CLEAN; // STATE_CLEAN } else if (getLock().getSystemLock().isPublish()) { return STATE_LOCKED_FOR_PUBLISHING; } else if (getResource().getProjectLastModified().equals(getReferenceProject().getUuid())) { return STATE_MODIFIED_IN_CURRENT_PROJECT; // STATE_MODIFIED_CURRENT_PROJECT } else { return STATE_MODIFIED_IN_OTHER_PROJECT; // STATE_MODIFIED_OTHER_PROJECT } } /** * Returns the project to use to check project state.<p> * * @return the project to use to check project state */ public CmsProject getReferenceProject() { if (m_referenceProject == null) { if (m_request != null) { m_referenceProject = m_request.getCurrentProject(); } } return m_referenceProject; } /** * Returns the 'relative to' path.<p> * * This only affects the generation of the path for the current resource.<p> * * @return the 'relative to' path */ public String getRelativeTo() { return m_relativeTo; } /** * Returns the resource.<p> * * @return the resource */ public CmsResource getResource() { return m_resource; } /** * Returns the resource type for the given resource.<p> * * @return the resource type for the given resource */ public I_CmsResourceType getResourceType() { if (m_resourceType == null) { m_resourceType = OpenCms.getResourceManager().getResourceType(m_resource); } return m_resourceType; } /** * Returns the resource type id for the given resource.<p> * * @return the resource type id for the given resource */ public int getResourceTypeId() { return getResourceType().getTypeId(); } /** * Returns the resource type name for the given resource.<p> * * @return the resource type name for the given resource */ public String getResourceTypeName() { return getResourceType().getTypeName(); } /** * Returns the site of the current resources, * taking into account the set site mode.<p> * * @return the site path */ public String getSite() { String site = null; if ((m_siteMode == SITE_MODE_MATCHING) || (m_cms == null)) { site = OpenCms.getSiteManager().getSiteRoot(m_resource.getRootPath()); } else if (m_siteMode == SITE_MODE_CURRENT) { site = m_cms.getRequestContext().getSiteRoot(); } else if (m_siteMode == SITE_MODE_ROOT) { site = ""; } return (site == null ? "" : site); } /** * Returns the site mode.<p> * * This only affects the generation of the path for the current resource.<p> * * @return the site mode */ public CmsResourceUtilSiteMode getSiteMode() { return m_siteMode; } /** * Returns the title of the site.<p> * * @return the title of the site */ public String getSiteTitle() { String title = getSite(); String rootSite = getCms().getRequestContext().getSiteRoot(); try { getCms().getRequestContext().setSiteRoot(""); title = getCms().readPropertyObject(title, CmsPropertyDefinition.PROPERTY_TITLE, false).getValue(title); } catch (CmsException e) { // ignore } finally { getCms().getRequestContext().setSiteRoot(rootSite); } return title; } /** * Returns the size of the given resource as a String.<p> * * For directories it returns <code>SIZE_DIR</code>.<p> * * @return the size of the given resource as a String */ public String getSizeString() { return m_resource.getLength() == -1 ? SIZE_DIR : "" + m_resource.getLength(); } /** * Returns resource state abbreviation.<p> * * @return resource state abbreviation */ public char getStateAbbreviation() { return getResource().getState().getAbbreviation(); } /** * Returns the state name for a resource.<p> * * Uses default locale if request context is <code>null</code>.<p> * * @return the state name for that resource */ public String getStateName() { CmsResourceState state = m_resource.getState(); String name; if (m_request == null) { name = org.opencms.workplace.explorer.Messages.get().getBundle() .key(org.opencms.workplace.explorer.Messages.getStateKey(state)); } else { name = org.opencms.workplace.explorer.Messages.get().getBundle(m_request.getLocale()) .key(org.opencms.workplace.explorer.Messages.getStateKey(state)); } return name; } /** * Returns the style class to use for the given resource.<p> * * @return style class name * * @see org.opencms.workplace.list.CmsListExplorerColumn#getExplorerStyleDef() */ public String getStyleClassName() { if (isInsideProject() && isEditable()) { if (m_resource.getState().isChanged()) { return "fc"; } else if (m_resource.getState().isNew()) { return "fn"; } else if (m_resource.getState().isDeleted()) { return "fd"; } else { return "nf"; } } return "fp"; } /** * Returns additional style sheets for the resource type icon depending on siblings.<p> * * That is, depending on {@link CmsResource#getSiblingCount()} * * Use it with the {@link #getIconPathExplorer} method.<p> * * @return additional style sheets depending on siblings */ public String getStyleSiblings() { StringBuffer style = new StringBuffer(128); if (m_resource.getSiblingCount() > 1) { style.append("background-image:url("); style.append(CmsWorkplace.getSkinUri()); style.append(getIconPathResourceType()); style.append("); background-position: 0px 0px; background-repeat: no-repeat; "); } return style.toString(); } /** * Returns the system lock information tooltip for the explorer view.<p> * * @param forExplorer if the tool tip should be generated for the explorer view * * @return the system lock information tooltip */ public String getSystemLockInfo(boolean forExplorer) { if (getLock().getSystemLock().isPublish()) { if (!forExplorer) { return getMessages().key(Messages.GUI_PUBLISH_TOOLTIP_0); } else { // see explorer.js(sysLockInfo) and top_js.jsp(publishlock) return "p"; // should have length == 1 } } return ""; } /** * Returns additional style sheets depending on publication constraints.<p> * * That is, depending on {@link CmsResource#getDateReleased()} and * {@link CmsResource#getDateExpired()}.<p> * * @return additional style sheets depending on publication constraints * * @see #getTimeWindowLayoutType() */ public String getTimeWindowLayoutStyle() { return getTimeWindowLayoutType() == CmsResourceUtil.LAYOUTSTYLE_INRANGE ? "" : "font-style:italic;"; } /** * Returns the layout style for the current time window state.<p> * * <ul> * <li><code>{@link CmsResourceUtil#LAYOUTSTYLE_INRANGE}</code>: The time window is in range * <li><code>{@link CmsResourceUtil#LAYOUTSTYLE_BEFORERELEASE}</code>: The resource is not yet released * <li><code>{@link CmsResourceUtil#LAYOUTSTYLE_AFTEREXPIRE}</code>: The resource has already expired * </ul> * * @return the layout style for the current time window state * * @see #getTimeWindowLayoutStyle() */ public int getTimeWindowLayoutType() { int layoutstyle = CmsResourceUtil.LAYOUTSTYLE_INRANGE; if (!m_resource.isReleased(getCms().getRequestContext().getRequestTime())) { layoutstyle = CmsResourceUtil.LAYOUTSTYLE_BEFORERELEASE; } else if (m_resource.isExpired(getCms().getRequestContext().getRequestTime())) { layoutstyle = CmsResourceUtil.LAYOUTSTYLE_AFTEREXPIRE; } return layoutstyle; } /** * Returns the title of a resource.<p> * * @return the title for that resource */ public String getTitle() { String title = ""; try { title = getCms().readPropertyObject(getCms().getSitePath(m_resource), CmsPropertyDefinition.PROPERTY_TITLE, false).getValue(); } catch (Throwable e) { String storedSiteRoot = getCms().getRequestContext().getSiteRoot(); try { getCms().getRequestContext().setSiteRoot(""); title = getCms() .readPropertyObject(m_resource.getRootPath(), CmsPropertyDefinition.PROPERTY_TITLE, false) .getValue(); } catch (Exception e1) { // should usually never happen if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {; } } finally { getCms().getRequestContext().setSiteRoot(storedSiteRoot); } } if (title == null) { title = ""; } return title; } /** * Returns the name of the user who created the given resource.<p> * * @return the name of the user who created the given resource */ public String getUserCreated() { String user = m_resource.getUserCreated().toString(); try { user = getCurrentOuRelativeName( CmsPrincipal.readPrincipalIncludingHistory(getCms(), m_resource.getUserCreated()).getName()); } catch (Throwable e) {; } return user; } /** * Returns the name of the user who last modified the given resource.<p> * * @return the name of the user who last modified the given resource */ public String getUserLastModified() { String user = m_resource.getUserLastModified().toString(); try { user = getCurrentOuRelativeName(CmsPrincipal .readPrincipalIncludingHistory(getCms(), m_resource.getUserLastModified()).getName()); } catch (Throwable e) {; } return user; } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if the given resource is editable by the current user.<p> * * Returns <code>false</code> if no request context is set.<p> * * @return <code>true</code> if the given resource is editable by the current user */ public boolean isEditable() { if (m_request == null) { return false; } CmsExplorerTypeSettings settings = OpenCms.getWorkplaceManager() .getExplorerTypeSetting(getResourceTypeName()); if (settings != null) { String rightSite = OpenCms.getSiteManager().getSiteRoot(getResource().getRootPath()); if (rightSite == null) { rightSite = ""; } String currentSite = getCms().getRequestContext().getSiteRoot(); try { getCms().getRequestContext().setSiteRoot(rightSite); return settings.isEditable(getCms(), getResource()); } finally { getCms().getRequestContext().setSiteRoot(currentSite); } } return false; } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if the given resource is in the reference project.<p> * * Returns <code>false</code> if the request context is <code>null</code>.<p> * * @return <code>true</code> if the given resource is in the reference project * * @see #getReferenceProject() */ public boolean isInsideProject() { return CmsProject.isInsideProject(getProjectResources(), getResource()); } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if the stored resource has been released and has not expired.<p> * * If no request context is available, the current time is used for the validation check.<p> * * @return <code>true</code> if the stored resource has been released and has not expired * * @see CmsResource#isReleasedAndNotExpired(long) */ public boolean isReleasedAndNotExpired() { long requestTime; if (m_request == null) { requestTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } else { requestTime = m_request.getRequestTime(); } return m_resource.isReleasedAndNotExpired(requestTime); } /** * Sets the path abbreviation length.<p> * * If greater than zero, the path will be formatted to this number of chars.<p> * * This only affects the generation of the path for the current resource.<p> * * @param abbrevLength the path abbreviation length to set */ public void setAbbrevLength(int abbrevLength) { m_abbrevLength = abbrevLength; } /** * Sets the cms context.<p> * * @param cms the cms context to set */ public void setCms(CmsObject cms) { m_cms = cms; m_request = cms.getRequestContext(); m_referenceProject = null; m_projectResources = null; m_messages = null; } /** * Sets the project to use to check project state.<p> * * @param project the project to set */ public void setReferenceProject(CmsProject project) { m_referenceProject = project; m_projectResources = null; } /** * Sets the 'relative to' path.<p> * * This only affects the generation of the path for the current resource.<p> * * @param relativeTo the 'relative to' path to set */ public void setRelativeTo(String relativeTo) { m_relativeTo = relativeTo; if (CmsStringUtil.isEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(m_relativeTo)) { m_relativeTo = null; } else { if (!m_relativeTo.startsWith("/")) { m_relativeTo = "/" + m_relativeTo; } if (!m_relativeTo.endsWith("/")) { m_relativeTo += "/"; } } } /** * Sets the resource.<p> * * @param resource the resource to set */ public void setResource(CmsResource resource) { m_resource = resource; m_lock = null; m_resourceType = null; } /** * Sets the site mode.<p> * * This only affects the generation of the path for the current resource.<p> * * @param siteMode the site mode to set */ public void setSiteMode(CmsResourceUtilSiteMode siteMode) { m_siteMode = siteMode; } /** * Returns the simple name if the ou is the same as the current user's ou.<p> * * @param name the fully qualified name to check * * @return the simple name if the ou is the same as the current user's ou */ private String getCurrentOuRelativeName(String name) { if (m_request == null) { return CmsOrganizationalUnit.SEPARATOR + name; } String ou = CmsOrganizationalUnit.getParentFqn(name); if (ou.equals(m_request.getCurrentUser().getOuFqn())) { return CmsOrganizationalUnit.getSimpleName(name); } return CmsOrganizationalUnit.SEPARATOR + name; } /** * Returns the message bundle for formatting dates, depends on the request locale.<p> * * @return the message bundle for formatting dates */ private CmsMessages getMessages() { if (m_messages == null) { if (m_request != null) { m_messages = Messages.get().getBundle(m_request.getLocale()); } else { m_messages = Messages.get().getBundle(); } } return m_messages; } /** * Returns the reference project resources.<p> * * @return the reference project resources */ private List<String> getProjectResources() { if (m_projectResources == null) { try { m_projectResources = getCms().readProjectResources(getReferenceProject()); } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); // use an empty list (all resources are "outside") m_projectResources = new ArrayList<String>(); } } return m_projectResources; } }