Java tutorial
/* * This library is part of OpenCms - * the Open Source Content Management System * * Copyright (c) Alkacon Software GmbH & Co. KG ( * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * For further information about Alkacon Software, please see the * company website: * * For further information about OpenCms, please see the * project website: * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package org.opencms.ui.apps; import org.opencms.db.CmsUserSettings; import org.opencms.file.CmsObject; import org.opencms.file.CmsProject; import org.opencms.file.CmsResource; import org.opencms.file.CmsResourceFilter; import org.opencms.file.CmsVfsResourceNotFoundException; import org.opencms.main.CmsException; import org.opencms.main.CmsLog; import org.opencms.main.OpenCms; import; import org.opencms.ui.A_CmsUI; import org.opencms.ui.CmsVaadinUtils; import org.opencms.ui.FontOpenCms; import org.opencms.ui.I_CmsDialogContext; import org.opencms.ui.I_CmsDialogContext.ContextType; import org.opencms.ui.I_CmsUpdateListener; import org.opencms.ui.actions.CmsCopyDialogAction; import org.opencms.ui.actions.CmsPropertiesDialogAction; import org.opencms.ui.actions.I_CmsWorkplaceAction; import org.opencms.ui.components.A_CmsFocusShortcutListener; import org.opencms.ui.components.CmsErrorDialog; import org.opencms.ui.components.CmsFileTable; import org.opencms.ui.components.CmsResourceIcon; import org.opencms.ui.components.CmsResourceTableProperty; import org.opencms.ui.components.CmsToolBar; import org.opencms.ui.components.CmsUploadButton; import org.opencms.ui.components.CmsUploadButton.I_UploadListener; import org.opencms.ui.components.I_CmsWindowCloseListener; import org.opencms.ui.components.OpenCmsTheme; import org.opencms.ui.components.extensions.CmsUploadAreaExtension; import org.opencms.ui.contextmenu.CmsResourceContextMenuBuilder; import org.opencms.ui.dialogs.CmsCopyMoveDialog; import org.opencms.ui.dialogs.CmsDeleteDialog; import org.opencms.ui.dialogs.CmsNewDialog; import org.opencms.util.CmsStringUtil; import org.opencms.util.CmsUUID; import org.opencms.workplace.explorer.CmsResourceUtil; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.event.Action; import com.vaadin.event.FieldEvents.BlurEvent; import com.vaadin.event.FieldEvents.FocusEvent; import com.vaadin.event.FieldEvents.TextChangeEvent; import com.vaadin.event.FieldEvents.TextChangeListener; import com.vaadin.event.ItemClickEvent; import com.vaadin.event.ItemClickEvent.ItemClickListener; import com.vaadin.event.ShortcutAction; import com.vaadin.event.ShortcutAction.KeyCode; import com.vaadin.event.dd.DragAndDropEvent; import com.vaadin.event.dd.DropHandler; import com.vaadin.event.dd.acceptcriteria.AcceptCriterion; import com.vaadin.event.dd.acceptcriteria.ServerSideCriterion; import com.vaadin.navigator.ViewChangeListener; import com.vaadin.server.Page; import com.vaadin.server.Sizeable.Unit; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.combobox.FilteringMode; import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractSelect.AbstractSelectTargetDetails; import com.vaadin.ui.Button; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickListener; import com.vaadin.ui.ComboBox; import com.vaadin.ui.CssLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalSplitPanel; import com.vaadin.ui.Notification; import com.vaadin.ui.Table; import com.vaadin.ui.Table.TableDragMode; import com.vaadin.ui.TextField; import com.vaadin.ui.Tree; import com.vaadin.ui.Tree.CollapseEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.Tree.CollapseListener; import com.vaadin.ui.Tree.ExpandEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.Tree.ExpandListener; import com.vaadin.ui.Tree.ItemStyleGenerator; import com.vaadin.ui.Tree.TreeDragMode; import com.vaadin.ui.UI; import com.vaadin.ui.themes.ValoTheme; /** * The file explorer app.<p> */ public class CmsFileExplorer implements I_CmsWorkplaceApp, I_CmsCachableApp, ViewChangeListener, I_CmsWindowCloseListener, I_CmsHasShortcutActions, I_CmsContextProvider, CmsFileTable.I_FolderSelectHandler { /** The drop handler for copy/move operations. */ public class ExplorerDropHandler implements DropHandler { /** The serial version id. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 5392136127699472654L; /** The copy move action. */ final I_CmsWorkplaceAction m_copyMoveAction = new CmsCopyDialogAction(); /** * @see com.vaadin.event.dd.DropHandler#drop(com.vaadin.event.dd.DragAndDropEvent) */ public void drop(DragAndDropEvent dragEvent) { try { CmsExplorerDialogContext context = getContext(dragEvent); if (m_copyMoveAction.isActive(context)) { CmsCopyMoveDialog dialog = new CmsCopyMoveDialog(context, CmsCopyMoveDialog.DialogMode.copy_and_move); dialog.setTargetFolder(getTargetId(dragEvent)); context.start(CmsVaadinUtils.getMessageText(org.opencms.ui.Messages.GUI_DIALOGTITLE_COPYMOVE_0), dialog); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Moving resource failed", e); } } /** * @see com.vaadin.event.dd.DropHandler#getAcceptCriterion() */ public AcceptCriterion getAcceptCriterion() { return new ServerSideCriterion() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public boolean accept(DragAndDropEvent dragEvent) { try { if (!m_copyMoveAction.isActive(getContext(dragEvent))) { return false; } } catch (CmsException e) { LOG.error("Drag an drop evaluation failed", e); return false; } CmsUUID targetId = getTargetId(dragEvent); return mayDrop(targetId); } }; } /** * Returns the drag target id.<p> * * @param dragEvent the drag event * * @return the drag target id */ protected CmsUUID getTargetId(DragAndDropEvent dragEvent) { CmsUUID targetId = null; if (dragEvent.getTargetDetails() instanceof AbstractSelectTargetDetails) { AbstractSelectTargetDetails target = (AbstractSelectTargetDetails) dragEvent.getTargetDetails(); targetId = (CmsUUID) target.getItemIdOver(); } try { CmsObject cms = A_CmsUI.getCmsObject(); CmsResource target = cms.readResource(targetId); if (target.isFile()) { targetId = null; } } catch (CmsException e) { targetId = null; LOG.debug("Checking drop target failed, use current folder.", e); } if (targetId == null) { targetId = getCurrentFolder(); } return targetId; } /** * Evaluates if a drop on the given target is allowed.<p> * * @param targetId the target id * * @return <code>true</code> if the resources may be dropped to the given target */ protected boolean mayDrop(CmsUUID targetId) { boolean result = false; try { CmsObject cms = A_CmsUI.getCmsObject(); CmsResource target = cms.readResource(targetId); result = cms.hasPermissions(target, CmsPermissionSet.ACCESS_WRITE, false, CmsResourceFilter.ONLY_VISIBLE_NO_DELETED); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.debug("Checking folder write permissions failed", e); } return result; } /** * Returns the dialog context to use.<p> * * @param dragEvent the drag event * * @return the dialog context * * @throws CmsException if reading the drag resource fails */ CmsExplorerDialogContext getContext(DragAndDropEvent dragEvent) throws CmsException { List<CmsResource> resources; if ((dragEvent.getTransferable().getSourceComponent() instanceof Table) && !m_fileTable.getSelectedResources().isEmpty()) { resources = m_fileTable.getSelectedResources(); } else { CmsObject cms = A_CmsUI.getCmsObject(); CmsUUID sourceId = (CmsUUID) dragEvent.getTransferable().getData("itemId"); CmsResource source = cms.readResource(sourceId); resources = Collections.singletonList(source); } CmsExplorerDialogContext context = new CmsExplorerDialogContext(ContextType.fileTable, m_fileTable, CmsFileExplorer.this, resources); return context; } } /** * File tree expand listener.<p> */ public class TreeExpandListener implements ExpandListener { /** The serial version id. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * The path fragment being opened. * Will override folder visibility in case the the target path is visible to the user. **/ private String m_openPathFragment; /** * @see com.vaadin.ui.Tree.ExpandListener#nodeExpand(com.vaadin.ui.Tree.ExpandEvent) */ public void nodeExpand(ExpandEvent event) { selectTreeItem((CmsUUID) event.getItemId()); readTreeLevel((CmsUUID) event.getItemId(), m_openPathFragment); } /** * Sets the open path fragment.<p> * * @param openPathFragment the open path fragment */ public void setOpenPathFragment(String openPathFragment) { m_openPathFragment = openPathFragment; } } /** Bean representing the file explorer navigation substate. */ static class StateBean { /** Current folder. */ private String m_folder; /** Project id. */ private String m_projectId; /** The site root. */ private String m_siteRoot; /** * Creates a new state bean.<p> * * @param siteRoot the site root * @param folder the folder * @param projectId the project id */ public StateBean(String siteRoot, String folder, String projectId) { m_siteRoot = siteRoot; m_folder = folder; m_projectId = projectId; if ("".equals(m_siteRoot)) { m_siteRoot = "/"; } } /** * Parses the state bean from a string.<p> * * @param state the state string * @return the state bean */ public static StateBean parse(String state) { List<String> fields = CmsStringUtil.splitAsList(state, "!!"); if (fields.size() >= 3) { String projectId = fields.get(0); String siteRoot = fields.get(1); String folder = fields.get(2); return new StateBean(siteRoot, folder, projectId); } else { return new StateBean(null, null, null); } } /** * Converts state bean to a string.<p> * * @return the string format of the state */ public String asString() { String result = m_projectId + "!!" + m_siteRoot + "!!" + m_folder + "!!"; return result; } /** * Returns the folderId.<p> * * @return the folderId */ public String getFolder() { return m_folder; } /** * Returns the projectId.<p> * * @return the projectId */ public String getProjectId() { return m_projectId; } /** * Returns the siteRoot.<p> * * @return the siteRoot */ public String getSiteRoot() { return m_siteRoot; } } /** The in line editable resource properties. */ public static final Collection<CmsResourceTableProperty> INLINE_EDIT_PROPERTIES = Arrays.asList( CmsResourceTableProperty.PROPERTY_RESOURCE_NAME, CmsResourceTableProperty.PROPERTY_TITLE, CmsResourceTableProperty.PROPERTY_NAVIGATION_TEXT, CmsResourceTableProperty.PROPERTY_COPYRIGHT, CmsResourceTableProperty.PROPERTY_CACHE); /** The initial split position between folder tree and file table. */ public static final int LAYOUT_SPLIT_POSITION = 399; /** The opened paths session attribute name. */ public static final String OPENED_PATHS = "explorer-opened-paths"; /** Site selector caption property. */ public static final String SITE_CAPTION = "site_caption"; /** Site selector site root property. */ public static final String SITE_ROOT = "site_root"; /** The state separator string. */ public static final String STATE_SEPARATOR = "!!"; /** Threshold for updating the complete folder after file changes. */ public static final int UPDATE_FOLDER_THRESHOLD = 200; /** Logger instance for this class. */ static final Log LOG = CmsLog.getLog(CmsFileExplorer.class); /** The delete shortcut. */ private static final Action ACTION_DELETE = new ShortcutAction("Del", ShortcutAction.KeyCode.DELETE, null); /** The open parent folder shortcut. */ private static final Action ACTION_FOLDER_UP = new ShortcutAction("Alt+ArrowUp", ShortcutAction.KeyCode.ARROW_UP, new int[] { ShortcutAction.ModifierKey.ALT }); /** The edit properties shortcut. */ private static final Action ACTION_PROPERTIES = new ShortcutAction("Alt+Enter", ShortcutAction.KeyCode.ENTER, new int[] { ShortcutAction.ModifierKey.ALT }); /** The rename shortcut. */ private static final Action ACTION_RENAME = new ShortcutAction("F2", ShortcutAction.KeyCode.F2, null); /** The select all shortcut. */ private static final Action ACTION_SELECT_ALL = new ShortcutAction("Ctrl+A", ShortcutAction.KeyCode.A, new int[] { ShortcutAction.ModifierKey.CTRL }); /** The switch online shortcut. */ private static final Action ACTION_SWITCH_ONLINE = new ShortcutAction("Ctrl+O", ShortcutAction.KeyCode.O, new int[] { ShortcutAction.ModifierKey.CTRL }); /** The files and folder resource filter. */ private static final CmsResourceFilter FILES_N_FOLDERS = CmsResourceFilter.ONLY_VISIBLE; /** The folders resource filter. */ private static final CmsResourceFilter FOLDERS = CmsResourceFilter.ONLY_VISIBLE_NO_DELETED.addRequireFolder(); /** The serial version id. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** The UI context. */ protected I_CmsAppUIContext m_appContext; /** Saved explorer state used by dialogs after they have finished. */ protected String m_savedExplorerState = ""; /** The table containing the contents of the current folder. */ CmsFileTable m_fileTable; /** The info path. */ TextField m_infoPath; /** The explorer shortcuts. */ Map<Action, Runnable> m_shortcutActions; /** The bread crumb click listener. */ private ClickListener m_crumbListener; /** The path bread crumb container. */ private CssLayout m_crumbs; /** The currently viewed folder. */ private CmsUUID m_currentFolder; /** The current app state. */ private String m_currentState; /** The tree expand listener. */ private TreeExpandListener m_expandListener; /** The folder tree. */ private Tree m_fileTree; /** The first visible file table item index. */ private int m_firstVisibleTableItemIndex; /** The last context menu resources. */ private List<CmsResource> m_lastDialogContextResources; /** The quick launch location cache. */ private CmsQuickLaunchLocationCache m_locationCache; /** The new button. */ private Button m_newButton; /** The publish button. */ private Button m_publishButton; /** The search field. */ private TextField m_searchField; /** the currently selected file tree folder, may be null. */ private CmsUUID m_selectTreeFolder; /** The site selector. */ private ComboBox m_siteSelector; /** The folder tree data container. */ private HierarchicalContainer m_treeContainer; /** The upload drop area extension. */ private CmsUploadAreaExtension m_uploadArea; /** The upload button. */ private CmsUploadButton m_uploadButton; /** * Constructor.<p> */ public CmsFileExplorer() { m_shortcutActions = new HashMap<Action, Runnable>(); m_shortcutActions.put(ACTION_DELETE, new Runnable() { public void run() { if (!m_fileTable.getSelectedIds().isEmpty()) { I_CmsDialogContext context1 = getDialogContext(); context1.start("Delete", new CmsDeleteDialog(context1)); } } }); m_shortcutActions.put(ACTION_FOLDER_UP, new Runnable() { public void run() { showParentFolder(); } }); m_shortcutActions.put(ACTION_PROPERTIES, new Runnable() { public void run() { I_CmsWorkplaceAction propAction = new CmsPropertiesDialogAction(); I_CmsDialogContext context = getDialogContext(); if (propAction.getVisibility(context).isActive()) { propAction.executeAction(context); } } }); m_shortcutActions.put(ACTION_RENAME, new Runnable() { public void run() { CmsExplorerDialogContext context = getDialogContext(); if (context.isPropertyEditable(CmsResourceTableProperty.PROPERTY_RESOURCE_NAME)) { context.editProperty(CmsResourceTableProperty.PROPERTY_RESOURCE_NAME); } } }); m_shortcutActions.put(ACTION_SELECT_ALL, new Runnable() { public void run() { m_fileTable.selectAll(); } }); m_shortcutActions.put(ACTION_SWITCH_ONLINE, new Runnable() { public void run() { toggleOnlineOffline(); } }); m_fileTable = new CmsFileTable(this); m_fileTable.setSizeFull(); m_fileTable.setMenuBuilder(new CmsResourceContextMenuBuilder()); m_fileTable.setFolderSelectHandler(this); m_uploadArea = new CmsUploadAreaExtension(m_fileTable); m_uploadArea.addUploadListener(new I_UploadListener() { public void onUploadFinished(List<String> uploadedFiles) { updateAll(true); } }); m_treeContainer = new HierarchicalContainer(); addTreeContainerProperties(CmsResourceTableProperty.PROPERTY_RESOURCE_NAME, CmsResourceTableProperty.PROPERTY_STATE, CmsResourceTableProperty.PROPERTY_TREE_CAPTION, CmsResourceTableProperty.PROPERTY_INSIDE_PROJECT, CmsResourceTableProperty.PROPERTY_RELEASED_NOT_EXPIRED, CmsResourceTableProperty.PROPERTY_DISABLED); m_fileTree = new Tree(); m_fileTree.addStyleName(OpenCmsTheme.SIMPLE_DRAG); m_fileTree.addStyleName(OpenCmsTheme.FULL_WIDTH_PADDING); m_fileTree.setWidth("100%"); m_fileTree.setContainerDataSource(m_treeContainer); // m_fileTree.setItemIconPropertyId(CmsResourceTableProperty.PROPERTY_TYPE_ICON_RESOURCE); m_fileTree.setItemCaptionPropertyId(CmsResourceTableProperty.PROPERTY_TREE_CAPTION); // m_fileTree.setCaptionAsHtml(true); m_fileTree.setHtmlContentAllowed(true); m_expandListener = new TreeExpandListener(); m_fileTree.addExpandListener(m_expandListener); m_fileTree.addCollapseListener(new CollapseListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public void nodeCollapse(CollapseEvent event) { selectTreeItem((CmsUUID) event.getItemId()); clearTreeLevel((CmsUUID) event.getItemId()); } }); m_fileTree.addItemClickListener(new ItemClickListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public void itemClick(ItemClickEvent event) { handleFileTreeClick(event); } }); m_fileTree.setItemStyleGenerator(new ItemStyleGenerator() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public String getStyle(Tree source, Object itemId) { return CmsFileTable.getStateStyle(source.getContainerDataSource().getItem(itemId)); } }); m_fileTree.addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { handleFileTreeValueChange(); } }); m_fileTree.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); // init drag and drop ExplorerDropHandler handler = new ExplorerDropHandler(); m_fileTable.setDropHandler(handler); m_fileTable.setDragMode(TableDragMode.MULTIROW); m_fileTree.setDropHandler(handler); m_fileTree.setDragMode(TreeDragMode.NONE); m_siteSelector = createSiteSelect(A_CmsUI.getCmsObject()); m_infoPath = new TextField(); A_CmsFocusShortcutListener shortcutListener = new A_CmsFocusShortcutListener("Open path", KeyCode.ENTER, null) { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void blur(BlurEvent event) { super.blur(event); showCrumbs(true); } @Override public void focus(FocusEvent event) { super.focus(event); showCrumbs(false); } @Override public void handleAction(Object sender, Object target) { openPath(m_infoPath.getValue()); } }; shortcutListener.installOn(m_infoPath); m_crumbs = new CssLayout(); m_crumbs.setPrimaryStyleName(OpenCmsTheme.CRUMBS); m_crumbListener = new ClickListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { openPath((String) event.getButton().getData()); } }; m_searchField = new TextField(); m_searchField.setIcon(FontOpenCms.FILTER); m_searchField.setInputPrompt( Messages.get().getBundle(UI.getCurrent().getLocale()).key(Messages.GUI_EXPLORER_FILTER_0)); m_searchField.addStyleName(ValoTheme.TEXTFIELD_INLINE_ICON); m_searchField.addTextChangeListener(new TextChangeListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public void textChange(TextChangeEvent event) { filterTable(event.getText()); } }); m_locationCache = CmsQuickLaunchLocationCache.getLocationCache(CmsAppWorkplaceUi.get().getHttpSession()); String startSite = CmsAppWorkplaceUi.get().getWorkplaceSettings().getUserSettings().getStartSite(); // remove trailing slashes while (startSite.endsWith("/")) { startSite = startSite.substring(0, startSite.length() - 1); } if (m_locationCache.getFileExplorerLocation(startSite) == null) { // add the configured start folder for the start site String startFolder = CmsAppWorkplaceUi.get().getWorkplaceSettings().getUserSettings().getStartFolder(); m_locationCache.setFileExplorerLocation(startSite, startFolder); } } /** * @see com.vaadin.navigator.ViewChangeListener#afterViewChange(com.vaadin.navigator.ViewChangeListener.ViewChangeEvent) */ public void afterViewChange(ViewChangeEvent event) { m_fileTable.setFirstVisibleItemIndex(m_firstVisibleTableItemIndex); } /** * @see com.vaadin.navigator.ViewChangeListener#beforeViewChange(com.vaadin.navigator.ViewChangeListener.ViewChangeEvent) */ public boolean beforeViewChange(ViewChangeEvent event) { m_firstVisibleTableItemIndex = m_fileTable.getFirstVisibleItemIndex(); OpenCms.getWorkplaceAppManager().storeAppSettings(A_CmsUI.getCmsObject(), CmsFileExplorerSettings.class, m_fileTable.getTableSettings()); return true; } /** * Changes to the given site and path.<p> * * @param siteRoot the site root * @param path the path inside the site */ public void changeSite(String siteRoot, String path) { changeSite(siteRoot, path, false); } /** * Switches to the requested site.<p> * * @param siteRoot the site root * @param path the folder path to open * @param force force the path change, even if we are currently in the same site */ public void changeSite(String siteRoot, String path, boolean force) { CmsObject cms = A_CmsUI.getCmsObject(); String currentSiteRoot = cms.getRequestContext().getSiteRoot(); if (force || !currentSiteRoot.equals(siteRoot)) { CmsAppWorkplaceUi.get().changeSite(siteRoot); if (path == null) { path = m_locationCache.getFileExplorerLocation(siteRoot); if (CmsStringUtil.isEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(siteRoot) && ((path == null) || !path.startsWith("/system"))) { // switching to the root site and previous root site folder is not below /system // -> stay in the current folder path = m_locationCache.getFileExplorerLocation(currentSiteRoot); if (path != null) { path = CmsStringUtil.joinPaths(currentSiteRoot, path); } } } openPath(path, true);; } } /** * Gets all ids of resources in current folder.<p> * * @return the */ public List<CmsUUID> getAllIds() { return m_fileTable.getAllIds(); } /** * Returns the current folder id.<p> * * @return the current folder structure id */ public CmsUUID getCurrentFolder() { return m_currentFolder; } /** * @see org.opencms.ui.apps.I_CmsContextProvider#getDialogContext() */ public CmsExplorerDialogContext getDialogContext() { List<CmsResource> resources = m_fileTable.getSelectedResources(); m_lastDialogContextResources = resources; CmsExplorerDialogContext context = new CmsExplorerDialogContext(ContextType.fileTable, m_fileTable, this, resources); context.setEditableProperties(INLINE_EDIT_PROPERTIES); return context; } /** * @see org.opencms.ui.apps.I_CmsHasShortcutActions#getShortcutActions() */ public Map<Action, Runnable> getShortcutActions() { return m_shortcutActions; } /** * @see org.opencms.ui.apps.I_CmsWorkplaceApp#initUI(org.opencms.ui.apps.I_CmsAppUIContext) */ public void initUI(I_CmsAppUIContext context) { m_appContext = context; m_appContext.setMenuDialogContext( new CmsExplorerDialogContext(ContextType.appToolbar, m_fileTable, this, null)); HorizontalSplitPanel sp = new HorizontalSplitPanel(); sp.setSizeFull(); sp.setFirstComponent(m_fileTree); CmsFileExplorerSettings settings; try { settings = OpenCms.getWorkplaceAppManager().getAppSettings(A_CmsUI.getCmsObject(), CmsFileExplorerSettings.class); m_fileTable.setTableState(settings); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error while reading file explorer settings from user.", e); } sp.setSecondComponent(m_fileTable); sp.setSplitPosition(LAYOUT_SPLIT_POSITION, Unit.PIXELS); context.setAppContent(sp); context.showInfoArea(true); HorizontalLayout inf = new HorizontalLayout(); inf.setSizeFull(); inf.setSpacing(true); inf.setMargin(true); m_siteSelector.setWidth("379px"); inf.addComponent(m_siteSelector); CssLayout crumbWrapper = new CssLayout(); crumbWrapper.setSizeFull(); crumbWrapper.setPrimaryStyleName(OpenCmsTheme.CRUMB_WRAPPER); crumbWrapper.addComponent(m_crumbs); m_infoPath.setWidth("100%"); crumbWrapper.addComponent(m_infoPath); inf.addComponent(crumbWrapper); inf.setExpandRatio(crumbWrapper, 1); m_searchField.setWidth("200px"); inf.addComponent(m_searchField); context.setAppInfo(inf); initToolbarButtons(context); m_fileTable.updateColumnWidths(A_CmsUI.get().getPage().getBrowserWindowWidth() - LAYOUT_SPLIT_POSITION); } /** * @see org.opencms.ui.apps.I_CmsCachableApp#isCachable() */ public boolean isCachable() { return true; } /** * @see org.opencms.ui.components.CmsFileTable.I_FolderSelectHandler#onFolderSelect(org.opencms.util.CmsUUID) */ public void onFolderSelect(CmsUUID itemId) { expandCurrentFolder(); if (m_fileTree.getItem(itemId) != null) {; } try { readFolder(itemId); } catch (CmsException e) { CmsErrorDialog.showErrorDialog( CmsVaadinUtils.getMessageText(Messages.ERR_EXPLORER_CAN_NOT_READ_RESOURCE_1, itemId), e); LOG.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } /** * @see org.opencms.ui.apps.I_CmsCachableApp#onRestoreFromCache() */ public void onRestoreFromCache() { if (m_lastDialogContextResources != null) { List<CmsUUID> updateIds = Lists.newArrayList(); for (CmsResource resource : m_lastDialogContextResources) { updateIds.add(resource.getStructureId()); } update(updateIds); } } /** * Call if site and or project have been changed.<p> * * @param project the project * @param siteRoot the site root */ public void onSiteOrProjectChange(CmsProject project, String siteRoot) { if ((siteRoot != null) && !siteRoot.equals(getSiteRootFromState())) { changeSite(siteRoot, null, true); } else if ((project != null) && !project.getUuid().equals(getProjectIdFromState())) { openPath(getPathFromState(), true); } m_appContext.updateOnChange(); setToolbarButtonsEnabled(!CmsAppWorkplaceUi.isOnlineProject()); } /** * @see org.opencms.ui.apps.I_CmsWorkplaceApp#onStateChange(java.lang.String) */ public void onStateChange(String state) { state = normalizeState(state); if ((m_currentState == null) || !m_currentState.equals(state)) { m_currentState = state; CmsObject cms = A_CmsUI.getCmsObject(); String siteRoot = getSiteRootFromState(); String path = getPathFromState(); CmsUUID projectId = getProjectIdFromState(); if ((projectId != null) && !cms.getRequestContext().getCurrentProject().getUuid().equals(projectId)) { try { CmsProject project = cms.readProject(projectId); cms.getRequestContext().setCurrentProject(project); CmsAppWorkplaceUi.get().getWorkplaceSettings().setProject(project.getUuid()); } catch (CmsException e) { LOG.warn("Error reading project from history state", e); } changeSite(siteRoot, path, true); } else if ((siteRoot != null) && !siteRoot.equals(cms.getRequestContext().getSiteRoot())) { changeSite(siteRoot, path); } else { openPath(path, true); } } } /** * @see org.opencms.ui.components.I_CmsWindowCloseListener#onWindowClose() */ public void onWindowClose() { OpenCms.getWorkplaceAppManager().storeAppSettings(A_CmsUI.getCmsObject(), CmsFileExplorerSettings.class, m_fileTable.getTableSettings()); } /** * Fills the file table with the resources from the given path.<p> * * @param sitePath a folder site path */ public void populateFileTable(String sitePath) { CmsObject cms = A_CmsUI.getCmsObject(); m_searchField.clear(); m_firstVisibleTableItemIndex = 0; try { List<CmsResource> folderResources = cms.readResources(sitePath, FILES_N_FOLDERS, false); m_fileTable.fillTable(cms, folderResources); } catch (CmsException e) { CmsErrorDialog.showErrorDialog(e); LOG.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } /** * Updates the table entries with the given ids.<p> * * @param ids the ids of the table entries to update */ public void update(Collection<CmsUUID> ids) { try { CmsResource currentFolderRes = A_CmsUI.getCmsObject().readResource(m_currentFolder, CmsResourceFilter.ALL); boolean updateFolder = m_fileTable.getItemCount() < UPDATE_FOLDER_THRESHOLD; Set<CmsUUID> removeIds = new HashSet<CmsUUID>(); for (CmsUUID id : ids) { boolean remove = false; try { CmsResource resource = A_CmsUI.getCmsObject().readResource(id, CmsResourceFilter.ALL); remove = !CmsResource.getParentFolder(resource.getRootPath()) .equals(currentFolderRes.getRootPath()); } catch (CmsVfsResourceNotFoundException e) { remove = true; LOG.debug("Could not read update resource " + id, e); } if (remove) { removeIds.add(id); } } for (CmsUUID id : ids) { if (!updateFolder) { m_fileTable.update(id, removeIds.contains(id)); } updateTree(id); } if (updateFolder) { updateCurrentFolder(removeIds); } m_fileTable.updateSorting(); m_fileTable.clearSelection(); } catch (CmsException e) { CmsErrorDialog.showErrorDialog(e); } } /** * Updates display for all contents of the current folder.<p> * * @param clearFilter <code>true</code> to clear the search filter */ public void updateAll(boolean clearFilter) { try { readFolder(m_currentFolder, clearFilter); Set<Object> ids = Sets.newHashSet(); ids.addAll(m_fileTree.getItemIds()); for (Object id : ids) { updateTree((CmsUUID) id); } } catch (CmsException e) { CmsErrorDialog.showErrorDialog( CmsVaadinUtils.getMessageText(Messages.ERR_EXPLORER_CAN_NOT_READ_RESOURCE_1, m_currentFolder), e); LOG.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } /** * Updates the give tree item.<p> * * @param cms the cms context * @param id the item id */ public void updateResourceInTree(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID id) { try { CmsResource resource = cms.readResource(id, CmsResourceFilter.IGNORE_EXPIRATION); if (resource.isFile()) { return; } // ensuring to only add items belonging to the current site if (!resource.getRootPath().startsWith(cms.getRequestContext().getSiteRoot())) { m_treeContainer.removeItemRecursively(id); return; } CmsResource parent = cms.readParentFolder(id); CmsUUID parentId = null; if (parent != null) { parentId = parent.getStructureId(); } else { LOG.debug("Parent for resource '" + resource.getRootPath() + "' is null"); } Item resourceItem = m_treeContainer.getItem(id); if (resourceItem != null) { // use the root path as name in case of the root item String resName = parentId == null ? resource.getRootPath() : resource.getName(); resourceItem.getItemProperty(CmsResourceTableProperty.PROPERTY_RESOURCE_NAME).setValue(resName); CmsResourceUtil resUtil = new CmsResourceUtil(cms, resource); String iconHTML = CmsResourceIcon.getTreeCaptionHTML(resName, resUtil, null, false); resourceItem.getItemProperty(CmsResourceTableProperty.PROPERTY_TREE_CAPTION).setValue(iconHTML); resourceItem.getItemProperty(CmsResourceTableProperty.PROPERTY_STATE).setValue(resource.getState()); if (parentId != null) { m_treeContainer.setParent(resource.getStructureId(), parentId); } } else { addTreeItem(cms, resource, parentId, false, m_treeContainer); } m_fileTree.markAsDirty(); } catch (CmsVfsResourceNotFoundException e) { m_treeContainer.removeItemRecursively(id); LOG.debug(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } catch (CmsException e) { CmsErrorDialog.showErrorDialog(e); LOG.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } /** * Updates the tree items with the given ids.<p> * * @param id the */ public void updateTree(CmsUUID id) { CmsObject cms = A_CmsUI.getCmsObject(); updateResourceInTree(cms, id); } /** * Clears the given tree level.<p> * * @param parentId the parent id */ protected void clearTreeLevel(CmsUUID parentId) { // create a new list to avoid concurrent modifications Collection<?> children = m_treeContainer.getChildren(parentId); // may be null when monkey clicking if (children != null) { List<Object> childIds = new ArrayList<Object>(m_treeContainer.getChildren(parentId)); for (Object childId : childIds) { m_treeContainer.removeItemRecursively(childId); } } } /** * Reads the given folder.<p> * * @param folderId the folder id * * @throws CmsException in case reading the folder fails */ protected void readFolder(CmsUUID folderId) throws CmsException { readFolder(folderId, true); } /** * Reads the given folder.<p> * * @param folderId the folder id * @param clearFilter <code>true</code> to clear the search filter * * @throws CmsException in case reading the folder fails */ protected void readFolder(CmsUUID folderId, boolean clearFilter) throws CmsException { CmsObject cms = A_CmsUI.getCmsObject(); if (clearFilter) { m_searchField.clear(); } CmsResource folder = cms.readResource(folderId, FOLDERS); m_currentFolder = folderId; String folderPath = cms.getSitePath(folder); if (OpenCms.getSiteManager().isSharedFolder(cms.getRequestContext().getSiteRoot())) { folderPath = folderPath.substring(cms.getRequestContext().getSiteRoot().length()); } setPathInfo(folderPath); List<CmsResource> childResources = cms.readResources(folder, FILES_N_FOLDERS, false); m_fileTable.fillTable(cms, childResources, clearFilter); boolean hasFolderChild = false; for (CmsResource child : childResources) { if (child.isFolder()) { hasFolderChild = true; break; } } m_treeContainer.setChildrenAllowed(folderId, hasFolderChild); String sitePath = folder.getRootPath().equals(cms.getRequestContext().getSiteRoot() + "/") ? "" : folderPath; String state = new StateBean(cms.getRequestContext().getSiteRoot(), sitePath, cms.getRequestContext().getCurrentProject().getUuid().toString()).asString(); if (!(state).equals(m_currentState)) { m_currentState = state; CmsAppWorkplaceUi.get().changeCurrentAppState(m_currentState); } m_locationCache.setFileExplorerLocation(cms.getRequestContext().getSiteRoot(), sitePath); m_uploadButton.setTargetFolder(folder.getRootPath()); m_uploadArea.setTargetFolder(folder.getRootPath()); if (!m_fileTree.isExpanded(folderId)) { expandCurrentFolder(); } if (!m_fileTree.isSelected(folderId)) {; } } /** * Updates the current folder and removes the given resource items.<p> * * @param removeIds the resource item ids to remove */ protected void updateCurrentFolder(Collection<CmsUUID> removeIds) { for (CmsUUID removeId : removeIds) { m_fileTable.update(removeId, true); } CmsObject cms = A_CmsUI.getCmsObject(); try { CmsResource folder = cms.readResource(m_currentFolder, FOLDERS); List<CmsResource> childResources = cms.readResources(cms.getSitePath(folder), FILES_N_FOLDERS, false); for (CmsResource child : childResources) { m_fileTable.update(child.getStructureId(), false); } } catch (CmsException e) { CmsErrorDialog.showErrorDialog(e); LOG.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } /** * Expands the currently viewed folder in the tree.<p> */ void expandCurrentFolder() { if (m_currentFolder != null) { m_treeContainer.setChildrenAllowed(m_currentFolder, true); m_fileTree.expandItem(m_currentFolder); } } /** * Filters the file table.<p> * * @param search the search term */ void filterTable(String search) { m_fileTable.filterTable(search); } /** * Handles the file tree click events.<p> * * @param event the event */ void handleFileTreeClick(ItemClickEvent event) { Item resourceItem = m_treeContainer.getItem(event.getItemId()); if ((resourceItem.getItemProperty(CmsResourceTableProperty.PROPERTY_DISABLED).getValue() == null) || !((Boolean) resourceItem.getItemProperty(CmsResourceTableProperty.PROPERTY_DISABLED).getValue()) .booleanValue()) { // don't handle disabled item clicks try { readFolder((CmsUUID) event.getItemId()); } catch (CmsException e) { CmsErrorDialog.showErrorDialog(CmsVaadinUtils .getMessageText(Messages.ERR_EXPLORER_CAN_NOT_READ_RESOURCE_1, event.getItemId()), e); LOG.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } } /** * Handles the file tree value changes.<p> */ void handleFileTreeValueChange() { Item resourceItem = m_treeContainer.getItem(m_fileTree.getValue()); if (resourceItem != null) { if ((resourceItem.getItemProperty(CmsResourceTableProperty.PROPERTY_DISABLED).getValue() != null) && ((Boolean) resourceItem.getItemProperty(CmsResourceTableProperty.PROPERTY_DISABLED) .getValue()).booleanValue()) { // in case the folder is disabled due to missing visibility, reset the value to the previous one m_fileTree.setValue(m_selectTreeFolder); } else { m_selectTreeFolder = (CmsUUID) m_fileTree.getValue(); } } } /** * Opens the new resource dialog.<p> */ void onClickNew() { try { CmsObject cms = A_CmsUI.getCmsObject(); CmsResource folderRes = cms.readResource(m_currentFolder, CmsResourceFilter.IGNORE_EXPIRATION); I_CmsDialogContext newDialogContext = getDialogContext(); CmsNewDialog newDialog = new CmsNewDialog(folderRes, newDialogContext); newDialogContext.start( CmsVaadinUtils.getMessageText(org.opencms.ui.Messages.GUI_NEWRESOURCEDIALOG_TITLE_0), newDialog); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } /** * Opens the given site path.<p> * * @param path the path */ void openPath(String path) { openPath(path, false); } /** * Opens the given site path.<p> * * @param path the path * @param initTree <code>true</code> in case the tree needs to be initialized */ void openPath(String path, boolean initTree) { if (path == null) { String siteRoot = A_CmsUI.getCmsObject().getRequestContext().getSiteRoot(); path = m_locationCache.getFileExplorerLocation(siteRoot); if (path == null) { path = ""; } else if (OpenCms.getSiteManager().startsWithShared(path)) { path = path.substring(siteRoot.length()); } } boolean existsPath = CmsStringUtil.isNotEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(path) && A_CmsUI.getCmsObject().existsResource(path, FILES_N_FOLDERS); if (path.startsWith("/")) { // remove a leading slash to avoid an empty first path fragment path = path.substring(1); } String[] pathItems = path.split("/"); if (initTree) { try { initFolderTree(existsPath); } catch (CmsException e) { CmsErrorDialog.showErrorDialog( CmsVaadinUtils.getMessageText(Messages.ERR_EXPLORER_CAN_NOT_OPEN_PATH_1, path), e); LOG.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); return; } } Collection<?> rootItems = m_treeContainer.rootItemIds(); if (rootItems.size() != 1) { throw new RuntimeException("Illeagal state, folder tree has " + rootItems.size() + " children"); } CmsUUID folderId = (CmsUUID) rootItems.iterator().next(); if (initTree) { if (existsPath) { m_expandListener.setOpenPathFragment(pathItems[0]); } m_fileTree.expandItem(folderId); m_expandListener.setOpenPathFragment(null); } Collection<?> children = m_treeContainer.getChildren(folderId); for (int i = 0; i < pathItems.length; i++) { if (CmsStringUtil.isEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(pathItems[i])) { continue; } CmsUUID level = null; if (children != null) { for (Object id : children) { if (m_treeContainer.getItem(id).getItemProperty(CmsResourceTableProperty.PROPERTY_RESOURCE_NAME) .getValue().equals(pathItems[i])) { level = (CmsUUID) id; m_expandListener.setOpenPathFragment( existsPath && (i < (pathItems.length - 1)) ? pathItems[i + 1] : null); m_fileTree.expandItem(level); m_expandListener.setOpenPathFragment(null); break; } } } if ((level == null) || level.equals(folderId)) { break; } folderId = level; children = m_treeContainer.getChildren(folderId); } try { readFolder(folderId); } catch (CmsException e) { CmsErrorDialog.showErrorDialog( CmsVaadinUtils.getMessageText(Messages.ERR_EXPLORER_CAN_NOT_OPEN_PATH_1, path), e); LOG.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); return; } } /** * Reads the given tree level.<p> * * @param parentId the parent id * @param openPathFragment the open path fragment */ void readTreeLevel(CmsUUID parentId, String openPathFragment) { CmsObject cms = A_CmsUI.getCmsObject(); boolean openedFragment = false; try { CmsResource parent = cms.readResource(parentId, CmsResourceFilter.IGNORE_EXPIRATION); String folderPath = cms.getSitePath(parent); List<CmsResource> folderResources = cms.readResources(folderPath, FOLDERS, false); // sets the parent to leaf mode, in case no child folders are present m_treeContainer.setChildrenAllowed(parentId, !folderResources.isEmpty()); for (CmsResource resource : folderResources) { addTreeItem(cms, resource, parentId, false, m_treeContainer); openedFragment = openedFragment || resource.getName().equals(openPathFragment); } if (!openedFragment && (openPathFragment != null)) { CmsResource resource = cms.readResource(CmsStringUtil.joinPaths(folderPath, openPathFragment), CmsResourceFilter.IGNORE_EXPIRATION); addTreeItem(cms, resource, parentId, true, m_treeContainer); } m_fileTree.markAsDirtyRecursive(); } catch (CmsException e) { CmsErrorDialog.showErrorDialog(e); LOG.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } /** * Selects the item with the given id.<p> * * @param itemId the item id */ void selectTreeItem(CmsUUID itemId) {; } /** * Shows and hides the path bread crumb.<p> * * @param show <code>true</code> to show the bread crumb */ void showCrumbs(boolean show) { if (show) { m_crumbs.removeStyleName(OpenCmsTheme.HIDDEN); } else { m_crumbs.addStyleName(OpenCmsTheme.HIDDEN); } } /** * Shows the parent folder, if available.<p> */ void showParentFolder() { CmsUUID parentId = (CmsUUID) m_treeContainer.getParent(m_currentFolder); if (parentId != null) { Item resourceItem = m_treeContainer.getItem(parentId); if ((resourceItem.getItemProperty(CmsResourceTableProperty.PROPERTY_DISABLED).getValue() == null) || !((Boolean) resourceItem.getItemProperty(CmsResourceTableProperty.PROPERTY_DISABLED) .getValue()).booleanValue()) { // don't open disabled parent folders try { readFolder(parentId);; } catch (CmsException e) { CmsErrorDialog.showErrorDialog( CmsVaadinUtils.getMessageText(Messages.ERR_EXPLORER_CAN_NOT_READ_RESOURCE_1, parentId), e); LOG.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } } } /** * Toggles between the online and the offline project.<p> */ void toggleOnlineOffline() { CmsObject cms = A_CmsUI.getCmsObject(); CmsProject targetProject = null; if (cms.getRequestContext().getCurrentProject().isOnlineProject()) { targetProject = A_CmsUI.get().getLastOfflineProject(); if (targetProject == null) { CmsUserSettings userSettings = new CmsUserSettings(cms); try { CmsProject project = cms.readProject(userSettings.getStartProject()); if (!project.isOnlineProject() && OpenCms.getOrgUnitManager() .getAllAccessibleProjects(cms, project.getOuFqn(), false).contains(project)) { targetProject = project; } } catch (CmsException e) { LOG.debug("Error reading user start project.", e); } if (targetProject == null) { List<CmsProject> availableProjects = CmsVaadinUtils.getAvailableProjects(cms); for (CmsProject project : availableProjects) { if (!project.isOnlineProject()) { targetProject = project; break; } } } } } else { try { targetProject = cms.readProject(CmsProject.ONLINE_PROJECT_ID); } catch (CmsException e) { LOG.debug("Error reading online project.", e); } } if (targetProject != null) { A_CmsUI.get().changeProject(targetProject); onSiteOrProjectChange(targetProject, null); CmsVaadinUtils.getMessageText(Messages.GUI_SWITCHED_TO_PROJECT_1, targetProject.getName())); } } /** * Adds the given properties to the tree container.<p> * * @param properties the properties tom add */ private void addTreeContainerProperties(CmsResourceTableProperty... properties) { for (CmsResourceTableProperty property : properties) { m_treeContainer.addContainerProperty(property, property.getColumnType(), property.getDefaultValue()); } } /** * Adds an item to the folder tree.<p> * * @param cms the cms context * @param resource the folder resource * @param parentId the parent folder id * @param disabled in case the item is disabled, used for non visible parent folders * @param container the data container */ private void addTreeItem(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, CmsUUID parentId, boolean disabled, HierarchicalContainer container) { CmsResourceUtil resUtil = new CmsResourceUtil(cms, resource); Item resourceItem = container.getItem(resource.getStructureId()); if (resourceItem == null) { resourceItem = container.addItem(resource.getStructureId()); } // use the root path as name in case of the root item String resName = parentId == null ? resource.getRootPath() : resource.getName(); resourceItem.getItemProperty(CmsResourceTableProperty.PROPERTY_RESOURCE_NAME).setValue(resName); resourceItem.getItemProperty(CmsResourceTableProperty.PROPERTY_STATE).setValue(resource.getState()); resourceItem.getItemProperty(CmsResourceTableProperty.PROPERTY_INSIDE_PROJECT) .setValue(Boolean.valueOf(resUtil.isInsideProject())); resourceItem.getItemProperty(CmsResourceTableProperty.PROPERTY_RELEASED_NOT_EXPIRED) .setValue(Boolean.valueOf(resUtil.isReleasedAndNotExpired())); String iconHTML = CmsResourceIcon.getTreeCaptionHTML(resName, resUtil, null, false); resourceItem.getItemProperty(CmsResourceTableProperty.PROPERTY_TREE_CAPTION).setValue(iconHTML); if (disabled) { resourceItem.getItemProperty(CmsResourceTableProperty.PROPERTY_DISABLED).setValue(Boolean.TRUE); } if (parentId != null) { container.setChildrenAllowed(parentId, true); container.setParent(resource.getStructureId(), parentId); } } /** * Creates the site selector combo box.<p> * * @param cms the current cms context * * @return the combo box */ private ComboBox createSiteSelect(CmsObject cms) { final IndexedContainer availableSites = CmsVaadinUtils.getAvailableSitesContainer(cms, SITE_CAPTION); ComboBox combo = new ComboBox(null, availableSites); combo.setTextInputAllowed(true); combo.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); combo.setWidth("200px"); combo.setInputPrompt( Messages.get().getBundle(UI.getCurrent().getLocale()).key(Messages.GUI_EXPLORER_CLICK_TO_EDIT_0)); combo.setItemCaptionPropertyId(SITE_CAPTION);; combo.setFilteringMode(FilteringMode.CONTAINS); combo.addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { String value = (String) event.getProperty().getValue(); if (availableSites.containsId(value)) { changeSite(value, null); m_appContext.updateOnChange(); availableSites.removeAllContainerFilters(); } } }); if (Page.getCurrent().getBrowserWindowHeight() > 650) { combo.setPageLength(20); } return combo; } /** * Returns the site path from the current state.<p> * * @return the site path */ private String getPathFromState() { return StateBean.parse(m_currentState).getFolder(); } /** * Returns the project id from the current state.<p> * * @return the project id */ private CmsUUID getProjectIdFromState() { String projectIdStr = StateBean.parse(m_currentState).getProjectId(); if (CmsUUID.isValidUUID(projectIdStr)) { return new CmsUUID(projectIdStr); } return null; } /** * Returns the site root from the current state.<p> * * @return the site root */ private String getSiteRootFromState() { String siteRoot = StateBean.parse(m_currentState).getSiteRoot(); return siteRoot; } /** * Populates the folder tree.<p> * * @param showInvisible to show non visible root folder as disabled * * @throws CmsException in case reading the root folder fails */ private void initFolderTree(boolean showInvisible) throws CmsException { CmsObject cms = A_CmsUI.getCmsObject(); m_treeContainer.removeAllItems(); try { CmsResource siteRoot = cms.readResource("/", FOLDERS); addTreeItem(cms, siteRoot, null, false, m_treeContainer); } catch (CmsException e) { if (showInvisible) { CmsResource siteRoot = cms.readResource("/", CmsResourceFilter.IGNORE_EXPIRATION); addTreeItem(cms, siteRoot, null, true, m_treeContainer); } else { throw e; } } } /** * Initializes the app specific toolbar buttons.<p> * * @param context the UI context */ private void initToolbarButtons(I_CmsAppUIContext context) { m_publishButton = context.addPublishButton(new I_CmsUpdateListener<String>() { public void onUpdate(List<String> updatedItems) { updateAll(false); } }); m_newButton = CmsToolBar.createButton(FontOpenCms.WAND, CmsVaadinUtils.getMessageText(Messages.GUI_NEW_RESOURCE_TITLE_0)); if (CmsAppWorkplaceUi.isOnlineProject()) { m_newButton.setEnabled(false); m_newButton.setDescription(CmsVaadinUtils.getMessageText(Messages.GUI_TOOLBAR_NOT_AVAILABLE_ONLINE_0)); } m_newButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { onClickNew(); } }); context.addToolbarButton(m_newButton); m_uploadButton = new CmsUploadButton(FontOpenCms.UPLOAD, "/"); m_uploadButton.addStyleName(ValoTheme.BUTTON_BORDERLESS); m_uploadButton.addStyleName(OpenCmsTheme.TOOLBAR_BUTTON); if (CmsAppWorkplaceUi.isOnlineProject()) { m_uploadButton.setEnabled(false); m_uploadButton .setDescription(CmsVaadinUtils.getMessageText(Messages.GUI_TOOLBAR_NOT_AVAILABLE_ONLINE_0)); } else { m_uploadButton.setDescription(CmsVaadinUtils.getMessageText(Messages.GUI_UPLOAD_BUTTON_TITLE_0)); } m_uploadButton.addUploadListener(new I_UploadListener() { public void onUploadFinished(List<String> uploadedFiles) { updateAll(true); } }); context.addToolbarButton(m_uploadButton); } /** * Normalizes the state string. Ensuring it starts with the right number of slashes resolving an issue with the vaadin state handling.<p> * * @param state the state string * * @return the normalized state string */ private String normalizeState(String state) { String result = ""; if (state.contains(STATE_SEPARATOR)) { result = state; while (result.startsWith("/")) { result = result.substring(1); } } return result; } /** * Sets the current path info.<p> * * @param path the path */ private void setPathInfo(String path) { m_infoPath.setValue(path); // generate the path bread crumb m_crumbs.removeAllComponents(); int i = path.indexOf("/"); String openPath = ""; while (i >= 0) { String fragment = path.substring(0, i + 1); openPath += fragment; path = path.substring(i + 1); i = path.indexOf("/"); Button crumb = new Button(fragment, m_crumbListener); crumb.setData(openPath); crumb.addStyleName(ValoTheme.BUTTON_LINK); m_crumbs.addComponent(crumb); } } /** * Sets the toolbar buttons enabled.<p> * * @param enabled the enabled flag */ private void setToolbarButtonsEnabled(boolean enabled) { m_publishButton.setEnabled(enabled); m_newButton.setEnabled(enabled); m_uploadButton.setEnabled(enabled); if (enabled) { m_publishButton.setDescription(CmsVaadinUtils.getMessageText(Messages.GUI_PUBLISH_BUTTON_TITLE_0)); m_newButton.setDescription(CmsVaadinUtils.getMessageText(Messages.GUI_NEW_RESOURCE_TITLE_0)); m_uploadButton.setDescription(CmsVaadinUtils.getMessageText(Messages.GUI_UPLOAD_BUTTON_TITLE_0)); } else { m_publishButton .setDescription(CmsVaadinUtils.getMessageText(Messages.GUI_TOOLBAR_NOT_AVAILABLE_ONLINE_0)); m_newButton.setDescription(CmsVaadinUtils.getMessageText(Messages.GUI_TOOLBAR_NOT_AVAILABLE_ONLINE_0)); m_uploadButton .setDescription(CmsVaadinUtils.getMessageText(Messages.GUI_TOOLBAR_NOT_AVAILABLE_ONLINE_0)); } } }