Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2013, OpenCloudDB/MyCAT and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software;Designed and Developed mainly by many Chinese 
 * opensource volunteers. you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the 
 * terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Any questions about this component can be directed to it's project Web address 
package org.opencloudb.config.model;

import io.netty.bootstrap.AbstractBootstrap;

import java.nio.channels.NetworkChannel;

import org.opencloudb.config.Isolations;

 * ?
 * @author mycat
public final class SystemConfig {

    public static final String SYS_HOME = "MYCAT_HOME";
    private static final int DEFAULT_PORT = 8066;
    private static final int DEFAULT_MANAGER_PORT = 9066;
    private static final String DEFAULT_CHARSET = "utf8";

    private static final String DEFAULT_SQL_PARSER = "fdbparser";// druidparser
    private static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_CHUNK_SIZE = 4096;
    private int processorBufferLocalPercent;
    private static final int DEFAULT_PROCESSORS = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
    private int frontSocketSoRcvbuf = 1024 * 1024;
    private int frontSocketSoSndbuf = 4 * 1024 * 1024;
    private int backSocketSoRcvbuf = 4 * 1024 * 1024;// mysql 5.6
    // net_buffer_length
    // defaut 4M
    private int backSocketSoSndbuf = 1024 * 1024;
    private int frontSocketNoDelay = 1; // 0=false
    private int backSocketNoDelay = 1; // 1=true
    public static final int DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE = 128;// ?????
    public static final long DEFAULT_IDLE_TIMEOUT = 30 * 60 * 1000L;
    private static final long DEFAULT_PROCESSOR_CHECK_PERIOD = 1 * 1000L;
    private static final long DEFAULT_DATANODE_IDLE_CHECK_PERIOD = 5 * 60 * 1000L;
    private static final long DEFAULT_DATANODE_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD = 10 * 1000L;
    private static final long DEFAULT_CLUSTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD = 5 * 1000L;
    private static final long DEFAULT_CLUSTER_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT = 10 * 1000L;
    private static final int DEFAULT_CLUSTER_HEARTBEAT_RETRY = 10;
    private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_LIMIT = 100;
    private static final String DEFAULT_CLUSTER_HEARTBEAT_USER = "_HEARTBEAT_USER_";
    private static final String DEFAULT_CLUSTER_HEARTBEAT_PASS = "_HEARTBEAT_PASS_";
    private static final int DEFAULT_PARSER_COMMENT_VERSION = 50148;
    private static final int DEFAULT_SQL_RECORD_COUNT = 10;
    private int maxStringLiteralLength = 65535;
    private int frontWriteQueueSize = 2048;
    private String bindIp = "";
    private int serverPort;
    private int managerPort;
    private String charset;
    private int processors;
    private int processorExecutor;
    private int timerExecutor;
    private int managerExecutor;
    private long idleTimeout;
    // sql execute timeout (second)
    private long sqlExecuteTimeout = 300;
    private long processorCheckPeriod;
    private long dataNodeIdleCheckPeriod;
    private long dataNodeHeartbeatPeriod;
    private String clusterHeartbeatUser;
    private String clusterHeartbeatPass;
    private long clusterHeartbeatPeriod;
    private long clusterHeartbeatTimeout;
    private int clusterHeartbeatRetry;
    private int txIsolation;
    private int parserCommentVersion;
    private int sqlRecordCount;
    private int processorBufferPool;
    private int processorBufferChunk;
    private int defaultMaxLimit = DEFAULT_MAX_LIMIT;
    public static final int SEQUENCEHANDLER_LOCALFILE = 0;
    public static final int SEQUENCEHANDLER_MYSQLDB = 1;
    private int sequnceHandlerType = SEQUENCEHANDLER_LOCALFILE;
    private String sqlInterceptor = "org.opencloudb.interceptor.impl.DefaultSqlInterceptor";

    public static final int MUTINODELIMIT_SMALL_DATA = 0;
    public static final int MUTINODELIMIT_LAR_DATA = 1;
    private int mutiNodeLimitType = MUTINODELIMIT_SMALL_DATA;

    public static final int MUTINODELIMIT_PATCH_SIZE = 100;
    private int mutiNodePatchSize = MUTINODELIMIT_PATCH_SIZE;

    private String defaultSqlParser = DEFAULT_SQL_PARSER;
    private int usingAIO = 0;
    private int packetHeaderSize = 4;
    private int maxPacketSize = 16 * 1024 * 1024;

    public String getDefaultSqlParser() {
        return defaultSqlParser;

    public void setDefaultSqlParser(String defaultSqlParser) {
        this.defaultSqlParser = defaultSqlParser;

    public SystemConfig() {
        this.serverPort = DEFAULT_PORT;
        this.managerPort = DEFAULT_MANAGER_PORT;
        this.charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
        this.processors = DEFAULT_PROCESSORS;

        processorBufferChunk = DEFAULT_BUFFER_CHUNK_SIZE;
        this.processorExecutor = (DEFAULT_PROCESSORS != 1) ? DEFAULT_PROCESSORS * 2 : 4;
        this.managerExecutor = 2;
        processorBufferPool = DEFAULT_BUFFER_CHUNK_SIZE * processors * 1000;
        this.processorBufferLocalPercent = 100;
        this.timerExecutor = DEFAULT_PROCESSORS;
        this.idleTimeout = DEFAULT_IDLE_TIMEOUT;
        this.processorCheckPeriod = DEFAULT_PROCESSOR_CHECK_PERIOD;
        this.dataNodeIdleCheckPeriod = DEFAULT_DATANODE_IDLE_CHECK_PERIOD;
        this.dataNodeHeartbeatPeriod = DEFAULT_DATANODE_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD;
        this.clusterHeartbeatUser = DEFAULT_CLUSTER_HEARTBEAT_USER;
        this.clusterHeartbeatPass = DEFAULT_CLUSTER_HEARTBEAT_PASS;
        this.clusterHeartbeatPeriod = DEFAULT_CLUSTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD;
        this.clusterHeartbeatTimeout = DEFAULT_CLUSTER_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT;
        this.clusterHeartbeatRetry = DEFAULT_CLUSTER_HEARTBEAT_RETRY;
        this.txIsolation = Isolations.REPEATED_READ;
        this.parserCommentVersion = DEFAULT_PARSER_COMMENT_VERSION;
        this.sqlRecordCount = DEFAULT_SQL_RECORD_COUNT;


    public String getSqlInterceptor() {
        return sqlInterceptor;

    public void setSqlInterceptor(String sqlInterceptor) {
        this.sqlInterceptor = sqlInterceptor;

    public int getSequnceHandlerType() {
        return sequnceHandlerType;

    public void setSequnceHandlerType(int sequnceHandlerType) {
        this.sequnceHandlerType = sequnceHandlerType;

    public int getPacketHeaderSize() {
        return packetHeaderSize;

    public void setPacketHeaderSize(int packetHeaderSize) {
        this.packetHeaderSize = packetHeaderSize;

    public int getMaxPacketSize() {
        return maxPacketSize;

    public void setMaxPacketSize(int maxPacketSize) {
        this.maxPacketSize = maxPacketSize;

    public int getFrontWriteQueueSize() {
        return frontWriteQueueSize;

    public void setFrontWriteQueueSize(int frontWriteQueueSize) {
        this.frontWriteQueueSize = frontWriteQueueSize;

    public String getBindIp() {
        return bindIp;

    public void setBindIp(String bindIp) {
        this.bindIp = bindIp;

    public int getDefaultMaxLimit() {
        return defaultMaxLimit;

    public void setDefaultMaxLimit(int defaultMaxLimit) {
        this.defaultMaxLimit = defaultMaxLimit;

    public static String getHomePath() {
        String home = System.getProperty(SystemConfig.SYS_HOME);
        if (home != null) {
            if (home.endsWith(File.pathSeparator)) {
                home = home.substring(0, home.length() - 1);
                System.setProperty(SystemConfig.SYS_HOME, home);
        return home;

    public void setSocketParams(AbstractBootstrap<?, ?> bootstrap, boolean isFrontChannel) throws IOException {
        int sorcvbuf = 0;
        int sosndbuf = 0;
        int soNoDelay = 0;
        if (isFrontChannel) {
            sorcvbuf = getFrontsocketsorcvbuf();
            sosndbuf = getFrontsocketsosndbuf();
            soNoDelay = getFrontSocketNoDelay();
        } else {
            sorcvbuf = getBacksocketsorcvbuf();
            sosndbuf = getBacksocketsosndbuf();
            soNoDelay = getBackSocketNoDelay();

        bootstrap.option(ChannelOption.SO_RCVBUF, sorcvbuf);
        bootstrap.option(ChannelOption.SO_SNDBUF, sosndbuf);
        bootstrap.option(ChannelOption.TCP_NODELAY, soNoDelay == 1);
        bootstrap.option(ChannelOption.SO_KEEPALIVE, true);
        bootstrap.option(ChannelOption.SO_REUSEADDR, true);
        bootstrap.option(ChannelOption.WRITE_BUFFER_HIGH_WATER_MARK, 1024 * 1024);

    public void setConnectionParams(ConnectionInfo con) {


    public String getCharset() {
        return charset;

    public void setCharset(String charset) {
        this.charset = charset;

    public int getServerPort() {
        return serverPort;

    public void setServerPort(int serverPort) {
        this.serverPort = serverPort;

    public int getManagerPort() {
        return managerPort;

    public void setManagerPort(int managerPort) {
        this.managerPort = managerPort;

    public int getProcessors() {
        return processors;

    public void setProcessors(int processors) {
        this.processors = processors;

    public int getProcessorExecutor() {
        return processorExecutor;

    public void setProcessorExecutor(int processorExecutor) {
        this.processorExecutor = processorExecutor;

    public int getManagerExecutor() {
        return managerExecutor;

    public void setManagerExecutor(int managerExecutor) {
        this.managerExecutor = managerExecutor;

    public int getTimerExecutor() {
        return timerExecutor;

    public void setTimerExecutor(int timerExecutor) {
        this.timerExecutor = timerExecutor;

    public long getIdleTimeout() {
        return idleTimeout;

    public void setIdleTimeout(long idleTimeout) {
        this.idleTimeout = idleTimeout;

    public long getProcessorCheckPeriod() {
        return processorCheckPeriod;

    public void setProcessorCheckPeriod(long processorCheckPeriod) {
        this.processorCheckPeriod = processorCheckPeriod;

    public long getDataNodeIdleCheckPeriod() {
        return dataNodeIdleCheckPeriod;

    public void setDataNodeIdleCheckPeriod(long dataNodeIdleCheckPeriod) {
        this.dataNodeIdleCheckPeriod = dataNodeIdleCheckPeriod;

    public long getDataNodeHeartbeatPeriod() {
        return dataNodeHeartbeatPeriod;

    public void setDataNodeHeartbeatPeriod(long dataNodeHeartbeatPeriod) {
        this.dataNodeHeartbeatPeriod = dataNodeHeartbeatPeriod;

    public String getClusterHeartbeatUser() {
        return clusterHeartbeatUser;

    public void setClusterHeartbeatUser(String clusterHeartbeatUser) {
        this.clusterHeartbeatUser = clusterHeartbeatUser;

    public long getSqlExecuteTimeout() {
        return sqlExecuteTimeout;

    public void setSqlExecuteTimeout(long sqlExecuteTimeout) {
        this.sqlExecuteTimeout = sqlExecuteTimeout;

    public String getClusterHeartbeatPass() {
        return clusterHeartbeatPass;

    public void setClusterHeartbeatPass(String clusterHeartbeatPass) {
        this.clusterHeartbeatPass = clusterHeartbeatPass;

    public long getClusterHeartbeatPeriod() {
        return clusterHeartbeatPeriod;

    public void setClusterHeartbeatPeriod(long clusterHeartbeatPeriod) {
        this.clusterHeartbeatPeriod = clusterHeartbeatPeriod;

    public long getClusterHeartbeatTimeout() {
        return clusterHeartbeatTimeout;

    public void setClusterHeartbeatTimeout(long clusterHeartbeatTimeout) {
        this.clusterHeartbeatTimeout = clusterHeartbeatTimeout;

    public int getFrontsocketsorcvbuf() {
        return frontSocketSoRcvbuf;

    public int getFrontsocketsosndbuf() {
        return frontSocketSoSndbuf;

    public int getBacksocketsorcvbuf() {
        return backSocketSoRcvbuf;

    public int getBacksocketsosndbuf() {
        return backSocketSoSndbuf;

    public int getClusterHeartbeatRetry() {
        return clusterHeartbeatRetry;

    public void setClusterHeartbeatRetry(int clusterHeartbeatRetry) {
        this.clusterHeartbeatRetry = clusterHeartbeatRetry;

    public int getTxIsolation() {
        return txIsolation;

    public void setTxIsolation(int txIsolation) {
        this.txIsolation = txIsolation;

    public int getParserCommentVersion() {
        return parserCommentVersion;

    public void setParserCommentVersion(int parserCommentVersion) {
        this.parserCommentVersion = parserCommentVersion;

    public int getSqlRecordCount() {
        return sqlRecordCount;

    public void setSqlRecordCount(int sqlRecordCount) {
        this.sqlRecordCount = sqlRecordCount;

    public int getProcessorBufferPool() {
        return processorBufferPool;

    public void setProcessorBufferPool(int processorBufferPool) {
        this.processorBufferPool = processorBufferPool;

    public int getProcessorBufferChunk() {
        return processorBufferChunk;

    public void setProcessorBufferChunk(int processorBufferChunk) {
        this.processorBufferChunk = processorBufferChunk;

    public int getFrontSocketSoRcvbuf() {
        return frontSocketSoRcvbuf;

    public void setFrontSocketSoRcvbuf(int frontSocketSoRcvbuf) {
        this.frontSocketSoRcvbuf = frontSocketSoRcvbuf;

    public int getFrontSocketSoSndbuf() {
        return frontSocketSoSndbuf;

    public void setFrontSocketSoSndbuf(int frontSocketSoSndbuf) {
        this.frontSocketSoSndbuf = frontSocketSoSndbuf;

    public int getBackSocketSoRcvbuf() {
        return backSocketSoRcvbuf;

    public void setBackSocketSoRcvbuf(int backSocketSoRcvbuf) {
        this.backSocketSoRcvbuf = backSocketSoRcvbuf;

    public int getBackSocketSoSndbuf() {
        return backSocketSoSndbuf;

    public void setBackSocketSoSndbuf(int backSocketSoSndbuf) {
        this.backSocketSoSndbuf = backSocketSoSndbuf;

    public int getFrontSocketNoDelay() {
        return frontSocketNoDelay;

    public void setFrontSocketNoDelay(int frontSocketNoDelay) {
        this.frontSocketNoDelay = frontSocketNoDelay;

    public int getBackSocketNoDelay() {
        return backSocketNoDelay;

    public void setBackSocketNoDelay(int backSocketNoDelay) {
        this.backSocketNoDelay = backSocketNoDelay;

    public int getMaxStringLiteralLength() {
        return maxStringLiteralLength;

    public void setMaxStringLiteralLength(int maxStringLiteralLength) {
        this.maxStringLiteralLength = maxStringLiteralLength;

    public int getMutiNodeLimitType() {
        return mutiNodeLimitType;

    public void setMutiNodeLimitType(int mutiNodeLimitType) {
        this.mutiNodeLimitType = mutiNodeLimitType;

    public int getMutiNodePatchSize() {
        return mutiNodePatchSize;

    public void setMutiNodePatchSize(int mutiNodePatchSize) {
        this.mutiNodePatchSize = mutiNodePatchSize;

    public int getProcessorBufferLocalPercent() {
        return processorBufferLocalPercent;

    public void setProcessorBufferLocalPercent(int processorBufferLocalPercent) {
        this.processorBufferLocalPercent = processorBufferLocalPercent;

    public int getUsingAIO() {
        return usingAIO;

    public void setUsingAIO(int usingAIO) {
        this.usingAIO = usingAIO;

    public String toString() {
        return "SystemConfig [processorBufferLocalPercent=" + processorBufferLocalPercent + ", frontSocketSoRcvbuf="
                + frontSocketSoRcvbuf + ", frontSocketSoSndbuf=" + frontSocketSoSndbuf + ", backSocketSoRcvbuf="
                + backSocketSoRcvbuf + ", backSocketSoSndbuf=" + backSocketSoSndbuf + ", frontSocketNoDelay="
                + frontSocketNoDelay + ", backSocketNoDelay=" + backSocketNoDelay + ", maxStringLiteralLength="
                + maxStringLiteralLength + ", frontWriteQueueSize=" + frontWriteQueueSize + ", bindIp=" + bindIp
                + ", serverPort=" + serverPort + ", managerPort=" + managerPort + ", charset=" + charset
                + ", processors=" + processors + ", processorExecutor=" + processorExecutor + ", timerExecutor="
                + timerExecutor + ", managerExecutor=" + managerExecutor + ", idleTimeout=" + idleTimeout
                + ", sqlExecuteTimeout=" + sqlExecuteTimeout + ", processorCheckPeriod=" + processorCheckPeriod
                + ", dataNodeIdleCheckPeriod=" + dataNodeIdleCheckPeriod + ", dataNodeHeartbeatPeriod="
                + dataNodeHeartbeatPeriod + ", clusterHeartbeatUser=" + clusterHeartbeatUser
                + ", clusterHeartbeatPass=" + clusterHeartbeatPass + ", clusterHeartbeatPeriod="
                + clusterHeartbeatPeriod + ", clusterHeartbeatTimeout=" + clusterHeartbeatTimeout
                + ", clusterHeartbeatRetry=" + clusterHeartbeatRetry + ", txIsolation=" + txIsolation
                + ", parserCommentVersion=" + parserCommentVersion + ", sqlRecordCount=" + sqlRecordCount
                + ", processorBufferPool=" + processorBufferPool + ", processorBufferChunk=" + processorBufferChunk
                + ", defaultMaxLimit=" + defaultMaxLimit + ", sequnceHandlerType=" + sequnceHandlerType
                + ", sqlInterceptor=" + sqlInterceptor + ", mutiNodeLimitType=" + mutiNodeLimitType
                + ", mutiNodePatchSize=" + mutiNodePatchSize + ", defaultSqlParser=" + defaultSqlParser
                + ", usingAIO=" + usingAIO + ", packetHeaderSize=" + packetHeaderSize + ", maxPacketSize="
                + maxPacketSize + "]";
