Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2011 - 2013 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.opencds.knowledgeRepository; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import javax.xml.bind.Marshaller; import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.omg.dss.DSSRuntimeExceptionFault; import org.omg.dss.InvalidDriDataFormatExceptionFault; import org.omg.dss.common.EntityIdentifier; import org.opencds.common.structures.KnowledgeBaseObject; import org.opencds.common.terminology.OpenCDSConceptTypes; import org.opencds.common.utilities.DSSUtility; import org.opencds.common.utilities.DateUtility; import org.opencds.common.utilities.FileUtility; import org.opencds.common.utilities.WriteUtility; import org.opencds.common.xml.XmlConverter; import org.opencds.common.xml.XmlEntity; import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; public class SimpleKnowledgeRepository { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SimpleKnowledgeRepository.class); private static FileUtility myFu = FileUtility.getInstance(); private static boolean isSimpleKrInitialized = false; private static ConcurrentMap<String, Integer> myCacheCountsMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer>(); private static ConcurrentMap<String, EntityIdentifier> myKMIdToSSIdMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, EntityIdentifier>(); // key = String containing requested knowledge module id, as [scopingEntityId]^[businessId]^[version], // target = SSId required private static ConcurrentMap<String, String> mySSIdToUnmarshallerClassNameMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(); // key = String containing requested semantic signifier id, as [scopingEntityId]^[businessId]^[version], // target = className to process unmarshalling of input private static ConcurrentMap<String, JAXBContext> myUnmarshallerToJaxBContextCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, JAXBContext>(); // key = String containing required unmarshaller fully qualified className as String for required semantic signifier, // target = JaxBContext for that unmarshaller private static ConcurrentMap<String, JAXBContext> myPayloadCreatorNameToJaxBContextCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, JAXBContext>(); // key = String containing OpenCDS class name to process building output payload and marshalling the output, // target = JaxBContext for that payloadCreator private static ConcurrentMap<String, String> mySSIdToPayloadCreatorMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(); // key = String containing requested semantic signifier id, as [scopingEntityId]^[businessId]^[version], // target = OpenCDS class name to process marshalling of output private static ConcurrentMap<String, String> myKMIdToInferenceEngineAdapterMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(); // key = String containing requested knowledge module id, as [scopingEntityId]^[businessId]^[version], // target = className to process request private static ConcurrentMap<String, String> myKMIdToPrimaryProcessNameMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(); // key = String containing requested knowledge module id, as [scopingEntityId]^[businessId]^[version], // target = primary process name if the KM uses BPMN. If empty and Drools uses BPMN, then will default to "PrimaryProcess" private static ConcurrentMap<String, List<String>> myKMIdToSupportedOperationsMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, List<String>>(); // key = String containing requested knowledge module id, as [scopingEntityId]^[businessId]^[version], // target = String[] of supported operations private static ConcurrentMap<String, List<String>> myExecutionEngineToSupportedOperationsMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, List<String>>(); // key = String containing fully qualified java package name of executionEngine, // target = String[] of supported operations /** * following maps are part of SimpleTerminologyManager, since they are part of terminology services */ private static ConcurrentMap<String, String> myCodeSystemOIDtoCodeSystemDisplayNameMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(); // key = String containing OID, target = displayName for OID private static ArrayList<String> myOpenCdsCodeSystemOIDs = new ArrayList<String>(); private static ArrayList<String> myOpenCdsConceptTypes = new ArrayList<String>(); private static ConcurrentMap<String, String> myCodeSystemOIDtoApelonNamespaceName = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(); private static ConcurrentMap<String, String> myApelonNamespaceNameToCodeSystemOID = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(); private static ConcurrentMap<String, Boolean> myCodeSystemOIDtoIsOntylog = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Boolean>(); // true if Ontylog, false otherwise /** * Following maps are used in caching objects that are expensive to recreate */ private static ConcurrentMap<String, KnowledgeBaseObject> myKnowledgeBaseCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, KnowledgeBaseObject>(); // key = String containing KMID, // target = KnowledgeBaseObject containing: <KnowledgeBase>Object, useCount, timeStamp // constructor receives only KnowledgeBase, and sets useCount to 0, and timeStamp to now. // setUseCount method on KBO takes no parameters, increments useCount, and sets timeStamp to now. private static ConcurrentMap<String, Object> myInboundPayloadProcessorClassNameToInstanceCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object>(); // key = String containing fully qualified className of required inbound payload processing class instance, // target = Instance of class to process inbound payload of type IPayloadInbound2Internal private static ConcurrentMap<String, Unmarshaller> myUnmarshallerClassNameToUnmarshallerInstanceCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Unmarshaller>(); // key = String containing required XML unmarshaller fully qualified className as String, // target = Instance of class to do XML unmarshalling of input of type Unmarshaller private static ConcurrentMap<String, Object> myPayloadCreatorNameToInstanceCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object>(); // key = String containing OpenCDS class name to process building output payload and marshalling the output, // target = OpenCDS object to process marshalling of output private static ConcurrentMap<String, Marshaller> myPayloadCreatorClassNameToMarshallerInstanceCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Marshaller>(); // key = String containing OpenCDS class name to process building output payload and marshalling the output, // target = Instance of class to process marshalling of output public static synchronized boolean isKnowledgeRepositoryInitialized() { return SimpleKnowledgeRepository.isSimpleKrInitialized; } protected static synchronized void setKnowledgeRepositoryInitialized(boolean value) { SimpleKnowledgeRepository.isSimpleKrInitialized = value; } protected SimpleKnowledgeRepository(String fullPathToKRData) throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault { initialize(fullPathToKRData); } public static void setFullPathToKRData(String path) throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault { initialize(path); } protected static String fullPathToKRData = "notYetInitialized"; protected static void initialize(String submittedFullPathToKRData) throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault { String startTime = DateUtility.getInstance().getDateAsString(new Date(), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"); System.out.println(); System.out.println( startTime + " <<< Initializing OpenCDS SimpleKnowledgeRepository at " + fullPathToKRData + " >>>"); // save the fullPathToKRData where we can use it. fullPathToKRData = submittedFullPathToKRData.trim(); // add a trailing / if it is missing... if (!"/".equals(fullPathToKRData.substring(fullPathToKRData.length()))) { fullPathToKRData = fullPathToKRData + "/"; }"Path to SimpleKnowledgeRepository data: " + fullPathToKRData); // read executionEngines resource String executionEngines = ""; try { executionEngines = getResourceAsString("resourceAttributes", "openCdsExecutionEngines.xml"); } catch (DSSRuntimeExceptionFault e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); throw new DSSRuntimeExceptionFault( "SimpleKnowledgeRepository failed to getResourceAsString('resourceAttributes','openCdsExecutionEngines.xml': " + e1.getCause()); } XmlEntity executionEnginesRootEntity = null; try { executionEnginesRootEntity = XmlConverter.getInstance().unmarshalXml(executionEngines, false, null); } catch (SAXParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new DSSRuntimeExceptionFault( "SimpleKnowledgeRepository failed to unmarshall openCdsExecutionEngines.xml " + executionEngines + " " + e.getCause()); } // load executionEngine array List<XmlEntity> executionEngineList = executionEnginesRootEntity.getChildrenWithLabel("executionEngine"); for (XmlEntity executionEngine : executionEngineList) { // load kmId supported operations String engineName = executionEngine.getAttributeValue("name"); String logEngine = engineName; List<String> supportedDSSOperationStringList = new ArrayList<String>(); Set<String> supportedOps = executionEngine.getAttributeLabels(); Iterator<String> it = supportedOps.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String thisSupportedOperationName =; String thisSupportedOperationValue = executionEngine.getAttributeValue(thisSupportedOperationName); if ("true".equals(thisSupportedOperationValue)) { supportedDSSOperationStringList.add(thisSupportedOperationName); logEngine = logEngine + ", " + thisSupportedOperationName; } } log.debug("Execution Engine: " + logEngine + ", name: " + engineName); myExecutionEngineToSupportedOperationsMap.put(engineName, supportedDSSOperationStringList); } // read semanticSignifiers resource String semanticSignifiers = ""; try { semanticSignifiers = getResourceAsString("resourceAttributes", "semanticSignifiers.xml"); } catch (DSSRuntimeExceptionFault e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); throw new DSSRuntimeExceptionFault( "SimpleKnowledgeRepository failed to getResourceAsString('resourceAttributes','semanticSignifiers.xml': " + e1.getCause()); } XmlEntity semanticSignifiersRootEntity = null; try { semanticSignifiersRootEntity = XmlConverter.getInstance().unmarshalXml(semanticSignifiers, false, null); } catch (SAXParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new DSSRuntimeExceptionFault( "SimpleKnowledgeRepository failed to unmarshall semanticSignifiers.xml " + executionEngines + " " + e.getCause()); } // load SSID arrays List<XmlEntity> semanticSignifierList = semanticSignifiersRootEntity .getChildrenWithLabel("semanticSignifier"); for (XmlEntity semanticSignifier : semanticSignifierList) { // load ssid supported operations XmlEntity dataModelElement = semanticSignifier.getFirstChildWithLabel("dataModel"); String dataModel = dataModelElement.getValue(); XmlEntity unmarshalClassName = semanticSignifier.getFirstChildWithLabel("unmarshalClass"); mySSIdToUnmarshallerClassNameMap.put(dataModel, unmarshalClassName.getValue()); XmlEntity marshalClassName = semanticSignifier.getFirstChildWithLabel("marshalClass"); mySSIdToPayloadCreatorMap.put(dataModel, marshalClassName.getValue()); log.debug("SSID: " + dataModel + ", marshalClassName: " + marshalClassName); } // read knowledgeModules String knowledgeModules = ""; try { knowledgeModules = getResourceAsString("resourceAttributes", "knowledgeModules.xml"); } catch (DSSRuntimeExceptionFault e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); throw new DSSRuntimeExceptionFault( "SimpleKnowledgeRepository failed to getResourceAsString('resourceAttributes','knowledgeModules.xml': " + e1.getCause()); } XmlEntity kmMetadataRootEntity = null; try { kmMetadataRootEntity = XmlConverter.getInstance().unmarshalXml(knowledgeModules, false, null); } catch (SAXParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new DSSRuntimeExceptionFault( "SimpleKnowledgeRepository failed to unmarshall knowledgeModules.xml " + knowledgeModules + " " + e.getCause()); } // load km arrays List<XmlEntity> kmMetadataList = kmMetadataRootEntity.getChildrenWithLabel("kmMetadata"); for (XmlEntity kmMetadata : kmMetadataList) { // load kmId to dataModel map XmlEntity identifier = kmMetadata.getFirstChildWithLabel("identifier"); String kmId = identifier.getAttributeValue("scopingEntityId") + "^" + identifier.getAttributeValue("businessId") + "^" + identifier.getAttributeValue("version"); XmlEntity dataModel = kmMetadata.getFirstChildWithLabel("dataModel"); EntityIdentifier dataModelEI = DSSUtility.makeEI(dataModel.getValue()); myKMIdToSSIdMap.put(kmId, dataModelEI); // load kmId to inference engine adapter map XmlEntity executionEngine = kmMetadata.getFirstChildWithLabel("executionEngine"); myKMIdToInferenceEngineAdapterMap.put(kmId, executionEngine.getValue()); // load kmId to primary process name map XmlEntity knowledgeModulePrimaryProcessName = kmMetadata .getFirstChildWithLabel("knowledgeModulePrimaryProcessName"); if ((knowledgeModulePrimaryProcessName != null) && (knowledgeModulePrimaryProcessName.getValue() != null) && !("".equals(knowledgeModulePrimaryProcessName.getValue()))) { myKMIdToPrimaryProcessNameMap.put(kmId, knowledgeModulePrimaryProcessName.getValue()); } else { myKMIdToPrimaryProcessNameMap.put(kmId, ""); } // load kmId to supported operations map if (myExecutionEngineToSupportedOperationsMap.get(executionEngine) != null) { myKMIdToSupportedOperationsMap.put(kmId, myExecutionEngineToSupportedOperationsMap.get(executionEngine)); log.debug("KMiD: " + kmId); } } // private HashMap<String, String> myCodeSystemOIDtoCodeSystemDisplayNameMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); // // key = String containing OID, target = displayName for OID // read codeSystem String codeSystems = ""; try { codeSystems = getResourceAsString("resourceAttributes", "openCDSCodeSystems.xml"); } catch (DSSRuntimeExceptionFault e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); throw new DSSRuntimeExceptionFault( "SimpleKnowledgeRepository failed to getResourceAsString('resourceAttributes','openCDSCodeSystems.xml': " + e1.getCause()); } XmlEntity codeSystemsRootEntity = null; try { codeSystemsRootEntity = XmlConverter.getInstance().unmarshalXml(codeSystems, false, null); } catch (SAXParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new DSSRuntimeExceptionFault( "SimpleKnowledgeRepository failed to unmarshall openCDSCodeSystems.xml " + codeSystems + " " + e.getCause()); } // load codeSystem arrays List<XmlEntity> codeSystemsList = codeSystemsRootEntity.getChildrenWithLabel("codeSystem"); for (XmlEntity codeSystem : codeSystemsList) { // load oid to codeSystemName map String oid = codeSystem.getAttributeValue("codeSystemOID"); String name = codeSystem.getAttributeValue("codeSystemDisplayName"); String apelonNamespace = codeSystem.getAttributeValue("apelonNamespaceName"); boolean isOntylog = "true".equals(codeSystem.getAttributeValue("isApelonOntylog")); myCodeSystemOIDtoCodeSystemDisplayNameMap.put(oid, name); if (apelonNamespace != null) { myCodeSystemOIDtoApelonNamespaceName.put(oid, apelonNamespace); myApelonNamespaceNameToCodeSystemOID.put(apelonNamespace, oid); } myCodeSystemOIDtoIsOntylog.put(oid, isOntylog); //load OIDs myOpenCdsCodeSystemOIDs.add(oid); log.debug("OpenCDSCodeSystems: " + oid + ", name: " + name); } // load codeSystem arrays List<String> conceptTypesList = OpenCDSConceptTypes.getOpenCdsConceptTypes();//conceptTypesRootEntity.getChildrenWithLabel("ConceptType"); for (String conceptType : conceptTypesList) { // load concepts myOpenCdsConceptTypes.add(conceptType); log.trace("OpenCDSConceptTypes: " + conceptType); } String initTime = DateUtility.getInstance().getDateAsString(new Date(), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"); System.out.println(initTime + " <<< OpenCDS SimpleKnowledgeRepository Initialized >>>"); System.out.println(); setKnowledgeRepositoryInitialized(true); } public static ConcurrentMap<String, Integer> getCacheCounts() throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault { //HashMap<String, Integer> cacheCounts = new int cnt; cnt = myInboundPayloadProcessorClassNameToInstanceCache.size(); myCacheCountsMap.put("myInboundPayloadProcessorClassNameToInstanceCache", new Integer(cnt)); cnt = myUnmarshallerClassNameToUnmarshallerInstanceCache.size(); myCacheCountsMap.put("myUnmarshallerClassNameToUnmarshallerInstanceCache", new Integer(cnt)); cnt = myPayloadCreatorNameToInstanceCache.size(); myCacheCountsMap.put("myPayloadCreatorNameToInstanceCache", new Integer(cnt)); cnt = myPayloadCreatorClassNameToMarshallerInstanceCache.size(); myCacheCountsMap.put("myPayloadCreatorClassNameToMarshallerInstanceCache", new Integer(cnt)); cnt = myKnowledgeBaseCache.size(); myCacheCountsMap.put("myKnowledgeBaseCache", new Integer(cnt)); // cnt = myKMIdToSSIdMap.size(); // myCacheCountsMap.put("myKMIdToSSIdMap", new Integer(cnt)); // cnt = mySSIdToUnmarshallerClassNameMap.size(); // myCacheCountsMap.put("mySSIdToUnmarshallerClassNameMap", new Integer(cnt)); // cnt = myUnmarshallerToJaxBContextCache.size(); // myCacheCountsMap.put("myUnmarshallerToJaxBContextCache", new Integer(cnt)); // cnt = mySSIdToPayloadCreatorMap.size(); // myCacheCountsMap.put("mySSIdToPayloadCreatorMap", new Integer(cnt)); // cnt = myPayloadCreatorNameToJaxBContextCache.size(); // myCacheCountsMap.put("myPayloadCreatorNameToJaxBContextCache", new Integer(cnt)); // cnt = myKMIdToInferenceEngineAdapterMap.size(); // myCacheCountsMap.put("myKMIdToInferenceEngineAdapterMap", new Integer(cnt)); // cnt = myKMIdToPrimaryProcessNameMap.size(); // myCacheCountsMap.put("myKMIdToPrimaryProcessNameMap", new Integer(cnt)); // cnt = myKMIdToSupportedOperationsMap.size(); // myCacheCountsMap.put("myKMIdToSupportedOperationsMap", new Integer(cnt)); // cnt = myExecutionEngineToSupportedOperationsMap.size(); // myCacheCountsMap.put("myExecutionEngineToSupportedOperationsMap", new Integer(cnt)); // cnt = myCodeSystemOIDtoCodeSystemDisplayNameMap.size(); // myCacheCountsMap.put("myCodeSystemOIDtoCodeSystemDisplayNameMap", new Integer(cnt)); // cnt = myOpenCdsCodeSystemOIDs.size(); // myCacheCountsMap.put("myOpenCdsCodeSystemOIDs", new Integer(cnt)); // cnt = myOpenCdsConceptTypes.size(); // myCacheCountsMap.put("myOpenCdsConceptTypes", new Integer(cnt)); // cnt = myCodeSystemOIDtoApelonNamespaceName.size(); // myCacheCountsMap.put("myCodeSystemOIDtoApelonNamespaceName", new Integer(cnt)); // cnt = myApelonNamespaceNameToCodeSystemOID.size(); // myCacheCountsMap.put("myApelonNamespaceNameToCodeSystemOID", new Integer(cnt)); // cnt = myCodeSystemOIDtoIsOntylog.size(); // myCacheCountsMap.put("myCodeSystemOIDtoIsOntylog", new Integer(cnt)); return SimpleKnowledgeRepository.myCacheCountsMap; } public static void putKnowledgeBaseCache(String kmid, Object knowledgeBaseObject) { KnowledgeBaseObject kbo = new KnowledgeBaseObject(knowledgeBaseObject); myKnowledgeBaseCache.putIfAbsent(kmid, kbo); } public static Object getKnowledgeBaseCache(String kmid) { if (myKnowledgeBaseCache.get(kmid) == null) { return null; } else { return myKnowledgeBaseCache.get(kmid).getKnowledgeBaseObject(); } } public static synchronized Map<String, Long> getKnowledgeBaseCacheUseCounts() { HashMap<String, Long> useCountMap = new HashMap<String, Long>(); for (String oneKmid : myKnowledgeBaseCache.keySet()) { useCountMap.put(oneKmid, Long.valueOf(myKnowledgeBaseCache.get(oneKmid).getUseCount())); } return useCountMap; } public static synchronized Map<String, java.util.Date> getKnowledgeBaseCacheTimeStamps() { HashMap<String, java.util.Date> timeStamps = new HashMap<String, java.util.Date>(); for (String oneKmid : myKnowledgeBaseCache.keySet()) { timeStamps.put(oneKmid, myKnowledgeBaseCache.get(oneKmid).getTimeStamp()); } return timeStamps; } public static synchronized void removeOldKnowledgeBaseCaches(java.util.Date destroyDate) { for (String oneKmid : myKnowledgeBaseCache.keySet()) { if (destroyDate.after(myKnowledgeBaseCache.get(oneKmid).getTimeStamp())) { myKnowledgeBaseCache.remove(oneKmid); } } } public static synchronized void keepBusiestKnowledgeBaseCachesAndDestroyRemainder(int topNumberToKeep) { int cacheSize = myKnowledgeBaseCache.keySet().size(); if (cacheSize <= topNumberToKeep) { return; } long[] useCounts = new long[cacheSize]; int i = 0; for (String oneKmid : myKnowledgeBaseCache.keySet()) { long oneUseCount = myKnowledgeBaseCache.get(oneKmid).getUseCount(); i++; useCounts[i] = oneUseCount; } Arrays.sort(useCounts, 0, useCounts.length - 1); long topNumberCount = useCounts[useCounts.length - topNumberToKeep - 1]; //following code may leave more than the topNumberToKeep if there are // multiple KBs in the cache with the same number of hits... for (String oneKmid : myKnowledgeBaseCache.keySet()) { long oneUseCount = myKnowledgeBaseCache.get(oneKmid).getUseCount(); if (oneUseCount < topNumberCount) { myKnowledgeBaseCache.remove(oneKmid); } } } public static synchronized void flushAllKnowledgeBaseCaches() { myKnowledgeBaseCache.clear(); } public static synchronized void flushThisKnowledgeBaseCache(String kmid) { myKnowledgeBaseCache.remove(kmid); } public static synchronized Object getRequiredInboundPayloadProcessorInstanceCache(String ssid) throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault, InvalidDriDataFormatExceptionFault //Object for unmarshallerInstance should be cast when it is used to IPayloadUnmarshaller { Object inboundPayloadProcessorInstance = myInboundPayloadProcessorClassNameToInstanceCache.get(ssid); if (inboundPayloadProcessorInstance == null) { log.debug("SSID: " + ssid + " inboundPayloadProcessor creation"); String requiredPayloadInboundProcessorName = getRequiredOpenCDSUnmarshallerClassNameForSSID(ssid); if ((requiredPayloadInboundProcessorName == null) || ("".equals(requiredPayloadInboundProcessorName))) { throw new InvalidDriDataFormatExceptionFault("OpenCDS does not recognize unmarshaller class '" + requiredPayloadInboundProcessorName + "' for SSId='" + ssid + "', and cannot continue"); } Class<?> c = null; try { c = Class.forName(requiredPayloadInboundProcessorName); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); throw new InvalidDriDataFormatExceptionFault("OpenCDS unable to find payload processor class '" + requiredPayloadInboundProcessorName + "' for SSId='" + ssid + "', and cannot continue."); } try { inboundPayloadProcessorInstance = c.newInstance(); //putRequiredInboundPayloadProcessorInstanceCache(ssid, payloadInboundProcessor); myInboundPayloadProcessorClassNameToInstanceCache.putIfAbsent(ssid, inboundPayloadProcessorInstance); } catch (InstantiationException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); throw new InvalidDriDataFormatExceptionFault("OpenCDS unable to instantiate payload processor '" + requiredPayloadInboundProcessorName + "' for SSId='" + ssid + "', and cannot continue."); } catch (IllegalAccessException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); throw new InvalidDriDataFormatExceptionFault( "OpenCDS received IllegalAccessException for payload processor '" + requiredPayloadInboundProcessorName + "' for SSId='" + ssid + "', and cannot continue."); } log.debug("SSID" + ssid + " inboundPayloadProcessor created and returned"); return inboundPayloadProcessorInstance; } else { log.debug("SSID" + ssid + " inboundPayloadProcessor returned from cache"); return inboundPayloadProcessorInstance; } } //deprecated // public void putRequiredInboundPayloadProcessorInstanceCache( String ssid, Object inboundPayloadProcessorInstance ) throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault // //Object for unmarshallerInstance should be cast when it is used to IPayloadUnmarshaller // { // myInboundPayloadProcessorClassNameToInstanceCache.putIfAbsent(ssid, inboundPayloadProcessorInstance); // } public static synchronized Unmarshaller getRequiredUnmarshallerInstanceForUnmarshallerClassCache(String ssid) throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault //Object for unmarshallerInstance should be cast when it is used to IPayloadUnmarshaller { Unmarshaller unmarshallerInstance = myUnmarshallerClassNameToUnmarshallerInstanceCache.get(ssid); if (unmarshallerInstance == null) { log.debug(ssid + ": creating unmarshaller instance in cache"); try { unmarshallerInstance = getRequiredJAXBContextForUnmarshallerClassCache(ssid).createUnmarshaller(); } catch (JAXBException e) { throw new DSSRuntimeExceptionFault( "requested Unmarshaller for SSID: " + ssid + " created JAXBException: " + e.getMessage()); } myUnmarshallerClassNameToUnmarshallerInstanceCache.putIfAbsent(ssid, unmarshallerInstance); return unmarshallerInstance; } else { log.debug(ssid + ": using unmarshaller instance from cache"); return unmarshallerInstance; } } //deprecated // public static void putRequiredUnmarshallerInstanceForUnmarshallerClassCache( String ssid, Unmarshaller unmarshallerInstance ) throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault // //Object for unmarshallerInstance should be cast when it is used to IPayloadUnmarshaller // { // log.debug(ssid + ": storing unmarshaller instance in cache"); // myUnmarshallerClassNameToUnmarshallerInstanceCache.putIfAbsent(ssid, unmarshallerInstance); // } public static synchronized Object getPayloadCreatorInstanceForClassNameCache(String className) throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault { Object payloadCreator = myPayloadCreatorNameToInstanceCache.get(className); if (payloadCreator == null) { log.debug(className + ": creating payloadCreator instance"); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Class c; try { c = Class.forName(className); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e1) { throw new DSSRuntimeExceptionFault("requested Payload Creator name does not exist: " + className); } try { payloadCreator = c.newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new DSSRuntimeExceptionFault( "requested Payload Creator InstantiationException: " + className + ", " + e.getMessage()); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new DSSRuntimeExceptionFault( "requested Payload Creator IllegalAccessException: " + className + ", " + e.getMessage()); } myPayloadCreatorNameToInstanceCache.putIfAbsent(className, payloadCreator); return payloadCreator; } else { log.debug(className + ": using payloadCreator instance from cache"); return payloadCreator; } } //deprecated // public void putPayloadCreatorInstanceForClassNameCache( String className, Object payloadCreator ) throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault // { // myPayloadCreatorNameToInstanceCache.putIfAbsent( className, payloadCreator); // } public static synchronized Marshaller getRequiredMarshallerInstanceForMarshallerClassCache(String className, JAXBContext jaxbContext) throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault { Marshaller marshallerInstance = myPayloadCreatorClassNameToMarshallerInstanceCache.get(className); if (marshallerInstance == null) { log.debug(className + ": creating marshaller instance"); try { marshallerInstance = jaxbContext.createMarshaller(); marshallerInstance.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, Boolean.TRUE); marshallerInstance.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_ENCODING, "UTF-8"); } catch (JAXBException e) { throw new DSSRuntimeExceptionFault("requested Marshaller for className: " + className + " created JAXBException: " + e.getMessage()); } myPayloadCreatorClassNameToMarshallerInstanceCache.putIfAbsent(className, marshallerInstance); return marshallerInstance; } else { log.debug(className + ": using marshaller instance from cache"); return marshallerInstance; } } //deprecated // public void putRequiredMarshallerInstanceForMarshallerClassCache( String className, Marshaller marshallerInstance ) throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault // { // myPayloadCreatorClassNameToMarshallerInstanceCache.putIfAbsent( className, marshallerInstance); // } public static synchronized JAXBContext getRequiredJAXBContextForUnmarshallerClassCache(String ssid) throws JAXBException { JAXBContext jaxbContextUnmarshallerInstance = myUnmarshallerToJaxBContextCache.get(ssid); if (jaxbContextUnmarshallerInstance == null) { log.debug(ssid + ": creating jaxbContextUnmarshallerInstance in cache"); jaxbContextUnmarshallerInstance = JAXBContext.newInstance("org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema"); myUnmarshallerToJaxBContextCache.putIfAbsent(ssid, jaxbContextUnmarshallerInstance); return jaxbContextUnmarshallerInstance; } else { log.debug(ssid + ": using jaxbContextUnmarshallerInstance from cache"); return jaxbContextUnmarshallerInstance; } } //deprecated // public static void putRequiredJAXBContextForUnmarshallerClassCache( String className, JAXBContext jaxbContext ) throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault // { // log.debug(className + ": putting jaxbContextUnmarshallerInstance into cache"); // myUnmarshallerToJaxBContextCache.putIfAbsent( className, jaxbContext ); // } public static synchronized JAXBContext getRequiredJAXBContextForMarshallerClassCache(String className) throws JAXBException { // if (myPayloadCreatorNameToJaxBContextCache.get( className ) == null) { // return null; // } else { // JAXBContext jaxbInstance = myPayloadCreatorNameToJaxBContextCache.get( className ); // return jaxbInstance; // } JAXBContext jaxbContextMarshallerInstance = myPayloadCreatorNameToJaxBContextCache.get(className); if (jaxbContextMarshallerInstance == null) { log.debug(className + ": creating jaxbContextMarshallerInstance in cache"); jaxbContextMarshallerInstance = JAXBContext.newInstance("org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema"); myPayloadCreatorNameToJaxBContextCache.putIfAbsent(className, jaxbContextMarshallerInstance); return jaxbContextMarshallerInstance; } else { log.debug(className + ": using jaxbContextMarshallerInstance from cache"); return jaxbContextMarshallerInstance; } } //deprecated // public static void putRequiredJAXBContextForMarshallerClassCache( String className, JAXBContext jaxbInstance ) throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault // { // log.debug(className + ": putting jaxbContextMarshallerInstance into cache"); // myPayloadCreatorNameToJaxBContextCache.putIfAbsent( className, jaxbInstance); // } public static synchronized String getRequiredPayloadCreatorForSSID(String ssid) throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault { if (mySSIdToPayloadCreatorMap.get(ssid) == null) { throw new DSSRuntimeExceptionFault("requested SSID does not exist: " + ssid); } String className = mySSIdToPayloadCreatorMap.get(ssid); log.debug(ssid + ": using payload creator name instance from cache"); return className; } public static void putRequiredPayloadCreatorForSSID(String ssid, String className) throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault { log.debug(ssid + ": creating instance of payload creator name: " + className); mySSIdToPayloadCreatorMap.putIfAbsent(ssid, className); } /** * @param ssid * @return * @throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault */ public static synchronized String getRequiredOpenCDSUnmarshallerClassNameForSSID(String ssid) throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault { if (mySSIdToUnmarshallerClassNameMap.get(ssid) == null) { throw new DSSRuntimeExceptionFault("requested SSID does not exist: " + ssid); } String unmarshaller = mySSIdToUnmarshallerClassNameMap.get(ssid); return unmarshaller; } /** * code to lookup required SSId for KMId from hard-coded map in this module * - is loaded by knowledge repository getResourceAttribute(KMId, "SSID") * * @param kmid = name of the knowledge module requested in the DSS request * @return String = name of the Semantic Signifier for the data structure required by the knowledge module */ public static final String getRequiredSSIdForKMId(String kmid) { EntityIdentifier ssid = myKMIdToSSIdMap.get(kmid); log.debug(kmid + ": getRequiredSSIdForKMId from cache"); return DSSUtility.makeEIString(ssid); } /** * code to lookup required inference engine for KMId from hard-coded map in this module * - is loaded by knowledge repository getResourceAttribute(KMId, "InferenceEngine") * * @param kmid = name of the knowledge module requested in the DSS request * @return String = name of class which functions as an adapter to a specific inference engine which is required by the knowledge module * @throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault */ public static final String getRequiredInferenceEngineAdapterClasspathNameForKMId(String kmid) throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault { if ((myKMIdToInferenceEngineAdapterMap == null) || (myKMIdToInferenceEngineAdapterMap.size() == 0)) { throw new DSSRuntimeExceptionFault( "OpenCDS error - probably called 'getRequiredInferenceEngineAdapterForKMId(" + kmid + ")' before SimpleKnowledgeRepository was initialized with the fullPath to the run-time KRData."); } return myKMIdToInferenceEngineAdapterMap.get(kmid); } /** * code to lookup required inference engine for KMId from hard-coded map in this module * - is loaded by knowledge repository getResourceAttribute(KMId, "InferenceEngine") * * @param kmid = name of the knowledge module requested in the DSS request * @return String = name of class which functions as an adapter to a specific inference engine which is required by the knowledge module * @throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault */ public static final String getRequiredKMPrimaryProcessNameForKMId(String kmid) throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault { if ((myKMIdToPrimaryProcessNameMap == null) || (myKMIdToPrimaryProcessNameMap.size() == 0)) { // throw new DSSRuntimeExceptionFault("OpenCDS error - called 'getRequiredInferenceEngineAdapterForKMId(" + kmid // + ")' before SimpleKnowledgeRepository was initialized with the fullPath to the run-time KRData."); return ""; } else { return myKMIdToPrimaryProcessNameMap.get(kmid); } } /** * Interim code to get knowledge module given the KMId from a file... * - will be replaced by knowledge repository getKM(KMId) * * @param kmid = name of the knowledge module requested in the DSS request * @return Object = knowledgeModule containing the actual executable rules which can be run on the inference engine * @throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault */ // public static synchronized Object getRequiredKMByKMId( String kmid ) throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault // { // throw new DSSRuntimeExceptionFault("Called 'getRequiredKMByKMId' with kmid='" + kmid // + "', and this routine is not yet implemented."); // //TODO complete this routine... //// Object knowledgeModule = new Object(); //// return knowledgeModule; // } /** * @param kmid * @return * @throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault */ // public static synchronized Object getSupportedOperationsByKMId( String kmid ) throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault // { // throw new DSSRuntimeExceptionFault("Called 'getSupportedOperationsByKMId' with kmid='" + kmid // + "', and this routine is not yet implemented."); // //TODO complete this routine... //// Object knowledgeModule = new Object(); //// return knowledgeModule; // } /** * @return */ public static final ArrayList<String> getOpenCdsConceptTypes() { return myOpenCdsConceptTypes; } /** * @return */ public static final ArrayList<String> getOpenCdsCodeSystemOIDs() { return myOpenCdsCodeSystemOIDs; } /** * @param oid * @return */ public static final String getCodeSystemName(String oid) { return myCodeSystemOIDtoCodeSystemDisplayNameMap.get(oid); } /** * @param oid * @return */ public static final String getApelonNamespaceName(String oid) { return myCodeSystemOIDtoApelonNamespaceName.get(oid); } /** * @param name * @return */ public static final String getOIDFromApelonNamespaceName(String name) { return myApelonNamespaceNameToCodeSystemOID.get(name); } /** * @param oid * @return */ public static final Boolean getIsApelonOntylog(String oid) { return myCodeSystemOIDtoIsOntylog.get(oid); } /** * Given the resourceType and the resourceId, returns the File matching that resourceId. Returns null if not found. * * @param resourceType * @param resourceId * @return resourceXML * @throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault */ public static synchronized String getResourceAsXML(String resourceType, String resourceId) throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault // the interim notion is that each type of resource will be in a separate directory, whose directoryName == the resourceType name // the interim notion will be replaced by the actual knowledgeRepository once it is completed { File file = myFu.getFile(fullPathToKRData + resourceType + "/" + resourceId); String xML = myFu.getFileContentsAsString(file); return xML; } public static synchronized String getResourceAsString(String resourceType, String resourceId) throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault // the interim notion is that each type of resource will be in a separate directory, whose directoryName == the resourceType name // the interim notion will be replaced by the actual knowledgeRepository once it is completed { File file = myFu.getFile(fullPathToKRData + resourceType + "/" + resourceId); String s = myFu.getFileContentsAsString(file); return s; } /** * @param resourceType * @param resourceId * @return * @throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault */ public static synchronized InputStream getResourceAsStream(String resourceType, String resourceId) throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault // the interim notion is that each type of resource will be in a separate directory, whose directoryName == the resourceType name // the interim notion will be replaced by the actual knowledgeRepository once it is completed { File file = myFu.getFile(fullPathToKRData + resourceType + "/" + resourceId); String s = myFu.getFileContentsAsString(file); InputStream inputStream = myFu.getInputStreamFromString(s); return inputStream; } /** * @param resourceType * @param resourceId * @return * @throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault */ public static synchronized File getResourceAsFile(String resourceType, String resourceId) throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault // the interim notion is that each type of resource will be in a separate directory, whose directoryName == the resourceType name // the interim notion will be replaced by the actual knowledgeRepository once it is completed { File file = myFu.getFile(fullPathToKRData + resourceType + "/" + resourceId); return file; } /** * @param resourceType * @param resourceId * @return * @throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault */ public static synchronized File getResourceAsFileWithoutException(String resourceType, String resourceId) // the interim notion is that each type of resource will be in a separate directory, whose directoryName == the resourceType name // the interim notion will be replaced by the actual knowledgeRepository once it is completed { File file = myFu.getFileWithoutException(fullPathToKRData + resourceType + "/" + resourceId); return file; } /** * Get a list of all the resource ID values available for a given resource type. * Returns null if the resourceType is not recognized. * Returns an empty list if no resources found for a valid type. * * @param resourceType * @return resourceList * @throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault * @throws IOException * @throws URISyntaxException */ public static synchronized List<File> listResourcesByType(String resourceType) throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault { List<File> resourceList = new ArrayList<File>(); String[] resourceNameList = getKRResourceTypeListing(resourceType); for (String resourceName : resourceNameList) { String filePath = resourceType + "/" + resourceName; resourceList.add(new File(filePath)); } return resourceList; } /** * Get a list of all the resource ID values available for a given resource type. * Returns null if the resourceType is not recognized. * Returns an empty list if no resources found for a valid type. * * @param resourceType * @return resourceList * @throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault * @throws IOException */ public static synchronized List<String> listResourceNamesByType(String resourceType) throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault { List<String> resourceList = new ArrayList<String>(); String[] resourceNameList = getKRResourceTypeListing(resourceType); for (String resourceName : resourceNameList) { resourceList.add(resourceName); } return resourceList; } /** * Lists directory contents for a resource folder. Not recursive. * This is basically a brute-force implementation. * * @param clazz Any java class that lives in the same place as the desired resources. * @param path Should end with "/", but not start with one. * @return Name of each member item, not the full paths. * @throws URISyntaxException * @throws IOException * @throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault */ public static synchronized String[] getKRResourceTypeListing(String resourceType) throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault { String directoryPath = fullPathToKRData + resourceType; List<String> result = myFu.getFileNameListInDirectory(directoryPath, "", ""); return result.toArray(new String[result.size()]); } /** * removeResource deletes a resource of a resourceType and resourceId from the KR, returns false if it fails * * @param resourceType * @param resourceId * @return * @throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault */ public static synchronized boolean removeResource(String resourceType, String resourceId) throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault { String directoryPath = fullPathToKRData + resourceType; File file = myFu.getFileWithoutException(directoryPath + "/" + resourceId); return file.delete(); } /** * removeAllResourcesByType deletes all resources of a given resourceType, returns false if it fails * * @param resourceType * @return * @throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault */ public static synchronized boolean removeAllResourcesByType(String resourceType) throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault { String directoryPath = fullPathToKRData + resourceType; return FileUtility.deleteDir(new File(directoryPath), false); } /** * createOrReplaceXMLResource will either replace the existing resource with the submitted ID * using the submitted XML, or it will create a new resource with the submitted ID and XML content. * * @param resourceType * @param resourceId * @param xmlAsString * @return * @throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault */ public static synchronized File createOrReplaceXMLResource(String resourceType, String resourceId, String xmlAsString) throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault { String directoryPath = fullPathToKRData + resourceType; ArrayList<String> fileLines = new ArrayList<String>(); fileLines.add(xmlAsString); File newOrReplacedFile = new File(directoryPath + "/" + resourceId); WriteUtility.getInstance().saveText(fileLines, newOrReplacedFile, "UTF-8"); return newOrReplacedFile; } /** * Get the value of a particular attribute for a particular resource by ID * * @param attributeName the name of the attribute as defined in metadata.xsd * @param resourceId * @return attributeValue * @throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault */ // public synchronized String getResourceAttributeValue(String attributeName, String resourceId) throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault // { // String attributeValue = ""; // //TODO implement this //// File resource = null; //// String resourceKey = "/" + resourceType + "/" + resourceId; //// try { //// resource = FileUtility.getResourceFile(this.getClass(), resourceKey); //// } catch (IOException e) { //// e.printStackTrace(); //// throw new DSSRuntimeExceptionFault("SimpleKnowledgeRepository had IOException in getResource (" //// + resourceKey + ") " + e.getMessage()); //// } catch (URISyntaxException e) { //// e.printStackTrace(); //// throw new DSSRuntimeExceptionFault("SimpleKnowledgeRepository had URISyntaxException in getResource (" //// + resourceKey + ") " + e.getMessage()); //// } // return attributeValue; // } /** * find the type of a particular resource given only its resourceId. * Returns an empty string if not found * * @param resourceId * @return resourceType * @throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault */ // //TODO implement this // public synchronized String findResourceTypeById(String resourceId) throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault // { // // findResourceById(String id) ??? requires recursion into subdirectory tree to look for it, do we want to do this? // String resourceType = ""; //// File resource = null; //// String resourceKey = "/" + resourceType + "/" + resourceId; //// try { //// resource = FileUtility.getResourceFile(this.getClass(), resourceKey); //// } catch (IOException e) { //// e.printStackTrace(); //// throw new DSSRuntimeExceptionFault("SimpleKnowledgeRepository had IOException in getResource (" //// + resourceKey + ") " + e.getMessage()); //// } catch (URISyntaxException e) { //// e.printStackTrace(); //// throw new DSSRuntimeExceptionFault("SimpleKnowledgeRepository had URISyntaxException in getResource (" //// + resourceKey + ") " + e.getMessage()); //// } // return resourceType; // } public static void main(String args[]) throws DSSRuntimeExceptionFault { // SimpleKnowledgeRepository kr = SimpleKnowledgeRepository.getInstance("C:/OpenCDS/opencds-parent/opencds-knowledge-repository-data/src/main/resources"); System.out.println("name of OID 2.16.840.1.113883.6.103 = " + getCodeSystemName("2.16.840.1.113883.6.103")); System.out.println(); List<String> resourceNameList = listResourceNamesByType("schema"); for (String eachResource : resourceNameList) { System.out.println(eachResource); } System.out.println(); List<File> resourceList = listResourcesByType("apelon"); for (File eachResource : resourceList) { System.out.println(eachResource.getName()); } System.out.println(); String resourceString = getResourceAsString("knowledgeModules", "org.opencds^NQF_0031_v1^1.0.0.drl"); if (resourceString == null) { System.out.println("resourceString is null."); } else { System.out.println(resourceString); } System.out.println(); String xmlString = getResourceAsXML("resourceAttributes", "knowledgeModules.xml"); System.out.println(xmlString); } }