Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 OpenCB * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.opencb.biodata.models.variant.VariantSourceEntry; import org.opencb.datastore.core.ComplexTypeConverter; import org.opencb.datastore.core.QueryResult; import; import; /** * @author Cristina Yenyxe Gonzalez Garcia <> */ public class DBObjectToVariantSourceEntryConverter implements ComplexTypeConverter<VariantSourceEntry, DBObject> { public final static String FILEID_FIELD = "fid"; public final static String STUDYID_FIELD = "sid"; public final static String ALTERNATES_FIELD = "alts"; public final static String ATTRIBUTES_FIELD = "attrs"; // public final static String FORMAT_FIELD = "fm"; public final static String GENOTYPES_FIELD = "gt"; public static final String FILES_FIELD = "files"; public static final String ORI_FIELD = "_ori"; private boolean includeSrc; private Set<Integer> returnedFiles; // private Integer fileId; private DBObjectToSamplesConverter samplesConverter; private StudyConfigurationManager studyConfigurationManager = null; private Map<Integer, String> studyIds = new HashMap<>(); /** * Create a converter between VariantSourceEntry and DBObject entities when * there is no need to provide a list of samples or statistics. * * @param includeSrc If true, will include and gzip the "src" attribute in the DBObject */ public DBObjectToVariantSourceEntryConverter(boolean includeSrc) { this.includeSrc = includeSrc; this.samplesConverter = null; this.returnedFiles = null; } /** * Create a converter from VariantSourceEntry to DBObject entities. A * samples converter and a statistics converter may be provided in case those * should be processed during the conversion. * * @param includeSrc If true, will include and gzip the "src" attribute in the DBObject * @param samplesConverter The object used to convert the samples. If null, won't convert */ public DBObjectToVariantSourceEntryConverter(boolean includeSrc, DBObjectToSamplesConverter samplesConverter) { this(includeSrc); this.samplesConverter = samplesConverter; } /** * Create a converter from VariantSourceEntry to DBObject entities. A * samples converter and a statistics converter may be provided in case those * should be processed during the conversion. * * @param includeSrc If true, will include and gzip the "src" attribute in the DBObject * @param returnedFiles If present, reads the information of this files from FILES_FIELD * @param samplesConverter The object used to convert the samples. If null, won't convert */ public DBObjectToVariantSourceEntryConverter(boolean includeSrc, List<Integer> returnedFiles, DBObjectToSamplesConverter samplesConverter) { this(includeSrc); this.returnedFiles = (returnedFiles != null) ? new HashSet<>(returnedFiles) : null; this.samplesConverter = samplesConverter; } public DBObjectToVariantSourceEntryConverter(boolean includeSrc, Integer returnedFile, DBObjectToSamplesConverter samplesConverter) { this(includeSrc, Collections.singletonList(returnedFile), samplesConverter); } public void setStudyConfigurationManager(StudyConfigurationManager studyConfigurationManager) { this.studyConfigurationManager = studyConfigurationManager; } public void addStudyName(int studyId, String studyName) { this.studyIds.put(studyId, studyName); } @Override public VariantSourceEntry convertToDataModelType(DBObject object) { int studyId = ((Number) object.get(STUDYID_FIELD)).intValue(); // String fileId = this.fileId == null? null : String.valueOf(this.fileId); String fileId = returnedFiles != null && returnedFiles.size() == 1 ? returnedFiles.iterator().next().toString() : null; VariantSourceEntry file = new VariantSourceEntry(fileId, getStudyName(studyId)); // String fileId = (String) object.get(FILEID_FIELD); DBObject fileObject = null; if (object.containsField(FILES_FIELD)) { for (DBObject dbObject : (List<DBObject>) object.get(FILES_FIELD)) { Integer fid = ((Integer) dbObject.get(FILEID_FIELD)); String fileId_ = fid.toString() + "_"; if (returnedFiles != null && !returnedFiles.contains(fid)) { continue; } fileObject = dbObject; // Attributes if (fileObject.containsField(ATTRIBUTES_FIELD)) { Map<String, Object> attrs = ((DBObject) fileObject.get(ATTRIBUTES_FIELD)).toMap(); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : attrs.entrySet()) { // Unzip the "src" field, if available if (entry.getKey().equals("src")) { if (includeSrc) { byte[] o = (byte[]) entry.getValue(); try { file.addAttribute(fileId_ + entry.getKey(), org.opencb.commons.utils.StringUtils.gunzip(o)); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(DBObjectToVariantSourceEntryConverter.class.getName()) .log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } else { file.addAttribute( fileId_ + entry.getKey() .replace(DBObjectToStudyConfigurationConverter.TO_REPLACE_DOTS, "."), entry.getValue().toString()); } } } if (fileObject.containsField(ORI_FIELD)) { DBObject _ori = (DBObject) fileObject.get(ORI_FIELD); String ori = _ori.get("s") + ":" + _ori.get("i"); file.addAttribute(fileId_ + "ori", ori); } } } // Alternate alleles if (fileObject != null && fileObject.containsField(ALTERNATES_FIELD)) { List list = (List) fileObject.get(ALTERNATES_FIELD); String[] alternatives = new String[list.size()]; int i = 0; for (Object o : list) { alternatives[i] = o.toString(); i++; } file.setSecondaryAlternates(alternatives); } // if (fileObject != null && fileObject.containsField(FORMAT_FIELD)) { // file.setFormat((String) fileObject.get(FORMAT_FIELD)); // } else { file.setFormat("GT"); // } // Samples if (samplesConverter != null && object.containsField(GENOTYPES_FIELD)) { Map<String, Map<String, String>> samplesData = samplesConverter.convertToDataModelType(object, studyId); // Add the samples to the Java object, combining the data structures // with the samples' names and the genotypes for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, String>> sampleData : samplesData.entrySet()) { file.addSampleData(sampleData.getKey(), sampleData.getValue()); } } return file; } public String getStudyName(int studyId) { if (!studyIds.containsKey(studyId)) { if (studyConfigurationManager == null) { studyIds.put(studyId, Integer.toString(studyId)); } else { QueryResult<StudyConfiguration> queryResult = studyConfigurationManager .getStudyConfiguration(studyId, null); if (queryResult.getResult().isEmpty()) { studyIds.put(studyId, Integer.toString(studyId)); } else { studyIds.put(studyId, queryResult.first().getStudyName()); } } } return studyIds.get(studyId); } @Override public DBObject convertToStorageType(VariantSourceEntry object) { int fileId = Integer.parseInt(object.getFileId()); BasicDBObject fileObject = new BasicDBObject(FILEID_FIELD, fileId); // Alternate alleles if (object.getSecondaryAlternates().length > 0) { // assuming secondaryAlternates doesn't contain the primary alternate fileObject.append(ALTERNATES_FIELD, object.getSecondaryAlternates()); } // Attributes if (object.getAttributes().size() > 0) { BasicDBObject attrs = null; for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : object.getAttributes().entrySet()) { String stringValue = entry.getValue(); String key = entry.getKey().replace(".", DBObjectToStudyConfigurationConverter.TO_REPLACE_DOTS); Object value = stringValue; if (key.equals("src")) { if (includeSrc) { try { value = org.opencb.commons.utils.StringUtils.gzip(stringValue); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(DBObjectToVariantSourceEntryConverter.class.getName()) .log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } else { continue; } } else if (key.equals("ori")) { int indexOf = stringValue.lastIndexOf(":"); fileObject.append(ORI_FIELD, new BasicDBObject("s", stringValue.substring(0, indexOf)) .append("i", Integer.parseInt(stringValue.substring(indexOf + 1)))); continue; } else { try { value = Double.parseDouble(stringValue); } catch (NumberFormatException ignore) { } } if (attrs == null) { attrs = new BasicDBObject(key, value); } else { attrs.append(key, value); } } if (attrs != null) { fileObject.put(ATTRIBUTES_FIELD, attrs); } } int studyId = Integer.parseInt(object.getStudyId()); BasicDBObject mongoFile = new BasicDBObject(STUDYID_FIELD, studyId); mongoFile.append(FILES_FIELD, Collections.singletonList(fileObject)); // if (samples != null && !samples.isEmpty()) { if (samplesConverter != null) { // fileObject.append(FORMAT_FIELD, object.getFormat()); // Useless field if genotypeCodes are not stored mongoFile.put(GENOTYPES_FIELD, samplesConverter.convertToStorageType(object.getSamplesData(), studyId)); } return mongoFile; } public DBObjectToSamplesConverter getSamplesConverter() { return samplesConverter; } public void setIncludeSrc(boolean includeSrc) { this.includeSrc = includeSrc; } }