Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 OpenCB * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import com.mongodb.BasicDBList; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import java.util.*; import org.opencb.biodata.models.variant.VariantSourceEntry; import org.opencb.biodata.models.variant.Variant; import org.opencb.biodata.models.variant.annotation.VariantAnnotation; import org.opencb.commons.utils.CryptoUtils; import org.opencb.datastore.core.ComplexTypeConverter; /** * * @author Cristina Yenyxe Gonzalez Garcia <> */ public class DBObjectToVariantConverter implements ComplexTypeConverter<Variant, DBObject> { public final static String CHROMOSOME_FIELD = "chromosome"; public final static String START_FIELD = "start"; public final static String END_FIELD = "end"; public final static String LENGTH_FIELD = "length"; public final static String REFERENCE_FIELD = "reference"; public final static String ALTERNATE_FIELD = "alternate"; public final static String IDS_FIELD = "ids"; public final static String TYPE_FIELD = "type"; public final static String HGVS_FIELD = "hgvs"; public final static String HGVS_NAME_FIELD = "name"; public final static String HGVS_TYPE_FIELD = "type"; public final static String STUDIES_FIELD = "studies"; public final static String ANNOTATION_FIELD = "annotation"; public final static String STATS_FIELD = "stats"; // public final static String ID_FIELD = "id"; // public final static String FILES_FIELD = "files"; // public final static String EFFECTS_FIELD = "effs"; // public final static String SOTERM_FIELD = "so"; // public final static String GENE_FIELD = "gene"; public final static Map<String, String> fieldsMap; static { fieldsMap = new HashMap<>(); fieldsMap.put("chromosome", CHROMOSOME_FIELD); fieldsMap.put("start", START_FIELD); fieldsMap.put("end", END_FIELD); fieldsMap.put("length", LENGTH_FIELD); fieldsMap.put("reference", REFERENCE_FIELD); fieldsMap.put("alternate", ALTERNATE_FIELD); fieldsMap.put("ids", IDS_FIELD); fieldsMap.put("type", TYPE_FIELD); fieldsMap.put("hgvs", HGVS_FIELD); // fieldsMap.put("hgvs.type", HGVS_FIELD + "." + HGVS_TYPE_FIELD); // fieldsMap.put("", HGVS_FIELD + "." + HGVS_NAME_FIELD); fieldsMap.put("sourceEntries", STUDIES_FIELD); fieldsMap.put("annotation", ANNOTATION_FIELD); fieldsMap.put("sourceEntries.cohortStats", STATS_FIELD); } private DBObjectToVariantSourceEntryConverter variantSourceEntryConverter; private DBObjectToVariantAnnotationConverter variantAnnotationConverter; private DBObjectToVariantStatsConverter statsConverter; /** * Create a converter between Variant and DBObject entities when there is * no need to convert the files the variant was read from. */ public DBObjectToVariantConverter() { this(null, null); } /** * Create a converter between Variant and DBObject entities. A converter for * the files the variant was read from can be provided in case those * should be processed during the conversion. * * @param variantSourceEntryConverter The object used to convert the files * @param statsConverter */ public DBObjectToVariantConverter(DBObjectToVariantSourceEntryConverter variantSourceEntryConverter, DBObjectToVariantStatsConverter statsConverter) { this.variantSourceEntryConverter = variantSourceEntryConverter; this.variantAnnotationConverter = new DBObjectToVariantAnnotationConverter(); this.statsConverter = statsConverter; } @Override public Variant convertToDataModelType(DBObject object) { String chromosome = (String) object.get(CHROMOSOME_FIELD); int start = (int) object.get(START_FIELD); int end = (int) object.get(END_FIELD); String reference = (String) object.get(REFERENCE_FIELD); String alternate = (String) object.get(ALTERNATE_FIELD); Variant variant = new Variant(chromosome, start, end, reference, alternate); if (object.containsField(IDS_FIELD)) { Object ids = object.get(IDS_FIELD); variant.setIds(new HashSet<>(((Collection<String>) ids))); } // Transform HGVS: List of map entries -> Map of lists BasicDBList mongoHgvs = (BasicDBList) object.get(HGVS_FIELD); if (mongoHgvs != null) { for (Object o : mongoHgvs) { DBObject dbo = (DBObject) o; variant.addHgvs((String) dbo.get(HGVS_TYPE_FIELD), (String) dbo.get(HGVS_NAME_FIELD)); } } // Files if (variantSourceEntryConverter != null) { BasicDBList mongoFiles = (BasicDBList) object.get(STUDIES_FIELD); if (mongoFiles != null) { for (Object o : mongoFiles) { DBObject dbo = (DBObject) o; variant.addSourceEntry(variantSourceEntryConverter.convertToDataModelType(dbo)); } } } // Annotations DBObject mongoAnnotation; Object o = object.get(ANNOTATION_FIELD); if (o instanceof List) { if (!((List) o).isEmpty()) { mongoAnnotation = (DBObject) ((List) o).get(0); } else { mongoAnnotation = null; } } else { mongoAnnotation = (DBObject) object.get(ANNOTATION_FIELD); } if (mongoAnnotation != null) { VariantAnnotation annotation = variantAnnotationConverter.convertToDataModelType(mongoAnnotation); annotation.setChromosome(variant.getChromosome()); annotation.setAlternateAllele(variant.getAlternate()); annotation.setReferenceAllele(variant.getReference()); annotation.setStart(variant.getStart()); variant.setAnnotation(annotation); } // Statistics if (statsConverter != null && object.containsField(STATS_FIELD)) { DBObject stats = (DBObject) object.get(STATS_FIELD); statsConverter.convertCohortsToDataModelType(stats, variant); } return variant; } @Override public DBObject convertToStorageType(Variant variant) { // Attributes easily calculated BasicDBObject mongoVariant = new BasicDBObject("_id", buildStorageId(variant)) // .append(IDS_FIELD, object.getIds()) //Do not include IDs. .append(CHROMOSOME_FIELD, variant.getChromosome()).append(START_FIELD, variant.getStart()) .append(END_FIELD, variant.getEnd()).append(LENGTH_FIELD, variant.getLength()) .append(REFERENCE_FIELD, variant.getReference()).append(ALTERNATE_FIELD, variant.getAlternate()) .append(TYPE_FIELD, variant.getType().name()); // Internal fields used for query optimization (dictionary named "_at") BasicDBObject _at = new BasicDBObject(); mongoVariant.append("_at", _at); // Two different chunk sizes are calculated for different resolution levels: 1k and 10k BasicDBList chunkIds = new BasicDBList(); String chunkSmall = variant.getChromosome() + "_" + variant.getStart() / VariantMongoDBWriter.CHUNK_SIZE_SMALL + "_" + VariantMongoDBWriter.CHUNK_SIZE_SMALL / 1000 + "k"; String chunkBig = variant.getChromosome() + "_" + variant.getStart() / VariantMongoDBWriter.CHUNK_SIZE_BIG + "_" + VariantMongoDBWriter.CHUNK_SIZE_BIG / 1000 + "k"; chunkIds.add(chunkSmall); chunkIds.add(chunkBig); _at.append("chunkIds", chunkIds); // Transform HGVS: Map of lists -> List of map entries BasicDBList hgvs = new BasicDBList(); for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : variant.getHgvs().entrySet()) { for (String value : entry.getValue()) { hgvs.add(new BasicDBObject(HGVS_TYPE_FIELD, entry.getKey()).append(HGVS_NAME_FIELD, value)); } } mongoVariant.append(HGVS_FIELD, hgvs); // Files if (variantSourceEntryConverter != null) { BasicDBList mongoFiles = new BasicDBList(); for (VariantSourceEntry archiveFile : variant.getSourceEntries().values()) { mongoFiles.add(variantSourceEntryConverter.convertToStorageType(archiveFile)); } mongoVariant.append(STUDIES_FIELD, mongoFiles); } // // Annotations mongoVariant.append(ANNOTATION_FIELD, Collections.emptyList()); // if (variantAnnotationConverter != null) { // if (object.getAnnotation() != null) { // DBObject annotation = variantAnnotationConverter.convertToStorageType(object.getAnnotation()); // mongoVariant.append(ANNOTATION_FIELD, annotation); // } // } // Statistics if (statsConverter != null) { List mongoStats = statsConverter.convertCohortsToStorageType(variant.getSourceEntries()); mongoVariant.put(STATS_FIELD, mongoStats); } return mongoVariant; } public String buildStorageId(Variant v) { return buildStorageId(v.getChromosome(), v.getStart(), v.getReference(), v.getAlternate()); } public String buildStorageId(String chromosome, int start, String reference, String alternate) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(chromosome); builder.append("_"); builder.append(start); builder.append("_"); if (reference.equals("-")) { } else if (reference.length() < Variant.SV_THRESHOLD) { builder.append(reference); } else { builder.append(new String(CryptoUtils.encryptSha1(reference))); } builder.append("_"); if (alternate.equals("-")) { } else if (alternate.length() < Variant.SV_THRESHOLD) { builder.append(alternate); } else { builder.append(new String(CryptoUtils.encryptSha1(alternate))); } return builder.toString(); } public static String toShortFieldName(String longFieldName) { if (longFieldName.contains(".")) { String[] split = longFieldName.split("\\."); return fieldsMap.get(split[0]); } return fieldsMap.get(longFieldName); } }