Source code

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 * Copyright 2015 OpenCB
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.opencb.opencga.catalog.db.mongodb;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*;
import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject;
import com.mongodb.DBObject;
import com.mongodb.ErrorCategory;
import com.mongodb.MongoWriteException;
import com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates;
import com.mongodb.client.model.Filters;
import com.mongodb.client.model.Projections;
import com.mongodb.client.model.Updates;
import com.mongodb.client.result.UpdateResult;
import com.mongodb.util.JSON;
import org.bson.Document;
import org.bson.conversions.Bson;
import org.opencb.commons.datastore.core.*;
import org.opencb.commons.datastore.mongodb.MongoDBCollection;
import org.opencb.opencga.catalog.db.AbstractDBAdaptor;
import org.opencb.opencga.catalog.db.DBAdaptorFactory;
import org.opencb.opencga.catalog.db.api.FileDBAdaptor;
import org.opencb.opencga.catalog.db.api.SampleDBAdaptor;
import org.opencb.opencga.catalog.exceptions.CatalogDBException;
import org.opencb.opencga.catalog.models.*;
import org.opencb.opencga.catalog.models.acls.permissions.AbstractAclEntry;
import org.slf4j.Logger;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import static org.opencb.opencga.catalog.db.mongodb.MongoDBAdaptor.PRIVATE_ID;

 * Created by imedina on 21/11/14.
class MongoDBUtils {

    // Special queryOptions keys
     * SKIP_CHECK is used when deleting a document. If SKIP_CHECK is set to false, the document will be deleted no matter if other
     * documents might depend on that one.
    public static final String SKIP_CHECK = "skipCheck";
     * Deprecated constant. Use SKIP_CHECK instead.
    public static final String FORCE = "force";
     * KEEP_OUTPUT_FILES is used when deleting/removing a job. If it is set to true, it will mean that the output files that have been
     * generated with the job going to be deleted/removed will be kept. Otherwise, those files will be also deleted/removed.
    public static final String KEEP_OUTPUT_FILES = "keepOutputFiles";

    public static final Set<String> DATASTORE_OPTIONS = Arrays.asList("include", "exclude", "sort", "limit", "skip")
    public static final Set<String> OTHER_OPTIONS = Arrays.asList("of", "sid", "sessionId", "metadata",
            "includeProjects", "includeStudies", "includeFiles", "includeJobs", "includeSamples").stream()
    //    public static final Pattern OPERATION_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^([^=<>~!]*)(<=?|>=?|!=|!?=?~|==?)([^=<>~!]+.*)$");
    public static final Pattern OPERATION_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^()(<=?|>=?|!=|!?=?~|==?)([^=<>~!]+.*)$");
    static final String TO_REPLACE_DOTS = "&#46;";
    private static ObjectMapper jsonObjectMapper;
    private static ObjectWriter jsonObjectWriter;
    private static Map<Class, ObjectReader> jsonReaderMap;

    static {
        jsonObjectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
        jsonObjectMapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_IGNORED_PROPERTIES, false);
        jsonObjectMapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false);
        jsonObjectMapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_NULL_FOR_PRIMITIVES, false);
        jsonObjectMapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.ACCEPT_SINGLE_VALUE_AS_ARRAY, true);
        jsonObjectMapper.configure(MapperFeature.REQUIRE_SETTERS_FOR_GETTERS, true);
        jsonObjectWriter = jsonObjectMapper.writer();
        jsonReaderMap = new HashMap<>();

    static long getNewAutoIncrementId(String field, MongoDBCollection metaCollection) {
        //        QueryResult<BasicDBObject> result = metaCollection.findAndModify(
        //                new BasicDBObject("_id", CatalogMongoDBAdaptor.METADATA_OBJECT_ID),  //Query
        //                new BasicDBObject(field, true),  //Fields
        //                null,
        //                new BasicDBObject("$inc", new BasicDBObject(field, 1)), //Update
        //                new QueryOptions("returnNew", true),
        //                BasicDBObject.class
        //        );

        Bson query = Filters.eq("_id", MongoDBAdaptorFactory.METADATA_OBJECT_ID);
        Document projection = new Document(field, true);
        Bson inc =, 1);
        QueryOptions queryOptions = new QueryOptions("returnNew", true);
        QueryResult<Document> result = metaCollection.findAndUpdate(query, projection, null, inc, queryOptions);
        //        return (int) Float.parseFloat(result.getResult().get(0).get(field).toString());
        return result.getResult().get(0).getInteger(field);

    //--------------- ACL operations -------------------------/

    static void createAcl(long id, AbstractAclEntry acl, MongoDBCollection collection, String clazz)
            throws CatalogDBException {
        // Push the new acl to the list of acls.
        Document queryDocument = new Document(PRIVATE_ID, id);
        Document update = new Document("$push",
                new Document(FileDBAdaptor.QueryParams.ACL.key(), getMongoDBDocument(acl, clazz)));
        QueryResult<UpdateResult> updateResult = collection.update(queryDocument, update, null);

        if (updateResult.first().getModifiedCount() == 0) {
            throw new CatalogDBException("create Acl: An error occurred when trying to create acl for " + id
                    + " for " + acl.getMember());

    static QueryResult<Document> getAcl(long id, List<String> members, MongoDBCollection collection, Logger logger)
            throws CatalogDBException {
        List<Bson> aggregation = new ArrayList<>();
        aggregation.add(Aggregates.match(Filters.eq(PRIVATE_ID, id)));
                Projections.include(FileDBAdaptor.QueryParams.ID.key(), FileDBAdaptor.QueryParams.ACL.key())));
        aggregation.add(Aggregates.unwind("$" + FileDBAdaptor.QueryParams.ACL.key()));

        List<Bson> filters = new ArrayList<>();
        if (members != null && members.size() > 0) {
            filters.add(, members));

        if (filters.size() > 0) {
            Bson filter = filters.size() == 1 ? filters.get(0) : Filters.and(filters);

        for (Bson bson : aggregation) {
            logger.debug("Get Acl: {}",
                    bson.toBsonDocument(Document.class, com.mongodb.MongoClient.getDefaultCodecRegistry()));

        return collection.aggregate(aggregation, null);

    static void removeAcl(long id, String member, MongoDBCollection collection) throws CatalogDBException {
        Document query = new Document().append(PRIVATE_ID, id).append(FileDBAdaptor.QueryParams.ACL_MEMBER.key(),
        Bson update = new Document().append("$pull", new Document("acl", new Document("member", member)));
        QueryResult<UpdateResult> updateResult = collection.update(query, update, null);
        if (updateResult.first().getModifiedCount() == 0) {
            throw new CatalogDBException(
                    "remove ACL: An error occurred when trying to remove the ACL defined for " + member);

    static void setAclsToMember(long id, String member, List<String> permissions, MongoDBCollection collection)
            throws CatalogDBException {
        Document query = new Document().append(PRIVATE_ID, id).append(FileDBAdaptor.QueryParams.ACL_MEMBER.key(),
        Document update = new Document("$set", new Document("acl.$.permissions", permissions));
        QueryResult<UpdateResult> queryResult = collection.update(query, update, null);

        if (queryResult.first().getModifiedCount() != 1) {
            throw new CatalogDBException("Unable to set the new permissions to " + member);

    static void addAclsToMember(long id, String member, List<String> permissions, MongoDBCollection collection)
            throws CatalogDBException {
        Document query = new Document().append(PRIVATE_ID, id).append(FileDBAdaptor.QueryParams.ACL_MEMBER.key(),
        Document update = new Document("$addToSet",
                new Document("acl.$.permissions", new Document("$each", permissions)));
        QueryResult<UpdateResult> queryResult = collection.update(query, update, null);

        if (queryResult.first().getModifiedCount() != 1) {
            throw new CatalogDBException("Unable to add new permissions to " + member
                    + ". Maybe the member already had those" + " permissions?");

    static void removeAclsFromMember(long id, String member, List<String> permissions, MongoDBCollection collection)
            throws CatalogDBException {
        Document query = new Document().append(PRIVATE_ID, id).append(FileDBAdaptor.QueryParams.ACL_MEMBER.key(),
        Bson pull = Updates.pullAll("acl.$.permissions", permissions);
        QueryResult<UpdateResult> update = collection.update(query, pull, null);
        if (update.first().getModifiedCount() != 1) {
            throw new CatalogDBException("Unable to remove the permissions from " + member
                    + ". Maybe it didn't have those permissions?");

    //--------------- End ACL operations ---------------------/

    * Helper methods

     * Checks if the field {@link AclEntry#userId} is valid.
     * The "userId" can be:
     *  - '*' referring to all the users. See {@link AclEntry#USER_OTHERS_ID}
     *  - '@{groupId}' referring to a {@link Group}. See {@link AclEntry#USER_OTHERS_ID}
     *  - '{userId}' referring to a specific user.
     * @param dbAdaptorFactory dbAdaptorFactory
     * @param userId userId
     * @param studyId studyId
     * @throws CatalogDBException CatalogDBException
    public static void checkAclUserId(DBAdaptorFactory dbAdaptorFactory, String userId, long studyId)
            throws CatalogDBException {
        if (userId.equals(AclEntry.USER_OTHERS_ID)) {
        } else if (userId.startsWith("@")) {
            String groupId = userId.substring(1);
            QueryResult<Group> queryResult = dbAdaptorFactory.getCatalogStudyDBAdaptor().getGroup(studyId, null,
                    groupId, null);
            if (queryResult.getNumResults() == 0) {
                throw CatalogDBException.idNotFound("Group", groupId);
        } else {

    static User parseUser(QueryResult<Document> result) throws CatalogDBException {
        return parseObject(result, User.class);

    static List<Study> parseStudies(QueryResult<Document> result) throws CatalogDBException {
        return parseObjects(result, Study.class);

    static List<File> parseFiles(QueryResult<Document> result) throws CatalogDBException {
        return parseObjects(result, File.class);

    static Job parseJob(QueryResult<Document> result) throws CatalogDBException {
        return parseObject(result, Job.class);

    static List<Job> parseJobs(QueryResult<Document> result) throws CatalogDBException {
        return parseObjects(result, Job.class);

    static List<Sample> parseSamples(QueryResult<Document> result) throws CatalogDBException {
        return parseObjects(result, Sample.class);

    static <T> List<T> parseObjects(QueryResult<Document> result, Class<T> tClass) throws CatalogDBException {
        LinkedList<T> objects = new LinkedList<>();
        ObjectReader objectReader = getObjectReader(tClass);
        try {
            for (Document document : result.getResult()) {
                //                document.remove("_id");
                //                document.remove("_projectId");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new CatalogDBException("Error parsing " + tClass.getName(), e);
        return objects;

    static <T> T parseObject(QueryResult<Document> result, Class<T> tClass) throws CatalogDBException {
        if (result.getResult().isEmpty()) {
            return null;
        try {
            //            result.first().remove("_id");
            //            result.first().remove("_studyId");
            String s = jsonObjectWriter.writeValueAsString(result.first());
            //            return getObjectReader(tClass).readValue(restoreDotsInKeys(result.first().toJson()));
            return getObjectReader(tClass).readValue(restoreDotsInKeys(s));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new CatalogDBException("Error parsing " + tClass.getName(), e);

    static <T> T parseObject(Document result, Class<T> tClass) throws CatalogDBException {
        try {
            return getObjectReader(tClass).readValue(restoreDotsInKeys(result).toJson());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new CatalogDBException("Error parsing " + tClass.getName(), e);

    public static <T> ObjectReader getObjectReader(Class<T> tClass) {
        if (!jsonReaderMap.containsKey(tClass)) {
            jsonReaderMap.put(tClass, jsonObjectMapper.reader(tClass));
        return jsonReaderMap.get(tClass);

    static DBObject getDbObject(Object object, String objectName) throws CatalogDBException {
        DBObject dbObject;
        String jsonString = null;
        try {
            jsonString = jsonObjectWriter.writeValueAsString(object);
            dbObject = (DBObject) JSON.parse(jsonString);
            dbObject = replaceDotsInKeys(dbObject);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new CatalogDBException("Error while writing to Json : " + objectName
                    + (jsonString == null ? "" : (" -> " + jsonString)), e);
        return dbObject;

    static Document getMongoDBDocument(Object object, String objectName) throws CatalogDBException {
        Document document;
        String jsonString = null;
        try {
            jsonString = jsonObjectWriter.writeValueAsString(object);
            document = Document.parse(jsonString);
            document = replaceDotsInKeys(document);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new CatalogDBException("Error while writing to Json : " + objectName
                    + (jsonString == null ? "" : (" -> " + jsonString)), e);
        return document;
    //    static final String TO_REPLACE_DOTS = "\uff0e";

     * Scan all the DBObject and replace all the dots in keys with.
     * @param object object
     * @param <T> T
     * @return T
    static <T> T replaceDotsInKeys(T object) {
        return replaceInKeys(object, ".", TO_REPLACE_DOTS);

    static <T> T restoreDotsInKeys(T object) {
        return replaceInKeys(object, TO_REPLACE_DOTS, ".");

    static <T> T replaceInKeys(T object, String target, String replacement) {
        if (object instanceof Document) {
            Document document = (Document) object;
            List<String> keys = new ArrayList<>();
            for (String s : document.keySet()) {
                if (s.contains(target)) {
                replaceInKeys(document.get(s), target, replacement);
            for (String key : keys) {
                Object value = document.remove(key);
                key = key.replace(target, replacement);
                document.put(key, value);
        } else if (object instanceof List) {
            for (Object o : ((List) object)) {
                replaceInKeys(o, target, replacement);
        return object;

    /*  */

     * Filter "include" and "exclude" options.
     * <p>
     * Include and Exclude options are as absolute routes. This method removes all the values that are not in the
     * specified route. For the values in the route, the route is removed.
     * <p>
     * [
     * name,
     * projects.studies.alias,
     * ]
     * <p>
     * with route = "projects.studies.", then
     * <p>
     * [
     * id,
     * alias,
     * name
     * ]
     * @param options options
     * @param route route
     * @return QueryOptions
    static QueryOptions filterOptions(QueryOptions options, String route) {
        if (options == null) {
            return null;

        QueryOptions filteredOptions = new QueryOptions(options); //copy queryOptions

        String[] filteringLists = { "include", "exclude" };
        for (String listName : filteringLists) {
            List<String> list = filteredOptions.getAsStringList(listName);
            List<String> filteredList = new LinkedList<>();
            int length = route.length();
            if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) {
                for (String s : list) {
                    if (s.startsWith(route)) {
                    } else {
                if (listName.equals("include")) {
                } else if (listName.equals("exclude")) {
                filteredOptions.put(listName, filteredList);
        return filteredOptions;

    static void filterStringParams(ObjectMap parameters, Map<String, Object> filteredParams,
            String[] acceptedParams) {
        for (String s : acceptedParams) {
            if (parameters.containsKey(s)) {
                filteredParams.put(s, parameters.getString(s));

    static void filterEnumParams(ObjectMap parameters, Map<String, Object> filteredParams,
            Map<String, Class<? extends Enum>> acceptedParams) throws CatalogDBException {
        for (Map.Entry<String, Class<? extends Enum>> e : acceptedParams.entrySet()) {
            if (parameters.containsKey(e.getKey())) {
                String parameterValue = parameters.getString(e.getKey());
                Set<String> set = (Set<String>) EnumSet.allOf(e.getValue()).stream().map(Object::toString)
                if (!set.contains(parameterValue)) {
                    throw new CatalogDBException(
                            "Invalid parameter { " + e.getKey() + ": \"" + parameterValue + "\" }. Accepted values "
                                    + "from Enum " + e.getValue() + " " + EnumSet.allOf(e.getValue()));
                filteredParams.put(e.getKey(), parameterValue);

    static void filterIntegerListParams(ObjectMap parameters, Map<String, Object> filteredParams,
            String[] acceptedIntegerListParams) {
        for (String s : acceptedIntegerListParams) {
            if (parameters.containsKey(s)) {
                filteredParams.put(s, parameters.getAsIntegerList(s));

    static void filterLongListParams(ObjectMap parameters, Map<String, Object> filteredParams,
            String[] acceptedLongListParams) {
        for (String s : acceptedLongListParams) {
            if (parameters.containsKey(s)) {
                filteredParams.put(s, parameters.getAsLongList(s));

    static void filterMapParams(ObjectMap parameters, Map<String, Object> filteredParams,
            String[] acceptedMapParams) {
        for (String s : acceptedMapParams) {
            if (parameters.containsKey(s)) {
                ObjectMap map;
                if (parameters.get(s) instanceof Map) {
                    map = new ObjectMap(parameters.getMap(s));
                } else {
                    map = new ObjectMap(parameters.getString(s));
                try {
                    Document document = getMongoDBDocument(map, s);
                    if (map.size() > 0) {
                        for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) {
                            filteredParams.put(s + "." + entry.getKey(), document.get(entry.getKey()));
                    } else {
                        filteredParams.put(s, document);
                } catch (CatalogDBException e) {

    static void filterObjectParams(ObjectMap parameters, Map<String, Object> filteredParams,
            String[] acceptedMapParams) {
        for (String s : acceptedMapParams) {
            if (parameters.containsKey(s)) {
                Document document = null;
                try {
                    document = getMongoDBDocument(parameters.get(s), s);
                    filteredParams.put(s, document);
                } catch (CatalogDBException e) {

    static void filterIntParams(ObjectMap parameters, Map<String, Object> filteredParams,
            String[] acceptedIntParams) {
        for (String s : acceptedIntParams) {
            if (parameters.containsKey(s)) {
                int anInt = parameters.getInt(s, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
                if (anInt != Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
                    filteredParams.put(s, anInt);

    static void filterLongParams(ObjectMap parameters, Map<String, Object> filteredParams,
            String[] acceptedLongParams) {
        for (String s : acceptedLongParams) {
            if (parameters.containsKey(s)) {
                long aLong = parameters.getLong(s, Long.MIN_VALUE);
                if (aLong != Long.MIN_VALUE) {
                    filteredParams.put(s, aLong);

    static boolean isDataStoreOption(String key) {
        return DATASTORE_OPTIONS.contains(key);

    static boolean isOtherKnownOption(String key) {
        return OTHER_OPTIONS.contains(key);

     * Changes the format of the queries. Queries retrieved from the WS come as "annotation": "nestedKey.subkey=5,sex=male".
     * That will be changed to "annotation.nestedKey.subkey" : "=5"; "": "=male"
     * @param query queryObject
    public static void fixAnnotationQuery(Query query) {
        if (!query.containsKey(SampleDBAdaptor.QueryParams.ANNOTATION.key())) {

        Pattern annotationPattern = Pattern.compile("^([annotation.]?[a-zA-Z\\.]+)([\\^=<>~!\\^\\$]+.*)$");

        List<String> valueList = query.getAsStringList(SampleDBAdaptor.QueryParams.ANNOTATION.key(), ";");
        for (String annotation : valueList) {
            Matcher matcher = annotationPattern.matcher(annotation);
            String key;
            String queryValueString;
            if (matcher.find()) {
                key =;
                if (!key.startsWith(SampleDBAdaptor.QueryParams.ANNOTATION.key() + ".")) {
                    key = SampleDBAdaptor.QueryParams.ANNOTATION.key() + "." + key;
                queryValueString =;

                query.append(key, queryValueString);

        // Remove the current query

    public static void addAnnotationQueryFilter(String optionKey, Query query, Map<String, Variable> variableMap,
            List<Bson> annotationSetFilter) throws CatalogDBException {
        // Annotation Filter
        final String sepOr = ",";

        String annotationKey;
        if (optionKey.startsWith("annotation.")) {
            annotationKey = optionKey.substring("annotation.".length());
        } else {
            throw new CatalogDBException(
                    "Wrong annotation query. Expects: {\"annotation.<variable>\" , <operator><value> } ");
        String annotationValue = query.getString(optionKey);

        final String variableId;
        final String route;
        if (annotationKey.contains(".")) {
            String[] variableIdRoute = annotationKey.split("\\.", 2);
            variableId = variableIdRoute[0];
            route = "." + variableIdRoute[1];
        } else {
            variableId = annotationKey;
            route = "";
        String[] values = annotationValue.split(sepOr);

        QueryParam.Type type = QueryParam.Type.TEXT;

        if (variableMap != null) {
            Variable variable = variableMap.get(variableId);
            if (variable == null) {
                throw new CatalogDBException("Variable \"" + variableId + "\" not found in variableSet ");
            Variable.VariableType variableType = variable.getType();
            if (variable.getType() == Variable.VariableType.OBJECT) {
                String[] routes = route.split("\\.");
                for (String r : routes) {
                    if (variable.getType() != Variable.VariableType.OBJECT) {
                        throw new CatalogDBException("Unable to query variable " + annotationKey);
                    if (variable.getVariableSet() != null) {
                        Map<String, Variable> subVariableMap = variable.getVariableSet().stream()
                                .collect(Collectors.toMap(Variable::getName, Function.<Variable>identity()));
                        if (subVariableMap.containsKey(r)) {
                            variable = subVariableMap.get(r);
                            variableType = variable.getType();
                    } else {
                        variableType = Variable.VariableType.TEXT;
            if (variableType == Variable.VariableType.BOOLEAN) {
                type = QueryParam.Type.BOOLEAN;

            } else if (variableType == Variable.VariableType.NUMERIC) {
                type = QueryParam.Type.DECIMAL;

        List<Bson> valueList = addCompQueryFilter(type, "value" + route, Arrays.asList(values), new ArrayList<>());
                Filters.elemMatch("annotations", Filters.and(Filters.eq("name", variableId), valueList.get(0))));

    public static void addAnnotationQueryFilter(String optionKey, QueryOptions options,
            List<DBObject> annotationSetFilter, Map<String, Variable> variableMap) throws CatalogDBException {
        // Annotation Filters
        final String sepAnd = ";";
        final String sepOr = ",";
        final String sepIs = ":";

        for (String annotation : options.getAsStringList(optionKey, sepAnd)) {
            String[] split = annotation.split(sepIs, 2);
            if (split.length != 2) {
                throw new CatalogDBException("Malformed annotation query : " + annotation);
            final String variableId;
            final String route;
            if (split[0].contains(".")) {
                String[] variableIdRoute = split[0].split("\\.", 2);
                variableId = variableIdRoute[0];
                route = "." + variableIdRoute[1];
            } else {
                variableId = split[0];
                route = "";
            String[] values = split[1].split(sepOr);

            AbstractDBAdaptor.FilterOption.Type type = AbstractDBAdaptor.FilterOption.Type.TEXT;

            if (variableMap != null) {
                Variable variable = variableMap.get(variableId);
                Variable.VariableType variableType = variable.getType();
                if (variable.getType() == Variable.VariableType.OBJECT) {
                    String[] routes = route.split("\\.");
                    for (String r : routes) {
                        if (variable.getType() != Variable.VariableType.OBJECT) {
                            throw new CatalogDBException("Unable to query variable " + split[0]);
                        if (variable.getVariableSet() != null) {
                            Map<String, Variable> subVariableMap = variable.getVariableSet().stream()
                                    .collect(Collectors.toMap(Variable::getName, Function.<Variable>identity()));
                            if (subVariableMap.containsKey(r)) {
                                variable = subVariableMap.get(r);
                                variableType = variable.getType();
                        } else {
                            variableType = Variable.VariableType.TEXT;
                if (variableType == Variable.VariableType.BOOLEAN) {
                    type = AbstractDBAdaptor.FilterOption.Type.BOOLEAN;

                } else if (variableType == Variable.VariableType.NUMERIC) {
                    type = AbstractDBAdaptor.FilterOption.Type.NUMERICAL;
            List<DBObject> queryValues = addCompQueryFilter(type, Arrays.asList(values), "value" + route,
                    new LinkedList<DBObject>());
            annotationSetFilter.add(new BasicDBObject("annotations", new BasicDBObject("$elemMatch",
                    new BasicDBObject(queryValues.get(0).toMap()).append("name", variableId))));

    static List<Bson> addCompQueryFilter(QueryParam option, String optionKey, String queryKey, ObjectMap options,
            List<Bson> andQuery) throws CatalogDBException {
        List<String> optionsList = options.getAsStringList(optionKey);
        if (queryKey == null) {
            queryKey = "";
        return addCompQueryFilter(option.type(), queryKey, optionsList, andQuery);

    private static List<Bson> addCompQueryFilter(QueryParam.Type type, String queryKey, List<String> optionsList,
            List<Bson> andQuery) throws CatalogDBException {

        ArrayList<Bson> or = new ArrayList<>(optionsList.size());
        for (String option : optionsList) {
            Matcher matcher = OPERATION_PATTERN.matcher(option);
            String operator;
            String key;
            String filter;
            if (!matcher.find()) {
                operator = "";
                key = queryKey;
                filter = option;
            } else {
                operator =;
                //                if (queryKey.isEmpty()) {
                //                    key =;
                //                } else {
                //                    String separatorDot = ? "" : ".";
                //                    key = queryKey + separatorDot +;
                //                }
                key = queryKey;
                filter =;
            if (key.isEmpty()) {
                throw new CatalogDBException("Unknown filter operation: " + option + " . Missing key");
            switch (type) {
            case DECIMAL:
            case DOUBLE:
            case DECIMAL_ARRAY:
                try {
                    double doubleValue = Double.parseDouble(filter);
                    or.add(addNumberOperationQueryFilter(key, operator, doubleValue));
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    throw new CatalogDBException(e);
            case TEXT:
            case TEXT_ARRAY:
                or.add(addStringOperationQueryFilter(key, operator, filter));
            case BOOLEAN:
                or.add(addBooleanOperationQueryFilter(key, operator, Boolean.parseBoolean(filter), new Document()));
        if (or.isEmpty()) {
            return andQuery;
        } else if (or.size() == 1) {
        } else {
            andQuery.add(new Document("$or", or));

        return andQuery;

    static List<DBObject> addCompQueryFilter(AbstractDBAdaptor.FilterOption option, String optionKey,
            ObjectMap options, String queryKey, List<DBObject> andQuery) throws CatalogDBException {
        List<String> optionsList = options.getAsStringList(optionKey);
        if (queryKey == null) {
            queryKey = "";
        return addCompQueryFilter(option.getType(), optionsList, queryKey, andQuery);

    private static List<DBObject> addCompQueryFilter(AbstractDBAdaptor.FilterOption.Type type,
            List<String> optionsList, String queryKey, List<DBObject> andQuery) throws CatalogDBException {

        ArrayList<DBObject> or = new ArrayList<>(optionsList.size());
        for (String option : optionsList) {
            Matcher matcher = OPERATION_PATTERN.matcher(option);
            String operator;
            String key;
            String filter;
            if (!matcher.find()) {
                operator = "";
                key = queryKey;
                filter = option;
            } else {
                operator =;
                //                if (queryKey.isEmpty()) {
                //                    key =;
                //                } else {
                //                    String separatorDot = ? "" : ".";
                //                    key = queryKey + separatorDot +;
                //                }
                key = queryKey;
                filter =;
            if (key.isEmpty()) {
                throw new CatalogDBException("Unknown filter operation: " + option + " . Missing key");
            switch (type) {
            case NUMERICAL:
                try {
                    double doubleValue = Double.parseDouble(filter);
                    or.add(addNumberOperationQueryFilter(key, operator, doubleValue, new BasicDBObject()));
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    throw new CatalogDBException(e);
            case TEXT:
                or.add(addStringOperationQueryFilter(key, operator, filter, new BasicDBObject()));
            case BOOLEAN:
                or.add(addBooleanOperationQueryFilter(key, operator, Boolean.parseBoolean(filter),
                        new BasicDBObject()));
        if (or.isEmpty()) {
            return andQuery;
        } else if (or.size() == 1) {
        } else {
            andQuery.add(new BasicDBObject("$or", or));

        return andQuery;

    static DBObject addStringOperationQueryFilter(String queryKey, String op, String filter, DBObject query)
            throws CatalogDBException {
        switch (op) {
        case "<":
            query.put(queryKey, new BasicDBObject("$lt", filter));
        case "<=":
            query.put(queryKey, new BasicDBObject("$lte", filter));
        case ">":
            query.put(queryKey, new BasicDBObject("$gt", filter));
        case ">=":
            query.put(queryKey, new BasicDBObject("$gte", filter));
        case "!=":
            query.put(queryKey, new BasicDBObject("$ne", filter));
        case "":
        case "=":
        case "==":
            query.put(queryKey, filter);
        case "~":
        case "=~":
            query.put(queryKey, new BasicDBObject("$regex", filter));
            throw new CatalogDBException("Unknown numerical query operation " + op);
        return query;

    static Document addStringOperationQueryFilter(String queryKey, String op, String filter)
            throws CatalogDBException {
        Document query;
        switch (op) {
        case "<":
            query = new Document(queryKey, new Document("$lt", filter));
        case "<=":
            query = new Document(queryKey, new Document("$lte", filter));
        case ">":
            query = new Document(queryKey, new Document("$gt", filter));
        case ">=":
            query = new Document(queryKey, new Document("$gte", filter));
        case "!=":
            query = new Document(queryKey, new Document("$ne", filter));
        case "":
        case "=":
        case "==":
            query = new Document(queryKey, filter);
        case "~":
        case "=~":
            query = new Document(queryKey, new Document("$regex", filter));
            throw new CatalogDBException("Unknown numerical query operation " + op);
        return query;

    static DBObject addNumberOperationQueryFilter(String queryKey, String op, Number filter, DBObject query)
            throws CatalogDBException {
        switch (op) {
        case "<":
            query.put(queryKey, new BasicDBObject("$lt", filter));
        case "<=":
            query.put(queryKey, new BasicDBObject("$lte", filter));
        case ">":
            query.put(queryKey, new BasicDBObject("$gt", filter));
        case ">=":
            query.put(queryKey, new BasicDBObject("$gte", filter));
        case "!=":
            query.put(queryKey, new BasicDBObject("$ne", filter));
        case "":
        case "=":
        case "==":
            query.put(queryKey, filter);
            throw new CatalogDBException("Unknown string query operation " + op);
        return query;

    static Document addNumberOperationQueryFilter(String queryKey, String op, Number filter)
            throws CatalogDBException {
        Document query;
        switch (op) {
        case "<":
            query = new Document(queryKey, new Document("$lt", filter));
        case "<=":
            query = new Document(queryKey, new Document("$lte", filter));
        case ">":
            query = new Document(queryKey, new Document("$gt", filter));
        case ">=":
            query = new Document(queryKey, new Document("$gte", filter));
        case "!=":
            query = new Document(queryKey, new Document("$ne", filter));
        case "":
        case "=":
        case "==":
            query = new Document(queryKey, filter);
            throw new CatalogDBException("Unknown string query operation " + op);
        return query;

    static DBObject addBooleanOperationQueryFilter(String queryKey, String op, Boolean filter, DBObject query)
            throws CatalogDBException {
        switch (op) {
        case "!=":
            query.put(queryKey, new BasicDBObject("$ne", filter));
        case "":
        case "=":
        case "==":
            query.put(queryKey, filter);
            throw new CatalogDBException("Unknown boolean query operation " + op);
        return query;

    static Document addBooleanOperationQueryFilter(String queryKey, String op, Boolean filter, Document query)
            throws CatalogDBException {
        switch (op) {
        case "!=":
            query.put(queryKey, new Document("$ne", filter));
        case "":
        case "=":
        case "==":
            query.put(queryKey, filter);
            throw new CatalogDBException("Unknown boolean query operation " + op);
        return query;

    static boolean isDuplicateKeyException(MongoWriteException e) {
        return ErrorCategory.fromErrorCode(e.getCode()) == ErrorCategory.DUPLICATE_KEY;

    static CatalogDBException ifDuplicateKeyException(Supplier<? extends CatalogDBException> producer,
            MongoWriteException e) {
        if (isDuplicateKeyException(e)) {
            return producer.get();
        } else {
            throw e;