Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 OpenCB * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.opencb.cellbase.lib.loader; import com.mongodb.bulk.BulkWriteResult; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.bson.Document; import org.opencb.cellbase.core.api.CellBaseDBAdaptor; import org.opencb.cellbase.core.api.DBAdaptorFactory; import org.opencb.cellbase.core.config.CellBaseConfiguration; import org.opencb.cellbase.core.config.DatabaseCredentials; import org.opencb.cellbase.core.loader.CellBaseLoader; import org.opencb.cellbase.core.loader.LoadRunner; import org.opencb.cellbase.core.loader.LoaderException; import org.opencb.cellbase.lib.MongoDBCollectionConfiguration; import org.opencb.cellbase.lib.impl.MongoDBAdaptorFactory; import org.opencb.commons.datastore.core.DataStoreServerAddress; import org.opencb.commons.datastore.core.QueryOptions; import org.opencb.commons.datastore.core.QueryResult; import org.opencb.commons.datastore.mongodb.MongoDBCollection; import org.opencb.commons.datastore.mongodb.MongoDBConfiguration; import org.opencb.commons.datastore.mongodb.MongoDataStore; import org.opencb.commons.datastore.mongodb.MongoDataStoreManager; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; /** * Created by parce on 18/02/15. */ public class MongoDBCellBaseLoader extends CellBaseLoader { private MongoDataStoreManager mongoDataStoreManager; private MongoDataStore mongoDataStore; private MongoDBCollection mongoDBCollection; private DBAdaptorFactory dbAdaptorFactory; @Deprecated private CellBaseDBAdaptor dbAdaptor; private Path indexScriptFolder; private int[] chunkSizes; private String clinicalVariantSource; private static final String CLINVARVARIANTSOURCE = "clinvar"; private static final String COSMICVARIANTSOURCE = "cosmic"; private static final String GWASVARIANTSOURCE = "gwas"; public MongoDBCellBaseLoader(BlockingQueue<List<String>> queue, String data, String database) { this(queue, data, database, null, null, null); } public MongoDBCellBaseLoader(BlockingQueue<List<String>> queue, String data, String database, String field, String[] innerFields, CellBaseConfiguration cellBaseConfiguration) { super(queue, data, database, field, innerFields, cellBaseConfiguration); if (cellBaseConfiguration.getDatabases().getMongodb().getOptions().get("mongodb-index-folder") != null) { indexScriptFolder = Paths.get( cellBaseConfiguration.getDatabases().getMongodb().getOptions().get("mongodb-index-folder")); } } @Override public void init() throws LoaderException { /* * OpenCB 'datastore' project is used to load data into MongoDB. The following code: * 1. creates a Manager to connect to a physical server * 2. a 'datastore' object connects to a specific database * 3. finally a connection to the collection is stored in 'mongoDBCollection' */ // DatabaseProperties mongodbCredentials = cellBaseConfiguration.getDatabases().get("mongodb"); DatabaseCredentials mongodbCredentials = cellBaseConfiguration.getDatabases().getMongodb(); String[] hosts = mongodbCredentials.getHost().split(","); List<DataStoreServerAddress> dataStoreServerAddressList = new ArrayList<>(hosts.length); for (String host : hosts) { String[] hostAndPort = host.split(":"); dataStoreServerAddressList.add(new DataStoreServerAddress(hostAndPort[0], (hostAndPort.length == 2) ? Integer.parseInt(hostAndPort[1]) : 27017)); } mongoDataStoreManager = new MongoDataStoreManager(dataStoreServerAddressList); MongoDBConfiguration mongoDBConfiguration; if (cellBaseConfiguration != null && mongodbCredentials.getOptions().get("authenticationDatabase") != null && !mongodbCredentials.getOptions().get("authenticationDatabase").isEmpty()) { mongoDBConfiguration = MongoDBConfiguration.builder().add("username", mongodbCredentials.getUser()) .add("password", mongodbCredentials.getPassword()) .add("authenticationDatabase", mongodbCredentials.getOptions().get("authenticationDatabase")) .build(); logger.debug("MongoDB 'authenticationDatabase' database parameter set to '{}'", mongodbCredentials.getOptions().get("authenticationDatabase")); } else { mongoDBConfiguration = MongoDBConfiguration.builder().add("username", mongodbCredentials.getUser()) .add("password", mongodbCredentials.getPassword()).build(); } logger.debug("MongoDB credentials are user: '{}', password: '{}'", mongodbCredentials.getUser(), mongodbCredentials.getPassword()); mongoDataStore = mongoDataStoreManager.get(database, mongoDBConfiguration); String collectionName = getCollectionName(data); mongoDBCollection = mongoDataStore.getCollection(collectionName); logger.debug("Connection to MongoDB datastore '{}' created, collection '{}' is used", mongoDataStore.getDatabaseName(), collectionName); // Some collections need to add an extra _chunkIds field to speed up some queries getChunkSizes(collectionName); logger.debug("Chunk sizes '{}' used for collection '{}'", Arrays.toString(chunkSizes), collectionName); dbAdaptorFactory = new MongoDBAdaptorFactory(cellBaseConfiguration); dbAdaptor = getDBAdaptor(data); } @Deprecated private CellBaseDBAdaptor getDBAdaptor(String data) throws LoaderException { String[] databaseParts = database.split("_"); String species = databaseParts[1]; // String assembly = databaseParts[2]; CellBaseDBAdaptor dbAdaptor; switch (data) { case "genome_info": // dbAdaptor = dbAdaptorFactory.getGenomeDBAdaptor(species, assembly); dbAdaptor = null; break; case "genome_sequence": // dbAdaptor = dbAdaptorFactory.getGenomeDBAdaptor(species, assembly); dbAdaptor = null; break; case "gene": // dbAdaptor = dbAdaptorFactory.getGeneDBAdaptor(species, assembly); dbAdaptor = null; break; case "variation": // Default assembly will be selected - it is a bad idea to get the assembly from the database name since // '-', '_', '.' symbols are removed from the assembly before building the database name. This getAdaptor // method will soon be remove dbAdaptor = dbAdaptorFactory.getVariationDBAdaptor(species); dbAdaptor = null; break; case "cadd": //// dbAdaptor = dbAdaptorFactory.getVariantFunctionalScoreDBAdaptor(species, assembly); dbAdaptor = null; break; case "regulatory_region": // dbAdaptor = dbAdaptorFactory.getRegulationDBAdaptor(species, assembly); dbAdaptor = null; break; case "protein": // dbAdaptor = dbAdaptorFactory.getProteinDBAdaptor(species, assembly); dbAdaptor = null; break; case "protein_protein_interaction": // dbAdaptor = dbAdaptorFactory.getProteinProteinInteractionDBAdaptor(species, assembly); dbAdaptor = null; break; // // TODO: implement an adaptor for protein_functional_prediction - current queries are issued from the // // TODO: ProteinDBAdaptors, that's why there isn't one yet case "protein_functional_prediction": dbAdaptor = null; // collectionName = "protein_functional_prediction"; break; case "conservation": // dbAdaptor = dbAdaptorFactory.getConservationDBAdaptor(species, assembly); dbAdaptor = null; break; case "cosmic": clinicalVariantSource = "cosmic"; // dbAdaptor = dbAdaptorFactory.getClinicalDBAdaptor(species, assembly); dbAdaptor = null; break; case "clinvar": clinicalVariantSource = "clinvar"; // Default assembly will be selected - it is a bad idea to get the assembly from the database name since // '-', '_', '.' symbols are removed from the assembly before building the database name. This getAdaptor // method will soon be remove dbAdaptor = dbAdaptorFactory.getClinicalDBAdaptor(species); break; case "gwas": clinicalVariantSource = "gwas"; // Default assembly will be selected - it is a bad idea to get the assembly from the database name since // '-', '_', '.' symbols are removed from the assembly before building the database name. This getAdaptor // method will soon be remove dbAdaptor = dbAdaptorFactory.getClinicalDBAdaptor(species); break; case "clinical": // Default assembly will be selected - it is a bad idea to get the assembly from the database name since // '-', '_', '.' symbols are removed from the assembly before building the database name. This getAdaptor // method will soon be remove dbAdaptor = dbAdaptorFactory.getClinicalDBAdaptor(species); break; case "metadata": dbAdaptor = null; // collectionName = "protein_functional_prediction"; break; default: throw new LoaderException("Unknown data to load: '" + data + "'"); } return dbAdaptor; } // TODO: use adaptors within MongoDBCellBaseLoader, avoid using mongoDBCollection and remove this method private String getCollectionName(String data) throws LoaderException { String collectionName; switch (data) { case "genome_info": collectionName = "genome_info"; break; case "genome_sequence": collectionName = "genome_sequence"; break; case "gene": collectionName = "gene"; break; case "variation": collectionName = "variation"; break; case "cadd": collectionName = "variation_functional_score"; break; case "regulatory_region": collectionName = "regulatory_region"; break; case "protein": collectionName = "protein"; break; case "protein_protein_interaction": collectionName = "protein_protein_interaction"; break; case "protein_functional_prediction": collectionName = "protein_functional_prediction"; break; case "conservation": collectionName = "conservation"; break; case "cosmic": clinicalVariantSource = "cosmic"; collectionName = "clinical"; break; case "clinvar": clinicalVariantSource = "clinvar"; collectionName = "clinical"; break; case "gwas": clinicalVariantSource = "gwas"; collectionName = "clinical"; break; case "clinical": collectionName = "clinical"; break; case "metadata": collectionName = "metadata"; break; default: throw new LoaderException("Unknown data to load: '" + data + "'"); } return collectionName; } private void getChunkSizes(String collectionName) { if (collectionName != null) { switch (collectionName) { case "genome_sequence": chunkSizes = new int[] { MongoDBCollectionConfiguration.GENOME_SEQUENCE_CHUNK_SIZE }; break; case "gene": chunkSizes = new int[] { MongoDBCollectionConfiguration.GENE_CHUNK_SIZE }; break; case "variation": // TODO: why are we using different chunk sizes?? chunkSizes = new int[] { MongoDBCollectionConfiguration.VARIATION_CHUNK_SIZE, 10 * MongoDBCollectionConfiguration.VARIATION_CHUNK_SIZE, }; break; case "variation_functional_score": chunkSizes = new int[] { MongoDBCollectionConfiguration.VARIATION_FUNCTIONAL_SCORE_CHUNK_SIZE }; break; case "regulatory_region": chunkSizes = new int[] { MongoDBCollectionConfiguration.REGULATORY_REGION_CHUNK_SIZE }; break; case "conservation": chunkSizes = new int[] { MongoDBCollectionConfiguration.CONSERVATION_CHUNK_SIZE }; break; default: break; } } } @Override public Integer call() { if (field != null) { return prepareBatchAndUpdate(); } else { return prepareBatchAndLoad(); } } private int prepareBatchAndUpdate() { int numLoadedObjects = 0; boolean finished = false; while (!finished) { try { List<String> batch = blockingQueue.take(); if (batch == LoadRunner.POISON_PILL) { finished = true; } else { List<Document> dbObjectsBatch = new ArrayList<>(batch.size()); for (String jsonLine : batch) { Document dbObject = Document.parse(jsonLine); dbObjectsBatch.add(dbObject); } Long numUpdates = (Long) dbAdaptor.update(dbObjectsBatch, field, innerFields).first(); numLoadedObjects += numUpdates; } } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.error("Loader thread interrupted: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error Loading batch: " + e.getMessage()); } } logger.debug("'load' finished. " + numLoadedObjects + " records loaded"); return numLoadedObjects; } private int prepareBatchAndLoad() { int numLoadedObjects = 0; boolean finished = false; while (!finished) { try { List<String> batch = blockingQueue.take(); if (batch == LoadRunner.POISON_PILL) { finished = true; } else { List<Document> documentBatch = new ArrayList<>(batch.size()); for (String jsonLine : batch) { Document document = Document.parse(jsonLine); addChunkId(document); addClinicalPrivateFields(document); // addVariationPrivateFields(document); documentBatch.add(document); } numLoadedObjects += load(documentBatch); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("Loader thread interrupted: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("Error Loading batch: " + e.getMessage()); } } logger.debug("'load' finished. " + numLoadedObjects + " records loaded"); return numLoadedObjects; } // private void addVariationPrivateFields(Document document) { // if (data.equals("variation")) { // document.put("_id", buildId((String) document.get("chromosome"), (int) document.get("start"), // (String) document.get("reference"), (String) document.get("alternate"))); // } // } private void addClinicalPrivateFields(Document document) { if (clinicalVariantSource != null) { List<String> geneIdList = null; List<String> phenotypeList = null; switch (clinicalVariantSource) { case CLINVARVARIANTSOURCE: geneIdList = getClinvarGeneIds(document); phenotypeList = getClinvarPhenotypes(document); break; case COSMICVARIANTSOURCE: geneIdList = document.get("geneName") != null ? Collections.singletonList(document.getString("geneName")) : null; phenotypeList = getCosmicPhenotypes(document); break; case GWASVARIANTSOURCE: geneIdList = document.get("reportedGenes") != null ? Collections.singletonList(document.getString("reportedGenes")) : null; phenotypeList = getGwasPhenotypes(document); break; default: break; } if (geneIdList != null) { document.put("_geneIds", geneIdList); } if (phenotypeList != null) { document.put("_phenotypes", phenotypeList); } } } private List<String> getGwasPhenotypes(Document document) { List<String> phenotypeList = new ArrayList<>(); List studiesDBList = document.get("studies", List.class); for (Object studyObject : studiesDBList) { Document studyDBObject = (Document) studyObject; List traitsDBList = studyDBObject.get("traits", List.class); if (traitsDBList != null) { for (Object traitObject : traitsDBList) { Document traitDBObject = (Document) traitObject; if (traitDBObject.get("diseaseTrait") != null) { phenotypeList.add(traitDBObject.getString("diseaseTrait")); } } } } return phenotypeList; } private List<String> getCosmicPhenotypes(Document document) { List<String> phenotypeList = new ArrayList<>(4); addIfNotEmpty((String) document.get("primarySite"), phenotypeList); addIfNotEmpty((String) document.get("histologySubtype"), phenotypeList); addIfNotEmpty((String) document.get("primaryHistology"), phenotypeList); addIfNotEmpty((String) document.get("siteSubtype"), phenotypeList); return phenotypeList; } private void addIfNotEmpty(String element, List<String> stringList) { if (element != null && !element.isEmpty()) { stringList.add(element); } } private List<String> getClinvarPhenotypes(Document dbObject) { List<String> phenotypeList = new ArrayList<>(); List basicDBList = ((Document) ((Document) ((Document) dbObject.get("clinvarSet")) .get("referenceClinVarAssertion")).get("traitSet")).get("trait", List.class); for (Object object : basicDBList) { Document document = (Document) object; List nameDBList = document.get("name", List.class); if (nameDBList != null) { for (Object nameObject : nameDBList) { Document elementValueDBObject = (Document) ((Document) nameObject).get("elementValue"); if (elementValueDBObject != null) { String phenotype = (String) elementValueDBObject.get("value"); if (phenotype != null) { phenotypeList.add(phenotype); } } } } } if (phenotypeList.size() > 0) { return phenotypeList; } else { return null; } } private List<String> getClinvarGeneIds(Document dbObject) { List<String> geneIdList = new ArrayList<>(); List basicDBList = ((Document) ((Document) ((Document) dbObject.get("clinvarSet")) .get("referenceClinVarAssertion")).get("measureSet")).get("measure", List.class); for (Object object : basicDBList) { Document document = (Document) object; List measureRelationshipDBList = document.get("measureRelationship", List.class); if (measureRelationshipDBList != null) { for (Object measureRelationShipObject : measureRelationshipDBList) { List symbolDBList = ((Document) measureRelationShipObject).get("symbol", List.class); if (symbolDBList != null) { for (Object symbolObject : symbolDBList) { Document elementValueDBObject = (Document) ((Document) symbolObject) .get("elementValue"); if (elementValueDBObject != null) { String geneId = (String) elementValueDBObject.get("value"); if (geneId != null) { geneIdList.add(geneId); } } } } } } } if (geneIdList.size() > 0) { return geneIdList; } else { return null; } } @Override public void createIndex(String data) throws LoaderException { Path indexFilePath = getIndexFilePath(data); if (indexFilePath != null) {"Creating indexes..."); try { runCreateIndexProcess(indexFilePath); } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { logger.warn("No index found for '{}'", data); } } public int load(List<Document> batch) { // TODO: queryOptions? QueryResult<BulkWriteResult> result = mongoDBCollection.insert(batch, new QueryOptions()); return result.first().getInsertedCount(); } private void addChunkId(Document document) { if (chunkSizes != null && chunkSizes.length > 0) { List<String> chunkIds = new ArrayList<>(); for (int chunkSize : chunkSizes) { int chunkStart = (Integer) document.get("start") / chunkSize; int chunkEnd = (Integer) document.get("end") / chunkSize; String chunkIdSuffix = chunkSize / 1000 + "k"; for (int i = chunkStart; i <= chunkEnd; i++) { if (document.containsKey("chromosome")) { chunkIds.add(document.get("chromosome") + "_" + i + "_" + chunkIdSuffix); } else { chunkIds.add(document.get("sequenceName") + "_" + i + "_" + chunkIdSuffix); } } } logger.debug("Setting chunkIds to {}", chunkIds.toString()); document.put("_chunkIds", chunkIds); } } @Override public void close() { mongoDataStoreManager.close(database); } private Path getIndexFilePath(String data) throws LoaderException { if (indexScriptFolder == null || data == null) { logger.error("No path can be provided for index, check index folder '{}' and data '{}'", indexScriptFolder, data); return null; } String indexFileName = null; switch (data) { case "genome_info": indexFileName = null; break; case "genome_sequence": indexFileName = "genome_sequence-indexes.js"; break; case "gene": indexFileName = "gene-indexes.js"; break; case "variation": indexFileName = "variation-indexes.js"; break; case "variation_functional_score": indexFileName = "variation_functional_score-indexes.js"; break; case "regulatory_region": indexFileName = "regulatory_region-indexes.js"; break; case "protein": indexFileName = "protein-indexes.js"; break; case "protein_protein_interaction": indexFileName = "protein_protein_interaction-indexes.js"; break; case "protein_functional_prediction": indexFileName = "protein_functional_prediction-indexes.js"; break; case "conservation": indexFileName = "conservation-indexes.js"; break; case "cosmic": case "clinvar": case "gwas": case "clinical": indexFileName = "clinical-indexes.js"; break; default: break; } if (indexFileName == null) { return null; } return indexScriptFolder.resolve(indexFileName); } protected boolean runCreateIndexProcess(Path indexFilePath) throws IOException, InterruptedException { // DatabaseProperties mongodbCredentials = cellBaseConfiguration.getDatabases().get("mongodb"); DatabaseCredentials mongodbCredentials = cellBaseConfiguration.getDatabases().getMongodb(); List<String> args = new ArrayList<>(); args.add("mongo"); args.add("--host"); args.add(mongodbCredentials.getHost()); if (mongodbCredentials.getUser() != null && !mongodbCredentials.getUser().equals("")) { args.addAll(Arrays.asList("-u", mongodbCredentials.getUser(), "-p", mongodbCredentials.getPassword())); } if (cellBaseConfiguration != null && mongodbCredentials.getOptions().get("authenticationDatabase") != null) { args.add("--authenticationDatabase"); args.add(mongodbCredentials.getOptions().get("authenticationDatabase")); logger.debug("MongoDB 'authenticationDatabase' database parameter set to '{}'", mongodbCredentials.getOptions().get("authenticationDatabase")); } args.add(database); args.add(indexFilePath.toString()); ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(args); logger.debug("Executing command: '{}'", StringUtils.join(processBuilder.command(), " ")); // processBuilder.redirectErrorStream(true); // if (logFilePath != null) { // processBuilder.redirectOutput(ProcessBuilder.Redirect.appendTo(new File(logFilePath))); // } Process process = processBuilder.start(); process.waitFor(); // Check process output boolean executedWithoutErrors = true; int genomeInfoExitValue = process.exitValue(); if (genomeInfoExitValue != 0) { logger.warn("Error executing {}, error code: {}", indexFilePath, genomeInfoExitValue); executedWithoutErrors = false; } return executedWithoutErrors; } }