Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 OpenCB * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectReader; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.opencb.cellbase.client.config.ClientConfiguration; import org.opencb.commons.datastore.core.Query; import org.opencb.commons.datastore.core.QueryOptions; import org.opencb.commons.datastore.core.QueryResponse; import org.opencb.commons.datastore.core.QueryResult; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; /** * Created by imedina on 12/05/16. */ public class ParentRestClient<T> { protected String species; protected Client client; protected String category; protected String subcategory; protected Class<T> clazz; protected ClientConfiguration configuration; protected static ObjectMapper jsonObjectMapper; protected static Logger logger; public static final int LIMIT = 1000; public static final int REST_CALL_BATCH_SIZE = 200; public static final int DEFAULT_NUM_THREADS = 4; @Deprecated public ParentRestClient(ClientConfiguration configuration) { this(configuration.getDefaultSpecies(), configuration); } public ParentRestClient(String species, ClientConfiguration configuration) { this.species = species; this.configuration = configuration; this.client = ClientBuilder.newClient(); jsonObjectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); jsonObjectMapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass().toString()); } public QueryResponse<Long> count(Query query) throws IOException { return execute("count", query, new QueryOptions(), Long.class); } public QueryResponse<T> first() throws IOException { return execute("first", new Query(), new QueryOptions(), clazz); } public QueryResponse<T> get(List<String> id, QueryOptions queryOptions) throws IOException { return execute(id, "info", queryOptions, clazz); } protected <U> QueryResponse<U> execute(String action, Query query, QueryOptions queryOptions, Class<U> clazz) throws IOException { return execute(action, query, queryOptions, clazz, false); } protected <U> QueryResponse<U> execute(String action, Query query, QueryOptions queryOptions, Class<U> clazz, boolean post) throws IOException { if (query != null && queryOptions != null) { queryOptions.putAll(query); } return execute("", action, queryOptions, clazz, post); } protected <U> QueryResponse<U> execute(String ids, String resource, QueryOptions queryOptions, Class<U> clazz) throws IOException { return execute(Arrays.asList(ids.split(",")), resource, queryOptions, clazz, false); } protected <U> QueryResponse<U> execute(String ids, String resource, QueryOptions queryOptions, Class<U> clazz, boolean post) throws IOException { return execute(Arrays.asList(ids.split(",")), resource, queryOptions, clazz, post); } protected <U> QueryResponse<U> execute(List<String> idList, String resource, QueryOptions options, Class<U> clazz) throws IOException { return execute(idList, resource, options, clazz, false); } protected <U> QueryResponse<U> execute(List<String> idList, String resource, QueryOptions options, Class<U> clazz, boolean post) throws IOException { if (idList == null || idList.isEmpty()) { return new QueryResponse<>(); } // If the list contain less than REST_CALL_BATCH_SIZE variants then we can make a normal REST call. if (idList.size() <= REST_CALL_BATCH_SIZE) { return fetchData(idList, resource, options, clazz, post); } // But if there are more than REST_CALL_BATCH_SIZE variants then we launch several threads to increase performance. int numThreads = (options != null) ? options.getInt("numThreads", DEFAULT_NUM_THREADS) : DEFAULT_NUM_THREADS; ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numThreads); List<Future<QueryResponse<U>>> futureList = new ArrayList<>((idList.size() / REST_CALL_BATCH_SIZE) + 1); for (int i = 0; i < idList.size(); i += REST_CALL_BATCH_SIZE) { final int from = i; final int to = (from + REST_CALL_BATCH_SIZE > idList.size()) ? idList.size() : from + REST_CALL_BATCH_SIZE; futureList.add(executorService .submit(() -> fetchData(idList.subList(from, to), resource, options, clazz, post))); } List<QueryResult<U>> queryResults = new ArrayList<>(idList.size()); for (Future<QueryResponse<U>> responseFuture : futureList) { try { while (!responseFuture.isDone()) { Thread.sleep(5); } queryResults.addAll(responseFuture.get().getResponse()); } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } QueryResponse<U> finalResponse = new QueryResponse<>(); finalResponse.setResponse(queryResults); executorService.shutdown(); return finalResponse; } private <U> QueryResponse<U> fetchData(List<String> idList, String resource, QueryOptions options, Class<U> clazz, boolean post) throws IOException { if (options == null) { options = new QueryOptions(); } options.putIfAbsent("limit", LIMIT); Map<Integer, Integer> idMap = new HashMap<>(); List<String> prevIdList = idList; List<String> newIdsList = null; boolean call = true; int skip = 0; QueryResponse<U> queryResponse = null; QueryResponse<U> finalQueryResponse = null; while (call) { queryResponse = robustRestCall(idList, resource, options, clazz, post); // First iteration we set the response object, no merge needed if (finalQueryResponse == null) { finalQueryResponse = queryResponse; } else { // merge query responses // if (newIdsList != null && newIdsList.size() > 0) { if (newIdsList.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < newIdsList.size(); i++) { finalQueryResponse.getResponse().get(idMap.get(i)).getResult() .addAll(queryResponse.getResponse().get(i).getResult()); } } } // check if we need to call again if (newIdsList != null) { prevIdList = newIdsList; } newIdsList = new ArrayList<>(); idMap = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < queryResponse.getResponse().size(); i++) { if (queryResponse.getResponse().get(i).getNumResults() == LIMIT) { idMap.put(newIdsList.size(), i); newIdsList.add(prevIdList.get(i)); } } if (newIdsList.isEmpty()) { // this breaks the while condition call = false; } else { idList = newIdsList; skip += LIMIT; options.put("skip", skip); } } logger.debug("queryResponse = " + queryResponse); return finalQueryResponse; } private <U> QueryResponse<U> robustRestCall(List<String> idList, String resource, QueryOptions queryOptions, Class<U> clazz, boolean post) throws IOException { String ids = ""; if (idList != null && !idList.isEmpty()) { ids = StringUtils.join(idList, ','); } boolean queryError = false; QueryResponse<U> queryResponse; try { queryResponse = restCall(configuration.getRest().getHosts(), configuration.getVersion(), ids, resource, queryOptions, clazz, post); if (queryResponse == null) { logger.warn( "CellBase REST fail. Returned null. {} for ids {}. hosts: {}, version: {}, resource: {}, " + "queryOptions: {}", ids, StringUtils.join(configuration.getRest().getHosts(), ","), configuration.getVersion(), resource, queryOptions.toJson()); queryError = true; } } catch (JsonProcessingException | e) { logger.warn( "CellBase REST fail. Error parsing query result for ids {}. hosts: {}, version: {}, " + "resource: {}, queryOptions: {}", ids, StringUtils.join(configuration.getRest().getHosts(), ","), configuration.getVersion(), resource, queryOptions.toJson()); queryError = true; queryResponse = null; } if (queryResponse != null && queryResponse.getResponse().size() != idList.size()) { logger.warn("QueryResponse size (" + queryResponse.getResponse().size() + ") != id list size (" + idList.size() + ")."); } if (queryError) { if (idList.size() == 1) { logger.warn("CellBase REST warning. Skipping id. {}", idList.get(0)); return new QueryResponse<U>(configuration.getVersion(), -1, null, "CellBase REST error. Skipping id " + idList.get(0), queryOptions, Collections.singletonList( new QueryResult<U>(idList.get(0), -1, 0, 0, null, null, Collections.emptyList()))); } List<QueryResult<U>> queryResultList = new LinkedList<>(); queryResponse = new QueryResponse<U>(configuration.getVersion(), -1, null, null, queryOptions, queryResultList); logger.warn("Re-attempting to solve the query - trying to identify any problematic id to skip it"); List<String> idList1 = idList.subList(0, idList.size() / 2); if (!idList1.isEmpty()) { queryResultList.addAll(robustRestCall(idList1, resource, queryOptions, clazz, post).getResponse()); } List<String> idList2 = idList.subList(idList.size() / 2, idList.size()); if (!idList2.isEmpty()) { queryResultList.addAll(robustRestCall(idList2, resource, queryOptions, clazz, post).getResponse()); } } return queryResponse; } private <U> QueryResponse<U> restCall(List<String> hosts, String version, String ids, String resource, QueryOptions queryOptions, Class<U> clazz, boolean post) throws IOException { WebTarget path ="webservices/rest/" + version).path(species) .path(category).path(subcategory); WebTarget callUrl = path; if (ids != null && !ids.isEmpty() && !post) { callUrl = path.path(ids); } // Add the last URL part, the 'action' or 'resource' callUrl = callUrl.path(resource); if (queryOptions != null) { for (String s : queryOptions.keySet()) { callUrl = callUrl.queryParam(s, queryOptions.get(s)); } } String jsonString; if (post) { logger.debug("Making POST call to REST URL: {}", callUrl.getUri().toURL()); jsonString = callUrl.request().post(Entity.text(ids), String.class); } else { logger.debug("Making GET call to REST URL: {}", callUrl.getUri().toURL()); jsonString = callUrl.request().get(String.class); } return parseResult(jsonString, clazz); } private static <U> QueryResponse<U> parseResult(String json, Class<U> clazz) throws IOException { ObjectReader reader = jsonObjectMapper.readerFor(jsonObjectMapper.getTypeFactory() .constructParametrizedType(QueryResponse.class, QueryResult.class, clazz)); return reader.readValue(json); } }