Source code

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 *  Copyright 2009, 2010 The Regents of the University of California
 *  Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0
 *  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 *  with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 *  software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
 *  or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
 *  permissions and limitations under the License.
package org.opencastproject.composer.gstreamer.engine;

import org.opencastproject.composer.api.EncoderException;
import org.opencastproject.composer.api.EncodingProfile;
import org.opencastproject.composer.gstreamer.AbstractGSEncoderEngine;

import org.gstreamer.Buffer;
import org.gstreamer.Bus;
import org.gstreamer.Caps;
import org.gstreamer.Element;
import org.gstreamer.ElementFactory;
import org.gstreamer.Format;
import org.gstreamer.GstObject;
import org.gstreamer.Pad;
import org.gstreamer.PadDirection;
import org.gstreamer.Pipeline;
import org.gstreamer.SeekFlags;
import org.gstreamer.SeekType;
import org.gstreamer.State;
import org.gstreamer.Structure;
import org.gstreamer.elements.AppSink;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.RenderingHints.Key;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.nio.IntBuffer;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;

import javax.imageio.ImageIO;

 * Encoder engine that uses GStreamer for encoding.
public class GStreamerEncoderEngine extends AbstractGSEncoderEngine {

    /** Suffix for gstreamer pipeline template and image extraction */
    protected static final String GS_SUFFIX = "gstreamer.pipeline";
    protected static final String GS_IMAGE_TEMPLATE = "gstreamer.image.extraction";

    /** Logger utility */
    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GStreamerEncoderEngine.class);

    // constants used in gstreamer
    private static final String START_TIME = "start-time";
    // private static final String END_TIME = "end-time";
    private static final int GS_SEEK_FLAGS = SeekFlags.FLUSH;

    /** Rendering hints for resizing images */
    private static final Map<Key, Object> imageRenderingHints = new HashMap<RenderingHints.Key, Object>();
    static {
        imageRenderingHints.put(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BICUBIC);

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
     * org.opencastproject.composer.gstreamer.AbstractGSEncoderEngine#createAndLaunchPipeline(org.opencastproject.composer
     * .api.EncodingProfile, java.util.Map)
    protected void createAndLaunchPipeline(EncodingProfile profile, Map<String, String> properties)
            throws EncoderException {"Creating pipeline definition from: {}", profile.getIdentifier());
        String pipelineDefinition = buildGStreamerPipelineDefinition(profile, properties);
        logger.debug("Creating pipeline from: {}", pipelineDefinition);
        GSPipeline pipeline = createPipeline(pipelineDefinition);
        logger.debug("Executing pipeline built from: {}", pipelineDefinition);
        if (properties.containsKey(START_TIME)) {
            launchPipeline(pipeline, Integer.parseInt(properties.get(START_TIME)));
        } else {
            launchPipeline(pipeline, 0);
        }"Execution successful");

     * Builds string representation of gstreamer pipeline by substituting templates from pipeline template with actual
     * values from properties. Template format is #{}. All unmatched properties are removed.
     * @param profile
     *          EncodingProfile used for this encoding job
     * @param properties
     *          Map that contains substitutions for templates
     * @return String representation of gstreamer pipeline
     * @throws EncoderException
     *           if profile does not contain gstreamer template
    private String buildGStreamerPipelineDefinition(EncodingProfile profile, Map<String, String> properties)
            throws EncoderException {

        String pipelineTemplate = profile.getExtension(GS_SUFFIX);
        if (pipelineTemplate == null) {
            logger.warn("Profile {} does not contain gstreamer pipeline template.", profile.getName());
            throw new EncoderException(
                    "Profile " + profile.getName() + " does not contain gstreamer pipeline template");

        // substitute templates for actual values
        String tmpPipelineDefinition = substituteTemplateValues(pipelineTemplate, properties, false);
        String pipelineDefinition = substituteTemplateValues(tmpPipelineDefinition, properties, true);

        return pipelineDefinition;

     * Creates GSPipeline that contains gstreamer Pipeline with its MonitorObject from string representation of pipeline.
     * Syntax is equivalent to the gstreamer command line syntax.
     * @param pipelineDefinition
     *          String representation of gstreamer pipeline
     * @return GSPipeline that contains built Pipeline and MonitorObject
     * @throws EncoderException
     *           if Pipeline cannot be constructed from pipeline definition
    private GSPipeline createPipeline(String pipelineDefinition) throws EncoderException {

        if (pipelineDefinition == null || "".equals(pipelineDefinition)) {
            logger.warn("No pipeline definition specified.");
            throw new EncoderException("Pipeline definition is null");

        Pipeline pipeline;
        try {
            logger.debug("processing pipeline: {}", new String[] { pipelineDefinition });
            pipeline = Pipeline.launch(pipelineDefinition);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            logger.warn("Could not create pipeline from definition \"{}\": {}", pipelineDefinition, t.getMessage());
            throw new EncoderException("Unable to create pipeline from: " + pipelineDefinition, t);
        if (pipeline == null) {
            logger.warn("No pipeline was created from \"{}\"", pipelineDefinition);
            throw new EncoderException("No pipeline was created from: " + pipelineDefinition);

        MonitorObject monitorObject = createNewMonitorObject();
        installListeners(pipeline, monitorObject);

        return createNewGSPipeline(pipeline, monitorObject);

     * Executes GSPipeline. Blocks until either exception occurs in processing pipeline or EOS is reached. Optionally you
     * can specify start position from where pipeline should start playing.
     * @param gspipeline
     *          GSPipeline used for execution
     * @param startPosition
     *          start position in seconds
     * @throws EncoderException
     *           if current thread is interrupted, exception occurred in processing pipeline or pipeline could not play
     *           from specified time position
    private void launchPipeline(GSPipeline gspipeline, int startPosition) throws EncoderException {

        // start position is in seconds
        if (startPosition < 0) {
            logger.warn("Starting position is not a positive number");
            throw new EncoderException("Invalid start position: " + startPosition);

        if (Thread.interrupted()) {
            logger.warn("Failed to start processing pipeline: Thread interrupted");
            throw new EncoderException("Failed to start processing pipeline: Thread interrupted");

        // FIXME revise and test code
        if (startPosition > 0) {
            if (!gspipeline.getPipeline().seek(1.0, Format.TIME, SeekFlags.FLUSH | SeekFlags.ACCURATE, SeekType.SET,
                    startPosition * 1000 * 1000, SeekType.NONE, -1)) {
                logger.warn("Could not start pipeline from: {} s", startPosition);
                throw new EncoderException("Failed to set " + startPosition + " as new start position");

        synchronized (gspipeline.getMonitorObject().getMonitorLock()) {
            try {
                while (!gspipeline.getMonitorObject().getEOSReached())
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                logger.warn("Thread interrupted while processing");
                throw new EncoderException("Could not finish processing", e);
            } finally {

        String errorMessage = gspipeline.getMonitorObject().getFirstErrorMessage();
        if (errorMessage != null) {
            logger.warn("Errors in processing pipeline");
            throw new EncoderException("Error occurred in processing pipeline: " + errorMessage);

     * Install various listeners to Pipeline, such as: ERROR, WARNING, INFO, STATE_CHANGED and EOS.
     * @param pipeline
     *          Pipeline to which listeners will be installed
     * @param monitorObject
     *          MonitorObject used for monitoring state of pipeline: errors and EOS
    private void installListeners(Pipeline pipeline, final MonitorObject monitorObject) {
        pipeline.getBus().connect(new Bus.ERROR() {
            public void errorMessage(GstObject source, int code, String message) {
                String errorMessage = source.getName() + ": " + code + " - " + message;
                logger.error("Error in processing pipeline: {}", errorMessage);
                // terminate pipeline immediately
                synchronized (monitorObject.getMonitorLock()) {
        pipeline.getBus().connect(new Bus.WARNING() {
            public void warningMessage(GstObject source, int code, String message) {
                logger.warn("Warning in processing pipeline: {}: {} - {}",
                        new String[] { source.getName(), Integer.toString(code), message });
        pipeline.getBus().connect(new Bus.INFO() {
            public void infoMessage(GstObject source, int code, String message) {
      "{}: {} - {}", new String[] { source.getName(), Integer.toString(code), message });
        pipeline.getBus().connect(new Bus.STATE_CHANGED() {
            public void stateChanged(GstObject source, State old, State current, State pending) {
                logger.debug("{}: State changed from {} to {}",
                        new String[] { source.getName(), old.toString(), current.toString() });
        pipeline.getBus().connect(new Bus.EOS() {
            public void endOfStream(GstObject source) {
      "{}: End of stream reached.", source.getName());
                synchronized (monitorObject.getMonitorLock()) {

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
     * org.opencastproject.composer.gstreamer.AbstractGSEncoderEngine#extractMultipleImages(org.opencastproject.composer
     * .api.EncodingProfile, java.util.Map)
    protected List<File> extractMultipleImages(EncodingProfile profile, Map<String, String> properties)
            throws EncoderException {

        String imageExtractionTemplate = properties.get(GS_IMAGE_TEMPLATE);
        String outputTemplate = properties.get("out.file.path");
        String videoPath = properties.get("");

        // TODO generalize token substitution and write token cleanup
        String configuration = substituteTemplateValues(imageExtractionTemplate, properties, false);
        List<ImageExtractionProperties> extractionProperties = parseImageExtractionConfiguration(configuration,

        Pipeline pipeline = createFixedPipelineForImageExtraction(videoPath);
        AppSink appsink = (AppSink) pipeline.getElementByName("appsink");

        // install listeners
        MonitorObject monitorObject = createNewMonitorObject();
        installListeners(pipeline, monitorObject);

        switch (pipeline.setState(State.PAUSED)) {
        case FAILURE:
            logger.warn("Could not change pipeline state to PAUSED");
            throw new EncoderException("Could not change state");
        case NO_PREROLL:
            logger.warn("Live sources are not supported");
            throw new EncoderException("Live sources not supported");

        // loop through all image definitions and extract them
        // if one extraction fails, remove all and throw exception
        for (ImageExtractionProperties imageProperties : extractionProperties) {

            // state should be set to paused before we attempt to seek
            if (pipeline.getState() == State.NULL) {
                logger.warn("Exception occured while trying to play file {}", videoPath);
                throw new EncoderException("Failed to play file " + videoPath);

            // seek
            if (!, Format.TIME, GS_SEEK_FLAGS, SeekType.SET,
                    imageProperties.getTimeInSeconds() * 1000 * 1000 * 1000, SeekType.NONE, -1)) {
                logger.warn("Could not seek to position {}s", imageProperties.getTimeInSeconds());
                throw new EncoderException(
                        "Failed to seek to position " + imageProperties.getTimeInSeconds() + "s");

            // get buffer
            Buffer buffer = appsink.pullBuffer();

            if (buffer != null) {
                try {
                    createImageOutOfBuffer(buffer, imageProperties.getImageWidth(),
                            imageProperties.getImageHeight(), imageProperties.getImageOutput());
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    logger.warn("Could not create image out of buffer at time {}: {}",
                            imageProperties.getTimeInSeconds(), e.getMessage());
                    throw new EncoderException("Failed to create image", e);
                } finally {
            } else {
                // check if EOS was reached
                if (monitorObject.getEOSReached()) {
                    logger.warn("Image extraction time {}s exceeds stream duration",
                    throw new EncoderException(
                            "Invalid image extraction time: " + imageProperties.getTimeInSeconds() + "s");
                } else {
                    logger.warn("Could not retrieve buffer from pipeline for time {}s",
                    throw new EncoderException(
                            "Failed to retrieve buffer for time " + imageProperties.getTimeInSeconds() + "s");

        return reorder(extractionProperties);

     * Creates fixed pipeline for image extraction. Pipeline consists of filesrc, decodebin, ffmpegcolorspace and appsink
     * elements. Appsink element is named 'appsink' and by that name reference to appsink element can be obtained from the
     * pipeline.
     * @param videoPath
     *          video on which image extraction will be performed
     * @return built and linked pipeline
     * @throws EncoderException
     *           if linking fails
    private Pipeline createFixedPipelineForImageExtraction(String videoPath) throws EncoderException {
        // create pipeline
        Element filesrc = ElementFactory.make("filesrc", null);
        filesrc.set("location", videoPath);
        Element decodebin = ElementFactory.make("decodebin2", null);
        final Element ffmpegcs = ElementFactory.make("ffmpegcolorspace", null);
        AppSink appSink = (AppSink) ElementFactory.make("appsink", "appsink");
        Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline("Image extraction");
        pipeline.addMany(filesrc, decodebin, ffmpegcs, appSink);

        // link pipeline
        if (! {
            throw new EncoderException("Failed linking filesrc with decodebin");

        decodebin.connect(new Element.PAD_ADDED() {
            public void padAdded(Element element, Pad pad) {
        Pad pad = new Pad(null, PadDirection.SRC);

        Caps caps = new Caps("video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=32, depth=24");
        if (!Element.linkPadsFiltered(ffmpegcs, "src", appSink, "sink", caps)) {
            throw new EncoderException("Failed linking ffmpegcolorspace with appsink");

        return pipeline;

     * Creates image out of gstreamer buffer. Buffer should have following properties: 32 bits/pixel and color depth of 24
     * bits. Output image format is chosen based on the output file name. If width or height are equal or less than 0,
     * original image size is retained.
     * @param buffer
     *          gstreamer buffer from which image will be constructed
     * @param width
     *          width of the new image
     * @param height
     *          height of the new image
     * @param output
     *          output file name
     * @throws IOException
     *           if writing image fails
    private void createImageOutOfBuffer(Buffer buffer, int width, int height, String output) throws IOException {
        // get buffer information
        Structure structure = buffer.getCaps().getStructure(0);
        int origHeight = structure.getInteger("height");
        int origWidth = structure.getInteger("width");

        // create original image
        IntBuffer intBuf = buffer.getByteBuffer().asIntBuffer();
        int[] imageData = new int[intBuf.capacity()];
        intBuf.get(imageData, 0, imageData.length);
        BufferedImage originalImage = new BufferedImage(origWidth, origHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
        originalImage.setRGB(0, 0, origWidth, origHeight, imageData, 0, origWidth);

        BufferedImage image;
        if (height <= 0 || width <= 0) {
  "Retaining image of original size {}x{}", origWidth, origHeight);
            image = originalImage;
        } else {
  "Resizing image from {}x{} to {}x{}",
                    new Object[] { origWidth, origHeight, width, height });
            image = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
            Graphics2D graphics = image.createGraphics();
            graphics.drawImage(originalImage, 0, 0, width, height, null);

        // write image
        File outputFile = new File(output);
        ImageIO.write(image, FilenameUtils.getExtension(output), outputFile);

     * Creates new MonitorObject, which keeps information of pipelines errors, and if pipeline should be stopped.
     * @return new MonitorObject
    private MonitorObject createNewMonitorObject() {
        MonitorObject monitorObject = new MonitorObject() {

            /** Lock object for notification between threads */
            private final Object lock = new Object();
            /** If pipeline should be stopped (EOS or error) */
            private AtomicBoolean stopPipeline = new AtomicBoolean(false);
            /** List of errors */
            private LinkedList<String> errors = new LinkedList<String>();

            public void setStopPipeline(boolean stop) {

            public Object getMonitorLock() {
                return lock;

            public String getFirstErrorMessage() {
                return errors.isEmpty() ? null : errors.getFirst();

            public boolean getEOSReached() {
                return stopPipeline.get();

            public void addErrorMessage(String message) {
        return monitorObject;

     * Creates new GSPipeline object that holds Pipeline and its MonitorObject.
     * @param pipeline
     * @param monitorObject
     * @return new GSPipeline object
    private GSPipeline createNewGSPipeline(final Pipeline pipeline, final MonitorObject monitorObject) {
        GSPipeline gspipeline = new GSPipeline() {
            public Pipeline getPipeline() {
                return pipeline;

            public MonitorObject getMonitorObject() {
                return monitorObject;
        return gspipeline;

     * Used for monitoring pipeline state.
    private interface MonitorObject {
        Object getMonitorLock();

        boolean getEOSReached();

        void setStopPipeline(boolean reached);

        void addErrorMessage(String message);

        String getFirstErrorMessage();

     * Container for Pipeline and MonitorObject
    private interface GSPipeline {
        Pipeline getPipeline();

        MonitorObject getMonitorObject();