Source code

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 * Licensed to The Apereo Foundation under one or more contributor license
 * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional
 * information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The Apereo Foundation licenses this file to you under the Educational
 * Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License
 * at:
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.

package org.opencastproject.comments;

import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static org.opencastproject.util.RequireUtil.notEmpty;
import static org.opencastproject.util.RequireUtil.notNull;

import org.opencastproject.util.DateTimeSupport;
import org.opencastproject.util.EqualsUtil;
import org.opencastproject.util.Jsons;
import org.opencastproject.util.Jsons.Obj;
import org.opencastproject.util.Jsons.Val;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;

 * Business object for comments.
public final class Comment {

    /** The comment identifier */
    private Option<Long> id;

    /** The comment text */
    private String text;

    /** The creation date */
    private Date creationDate;

    /** The modification date */
    private Date modificationDate;

    /** The comment author */
    private User author;

    /** The comment reason */
    private String reason;

    /** The comment resolve status */
    private boolean resolvedStatus = false;

    /** The comment replies */
    private List<CommentReply> replies = new ArrayList<CommentReply>();

     * Creates a simple comment
     * @param id
     *          the optional identifier
     * @param text
     *          the text
     * @param author
     *          the author of the comment
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *           if id, text or author is not set
    public static Comment create(Option<Long> id, String text, User author) {
        return create(id, text, author, null, false);

     * Creates a complex comment
     * @param id
     *          the optional identifier
     * @param text
     *          the text
     * @param author
     *          the author of the comment
     * @param reason
     *          the comment reason
     * @param resolvedStatus
     *          whether the comment is resolved
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *           if id, text, or author is not set
    public static Comment create(Option<Long> id, String text, User author, String reason, boolean resolvedStatus) {
        Date creationDate = new Date();
        return create(id, text, author, reason, resolvedStatus, creationDate, creationDate,
                new ArrayList<CommentReply>());

     * Creates a complex comment
     * @param id
     *          the optional identifier
     * @param text
     *          the text
     * @param author
     *          the author of the comment
     * @param reason
     *          the comment reason
     * @param resolvedStatus
     *          whether the comment is resolved
     * @param resolvedStatus
     *          whether the comment is resolved
     * @param creationDate
     *          the creation date
     * @param modificationDate
     *          the modification date
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *           if id, text, author, creation date or modification date is not set
    public static Comment create(Option<Long> id, String text, User author, String reason, boolean resolvedStatus,
            Date creationDate, Date modificationDate) {
        return new Comment(id, text, author, reason, resolvedStatus, creationDate, modificationDate,
                new ArrayList<CommentReply>());

     * Creates a complex comment
     * @param id
     *          the optional identifier
     * @param text
     *          the text
     * @param author
     *          the author of the comment
     * @param reason
     *          the comment reason
     * @param resolvedStatus
     *          whether the comment is resolved
     * @param resolvedStatus
     *          whether the comment is resolved
     * @param creationDate
     *          the creation date
     * @param modificationDate
     *          the modification date
     * @param replies
     *          the replies
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *           if id, text, author, creation date, modification date or replies is not set
    public static Comment create(Option<Long> id, String text, User author, String reason, boolean resolvedStatus,
            Date creationDate, Date modificationDate, List<CommentReply> replies) {
        return new Comment(id, text, author, reason, resolvedStatus, creationDate, modificationDate, replies);

    private Comment(Option<Long> id, String text, User author, String reason, boolean resolvedStatus,
            Date creationDate, Date modificationDate, List<CommentReply> replies) { = notNull(id, "id");
        this.text = notEmpty(text, "text"); = notNull(author, "author");
        this.reason = reason;
        this.resolvedStatus = resolvedStatus;
        this.creationDate = notNull(creationDate, "creationDate");
        this.modificationDate = notNull(modificationDate, "modificationDate");
        this.replies = notNull(replies, "replies");

     * Returns the comment id
     * @return the id
    public Option<Long> getId() {
        return id;

     * Returns the text
     * @return the text
    public String getText() {
        return text;

     * Returns the creation date
     * @return the creation date
    public Date getCreationDate() {
        return creationDate;

     * Returns the modification date
     * @return the modification date
    public Date getModificationDate() {
        return modificationDate;

     * Returns the author
     * @return the author
    public User getAuthor() {
        return author;

     * Returns the reason
     * @return the reason
    public String getReason() {
        return reason;

     * Returns whether the status is resolved
     * @return whether the status is resolved
    public boolean isResolvedStatus() {
        return resolvedStatus;

     * Returns the comment replies
     * @return the comment replies
    public List<CommentReply> getReplies() {
        return replies;

     * Add a reply to the comment
     * @param reply
     *          the reply to add to this comment
     * @return true if this collection changed as a result of the call
    public boolean addReply(CommentReply reply) {
        return replies.add(notNull(reply, "reply"));

     * Remove a reply from the comment
     * @param reply
     *          the reply to remove from this comment
     * @return true if this collection changed as a result of the call
    public boolean removeReply(CommentReply reply) {
        return replies.remove(notNull(reply, "reply"));

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (this == o)
            return true;
        if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass())
            return false;
        Comment comment = (Comment) o;

        return text.equals(comment.getText()) && creationDate.equals(comment.getCreationDate())
                && modificationDate.equals(comment.getModificationDate()) && author.equals(comment.getAuthor())
                && (reason == null ? comment.getReason() == null : reason.equals(comment.getReason()))
                && resolvedStatus == comment.isResolvedStatus();

    public int hashCode() {
        return EqualsUtil.hash(text, creationDate, modificationDate, author, reason, resolvedStatus);

    public String toString() {
        return "Comment:" + id + "|" + StringUtils.abbreviate(text, 25);

    public Obj toJson() {
        Obj authorObj = Jsons.obj(Jsons.p("name", author.getName()), Jsons.p("username", author.getUsername()),
                Jsons.p("email", author.getEmail()));

        List<Val> replyArr = new ArrayList<Val>();
        for (CommentReply reply : replies) {

        Val idValue = Jsons.ZERO_VAL;
        if (id.isSome())
            idValue = Jsons.v(id.get());

        return Jsons.obj(Jsons.p("id", idValue), Jsons.p("text", text),
                Jsons.p("creationDate", DateTimeSupport.toUTC(creationDate.getTime())),
                Jsons.p("modificationDate", DateTimeSupport.toUTC(modificationDate.getTime())),
                Jsons.p("author", authorObj), Jsons.p("reason", reason), Jsons.p("resolvedStatus", resolvedStatus),
                Jsons.p("replies", Jsons.arr(replyArr)));

    public JValue toJValue() {
        JValue authorObj = j(f("name", vN(author.getName())), f("username", v(author.getUsername())),
                f("email", vN(author.getEmail())));

        List<JValue> replyArr = new ArrayList<JValue>();
        for (CommentReply reply : replies) {

        JValue idValue = jz;
        if (id.isSome())
            idValue = v(id.get());

        List<JField> fields = new ArrayList<JField>();
        fields.add(f("id", idValue));
        fields.add(f("text", v(text)));
        fields.add(f("creationDate", v(DateTimeSupport.toUTC(creationDate.getTime()))));
        fields.add(f("modificationDate", v(DateTimeSupport.toUTC(modificationDate.getTime()))));
        fields.add(f("author", authorObj));
        fields.add(f("reason", v(reason)));
        fields.add(f("resolvedStatus", v(resolvedStatus)));
        fields.add(f("replies", a(replyArr)));

        return j(fields);
