Java tutorial
/* ************************************************************************* * The contents of this file are subject to the Openbravo Public License * Version 1.1 (the "License"), being the Mozilla Public License * Version 1.1 with a permitted attribution clause; you may not use this * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * The Original Code is Openbravo ERP. * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Openbravo SLU * All portions are Copyright (C) 2008-2015 Openbravo SLU * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. ************************************************************************ */ package; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.dom4j.Document; import; import org.hibernate.ScrollMode; import org.openbravo.base.exception.OBException; import org.openbravo.base.model.Entity; import org.openbravo.base.model.ModelProvider; import org.openbravo.base.model.Property; import org.openbravo.base.structure.BaseOBObject; import org.openbravo.base.util.Check; import org.openbravo.base.util.CheckException; import org.openbravo.dal.core.DalMappingGenerator; import org.openbravo.dal.core.DalUtil; import org.openbravo.dal.core.OBContext; import org.openbravo.dal.service.OBDal; import org.openbravo.dal.service.OBQuery; import org.openbravo.dal.xml.EntityExcelXMLConverter; import org.openbravo.dal.xml.EntityResolver.ResolvingMode; import org.openbravo.dal.xml.EntityXMLConverter; import org.openbravo.dal.xml.ModelXMLConverter; import org.openbravo.dal.xml.XMLEntityConverter; import org.openbravo.dal.xml.XMLUtil; import org.openbravo.database.SessionInfo; import org.openbravo.service.db.DataImportService; import org.openbravo.service.db.ImportResult; import org.openbravo.service.web.InvalidContentException; import org.openbravo.service.web.InvalidRequestException; import org.openbravo.service.web.ResourceNotFoundException; import org.openbravo.service.web.WebService; import org.openbravo.service.web.WebServiceUtil; /** * The main Data Access Layer REST web service implementation. It covers the four REST HTTP methods: * DELETE, GET, POST and PUT. This service makes heavily use of the XML converters which translate * Entity instances from and to XML. * * @see EntityXMLConverter * @see XMLEntityConverter * @author mtaal */ public class DalWebService implements WebService { public static final String PARAMETER_WHERE = "where"; public static final String PARAMETER_ORDERBY = "orderBy"; public static final String PARAMETER_FIRSTRESULT = "firstResult"; public static final String PARAMETER_MAXRESULT = "maxResult"; public static final String PARAMETER_INCLUDECHILDREN = "includeChildren"; public static final String PARAMETER_EXCEL = "excel"; // Parameter to specify the list of properties to be returned public static final String PARAMETER_PROPERTIES = "_selectedProperties"; public static final String PARAMETER_NO_ACTIVE_FILTER = "_noActiveFilter"; /** * Performs the GET REST operation. This service handles multiple types of request: the request * for the XML Schema of the REST webservices, a single Business Object and a list of Business * Objects is handled. The HttpRequest parameter 'template' makes it possible to process the XML * result through a XSLT stylesheet. * * @param path * the HttpRequest.getPathInfo(), the part of the url after the context path * @param request * the HttpServletRequest * @param response * the HttpServletResponse */ public void doGet(String path, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { final String segment = WebServiceUtil.getInstance().getFirstSegment(path); final String[] segments = WebServiceUtil.getInstance().getSegments(path); String xml; Entity entity = null; if (segment == null || segment.length() == 0) { xml = XMLUtil.getInstance().toString(ModelXMLConverter.getInstance().getEntitiesAsXML()); } else if (segment.equals("schema")) { xml = XMLUtil.getInstance().toString(ModelXMLConverter.getInstance().getSchema()); } else if (segment.equals("hbm")) { xml = DalMappingGenerator.getInstance().generateMapping(); } else { final String entityName = segment; try { entity = ModelProvider.getInstance().getEntity(entityName); } catch (final CheckException ce) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Resource " + entityName + " not found", ce); } // now check the second segment and see if an operation is required String id = null; boolean countOperation = false; if (segments.length == 2) { if (segments[1].equals("count")) { countOperation = true; } else { id = segments[1]; } } final String includeChildrenStr = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_INCLUDECHILDREN); boolean includeChildren = true; if (includeChildrenStr != null) { includeChildren = Boolean.parseBoolean(includeChildrenStr); } if (id == null) { // show all of type entityname // check if there is a whereClause final String where = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_WHERE); final String orderBy = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_ORDERBY); final String firstResult = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_FIRSTRESULT); final String maxResult = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_MAXRESULT); String whereOrderByClause = ""; if (where != null) { whereOrderByClause += where; } if (orderBy != null && !countOperation) { whereOrderByClause += " order by " + orderBy; } SessionInfo.setQueryProfile("xmlWebService"); final OBQuery<BaseOBObject> obq = OBDal.getInstance().createQuery(entityName, whereOrderByClause); if (request.getParameter(PARAMETER_NO_ACTIVE_FILTER) != null && request.getParameter(PARAMETER_NO_ACTIVE_FILTER).equals("true")) { obq.setFilterOnActive(false); } if (firstResult != null) { try { obq.setFirstResult(Integer.parseInt(firstResult)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new InvalidRequestException( "Value of firstResult parameter is not an integer: " + firstResult); } } if (maxResult != null) { try { obq.setMaxResult(Integer.parseInt(maxResult)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new InvalidRequestException( "Value of maxResult parameter is not an integer: " + firstResult); } } if (countOperation) { response.setContentType("text/xml;charset=UTF-8"); final String xmlResult = WebServiceUtil.getInstance().createResultXML("" + obq.count()); final Writer w = response.getWriter(); w.write(xmlResult); w.close(); return; } else { // do a bit more efficient for large datasets if there is no // template, in this case send the output directly to the // browser final boolean sendOutputDirectToBrowser = request.getParameter("template") == null; final Writer writer; if (sendOutputDirectToBrowser) { response.setContentType("text/xml;charset=UTF-8"); writer = response.getWriter(); } else { writer = new StringWriter(); } if (request.getParameter(PARAMETER_EXCEL) != null) { final EntityExcelXMLConverter exc = EntityExcelXMLConverter.newInstance(); exc.setOutput(writer); exc.export(obq.list()); } else { final EntityXMLConverter exc = EntityXMLConverter.newInstance(); if (request.getParameter(PARAMETER_PROPERTIES) != null) { addSelectedPropertiesToEXC(exc, request.getParameter(PARAMETER_PROPERTIES), entity); } exc.setOptionEmbedChildren(true); exc.setOptionIncludeChildren(includeChildren); exc.setOptionIncludeReferenced(false); exc.setOptionExportClientOrganizationReferences(true); exc.setOutput(writer); exc.setIncludedComputedColumns(true); // use the iterator because it can handle large data sets exc.setDataScroller(obq.scroll(ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY)); exc.process(new ArrayList<BaseOBObject>()); } if (sendOutputDirectToBrowser) { // must be the response writer Check.isSameObject(writer, response.getWriter()); writer.flush(); writer.close(); // and go away return; } else { // must be a string writer in this case Check.isInstanceOf(writer, StringWriter.class); xml = writer.toString(); } } } else { final BaseOBObject result = OBDal.getInstance().get(entityName, id); if (result == null) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException( "No resource found for entity " + entityName + " using id " + id); } final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); final EntityXMLConverter exc = EntityXMLConverter.newInstance(); exc.setOptionEmbedChildren(true); exc.setOptionIncludeChildren(includeChildren); exc.setOptionIncludeReferenced(false); exc.setOptionExportClientOrganizationReferences(true); exc.setOutput(sw); if (request.getParameter(PARAMETER_PROPERTIES) != null) { addSelectedPropertiesToEXC(exc, request.getParameter(PARAMETER_PROPERTIES), entity); } exc.process(result); xml = sw.toString(); } } if (request.getParameter("template") != null) { final String url = request.getRequestURL().toString(); // add the correct ending if (url.endsWith("dal")) { throw new OBException( "The templates expect an url to end with dal/, the current url ends with just dal (without the /)"); } final String templatedXml = WebServiceUtil.getInstance().applyTemplate(xml, this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(request.getParameter("template")), url); response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); final Writer w = response.getWriter(); w.write(templatedXml); w.close(); } else { response.setContentType("text/xml;charset=UTF-8"); final Writer w = response.getWriter(); w.write(xml); w.close(); } } /** * Parses the PARAMETER_PROPERTIES parameter, creates two maps with the list of child and not * child properties for each entity beind exported and sets them in the EntityXMLConverter * instance * * @param exc * instance of the EntityXMLConverter where the properties will be set * @param selectedProperties * list of the properties to be exported * @param entity * top level entity being exported */ private void addSelectedPropertiesToEXC(EntityXMLConverter exc, String selectedProperties, Entity entity) { if (selectedProperties == null || selectedProperties.isEmpty()) { return; } Map<String, List<String>> properties = null; Map<String, List<String>> childProperties = null; boolean parseChildProperties = false; // First parse the non child properties... properties = parseProperties(selectedProperties, entity, parseChildProperties); parseChildProperties = true; // ... and then the child properties childProperties = parseProperties(selectedProperties, entity, parseChildProperties); exc.setPropertiesToBeFetched(properties); exc.setChildPropertiesToBeFetched(childProperties); } /** * Parses the PARAMETER_PROPERTIES parameter and returns a map with a list of the properties that * should be exported for each entity being exported * * @param propertiesStr * PARAMETER_PROPERTIES parameter * @param entity * top level entity being exported * @param childProperties * flag to specify whether the child or the non child properties should be parsed */ private Map<String, List<String>> parseProperties(String propertiesStr, Entity entity, boolean childProperties) { Map<String, List<String>> properties = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); for (String propertyStr : propertiesStr.split(",")) { propertyStr = propertyStr.trim(); if (!propertyStr.isEmpty()) { String key = null; String value = null; Property property = null; if (propertyStr.contains(DalUtil.DOT)) { // property of a not top-level entity key = propertyStr.substring(0, propertyStr.lastIndexOf(DalUtil.DOT)); value = propertyStr.substring(propertyStr.lastIndexOf(DalUtil.DOT) + 1); String[] propertyList; if (key.contains(DalUtil.DOT)) { propertyList = key.split("\\" + DalUtil.DOT); } else { propertyList = new String[1]; propertyList[0] = key; } Entity auxEntity = entity; // Gets the entity the property belongs to for (String propertyName : propertyList) { auxEntity = auxEntity.getProperty(propertyName).getTargetEntity(); } property = auxEntity.getProperty(value); } else { // property of the top level entity key = "_top"; value = propertyStr; property = entity.getProperty(propertyStr); } if (property == null) { continue; } if (!childProperties && property.isChild()) { continue; } if (childProperties && !property.isChild()) { continue; } List<String> propertyList = properties.get(key); if (propertyList == null) { propertyList = new ArrayList<String>(); propertyList.add("id"); } if (!propertyList.contains(value)) { propertyList.add(value); } properties.put(key, propertyList); } } return properties; } /** * The POSt action corresponds to an import (of XML) of new Business Objects. * * @param path * the HttpRequest.getPathInfo(), the part of the url after the context path * @param request * the HttpServletRequest * @param response * the HttpServletResponse */ public void doPost(String path, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { doChangeAction(path, request, response, ChangeAction.CREATE); } /** * The DELETE action can work in two modes: 1) if the URL points to a single Business Object then * that one is deleted, 2) if not then the posted information is assumed to be a XML String * identifying the Business Objects to delete. * * @param path * the HttpRequest.getPathInfo(), the part of the url after the context path * @param request * the HttpServletRequest * @param response * the HttpServletResponse */ public void doDelete(String path, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { // check if the url points to a specific business object, if so remove // it! final String[] segments = WebServiceUtil.getInstance().getSegments(path); if (segments.length == 2) { final String entityName = segments[0]; final String id = segments[1]; final BaseOBObject result = OBDal.getInstance().get(entityName, id); if (result == null) { throw new OBException("Not found record for deletion: entity " + entityName + ", id " + id); } final String resIdentifier = result.getIdentifier(); OBDal.getInstance().remove(result); OBDal.getInstance().commitAndClose(); final String resultXml = WebServiceUtil.getInstance().createResultXMLWithLogWarning( "Action performed successfully", "Removed business object " + resIdentifier, null); try { response.setContentType("text/xml;charset=UTF-8"); final Writer w = response.getWriter(); w.write(resultXml); w.close(); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new OBException(e); } return; } if (segments.length == 1) { final String entityName = segments[0]; try { ModelProvider.getInstance().getEntity(entityName); } catch (final CheckException ce) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Resource " + entityName + " not found", ce); } final String where = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_WHERE); String whereOrderByClause = ""; if (where != null) { whereOrderByClause += where; } try { final OBQuery<BaseOBObject> obq = OBDal.getInstance().createQuery(entityName, whereOrderByClause); Object o = obq.deleteQuery().executeUpdate(); OBDal.getInstance().commitAndClose(); final String resultXml = WebServiceUtil.getInstance().createResultXMLWithLogWarning( "Action performed successfully", "Removed business objects " + o, null); response.setContentType("text/xml;charset=UTF-8"); final Writer w = response.getWriter(); w.write(resultXml); w.close(); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new OBException(e); } return; } // use the content of the request doChangeAction(path, request, response, ChangeAction.DELETE); } /** * The PUT action will update existing business objects using the posted xml string. * * @param path * the HttpRequest.getPathInfo(), the part of the url after the context path * @param request * the HttpServletRequest * @param response * the HttpServletResponse */ public void doPut(String path, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { // update a resource doChangeAction(path, request, response, ChangeAction.UPDATE); } protected void doChangeAction(String path, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, ChangeAction changeAction) { response.setContentType("text/xml;charset=UTF-8"); final String resultXml = doChangeActionXML(path, request, response, changeAction); OBDal.getInstance().commitAndClose(); try { final Writer w = response.getWriter(); w.write(resultXml); w.close(); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new OBException(e); } return; } protected String doChangeActionXML(String path, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, ChangeAction changeAction) { // get the resource // Disabled this check as it makes the system much more flexible.... // it makes it possible to post xml with multiple entities to a url like // http://localhost:8080/openbravo/ws/dal // final String segment = WebServiceUtil.getInstance().getFirstSegment(path); // try { // ModelProvider.getInstance().getEntity(segment); // } catch (final CheckException ce) { // throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Resource " + segment + " not found", ce); // } try { final SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); reader.setFeature("", false); reader.setFeature("", false); reader.setFeature("", true); final Document document =; // now parse the xml and let it be translated to a set of // of objects, note that referenced objects are supposed to be // present and are not inserted/updated. return importDataFromXML(document, changeAction); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new OBException(e); } } protected String importDataFromXML(Document doc, ChangeAction changeAction) { final XMLEntityConverter xec = XMLEntityConverter.newInstance(); xec.setClient(OBContext.getOBContext().getCurrentClient()); xec.setOrganization(OBContext.getOBContext().getCurrentOrganization()); // for a webservice referenced entities should not be created at all! xec.getEntityResolver().setOptionCreateReferencedIfNotFound(false); // Retrieves the current resolving mode, to restore it after importing the data ResolvingMode prevResolvingMode = xec.getEntityResolver().getResolvingMode(); // the create action also supports updating // an update action should only update // and a delete action should be lenient, allowing non existing // entities // so only update does not allow non-existing entities if (changeAction == ChangeAction.UPDATE) { xec.getEntityResolver().setResolvingMode(ResolvingMode.MUST_EXIST); } final List<BaseOBObject> processedObjects = xec.process(doc); xec.getEntityResolver().setResolvingMode(prevResolvingMode); if (xec.getErrorMessages() != null) { throw new InvalidContentException(xec.getErrorMessages()); } // the create action also allows updating if (changeAction == ChangeAction.CREATE || changeAction == ChangeAction.UPDATE) { return doCreateUpdate(xec); } else if (changeAction == ChangeAction.DELETE) { return doDeleteAction(xec, processedObjects); } else { throw new OBException("Unsupported change action " + changeAction); } } protected String doDeleteAction(XMLEntityConverter xec, List<BaseOBObject> processedObjects) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int deleted = 0; int notDeleted = 0; final List<BaseOBObject> deletedList = new ArrayList<BaseOBObject>(); for (final BaseOBObject bob : processedObjects) { final String originalId = xec.getEntityResolver().getOriginalId(bob); if (!bob.isNewOBObject()) { OBDal.getInstance().remove(bob); if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append("\n"); } sb.append("Removed business object " + bob.getIdentifier()); if (originalId != null) { sb.append(", import id: " + originalId); } deletedList.add(bob); deleted++; } else { sb.append("Not removed business object " + bob.getIdentifier() + " because it could not be found"); if (originalId != null) { sb.append(", import id: " + originalId); } notDeleted++; } } if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append("\n"); } sb.append("Removed " + deleted + " business objects, " + notDeleted + " business objects could not be found, so not removed"); return WebServiceUtil.getInstance().createResultXMLWithObjectsAndWarning("Action performed successfully", sb.toString(), null, null, null, deletedList); } protected String doCreateUpdate(XMLEntityConverter xec) { final ImportResult ir = new ImportResult(); DataImportService.getInstance().saveUpdateConvertedObjects(xec, ir, false, null); if (ir.getErrorMessages() != null) { throw new InvalidContentException(ir.getErrorMessages()); } final String log = (xec.getLogMessages() != null ? xec.getLogMessages() : "") + (xec.getLogMessages() != null ? "\n" : "") + "Updated " + xec.getToUpdate().size() + " business objects, Inserted " + xec.getToInsert().size() + " business objects "; return WebServiceUtil.getInstance().createResultXMLWithObjectsAndWarning("Action performed successfully", log, xec.getWarningMessages(), xec.getToInsert(), xec.getToUpdate(), null); } }