Java tutorial
/* ************************************************************************* * The contents of this file are subject to the Openbravo Public License * Version 1.1 (the "License"), being the Mozilla Public License * Version 1.1 with a permitted attribution clause; you may not use this * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * The Original Code is Openbravo ERP. * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Openbravo SLU * All portions are Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Openbravo SLU * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. ************************************************************************ */ package org.openbravo.service.json; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONArray; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONException; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject; import org.openbravo.base.exception.OBException; import org.openbravo.base.model.Entity; import org.openbravo.base.model.ModelProvider; import org.openbravo.base.model.Property; import org.openbravo.base.model.domaintype.SearchDomainType; import org.openbravo.base.model.domaintype.TableDomainType; import org.openbravo.base.secureApp.VariablesSecureApp; import org.openbravo.base.structure.IdentifierProvider; import org.openbravo.base.util.Check; import org.openbravo.client.kernel.KernelUtils; import org.openbravo.client.kernel.RequestContext; import org.openbravo.dal.core.DalUtil; import org.openbravo.dal.core.OBContext; import org.openbravo.dal.service.OBDal; import org.openbravo.erpCommon.utility.OBMessageUtils; import org.openbravo.erpCommon.utility.Utility; import; import; import; import; import; import org.openbravo.model.common.enterprise.Organization; import org.openbravo.service.db.DalConnectionProvider; /** * Translates an advanced criteria/filter object into a HQL query. Also takes into account session * and other parameters. * * @author mtaal */ public class AdvancedQueryBuilder { private static final String CRITERIA_KEY = "criteria"; private static final String VALUE_KEY = "value"; private static final String FIELD_NAME_KEY = "fieldName"; public static final String EXISTS_QUERY_KEY = "existsQuery"; private static final String OPERATOR_KEY = "operator"; private static final String ALIAS_PREFIX = "alias_"; private static final String JOIN_ALIAS_PREFIX = "join_"; private static final char ESCAPE_CHAR = '|'; public static final String EXISTS_VALUE_HOLDER = "$value"; private static final String OPERATOR_AND = "and"; static final String OPERATOR_OR = "or"; private static final String OPERATOR_EQUALS = "equals"; private static final String OPERATOR_NOTEQUAL = "notEqual"; private static final String OPERATOR_IEQUALS = "iEquals"; private static final String OPERATOR_INOTEQUAL = "iNotEqual"; private static final String OPERATOR_GREATERTHAN = "greaterThan"; private static final String OPERATOR_LESSTHAN = "lessThan"; private static final String OPERATOR_GREATEROREQUAL = "greaterOrEqual"; private static final String OPERATOR_LESSOREQUAL = "lessOrEqual"; private static final String OPERATOR_IGREATERTHAN = "iGreaterThan"; private static final String OPERATOR_ILESSTHAN = "iLessThan"; private static final String OPERATOR_IGREATEROREQUAL = "iGreaterOrEqual"; private static final String OPERATOR_ILESSOREQUAL = "iLessOrEqual"; private static final String OPERATOR_CONTAINS = "contains"; private static final String OPERATOR_STARTSWITH = "startsWith"; private static final String OPERATOR_ENDSWITH = "endsWith"; private static final String OPERATOR_ICONTAINS = "iContains"; private static final String OPERATOR_ISTARTSWITH = "iStartsWith"; private static final String OPERATOR_IENDSWITH = "iEndsWith"; private static final String OPERATOR_NOTCONTAINS = "notContains"; private static final String OPERATOR_NOTSTARTSWITH = "notStartsWith"; private static final String OPERATOR_NOTENDSWITH = "notEndsWith"; private static final String OPERATOR_INOTCONTAINS = "iNotContains"; private static final String OPERATOR_INOTSTARTSWITH = "iNotStartsWith"; private static final String OPERATOR_INOTENDSWITH = "iNotEndsWith"; // private static final String OPERATOR_REGEXP = "regexp"; // private static final String OPERATOR_IREGEXP = "iregexp"; private static final String OPERATOR_ISNULL = "isNull"; private static final String OPERATOR_NOTNULL = "notNull"; private static final String OPERATOR_INSET = "inSet"; private static final String OPERATOR_NOTINSET = "notInSet"; private static final String OPERATOR_EQUALSFIELD = "equalsField"; private static final String OPERATOR_NOTEQUALFIELD = "notEqualField"; private static final String OPERATOR_GREATERTHANFIElD = "greaterThanField"; private static final String OPERATOR_LESSTHANFIELD = "lessThanField"; private static final String OPERATOR_GREATEROREQUALFIELD = "greaterOrEqualField"; private static final String OPERATOR_LESSOREQUALFIElD = "lessOrEqualField"; private static final String OPERATOR_CONTAINSFIELD = "containsField"; private static final String OPERATOR_STARTSWITHFIELD = "startsWithField"; private static final String OPERATOR_ENDSWITHFIELD = "endsWithField"; private static final String OPERATOR_NOT = "not"; private static final String OPERATOR_BETWEEN = "between"; private static final String OPERATOR_BETWEENINCLUSIVE = "betweenInclusive"; private static final String OPERATOR_IBETWEEN = "iBetween"; private static final String OPERATOR_IBETWEENINCLUSIVE = "iBetweenInclusive"; public static final String OPERATOR_EXISTS = "exists"; private JSONObject criteria = null; private Map<String, String> filterParameters = new HashMap<String, String>(); private List<Object> typedParameters = new ArrayList<Object>(); private Entity entity; private String mainAlias = null; private int aliasIndex = 0; private List<JoinDefinition> joinDefinitions = new ArrayList<JoinDefinition>(); private String orderBy; private List<String> selectClauseParts = new ArrayList<String>(); private String orderByClause = null; private String whereClause = null; private String joinClause = null; // keeps track if during parsing the criteria one or more or's are encountered. private int orNesting = 0; private int UTCServerMinutesTimeZoneDiff = 0; private int clientUTCMinutesTimeZoneDiff = 0; private SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = JsonUtils.createDateFormat(); private SimpleDateFormat simpleDateTimeFormat = JsonUtils.createJSTimeFormat(); // join associated entities private boolean joinAssociatedEntities = false; private List<String> additionalProperties = new ArrayList<String>(); private Entity subEntity; private Property distinctProperty; private String distinctPropertyPath; private DataEntityQueryService subDataEntityQueryService; // map that indicates, for a property, if its join definition is used only in joins used for // filtering the grid // see issue private Map<String, Boolean> gridFilterExclusiveJoinMap = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); private int aliasOffset = 0; // Sometimes (i.e. in HQLDataSourceServe) the AdvancedQueryBuilder is used only to retrieve the // WHERE clause, and the FROM clause is discarted // In this cases, prevent adding new join aliases in the WHERE clause, as they will not be defined // in the FROM clause private boolean creatingJoinsInWhereClauseIsPrevented = false; public Entity getEntity() { return entity; } public void setEntity(String entityName) { this.entity = ModelProvider.getInstance().getEntity(entityName); } public void setEntity(Entity entity) { this.entity = entity; } /** * Translates the filter criteria ({@link #addFilterParameter(String, String)}) to a valid HQL * where clause (without the 'where' keyword). After calling this method the method * {@link #getNamedParameters()} can be called. Note that currently only filtering on string and * boolean properties is supported. Also filtering on the identifier of a referenced business * object is supported. * * @return a valid where clause or an empty string if not set. */ public String getWhereClause() { if (whereClause != null) { return whereClause; } Check.isNotNull(entity, "Entity must be set"); // parse the criteria themselves if (criteria.has(OPERATOR_KEY)) { try { whereClause = parseCriteria(criteria); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new OBException(e); } } if (whereClause == null) { whereClause = ""; } whereClause = addWhereOrgParameters(whereClause); whereClause = substituteParameters(whereClause); if (whereClause.trim().length() > 0) { whereClause = " where " + whereClause; } whereClause += " "; if (subEntity != null) { // if there's subentity, process it as a subquery with "exists" String orgPath; if (subEntity.getMappingClass().isAssignableFrom(Organization.class)) { // special case subentity is Organization, so no extra path required to get it orgPath = "e"; } else { orgPath = "e.organization"; } String subEntityClientOrg = " and " + orgPath + ".id " + createInClause(OBContext.getOBContext().getReadableOrganizations()); String clientPath; if (subEntity.getMappingClass().isAssignableFrom(Client.class)) { // special case subentity is Client, so no extra path required to get it clientPath = "e"; } else { clientPath = "e.client"; } subEntityClientOrg += " and " + clientPath + ".id " + createInClause(OBContext.getOBContext().getReadableClients()); AdvancedQueryBuilder subEntityQueryBuilder = subDataEntityQueryService.getQueryBuilder(); subEntityQueryBuilder.aliasOffset = typedParameters.size(); String subentityWhere = subEntityQueryBuilder.getWhereClause(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(subentityWhere.trim())) { subentityWhere += " where "; } else { subentityWhere += " and "; } String distinctPropName = distinctProperty.getName(); if (distinctProperty.isComputedColumn()) { distinctPropName = Entity.COMPUTED_COLUMNS_PROXY_PROPERTY + DalUtil.DOT + distinctPropName; } whereClause += StringUtils.isEmpty(whereClause.trim()) ? "where" : "and"; // if the property allows null values, use a left join instead an inner join if (!distinctPropertyPath.contains(DalUtil.FIELDSEPARATOR) && subEntity.getProperty(distinctPropertyPath).allowNullValues()) { String joinType = null; // if all the identifier properties of the subentity are mandatory, an inner join can be // used if (KernelUtils.hasNullableIdentifierProperties(subEntity)) { joinType = " left join "; } else { joinType = " inner join "; } whereClause += " exists (select 1 from " + subEntity.getName() + " " + subEntityQueryBuilder.getJoinClause() + joinType + subEntityQueryBuilder.getMainAlias() + DalUtil.DOT + distinctPropertyPath + " as i " + subentityWhere + " i = " + mainAlias + subEntityClientOrg + ") "; } else { whereClause += " exists (select 1 from " + subEntity.getName() + " " + subEntityQueryBuilder.getJoinClause() + subentityWhere + "e." + distinctPropertyPath.replace(DalUtil.FIELDSEPARATOR, DalUtil.DOT) + " = " + mainAlias + subEntityClientOrg + ") "; } typedParameters.addAll(subEntityQueryBuilder.typedParameters); } return whereClause; } private String createInClause(String[] values) { if (values.length == 0) { return " in ('') "; } final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (final String v : values) { if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append(", "); } sb.append("'" + v + "'"); } return " in (" + sb.toString() + ")"; } private String addWhereOrgParameters(String where) { String localWhereClause = where; // add the organization parameter if (filterParameters.containsKey(JsonConstants.ORG_PARAMETER)) { final String value = filterParameters.get(JsonConstants.ORG_PARAMETER); final StringBuilder orgPart = new StringBuilder(); if (entity.isOrganizationEnabled() && value != null && value.length() > 0) { final Set<String> orgs = OBContext.getOBContext().getOrganizationStructureProvider() .getNaturalTree(value); if (orgs.size() > 0) { if (getMainAlias() != null) { orgPart.append(" " + getMainAlias() + ".organization in ("); } else { orgPart.append(" organization in ("); } boolean addComma = false; for (String org : orgs) { if (addComma) { orgPart.append(","); } orgPart.append("'" + org + "'"); addComma = true; } orgPart.append(") "); } } if (localWhereClause == null || localWhereClause.length() == 0) { localWhereClause = orgPart.length() > 0 ? orgPart.toString() : ""; } else { localWhereClause = "(" + localWhereClause + ")" + (orgPart.length() > 0 ? " and " + orgPart.toString() : ""); } } // add the special whereParameter final String whereParameter = filterParameters.get(JsonConstants.WHERE_PARAMETER); if (whereParameter != null && !whereParameter.equals("null") && whereParameter.length() > 0) { if (localWhereClause.length() > 0) { localWhereClause = " (" + localWhereClause + ") and (" + whereParameter + ") "; } else { localWhereClause = " " + whereParameter; } } return localWhereClause; } private String substituteParameters(String where) { // add some default filter parameters which are substituted filterParameters.put(JsonConstants.QUERY_PARAM_USER, OBContext.getOBContext().getUser().getId()); if (!filterParameters.containsKey(JsonConstants.QUERY_PARAM_CLIENT)) { filterParameters.put(JsonConstants.QUERY_PARAM_CLIENT, OBContext.getOBContext().getCurrentClient().getId()); } String localWhereClause = where; // handle special transactional range parameter if (localWhereClause.contains(JsonConstants.QUERY_PARAM_TRANSACTIONAL_RANGE)) { final String alias = getTypedParameterAlias(); String windowId = RequestContext.get().getRequestParameter("windowId"); if (windowId == null) { windowId = ""; } final String range = Utility.getTransactionalDate(new DalConnectionProvider(false), RequestContext.get().getVariablesSecureApp(), windowId); final int rangeNum = Integer.parseInt(range); final Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -1 * rangeNum); localWhereClause = localWhereClause.replace(JsonConstants.QUERY_PARAM_TRANSACTIONAL_RANGE, alias); typedParameters.add(cal.getTime()); } if (localWhereClause.contains(JsonConstants.QUERY_PARAM_CLIENT)) { final String alias = getTypedParameterAlias(); String clientId = (String) DalUtil.getId(OBContext.getOBContext().getCurrentClient()); localWhereClause = localWhereClause.replace(JsonConstants.QUERY_PARAM_CLIENT, alias); typedParameters.add(clientId); } localWhereClause = setRequestParameters(localWhereClause); return substituteContextParameters(localWhereClause); } private String parseCriteria(JSONObject jsonCriteria) throws JSONException { // a constructor so the content is an advanced criteria if (jsonCriteria.has("_constructor") || hasOrAndOperator(jsonCriteria)) { return parseAdvancedCriteria(jsonCriteria); } return parseSingleClause(jsonCriteria); } private boolean hasOrAndOperator(JSONObject jsonCriteria) throws JSONException { if (!jsonCriteria.has(OPERATOR_KEY)) { return false; } return OPERATOR_OR.equals(jsonCriteria.get(OPERATOR_KEY)) || OPERATOR_AND.equals(jsonCriteria.get(OPERATOR_KEY)); } private String parseSingleClause(JSONObject jsonCriteria) throws JSONException { String operator = jsonCriteria.getString(OPERATOR_KEY); if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_BETWEEN) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_BETWEENINCLUSIVE) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_IBETWEEN) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_IBETWEENINCLUSIVE)) { return parseBetween(jsonCriteria, operator, true); } Object value = jsonCriteria.has(VALUE_KEY) ? jsonCriteria.get(VALUE_KEY) : null; if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_EXISTS)) { String query = jsonCriteria.getString(EXISTS_QUERY_KEY); String alias = getTypedParameterAlias(); query = query.replace(EXISTS_VALUE_HOLDER, alias); final List<Object> typedValues = new ArrayList<Object>(); final JSONArray values = (JSONArray) value; for (int i = 0; i < values.length(); i++) { typedValues.add(values.getString(i)); } typedParameters.add(typedValues); return query; } String fieldName = jsonCriteria.getString(FIELD_NAME_KEY); // translate to a OR for each value if (value instanceof JSONArray) { final JSONArray jsonArray = (JSONArray) value; final JSONObject advancedCriteria = new JSONObject(); advancedCriteria.put(OPERATOR_KEY, OPERATOR_OR); final JSONArray subCriteria = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) { final JSONObject subCriterion = new JSONObject(); subCriterion.put(OPERATOR_KEY, operator); subCriterion.put(FIELD_NAME_KEY, fieldName); subCriterion.put(VALUE_KEY, jsonArray.get(i)); subCriteria.put(i, subCriterion); } advancedCriteria.put(CRITERIA_KEY, subCriteria); return parseAdvancedCriteria(advancedCriteria); } // Retrieves the UTC time zone offset of the client if (jsonCriteria.has("minutesTimezoneOffset")) { int clientMinutesTimezoneOffset = Integer .parseInt(jsonCriteria.get("minutesTimezoneOffset").toString()); Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); // Obtains the UTC time zone offset of the server int serverMinutesTimezoneOffset = (now.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET) + now.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET)) / (1000 * 60); // Obtains the time zone offset between the server and the client clientUTCMinutesTimeZoneDiff = clientMinutesTimezoneOffset; UTCServerMinutesTimeZoneDiff = serverMinutesTimezoneOffset; } if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_ISNULL) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_NOTNULL)) { value = null; } // if a comparison is done on an equal date then replace // with a between start time and end time on that date if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_EQUALS) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_EQUALSFIELD)) { final List<Property> properties = JsonUtils.getPropertiesOnPath(getEntity(), fieldName); if (properties.isEmpty()) { return null; } final Property property = properties.get(properties.size() - 1); if (property == null) { return null; } // create the clauses, re-uses the code in parseSimpleClause // which translates a lesserthan/greater than to the end/start // time of a date if (property.isDate() || property.isDatetime() || property.isAbsoluteDateTime()) { if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_EQUALS)) { return "(" + parseSimpleClause(fieldName, OPERATOR_GREATEROREQUAL, value) + " and " + parseSimpleClause(fieldName, OPERATOR_LESSOREQUAL, value) + ")"; } else { return "(" + parseSimpleClause(fieldName, OPERATOR_GREATEROREQUALFIELD, value) + " and " + parseSimpleClause(fieldName, OPERATOR_LESSOREQUALFIElD, value) + ")"; } } } return parseSimpleClause(fieldName, operator, value); } private String parseBetween(JSONObject jsonCriteria, String operator, boolean inclusive) throws JSONException { final String fieldName = jsonCriteria.getString(FIELD_NAME_KEY); final Object start = jsonCriteria.get("start"); final Object end = jsonCriteria.get("end"); final String leftClause = parseSimpleClause(fieldName, getBetweenOperator(operator, false), start); final String rightClause = parseSimpleClause(fieldName, getBetweenOperator(operator, true), end); if (leftClause != null && rightClause != null) { return "(" + leftClause + " and " + rightClause + ")"; } return null; } private String parseSimpleClause(String fieldName, String operator, Object value) throws JSONException { // note: code duplicated in parseSingleClause List<Property> properties = JsonUtils.getPropertiesOnPath(getEntity(), fieldName); if (properties.isEmpty()) { return null; } properties = getPropertyForTableReference(properties); Property property = properties.get(properties.size() - 1); if (property == null) { return null; } String leftClause = buildFieldClause(properties, property, fieldName, operator); String hqlOperator = getHqlOperator(operator); // special case if (value != null && value.toString().contains(JsonConstants.IN_PARAMETER_SEPARATOR)) { hqlOperator = "in"; } String rightClause = buildRightClause(property, operator, value); if (hqlOperator.equals("in")) { rightClause = "(" + rightClause + ")"; } if (isNot(operator)) { return "not(" + leftClause + " " + hqlOperator + " " + rightClause + ")"; } else { return leftClause + " " + hqlOperator + " " + rightClause; } } private String buildRightClause(Property property, String operator, Object value) throws JSONException { if (value == null) { return null; } // the right side can be a field if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_EQUALSFIELD) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_NOTEQUALFIELD) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_GREATERTHANFIElD) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_LESSTHANFIELD) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_GREATEROREQUALFIELD) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_LESSOREQUALFIElD) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_CONTAINSFIELD) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_STARTSWITHFIELD) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_ENDSWITHFIELD)) { List<Property> properties = JsonUtils.getPropertiesOnPath(getEntity(), value.toString()); properties = getPropertyForTableReference(properties); if (properties.isEmpty()) { // invalid property, report it with a listing of allowed names final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Property prop : getEntity().getProperties()) { if (prop.isId() || prop.isOneToMany() || prop.isBoolean() || prop.isDate() || prop.isDatetime() || prop.isAbsoluteDateTime() || prop.getAllowedValues().size() > 0 || prop.isInactive() || prop.isEncrypted() || prop.isOneToOne()) { continue; } if (!prop.isPrimitive()) { continue; } if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append(", "); } sb.append(prop.getName()); } throw new OBException(OBMessageUtils.getI18NMessage("OBJSON_InvalidProperty", new String[] { value.toString(), sb.toString() })); } final Property fieldProperty = properties.get(properties.size() - 1); if (property == null) { return null; } return buildFieldClause(properties, fieldProperty, value.toString(), operator); } else { return buildValueClause(property, operator, value); } } private String buildFieldClause(List<Property> properties, Property property, String fieldName, String operator) { // special cases: // TableDomainType // TableDirDomainType // handle a special case the table reference which shows a tablename in a combo // or uses the display column to display that in the grid Property useProperty = property; String useFieldName = fieldName.replace(DalUtil.FIELDSEPARATOR, DalUtil.DOT); if (useProperty.isComputedColumn()) { // Computed columns are not directly accessed but through _computedColumns proxy useFieldName = Entity.COMPUTED_COLUMNS_PROXY_PROPERTY + DalUtil.DOT + useFieldName; } boolean tableReference = false; if (properties.size() >= 2) { final Property refProperty = properties.get(properties.size() - 2); tableReference = refProperty.getDomainType() instanceof TableDomainType; if (tableReference) { // special case table reference itself final boolean isTable = property.getEntity() == ModelProvider.getInstance() .getEntity(Table.ENTITY_NAME); if (isTable) { useProperty = property.getEntity().getProperty(Table.PROPERTY_NAME); final int index = useFieldName.indexOf(DalUtil.DOT); useFieldName = useFieldName.substring(0, index + 1) + useProperty.getName(); } else { // read the reference to get the table reference final Reference reference = OBDal.getInstance().get(Reference.class, refProperty.getDomainType().getReference().getId()); for (ReferencedTable referencedTable : reference.getADReferencedTableList()) { if (referencedTable.isActive() && referencedTable.getDisplayedColumn() != null && referencedTable.getDisplayedColumn().isActive()) { useProperty = property.getEntity().getPropertyByColumnName( referencedTable.getDisplayedColumn().getDBColumnName()); final int index = useFieldName.lastIndexOf(DalUtil.DOT); if (useProperty.isPrimitive()) { useFieldName = useFieldName.substring(0, index + 1) + useProperty.getName(); } else { // adding _identifier so that the identifier properties will be formed properly in // computeLeftWhereClauseForIdentifier. useFieldName = useFieldName.substring(0, index + 1) + useProperty.getName() + DalUtil.DOT + JsonConstants.IDENTIFIER; } break; } } } } } String clause = null; if (!creatingJoinsInWhereClauseIsPrevented && orNesting > 0) { boolean fromCriteria = true; clause = resolveJoins(properties, useFieldName, fromCriteria); } else if (getMainAlias() != null) { clause = getMainAlias() + DalUtil.DOT + useFieldName.trim(); } else { clause = useFieldName; } // get rid of the identifier and replace it with the real property name // or with the concatenation if there are multiple parts // NOTE: the if and else check against the key variable and not the leftwherepart // because the key contains the original string (with the _identifier part). // Within the if the leftWherePart is used because it contains the join aliases if (useFieldName.equals(JsonConstants.IDENTIFIER) || useFieldName.endsWith(DalUtil.DOT + JsonConstants.IDENTIFIER)) { if (useFieldName.endsWith(DalUtil.DOT + JsonConstants.IDENTIFIER) && (operator.equals(OPERATOR_ISNULL) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_NOTNULL))) { clause = getMainAlias() + DalUtil.DOT + useFieldName.replace(DalUtil.DOT + JsonConstants.IDENTIFIER, ""); } else { final Property refProperty = this.distinctProperty; if (refProperty != null) { tableReference = refProperty.getDomainType() instanceof TableDomainType; } if (subEntity != null && tableReference) { final boolean isTable = property.getEntity() == ModelProvider.getInstance() .getEntity(Table.ENTITY_NAME); if (isTable) { useProperty = property.getEntity().getProperty(Table.PROPERTY_NAME); final int index = useFieldName.indexOf(DalUtil.DOT); useFieldName = useFieldName.substring(0, index + 1) + useProperty.getName(); } else { // read the reference to get the table reference final Reference reference = OBDal.getInstance().get(Reference.class, refProperty.getDomainType().getReference().getId()); for (ReferencedTable referencedTable : reference.getADReferencedTableList()) { if (referencedTable.isActive() && referencedTable.getDisplayedColumn() != null && referencedTable.getDisplayedColumn().isActive()) { useProperty = property.getEntity().getPropertyByColumnName( referencedTable.getDisplayedColumn().getDBColumnName()); final int index = useFieldName.lastIndexOf(DalUtil.DOT); if (useProperty.isPrimitive()) { useFieldName = useFieldName.substring(0, index + 1) + useProperty.getName(); } else { // adding _identifier so that the identifier properties will be formed properly in // computeLeftWhereClauseForIdentifier. useFieldName = useFieldName.substring(0, index + 1) + useProperty.getName() + DalUtil.DOT + JsonConstants.IDENTIFIER; } break; } } } clause = getEntity() + DalUtil.DOT + useFieldName; if (!useProperty.isPrimitive()) { clause = computeLeftWhereClauseForIdentifier(useProperty, useFieldName, clause, tableReference); } else { // passing true for last argument to apply filterCriteria clause = getMainAlias() + DalUtil.DOT + useFieldName; } } else { clause = computeLeftWhereClauseForIdentifier(useProperty, useFieldName, clause, tableReference); } } } else if (!useProperty.isPrimitive()) { clause = clause + ".id"; } else if (tableReference && useProperty.isTranslatable() && OBContext.hasTranslationInstalled()) { // filtering by table reference translatable field: use translation table clause = computeLeftWhereClauseForIdentifier(useProperty, useFieldName, clause, tableReference); } if (ignoreCase(properties, operator)) { clause = "upper(" + clause + ")"; } // if the operator is isNull or notNull comparison should be done at the object level and not at // the field value level. Refer issue if (tableReference && (operator.equals(OPERATOR_ISNULL) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_NOTNULL))) { clause = clause.substring(0, clause.lastIndexOf(DalUtil.DOT)); } return clause; } private String buildValueClause(Property property, String operator, Object value) throws JSONException { Object localValue = value; // Related to issue 20643: Because multi-identifiers are a concatenation of // values separated by ' - ' // With this fix hyphens are supported in the filter when // property is not part of the identifier. Also hyphen is accepted if // the property is the unique property of the identifier if (property.isIdentifier()) { // TODO: this can be improved the left clause computation // correctly uses a || concatenation, so the value clause // can also be made more advanced. // Also filtering by date and number values can be a problem // maybe use a pragmatic approach there if (property.getEntity().getIdentifierProperties().size() > 1) { // if the value consists of multiple parts then filtering won't work // only search on the first part then, is pragmatic but very workable if (localValue != null && localValue.toString().contains(IdentifierProvider.SEPARATOR)) { final int separatorIndex = localValue.toString().indexOf(IdentifierProvider.SEPARATOR); localValue = localValue.toString().substring(0, separatorIndex); } } } String alias = getTypedParameterAlias(); if (ignoreCase(property, operator)) { alias = "upper(" + alias + ")"; } String clause; if (isLike(operator)) { clause = alias + " escape '" + ESCAPE_CHAR + "' "; } else { clause = alias; } localValue = unEscapeOperator(localValue); if (!property.isPrimitive()) { // an in parameter use it... if (localValue.toString().contains(JsonConstants.IN_PARAMETER_SEPARATOR)) { final List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>(); final String[] separatedValues = localValue.toString().split(JsonConstants.IN_PARAMETER_SEPARATOR); for (String separatedValue : separatedValues) { values.add(separatedValue); } clause = "(" + clause + ")"; localValue = values; } } try { localValue = getTypeSafeValue(operator, property, localValue); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new OBException(OBMessageUtils.getI18NMessage("OBJSON_InvalidFilterValue", new String[] { value != null ? value.toString() : "" })); } typedParameters.add(localValue); return clause; } private Object getTypeSafeValue(String operator, Property property, Object value) throws JSONException { if (value == null) { return value; } if (isLike(operator)) { if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_INOTCONTAINS) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_ICONTAINS) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_CONTAINSFIELD)) { return "%" + escapeLike(value.toString()).replaceAll(" ", "%") + "%"; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_NOTCONTAINS) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_CONTAINS)) { return "%" + escapeLike(value.toString()).replaceAll(" ", "%") + "%"; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_INOTSTARTSWITH) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_ISTARTSWITH) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_STARTSWITHFIELD)) { return escapeLike(value.toString()).replaceAll(" ", "%") + "%"; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_NOTSTARTSWITH) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_STARTSWITH)) { return escapeLike(value.toString()).replaceAll(" ", "%") + "%"; } else { return "%" + escapeLike(value.toString()); } } if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_INSET) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_NOTINSET)) { final List<Object> typedValues = new ArrayList<Object>(); final JSONArray values = (JSONArray) value; for (int i = 0; i < values.length(); i++) { typedValues.add(getTypeSafeValue(OPERATOR_EQUALS, property, values.get(i))); } return typedValues; } if (property.getDomainType() instanceof SearchDomainType) { return value; } // a FK. Old selectors is an special key, though they are not primitive they should be treated // as text if (!property.isPrimitive() && !(property.getDomainType() instanceof SearchDomainType)) { return value; } if (Boolean.class == property.getPrimitiveObjectType()) { return new Boolean(value.toString()); } else if (property.isNumericType()) { try { final BigDecimal bdValue = new BigDecimal(value.toString()); if (Long.class == property.getPrimitiveObjectType()) { return bdValue.longValue(); } else if (Integer.class == property.getPrimitiveObjectType()) { return bdValue.intValue(); } else { return bdValue; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } } else if (Date.class.isAssignableFrom(property.getPrimitiveObjectType())) { try { Date date = null; boolean hasComeADateTime = true; if (property.isDatetime() || property.isAbsoluteDateTime()) { try { date = simpleDateTimeFormat.parse(value.toString()); } catch (ParseException e) { // When a DateTime column is filtered, plan Date values are used // See issue hasComeADateTime = false; date = simpleDateFormat.parse(value.toString()); } } if (property.isDate()) { date = simpleDateFormat.parse(value.toString()); } final Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTime(date); // move the date to the beginning of the day if (isGreaterOperator(operator)) { calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); } else if (isLesserOperator(operator)) { // move the data to the end of the day calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR, 23); calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 59); calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, 59); calendar.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 999); } if (hasComeADateTime || property.isDatetime() || property.isDate()) { // Applies the time zone offset difference of the client // Just in case the date needs to be changed calendar.add(Calendar.MINUTE, -clientUTCMinutesTimeZoneDiff); // Applies the time zone offset difference of the server calendar.add(Calendar.MINUTE, UTCServerMinutesTimeZoneDiff); } return calendar.getTime(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } } return value; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <T> T unEscapeOperator(T val) { if (val == null || !(val instanceof String)) { return val; } String localVal = (String) val; localVal = localVal.replace("\\and", "and"); localVal = localVal.replace("\\or", "or"); localVal = localVal.replace("\\AND", "AND"); localVal = localVal.replace("\\OR", "OR"); return (T) localVal; } private boolean isGreaterOperator(String operator) { return operator != null && (operator.equals(OPERATOR_GREATERTHAN) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_GREATEROREQUAL) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_IGREATERTHAN) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_IGREATEROREQUAL) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_GREATERTHANFIElD) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_GREATEROREQUALFIELD)); } private boolean isLesserOperator(String operator) { return operator != null && (operator.equals(OPERATOR_LESSTHAN) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_LESSOREQUAL) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_ILESSTHAN) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_ILESSOREQUAL) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_LESSTHANFIELD) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_LESSOREQUALFIElD)); } private String computeLeftWhereClauseForIdentifier(Property property, String key, String leftWherePart, boolean isTableReference) { // the identifierProperties are read from the owning entity of the // property, that should work fine, as this last property is always part of the // identifier List<Property> identifierProperties = null; identifierProperties = property.getEntity().getIdentifierProperties(); if (!isTableReference) { Check.isTrue(identifierProperties.contains(property), "Property " + property + " not part of identifier of " + property.getEntity()); } else { // for table references, the display column identifier properties should be used in the joins if (property.getTargetEntity() != null) { identifierProperties = property.getTargetEntity().getIdentifierProperties(); } } String prefix = ""; final int index = leftWherePart.lastIndexOf(DalUtil.DOT); if (key.equals(JsonConstants.IDENTIFIER)) { prefix = getMainAlias() + DalUtil.DOT; } else if (key.endsWith(JsonConstants.IDENTIFIER)) { final String propPath = key.substring(0, key.indexOf(JsonConstants.IDENTIFIER) - 1); boolean fromCriteria = true; final String join = resolveJoins( getPropertyForTableReference(JsonUtils.getPropertiesOnPath(getEntity(), propPath)), propPath, fromCriteria); prefix = join + DalUtil.DOT; } else if (index == -1) { prefix = ""; } else { // the + 1 makes sure that the dot is included if (index != -1) { prefix = leftWherePart.substring(0, index + 1); } } return createIdentifierLeftClause(identifierProperties, prefix); } private String parseAdvancedCriteria(JSONObject advancedCriteria) throws JSONException { final String operator = advancedCriteria.getString(OPERATOR_KEY); if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_NOT)) { final String clause = parseStructuredClause(advancedCriteria.getJSONArray(CRITERIA_KEY), "or"); if (clause != null) { return " not(" + clause + ")"; } return null; } if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_AND)) { return parseStructuredClause(advancedCriteria.getJSONArray(CRITERIA_KEY), "and"); } if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_OR)) { orNesting++; final String value = parseStructuredClause(advancedCriteria.getJSONArray(CRITERIA_KEY), "or"); orNesting--; return value; } return parseSingleClause(advancedCriteria); } private String parseStructuredClause(JSONArray clauses, String hqlOperator) throws JSONException { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < clauses.length(); i++) { final JSONObject clause = clauses.getJSONObject(i); if (clause.has(VALUE_KEY) && clause.get(VALUE_KEY) != null && clause.getString(VALUE_KEY).equals("")) { continue; } final String clauseString = parseCriteria(clause); if (clauseString != null) { if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append(" " + hqlOperator + " "); } sb.append(" " + clauseString + " "); } } if (sb.length() > 0) { return "(" + sb.toString() + ")"; } return null; } private boolean isLike(String operator) { return operator.equals(OPERATOR_ICONTAINS) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_IENDSWITH) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_ISTARTSWITH) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_CONTAINS) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_ENDSWITH) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_STARTSWITH) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_NOTCONTAINS) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_INOTCONTAINS) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_NOTENDSWITH) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_NOTSTARTSWITH) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_INOTENDSWITH) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_INOTSTARTSWITH) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_CONTAINSFIELD) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_ENDSWITHFIELD) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_STARTSWITHFIELD); } private String getBetweenOperator(String operator, boolean rightClause) { if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_IBETWEEN)) { if (rightClause) { return OPERATOR_ILESSTHAN; } else { return OPERATOR_IGREATERTHAN; } } if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_BETWEEN)) { if (rightClause) { return OPERATOR_LESSTHAN; } else { return OPERATOR_GREATERTHAN; } } if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_IBETWEENINCLUSIVE)) { if (rightClause) { return OPERATOR_ILESSOREQUAL; } else { return OPERATOR_IGREATEROREQUAL; } } if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_BETWEENINCLUSIVE)) { if (rightClause) { return OPERATOR_LESSOREQUAL; } else { return OPERATOR_GREATEROREQUAL; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Operator not supported " + operator); } private boolean ignoreCase(List<Property> properties, String operator) { boolean operatorCase = operator.equals(OPERATOR_IEQUALS) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_INOTEQUAL) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_ICONTAINS) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_INOTSTARTSWITH) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_INOTENDSWITH) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_NOTSTARTSWITH) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_NOTCONTAINS) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_INOTCONTAINS) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_NOTENDSWITH) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_IENDSWITH) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_ISTARTSWITH) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_IBETWEEN) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_IGREATEROREQUAL) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_ILESSOREQUAL) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_IGREATERTHAN) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_ILESSTHAN) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_IBETWEENINCLUSIVE); for (Property property : properties) { if (!property.isPrimitive() || (!property.isNumericType() && !property.isDate() && !property.isDatetime() && !property.isAbsoluteDateTime())) { return operatorCase; } } return false; } private boolean ignoreCase(Property property, String operator) { if (property.isPrimitive() && (property.isNumericType() || property.isDate() || property.isDatetime() || property.isAbsoluteDateTime())) { return false; } return operator.equals(OPERATOR_IEQUALS) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_INOTEQUAL) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_ICONTAINS) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_INOTSTARTSWITH) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_INOTENDSWITH) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_INOTCONTAINS) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_IENDSWITH) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_ISTARTSWITH) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_IBETWEEN) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_IGREATEROREQUAL) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_ILESSOREQUAL) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_IGREATERTHAN) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_ILESSTHAN) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_IBETWEENINCLUSIVE); } private boolean isNot(String operator) { return operator.equals(OPERATOR_NOTCONTAINS) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_NOTENDSWITH) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_NOTSTARTSWITH) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_INOTCONTAINS) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_INOTENDSWITH) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_INOTSTARTSWITH) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_NOT) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_NOTINSET); } public static String getHqlOperator(String operator) { if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_EQUALS)) { return "="; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_INSET)) { return "in"; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_NOTINSET)) { return "in"; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_NOTEQUAL)) { return "!="; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_IEQUALS)) { return "="; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_INOTEQUAL)) { return "!="; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_GREATERTHAN)) { return ">"; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_LESSTHAN)) { return "<"; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_GREATEROREQUAL)) { return ">="; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_LESSOREQUAL)) { return "<="; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_IGREATERTHAN)) { return ">"; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_ILESSTHAN)) { return "<"; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_IGREATEROREQUAL)) { return ">="; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_ILESSOREQUAL)) { return "<="; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_CONTAINS)) { return "like"; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_STARTSWITH)) { return "like"; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_ENDSWITH)) { return "like"; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_ICONTAINS)) { return "like"; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_ISTARTSWITH)) { return "like"; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_IENDSWITH)) { return "like"; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_NOTCONTAINS)) { return "like"; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_NOTSTARTSWITH)) { return "like"; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_NOTENDSWITH)) { return "like"; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_INOTCONTAINS)) { return "like"; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_INOTSTARTSWITH)) { return "like"; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_INOTENDSWITH)) { return "like"; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_EQUALSFIELD)) { return "="; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_NOTEQUALFIELD)) { return "!="; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_GREATERTHANFIElD)) { return ">"; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_LESSTHANFIELD)) { return "<"; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_GREATEROREQUALFIELD)) { return ">="; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_LESSOREQUALFIElD)) { return "<="; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_CONTAINSFIELD)) { return "like"; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_STARTSWITHFIELD)) { return "like"; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_ENDSWITHFIELD)) { return "like"; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_ISNULL)) { return "is"; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_NOTNULL)) { return "is not"; } else if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_EXISTS)) { return "exists"; } // todo throw exception return null; } private String substituteContextParameters(String currentWhereClause) { // This method will check for any remaining @param@s // If there are still some in the whereclause, they will be resolved by calling the getContext() // method if (!currentWhereClause.contains("@")) { return currentWhereClause; } String localWhereClause = currentWhereClause; String tabId = RequestContext.get().getRequestParameter("tabId"); Tab tab = null; while (localWhereClause.contains("@")) { int firstAtIndex = localWhereClause.indexOf("@"); String prefix = localWhereClause.substring(0, firstAtIndex); String restOfClause = localWhereClause.substring(firstAtIndex + 1); int secondAtIndex = restOfClause.indexOf("@"); if (secondAtIndex == -1) { // No second @. We return the clause as it is return localWhereClause; } String suffix = restOfClause.substring(secondAtIndex + 1); String param = restOfClause.substring(0, secondAtIndex); String paramValue = ""; // Try to select the value from the request instead of picking it from the context // Look if param is an ID if (param.substring(param.length() - 3).toUpperCase().equals("_ID") && !StringUtils.isEmpty(tabId)) { VariablesSecureApp vars = RequestContext.get().getVariablesSecureApp(); Entity paramEntity = ModelProvider.getInstance() .getEntityByTableName(param.substring(0, param.length() - 3)); if (tab == null) { tab = OBDal.getInstance().get(Tab.class, tabId); } Tab ancestorTab = KernelUtils.getInstance().getParentTab(tab); boolean checkIsNotNull = false; while (ancestorTab != null && paramValue.equals("")) { Entity tabEntity = ModelProvider.getInstance() .getEntityByTableName(ancestorTab.getTable().getDBTableName()); if (tabEntity.equals(paramEntity)) { paramValue = vars.getStringParameter("@" + paramEntity.getName() + ".id@"); } else { try { Property prop = tabEntity.getPropertyByColumnName(param, checkIsNotNull); if (prop == null) { paramValue = ""; } else { paramValue = vars.getStringParameter("@" + tabEntity + "." + prop.getName() + "@"); } } catch (Exception ignore) { // ignoring exception as the property might be found from context. // for eg., refer issue } } ancestorTab = KernelUtils.getInstance().getParentTab(ancestorTab); } } // If paramValue has not been brought form the request, select it from context if (paramValue.equals("")) { paramValue = Utility.getContext(new DalConnectionProvider(false), RequestContext.get().getVariablesSecureApp(), param, RequestContext.get().getRequestParameter("windowId") != null ? RequestContext.get().getRequestParameter("windowId") : ""); } // not found, try to get the parameter directly from the request object if (paramValue.equals("") && RequestContext.get().getRequestParameter(param) != null) { paramValue = RequestContext.get().getRequestParameter(param); } localWhereClause = prefix + getTypedParameterAlias() + suffix; typedParameters.add(paramValue); } return localWhereClause; } private String setRequestParameters(String currentWhereClause) { // no parameters if (!currentWhereClause.contains(DataEntityQueryService.PARAM_DELIMITER)) { return currentWhereClause; } String localWhereClause = currentWhereClause; for (String key : filterParameters.keySet()) { if (!key.startsWith(DataEntityQueryService.PARAM_DELIMITER) || !key.endsWith(DataEntityQueryService.PARAM_DELIMITER)) { continue; } int index = localWhereClause.toLowerCase().indexOf(key.toLowerCase()); if (index != -1) { while (index != -1) { final Object value = filterParameters.get(key); // substitute all occurrences of paramater localWhereClause = localWhereClause.substring(0, index) + getTypedParameterAlias() + " " + localWhereClause.substring(index + key.length()); typedParameters.add("null".equals(value) ? null : value); index = localWhereClause.toLowerCase().indexOf(key.toLowerCase()); } } } return localWhereClause; } private String getTypedParameterAlias() { return ":" + ALIAS_PREFIX + (typedParameters.size() + aliasOffset); } /** * @return an empty String if there is no join clause, in other cases a String like the following * is returned " as e left join as alias_1" */ public String getJoinClause() { if (joinClause != null) { return joinClause; } // create join definitions for all many-to-ones if (joinAssociatedEntities) { for (Property property : entity.getProperties()) { if (!property.isPrimitive() && !property.isOneToMany() && !property.isOneToOne()) { final JoinDefinition joinDefinition = new JoinDefinition(); joinDefinition.setOwnerAlias(getMainAlias()); joinDefinition.setFetchJoin(true); joinDefinition.setProperty(property); joinDefinitions.add(joinDefinition); } } } for (String additionalProperty : additionalProperties) { List<Property> properties = JsonUtils.getPropertiesOnPath(getEntity(), additionalProperty); if (properties.isEmpty()) { continue; } properties = getPropertyForTableReference(properties); final Property lastProperty = properties.get(properties.size() - 1); if (lastProperty.isPrimitive()) { properties.remove(lastProperty); } if (properties.isEmpty() || lastProperty.isOneToMany()) { continue; } boolean fromCriteria = false; resolveJoins(properties, getMainAlias(), fromCriteria); } // make sure that the join clauses are computed getOrderByClause(); getWhereClause(); final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (getMainAlias() != null) { sb.append(" as " + getMainAlias() + " "); } for (JoinDefinition joinDefinition : joinDefinitions) { sb.append(joinDefinition.getJoinStatement()); } sb.append(" "); joinClause = sb.toString(); return joinClause; } /** * Converts the value of the sortBy member into a valid order by clause in a HQL query. The method * handles special cases as sorting by the identifier properties and descending which is * controlled with a minus sign before the property name. * * @return a valid order by clause (or an empty string if no sorting) */ public String getOrderByClause() { if (orderByClause != null) { return orderByClause; } if (orderBy == null || orderBy.trim().length() == 0) { orderByClause = ""; return orderByClause; } final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean firstElement = true; int columnsInDescending = StringUtils.countMatches(orderBy, "-"); int totalColumnSeperators = StringUtils.countMatches(orderBy, ","); boolean orderPrimaryKeyInDesc = false; if (columnsInDescending == totalColumnSeperators) { orderPrimaryKeyInDesc = true; } for (String localOrderBy : orderBy.split(",")) { if (orderPrimaryKeyInDesc && localOrderBy.equals("id")) { localOrderBy = "-".concat(localOrderBy); } if (!firstElement) { sb.append(","); } sb.append(getOrderByClausePart(localOrderBy.trim().replace(DalUtil.FIELDSEPARATOR, DalUtil.DOT))); firstElement = false; } // no order by elements, just use empty string if (sb.toString().trim().length() == 0) { orderByClause = ""; } else { orderByClause = " order by " + sb.toString(); } return orderByClause; } protected String getOrderByClausePart(String orderByParam) { // Support for one argument functions String functionPattern = "(.*)\\((.*)\\) (desc|DESC)+"; Pattern p = Pattern.compile(functionPattern); Matcher m = p.matcher(orderByParam); String localOrderBy = null; String functionName = null; boolean descOrderedFunction = false; if (m.find()) { // If it is a function, retrieve the function name and the localOrderBy functionName =; localOrderBy =; if (m.groupCount() == 3) { // Check if the property is to be ordered in descending order descOrderedFunction = true; } } else { localOrderBy = orderByParam; } final boolean asc = !localOrderBy.startsWith("-"); String direction = ""; if (!asc) { localOrderBy = localOrderBy.substring(1); direction = " desc "; } final List<String> paths = new ArrayList<String>(); // handle the following case: // table.window.identifier as the sort string boolean isIdentifier = localOrderBy.equals(JsonConstants.IDENTIFIER) || localOrderBy.endsWith(DalUtil.DOT + JsonConstants.IDENTIFIER); Property originalProp = null; if (isIdentifier) { Entity searchEntity = getEntity(); // a path to an entity, find the last entity String prefix; if (!localOrderBy.equals(JsonConstants.IDENTIFIER)) { // be lazy get the last property, it belongs to the last entity final Property prop = DalUtil.getPropertyFromPath(searchEntity, localOrderBy); Check.isNotNull(prop, "Property path " + localOrderBy + " is not valid for entity " + searchEntity); searchEntity = prop.getEntity(); prefix = localOrderBy.substring(0, localOrderBy.lastIndexOf(DalUtil.DOT) + 1); String originalPropName = localOrderBy.replace(DalUtil.DOT + JsonConstants.IDENTIFIER, ""); originalProp = DalUtil.getPropertyFromPath(getEntity(), originalPropName); if (originalProp.isComputedColumn()) { prefix += Entity.COMPUTED_COLUMNS_PROXY_PROPERTY + DalUtil.DOT + prefix; } } else { prefix = ""; } boolean tableReference = false; if (originalProp == null) { if (distinctProperty != null) { tableReference = distinctProperty.getDomainType() instanceof TableDomainType; if (tableReference) { originalProp = distinctProperty; } } } else { tableReference = originalProp.getDomainType() instanceof TableDomainType; } if (tableReference) { // special case table reference itself final boolean isTable = originalProp.getEntity() == ModelProvider.getInstance() .getEntity(Table.ENTITY_NAME); Property useProperty = null; if (isTable) { useProperty = originalProp.getEntity().getProperty(Table.PROPERTY_NAME); } else { // read the reference to get the table reference final Reference reference = OBDal.getInstance().get(Reference.class, originalProp.getDomainType().getReference().getId()); for (ReferencedTable referencedTable : reference.getADReferencedTableList()) { if (referencedTable.isActive() && referencedTable.getDisplayedColumn() != null && referencedTable.getDisplayedColumn().isActive()) { useProperty = originalProp.getTargetEntity().getPropertyByColumnName( referencedTable.getDisplayedColumn().getDBColumnName()); break; } } } if (!useProperty.isPrimitive()) { final Entity targetEntity = useProperty.getTargetEntity(); for (Property targetEntityProperty : targetEntity.getIdentifierProperties()) { paths.add(prefix + useProperty.getName() + DalUtil.DOT + targetEntityProperty.getName()); } } else { paths.add(prefix + useProperty.getName()); } } else { for (Property prop : searchEntity.getIdentifierProperties()) { if (prop.isOneToMany()) { // not supported ignoring it continue; } if (!prop.isPrimitive()) { // get identifier properties from target entity // TODO: currently only supports one level, recursive // calls have the danger of infinite loops in case of // wrong identifier definitions in the AD final Entity targetEntity = prop.getTargetEntity(); for (Property targetEntityProperty : targetEntity.getIdentifierProperties()) { paths.add(prefix + prop.getName() + DalUtil.DOT + targetEntityProperty.getName()); } } else { paths.add(prefix + prop.getName()); } } } } else { paths.add(localOrderBy); } final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean addComma = false; for (String path : paths) { if (addComma) { sb.append(", "); } addComma = true; final String[] orderByExpression = path.split(" "); // DESC if (orderByExpression.length > 1) { path = orderByExpression[0]; direction = " " + orderByExpression[1] + " "; } boolean fromCriteria = false; final String resolvedPath = resolveJoins(JsonUtils.getPropertiesOnPath(getEntity(), path), path, fromCriteria); sb.append(resolvedPath); sb.append(direction); } String orderByClausePart = sb.toString(); if (functionName != null) { orderByClausePart = functionName + "(" + orderByClausePart + ")"; if (descOrderedFunction) { orderByClausePart = orderByClausePart + " desc"; } } return orderByClausePart; } // Creates a Hibernate concatenation if there are multiple identifierproperties // note prefix includes the dot at the end private String createIdentifierLeftClause(List<Property> identifierProperties, String prefix) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Property prop : identifierProperties) { if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append(" || '" + IdentifierProvider.SEPARATOR + "' || "); } // note to_char is added to handle null values correctly if (prop.getReferencedProperty() == null) { if (prop.isTranslatable() && OBContext.hasTranslationInstalled()) { // HQL for trl properties. Doing it as a select because it cannot be done as left join. // Example: // // select coalesce(, // from ADWindow w left join w.aDWindowTrlList as t with t.language = :lang // where // // raises: with clause can only reference columns in the driving table sb.append("COALESCE(to_char((select " + prop.getTranslationProperty().getName() + " from " + prop.getTranslationProperty().getEntity().getName() + " as t where t." + prop.getTrlParentProperty().getName() + " = " + prefix.substring(0, prefix.lastIndexOf('.')) + " and t.language.language='" + OBContext.getOBContext().getLanguage().getLanguage() + "')), to_char(" + replaceValueWithJoins(prefix + prop.getName()) + "), '')"); } else { sb.append("COALESCE(to_char(" + replaceValueWithJoins(prefix + prop.getName()) + "),'')"); } } else { final List<Property> newIdentifierProperties = prop.getReferencedProperty().getEntity() .getIdentifierProperties(); String newPrefix = prefix + prop.getName(); if (prop.allowNullValues()) { boolean addJoin = true; // Look if the property has been joined for (JoinDefinition joinableDefinition : joinDefinitions) { if ( == prop) { addJoin = false; // Update newPrefix with the alias of the joinDefinition newPrefix = joinableDefinition.joinAlias; break; } } if (addJoin) { // Add join if this property allows null values final JoinDefinition joinDefinition = new JoinDefinition(); joinDefinition.setOwnerAlias(prefix.substring(0, prefix.length() - 1)); joinDefinition.setProperty(prop); joinDefinitions.add(joinDefinition); } } sb.append(createIdentifierLeftClause(newIdentifierProperties, newPrefix + DalUtil.DOT)); } } return "(" + sb.toString() + ")"; } /* * To handle cases where joins are formed but the property path is used to compare with values. * For eg., instead of join_4.description, e.product.attributeSetValue.description is used in * where clause which results in exception when null objects are sub referenced.Refer issue * */ private String replaceValueWithJoins(String value) { String query = value; String compare = value.substring(0, value.lastIndexOf(DalUtil.DOT)); String properties[] = value.split("\\."); if (properties.length > 2) { for (JoinDefinition join : joinDefinitions) { if (compare.startsWith(getMainAlias())) { if (compare.equalsIgnoreCase(getMainAlias() + DalUtil.DOT + { query = join.joinAlias + DalUtil.DOT + properties[properties.length - 1]; } } else { String joinStatement = join.getJoinStatement(); String[] joinElement = joinStatement.split("as"); if (joinElement[0] != null) { String entities[] = joinElement[0].split(" "); if (entities[entities.length - 1] != null) { String entityToCompare = entities[entities.length - 1]; if (compare.equalsIgnoreCase(entityToCompare)) { query = join.joinAlias + DalUtil.DOT + properties[properties.length - 1]; } } } } } } return query; } /* * To handle cases where if the select part contains a summary function, the query builder fails * as the join values are not properly replaced. Refer * */ private String replaceJoinsWithValue(String value) { String query = value, joinValue = null; if (value.contains("join")) { joinValue = value.substring(0, value.indexOf(".")); for (JoinDefinition joinDefinition : joinDefinitions) { if (joinDefinition.joinAlias.equals(joinValue)) { String string =; string = string.substring(string.indexOf(".") + 1, string.length()); query = getMainAlias() + DalUtil.DOT + string + DalUtil.DOT + value.substring(value.indexOf(".") + 1, value.length()); break; } } } return query; } /** * @return true if one of the filter parameters is the {@link JsonConstants#ORG_PARAMETER}. */ public boolean hasOrganizationParameter() { final String value = filterParameters.get(JsonConstants.ORG_PARAMETER); return value != null && value.trim().length() > 0; } /** * Add a filter parameter, the method {@link #getWhereClause()} will try to convert the String * value to a typed parameter. * * @param key * the filter key, can be direct property or a referenced property. * @param value * the value as a String */ public void addFilterParameter(String key, String value) { // ignore these if (value == null) { return; } whereClause = null; typedParameters.clear(); filterParameters.put(key, value); } public Map<String, Object> getNamedParameters() { final Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (int i = 0; i < typedParameters.size(); i++) { parameters.put(ALIAS_PREFIX + Integer.toString(i), typedParameters.get(i)); } return parameters; } public void setDoOr(boolean doOr) { if (doOr) { orNesting++; } // in case of join always do outer joining setMainAlias(JsonConstants.MAIN_ALIAS); } public String resolveJoins(List<Property> props, String originalPath) { // by default use fromCriteria = false. that way if resolveJoins is called without the // fromCriteria parameter, a 'left join' will be used, which is the previous standard behavior return resolveJoins(props, originalPath, false); } // Resolves the list of properties against existing join definitions // creates new join definitions when necessary public String resolveJoins(List<Property> props, String originalPath, boolean fromCriteria) { String alias = getMainAlias(); if (alias == null) { return originalPath; } int index = 0; int joinedPropertyIndex = -1; for (Property prop : props) { boolean found = false; for (JoinDefinition joinDefinition : joinDefinitions) { if (joinDefinition.appliesTo(alias, prop)) { if (!fromCriteria) { gridFilterExclusiveJoinMap.put(prop.getName(), Boolean.FALSE); } alias = joinDefinition.getJoinAlias(); joinedPropertyIndex = index; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { // no more joins, leave break; } index++; } // check if any new JoinDefinitions should be created for (int i = (joinedPropertyIndex + 1); i < props.size(); i++) { final Property prop = props.get(i); if (prop.isPrimitive()) { break; } // a joinable property final JoinDefinition joinDefinition = new JoinDefinition(); joinDefinition.setOwnerAlias(alias); joinDefinition.setProperty(prop); if (fromCriteria) { gridFilterExclusiveJoinMap.put(prop.getName(), Boolean.TRUE); } else { gridFilterExclusiveJoinMap.put(prop.getName(), Boolean.FALSE); } joinDefinitions.add(joinDefinition); // move the result up to use the new JoinDefinition alias = joinDefinition.getJoinAlias(); joinedPropertyIndex = i; } if (joinedPropertyIndex == (props.size() - 1)) { return alias; } Property prop = props.get(props.size() - 1); String propName = null; if (props.get(0).isComputedColumn()) { propName = Entity.COMPUTED_COLUMNS_PROXY_PROPERTY; for (Property p : props) { propName += DalUtil.DOT + p.getName(); } } else { propName = prop.getName(); } return alias + DalUtil.DOT + propName; } private String getNewUniqueJoinAlias() { return JOIN_ALIAS_PREFIX + (aliasIndex++); } private class JoinDefinition { private Property property; private String joinAlias = getNewUniqueJoinAlias(); private String ownerAlias; private boolean fetchJoin = AdvancedQueryBuilder.this.isJoinAssociatedEntities(); public boolean appliesTo(String checkAlias, Property checkProperty) { return checkAlias.equals(ownerAlias) && checkProperty == property; } public String getJoinStatement() { String propName; if (property.isComputedColumn()) { propName = Entity.COMPUTED_COLUMNS_PROXY_PROPERTY + DalUtil.DOT + property.getName(); } else { propName = property.getName(); } if (orNesting > 0) { return " left outer join " + (fetchJoin ? "fetch " : "") + (ownerAlias != null ? ownerAlias + DalUtil.DOT : "") + propName + " as " + joinAlias; } else { String joinType = null; // if all the identifier properties of the target entity are mandatory, and if the joined // entity is used only in where clauses resulting from filtering the grid, an inner join can // be used if (KernelUtils.hasNullableIdentifierProperties(property.getTargetEntity()) || !(Boolean.TRUE.equals(gridFilterExclusiveJoinMap.get(property.getName())))) { joinType = " left join "; } else { joinType = " inner join "; } return joinType + (fetchJoin ? "fetch " : "") + (ownerAlias != null ? ownerAlias + DalUtil.DOT : "") + propName + " as " + joinAlias; } } public void setProperty(Property property) { = property; } public String getJoinAlias() { return joinAlias; } public void setOwnerAlias(String ownerAlias) { this.ownerAlias = ownerAlias; } public void setFetchJoin(boolean fetchJoin) { this.fetchJoin = fetchJoin; } } public String getMainAlias() { return mainAlias; } public void setMainAlias(String mainAlias) { this.mainAlias = mainAlias; } public String getOrderBy() { return orderBy; } public void setOrderBy(String orderBy) { this.orderBy = orderBy; // do outer joining if the order by has more than 1 dot if (orderBy.indexOf(DalUtil.DOT) != -1 && orderBy.indexOf(DalUtil.DOT) != orderBy.lastIndexOf(DalUtil.DOT)) { setMainAlias(JsonConstants.MAIN_ALIAS); } } private String escapeLike(String value) { if (value == null || value.trim().length() == 0) { return value; } String escapeChar = "|"; String localValue = value.replace(escapeChar + "", escapeChar + escapeChar + ""); localValue = localValue.replace("_", ESCAPE_CHAR + "_"); localValue = localValue.replace("%", ESCAPE_CHAR + "%"); return localValue; } public JSONObject getCriteria() { return criteria; } public void setCriteria(JSONObject criteria) { this.criteria = criteria; } public boolean isJoinAssociatedEntities() { return joinAssociatedEntities; } public void setJoinAssociatedEntities(boolean joinAssociatedEntities) { this.joinAssociatedEntities = joinAssociatedEntities; if (joinAssociatedEntities) { // force an alias then setMainAlias(JsonConstants.MAIN_ALIAS); } } public List<String> getAdditionalProperties() { return additionalProperties; } public void clearCachedValues() { joinClause = null; whereClause = null; orderByClause = null; joinDefinitions.clear(); typedParameters.clear(); } public void addSelectFunctionPart(String function, String field) { if ("count".equals(function)) { selectClauseParts.add(function + "(*)"); } else { String localField = field; List<Property> properties = JsonUtils.getPropertiesOnPath(getEntity(), localField); properties = getPropertyForTableReference(properties); boolean fromCriteria = false; localField = resolveJoins(properties, localField, fromCriteria); if (properties.size() > 0) { final Property lastProperty = properties.get(properties.size() - 1); if (lastProperty.getTargetEntity() != null) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Property identifierProperty : lastProperty.getTargetEntity().getIdentifierProperties()) { if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append(" + "); } sb.append(localField + "." + identifierProperty.getName()); } localField = sb.toString(); } } // for select clause with functions replace the joins before so that the join values are not // lost later. Refer issue localField = replaceJoinsWithValue(localField); selectClauseParts.add(function + "(" + localField + ")"); } } public void addSelectClausePart(String selectClausePart) { String localSelectClausePart = selectClausePart; List<Property> properties = JsonUtils.getPropertiesOnPath(getEntity(), localSelectClausePart); properties = getPropertyForTableReference(properties); boolean fromCriteria = false; localSelectClausePart = resolveJoins(properties, localSelectClausePart, fromCriteria); selectClauseParts.add(localSelectClausePart); } public String getSelectClause() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String selectClausePart : selectClauseParts) { if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append(", "); } sb.append(selectClausePart); } return sb.toString(); } public void setAdditionalProperties(List<String> additionalProperties) { this.additionalProperties = additionalProperties; } public void setSubEntityName(String subEntityName) { this.subEntity = ModelProvider.getInstance().getEntity(subEntityName); } public void setSubDataEntityQueryService(DataEntityQueryService dataEntityQueryService) { this.subDataEntityQueryService = dataEntityQueryService; } public void setDistinctProperty(Property distinctProperty) { this.distinctProperty = distinctProperty; } void setDistinctPropertyPath(String distinctPropertyPath) { this.distinctPropertyPath = distinctPropertyPath; } /** * Returns the appropriate display column property for table references instead of the identifier * properties. Used in cases when filtering data in grid, based on the data of table reference. * * @param properties * @return properties with the proper display column property */ private List<Property> getPropertyForTableReference(List<Property> properties) { if (properties.isEmpty()) { return properties; } Property property = properties.get(properties.size() - 1); boolean tableReference = false; if (properties.size() >= 2) { final Property refProperty = properties.get(properties.size() - 2); tableReference = refProperty.getDomainType() instanceof TableDomainType; if (tableReference) { // special case table reference itself final boolean isTable = property.getEntity() == ModelProvider.getInstance() .getEntity(Table.ENTITY_NAME); if (isTable) { property = property.getEntity().getProperty(Table.PROPERTY_NAME); } else { // read the reference to get the table reference final Reference reference = OBDal.getInstance().get(Reference.class, refProperty.getDomainType().getReference().getId()); for (ReferencedTable referencedTable : reference.getADReferencedTableList()) { if (referencedTable.isActive() && referencedTable.getDisplayedColumn() != null && referencedTable.getDisplayedColumn().isActive()) { property = property.getEntity().getPropertyByColumnName( referencedTable.getDisplayedColumn().getDBColumnName()); break; } } } } } properties.set(properties.size() - 1, property); return properties; } /** * Allows preventing the creation of new join alias when the where clause is built. This is useful * when the AdvancedQueryBuilder is used to obtain the WHERE clause, but when the FROM clause * built is not used (i.e. en HQLDataSourceService) * */ public void preventCreatingJoinsInWhereClause(boolean preventedCreatingJoinsInWhereClause) { this.creatingJoinsInWhereClauseIsPrevented = preventedCreatingJoinsInWhereClause; } }