Java tutorial
/* ************************************************************************* * The contents of this file are subject to the Openbravo Public License * Version 1.1 (the "License"), being the Mozilla Public License * Version 1.1 with a permitted attribution clause; you may not use this * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * The Original Code is Openbravo ERP. * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Openbravo SLU * All portions are Copyright (C) 2008-2014 Openbravo SLU * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. ************************************************************************ */ package org.openbravo.erpCommon.ad_process; import; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import org.openbravo.base.session.OBPropertiesProvider; import org.openbravo.dal.core.OBContext; import org.openbravo.dal.service.OBCriteria; import org.openbravo.dal.service.OBDal; import; import org.openbravo.database.ConnectionProvider; import org.openbravo.erpCommon.utility.SequenceIdData; import org.openbravo.erpCommon.utility.Utility; import org.openbravo.erpCommon.utility.poc.EmailManager; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.openbravo.model.common.enterprise.EmailServerConfiguration; import org.openbravo.model.common.enterprise.Organization; import org.openbravo.scheduling.Process; import org.openbravo.scheduling.ProcessBundle; import org.openbravo.scheduling.ProcessLogger; import org.openbravo.utils.FormatUtilities; import org.quartz.JobExecutionException; public class AlertProcess implements Process { private static final Logger log4j = Logger.getLogger(AlertProcess.class); private static int counter = 0; private ConnectionProvider connection; private ProcessLogger logger; private static final String SYSTEM_CLIENT_ID = "0"; private static String LANGUAGE = null; public void execute(ProcessBundle bundle) throws Exception { logger = bundle.getLogger(); connection = bundle.getConnection(); logger.log("Starting Alert Backgrouond Process. Loop " + counter + "\n"); try { AlertProcessData[] alertRule = null; final String adClientId = bundle.getContext().getClient(); LANGUAGE = bundle.getContext().getLanguage(); if (adClientId.equals(SYSTEM_CLIENT_ID)) { // Process all clients alertRule = AlertProcessData.selectSQL(connection); } else { // Filter by Process Request's client alertRule = AlertProcessData.selectSQL(connection, adClientId); } if (alertRule != null && alertRule.length != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < alertRule.length; i++) { processAlert(alertRule[i], connection); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new JobExecutionException(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { OBDal.getInstance().commitAndClose(); } } private static AlertProcessData[] selectAlert(ConnectionProvider connectionProvider, String alertRule, String alertRuleId) throws ServletException { String alertRuleSQL = (alertRule == null || alertRule.equals("")) ? "" : alertRule; String strSql = "SELECT * FROM (" + alertRuleSQL + ") AAA where not exists (" + "select 1 from ad_alert a where a.ad_alertrule_id = ? " + "and a.referencekey_id = aaa.referencekey_id and coalesce(a.status, 'NEW') != 'SOLVED')"; String dateTimeFormat = OBPropertiesProvider.getInstance().getOpenbravoProperties() .getProperty(""); ResultSet result; Vector<java.lang.Object> vector = new Vector<java.lang.Object>(0); PreparedStatement st = null; try { connectionProvider.getConnection().setReadOnly(true); st = connectionProvider.getPreparedStatement(strSql); st.setString(1, alertRuleId); result = st.executeQuery(); while ( { AlertProcessData objectAlertProcessData = new AlertProcessData(); objectAlertProcessData.adClientId = UtilSql.getValue(result, "ad_client_id"); objectAlertProcessData.adOrgId = UtilSql.getValue(result, "ad_org_id"); objectAlertProcessData.created = UtilSql.getDateTimeValue(result, "created", dateTimeFormat); objectAlertProcessData.createdby = UtilSql.getValue(result, "createdby"); objectAlertProcessData.updated = UtilSql.getValue(result, "updated"); objectAlertProcessData.updatedby = UtilSql.getValue(result, "updatedby"); objectAlertProcessData.recordId = UtilSql.getValue(result, "record_id"); objectAlertProcessData.referencekeyId = UtilSql.getValue(result, "referencekey_id"); objectAlertProcessData.description = UtilSql.getValue(result, "description"); objectAlertProcessData.isactive = UtilSql.getValue(result, "isactive"); objectAlertProcessData.adUserId = UtilSql.getValue(result, "ad_user_id"); objectAlertProcessData.adRoleId = UtilSql.getValue(result, "ad_role_id"); vector.addElement(objectAlertProcessData); } result.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { log4j.error("SQL error in query: " + strSql + "Exception:" + e); throw new ServletException("@CODE=" + Integer.toString(e.getErrorCode()) + "@" + e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception ex) { log4j.error("Exception in query: " + strSql + "Exception:" + ex); throw new ServletException("@CODE=@" + ex.getMessage()); } finally { try { connectionProvider.getConnection().setReadOnly(false); connectionProvider.releasePreparedStatement(st); } catch (Exception ignore) { ignore.printStackTrace(); } } AlertProcessData objectAlertProcessData[] = new AlertProcessData[vector.size()]; vector.copyInto(objectAlertProcessData); return (objectAlertProcessData); } private static int insertAlert(ConnectionProvider connectionProvider, String alertId, String clientId, String orgId, String created, String createdBy, String ruleId, String recordId, String referenceKey, String description, String user, String role) throws ServletException { String dateTimeFormat = OBPropertiesProvider.getInstance().getOpenbravoProperties() .getProperty("dateTimeFormat.sql"); // These fields are foreign keys that might be null String userStr = user.isEmpty() ? null : user; String roleStr = role.isEmpty() ? null : role; String ruleIdStr = ruleId.isEmpty() ? null : ruleId; String recordIdStr = recordId.isEmpty() ? null : recordId; // The date needs to be formated String createdStr = "to_timestamp(\'" + created + "\', \'" + dateTimeFormat + "\')"; // These field needs to be escaped String descriptionStr = StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(description); StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder(); sqlBuilder.append("INSERT INTO AD_ALERT "); sqlBuilder.append("(AD_ALERT_ID, AD_CLIENT_ID, AD_ORG_ID, "); sqlBuilder.append("ISACTIVE, CREATED, CREATEDBY, UPDATED, UPDATEDBY, "); sqlBuilder.append("AD_ALERTRULE_ID, RECORD_ID, REFERENCEKEY_ID, "); sqlBuilder.append("DESCRIPTION, AD_USER_ID, AD_ROLE_ID, STATUS) "); sqlBuilder.append("VALUES "); sqlBuilder.append("(?, ?, ?, " + "\'Y\', " + createdStr + ", ?, " + "now()" + ", " + "\'0\'" + ", ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, " + "\'NEW\')"); String strSql = sqlBuilder.toString(); int updateCount = 0; PreparedStatement st = null; int iParameter = 0; try { st = connectionProvider.getPreparedStatement(strSql); iParameter++; UtilSql.setValue(st, iParameter, 12, null, alertId); iParameter++; UtilSql.setValue(st, iParameter, 12, null, clientId); iParameter++; UtilSql.setValue(st, iParameter, 12, null, orgId); iParameter++; UtilSql.setValue(st, iParameter, 12, null, createdBy); iParameter++; UtilSql.setValue(st, iParameter, 12, null, ruleIdStr); iParameter++; UtilSql.setValue(st, iParameter, 12, null, recordIdStr); iParameter++; UtilSql.setValue(st, iParameter, 12, null, referenceKey); iParameter++; UtilSql.setValue(st, iParameter, 12, null, descriptionStr); iParameter++; UtilSql.setValue(st, iParameter, 12, null, userStr); iParameter++; UtilSql.setValue(st, iParameter, 12, null, roleStr); updateCount = st.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { log4j.error("SQL error in query: " + strSql + "Exception:" + e); throw new ServletException("@CODE=" + Integer.toString(e.getErrorCode()) + "@" + e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception ex) { log4j.error("Exception in query: " + strSql + "Exception:" + ex); throw new ServletException("@CODE=@" + ex.getMessage()); } finally { try { connectionProvider.releasePreparedStatement(st); } catch (Exception ignore) { ignore.printStackTrace(); } } return (updateCount); } /** * @param alertRule * @param conn * @throws Exception */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "deprecation" }) private void processAlert(AlertProcessData alertRule, ConnectionProvider conn) throws Exception { logger.log("Processing rule " + + "\n"); AlertProcessData[] alert = null; if (!alertRule.sql.equals("")) { try { if (!alertRule.sql.toUpperCase().trim().startsWith("SELECT ")) { logger.log(Utility.messageBD(conn, "AlertSelectConstraint", LANGUAGE) + " \n"); } else { alert = selectAlert(conn, alertRule.sql, alertRule.adAlertruleId); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.log("Error processing: " + ex.getMessage() + "\n"); return; } } // Insert if (alert != null && alert.length != 0) { int insertions = 0; HashMap<String, StringBuilder> messageByOrg = new HashMap<String, StringBuilder>(); StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < alert.length; i++) { String adAlertId = SequenceIdData.getUUID(); StringBuilder newMsg = new StringBuilder(); logger.log("Inserting alert " + adAlertId + " org:" + alert[i].adOrgId + " client:" + alert[i].adClientId + " reference key: " + alert[i].referencekeyId + " created" + alert[i].created + "\n"); insertAlert(conn, adAlertId, alert[i].adClientId, alert[i].adOrgId, alert[i].created, alert[i].createdby, alertRule.adAlertruleId, alert[i].recordId, alert[i].referencekeyId, alert[i].description, alert[i].adUserId, alert[i].adRoleId); insertions++; String messageLine = "\n\nAlert: " + alert[i].description + "\nRecord: " + alert[i].recordId; msg.append(messageLine); newMsg.append(messageLine); if (messageByOrg.containsKey(alert[i].adOrgId)) { messageByOrg.get(alert[i].adOrgId).append(newMsg); } else { messageByOrg.put(alert[i].adOrgId, newMsg); } } if (insertions > 0) { // Send mail // There are two ways of sending the email, depending if the SMTP server is configured in // the 'Client' tab or in the 'Email Configuration' tab. // The SMTP server configured in 'Client' tab way is @Deprecated in 3.0 final String adClientId = alertRule.adClientId; final String adOrgId = alertRule.adOrgId; final String deprecatedMailHost = OBDal.getInstance().get(Client.class, adClientId).getMailHost(); boolean isDeprecatedMode = false; if (deprecatedMailHost != null && !"".equals(deprecatedMailHost)) { isDeprecatedMode = true; } if (!isDeprecatedMode) { // Since it is a background process and each email sending takes some time (may vary // depending on the server), they are sent at the end, once all data is recollected, in // order to minimize problems/inconsistencies/NPE if the 'Alerts', 'AlertRecipient', // 'User' or 'UserRoles' columns change in the middle of the process. final List<Object[]> emailsToSendList = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); OBContext.setAdminMode(); try { // Getting the SMTP server parameters OBCriteria<EmailServerConfiguration> mailConfigCriteria = OBDal.getInstance() .createCriteria(EmailServerConfiguration.class); mailConfigCriteria.add(Restrictions.eq(EmailServerConfiguration.PROPERTY_CLIENT, OBDal.getInstance().get(Client.class, adClientId))); mailConfigCriteria.setFilterOnReadableClients(false); mailConfigCriteria.setFilterOnReadableOrganization(false); final List<EmailServerConfiguration> mailConfigList = mailConfigCriteria.list(); if (mailConfigList.size() > 0) { // TODO: There should be a mechanism to select the desired Email server configuration // for alerts, until then, first search for the current organization (and use the // first returned one), then for organization '0' (and use the first returned one) and // then for any other of the organization tree where current organization belongs to // (and use the first returned one). EmailServerConfiguration mailConfig = null; for (EmailServerConfiguration currentOrgConfig : mailConfigList) { if (adOrgId.equals(currentOrgConfig.getOrganization().getId())) { mailConfig = currentOrgConfig; break; } } if (mailConfig == null) { for (EmailServerConfiguration zeroOrgConfig : mailConfigList) { if ("0".equals(zeroOrgConfig.getOrganization().getId())) { mailConfig = zeroOrgConfig; break; } } } if (mailConfig == null) { mailConfig = mailConfigList.get(0); } OBCriteria<AlertRecipient> alertRecipientsCriteria = OBDal.getInstance() .createCriteria(AlertRecipient.class); alertRecipientsCriteria.add(Restrictions.eq(AlertRecipient.PROPERTY_ALERTRULE, OBDal.getInstance().get(AlertRule.class, alertRule.adAlertruleId))); alertRecipientsCriteria.setFilterOnReadableClients(false); alertRecipientsCriteria.setFilterOnReadableOrganization(false); final List<AlertRecipient> alertRecipientsList = alertRecipientsCriteria.list(); // Mechanism to avoid several mails are sent to the same email address for the same // alert List<String> alreadySentToList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (AlertRecipient currentAlertRecipient : alertRecipientsList) { // If 'Send EMail' option is not checked, we are done for this alert recipient if (!currentAlertRecipient.isSendEMail()) { continue; } final List<User> usersList = new ArrayList<User>(); // If there is a 'Contact' established, take it, if not, take all users for the // selected 'Role' if (currentAlertRecipient.getUserContact() != null) { usersList.add(currentAlertRecipient.getUserContact()); } else { OBCriteria<UserRoles> userRolesCriteria = OBDal.getInstance() .createCriteria(UserRoles.class); userRolesCriteria.add(Restrictions.eq(AlertRecipient.PROPERTY_ROLE, currentAlertRecipient.getRole())); userRolesCriteria.add(Restrictions.eq(AlertRecipient.PROPERTY_CLIENT, currentAlertRecipient.getClient())); userRolesCriteria.setFilterOnReadableClients(false); userRolesCriteria.setFilterOnReadableOrganization(false); final List<UserRoles> userRolesList = userRolesCriteria.list(); for (UserRoles currenUserRole : userRolesList) { usersList.add(currenUserRole.getUserContact()); } } // If there are no 'Contact' for send the email, we are done for this alert // recipient if (usersList.size() == 0) { continue; } // Create alert's message final StringBuilder finalMessage = new StringBuilder(); for (String org : messageByOrg.keySet()) { Organization orgEntity = OBDal.getInstance().get(Organization.class, org); for (RoleOrganization roleOrganization : currentAlertRecipient.getRole() .getADRoleOrganizationList()) { if (OBContext.getOBContext().getOrganizationStructureProvider() .isInNaturalTree(roleOrganization.getOrganization(), orgEntity)) { finalMessage.append(messageByOrg.get(org)); break; } } } // For each 'User', get the email parameters (to, subject, body, ...) and store them // to send the email at the end for (User targetUser : usersList) { if (targetUser == null) { continue; } if (!targetUser.isActive()) { continue; } final Client targetUserClient = targetUser.getClient(); final String targetUserClientLanguage = (targetUserClient.getLanguage() != null ? targetUserClient.getLanguage().getLanguage() : null); final String targetUserEmail = targetUser.getEmail(); if (targetUserEmail == null) { continue; } boolean repeatedEmail = false; for (String alreadySentTo : alreadySentToList) { if (targetUserEmail.equals(alreadySentTo)) { repeatedEmail = true; break; } } if (repeatedEmail) { continue; } // If there is no message for this user, skip it if (finalMessage.length() == 0) { continue; } alreadySentToList.add(targetUserEmail); final String host = mailConfig.getSmtpServer(); final Boolean auth = mailConfig.isSMTPAuthentification(); final String username = mailConfig.getSmtpServerAccount(); final String password = FormatUtilities .encryptDecrypt(mailConfig.getSmtpServerPassword(), false); final String connSecurity = mailConfig.getSmtpConnectionSecurity(); final int port = mailConfig.getSmtpPort().intValue(); final String senderAddress = mailConfig.getSmtpServerSenderAddress(); final String recipientTO = targetUserEmail; final String recipientCC = null; final String recipientBCC = null; final String replyTo = null; final String subject = "[OB Alert] " +; final String content = Utility.messageBD(conn, "AlertMailHead", targetUserClientLanguage) + "\n" + finalMessage; final String contentType = "text/plain; charset=utf-8"; final List<File> attachments = null; final Date sentDate = new Date(); final List<String> headerExtras = null; final Object[] email = { host, auth, username, password, connSecurity, port, senderAddress, recipientTO, recipientCC, recipientBCC, replyTo, subject, content, contentType, attachments, sentDate, headerExtras }; emailsToSendList.add(email); } } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new JobExecutionException(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { OBContext.restorePreviousMode(); } // Send all the stored emails for (Object[] emailToSend : emailsToSendList) { try { EmailManager.sendEmail((String) emailToSend[0], ((Boolean) emailToSend[1]).booleanValue(), (String) emailToSend[2], (String) emailToSend[3], (String) emailToSend[4], ((Number) emailToSend[5]).intValue(), (String) emailToSend[6], (String) emailToSend[7], (String) emailToSend[8], (String) emailToSend[9], (String) emailToSend[10], (String) emailToSend[11], (String) emailToSend[12], (String) emailToSend[13], (List<File>) emailToSend[14], (Date) emailToSend[15], (List<String>) emailToSend[16]); } catch (Exception exception) { log4j.error(exception); final String exceptionClass = exception.getClass().toString().replace("class ", ""); String exceptionString = "Problems while sending the email" + exception; exceptionString = exceptionString.replace(exceptionClass, ""); throw new ServletException(exceptionString); } } } else { // @Deprecated : This full "else" statement is deprecated from OB 3.0MP9. It happens only // when there is an email configured directly in the AD_CLIENT (new way is configure it in // C_POC_CONFIGURATION) AlertProcessData[] mail = AlertProcessData.prepareMails(conn, alertRule.adAlertruleId); if (mail != null) { for (int i = 0; i < mail.length; i++) { String head = Utility.messageBD(conn, "AlertMailHead", mail[i].adLanguage) + "\n"; org.openbravo.erpCommon.businessUtility.EMail email = new org.openbravo.erpCommon.businessUtility.EMail( null, mail[i].smtphost, mail[i].mailfrom, mail[i].mailto, "[OB Alert] " +, head + msg); String pwd = ""; try { pwd = FormatUtilities.encryptDecrypt(mail[i].requestuserpw, false); } catch (Exception e) { logger.log( "Error getting user password to send the mail: " + e.getMessage() + "\n"); logger.log("Check email password settings in Client configuration.\n"); continue; } if (!pwd.equals("")) { email.setEMailUser(mail[i].requestuser, pwd); if ("OK".equals(email.send())) { logger.log("Mail sent ok."); } else { logger.log("Error sending mail."); } } else { logger.log( "Sending email skipped. Check email password settings in Client configuration.\n"); } } } } } } // Update if (!alertRule.sql.equals("") && (alertRule.sql.toUpperCase().trim().startsWith("SELECT "))) { try { Integer count = AlertProcessData.updateAlert(conn, alertRule.adAlertruleId, alertRule.sql); logger.log("updated alerts: " + count + "\n"); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.log("Error updating: " + ex.toString() + "\n"); } } } }