Java tutorial
/****************************************************************************** * The contents of this file are subject to the Compiere License Version 1.1 * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License * You may obtain a copy of the License at * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. * The Original Code is Compiere ERP & CRM Business Solution * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Jorg Janke and ComPiere, Inc. * Portions created by Jorg Janke are Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Jorg Janke, parts * created by ComPiere are Copyright (C) ComPiere, Inc.; All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): Openbravo SLU * Contributions are Copyright (C) 2001-2013 Openbravo S.L.U. ******************************************************************************/ package org.openbravo.erpCommon.ad_forms; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory; import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.openbravo.base.exception.OBException; import org.openbravo.base.session.OBPropertiesProvider; import org.openbravo.database.ConnectionProvider; import org.openbravo.erpCommon.ad_process.buildStructure.Build; import org.openbravo.erpCommon.ad_process.buildStructure.BuildTranslation; import org.openbravo.erpCommon.utility.BasicUtility; import org.openbravo.erpCommon.utility.OBError; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; /** * Class for import/export languages. * * The tree of languages is: * * {attachmentsDir} {laguageFolder} {moduleFolder} * * Example: /opt/attachments/ en_US/ <trl tables from core> module1/ <trl tables from module1> * */ public class TranslationManager { /** XML Element Tag */ static final String XML_TAG = "compiereTrl"; /** XML Attribute Table */ static final String XML_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE = "table"; /** XML Attribute Language */ static final String XML_ATTRIBUTE_LANGUAGE = "language"; /** XML row attribute original language */ static final String XML_ATTRIBUTE_BASE_LANGUAGE = "baseLanguage"; /** XML Attribute Version */ static final String XML_ATTRIBUTE_VERSION = "version"; /** XML Row Tag */ static final String XML_ROW_TAG = "row"; /** XML Row Attribute ID */ static final String XML_ROW_ATTRIBUTE_ID = "id"; /** XML Row Attribute Translated */ static final String XML_ROW_ATTRIBUTE_TRANSLATED = "trl"; /** XML Value Tag */ static final String XML_VALUE_TAG = "value"; /** XML Value Column */ static final String XML_VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_COLUMN = "column"; /** XML Value Original */ static final String XML_VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_ORIGINAL = "original"; /** XML Value Original */ static final String XML_VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_ISTRL = "isTrl"; static final String CONTRIBUTORS_FILENAME = "CONTRIBUTORS"; static final String XML_CONTRIB = "Contributors"; private static final Logger log4j = Logger.getLogger(TranslationManager.class); /** * Export all the trl tables that refers to tables with ad_module_id column or trl tables that * refers to tables with a parent table with ad_module_id column * * For example: If a record from ad_process is in module "core", the records from ad_process_trl * and ad_process_para_trl are exported in "core" module * * @param exportDirectory * Directory for trl's xml files * @param strLang * Language to export. * @param strClient * Client to export. * @param uiLanguage * Language to be used for translating error messages * @return Message with the error or with the success */ static OBError exportTrl(ConnectionProvider conn, String exportDirectory, String strLang, String strClient, String uiLanguage) { final String AD_Language = strLang; OBError myMessage = null; myMessage = new OBError(); myMessage.setTitle(""); final String AD_Client_ID = strClient; final String strFTPDirectory = exportDirectory; if (new File(strFTPDirectory).canWrite()) { if (log4j.isDebugEnabled()) log4j.debug("can write..."); } else { log4j.error("Can't write on directory: " + strFTPDirectory); myMessage.setType("Error"); myMessage.setMessage( BasicUtility.messageBD(conn, "CannotWriteDirectory", uiLanguage) + " " + strFTPDirectory); return myMessage; } (new File(strFTPDirectory + "/lang")).mkdir(); final String rootDirectory = strFTPDirectory + "/lang/"; final String directory = strFTPDirectory + "/lang/" + AD_Language + "/"; (new File(directory)).mkdir(); if (log4j.isDebugEnabled()) log4j.debug("directory " + directory); try { final TranslationData[] modulesTables = TranslationData.trlModulesTables(conn); for (int i = 0; i < modulesTables.length; i++) { exportModulesTrl(conn, rootDirectory, AD_Client_ID, AD_Language, modulesTables[i].c); } // We need to also export translations for some tables which are considered reference data // and are imported using datasets (such as Masterdata: UOMs, Currencies, ...) exportReferenceData(conn, rootDirectory, AD_Language); exportContibutors(conn, directory, AD_Language); exportBuildFile(directory, AD_Language); } catch (final Exception e) { log4j.error(e); myMessage.setType("Error"); myMessage.setMessage(BasicUtility.messageBD(conn, "Error", uiLanguage)); return myMessage; } myMessage.setType("Success"); myMessage.setMessage(BasicUtility.messageBD(conn, "Success", uiLanguage)); return myMessage; } private static void exportBuildFile(String directory, String language) { String source = OBPropertiesProvider.getInstance().getOpenbravoProperties().get("source.path").toString(); try { FileReader xmlReader = new FileReader( source + "/src/org/openbravo/erpCommon/ad_process/buildStructure/buildStructure.xml"); BeanReader beanReader = new BeanReader(); beanReader.getBindingConfiguration().setMapIDs(false); beanReader.getXMLIntrospector().register(new InputSource(new FileReader( new File(source, "/src/org/openbravo/erpCommon/ad_process/buildStructure/mapping.xml")))); beanReader.registerBeanClass("Build", Build.class); Build build = (Build) beanReader.parse(xmlReader); FileWriter outputWriterT = new FileWriter(directory + "/buildStructureTrl.xml"); outputWriterT.write("<?xml version='1.0' ?>\n"); BeanWriter beanWriterT = new BeanWriter(outputWriterT); beanWriterT.getXMLIntrospector().getConfiguration().setAttributesForPrimitives(false); beanWriterT.getXMLIntrospector().register(new InputSource(new FileReader( new File(source, "/src/org/openbravo/erpCommon/ad_process/buildStructure/mapping.xml")))); beanWriterT.getBindingConfiguration().setMapIDs(false); beanWriterT.enablePrettyPrint(); BuildTranslation trl = build.generateBuildTranslation(language); beanWriterT.write("BuildTranslation", trl); outputWriterT.flush(); outputWriterT.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log4j.error("Error while generating build structure file", e); } } /** * * The import process insert in database all the translations found in the folder of the defined * language RECURSIVELY. It don't take into account if a module is marked o no as isInDevelopment. * Only search for trl's xml files corresponding with trl's tables in database. * * * @param directory * Directory for trl's xml files * @param strLang * Language to import * @param strClient * Client to import * @param uiLanguage * Language to be used for translating error messages * @return Message with the error or with the success */ public static OBError importTrlDirectory(ConnectionProvider cp, String directory, String strLang, String strClient, String uiLanguage) { final String AD_Language = strLang; OBError myMessage = null; myMessage = new OBError(); myMessage.setTitle(""); final String UILanguage = uiLanguage == null ? "en_US" : uiLanguage; if ((new File(directory).exists()) && (new File(directory).canRead())) { log4j.debug("can read " + directory); } else { log4j.error("Can't read on directory: " + directory); myMessage.setType("Error"); myMessage.setMessage(BasicUtility.messageBD(cp, "CannotReadDirectory", UILanguage) + " " + directory); return myMessage; } final int AD_Client_ID = Integer.valueOf(strClient); try { final TranslationData[] tables = TranslationData.trlTables(cp); for (int i = 0; i < tables.length; i++) importTrlFile(cp, directory, AD_Client_ID, AD_Language, tables[i].c); importContributors(cp, directory, AD_Language); } catch (OBException e) { myMessage.setType("Error"); String message = String.format(BasicUtility.messageBD(cp, "ERROR_PARSE_FILE", UILanguage), e.getMessage()); myMessage.setMessage(BasicUtility.messageBD(cp, message, UILanguage)); return myMessage; } catch (Exception e) { log4j.error(e.toString()); myMessage.setType("Error"); myMessage.setMessage(BasicUtility.messageBD(cp, "Error", UILanguage)); return myMessage; } final File file = new File(directory); final File[] list = file.listFiles(); for (int f = 0; f < list.length; f++) { if (list[f].isDirectory()) { final OBError subDirError = importTrlDirectory(cp, list[f].toString() + "/", strLang, strClient, UILanguage); if (!"Success".equals(subDirError.getType())) return subDirError; } } myMessage.setType("Success"); myMessage.setMessage(BasicUtility.messageBD(cp, "Success", UILanguage)); return myMessage; } private static void exportContibutors(ConnectionProvider conn, String directory, String AD_Language) { final File out = new File(directory, CONTRIBUTORS_FILENAME + "_" + AD_Language + ".xml"); try { final DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); final DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); final Document document = builder.newDocument(); final Element root = document.createElement(XML_CONTRIB); root.setAttribute(XML_ATTRIBUTE_LANGUAGE, AD_Language); document.appendChild(root); root.appendChild(document.createTextNode(TranslationData.selectContributors(conn, AD_Language))); final DOMSource source = new DOMSource(document); final TransformerFactory tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); final Transformer transformer = tFactory.newTransformer(); // Output out.createNewFile(); final StreamResult result = new StreamResult(out); // Transform transformer.transform(source, result); } catch (final Exception e) { log4j.error("exportTrl", e); } } private static void exportReferenceData(ConnectionProvider conn, String rootDirectory, String AD_Language) { try { // Export translations for reference data (do not take into account // client data, only system) final TranslationData[] referenceTrlData = TranslationData.referenceDataTrl(conn); for (final TranslationData refTrl : referenceTrlData) { exportTable(conn, AD_Language, true, refTrl.isindevelopment.equals("Y"), refTrl.tablename.toUpperCase(), refTrl.adTableId, rootDirectory, refTrl.adModuleId, refTrl.adLanguage, refTrl.value, true); } } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private static String exportModulesTrl(ConnectionProvider conn, String rootDirectory, String AD_Client_ID, String AD_Language, String Trl_Table) { try { final TranslationData[] modules = TranslationData.modules(conn); for (int mod = 0; mod < modules.length; mod++) { final String moduleLanguage = TranslationData.selectModuleLang(conn, modules[mod].adModuleId); if (moduleLanguage != null && !moduleLanguage.equals("")) { // only // languages // different // than the // modules's // one final String tableName = Trl_Table; final int pos = tableName.indexOf("_TRL"); final String Base_Table = Trl_Table.substring(0, pos); boolean trl = true; if (moduleLanguage.equals(AD_Language)) trl = false; exportTable(conn, AD_Language, false, false, Base_Table, "0", rootDirectory, modules[mod].adModuleId, moduleLanguage, modules[mod].value, trl); } // translate or not (if) } } catch (final Exception e) { log4j.error("exportTrl", e); } return ""; } // exportModulesTrl /** * Exports a single trl table in a xml file * * @param AD_Language * Language to export * @param exportReferenceData * Defines whether exporting reference data * @param exportAll * In case it is reference data if it should be exported all data or just imported * @param table * Base table * @param tableID * Base table id * @param rootDirectory * Root directory to the the exportation * @param moduleId * Id for the module to export to * @param moduleLanguage * Base language for the module * @param javaPackage * Java package for the module */ private static void exportTable(ConnectionProvider cp, String AD_Language, boolean exportReferenceData, boolean exportAll, String table, String tableID, String rootDirectory, String moduleId, String moduleLanguage, String javaPackage, boolean trl) { Statement st = null; StringBuffer sql = null; try { String trlTable = table; if (trl && !table.endsWith("_TRL")) trlTable = table + "_TRL"; final TranslationData[] trlColumns = getTrlColumns(cp, table); final String keyColumn = table + "_ID"; boolean m_IsCentrallyMaintained = false; try { m_IsCentrallyMaintained = !(TranslationData.centrallyMaintained(cp, table).equals("0")); if (m_IsCentrallyMaintained) log4j.debug("table:" + table + " IS centrally maintained"); else log4j.debug("table:" + table + " is NOT centrally maintained"); } catch (final Exception e) { log4j.error("getTrlColumns (IsCentrallyMaintained)", e); } // Prepare query to retrieve translated rows sql = new StringBuffer("SELECT "); if (trl) sql.append("t.IsTranslated,"); else sql.append("'N', "); sql.append("t.").append(keyColumn); for (int i = 0; i < trlColumns.length; i++) { sql.append(", t.").append(trlColumns[i].c).append(",o.").append(trlColumns[i].c).append(" AS ") .append(trlColumns[i].c).append("O"); } sql.append(" FROM ").append(trlTable).append(" t").append(", ").append(table).append(" o"); if (exportReferenceData && !exportAll) { sql.append(", AD_REF_DATA_LOADED DL"); } sql.append(" WHERE "); if (trl) sql.append("t.AD_Language='" + AD_Language + "'").append(" AND "); sql.append("o.").append(keyColumn).append("= t.").append(keyColumn); if (m_IsCentrallyMaintained) { sql.append(" AND ").append("o.IsCentrallyMaintained='N'"); } // AdClient !=0 not supported sql.append(" AND o.AD_Client_ID='0' "); if (!exportReferenceData) { String tempTrlTableName = trlTable; if (!tempTrlTableName.toLowerCase().endsWith("_trl")) { tempTrlTableName = tempTrlTableName + "_Trl"; } final TranslationData[] parentTable = TranslationData.parentTable(cp, tempTrlTableName); if (parentTable.length == 0) { sql.append(" AND ").append(" o.ad_module_id='").append(moduleId).append("'"); } else { /** Search for ad_module_id in the parent table */ if (StringUtils.isEmpty(parentTable[0].grandparent)) { String strParentTable = parentTable[0].tablename; sql.append(" AND "); sql.append(" exists ( select 1 from ").append(strParentTable).append(" p "); sql.append(" where p.").append(strParentTable + "_ID").append("=") .append("o." + strParentTable + "_ID"); sql.append(" and p.ad_module_id='").append(moduleId).append("')"); } else { String strParentTable = parentTable[0].tablename; String strGandParentTable = parentTable[0].grandparent; sql.append(" AND "); sql.append(" exists ( select 1 from ").append(strGandParentTable).append(" gp, ") .append(strParentTable).append(" p"); sql.append(" where p.").append(strParentTable + "_ID").append("=") .append("o." + strParentTable + "_ID"); sql.append(" and p." + strGandParentTable + "_ID = gp." + strGandParentTable + "_ID"); sql.append(" and gp.ad_module_id='").append(moduleId).append("')"); } } } if (exportReferenceData && !exportAll) { sql.append(" AND DL.GENERIC_ID = o.").append(keyColumn).append(" AND DL.AD_TABLE_ID = '") .append(tableID).append("'").append(" AND DL.AD_MODULE_ID = '").append(moduleId) .append("'"); } sql.append(" ORDER BY t.").append(keyColumn); // if (log4j.isDebugEnabled()) log4j.debug("SQL:" + sql.toString()); st = cp.getStatement(); if (log4j.isDebugEnabled()) log4j.debug("st"); final ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(sql.toString()); if (log4j.isDebugEnabled()) log4j.debug("rs"); int rows = 0; boolean hasRows = false; DocumentBuilderFactory factory = null; DocumentBuilder builder = null; Document document = null; Element root = null; File out = null; // Create xml file String directory = ""; factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); document = builder.newDocument(); // Root root = document.createElement(XML_TAG); root.setAttribute(XML_ATTRIBUTE_LANGUAGE, AD_Language); root.setAttribute(XML_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE, table); root.setAttribute(XML_ATTRIBUTE_BASE_LANGUAGE, moduleLanguage); root.setAttribute(XML_ATTRIBUTE_VERSION, TranslationData.version(cp)); document.appendChild(root); if (moduleId.equals("0")) directory = rootDirectory + AD_Language + "/"; else directory = rootDirectory + AD_Language + "/" + javaPackage + "/"; if (!new File(directory).exists()) (new File(directory)).mkdir(); String fileName = directory + trlTable + "_" + AD_Language + ".xml";"exportTrl - " + fileName); out = new File(fileName); while ( { if (!hasRows && !exportReferenceData) { // Create file only in // case it has contents // or it is not rd hasRows = true; factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); document = builder.newDocument(); // Root root = document.createElement(XML_TAG); root.setAttribute(XML_ATTRIBUTE_LANGUAGE, AD_Language); root.setAttribute(XML_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE, table); root.setAttribute(XML_ATTRIBUTE_BASE_LANGUAGE, moduleLanguage); root.setAttribute(XML_ATTRIBUTE_VERSION, TranslationData.version(cp)); document.appendChild(root); if (moduleId.equals("0")) directory = rootDirectory + AD_Language + "/"; else directory = rootDirectory + AD_Language + "/" + javaPackage + "/"; if (!new File(directory).exists()) (new File(directory)).mkdir(); fileName = directory + trlTable + "_" + AD_Language + ".xml";"exportTrl - " + fileName); out = new File(fileName); } final Element row = document.createElement(XML_ROW_TAG); row.setAttribute(XML_ROW_ATTRIBUTE_ID, String.valueOf(rs.getString(2))); // KeyColumn row.setAttribute(XML_ROW_ATTRIBUTE_TRANSLATED, rs.getString(1)); // IsTranslated for (int i = 0; i < trlColumns.length; i++) { final Element value = document.createElement(XML_VALUE_TAG); value.setAttribute(XML_VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_COLUMN, trlColumns[i].c); String origString = rs.getString(trlColumns[i].c + "O"); // Original String isTrlString = "Y"; // Value if (origString == null) { origString = ""; isTrlString = "N"; } String valueString = rs.getString(trlColumns[i].c); // Value if (valueString == null) { valueString = ""; isTrlString = "N"; } if (origString.equals(valueString)) isTrlString = "N"; value.setAttribute(XML_VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_ISTRL, isTrlString); value.setAttribute(XML_VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_ORIGINAL, origString); value.appendChild(document.createTextNode(valueString)); row.appendChild(value); } root.appendChild(row); rows++; } rs.close();"exportTrl - Records=" + rows + ", DTD=" + document.getDoctype()); final DOMSource source = new DOMSource(document); final TransformerFactory tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); tFactory.setAttribute("indent-number", new Integer(2)); final Transformer transformer = tFactory.newTransformer(); transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.ENCODING, "UTF-8"); transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes"); // Output out.createNewFile(); // Transform final OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(out), "UTF-8"); transformer.transform(source, new StreamResult(osw)); osw.close(); } catch (final Exception e) { log4j.error("Error exporting translation for table " + table + "\n" + sql, e); } finally { try { if (st != null) cp.releaseStatement(st); } catch (final Exception ignored) { } } } private static String importContributors(ConnectionProvider cp, String directory, String AD_Language) { final String fileName = directory + File.separator + CONTRIBUTORS_FILENAME + "_" + AD_Language + ".xml"; final File in = new File(fileName); if (!in.exists()) { final String msg = "File does not exist: " + fileName; log4j.debug(msg); return msg; } try { final TranslationHandler handler = new TranslationHandler(cp); final SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); final SAXParser parser = factory.newSAXParser(); parser.parse(in, handler); return ""; } catch (final Exception e) { log4j.error("importContrib", e); return e.toString(); } } private static String importTrlFile(ConnectionProvider conn, String directory, int AD_Client_ID, String AD_Language, String Trl_Table) { final String fileName = directory + File.separator + Trl_Table + "_" + AD_Language + ".xml"; log4j.debug("importTrl - " + fileName); final File in = new File(fileName); if (!in.exists()) { final String msg = "File does not exist: " + fileName; log4j.debug("importTrl - " + msg); return msg; } Connection con = null; try { con = conn.getTransactionConnection(); final TranslationHandler handler = new TranslationHandler(AD_Client_ID, conn, con); final SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); // factory.setValidating(true); final SAXParser parser = factory.newSAXParser(); parser.parse(in, handler); conn.releaseCommitConnection(con);"importTrl - Updated=" + handler.getUpdateCount() + " - from file " + in.getName()); return ""; } catch (final Exception e) { log4j.error("importTrlFile - error parsing file: " + fileName, e); try { conn.releaseRollbackConnection(con); } catch (SQLException e1) { log4j.error("Error on releaseRollbackConnection", e1); } throw new OBException(fileName); } } private static TranslationData[] getTrlColumns(ConnectionProvider cp, String Base_Table) { TranslationData[] list = null; try { list = TranslationData.trlColumns(cp, Base_Table + "_TRL"); } catch (final Exception e) { log4j.error("getTrlColumns", e); } return list; } }