Java tutorial
/* ****************************************************************************** * The contents of this file are subject to the Compiere License Version 1.1 * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License * You may obtain a copy of the License at * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. * The Original Code is Compiere ERP & CRM Business Solution * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Jorg Janke and ComPiere, Inc. * Portions created by Jorg Janke are Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Jorg Janke, parts * created by ComPiere are Copyright (C) ComPiere, Inc.; All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): Openbravo SLU * Contributions are Copyright (C) 2001-2015 Openbravo S.L.U. ****************************************************************************** */ package org.openbravo.erpCommon.ad_forms; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.MathContext; import java.math.RoundingMode; import java.sql.Connection; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.openbravo.base.exception.OBException; import org.openbravo.base.secureApp.VariablesSecureApp; import org.openbravo.client.kernel.RequestContext; import org.openbravo.dal.core.OBContext; import org.openbravo.dal.service.OBDal; import; import org.openbravo.database.ConnectionProvider; import org.openbravo.erpCommon.utility.AccDefUtility; import org.openbravo.erpCommon.utility.CashVATUtil; import org.openbravo.erpCommon.utility.OBDateUtils; import org.openbravo.erpCommon.utility.SequenceIdData; import org.openbravo.erpCommon.utility.Utility; import org.openbravo.model.common.currency.ConversionRateDoc; import org.openbravo.model.common.currency.Currency; import org.openbravo.model.common.invoice.Invoice; import org.openbravo.model.common.invoice.InvoiceLine; import org.openbravo.model.common.invoice.InvoiceTax; import org.openbravo.model.financialmgmt.calendar.Period; public class DocInvoice extends AcctServer { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; static Logger log4jDocInvoice = Logger.getLogger(DocInvoice.class); DocTax[] m_taxes = null; DocLine_FinPaymentSchedule[] m_payments = null; public DocLine_FinPaymentSchedule[] getM_payments() { return m_payments; } DocLine[] p_lines_taxes = null; boolean isCashVAT = false; String prepaymentamt; String SeqNo = "0"; /** * Constructor * * @param AD_Client_ID * AD_Client_ID */ public DocInvoice(String AD_Client_ID, String AD_Org_ID, ConnectionProvider connectionProvider) { super(AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, connectionProvider); } public void loadObjectFieldProvider(ConnectionProvider conn, String stradClientId, String Id) throws ServletException { setObjectFieldProvider(DocInvoiceData.selectRegistro(conn, stradClientId, Id)); } public boolean loadDocumentDetails(FieldProvider[] data, ConnectionProvider conn) { DateDoc = data[0].getField("DateInvoiced"); TaxIncluded = data[0].getField("IsTaxIncluded"); C_BPartner_Location_ID = data[0].getField("C_BPartner_Location_ID"); // Amounts Amounts[AMTTYPE_Gross] = data[0].getField("GrandTotal"); if (Amounts[AMTTYPE_Gross] == null) Amounts[AMTTYPE_Gross] = "0"; Amounts[AMTTYPE_Net] = data[0].getField("TotalLines"); if (Amounts[AMTTYPE_Net] == null) Amounts[AMTTYPE_Net] = "0"; Amounts[AMTTYPE_Charge] = data[0].getField("ChargeAmt"); if (Amounts[AMTTYPE_Charge] == null) Amounts[AMTTYPE_Charge] = "0"; loadDocumentType(); // lines require doc type // Contained Objects p_lines = loadLines(); m_taxes = loadTaxes(); m_payments = loadPayments(); m_debt_payments = loadDebtPayments(); isCashVAT = StringUtils.equals("Y", data[0].getField("iscashvat")); prepaymentamt = data[0].getField("prepaymentamt"); return true; } private DocLine[] loadLines() { ArrayList<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(); DocLineInvoiceData[] data = null; try { log4jDocInvoice.debug("############### groupLines = " + groupLines); if (groupLines.equals("Y")) data = DocLineInvoiceData.selectTotal(connectionProvider, Record_ID); else data =, Record_ID); } catch (ServletException e) { log4jDocInvoice.warn(e); } if (data == null || data.length == 0) return null; for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { String Line_ID = data[i].cInvoicelineId; DocLine_Invoice docLine = new DocLine_Invoice(DocumentType, Record_ID, Line_ID); docLine.loadAttributes(data[i], this); String strQty = data[i].qtyinvoiced; docLine.setQty(strQty); String LineNetAmt = data[i].linenetamt; String PriceList = data[i].pricelist; docLine.setAmount(LineNetAmt, PriceList, strQty); // Accruals & Deferrals for revenue products docLine.setIsDeferred("Y".equals(data[i].isdeferred)); docLine.setDefPlanType(data[i].defplantype); docLine.setPeriodNumber(!"".equals(data[i].periodnumber) ? new Integer(data[i].periodnumber) : 0); docLine.setStartingPeriodId(data[i].cPeriodId); list.add(docLine); } // Return Array DocLine[] dl = new DocLine[list.size()]; list.toArray(dl); return dl; } // loadLines private DocTax[] loadTaxes() { ArrayList<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(); DocInvoiceData[] data = null; try { data =, Record_ID); } catch (ServletException e) { log4jDocInvoice.warn(e); } log4jDocInvoice.debug("############### Taxes.length = " + data.length); for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { String C_Tax_ID = data[i].cTaxId; String name = data[i].name; String rate = data[i].rate; String taxBaseAmt = data[i].taxbaseamt; String amount = data[i].taxamt; boolean isTaxDeductable = false; boolean isTaxUndeductable = ("Y".equals(data[i].ratetaxundeductable)) || ("Y".equals(data[i].orgtaxundeductable)); if ("Y".equals(data[i].orgtaxundeductable)) { /* * If any tax line level has tax deductable flag then override isTaxUndeductable flag for * intracommunity non tax deductible organization */ if ("Y".equals(data[i].istaxdeductable)) { isTaxUndeductable = false; isTaxDeductable = true; } } else { // configured for intracommunity with tax liability if ("Y".equals(data[i].istaxdeductable)) { isTaxDeductable = true; } } boolean taxIsCashVAT = StringUtils.equals(data[i].iscashvat, "Y"); DocTax taxLine = new DocTax(C_Tax_ID, name, rate, taxBaseAmt, amount, isTaxUndeductable, isTaxDeductable, taxIsCashVAT); list.add(taxLine); } // Return Array DocTax[] tl = new DocTax[list.size()]; list.toArray(tl); return tl; } // loadTaxes private DocLine_Payment[] loadDebtPayments() { ArrayList<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(); DocInvoiceData[] data = null; try { data = DocInvoiceData.selectDebtPayments(connectionProvider, Record_ID); log4jDocInvoice.debug("############### DebtPayments.length = " + data.length); for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { // String Line_ID = data[i].cDebtPaymentId; DocLine_Payment dpLine = new DocLine_Payment(DocumentType, Record_ID, Line_ID); log4jDocInvoice.debug(" dpLine.m_Record_Id2 = " + data[i].cDebtPaymentId); dpLine.m_Record_Id2 = data[i].cDebtPaymentId; dpLine.C_Currency_ID_From = data[i].cCurrencyId; dpLine.dpStatus = data[i].status; dpLine.isReceipt = data[i].isreceipt; dpLine.isPaid = data[i].ispaid; dpLine.isManual = data[i].ismanual; dpLine.WriteOffAmt = data[i].writeoffamt; dpLine.Amount = data[i].amount; list.add(dpLine); } } catch (ServletException e) { log4jDocInvoice.warn(e); } // Return Array DocLine_Payment[] tl = new DocLine_Payment[list.size()]; list.toArray(tl); return tl; } // loadDebtPayments private DocLine_FinPaymentSchedule[] loadPayments() { ArrayList<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(); DocInvoiceData[] data = null; try { data = DocInvoiceData.selectPayments(connectionProvider, Record_ID); log4jDocInvoice.debug("############### DebtPayments.length = " + data.length); for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { // String Line_ID = data[i].finPaymentScheduleId; DocLine_FinPaymentSchedule dpLine = new DocLine_FinPaymentSchedule(DocumentType, Record_ID, Line_ID); log4jDocInvoice.debug(" dpLine.m_Record_Id2 = " + data[i].finPaymentScheduleId); dpLine.m_Record_Id2 = data[i].finPaymentScheduleId; dpLine.C_Currency_ID_From = data[i].cCurrencyId; dpLine.isPaid = data[i].ispaid; dpLine.Amount = data[i].amount; dpLine.PrepaidAmount = data[i].prepaidamt; list.add(dpLine); } } catch (ServletException e) { log4jDocInvoice.warn(e); } // Return Array DocLine_FinPaymentSchedule[] tl = new DocLine_FinPaymentSchedule[list.size()]; list.toArray(tl); return tl; } // loadPayments /** * Create Facts (the accounting logic) for ARI, ARC, ARF, API, APC. * * <pre> * ARI, ARF * Receivables DR * Charge CR * TaxDue CR * Revenue CR * ARC * Receivables CR * Charge DR * TaxDue DR * Revenue RR * API * Payables CR * Charge DR * TaxCredit DR * Expense DR * APC * Payables DR * Charge CR * TaxCredit CR * Expense CR * </pre> * * @param as * accounting schema * @return Fact */ public Fact createFact(AcctSchema as, ConnectionProvider conn, Connection con, VariablesSecureApp vars) throws ServletException { // Select specific definition String strClassname = AcctServerData.selectTemplateDoc(conn, as.m_C_AcctSchema_ID, DocumentType); if (strClassname.equals("")) strClassname = AcctServerData.selectTemplate(conn, as.m_C_AcctSchema_ID, AD_Table_ID); if (!strClassname.equals("")) { try { DocInvoiceTemplate newTemplate = (DocInvoiceTemplate) Class.forName(strClassname).newInstance(); return newTemplate.createFact(this, as, conn, con, vars); } catch (Exception e) { log4j.error("Error while creating new instance for DocInvoiceTemplate - " + e); } } log4jDocInvoice.debug("Starting create fact"); // create Fact Header Fact fact = new Fact(this, as, Fact.POST_Actual); String Fact_Acct_Group_ID = SequenceIdData.getUUID(); // Cash based accounting if (!as.isAccrual()) return null; /** @todo Assumes TaxIncluded = N */ // ARI, ARF, ARI_RM if (DocumentType.equals(AcctServer.DOCTYPE_ARInvoice) || DocumentType.equals(AcctServer.DOCTYPE_ARProForma) || DocumentType.equals(AcctServer.DOCTYPE_RMSalesInvoice)) { log4jDocInvoice.debug("Point 1"); // Receivables DR if (m_payments == null || m_payments.length == 0) for (int i = 0; m_debt_payments != null && i < m_debt_payments.length; i++) { if (m_debt_payments[i].isReceipt.equals("Y")) fact.createLine(m_debt_payments[i], getAccountBPartner(C_BPartner_ID, as, true, m_debt_payments[i].dpStatus, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, getConvertedAmt(m_debt_payments[i].Amount, m_debt_payments[i].C_Currency_ID_From, this.C_Currency_ID, DateAcct, "", AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, conn), "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); else fact.createLine(m_debt_payments[i], getAccountBPartner(C_BPartner_ID, as, false, m_debt_payments[i].dpStatus, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, "", getConvertedAmt(m_debt_payments[i].Amount, m_debt_payments[i].C_Currency_ID_From, this.C_Currency_ID, DateAcct, "", AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, conn), Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } else for (int i = 0; m_payments != null && i < m_payments.length; i++) { fact.createLine(m_payments[i], getAccountBPartner(C_BPartner_ID, as, true, false, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, m_payments[i].Amount, "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); if (m_payments[i].C_Currency_ID_From.equals(as.m_C_Currency_ID) && new BigDecimal(m_payments[i].PrepaidAmount).compareTo(ZERO) != 0) { fact.createLine(m_payments[i], getAccountBPartner(C_BPartner_ID, as, true, true, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, m_payments[i].PrepaidAmount, "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } else if (!m_payments[i].C_Currency_ID_From.equals(as.m_C_Currency_ID)) { try { DocInvoiceData[] prepayments = DocInvoiceData.selectPrepayments(connectionProvider, m_payments[i].Line_ID); for (int j = 0; j < prepayments.length; j++) { BigDecimal prePaymentAmt = convertAmount(new BigDecimal(prepayments[j].prepaidamt), true, DateAcct, TABLEID_Payment, prepayments[j].finPaymentId, m_payments[i].C_Currency_ID_From, as.m_C_Currency_ID, m_payments[i], as, fact, Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), conn); fact.createLine(m_payments[i], getAccountBPartner(C_BPartner_ID, as, true, true, conn), m_payments[i].C_Currency_ID_From, prePaymentAmt.toString(), "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } } catch (ServletException e) { log4jDocInvoice.warn(e); } } } if ((m_payments == null || m_payments.length == 0) && (m_debt_payments == null || m_debt_payments.length == 0)) { BigDecimal grossamt = new BigDecimal(Amounts[AMTTYPE_Gross]); BigDecimal prepayment = new BigDecimal(prepaymentamt); BigDecimal difference = grossamt.abs().subtract(prepayment.abs()); if (!prepaymentamt.equals("0")) { if (grossamt.abs().compareTo(prepayment.abs()) > 0) { if (IsReturn.equals("Y")) { fact.createLine(null, getAccountBPartner(C_BPartner_ID, as, true, true, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, "", prepaymentamt, Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); fact.createLine(null, getAccountBPartner(C_BPartner_ID, as, true, false, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, "", difference.toString(), Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } else { fact.createLine(null, getAccountBPartner(C_BPartner_ID, as, true, true, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, prepaymentamt, "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); fact.createLine(null, getAccountBPartner(C_BPartner_ID, as, true, false, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, difference.toString(), "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } } else { if (IsReturn.equals("Y")) { fact.createLine(null, getAccountBPartner(C_BPartner_ID, as, true, true, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, "", prepaymentamt, Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } else { fact.createLine(null, getAccountBPartner(C_BPartner_ID, as, true, true, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, prepaymentamt, "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } } } else { fact.createLine(null, getAccountBPartner(C_BPartner_ID, as, true, false, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, Amounts[AMTTYPE_Gross], "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } } // Charge CR log4jDocInvoice.debug("The first create line"); fact.createLine(null, getAccount(AcctServer.ACCTTYPE_Charge, as, conn), C_Currency_ID, "", getAmount(AcctServer.AMTTYPE_Charge), Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); // TaxDue CR log4jDocInvoice.debug("m_taxes.length: " + m_taxes); BigDecimal grossamt = new BigDecimal(Amounts[AMTTYPE_Gross]); BigDecimal prepayment = new BigDecimal(prepaymentamt); for (int i = 0; m_taxes != null && i < m_taxes.length; i++) { // New docLine created to assign C_Tax_ID value to the entry DocLine docLine = new DocLine(DocumentType, Record_ID, ""); docLine.m_C_Tax_ID = m_taxes[i].m_C_Tax_ID; BigDecimal percentageFinalAccount = CashVATUtil._100; final BigDecimal taxesAmountTotal = new BigDecimal( StringUtils.isBlank(m_taxes[i].m_amount) ? "0" : m_taxes[i].m_amount); BigDecimal taxToTransAccount = BigDecimal.ZERO; int precission = 0; OBContext.setAdminMode(true); try { Currency currency = OBDal.getInstance().get(Currency.class, C_Currency_ID); precission = currency.getStandardPrecision().intValue(); } finally { OBContext.restorePreviousMode(); } if (IsReversal.equals("Y")) { if (isCashVAT && m_taxes[i].m_isCashVAT) { if ((m_payments == null || m_payments.length == 0) && (m_debt_payments == null || m_debt_payments.length == 0) && (!prepaymentamt.equals("0"))) { percentageFinalAccount = ((prepayment.multiply(new BigDecimal(100))) .divide(grossamt.abs(), precission, RoundingMode.HALF_UP)); taxToTransAccount = CashVATUtil.calculatePercentageAmount( CashVATUtil._100.subtract(percentageFinalAccount), taxesAmountTotal, C_Currency_ID); } else { percentageFinalAccount = CashVATUtil .calculatePrepaidPercentageForCashVATTax(m_taxes[i].m_C_Tax_ID, Record_ID); taxToTransAccount = CashVATUtil.calculatePercentageAmount( CashVATUtil._100.subtract(percentageFinalAccount), taxesAmountTotal, C_Currency_ID); } fact.createLine(docLine, m_taxes[i].getAccount(DocTax.ACCTTYPE_TaxDue_Trans, as, conn), C_Currency_ID, taxToTransAccount.toString(), "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } final BigDecimal taxToFinalAccount = taxesAmountTotal.subtract(taxToTransAccount); fact.createLine(docLine, m_taxes[i].getAccount(DocTax.ACCTTYPE_TaxDue, as, conn), C_Currency_ID, taxToFinalAccount.toString(), "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } else { if (isCashVAT && m_taxes[i].m_isCashVAT) { if ((m_payments == null || m_payments.length == 0) && (m_debt_payments == null || m_debt_payments.length == 0) && (!prepaymentamt.equals("0"))) { percentageFinalAccount = ((prepayment.multiply(new BigDecimal(100))) .divide(grossamt.abs(), precission, RoundingMode.HALF_UP)); taxToTransAccount = CashVATUtil.calculatePercentageAmount( CashVATUtil._100.subtract(percentageFinalAccount), taxesAmountTotal, C_Currency_ID); } else { percentageFinalAccount = CashVATUtil .calculatePrepaidPercentageForCashVATTax(m_taxes[i].m_C_Tax_ID, Record_ID); taxToTransAccount = CashVATUtil.calculatePercentageAmount( CashVATUtil._100.subtract(percentageFinalAccount), taxesAmountTotal, C_Currency_ID); } fact.createLine(docLine, m_taxes[i].getAccount(DocTax.ACCTTYPE_TaxDue_Trans, as, conn), C_Currency_ID, "", taxToTransAccount.toString(), Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } final BigDecimal taxToFinalAccount = taxesAmountTotal.subtract(taxToTransAccount); fact.createLine(docLine, m_taxes[i].getAccount(DocTax.ACCTTYPE_TaxDue, as, conn), C_Currency_ID, "", taxToFinalAccount.toString(), Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } } // Revenue CR if (p_lines != null && p_lines.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < p_lines.length; i++) { Account account = ((DocLine_Invoice) p_lines[i]).getAccount(ProductInfo.ACCTTYPE_P_Revenue, as, conn); if (DocumentType.equals(AcctServer.DOCTYPE_RMSalesInvoice)) { Account accountReturnMaterial = ((DocLine_Invoice) p_lines[i]) .getAccount(ProductInfo.ACCTTYPE_P_RevenueReturn, as, conn); if (accountReturnMaterial != null) { account = accountReturnMaterial; } } String amount = p_lines[i].getAmount(); String amountConverted = ""; ConversionRateDoc conversionRateCurrentDoc = getConversionRateDoc(TABLEID_Invoice, Record_ID, C_Currency_ID, as.m_C_Currency_ID); if (conversionRateCurrentDoc != null) { amountConverted = applyRate(new BigDecimal(p_lines[i].getAmount()), conversionRateCurrentDoc, true).setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString(); } else { amountConverted = getConvertedAmt(p_lines[i].getAmount(), C_Currency_ID, as.m_C_Currency_ID, DateAcct, "", AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, conn); } if (((DocLine_Invoice) p_lines[i]).isDeferred()) { amount = createAccDefRevenueFact( fact, (DocLine_Invoice) p_lines[i], account, ((DocLine_Invoice) p_lines[i]) .getAccount(ProductInfo.ACCTTYPE_P_DefRevenue, as, conn), amountConverted, as.m_C_Currency_ID, conn); if (IsReversal.equals("Y")) { fact.createLine(p_lines[i], account, as.m_C_Currency_ID, amount, "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } else { fact.createLine(p_lines[i], account, as.m_C_Currency_ID, "", amount, Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } } else { if (IsReversal.equals("Y")) { fact.createLine(p_lines[i], account, this.C_Currency_ID, amount, "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } else { fact.createLine(p_lines[i], account, this.C_Currency_ID, "", amount, Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } } // If revenue has been deferred if (((DocLine_Invoice) p_lines[i]).isDeferred() && !amount.equals(amountConverted)) { amount = new BigDecimal(amountConverted).subtract(new BigDecimal(amount)).toString(); if (IsReversal.equals("Y")) { fact.createLine(p_lines[i], ((DocLine_Invoice) p_lines[i]).getAccount(ProductInfo.ACCTTYPE_P_DefRevenue, as, conn), as.m_C_Currency_ID, amount, "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } else { fact.createLine(p_lines[i], ((DocLine_Invoice) p_lines[i]).getAccount(ProductInfo.ACCTTYPE_P_DefRevenue, as, conn), as.m_C_Currency_ID, "", amount, Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } } } } // Set Locations FactLine[] fLines = fact.getLines(); for (int i = 0; i < fLines.length; i++) { if (fLines[i] != null) { fLines[i].setLocationFromOrg(fLines[i].getAD_Org_ID(conn), true, conn); // from Loc fLines[i].setLocationFromBPartner(C_BPartner_Location_ID, false, conn); // to Loc } } } // ARC else if (this.DocumentType.equals(AcctServer.DOCTYPE_ARCredit)) { log4jDocInvoice.debug("Point 2"); // Receivables CR if (m_payments == null || m_payments.length == 0) for (int i = 0; m_debt_payments != null && i < m_debt_payments.length; i++) { BigDecimal amount = new BigDecimal(m_debt_payments[i].Amount); // BigDecimal ZERO = BigDecimal.ZERO; fact.createLine(m_debt_payments[i], getAccountBPartner(C_BPartner_ID, as, true, m_debt_payments[i].dpStatus, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, "", getConvertedAmt(((amount.negate())).toPlainString(), m_debt_payments[i].C_Currency_ID_From, this.C_Currency_ID, DateAcct, "", AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, conn), Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } else for (int i = 0; m_payments != null && i < m_payments.length; i++) { BigDecimal amount = new BigDecimal(m_payments[i].Amount); BigDecimal prepaidAmount = new BigDecimal(m_payments[i].PrepaidAmount); fact.createLine(m_payments[i], getAccountBPartner(C_BPartner_ID, as, true, false, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, "", amount.negate().toString(), Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); // Pre-payment: Probably not needed as at this point we can not generate pre-payments // against ARC. Amount is negated if (m_payments[i].C_Currency_ID_From.equals(as.m_C_Currency_ID) && prepaidAmount.compareTo(ZERO) != 0) { fact.createLine(m_payments[i], getAccountBPartner(C_BPartner_ID, as, true, true, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, "", prepaidAmount.negate().toString(), Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } else if (!m_payments[i].C_Currency_ID_From.equals(as.m_C_Currency_ID)) { try { DocInvoiceData[] prepayments = DocInvoiceData.selectPrepayments(connectionProvider, m_payments[i].Line_ID); for (int j = 0; j < prepayments.length; j++) { BigDecimal prePaymentAmt = convertAmount( new BigDecimal(prepayments[j].prepaidamt).negate(), true, DateAcct, TABLEID_Payment, prepayments[j].finPaymentId, m_payments[i].C_Currency_ID_From, as.m_C_Currency_ID, m_payments[i], as, fact, Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), conn); fact.createLine(m_payments[i], getAccountBPartner(C_BPartner_ID, as, true, true, conn), m_payments[i].C_Currency_ID_From, "", prePaymentAmt.toString(), Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } } catch (ServletException e) { log4jDocInvoice.warn(e); } } } if ((m_payments == null || m_payments.length == 0) && (m_debt_payments == null || m_debt_payments.length == 0)) { fact.createLine(null, getAccountBPartner(C_BPartner_ID, as, true, false, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, "", Amounts[AMTTYPE_Gross], Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } // Charge DR fact.createLine(null, getAccount(AcctServer.ACCTTYPE_Charge, as, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, getAmount(AcctServer.AMTTYPE_Charge), "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); // TaxDue DR for (int i = 0; m_taxes != null && i < m_taxes.length; i++) { // New docLine created to assign C_Tax_ID value to the entry DocLine docLine = new DocLine(DocumentType, Record_ID, ""); docLine.m_C_Tax_ID = m_taxes[i].m_C_Tax_ID; BigDecimal percentageFinalAccount = CashVATUtil._100; final BigDecimal taxesAmountTotal = new BigDecimal( StringUtils.isBlank(m_taxes[i].getAmount()) ? "0" : m_taxes[i].getAmount()); BigDecimal taxToTransAccount = BigDecimal.ZERO; if (isCashVAT && m_taxes[i].m_isCashVAT) { percentageFinalAccount = CashVATUtil .calculatePrepaidPercentageForCashVATTax(m_taxes[i].m_C_Tax_ID, Record_ID); taxToTransAccount = CashVATUtil.calculatePercentageAmount( CashVATUtil._100.subtract(percentageFinalAccount), taxesAmountTotal, C_Currency_ID); fact.createLine(docLine, m_taxes[i].getAccount(DocTax.ACCTTYPE_TaxDue_Trans, as, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, taxToTransAccount.toString(), "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } final BigDecimal taxToFinalAccount = taxesAmountTotal.subtract(taxToTransAccount); fact.createLine(docLine, m_taxes[i].getAccount(DocTax.ACCTTYPE_TaxDue, as, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, taxToFinalAccount.toString(), "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } // Revenue CR for (int i = 0; p_lines != null && i < p_lines.length; i++) { String amount = p_lines[i].getAmount(); String amountCoverted = ""; ConversionRateDoc conversionRateCurrentDoc = getConversionRateDoc(TABLEID_Invoice, Record_ID, C_Currency_ID, as.m_C_Currency_ID); if (conversionRateCurrentDoc != null) { amountCoverted = applyRate(new BigDecimal(p_lines[i].getAmount()), conversionRateCurrentDoc, true).setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString(); } else { amountCoverted = getConvertedAmt(p_lines[i].getAmount(), C_Currency_ID, as.m_C_Currency_ID, DateAcct, "", AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, conn); } Account account = ((DocLine_Invoice) p_lines[i]).getAccount(ProductInfo.ACCTTYPE_P_Revenue, as, conn); if (((DocLine_Invoice) p_lines[i]).isDeferred()) { amount = createAccDefRevenueFact(fact, (DocLine_Invoice) p_lines[i], account, ((DocLine_Invoice) p_lines[i]).getAccount(ProductInfo.ACCTTYPE_P_DefRevenue, as, conn), amountCoverted, as.m_C_Currency_ID, conn); fact.createLine(p_lines[i], account, as.m_C_Currency_ID, amount, "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } else { fact.createLine(p_lines[i], account, this.C_Currency_ID, amount, "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } // If revenue has been deferred if (((DocLine_Invoice) p_lines[i]).isDeferred() && !amount.equals(amountCoverted)) { amount = new BigDecimal(amountCoverted).subtract(new BigDecimal(amount)).toString(); fact.createLine(p_lines[i], ((DocLine_Invoice) p_lines[i]).getAccount(ProductInfo.ACCTTYPE_P_DefRevenue, as, conn), as.m_C_Currency_ID, amount, "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } } // Set Locations FactLine[] fLines = fact.getLines(); for (int i = 0; fLines != null && i < fLines.length; i++) { if (fLines[i] != null) { fLines[i].setLocationFromOrg(fLines[i].getAD_Org_ID(conn), true, conn); // from Loc fLines[i].setLocationFromBPartner(C_BPartner_Location_ID, false, conn); // to Loc } } } // API else if (this.DocumentType.equals(AcctServer.DOCTYPE_APInvoice)) { log4jDocInvoice.debug("Point 3"); // Liability CR if (m_payments == null || m_payments.length == 0) for (int i = 0; m_debt_payments != null && i < m_debt_payments.length; i++) { if (m_debt_payments[i].isReceipt.equals("Y")) fact.createLine(m_debt_payments[i], getAccountBPartner(C_BPartner_ID, as, true, m_debt_payments[i].dpStatus, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, getConvertedAmt(m_debt_payments[i].Amount, m_debt_payments[i].C_Currency_ID_From, this.C_Currency_ID, DateAcct, "", AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, conn), "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); else fact.createLine(m_debt_payments[i], getAccountBPartner(C_BPartner_ID, as, false, m_debt_payments[i].dpStatus, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, "", getConvertedAmt(m_debt_payments[i].Amount, m_debt_payments[i].C_Currency_ID_From, this.C_Currency_ID, DateAcct, "", AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, conn), Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } else for (int i = 0; m_payments != null && i < m_payments.length; i++) { fact.createLine(m_payments[i], getAccountBPartner(C_BPartner_ID, as, false, false, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, "", m_payments[i].Amount, Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); if (m_payments[i].C_Currency_ID_From.equals(as.m_C_Currency_ID) && new BigDecimal(m_payments[i].PrepaidAmount).compareTo(ZERO) != 0) { fact.createLine(m_payments[i], getAccountBPartner(C_BPartner_ID, as, false, true, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, "", m_payments[i].PrepaidAmount, Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } else if (!m_payments[i].C_Currency_ID_From.equals(as.m_C_Currency_ID)) { try { DocInvoiceData[] prepayments = DocInvoiceData.selectPrepayments(connectionProvider, m_payments[i].Line_ID); for (int j = 0; j < prepayments.length; j++) { BigDecimal prePaymentAmt = convertAmount(new BigDecimal(prepayments[j].prepaidamt), false, DateAcct, TABLEID_Payment, prepayments[j].finPaymentId, m_payments[i].C_Currency_ID_From, as.m_C_Currency_ID, m_payments[i], as, fact, Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), conn); fact.createLine(m_payments[i], getAccountBPartner(C_BPartner_ID, as, false, true, conn), m_payments[i].C_Currency_ID_From, "", prePaymentAmt.toString(), Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } } catch (ServletException e) { log4jDocInvoice.warn(e); } } } if ((m_payments == null || m_payments.length == 0) && (m_debt_payments == null || m_debt_payments.length == 0)) { BigDecimal grossamt = new BigDecimal(Amounts[AMTTYPE_Gross]); BigDecimal prepayment = new BigDecimal(prepaymentamt); BigDecimal difference = grossamt.abs().subtract(prepayment.abs()); if (!prepaymentamt.equals("0")) { if (grossamt.abs().compareTo(prepayment.abs()) > 0) { if (IsReturn.equals("Y")) { fact.createLine(null, getAccountBPartner(C_BPartner_ID, as, false, true, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, prepaymentamt, "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); fact.createLine(null, getAccountBPartner(C_BPartner_ID, as, false, false, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, difference.toString(), "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } else { fact.createLine(null, getAccountBPartner(C_BPartner_ID, as, false, true, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, "", prepaymentamt, Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); fact.createLine(null, getAccountBPartner(C_BPartner_ID, as, false, false, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, "", difference.toString(), Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } } else { if (IsReturn.equals("Y")) { fact.createLine(null, getAccountBPartner(C_BPartner_ID, as, false, true, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, prepaymentamt, "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } else { fact.createLine(null, getAccountBPartner(C_BPartner_ID, as, false, true, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, "", prepaymentamt, Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } } } else { fact.createLine(null, getAccountBPartner(C_BPartner_ID, as, false, false, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, "", Amounts[AMTTYPE_Gross], Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } } // Charge DR fact.createLine(null, getAccount(AcctServer.ACCTTYPE_Charge, as, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, getAmount(AcctServer.AMTTYPE_Charge), "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); BigDecimal grossamt = new BigDecimal(Amounts[AMTTYPE_Gross]); BigDecimal prepayment = new BigDecimal(prepaymentamt); // TaxCredit DR for (int i = 0; m_taxes != null && i < m_taxes.length; i++) { // New docLine created to assign C_Tax_ID value to the entry DocLine docLine = new DocLine(DocumentType, Record_ID, ""); docLine.m_C_Tax_ID = m_taxes[i].m_C_Tax_ID; OBContext.setAdminMode(true); int precission = 0; try { Currency currency = OBDal.getInstance().get(Currency.class, C_Currency_ID); precission = currency.getStandardPrecision().intValue(); } finally { OBContext.restorePreviousMode(); } if (!m_taxes[i].m_isTaxUndeductable) { BigDecimal percentageFinalAccount = CashVATUtil._100; final BigDecimal taxesAmountTotal = new BigDecimal( StringUtils.isBlank(m_taxes[i].getAmount()) ? "0" : m_taxes[i].getAmount()); BigDecimal taxToTransAccount = BigDecimal.ZERO; if (IsReversal.equals("Y")) { if (isCashVAT && m_taxes[i].m_isCashVAT) { if ((m_payments == null || m_payments.length == 0) && (m_debt_payments == null || m_debt_payments.length == 0) && (!prepaymentamt.equals("0"))) { percentageFinalAccount = ((prepayment.multiply(new BigDecimal(100))) .divide(grossamt.abs(), precission, RoundingMode.HALF_UP)); taxToTransAccount = CashVATUtil.calculatePercentageAmount( CashVATUtil._100.subtract(percentageFinalAccount), taxesAmountTotal, C_Currency_ID); } else { percentageFinalAccount = CashVATUtil .calculatePrepaidPercentageForCashVATTax(m_taxes[i].m_C_Tax_ID, Record_ID); taxToTransAccount = CashVATUtil.calculatePercentageAmount( CashVATUtil._100.subtract(percentageFinalAccount), taxesAmountTotal, C_Currency_ID); } fact.createLine(docLine, m_taxes[i].getAccount(DocTax.ACCTTYPE_TaxCredit_Trans, as, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, "", taxToTransAccount.toString(), Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } final BigDecimal taxToFinalAccount = taxesAmountTotal.subtract(taxToTransAccount); fact.createLine(docLine, m_taxes[i].getAccount(DocTax.ACCTTYPE_TaxCredit, as, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, "", taxToFinalAccount.toString(), Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } else { if (isCashVAT && m_taxes[i].m_isCashVAT) { if ((m_payments == null || m_payments.length == 0) && (m_debt_payments == null || m_debt_payments.length == 0) && (!prepaymentamt.equals("0"))) { percentageFinalAccount = ((prepayment.multiply(new BigDecimal(100))) .divide(grossamt.abs(), precission, RoundingMode.HALF_UP)); taxToTransAccount = CashVATUtil.calculatePercentageAmount( CashVATUtil._100.subtract(percentageFinalAccount), taxesAmountTotal, C_Currency_ID); } else { percentageFinalAccount = CashVATUtil .calculatePrepaidPercentageForCashVATTax(m_taxes[i].m_C_Tax_ID, Record_ID); taxToTransAccount = CashVATUtil.calculatePercentageAmount( CashVATUtil._100.subtract(percentageFinalAccount), taxesAmountTotal, C_Currency_ID); } fact.createLine(docLine, m_taxes[i].getAccount(DocTax.ACCTTYPE_TaxCredit_Trans, as, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, taxToTransAccount.toString(), "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } final BigDecimal taxToFinalAccount = taxesAmountTotal.subtract(taxToTransAccount); fact.createLine(docLine, m_taxes[i].getAccount(DocTax.ACCTTYPE_TaxCredit, as, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, taxToFinalAccount.toString(), "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } } else { DocLineInvoiceData[] data = null; try { data = DocLineInvoiceData.selectUndeductable(connectionProvider, Record_ID); } catch (ServletException e) { log4jDocInvoice.warn(e); } BigDecimal cumulativeTaxLineAmount = new BigDecimal(0); BigDecimal taxAmount = new BigDecimal(0); for (int j = 0; data != null && j < data.length; j++) { DocLine docLine1 = new DocLine(DocumentType, Record_ID, ""); docLine1.m_C_Tax_ID = data[j].cTaxId; docLine1.m_C_BPartner_ID = data[j].cBpartnerId; docLine1.m_M_Product_ID = data[j].mProductId; docLine1.m_C_Costcenter_ID = data[j].cCostcenterId; docLine1.m_C_Project_ID = data[j].cProjectId; docLine1.m_User1_ID = data[j].user1id; docLine1.m_User2_ID = data[j].user2id; docLine1.m_C_Activity_ID = data[j].cActivityId; docLine1.m_C_Campaign_ID = data[j].cCampaignId; docLine1.m_A_Asset_ID = data[j].aAssetId; String strtaxAmount = null; try { DocInvoiceData[] dataEx = DocInvoiceData.selectProductAcct(conn, as.getC_AcctSchema_ID(), m_taxes[i].m_C_Tax_ID, Record_ID); if (dataEx.length == 0) { dataEx = DocInvoiceData.selectGLItemAcctForTaxLine(conn, as.getC_AcctSchema_ID(), m_taxes[i].m_C_Tax_ID, Record_ID); } strtaxAmount = m_taxes[i].getAmount(); taxAmount = new BigDecimal(strtaxAmount.equals("") ? "0.00" : strtaxAmount); if (j == data.length - 1) { data[j].taxamt = taxAmount.subtract(cumulativeTaxLineAmount).toPlainString(); } try { if (this.DocumentType.equals(AcctServer.DOCTYPE_APInvoice)) { if (IsReversal.equals("Y")) { fact.createLine(docLine1, Account.getAccount(conn, dataEx[0].pExpenseAcct), this.C_Currency_ID, "", data[j].taxamt, Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } else { fact.createLine(docLine1, Account.getAccount(conn, dataEx[0].pExpenseAcct), this.C_Currency_ID, data[j].taxamt, "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } } else if (this.DocumentType.equals(AcctServer.DOCTYPE_APCredit)) { fact.createLine(docLine1, Account.getAccount(conn, dataEx[0].pExpenseAcct), this.C_Currency_ID, "", data[j].taxamt, Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } cumulativeTaxLineAmount = cumulativeTaxLineAmount .add(new BigDecimal(data[j].taxamt)); } catch (ServletException e) { log4jDocInvoice.error("Exception in createLineForTaxUndeductable method: " + e); } } catch (ServletException e) { log4jDocInvoice.warn(e); } } } } // Expense DR for (int i = 0; p_lines != null && i < p_lines.length; i++) { String amount = p_lines[i].getAmount(); String amountConverted = ""; ConversionRateDoc conversionRateCurrentDoc = getConversionRateDoc(TABLEID_Invoice, Record_ID, C_Currency_ID, as.m_C_Currency_ID); if (conversionRateCurrentDoc != null) { amountConverted = applyRate(new BigDecimal(p_lines[i].getAmount()), conversionRateCurrentDoc, true).setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString(); } else { amountConverted = getConvertedAmt(p_lines[i].getAmount(), C_Currency_ID, as.m_C_Currency_ID, DateAcct, "", AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, conn); } if (((DocLine_Invoice) p_lines[i]).isDeferred()) { amount = createAccDefExpenseFact(fact, (DocLine_Invoice) p_lines[i], ((DocLine_Invoice) p_lines[i]).getAccount(ProductInfo.ACCTTYPE_P_Expense, as, conn), ((DocLine_Invoice) p_lines[i]).getAccount(ProductInfo.ACCTTYPE_P_DefExpense, as, conn), amountConverted, as.m_C_Currency_ID, conn); if (IsReversal.equals("Y")) { fact.createLine(p_lines[i], ((DocLine_Invoice) p_lines[i]).getAccount(ProductInfo.ACCTTYPE_P_Expense, as, conn), as.m_C_Currency_ID, "", amount, Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } else { fact.createLine(p_lines[i], ((DocLine_Invoice) p_lines[i]).getAccount(ProductInfo.ACCTTYPE_P_Expense, as, conn), as.m_C_Currency_ID, amount, "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } } else { if (IsReversal.equals("Y")) { fact.createLine(p_lines[i], ((DocLine_Invoice) p_lines[i]).getAccount(ProductInfo.ACCTTYPE_P_Expense, as, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, "", amount, Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } else { fact.createLine(p_lines[i], ((DocLine_Invoice) p_lines[i]).getAccount(ProductInfo.ACCTTYPE_P_Expense, as, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, amount, "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } } // If expense has been deferred if (((DocLine_Invoice) p_lines[i]).isDeferred() && !amount.equals(amountConverted)) { amount = new BigDecimal(amountConverted).subtract(new BigDecimal(amount)).toString(); if (IsReversal.equals("Y")) { fact.createLine(p_lines[i], ((DocLine_Invoice) p_lines[i]).getAccount(ProductInfo.ACCTTYPE_P_DefExpense, as, conn), as.m_C_Currency_ID, "", amount, Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } else { fact.createLine(p_lines[i], ((DocLine_Invoice) p_lines[i]).getAccount(ProductInfo.ACCTTYPE_P_DefExpense, as, conn), as.m_C_Currency_ID, amount, "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } } } // Set Locations FactLine[] fLines = fact.getLines(); for (int i = 0; fLines != null && i < fLines.length; i++) { if (fLines[i] != null) { fLines[i].setLocationFromBPartner(C_BPartner_Location_ID, true, conn); // from Loc fLines[i].setLocationFromOrg(fLines[i].getAD_Org_ID(conn), false, conn); // to Loc } } updateProductInfo(as.getC_AcctSchema_ID(), conn, con); // only API } // APC else if (this.DocumentType.equals(AcctServer.DOCTYPE_APCredit)) { log4jDocInvoice.debug("Point 4"); // Liability DR if (m_payments == null || m_payments.length == 0) for (int i = 0; m_debt_payments != null && i < m_debt_payments.length; i++) { BigDecimal amount = new BigDecimal(m_debt_payments[i].Amount); // BigDecimal ZERO = BigDecimal.ZERO; fact.createLine(m_debt_payments[i], getAccountBPartner(C_BPartner_ID, as, false, m_debt_payments[i].dpStatus, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, getConvertedAmt(((amount.negate())).toPlainString(), m_debt_payments[i].C_Currency_ID_From, this.C_Currency_ID, DateAcct, "", AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, conn), "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } else for (int i = 0; m_payments != null && i < m_payments.length; i++) { BigDecimal amount = new BigDecimal(m_payments[i].Amount); BigDecimal prepaidAmount = new BigDecimal(m_payments[i].PrepaidAmount); fact.createLine(m_payments[i], getAccountBPartner(C_BPartner_ID, as, false, false, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, amount.negate().toString(), "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); // Pre-payment: Probably not needed as at this point we can not generate pre-payments // against APC. Amount is negated if (m_payments[i].C_Currency_ID_From.equals(as.m_C_Currency_ID) && prepaidAmount.compareTo(ZERO) != 0) { fact.createLine(m_payments[i], getAccountBPartner(C_BPartner_ID, as, false, true, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, prepaidAmount.negate().toString(), "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } else if (!m_payments[i].C_Currency_ID_From.equals(as.m_C_Currency_ID)) { try { DocInvoiceData[] prepayments = DocInvoiceData.selectPrepayments(connectionProvider, m_payments[i].Line_ID); for (int j = 0; j < prepayments.length; j++) { BigDecimal prePaymentAmt = convertAmount( new BigDecimal(prepayments[j].prepaidamt).negate(), false, DateAcct, TABLEID_Payment, prepayments[j].finPaymentId, m_payments[i].C_Currency_ID_From, as.m_C_Currency_ID, m_payments[i], as, fact, Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), conn); fact.createLine(m_payments[i], getAccountBPartner(C_BPartner_ID, as, false, true, conn), m_payments[i].C_Currency_ID_From, prePaymentAmt.toString(), "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } } catch (ServletException e) { log4jDocInvoice.warn(e); } } } if ((m_payments == null || m_payments.length == 0) && (m_debt_payments == null || m_debt_payments.length == 0)) { fact.createLine(null, getAccountBPartner(C_BPartner_ID, as, false, false, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, Amounts[AMTTYPE_Gross], "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } // Charge CR fact.createLine(null, getAccount(AcctServer.ACCTTYPE_Charge, as, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, "", getAmount(AcctServer.AMTTYPE_Charge), Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); // TaxCredit CR for (int i = 0; m_taxes != null && i < m_taxes.length; i++) { // New docLine created to assign C_Tax_ID value to the entry DocLine docLine = new DocLine(DocumentType, Record_ID, ""); docLine.m_C_Tax_ID = m_taxes[i].m_C_Tax_ID; if (m_taxes[i].m_isTaxUndeductable) { computeTaxUndeductableLine(conn, as, fact, docLine, Fact_Acct_Group_ID, m_taxes[i].m_C_Tax_ID, m_taxes[i].getAmount()); } else { BigDecimal percentageFinalAccount = CashVATUtil._100; final BigDecimal taxesAmountTotal = new BigDecimal( StringUtils.isBlank(m_taxes[i].getAmount()) ? "0" : m_taxes[i].getAmount()); BigDecimal taxToTransAccount = BigDecimal.ZERO; if (isCashVAT && m_taxes[i].m_isCashVAT) { percentageFinalAccount = CashVATUtil .calculatePrepaidPercentageForCashVATTax(m_taxes[i].m_C_Tax_ID, Record_ID); taxToTransAccount = CashVATUtil.calculatePercentageAmount( CashVATUtil._100.subtract(percentageFinalAccount), taxesAmountTotal, C_Currency_ID); fact.createLine(docLine, m_taxes[i].getAccount(DocTax.ACCTTYPE_TaxCredit_Trans, as, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, "", taxToTransAccount.toString(), Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } final BigDecimal taxToFinalAccount = taxesAmountTotal.subtract(taxToTransAccount); fact.createLine(docLine, m_taxes[i].getAccount(DocTax.ACCTTYPE_TaxCredit, as, conn), this.C_Currency_ID, "", taxToFinalAccount.toString(), Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } } // Expense CR for (int i = 0; p_lines != null && i < p_lines.length; i++) { String amount = p_lines[i].getAmount(); String amountConverted = ""; ConversionRateDoc conversionRateCurrentDoc = getConversionRateDoc(TABLEID_Invoice, Record_ID, C_Currency_ID, as.m_C_Currency_ID); if (conversionRateCurrentDoc != null) { amountConverted = applyRate(new BigDecimal(p_lines[i].getAmount()), conversionRateCurrentDoc, true).setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString(); } else { amountConverted = getConvertedAmt(p_lines[i].getAmount(), C_Currency_ID, as.m_C_Currency_ID, DateAcct, "", AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, conn); } Account account = ((DocLine_Invoice) p_lines[i]).getAccount(ProductInfo.ACCTTYPE_P_Expense, as, conn); if (((DocLine_Invoice) p_lines[i]).isDeferred()) { amount = createAccDefExpenseFact(fact, (DocLine_Invoice) p_lines[i], account, ((DocLine_Invoice) p_lines[i]).getAccount(ProductInfo.ACCTTYPE_P_DefExpense, as, conn), amountConverted, as.m_C_Currency_ID, conn); fact.createLine(p_lines[i], account, as.m_C_Currency_ID, "", amount, Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } else { fact.createLine(p_lines[i], account, this.C_Currency_ID, "", amount, Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } // If expense has been deferred if (((DocLine_Invoice) p_lines[i]).isDeferred() && !amount.equals(amountConverted)) { amount = new BigDecimal(amountConverted).subtract(new BigDecimal(amount)).toString(); fact.createLine(p_lines[i], ((DocLine_Invoice) p_lines[i]).getAccount(ProductInfo.ACCTTYPE_P_DefExpense, as, conn), as.m_C_Currency_ID, "", amount, Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } } // Set Locations FactLine[] fLines = fact.getLines(); for (int i = 0; fLines != null && i < fLines.length; i++) { if (fLines[i] != null) { fLines[i].setLocationFromBPartner(C_BPartner_Location_ID, true, conn); // from Loc fLines[i].setLocationFromOrg(fLines[i].getAD_Org_ID(conn), false, conn); // to Loc } } } else { log4jDocInvoice.warn("Doc_Invoice - DocumentType unknown: " + this.DocumentType); fact = null; } SeqNo = "0"; return fact; }// createFact String createAccDefRevenueFact(Fact fact, DocLine_Invoice line, Account prodRevAccount, Account prodDefRevAccount, String lineAmount, String strCurrencyId, ConnectionProvider conn) { BigDecimal amount = new BigDecimal(lineAmount); String Fact_Acct_Group_ID = SequenceIdData.getUUID(); ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> plan = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>(); Period startingPeriod = OBDal.getInstance().get(Period.class, line.getStartingPeriodId()); plan = calculateAccDefPlan(startingPeriod, line.getPeriodNumber(), amount, strCurrencyId); for (HashMap<String, String> planLine : plan) { DocLine planDocLine = new DocLine(DocumentType, Record_ID, line.m_TrxLine_ID); planDocLine.copyInfo(line); planDocLine.m_DateAcct = planLine.get("date"); if (IsReversal.equals("Y")) { // Revenue Account fact.createLine(planDocLine, prodRevAccount, strCurrencyId, planLine.get("amount"), "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); // Deferred Revenue Account fact.createLine(planDocLine, prodDefRevAccount, strCurrencyId, "", planLine.get("amount"), Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } else { // Deferred Revenue Account fact.createLine(planDocLine, prodDefRevAccount, strCurrencyId, planLine.get("amount"), "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); // Revenue Account fact.createLine(planDocLine, prodRevAccount, strCurrencyId, "", planLine.get("amount"), Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } amount = amount.subtract(new BigDecimal(planLine.get("amount"))); Fact_Acct_Group_ID = SequenceIdData.getUUID(); } return amount.toString(); } private ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> calculateAccDefPlan(Period startingPeriod, int periodNumber, BigDecimal amount, String strCurrencyId) { Period period = startingPeriod; Date date = period.getEndingDate(); ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> plan = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>(); int i = 1; BigDecimal total = BigDecimal.ZERO; int stdPrecision = 0; OBContext.setAdminMode(true); try { stdPrecision = OBDal.getInstance().get(Currency.class, this.C_Currency_ID).getStandardPrecision() .intValue(); } finally { OBContext.restorePreviousMode(); } BigDecimal periodAmount = amount .divide(new BigDecimal(periodNumber), new MathContext(32, RoundingMode.HALF_UP)) .setScale(stdPrecision, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); while (i <= periodNumber) { if (!OBDateUtils.formatDate(date).equals(DateAcct)) { HashMap<String, String> hm = new HashMap<String, String>(); hm.put("date", OBDateUtils.formatDate(date)); hm.put("amount", i == periodNumber ? amount.subtract(total).toString() : periodAmount.toString()); plan.add(hm); } try { AcctServerData[] data = AcctServerData.periodOpen(connectionProvider, AD_Client_ID, DocumentType, AD_Org_ID, OBDateUtils.formatDate(period.getEndingDate())); if ("".equals(data[0].period)) { setStatus(STATUS_PeriodClosed); throw new OBException("@PeriodNotAvailable@"); } } catch (ServletException e) { log4j.warn("DocInvoice - Error checking period open.", e); e.printStackTrace(); } if (i < periodNumber) { period = AccDefUtility.getNextPeriod(period); date = period.getEndingDate(); } total = total.add(periodAmount); i++; } return plan; } public String createAccDefExpenseFact(Fact fact, DocLine_Invoice line, Account prodExpAccount, Account prodDefExpAccount, String lineAmount, String strCurrencyId, ConnectionProvider conn) { BigDecimal amount = new BigDecimal(lineAmount); String Fact_Acct_Group_ID = SequenceIdData.getUUID(); ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> plan = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>(); Period startingPeriod = OBDal.getInstance().get(Period.class, line.getStartingPeriodId()); plan = calculateAccDefPlan(startingPeriod, line.getPeriodNumber(), amount, strCurrencyId); for (HashMap<String, String> planLine : plan) { DocLine planDocLine = new DocLine(DocumentType, Record_ID, line.m_TrxLine_ID); planDocLine.copyInfo(line); planDocLine.m_DateAcct = planLine.get("date"); if (IsReversal.equals("Y")) { // Expense Account fact.createLine(planDocLine, prodExpAccount, strCurrencyId, "", planLine.get("amount"), Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); // Deferred Expense Account fact.createLine(planDocLine, prodDefExpAccount, strCurrencyId, planLine.get("amount"), "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } else { // Deferred Expense Account fact.createLine(planDocLine, prodDefExpAccount, strCurrencyId, "", planLine.get("amount"), Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); // Expense Account fact.createLine(planDocLine, prodExpAccount, strCurrencyId, planLine.get("amount"), "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } amount = amount.subtract(new BigDecimal(planLine.get("amount"))); Fact_Acct_Group_ID = SequenceIdData.getUUID(); } return amount.toString(); } /** * Update Product Info. - Costing (PriceLastInv) - PO (PriceLastInv) * * @param C_AcctSchema_ID * accounting schema */ public void updateProductInfo(String C_AcctSchema_ID, ConnectionProvider conn, Connection con) { log4jDocInvoice.debug("updateProductInfo - C_Invoice_ID=" + this.Record_ID); /** * @todo Last.. would need to compare document/last updated date would need to maintain * LastPriceUpdateDate on _PO and _Costing */ // update Product PO info // should only be once, but here for every AcctSchema // ignores multiple lines with same product - just uses first int no = 0; try { no = DocInvoiceData.updateProductPO(con, conn, Record_ID); log4jDocInvoice.debug("M_Product_PO - Updated=" + no); } catch (ServletException e) { log4jDocInvoice.warn(e); if (e.getMessage().contains("@NoConversionRate@")) { setMessageResult(Utility.translateError(conn, RequestContext.get().getVariablesSecureApp(), OBContext.getOBContext().getLanguage().getId(), e.getMessage())); throw new IllegalStateException(); } } } // updateProductInfo /** * Get Source Currency Balance - subtracts line and tax amounts from total - no rounding * * @return positive amount, if total invoice is bigger than lines */ public BigDecimal getBalance() { // BigDecimal ZERO = new BigDecimal("0"); BigDecimal retValue = ZERO; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(" ["); // Total retValue = retValue.add(new BigDecimal(getAmount(AcctServer.AMTTYPE_Gross))); sb.append(getAmount(AcctServer.AMTTYPE_Gross)); // - Charge retValue = retValue.subtract(new BigDecimal(getAmount(AcctServer.AMTTYPE_Charge))); sb.append("-").append(getAmount(AcctServer.AMTTYPE_Charge)); // - Tax for (int i = 0; i < m_taxes.length; i++) { retValue = retValue.subtract(new BigDecimal(m_taxes[i].getAmount())); sb.append("-").append(m_taxes[i].getAmount()); } // - Lines for (int i = 0; p_lines != null && i < p_lines.length; i++) { retValue = retValue.subtract(new BigDecimal(p_lines[i].getAmount())); sb.append("-").append(p_lines[i].getAmount()); } sb.append("]"); // log4jDocInvoice.debug("Balance=" + retValue + sb.toString()); return retValue; } // getBalance public String nextSeqNo(String oldSeqNo) { log4jDocInvoice.debug("DocInvoice - oldSeqNo = " + oldSeqNo); BigDecimal seqNo = new BigDecimal(oldSeqNo); SeqNo = (seqNo.add(new BigDecimal("10"))).toString(); log4jDocInvoice.debug("DocInvoice - nextSeqNo = " + SeqNo); return SeqNo; } /** * Get the account for Accounting Schema * * @param cBPartnerId * business partner id * @param as * accounting schema * @return Account */ public final Account getAccountBPartner(String cBPartnerId, AcctSchema as, boolean isReceipt, String dpStatus, ConnectionProvider conn) { DocPaymentData[] data = null; try { if (log4j.isDebugEnabled()) log4j.debug("DocInvoice - getAccountBPartner - DocumentType = " + DocumentType); if (isReceipt) { data = DocPaymentData.selectBPartnerCustomerAcct(conn, cBPartnerId, as.getC_AcctSchema_ID(), dpStatus); } else { data = DocPaymentData.selectBPartnerVendorAcct(conn, cBPartnerId, as.getC_AcctSchema_ID(), dpStatus); } } catch (ServletException e) { log4j.warn(e); } // Get Acct String Account_ID = ""; if (data != null && data.length != 0) { Account_ID = data[0].accountId; } else return null; // No account if (Account_ID.equals("")) { log4j.warn("DocInvoice - getAccountBPartner - NO account BPartner=" + cBPartnerId + ", Record=" + Record_ID + ", status " + dpStatus); return null; } // Return Account Account acct = null; try { acct = Account.getAccount(conn, Account_ID); } catch (ServletException e) { log4j.warn(e); } return acct; } // getAccount /** * @return the log4jDocInvoice */ public static Logger getLog4jDocInvoice() { return log4jDocInvoice; } /** * @param log4jDocInvoice * the log4jDocInvoice to set */ public static void setLog4jDocInvoice(Logger log4jDocInvoice) { DocInvoice.log4jDocInvoice = log4jDocInvoice; } /** * @return the m_taxes */ public DocTax[] getM_taxes() { return m_taxes; } /** * @param m_taxes * the m_taxes to set */ public void setM_taxes(DocTax[] m_taxes) { this.m_taxes = m_taxes; } /** * @return the seqNo */ public String getSeqNo() { return SeqNo; } /** * @param seqNo * the seqNo to set */ public void setSeqNo(String seqNo) { SeqNo = seqNo; } /** * @return the serialVersionUID */ public static long getSerialVersionUID() { return serialVersionUID; } /** * Get Document Confirmation * */ public boolean getDocumentConfirmation(ConnectionProvider conn, String strRecordId) { DocInvoiceData[] data = null; FieldProvider dataFP[] = getObjectFieldProvider(); if (ZERO.compareTo(new BigDecimal(dataFP[0].getField("GrandTotal"))) == 0) { Invoice invoice = OBDal.getInstance().get(Invoice.class, strRecordId); boolean zero = true; for (InvoiceLine invoiceline : invoice.getInvoiceLineList()) { if (ZERO.compareTo(invoiceline.getLineNetAmount()) != 0) { zero = false; } } for (InvoiceTax invoiceTax : invoice.getInvoiceTaxList()) { if (ZERO.compareTo(invoiceTax.getTaxAmount()) != 0) { zero = false; } } if (zero) { strMessage = "@TotalGrossIsZero@"; setStatus(STATUS_DocumentDisabled); return false; } } try { data = DocInvoiceData.selectRegistro(conn, AD_Client_ID, strRecordId); AcctSchema[] m_acctSchemas = reloadLocalAcctSchemaArray(data[0].adOrgId); AcctSchema acct = null; for (int i = 0; i < m_acctSchemas.length; i++) { acct = m_acctSchemas[i]; data = DocInvoiceData.selectFinInvCount(conn, strRecordId, acct.m_C_AcctSchema_ID); int countFinInv = Integer.parseInt(data[0].fininvcount); int countGLItemAcct = Integer.parseInt(data[0].finacctcount); // For any GL Item used in financial invoice lines debit/credit accounts must be defined if (countFinInv != 0 && (countFinInv != countGLItemAcct)) { log4jDocInvoice.debug("DocInvoice - getDocumentConfirmation - GL Item used in financial " + "invoice lines debit/credit accounts must be defined."); setStatus(STATUS_InvalidAccount); return false; } } } catch (Exception e) { log4jDocInvoice.error("Exception in getDocumentConfirmation method.", e); } return true; } private AcctSchema[] reloadLocalAcctSchemaArray(String adOrgId) throws ServletException { AcctSchema acct = null; ArrayList<Object> new_as = new ArrayList<Object>(); // We reload again all the acct schemas of the client AcctSchema[] m_aslocal = AcctSchema.getAcctSchemaArray(connectionProvider, AD_Client_ID, adOrgId); // Filter the right acct schemas for the organization for (int i = 0; i < m_aslocal.length; i++) { acct = m_aslocal[i]; if (AcctSchemaData.selectAcctSchemaTable(connectionProvider, acct.m_C_AcctSchema_ID, AD_Table_ID)) { new_as.add(new AcctSchema(connectionProvider, acct.m_C_AcctSchema_ID)); } } AcctSchema[] retValue = new AcctSchema[new_as.size()]; new_as.toArray(retValue); m_aslocal = retValue; return m_aslocal; } public String getServletInfo() { return "Servlet for the accounting"; } // end of getServletInfo() method public void computeTaxUndeductableLine(ConnectionProvider conn, AcctSchema as, Fact fact, DocLine docLine, String Fact_Acct_Group_ID, String taxId, String strTaxAmount) { int invoiceLineTaxCount = 0; int totalInvoiceLineTax = getTaxLineCount(conn, taxId); BigDecimal cumulativeTaxLineAmount = new BigDecimal(0); BigDecimal taxAmount = new BigDecimal(strTaxAmount.equals("") ? "0.00" : strTaxAmount); DocInvoiceData[] data = null; try { // We can have some lines from product or some lines from general ledger data = DocInvoiceData.selectProductAcct(conn, as.getC_AcctSchema_ID(), taxId, Record_ID); cumulativeTaxLineAmount = createLineForTaxUndeductable(invoiceLineTaxCount, totalInvoiceLineTax, cumulativeTaxLineAmount, taxAmount, data, conn, fact, docLine, Fact_Acct_Group_ID); invoiceLineTaxCount = data.length; // check whether gl item is selected instead of product in invoice line data = DocInvoiceData.selectGLItemAcctForTaxLine(conn, as.getC_AcctSchema_ID(), taxId, Record_ID); createLineForTaxUndeductable(invoiceLineTaxCount, totalInvoiceLineTax, cumulativeTaxLineAmount, taxAmount, data, conn, fact, docLine, Fact_Acct_Group_ID); } catch (ServletException e) { log4jDocInvoice.error("Exception in computeTaxUndeductableLine method: " + e); } } private int getTaxLineCount(ConnectionProvider conn, String taxId) { DocInvoiceData[] data = null; try { data = DocInvoiceData.getTaxLineCount(conn, taxId, Record_ID); } catch (ServletException e) { log4jDocInvoice.error("Exception in getTaxLineCount method: " + e); } if (data.length > 0) { return Integer.parseInt(data[0].totallines); } return 0; } private BigDecimal createLineForTaxUndeductable(int invoiceLineTaxCount, int totalInvoiceLineTax, BigDecimal cumulativeTaxLineAmount, BigDecimal taxAmount, DocInvoiceData[] data, ConnectionProvider conn, Fact fact, DocLine docLine, String Fact_Acct_Group_ID) { for (int j = 0; j < data.length; j++) { invoiceLineTaxCount++; // We have to adjust the amount in last line of tax if (invoiceLineTaxCount == totalInvoiceLineTax) { data[j].taxamt = taxAmount.subtract(cumulativeTaxLineAmount).toPlainString(); } try { // currently applicable for API and APC if (this.DocumentType.equals(AcctServer.DOCTYPE_APInvoice)) { if (IsReversal.equals("Y")) { fact.createLine(docLine, Account.getAccount(conn, data[j].pExpenseAcct), this.C_Currency_ID, "", data[j].taxamt, Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } else { fact.createLine(docLine, Account.getAccount(conn, data[j].pExpenseAcct), this.C_Currency_ID, data[j].taxamt, "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } } else if (this.DocumentType.equals(AcctServer.DOCTYPE_APCredit)) { fact.createLine(docLine, Account.getAccount(conn, data[j].pExpenseAcct), this.C_Currency_ID, "", data[j].taxamt, Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn); } cumulativeTaxLineAmount = cumulativeTaxLineAmount.add(new BigDecimal(data[j].taxamt)); } catch (ServletException e) { log4jDocInvoice.error("Exception in createLineForTaxUndeductable method: " + e); } } return cumulativeTaxLineAmount; } }