Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * The contents of this file are subject to the Openbravo  Public  License
 * Version  1.1  (the  "License"),  being   the  Mozilla   Public  License
 * Version 1.1  with a permitted attribution clause; you may not  use this
 * file except in compliance with the License. You  may  obtain  a copy of
 * the License at 
 * Software distributed under the License  is  distributed  on  an "AS IS"
 * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific  language  governing  rights  and  limitations
 * under the License. 
 * The Original Code is Openbravo ERP. 
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Openbravo SLU 
 * All portions are Copyright (C) 2014-15 Openbravo SLU 
 * All Rights Reserved. 
 * Contributor(s):  ______________________________________.
package org.openbravo.costing;

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.servlet.ServletException;

import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONArray;
import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject;
import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.openbravo.base.exception.OBException;
import org.openbravo.client.application.process.BaseProcessActionHandler;
import org.openbravo.dal.core.OBContext;
import org.openbravo.dal.service.OBDal;
import org.openbravo.erpCommon.utility.OBMessageUtils;
import org.openbravo.model.common.enterprise.Organization;
import org.openbravo.model.financialmgmt.calendar.Period;
import org.openbravo.service.db.DbUtility;
import org.openbravo.service.json.JsonUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class PriceDifferenceByDateProcess extends BaseProcessActionHandler {
    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PriceDifferenceByDateProcess.class);

    protected JSONObject doExecute(Map<String, Object> parameters, String content) {
        JSONObject jsonRequest = null;
        String message = new String();
        try {
            jsonRequest = new JSONObject(content);
            JSONObject params = jsonRequest.getJSONObject("_params");
            log.debug("{}", jsonRequest);
            JSONArray productIds = params.getJSONArray("M_Product_ID");
            String mvdate = params.getString("movementdate");
            String orgId = params.getString("ad_org_id");
            Date movementdate = JsonUtils.createDateFormat().parse(mvdate);
            doChecks(orgId, movementdate);

            String strUpdate = "UPDATE MaterialMgmtMaterialTransaction trx" + " SET checkpricedifference = 'Y'"
                    + " WHERE exists (" + " SELECT 1" + " FROM  ProcurementReceiptInvoiceMatch mpo"
                    + " WHERE trx.isCostCalculated = 'Y' and =  "
                    + " AND trx.movementDate >= :date and in (:orgIds))";

            if (productIds.length() > 0) {
                strUpdate = strUpdate.concat(" AND IN :productIds ");

            Set<String> products = new HashSet<String>();
            for (int i = 0; i < productIds.length(); i++) {
            Query update = OBDal.getInstance().getSession().createQuery(strUpdate);

            if (productIds.length() > 0) {
                update.setParameterList("productIds", products);
            update.setParameterList("orgIds", new OrganizationStructureProvider().getChildTree(orgId, true));
            update.setDate("date", movementdate);


            JSONObject msg = new JSONObject();
            msg = PriceDifferenceProcess.processPriceDifference(null, null);
            jsonRequest.put("message", msg);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Error Process Price Correction", e);

            try {
                jsonRequest = new JSONObject();
                jsonRequest.put("retryExecution", true);
                if (message.isEmpty()) {
                    Throwable ex = DbUtility.getUnderlyingSQLException(e);
                    message = OBMessageUtils.translateError(ex.getMessage()).getMessage();
                JSONObject errorMessage = new JSONObject();
                errorMessage.put("severity", "error");
                errorMessage.put("text", message);
                jsonRequest.put("message", errorMessage);
                return jsonRequest;
            } catch (Exception ignore) {
        } finally {
        return jsonRequest;

    private void doChecks(String orgId, Date movementdate) {
        try {
            Organization org = OBDal.getInstance().get(Organization.class, orgId);
            Date maxDate = CostingUtils.getMaxTransactionDate(org);
            Period periodClosed = CostingUtils.periodClosed(org, movementdate, maxDate, "CAD");
            if (periodClosed != null) {
                String errorMsg = OBMessageUtils.getI18NMessage("DocumentTypePeriodClosed",
                        new String[] { "CAD", periodClosed.getIdentifier() });
                throw new OBException(errorMsg);
        } catch (ServletException e) {
            throw new OBException(e.getMessage());