Java tutorial
/* ************************************************************************* * The contents of this file are subject to the Openbravo Public License * Version 1.1 (the "License"), being the Mozilla Public License * Version 1.1 with a permitted attribution clause; you may not use this * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * The Original Code is Openbravo ERP. * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Openbravo SLU * All portions are Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Openbravo SLU * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. ************************************************************************ */ package org.openbravo.client.kernel.reference; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONArray; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONException; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject; import org.openbravo.base.exception.OBException; import org.openbravo.base.model.ModelProvider; import org.openbravo.base.model.Property; import org.openbravo.base.model.domaintype.DomainType; import org.openbravo.base.model.domaintype.PrimitiveDomainType; import org.openbravo.base.secureApp.VariablesSecureApp; import org.openbravo.base.weld.WeldUtils; import org.openbravo.client.application.Parameter; import org.openbravo.client.application.window.ApplicationDictionaryCachedStructures; import org.openbravo.client.application.window.OBViewUtil; import org.openbravo.client.kernel.KernelUtils; import org.openbravo.client.kernel.RequestContext; import org.openbravo.dal.service.OBDal; import; import; import org.openbravo.erpCommon.utility.ComboTableData; import org.openbravo.erpCommon.utility.FieldProviderFactory; import org.openbravo.erpCommon.utility.Utility; import; import; import org.openbravo.service.db.DalConnectionProvider; import org.openbravo.service.json.JsonConstants; /** * Base implementation of a user interface client reference. * * @author mtaal */ public abstract class UIDefinition { private static final String TYPE_NAME_PREFIX = "_id_"; private static final String LIST_REF_ID = "17"; private Reference reference; private DomainType domainType; private JSONObject gridConfigurationSettings; protected static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(UIDefinition.class); /** * Unique name used to identify the type. * */ public String getName() { return TYPE_NAME_PREFIX + reference.getId(); } /** * @return the Smartclient type from which this type inherits. */ public String getParentType() { return "text"; } /** * @return the form item type used for editing this reference in a form. */ public String getFormEditorType() { return "OBTextItem"; } /** * @return the form item type used for editing this reference in a grid. As a default will return * {@link #getFormEditorType()} */ public String getGridEditorType() { return getFormEditorType(); } /** * @return the form item type used for filtering in grids. As a default will return * {@link #getFormEditorType()} */ public String getFilterEditorType() { return getFormEditorType(); } /** * Computes the properties used to define the type, this includes all the Smartclient SimpleType * properties. * * @return a javascript string which can be included in the javascript defining the SimpleType. * The default implementation returns an empty string. */ public String getTypeProperties() { return ""; } /** * Computes properties to initialize and set the field in a Smartclient form. This can be the * default value or the sets of values in the valuemap. * * NOTE: the field parameter may be null, implementors of subclasses should take this into * account. * * @param field * the field for which the information should be computed. NOTE: the caller is allowed to * pass null for cases where the field properties are needed for a FormItem which is not * backed by an Openbravo field. * @return a JSONObject string which is used to initialize the formitem. */ public String getFieldProperties(Field field) { if (field != null && field.isDisplayed() != null && !field.isDisplayed()) { return ""; // Not displayed fields use HiddenItem } return ""; } public String getValueFromSQLDefault(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { return rs.getString(1); } /** * Computes properties to initialize and set the field in a Smartclient form. This can be the * default value or the sets of values in the valuemap. * * @param field * the field for which the information should be computed. * @param getValueFromSession * @return a JSONObject string which is used to initialize the formitem. */ public String getFieldProperties(Field field, boolean getValueFromSession) { String columnValue = ""; RequestContext rq = RequestContext.get(); if (getValueFromSession) { String inpColumnName = null; if (field.getProperty() != null && !field.getProperty().isEmpty()) { inpColumnName = "inp" + "_propertyField_" + Sqlc.TransformaNombreColumna(field.getName()).replace(" ", "") + "_" + field.getColumn().getDBColumnName(); } else { inpColumnName = "inp" + Sqlc.TransformaNombreColumna(field.getColumn().getDBColumnName()); } columnValue = rq.getRequestParameter(inpColumnName); } else { if (field.getColumn().getDBColumnName().equalsIgnoreCase("documentno") || (field.getColumn().isUseAutomaticSequence() && field.getColumn().getDBColumnName().equals("Value"))) { String docTypeTarget = rq .getRequestParameter("inp" + Sqlc.TransformaNombreColumna("C_DocTypeTarget_ID")); if (docTypeTarget == null) docTypeTarget = ""; String docType = rq.getRequestParameter("inp" + Sqlc.TransformaNombreColumna("C_DocType_ID")); if (docType == null) docType = ""; columnValue = "<" + Utility.getDocumentNo(new DalConnectionProvider(false), rq.getVariablesSecureApp(), field.getTab().getWindow().getId(), field.getColumn().getTable().getDBTableName(), docTypeTarget, docType, false, false) + ">"; } else { String defaultS = field.getColumn().getDefaultValue(); if (defaultS == null || defaultS.equals("\"\"")) { defaultS = ""; } if (defaultS.equalsIgnoreCase("@#Date@")) { return setNOWDefault(); } else if (!defaultS.startsWith("@SQL=")) { columnValue = Utility.getDefault(new DalConnectionProvider(false), rq.getVariablesSecureApp(), field.getColumn().getDBColumnName(), defaultS, field.getTab().getWindow().getId(), ""); } else { ArrayList<String> params = new ArrayList<String>(); String sql = parseSQL(defaultS, params); int indP = 1; PreparedStatement ps = null; try { ps = OBDal.getInstance().getConnection(false).prepareStatement(sql); for (String parameter : params) { String value = ""; if (parameter.substring(0, 1).equals("#")) { value = Utility.getContext(new DalConnectionProvider(false), RequestContext.get().getVariablesSecureApp(), parameter, field.getTab().getWindow().getId()); } else { String fieldId = "inp" + Sqlc.TransformaNombreColumna(parameter); if (RequestContext.get().getParameterMap().containsKey(fieldId)) { value = RequestContext.get().getRequestParameter(fieldId); } if (value == null || value.equals("")) { value = Utility.getContext(new DalConnectionProvider(false), RequestContext.get().getVariablesSecureApp(), parameter, field.getTab().getWindow().getId()); } } ps.setObject(indP++, value); } ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if ( { columnValue = getValueFromSQLDefault(rs); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error computing default value for field " + field.getName() + " of tab " + field.getTab().getName(), e); } finally { try { ps.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // won't happen } } } } } if (columnValue == null || columnValue.equals("null")) { columnValue = ""; } JSONObject jsnobject = new JSONObject(); try { jsnobject.put("value", createFromClassicString(columnValue)); jsnobject.put("classicValue", columnValue); } catch (JSONException e) { log.error("Couldn't get field property value for column " + field.getColumn().getDBColumnName()); } return jsnobject.toString(); } /** * It returns the same as getFieldProperties except in the case of combo UIDefinitions. In combo * UI definitions, a call to the super will be done, but the combo computation itself will not be * done (so only the default value, or the current request value, will be considered). * */ public String getFieldPropertiesWithoutCombo(Field field, boolean getValueFromSession) { return getFieldProperties(field, getValueFromSession); } public String getFieldPropertiesFirstRecord(Field field, boolean getValueFromSession) { return getFieldProperties(field, getValueFromSession); } /** * Returns alignment in grid view. In case it returns null, default alignment for actual data type * is used. * * @return <code>null</code> for default alignment, "left", "center" or "right" */ public String getCellAlign() { return null; } private String setNOWDefault() { JSONObject jsnobject = new JSONObject(); try { UIDefinition uiDef = this; if (!(this instanceof DateUIDefinition)) { for (UIDefinition def : UIDefinitionController.getInstance().getAllUIDefinitions()) { if (def instanceof DateUIDefinition) { uiDef = def; break; } } } String columnValue = uiDef.convertToClassicString(new Date()); jsnobject.put("value", uiDef.createFromClassicString(columnValue)); jsnobject.put("classicValue", columnValue); jsnobject.put("hasDateDefault", true); } catch (JSONException e) { log.error("Couldn't get field property value"); } return jsnobject.toString(); } /** * Convert a string value as used in classic OB to a type safe value. * * @see PrimitiveDomainType#createFromString(String) */ public Object createFromClassicString(String value) { if (getDomainType() instanceof PrimitiveDomainType) { return ((PrimitiveDomainType) getDomainType()).createFromString(value); } else { return value; } } /** * Creates a classic string which is used by callouts from an object value. * * @param value * @return the classic string */ public String convertToClassicString(Object value) { if (value == null) { return ""; } if (!(getDomainType() instanceof PrimitiveDomainType)) { return value.toString(); } return ((PrimitiveDomainType) getDomainType()).convertToString(value); } /** * Parameters passed in to the datasource, for example the * {@link JsonConstants#ADDITIONAL_PROPERTIES_PARAMETER} can be passed in like this. * * @return a list of parameters used to drive the datasource generation incorporating this * UIDefinition. */ public Map<String, Object> getDataSourceParameters() { return Collections.emptyMap(); } /** * Computes properties to initialize and set the field in a Smartclient grid filter. This can be * the default value or the sets of values in the valuemap. * * Note: the result should be either empty, if not empty then it start with a comma and end * without a comma, this to generate correct javascript. * * @param field * the field for which the information should be computed. * @return a JSONObject string which is used to initialize the formitem. */ public String getFilterEditorProperties(Field field) { if (getFilterEditorType() == null) { return ",canFilter: false"; } String filterEditorProperties = getFilterEditorPropertiesProperty(field); if (!"".equals(filterEditorProperties)) { filterEditorProperties = filterEditorProperties.replaceAll("(^)( *?)(,)", ""); return ", filterEditorProperties: {" + filterEditorProperties + "}"; } else { return ""; } } /** * Returns the filterEditorProperties property set on the gridfield. Note for implementations in * the subclass: field maybe null. * * @param field * the field to generate the filter editor properties for, note it is allowed to pass * null, implementors should gracefully handle this. */ protected String getFilterEditorPropertiesProperty(Field field) { return ""; } /** * Computes properties to initialize and set the field in a Smartclient grid cell. This can be the * default value or the sets of values in the valuemap. * * Note: the result should be either empty, if not empty then it start with a comma and end * without a comma, this to generate correct javascript. * * @param field * the field for which the information should be computed. * @return a JSONObject string which is used to initialize the formitem. */ public String getGridFieldProperties(Field field) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); if (this.getGridEditorType() != null && !this.getGridEditorType().equals(this.getFormEditorType())) { result.append(", editorType: '" + this.getGridEditorType() + "'"); } Boolean canSort = (Boolean) readGridConfigurationSetting("canSort"); Boolean canFilter = (Boolean) readGridConfigurationSetting("canFilter"); if (canSort != null) { result.append(", canSort: " + canSort.toString()); } if (canFilter != null) { result.append(", canFilter: " + canFilter.toString()); } return result.toString(); } public String getParameterProperties(Parameter parameter) { if (parameter.isStartinnewline()) { JSONObject o = new JSONObject(); try { o.put("startRow", true); return o.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { return ""; } } return ""; } public String getParameterWidth(Parameter parameter) { return "*"; } /** * Computes properties to initialize and set the field in a Smartclient grid cell when it is being * edited. This can be the default value or the sets of values in the valuemap. * * Note: the result should be either empty, if not empty then it start with a comma and end * without a comma, this to generate correct javascript. * * @param field * the field for which the information should be computed. * @return a JSONObject string which is used to initialize the formitem. */ public String getGridEditorFieldProperties(Field field) { return ""; } public Reference getReference() { return reference; } public void setReference(Reference reference) { this.reference = reference; } public DomainType getDomainType() { if (domainType == null) { if (reference == null) { throw new OBException("Domain type can not be computed, reference is not set"); } domainType = ModelProvider.getInstance().getReference(reference.getId()).getDomainType(); } return domainType; } protected String removeAttributeFromString(String inpString, String attr) { String result = inpString; if (result.indexOf(attr) != -1) { // If there is a previous 'canSort' set, remove it to avoid collision when the new one is set // later result = result.replaceAll("(,)( *?)(canSort)( *?)(:)( *?)(false|true)( *?)", ""); } return result; } /** * Reads a particular value from the grid configuration settings * * @param setting * the setting whose value is to be returned. */ protected Object readGridConfigurationSetting(String setting) { Object result = null; try { result = this.gridConfigurationSettings.get(setting); } catch (JSONException e) { } catch (Exception e) { } return result; } /** * Obtains the grid configuration values for the given field and sets them into the * 'gridConfigurationSettings' variable. * * The aim of having all these values in a single variable at once is to make a single call to the * database and then be able to use the values stored into 'gridConfigurationSettings' wherever it * be needed (without more calls to the database). * * @param field * the field for which the information should be computed. */ public void establishGridConfigurationSettings(Field field) { this.gridConfigurationSettings = OBViewUtil.getGridConfigurationSettings(field); } // note can make sense to also enable hover of values for enums // but then the value should be converted to the translated // value of the enum protected String getShowHoverGridFieldSettings(Field field) { return ", showHover: true"; } protected String getGridFieldName(Field fld) { final Property prop = KernelUtils.getInstance().getPropertyFromColumn(fld.getColumn()); return prop.getName(); } protected String getValueInComboReference(Field field, boolean getValueFromSession, String columnValue) { return getValueInComboReference(field, getValueFromSession, columnValue, false); } protected String getValueInComboReference(Field field, boolean getValueFromSession, String columnValue, boolean onlyFirstRecord) { try { String ref = field.getColumn().getReference().getId(); boolean isListReference = LIST_REF_ID.equals(ref); if (!isListReference && !field.getColumn().isMandatory() && StringUtils.isEmpty(columnValue)) { // non mandatory without value nor default, should only return empty value, prevent // everything else JSONObject entry = new JSONObject(); entry.put(JsonConstants.ID, (String) null); entry.put(JsonConstants.IDENTIFIER, (String) null); return entry.toString(); } FieldProvider[] fps = null; RequestContext rq = RequestContext.get(); VariablesSecureApp vars = rq.getVariablesSecureApp(); // handles a corner case when the whole text of the selector field is removed, FIC call is // done with comboReload, but reload is not necessary for the changed column as we have just // entered empty value. Refer issue String columnName = "inp" + Sqlc.TransformaNombreColumna(field.getColumn().getDBColumnName()); if (!isListReference && "AD_ORG_ID".equals(field.getColumn().getDBColumnName().toUpperCase()) && "".equals(columnValue) && vars.getStringParameter("CHANGED_COLUMN").equals(columnName)) { JSONObject entry = new JSONObject(); entry.put(JsonConstants.ID, columnValue); entry.put(JsonConstants.IDENTIFIER, columnValue); return entry.toString(); } boolean comboreload = rq.getRequestParameter("donotaddcurrentelement") != null && rq.getRequestParameter("donotaddcurrentelement").equals("true"); String objectReference = ""; if (field.getColumn().getReferenceSearchKey() != null) { objectReference = field.getColumn().getReferenceSearchKey().getId(); } String validation = ""; if (field.getColumn().getValidation() != null) { validation = field.getColumn().getValidation().getId(); } String orgList = Utility.getReferenceableOrg(vars, vars.getStringParameter("inpadOrgId")); String clientList = Utility.getContext(new DalConnectionProvider(false), vars, "#User_Client", field.getTab().getWindow().getId()); if (field.getColumn().getDBColumnName().equalsIgnoreCase("AD_CLIENT_ID")) { clientList = Utility.getContext(new DalConnectionProvider(false), vars, "#User_Client", field.getTab().getWindow().getId(), Integer.parseInt(field.getTab().getTable().getDataAccessLevel())); clientList = vars.getSessionValue("#User_Client"); orgList = null; } if (field.getColumn().getDBColumnName().equalsIgnoreCase("AD_ORG_ID")) { orgList = Utility.getContext(new DalConnectionProvider(false), vars, "#User_Org", field.getTab().getWindow().getId(), Integer.parseInt(field.getTab().getTable().getDataAccessLevel())); } ApplicationDictionaryCachedStructures cachedStructures = WeldUtils .getInstanceFromStaticBeanManager(ApplicationDictionaryCachedStructures.class); ComboTableData comboTableData = cachedStructures.getComboTableData(vars, ref, field.getColumn().getDBColumnName(), objectReference, validation, orgList, clientList); FieldProvider tabData = generateTabData(field.getTab().getADFieldList(), field, columnValue); Map<String, String> parameters = comboTableData.fillSQLParametersIntoMap( new DalConnectionProvider(false), vars, tabData, field.getTab().getWindow().getId(), (getValueFromSession && !comboreload) ? columnValue : ""); if ((onlyFirstRecord || columnValue != null) && !isListReference) { parameters.put("@ONLY_ONE_RECORD@", columnValue); } if (!isListReference) { fps = DalConnectionProvider(false), parameters, getValueFromSession && !comboreload, 0, 0); } else { fps = DalConnectionProvider(false), parameters, getValueFromSession && !comboreload); } ArrayList<FieldProvider> values = new ArrayList<FieldProvider>(); values.addAll(Arrays.asList(fps)); ArrayList<JSONObject> comboEntries = new ArrayList<JSONObject>(); ArrayList<String> possibleIds = new ArrayList<String>(); // If column is not mandatory we add an initial blank value if (!field.getColumn().isMandatory()) { // check if column value is present and is the first selected value. // If yes, no need for the blank value as it is the single value to be set. if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(columnValue) && !isListReference) { if (values.size() > 0 && values.get(0).getField(JsonConstants.ID) != null) { if (!columnValue.equals(values.get(0).getField(JsonConstants.ID))) { possibleIds.add(""); JSONObject entry = new JSONObject(); entry.put(JsonConstants.ID, (String) null); entry.put(JsonConstants.IDENTIFIER, (String) null); comboEntries.add(entry); // only one value has to be set if column value is present, but since it is not // present in the valueMap clearing it and setting empty value. // Refer issue values = new ArrayList<FieldProvider>(); } } } else { possibleIds.add(""); JSONObject entry = new JSONObject(); entry.put(JsonConstants.ID, (String) null); entry.put(JsonConstants.IDENTIFIER, (String) null); comboEntries.add(entry); } } for (FieldProvider fp : values) { possibleIds.add(fp.getField("ID")); JSONObject entry = new JSONObject(); entry.put(JsonConstants.ID, fp.getField("ID")); entry.put(JsonConstants.IDENTIFIER, fp.getField("NAME")); comboEntries.add(entry); } JSONObject fieldProps = new JSONObject(); if (!isListReference) { if (comboEntries.size() > 0) { if (comboEntries.get(0).has(JsonConstants.ID)) { fieldProps.put("value", comboEntries.get(0).get(JsonConstants.ID)); fieldProps.put("classicValue", comboEntries.get(0).get(JsonConstants.ID)); fieldProps.put("identifier", comboEntries.get(0).get(JsonConstants.IDENTIFIER)); } else { fieldProps.put("value", (String) null); fieldProps.put("classicValue", (String) null); fieldProps.put("identifier", (String) null); } } else { fieldProps.put("value", ""); fieldProps.put("classicValue", ""); fieldProps.put("identifier", ""); } } else { if (getValueFromSession && !comboreload) { fieldProps.put("value", columnValue); fieldProps.put("classicValue", columnValue); } else { if (possibleIds.contains(columnValue)) { fieldProps.put("value", columnValue); fieldProps.put("classicValue", columnValue); } else { // In case the default value doesn't exist in the combo values, we choose the first one if (comboEntries.size() > 0) { if (comboEntries.get(0).has(JsonConstants.ID)) { fieldProps.put("value", comboEntries.get(0).get(JsonConstants.ID)); fieldProps.put("classicValue", comboEntries.get(0).get(JsonConstants.ID)); } else { fieldProps.put("value", (String) null); fieldProps.put("classicValue", (String) null); } } else { fieldProps.put("value", ""); fieldProps.put("classicValue", ""); } } } fieldProps.put("entries", new JSONArray(comboEntries)); } return fieldProps.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new OBException("Error while computing combo data", e); } } private FieldProvider generateTabData(List<Field> fields, Field currentField, String currentValue) { HashMap<String, Object> noinpDataMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (Field field : fields) { if (field.getColumn() == null) { continue; } String oldKey = "inp" + Sqlc.TransformaNombreColumna(field.getColumn().getDBColumnName()); Object value; if (currentField.getId().equals(field.getId())) { value = currentValue; } else { value = RequestContext.get().getRequestParameter(oldKey); } noinpDataMap.put(field.getColumn().getDBColumnName(), value == null || value.equals("") ? null : value.toString()); } return new FieldProviderFactory(noinpDataMap); } public static String parseSQL(String code, ArrayList<String> colNames) { if (code == null || code.trim().equals("")) return ""; String token; String strValue = code; StringBuffer strOut = new StringBuffer(); int i = strValue.indexOf("@"); String strAux, strAux1; while (i != -1) { if (strValue.length() > (i + 5) && strValue.substring(i + 1, i + 5).equalsIgnoreCase("SQL=")) { strValue = strValue.substring(i + 5, strValue.length()); } else { // Delete the chain symbol strAux = strValue.substring(0, i).trim(); if (strAux.substring(strAux.length() - 1).equals("'")) { strAux = strAux.substring(0, strAux.length() - 1); strOut.append(strAux); } else strOut.append(strValue.substring(0, i)); strAux1 = strAux; if (strAux.substring(strAux.length() - 1).equals("(")) strAux = strAux.substring(0, strAux.length() - 1).toUpperCase().trim(); if (strAux.length() > 3 && strAux.substring(strAux.length() - 3, strAux.length()).equals(" IN")) { strAux = " type=\"replace\" optional=\"true\" after=\"" + strAux1 + "\" text=\"'" + i + "'\""; } else { strAux = ""; } strValue = strValue.substring(i + 1, strValue.length()); int j = strValue.indexOf("@"); if (j < 0) return ""; token = strValue.substring(0, j); // String modifier = ""; // holds the modifier (# or $) for the session value // if (token.substring(0, 1).indexOf("#") > -1 || token.substring(0, 1).indexOf("$") > -1) { // modifier = token.substring(0, 1); // token = token.substring(1, token.length()); // } if (strAux.equals("")) strOut.append("?"); else strOut.append("'" + i + "'"); // String parameter = "<Parameter name=\"" + token + "\"" + strAux + "/>"; // String paramElement[] = { parameter, modifier }; colNames.add(token);// paramElement); strValue = strValue.substring(j + 1, strValue.length()); strAux = strValue.trim(); if (strAux.length() > 0 && strAux.substring(0, 1).indexOf("'") > -1) strValue = strAux.substring(1, strValue.length()); } i = strValue.indexOf("@"); } strOut.append(strValue); return strOut.toString(); } /** * @deprecated replaced by {@link #createFromClassicString(String)} */ @Deprecated public Object createJsonValueFromClassicValueString(java.lang.String value) { if (getDomainType() instanceof PrimitiveDomainType) { return ((PrimitiveDomainType) getDomainType()).createFromString(value); } else { return value; } } /** * @deprecated replaced by {@link #createFromClassicString(String)} */ @Deprecated public String formatValueFromSQL(java.lang.String value) { return value; } /** * @deprecated replaced by {@link #convertToClassicString(Object)} */ @Deprecated public String formatValueToSQL(java.lang.String value) { return value; } protected boolean getSafeBoolean(Boolean value) { return value != null && value; } }