Java tutorial
/* ************************************************************************* * The contents of this file are subject to the Openbravo Public License * Version 1.1 (the "License"), being the Mozilla Public License * Version 1.1 with a permitted attribution clause; you may not use this * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * The Original Code is Openbravo ERP. * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Openbravo SLU * All portions are Copyright (C) 2010-2015 Openbravo SLU * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. ************************************************************************ */ package org.openbravo.client.kernel; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONException; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject; import org.hibernate.FetchMode; import org.openbravo.base.exception.OBException; import org.openbravo.base.model.Entity; import org.openbravo.base.model.ModelProvider; import org.openbravo.base.model.Property; import org.openbravo.base.structure.BaseOBObject; import org.openbravo.dal.core.DalUtil; import org.openbravo.dal.core.OBContext; import org.openbravo.dal.service.OBCriteria; import org.openbravo.dal.service.OBDal; import org.openbravo.database.ConnectionProvider; import org.openbravo.erpCommon.utility.OBMessageUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import org.openbravo.service.db.DalConnectionProvider; /** * Contains several utility methods used in the kernel. * * @author mtaal */ public class KernelUtils { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(KernelUtils.class); private static KernelUtils instance = new KernelUtils(); // the static dependency list is used when a cycle is detected // in the modules private static String[] STATICDEPENDENCYLIST = new String[] { "org.openbravo", "org.openbravo.base.weld", "org.openbravo.service.json", "org.openbravo.client.kernel", "org.openbravo.userinterface.smartclient", "org.openbravo.service.datasource", "org.openbravo.client.application", "org.openbravo.userinterface.selector" }; public static synchronized KernelUtils getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new KernelUtils(); } return instance; } public static synchronized void setInstance(KernelUtils instance) { KernelUtils.instance = instance; } private List<Module> sortedModules = null; /** * @see OBMessageUtils#getI18NMessage(String, String[]) */ public String getI18N(String key, String[] params) { return OBMessageUtils.getI18NMessage(key, params); } public Property getPropertyFromColumn(Column column) { return getPropertyFromColumn(column, true); } public Property getPropertyFromColumn(Column column, boolean includeIdColumn) { final Entity entity = ModelProvider.getInstance().getEntity(column.getTable().getName()); final String colId = column.getId(); // first ignore id columns for (Property property : entity.getProperties()) { final String propColId = property.getColumnId(); if (propColId == null) { continue; } if (property.isId() && !includeIdColumn) { continue; } if (propColId.equals(colId)) { return property; } } // now try without ignoring id columns for (Property property : entity.getProperties()) { final String propColId = property.getColumnId(); if (propColId == null) { continue; } if (propColId.equals(colId)) { return property; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Column " + column + " does not have a corresponding property in the model"); } /** * Creates a javascript string which reports an exception to the client. */ public String createErrorJavaScript(Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (e instanceof OBUserException) { OBUserException ex = (OBUserException) e; sb.append( "OB.KernelUtilities.handleUserException('" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeJavaScript(ex.getMessage()) + "', " + ex.getJavaScriptParams() + ");"); } else { sb.append("OB.KernelUtilities.handleSystemException('" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeJavaScript(e.getMessage()) + "');"); } return sb.toString(); } public JSONObject createErrorJSON(Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); JSONObject error = new JSONObject(); try { error.put("message", e.getMessage()); if (e instanceof OBUserException) { error.put("type", "user"); error.put("params", ((OBUserException) e).getJavaScriptParams()); } else { error.put("type", "system"); } } catch (JSONException e1) { log.error("Error creating json error", e1); } return error; } /** * Computes parameters to add to a link of a resource. The parameters include the version and * language of the user. * * @param module * Module to get the version from (if not in developers mode) * @return the version parameter string, a concatenation of the version and language with * parameter names * @see KernelConstants#RESOURCE_VERSION_PARAMETER * @see KernelConstants#RESOURCE_LANGUAGE_PARAMETER */ public String getVersionParameters(Module module) { return KernelConstants.RESOURCE_VERSION_PARAMETER + "=" + module.getVersion() + "&" + KernelConstants.RESOURCE_LANGUAGE_PARAMETER + "=" + OBContext.getOBContext().getLanguage().getId(); } /** * Returns "true" if the module given its java package exists and "false" if it doesn't. * * @param javaPackage * the java package used to read the module * @return boolean */ public boolean isModulePresent(String javaPackage) { for (Module module : getModulesOrderedByDependency()) { // do trim to handle small typing errors, consider to do lowercase also if (javaPackage.trim().equals(module.getJavaPackage().trim())) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Get a module using its java package, the module is read from the internal cache. * * @param javaPackage * the java package used to read the module * @return a Module * @throws OBException * if the module can not be found. */ public Module getModule(String javaPackage) { Module chosenModule = null; String chosenPackage = null; for (Module module : getModulesOrderedByDependency()) { // do trim to handle small typing errors, consider to do lowercase also if (javaPackage.trim().startsWith(module.getJavaPackage().trim())) { // We pick a module if: // - Its javapackage is a prefix of the javapackage of the class // - We don't have a module yet, or the javapackage is longer than the previously picked // module // We do this length check, in order to prioritize javapackages which better fit the class. // This is to avoid situations in which, for example, org.openbravo is chosen over // org.openbravo.client.kernel if (chosenModule == null || module.getJavaPackage().trim().length() > chosenPackage.length()) { chosenModule = module; chosenPackage = module.getJavaPackage().trim(); } } } if (chosenModule == null) { throw new OBException("No module found for java package " + javaPackage); } else { return chosenModule; } } /** * Note the result of this method is cached. If module dependencies change then a system restart * is required to refresh this cache. * * @return the modules in order of their dependencies, so core will be the first module etc. */ public List<Module> getModulesOrderedByDependency() { if (sortedModules != null) { return sortedModules; } final List<ModuleWithLowLevelCode> moduleLowLevelCodes = new ArrayList<ModuleWithLowLevelCode>(); OBContext.setAdminMode(); try { // note, because of the left join fetch on module dependencies // a module is returned for each module dependency, take care of this in // the for-loop below final OBCriteria<Module> modules = OBDal.getInstance().createCriteria(Module.class); modules.setFetchMode(Module.PROPERTY_MODULEDEPENDENCYLIST, FetchMode.JOIN); final List<Module> handledModules = new ArrayList<Module>(); try { for (Module module : modules.list()) { if (handledModules.contains(module)) { continue; } handledModules.add(module); final ModuleWithLowLevelCode moduleLowLevelCode = new ModuleWithLowLevelCode(); moduleLowLevelCode.setModule(module); moduleLowLevelCode.setLowLevelCode(computeLowLevelCode(module, new ArrayList<Module>())); moduleLowLevelCodes.add(moduleLowLevelCode); } } catch (ModuleDependencyCycleException e) { // use static list... moduleLowLevelCodes.clear(); handledModules.clear(); for (Module module : modules.list()) { if (handledModules.contains(module)) { continue; } handledModules.add(module); final ModuleWithLowLevelCode moduleLowLevelCode = new ModuleWithLowLevelCode(); moduleLowLevelCode.setModule(module); int index = 0; for (String pkg : STATICDEPENDENCYLIST) { if (pkg.equals(module.getJavaPackage())) { break; } index++; } moduleLowLevelCode.setLowLevelCode(index); moduleLowLevelCodes.add(moduleLowLevelCode); } } Collections.sort(moduleLowLevelCodes); final List<Module> result = new ArrayList<Module>(); for (ModuleWithLowLevelCode moduleLowLevelCode : moduleLowLevelCodes) { result.add(moduleLowLevelCode.getModule()); } sortedModules = result; return result; } finally { OBContext.restorePreviousMode(); } } protected int computeLowLevelCode(Module module, List<Module> modules) { if (module.getId().equals("0")) { return 0; } // have been here, go away, with a signal number that there is a loop // infinite loop if (modules.contains(module)) { log.error("Cyclic relation in module dependencies of module " + module); for (Module moduleCycle : modules) { log.error(moduleCycle.getName()); } throw new ModuleDependencyCycleException("Cycle detected in module dependencies with module " + module + " check the error log for the cycle"); } modules.add(module); int currentLevel = 0; for (ModuleDependency dependency : module.getModuleDependencyList()) { final int computedLevel = 1 + computeLowLevelCode(dependency.getDependentModule(), modules); if (computedLevel > currentLevel) { currentLevel = computedLevel; } } modules.remove(module); return currentLevel; } private static class ModuleWithLowLevelCode implements Comparable<ModuleWithLowLevelCode> { private Module module; private int lowLevelCode; @Override public int compareTo(ModuleWithLowLevelCode other) { return lowLevelCode - other.getLowLevelCode(); } public Module getModule() { return module; } public void setModule(Module module) { this.module = module; } public int getLowLevelCode() { return lowLevelCode; } public void setLowLevelCode(int lowLevelCode) { this.lowLevelCode = lowLevelCode; } } /** * Returns the parent object for a specified combination of DAL object and tab. For example, * returns the corresponding Sales Order header for a Sales Order Line Returns null if there is no * parent object. * * @param object * The object whose parent should be returned * @param tab * The tab the object belongs to * @return The BaseOBObject of the parent record */ public BaseOBObject getParentRecord(BaseOBObject object, Tab tab) { Entity parentEntity = null; Tab parentTab = getParentTab(tab); if (parentTab != null) { parentEntity = ModelProvider.getInstance().getEntityByTableId(parentTab.getTable().getId()); } Property fkProp = null; for (Property property : object.getEntity().getProperties()) { if (property.isParent()) { if (property.getTargetEntity() != null && parentEntity != null && parentEntity == property.getTargetEntity()) { fkProp = property; } } } if (fkProp != null) { return (BaseOBObject) object.get(fkProp.getName()); } else { return null; } } /** * Returns the parent tab of a BaseOBObject which belongs to a given tab * * @param tab * The tab the object belongs to * @return The parent tab of the given tab, <code>null</code> in case the tab is root */ public Tab getParentTab(Tab tab) { if (tab.getTabLevel() == 0L) { // root level, there is no parent return null; } ConnectionProvider connection = new DalConnectionProvider(false); Tab targetTab = null; String tabId = null; try { tabId = KernelUtilsData.getParentTab(connection, tab.getWindow().getId(), tab.getTabLevel().toString(), tab.getSequenceNumber().toString()); if (tabId != null) { targetTab = OBDal.getInstance().get(Tab.class, tabId); } } catch (ServletException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } return targetTab; } /** * Returns the list of subtabs of a given tab * * @param tab * The tab whose subtabs are to be retrieved * @param onlyFirstLevel * Boolean used to determine whether all the descendent tabs should be returned or only * the next level ones * @return The list of subtabs of the given tab, an empty List if the tab has none */ public List<Tab> getTabSubtabs(Tab tab, boolean onlyFirstLevel) { ConnectionProvider connection = new DalConnectionProvider(false); Long seqno = tab.getSequenceNumber(); Long tabLevel = tab.getTabLevel(); String windowId = tab.getWindow().getId(); KernelUtilsData[] tabIds = null; try { if (onlyFirstLevel) { tabIds = KernelUtilsData.getFirstLevelSubtabs(connection, windowId, seqno.toString(), tabLevel.toString()); } else { tabIds = KernelUtilsData.getAllSubtabs(connection, windowId, seqno.toString(), tabLevel.toString()); } } catch (ServletException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } List<Tab> subTabList = new ArrayList<Tab>(); for (int i = 0; i < tabIds.length; i++) { String tabId = tabIds[i].adTabId; Tab subTab = OBDal.getInstance().get(Tab.class, tabId); subTabList.add(subTab); } return subTabList; } /** * Calls {@link #getProperty(Entity, Field)} using the entity of the tab of the field. */ public static Property getProperty( field) { final String tableId = (String) DalUtil.getId(field.getTab().getTable()); final Entity entity = ModelProvider.getInstance().getEntityByTableId(tableId); return KernelUtils.getProperty(entity, field); } /** * Compute the property from the field, assuming that the field is defined on the basis of entity. * * @return The property associated to this field, <code>null</code> if the field is not associated * to any property or column */ public static Property getProperty(Entity entity, field) { if (field.getProperty() == null) { if (field.getColumn() == null) { return null; } return entity.getPropertyByColumnName(field.getColumn().getDBColumnName()); } return DalUtil.getPropertyFromPath(entity, field.getProperty()); } private class ModuleDependencyCycleException extends OBException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public ModuleDependencyCycleException(String message) { super(message); } } /** * Returns the name of the parent column of the tab * * @param tab * The tab the object belongs to * @return The parent column of the table in the given tab, <code>null</code> in case there is no * parent tab * */ public String getParentColumnName(Tab tab) { String targetColumnName = null; Entity parentEntity = null; Entity currentEntity = ModelProvider.getInstance().getEntityByTableId(tab.getTable().getId()); Tab parentTab = getParentTab(tab); if (parentTab != null) { parentEntity = ModelProvider.getInstance().getEntityByTableId(parentTab.getTable().getId()); } Property fkProp = null; for (Property property : currentEntity.getProperties()) { if (property.isParent()) { if (property.getTargetEntity() != null && parentEntity != null && parentEntity == property.getTargetEntity()) { fkProp = property; } } } if (fkProp != null) { targetColumnName = fkProp.getColumnName(); } return targetColumnName; } /** * Returns true if any of the identifier properties of the provided entity is nullable * * @param entity * entity whose identifier might be comprised by nullable properties * @return true if at least one of the identifier properties of the provided entity is nullable, * false if all of them are mandatory */ public static boolean hasNullableIdentifierProperties(Entity entity) { List<Property> identifierProperties = entity.getIdentifierProperties(); for (Property property : identifierProperties) { if (!property.isMandatory()) { return true; } } return false; } }