Source code

Java tutorial


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 * The contents of this file are subject to the Openbravo  Public  License
 * Version  1.0  (the  "License"),  being   the  Mozilla   Public  License
 * Version 1.1  with a permitted attribution clause; you may not  use this
 * file except in compliance with the License. You  may  obtain  a copy of
 * the License at
 * Software distributed under the License  is  distributed  on  an "AS IS"
 * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific  language  governing  rights  and  limitations
 * under the License.
 * The Original Code is Openbravo ERP.
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Openbravo SLU
 * All portions are Copyright (C) 2010-2015 Openbravo SLU
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s):  ______________________________________.

package org.openbravo.advpaymentmngt.utility;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.BatchUpdateException;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.TimeZone;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils;
import org.hibernate.LockMode;
import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions;
import org.openbravo.advpaymentmngt.dao.AdvPaymentMngtDao;
import org.openbravo.advpaymentmngt.process.FIN_AddPayment;
import org.openbravo.base.model.Entity;
import org.openbravo.base.model.ModelProvider;
import org.openbravo.base.secureApp.VariablesSecureApp;
import org.openbravo.base.session.OBPropertiesProvider;
import org.openbravo.base.structure.BaseOBObject;
import org.openbravo.client.kernel.reference.UIDefinitionController;
import org.openbravo.dal.core.DalUtil;
import org.openbravo.dal.core.OBContext;
import org.openbravo.dal.service.OBCriteria;
import org.openbravo.dal.service.OBDal;
import org.openbravo.dal.service.OBQuery;
import org.openbravo.erpCommon.utility.FieldProviderFactory;
import org.openbravo.erpCommon.utility.OBDateUtils;
import org.openbravo.erpCommon.utility.OBMessageUtils;
import org.openbravo.erpCommon.utility.Utility;
import org.openbravo.model.common.businesspartner.BusinessPartner;
import org.openbravo.model.common.currency.ConversionRate;
import org.openbravo.model.common.currency.ConversionRateDoc;
import org.openbravo.model.common.currency.Currency;
import org.openbravo.model.common.enterprise.DocumentType;
import org.openbravo.model.common.enterprise.Organization;
import org.openbravo.model.common.enterprise.OrganizationInformation;
import org.openbravo.model.common.invoice.Invoice;
import org.openbravo.model.financialmgmt.payment.FIN_FinaccTransaction;
import org.openbravo.model.financialmgmt.payment.FIN_FinancialAccount;
import org.openbravo.model.financialmgmt.payment.FIN_Payment;
import org.openbravo.model.financialmgmt.payment.FIN_PaymentDetail;
import org.openbravo.model.financialmgmt.payment.FIN_PaymentMethod;
import org.openbravo.model.financialmgmt.payment.FIN_PaymentProposal;
import org.openbravo.model.financialmgmt.payment.FIN_PaymentSchedule;
import org.openbravo.model.financialmgmt.payment.FIN_PaymentScheduleDetail;
import org.openbravo.model.financialmgmt.payment.FinAccPaymentMethod;
import org.openbravo.service.db.CallStoredProcedure;
import org.openbravo.utils.Replace;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class FIN_Utility {
    private static final Logger log4j = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FIN_Utility.class);
    private static AdvPaymentMngtDao dao;

     * @see OBDateUtils#getDate(String)
    public static Date getDate(String strDate) {
        try {
            return OBDateUtils.getDate(strDate);
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            log4j.error("Error parsing date", e);
            return null;


     * @see OBDateUtils#getDateTime(String)
    public static Date getDateTime(String strDate) {
        try {
            return OBDateUtils.getDateTime(strDate);
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            log4j.error("Error parsing date", e);
            return null;

     * Parses the string of comma separated id's to return a List object of the given class
     * @param <T>
     * @param t
     *          class of the OBObject the id's belong to
     * @param _strSelectedIds
     *          String containing a comma separated list of id's
     * @return a List object containing the parsed OBObjects
    public static <T extends BaseOBObject> List<T> getOBObjectList(Class<T> t, String _strSelectedIds) {
        dao = new AdvPaymentMngtDao();
        String strSelectedIds = _strSelectedIds;
        final List<T> OBObjectList = new ArrayList<T>();
        // selected scheduled payments list
        if (strSelectedIds.startsWith("("))
            strSelectedIds = strSelectedIds.substring(1, strSelectedIds.length() - 1);
        if (!strSelectedIds.equals("")) {
            strSelectedIds = Replace.replace(strSelectedIds, "'", "");
            StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(strSelectedIds, ",", false);
            while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
                String strScheduledPaymentId = st.nextToken().trim();
                OBObjectList.add(dao.getObject(t, strScheduledPaymentId));
        return OBObjectList;

     * @param _strSelectedIds
     *          Identifiers string list with the following structure: ('ID', 'ID', 'ID')
     * @return Map<K,V> using the ID as key and value <ID,ID> for each identifier.
    public static Map<String, String> getMapFromStringList(String _strSelectedIds) {
        String strSelectedIds = _strSelectedIds;
        final Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
        if (strSelectedIds.startsWith("("))
            strSelectedIds = strSelectedIds.substring(1, strSelectedIds.length() - 1);
        if (!strSelectedIds.equals("")) {
            strSelectedIds = Replace.replace(strSelectedIds, "'", "");
            StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(strSelectedIds, ",", false);
            while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
                String strItem = st.nextToken().trim();
                map.put(strItem, strItem);
        return map;

     * Returns a FieldProvider object containing the Scheduled Payments.
     * @param vars
     * @param selectedScheduledPayments
     *          List of FIN_PaymentSchedule that need to be selected by default
     * @param filteredScheduledPayments
     *          List of FIN_PaymentSchedule that need to unselected by default
    public static FieldProvider[] getShownScheduledPayments(VariablesSecureApp vars,
            List<FIN_PaymentSchedule> selectedScheduledPayments,
            List<FIN_PaymentSchedule> filteredScheduledPayments) {
        final List<FIN_PaymentSchedule> shownScheduledPayments = new ArrayList<FIN_PaymentSchedule>();
        FIN_PaymentSchedule[] FIN_PaymentSchedules = new FIN_PaymentSchedule[0];
        FIN_PaymentSchedules = shownScheduledPayments.toArray(FIN_PaymentSchedules);
        // FieldProvider[] data = FieldProviderFactory.getFieldProviderArray(FIN_PaymentSchedules);

        // FieldProvider[] data = new FieldProviderFactory[selectedScheduledPayments.size()];
        FieldProvider[] data = FieldProviderFactory.getFieldProviderArray(shownScheduledPayments);
        String dateFormat = OBPropertiesProvider.getInstance().getOpenbravoProperties()
        SimpleDateFormat dateFormater = new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormat);
        // set in administrator mode to be able to access FIN_PaymentSchedule entity
        try {

            for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
                FieldProviderFactory.setField(data[i], "finSelectedPaymentId",
                                ? FIN_PaymentSchedules[i].getId()
                                : "");
                FieldProviderFactory.setField(data[i], "finScheduledPaymentId", FIN_PaymentSchedules[i].getId());
                if (FIN_PaymentSchedules[i].getOrder() != null)
                    FieldProviderFactory.setField(data[i], "orderNr",
                if (FIN_PaymentSchedules[i].getInvoice() != null) {
                    FieldProviderFactory.setField(data[i], "invoiceNr",
                    FieldProviderFactory.setField(data[i], "invoicedAmount",
                FieldProviderFactory.setField(data[i], "dueDate",
                FieldProviderFactory.setField(data[i], "expectedAmount",
                String strPaymentAmt = vars.getStringParameter("inpPaymentAmount" + FIN_PaymentSchedules[i].getId(),
                FieldProviderFactory.setField(data[i], "paymentAmount", strPaymentAmt);
                FieldProviderFactory.setField(data[i], "rownum", String.valueOf(i));

        } finally {
        return data;

     * Creates a comma separated string with the Id's of the OBObjects included in the List.
     * @param <T>
     * @param obObjectList
     *          List of OBObjects
     * @return Comma separated string of Id's
    public static <T extends BaseOBObject> String getInStrList(List<T> obObjectList) {
        return Utility.getInStrList(obObjectList);

     * Creates a comma separated string with the Id's of the Set of Strings. This method is deprecated
     * as it has been added to Utility (core)
     * @param set
     *          Set of Strings
     * @return Comma separated string of Id's
    public static String getInStrSet(Set<String> set) {
        return Utility.getInStrSet(set);

     * Returns the cause of a trigger exception (BatchupdateException).
     * Hibernate and JDBC will wrap the exception thrown by the trigger in another exception (the
     * java.sql.BatchUpdateException) and this exception is sometimes wrapped again. Also the
     * java.sql.BatchUpdateException stores the underlying trigger exception in the nextException and
     * not in the cause property.
     * @param t
     *          exception.
     * @return the underlying trigger message.
    public static String getExceptionMessage(Throwable t) {
        if (t.getCause() instanceof BatchUpdateException
                && ((BatchUpdateException) t.getCause()).getNextException() != null) {
            final BatchUpdateException bue = (BatchUpdateException) t.getCause();
            return bue.getNextException().getMessage();
        return t.getMessage();

     * Returns the DocumentType defined for the Organization (or parent organization tree) and
     * document category.
     * @param org
     *          the Organization for which the Document Type is defined. The Document Type can belong
     *          to the parent organization tree of the specified Organization.
     * @param docCategory
     *          the document category of the Document Type.
     * @return the Document Type
    public static DocumentType getDocumentType(Organization org, String docCategory) {
        DocumentType outDocType = null;
        Client client = null;

        OBCriteria<DocumentType> obcDoc = OBDal.getInstance().createCriteria(DocumentType.class);

        if ("0".equals(org.getId())) {
            client = OBContext.getOBContext().getCurrentClient();
            if ("0".equals(client.getId())) {
                return null;
        } else {
            client = org.getClient();
        obcDoc.add(Restrictions.eq(DocumentType.PROPERTY_CLIENT, client));

        obcDoc.add("", OBContext.getOBContext()
                .getOrganizationStructureProvider(org.getClient().getId()).getParentTree(org.getId(), true)));
        obcDoc.add(Restrictions.eq(DocumentType.PROPERTY_DOCUMENTCATEGORY, docCategory));
        obcDoc.addOrderBy(DocumentType.PROPERTY_DEFAULT, false);
        obcDoc.addOrderBy(DocumentType.PROPERTY_ID, false);
        List<DocumentType> docTypeList = obcDoc.list();
        if (docTypeList != null && docTypeList.size() > 0) {
            outDocType = docTypeList.get(0);
        return outDocType;

     * Returns the next sequence number of the Document Type defined for the Organization and document
     * category. The current number of the sequence is also updated.
     * @param docType
     *          Document type of the document
     * @param tableName
     *          the name of the table from which the sequence will be taken if the Document Type does
     *          not have any sequence associated.
     * @return the next sequence number of the Document Type defined for the Organization and document
     *         category. Null if no sequence is found.
    public static String getDocumentNo(DocumentType docType, String tableName) {
        return getDocumentNo(docType, tableName, true);

     * Returns the next sequence number of the Document Type defined for the Organization and document
     * category.
     * @param docType
     *          Document type of the document
     * @param tableName
     *          the name of the table from which the sequence will be taken if the Document Type does
     *          not have any sequence associated.
     * @param updateNext
     *          Flag to update the current number of the sequence
     * @return the next sequence number of the Document Type defined for the Organization and document
     *         category. Null if no sequence is found.
    public static String getDocumentNo(DocumentType docType, String tableName, boolean updateNext) {
        String nextDocNumber = "";
        if (docType != null) {
            Sequence seq = docType.getDocumentSequence();
            if (seq == null && tableName != null) {
                OBCriteria<Sequence> obcSeq = OBDal.getInstance().createCriteria(Sequence.class);
                obcSeq.add(Restrictions.eq(Sequence.PROPERTY_NAME, tableName));
                if (obcSeq != null && obcSeq.list().size() > 0) {
                    seq = obcSeq.list().get(0);
            if (seq != null) {
                if (seq.getPrefix() != null)
                    nextDocNumber = seq.getPrefix();
                nextDocNumber += seq.getNextAssignedNumber().toString();
                if (seq.getSuffix() != null)
                    nextDocNumber += seq.getSuffix();
                if (updateNext) {
                    seq.setNextAssignedNumber(seq.getNextAssignedNumber() + seq.getIncrementBy());
                    // OBDal.getInstance().flush();

        return nextDocNumber;

     * Returns the next sequence number of the Document Type defined for the Organization and document
     * category. The current number of the sequence is also updated.
     * @param org
     *          the Organization for which the Document Type is defined. The Document Type can belong
     *          to the parent organization tree of the specified Organization.
     * @param docCategory
     *          the document category of the Document Type.
     * @param tableName
     *          the name of the table from which the sequence will be taken if the Document Type does
     *          not have any sequence associated.
     * @return the next sequence number of the Document Type defined for the Organization and document
     *         category. Null if no sequence is found.
    public static String getDocumentNo(Organization org, String docCategory, String tableName) {
        DocumentType outDocType = getDocumentType(org, docCategory);
        return getDocumentNo(outDocType, tableName, true);

     * Returns the next sequence number of the Document Type defined for the Organization and document
     * category.
     * @param org
     *          the Organization for which the Document Type is defined. The Document Type can belong
     *          to the parent organization tree of the specified Organization.
     * @param docCategory
     *          the document category of the Document Type.
     * @param tableName
     *          the name of the table from which the sequence will be taken if the Document Type does
     *          not have any sequence associated.
     * @return the next sequence number of the Document Type defined for the Organization and document
     *         category. Null if no sequence is found.
    public static String getDocumentNo(Organization org, String docCategory, String tableName, boolean updateNext) {
        DocumentType outDocType = getDocumentType(org, docCategory);
        return getDocumentNo(outDocType, tableName, updateNext);

     * Gets the available Payment Methods and returns in a String the html code containing all the
     * Payment Methods in the natural tree of the given organization filtered by the Financial
     * Account.
     * @param strPaymentMethodId
     *          the Payment Method id that will be selected by default in case it is present in the
     *          list.
     * @param strFinancialAccountId
     *          optional Financial Account id to filter the Payment Methods.
     * @param strOrgId
     *          the Organization id the record belongs to.
     * @param isMandatory
     *          boolean parameter to add an extra blank option if the drop-down is optional.
     * @param excludePaymentMethodWithoutAccount
     *          if the strPaymentMethodId is empty or null then depending on this parameter the list
     *          will include payment methods with no Financial Accounts associated or only show the
     *          Payment Methods that belongs to at least on Financial Account
     * @return a String with the html code with the options to fill the drop-down of Payment Methods.
    public static String getPaymentMethodList(String strPaymentMethodId, String strFinancialAccountId,
            String strOrgId, boolean isMandatory, boolean excludePaymentMethodWithoutAccount) {
        dao = new AdvPaymentMngtDao();
        List<FIN_PaymentMethod> paymentMethods = dao.getFilteredPaymentMethods(strFinancialAccountId, strOrgId,
                excludePaymentMethodWithoutAccount, AdvPaymentMngtDao.PaymentDirection.EITHER);
        String options = getOptionsList(paymentMethods, strPaymentMethodId, isMandatory);
        return options;

     * Gets the available Payment Methods and returns in a String the html code containing all the
     * Payment Methods in the natural tree of the given organization filtered by the Financial
     * Account.
     * @param strPaymentMethodId
     *          the Payment Method id that will be selected by default in case it is present in the
     *          list.
     * @param strFinancialAccountId
     *          optional Financial Account id to filter the Payment Methods.
     * @param strOrgId
     *          the Organization id the record belongs to.
     * @param isMandatory
     *          boolean parameter to add an extra blank option if the drop-down is optional.
     * @param excludePaymentMethodWithoutAccount
     *          if the strPaymentMethodId is empty or null then depending on this parameter the list
     *          will include payment methods with no Financial Accounts associated or only show the
     *          Payment Methods that belongs to at least on Financial Account
     * @param isInPayment
     *          specifies the type of payment to get payment methods for. If true, will return payment
     *          methods with Payment In enabled, if false will return payment methods with Payment Out
     *          enabled.
     * @return a String with the html code with the options to fill the drop-down of Payment Methods.
    public static String getPaymentMethodList(String strPaymentMethodId, String strFinancialAccountId,
            String strOrgId, boolean isMandatory, boolean excludePaymentMethodWithoutAccount, boolean isInPayment) {
        dao = new AdvPaymentMngtDao();
        String selectedPaymentMethodId = strPaymentMethodId;
        List<FIN_PaymentMethod> paymentMethods = dao.getFilteredPaymentMethods(strFinancialAccountId, strOrgId,
                isInPayment ? AdvPaymentMngtDao.PaymentDirection.IN : AdvPaymentMngtDao.PaymentDirection.OUT);
        if ("".equals(selectedPaymentMethodId) && !"".equals(strFinancialAccountId)) {
            selectedPaymentMethodId = dao.getDefaultPaymentMethodId(
                    OBDal.getInstance().get(FIN_FinancialAccount.class, strFinancialAccountId), isInPayment);
        String options = getOptionsList(paymentMethods, selectedPaymentMethodId, isMandatory);
        return options;

     * Gets the available Financial Accounts and returns in a String the html code containing all the
     * Financial Accounts in the natural tree of the given organization filtered by the Payment
     * Method.
     * @param strPaymentMethodId
     *          optional Payment Method id to filter the Financial Accounts.
     * @param strFinancialAccountId
     *          the Financial Account id that will be selected by default in case it is present in the
     *          list.
     * @param strOrgId
     *          the Organization id the record belongs to.
     * @param strCurrencyId
     *          optional Currency id to filter the Financial Accounts.
     * @return a String with the html code with the options to fill the drop-down of Financial
     *         Accounts.
    public static String getFinancialAccountList(String strPaymentMethodId, String strFinancialAccountId,
            String strOrgId, boolean isMandatory, String strCurrencyId) {
        List<FIN_FinancialAccount> financialAccounts = dao.getFilteredFinancialAccounts(strPaymentMethodId,
                strOrgId, strCurrencyId, AdvPaymentMngtDao.PaymentDirection.EITHER);
        String options = getOptionsList(financialAccounts, strFinancialAccountId, isMandatory);
        return options;

     * Gets the available Financial Accounts and returns in a String the html code containing all the
     * Financial Accounts in the natural tree of the given organization filtered by the Payment
     * Method.
     * @param strPaymentMethodId
     *          optional Payment Method id to filter the Financial Accounts.
     * @param strFinancialAccountId
     *          the Financial Account id that will be selected by default in case it is present in the
     *          list.
     * @param strOrgId
     *          the Organization id the record belongs to.
     * @param strCurrencyId
     *          optional Currency id to filter the Financial Accounts.
     * @param isInPayment
     *          specifies the type of payment to that is being made. If true, will return accounts
     *          with payment methods that have Payment In enabled, if false will return accounts with
     *          payment methods that have Payment Out enabled.
     * @return a String with the html code with the options to fill the drop-down of Financial
     *         Accounts.
    public static String getFinancialAccountList(String strPaymentMethodId, String strFinancialAccountId,
            String strOrgId, boolean isMandatory, String strCurrencyId, boolean isInPayment) {

        List<FIN_FinancialAccount> financialAccounts = dao.getFilteredFinancialAccounts(strPaymentMethodId,
                strOrgId, strCurrencyId,
                isInPayment ? AdvPaymentMngtDao.PaymentDirection.IN : AdvPaymentMngtDao.PaymentDirection.OUT);
        String options = getOptionsList(financialAccounts, strFinancialAccountId, isMandatory);
        return options;

     * Returns a String containing the html code with the options based on the given List of
     * BaseOBObjects
     * @param <T>
     *          Class that extends BaseOBObject.
     * @param obObjectList
     *          List containing the values to be included in the options.
     * @param selectedValue
     *          value to set as selected by default.
     * @param isMandatory
     *          boolean to add a blank option in the options list.
     * @return a String containing the html code with the options. *
    public static <T extends BaseOBObject> String getOptionsList(List<T> obObjectList, String selectedValue,
            boolean isMandatory) {
        return getOptionsList(obObjectList, selectedValue, isMandatory, false);

     * Returns a String containing the html code with the options based on the given List of
     * BaseOBObjects
     * @param <T>
     *          Class that extends BaseOBObject.
     * @param obObjectList
     *          List containing the values to be included in the options.
     * @param selectedValue
     *          value to set as selected by default.
     * @param isMandatory
     *          boolean to add a blank option in the options list.
     * @param isRefList
     *          boolean to let know if the options belong to a refList. In that case, the value must
     *          be the search key of the list item instead of it's id.
     * @return a String containing the html code with the options. *
    public static <T extends BaseOBObject> String getOptionsList(List<T> obObjectList, String selectedValue,
            boolean isMandatory, boolean isRefList) {
        StringBuilder strOptions = new StringBuilder();
        if (!isMandatory)
            strOptions.append("<option value=\"\"></option>");

        for (T obObject : obObjectList) {
            strOptions.append("<option value=\"")
                    .append((isRefList) ? obObject.getValue("searchKey") : obObject.getId()).append("\"");
            if (obObject.getId().equals(selectedValue))
                strOptions.append(" selected=\"selected\"");
        return strOptions.toString();

    public static <T extends BaseOBObject> String getOptionsListFromFieldProvider(FieldProvider[] fieldProvider,
            String selectedValue, boolean isMandatory) {
        StringBuilder strOptions = new StringBuilder();
        if (!isMandatory)
            strOptions.append("<option value=\"\"></option>");

        for (int i = 0; i < fieldProvider.length; i++) {
            strOptions.append("<option value=\"").append(fieldProvider[i].getField("ID")).append("\"");
            if (fieldProvider[i].getField("ID").equals(selectedValue))
                strOptions.append(" selected=\"selected\"");
        return strOptions.toString();

     * Method to replace special characters to print properly in an html. Changes are: ">" to "&gt"
     * and "<" to "&lt"
     * @param toEscape
     *          String to be replaced.
     * @return the given String with the special characters replaced.
    private static String escape(String toEscape) {
        String result = toEscape.replaceAll(">", "&gt;");
        result = result.replaceAll("<", "&lt;");
        return result;

     * Method used to calculate the Day still due for the payment.
     * @param date
     *          . Due date of the payment.
     * @return dayStillDue. Calculated Day Still due.
    public static Long getDaysToDue(Date date) {
        final Date now = DateUtils.truncate(new Date(), Calendar.DATE);
        return getDaysBetween(now, date);

     * Returns the amount of days between two given dates
    public static Long getDaysBetween(Date beginDate, Date endDate) {
        final TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getDefault();
        final long nowDstOffset = (tz.inDaylightTime(beginDate)) ? tz.getDSTSavings() : 0L;
        final long dateDstOffset = (tz.inDaylightTime(endDate)) ? tz.getDSTSavings() : 0L;
        return (endDate.getTime() + dateDstOffset - beginDate.getTime() - nowDstOffset) / DateUtils.MILLIS_PER_DAY;

    public static boolean isAutomaticDepositWithdrawn(FIN_FinancialAccount account, FIN_PaymentMethod paymentMethod,
            boolean isReceipt) {
        FinAccPaymentMethod financialAccountPaymentMethod = new AdvPaymentMngtDao()
                .getFinancialAccountPaymentMethod(account, paymentMethod);
        if (financialAccountPaymentMethod == null)
            return false;
        return isReceipt ? financialAccountPaymentMethod.isAutomaticDeposit()
                : financialAccountPaymentMethod.isAutomaticWithdrawn();

    public static boolean isAutomaticDepositWithdrawn(FIN_Payment payment) {
        return isAutomaticDepositWithdrawn(payment.getAccount(), payment.getPaymentMethod(), payment.isReceipt());

    public static boolean isAutomaticDepositWithdrawn(FIN_PaymentProposal paymentProposal) {
        return isAutomaticDepositWithdrawn(paymentProposal.getAccount(), paymentProposal.getPaymentMethod(),

     * @see OBMessageUtils#messageBD(String)
    public static String messageBD(String strCode) {
        return OBMessageUtils.messageBD(strCode);

     * Generic OBCriteria.
     * @param clazz
     *          Class (entity).
     * @param setFilterClient
     *          If true then only objects from readable clients are returned, if false then objects
     *          from all clients are returned
     * @param setFilterOrg
     *          If true then when querying (for example call list()) a filter on readable
     *          organizations is added to the query, if false then this is not done
     * @param values
     *          Value. Property, value and operator.
     * @return All the records that satisfy the conditions.
    public static <T extends BaseOBObject> List<T> getAllInstances(Class<T> clazz, boolean setFilterClient,
            boolean setFilterOrg, Value... values) {
        OBCriteria<T> obc = OBDal.getInstance().createCriteria(clazz);
        for (Value value : values) {
            if (value.getValue() == null && "==".equals(value.getOperator())) {
            } else if (value.getValue() == null && "!=".equals(value.getOperator())) {
            } else if ("==".equals(value.getOperator())) {
                obc.add(Restrictions.eq(value.getField(), value.getValue()));
            } else if ("!=".equals(value.getOperator())) {
                obc.add(, value.getValue()));
            } else if ("<".equals(value.getOperator())) {
                obc.add(, value.getValue()));
            } else if (">".equals(value.getOperator())) {
                obc.add(, value.getValue()));
            } else if ("<=".equals(value.getOperator())) {
                obc.add(Restrictions.le(value.getField(), value.getValue()));
            } else if (">=".equals(value.getOperator())) {
                obc.add(, value.getValue()));
            } else {
                obc.add(Restrictions.eq(value.getField(), value.getValue()));
        return obc.list();

     * Generic OBCriteria with filter on readable clients and organizations active.
     * @param clazz
     *          Class (entity).
     * @param values
     *          Value. Property, value and operator.
     * @return All the records that satisfy the conditions.
    public static <T extends BaseOBObject> List<T> getAllInstances(Class<T> clazz, Value... values) {
        return getAllInstances(clazz, true, true, values);

     * Generic OBCriteria.
     * @param clazz
     *          Class (entity).
     * @param values
     *          Value. Property, value and operator.
     * @return One record that satisfies the conditions.
    public static <T extends BaseOBObject> T getOneInstance(Class<T> clazz, Value... values) {
        OBCriteria<T> obc = OBDal.getInstance().createCriteria(clazz);
        obc.add(, "0"));
        for (Value value : values) {
            if (value.getValue() == null && "==".equals(value.getOperator())) {
            } else if (value.getValue() == null && "!=".equals(value.getOperator())) {
            } else if ("==".equals(value.getOperator())) {
                obc.add(Restrictions.eq(value.getField(), value.getValue()));
            } else if ("!=".equals(value.getOperator())) {
                obc.add(, value.getValue()));
            } else if ("<".equals(value.getOperator())) {
                obc.add(, value.getValue()));
            } else if (">".equals(value.getOperator())) {
                obc.add(, value.getValue()));
            } else if ("<=".equals(value.getOperator())) {
                obc.add(Restrictions.le(value.getField(), value.getValue()));
            } else if (">=".equals(value.getOperator())) {
                obc.add(, value.getValue()));
            } else {
                obc.add(Restrictions.eq(value.getField(), value.getValue()));

        final List<T> listt = obc.list();
        if (listt != null && listt.size() > 0) {
            return listt.get(0);
        } else {
            return null;


    public static BigDecimal getDepositAmount(Boolean isReceipt, BigDecimal amount) {
        BigDecimal deposit = BigDecimal.ZERO;
        if (isReceipt) {
            if (amount.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 1) {
                deposit = amount;
            // else received payment was negative so treat as payment
        } else {
            if (amount.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == -1) {
                // Negative payment out is a deposit
                deposit = amount.abs();
        return deposit;

    public static BigDecimal getPaymentAmount(Boolean isReceipt, BigDecimal amount) {
        BigDecimal payment = BigDecimal.ZERO;
        if (isReceipt) {
            if (amount.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == -1) {
                // Negative payment in, treat as payment
                payment = amount.abs();
        } else {
            if (amount.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 1) {
                payment = amount;
            // else sent payment was negative so treat as deposit
        return payment;


     * Convert a multi currency amount to a string for display in the UI. If amount has been converted
     * to a different currency, then output that converted amount and currency as well
     * @param amt
     *          Amount of payment
     * @param currency
     *          Currency payment was made in
     * @param convertedAmt
     *          Amount of payment in converted currency
     * @param convertedCurrency
     *          Currency payment was converted to/from
     * @return String version of amount formatted for display to user
    public static String multiCurrencyAmountToDisplay(BigDecimal amt, Currency currency, BigDecimal convertedAmt,
            Currency convertedCurrency) {
        StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer();
        final UIDefinitionController.FormatDefinition formatDef = UIDefinitionController.getInstance()
                .getFormatDefinition("euro", "Edition");

        String formatWithDot = formatDef.getFormat();
        DecimalFormatSymbols dfs = new DecimalFormatSymbols();
        try {
            // Use . as decimal separator
            final String DOT = ".";
            if (!DOT.equals(formatDef.getDecimalSymbol())) {
                formatWithDot = formatWithDot.replace(formatDef.getGroupingSymbol(), "@");
                formatWithDot = formatWithDot.replace(formatDef.getDecimalSymbol(), ".");
                formatWithDot = formatWithDot.replace("@", ",");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // If any error use euroEdition default format
            formatWithDot = "#0.00";
        DecimalFormat amountFormatter = new DecimalFormat(formatWithDot, dfs);

        if (convertedCurrency != null && !currency.equals(convertedCurrency)
                && amt.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0) {
            out.append(" (").append(amountFormatter.format(convertedAmt)).append(" ")

        return out.toString();

     * Determine the conversion rate from one currency to another on a given date. Will use the spot
     * conversion rate defined by the system for that date
     * @param fromCurrency
     *          Currency to convert from
     * @param toCurrency
     *          Currency being converted to
     * @param conversionDate
     *          Date conversion is being performed
     * @return A valid conversion rate for the parameters, or null if no conversion rate can be found
    public static ConversionRate getConversionRate(Currency fromCurrency, Currency toCurrency, Date conversionDate,
            Organization org) {
        java.util.List<ConversionRate> conversionRateList;
        ConversionRate conversionRate;
        try {
            final OBCriteria<ConversionRate> obcConvRate = OBDal.getInstance().createCriteria(ConversionRate.class);
            obcConvRate.add(Restrictions.eq(ConversionRate.PROPERTY_ORGANIZATION, org));
            obcConvRate.add(Restrictions.eq(ConversionRate.PROPERTY_CURRENCY, fromCurrency));
            obcConvRate.add(Restrictions.eq(ConversionRate.PROPERTY_TOCURRENCY, toCurrency));
            obcConvRate.add(Restrictions.le(ConversionRate.PROPERTY_VALIDFROMDATE, conversionDate));
            long oneDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
                    new Date(conversionDate.getTime() - oneDay)));
            conversionRateList = obcConvRate.list();
            if ((conversionRateList != null) && (conversionRateList.size() != 0)) {
                conversionRate = conversionRateList.get(0);
            } else {
                if ("0".equals(org.getId())) {
                    conversionRate = null;
                } else {
                    return getConversionRate(fromCurrency, toCurrency, conversionDate, OBDal.getInstance().get(
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log4j.error("Error getting conversion rate", e);
            return null;
        } finally {
        return conversionRate;

     * Determine the conversion rate from one currency to another on a given date and given
     * documentId. Will use the spot conversion rate defined by the system for that date
     * @param fromCurrency
     *          Currency to convert from
     * @param toCurrency
     *          Currency being converted to
     * @param documentId
     *          DocumentId to find the value in table c_conversion_rate_document
     * @param entity
     *          Entity type of the document
     * @return A valid conversion rate for the parameters, or null if no conversion rate can be found
    public static ConversionRateDoc getConversionRateDoc(Currency fromCurrency, Currency toCurrency,
            String documentId, Entity entity) {

        final OBCriteria<ConversionRateDoc> obcConvRateDoc = OBDal.getInstance()

        if (entity.equals(ModelProvider.getInstance().getEntity("Invoice"))) {
                    OBDal.getInstance().get(Invoice.class, documentId)));
        } else if (entity.equals(ModelProvider.getInstance().getEntity("FIN_Payment"))) {
                    OBDal.getInstance().get(FIN_Payment.class, documentId)));
        } else if (entity.equals(ModelProvider.getInstance().getEntity("FIN_Finacc_Transaction"))) {
                    OBDal.getInstance().get(FIN_FinaccTransaction.class, documentId)));
        obcConvRateDoc.add(Restrictions.eq(ConversionRateDoc.PROPERTY_CURRENCY, fromCurrency));
        obcConvRateDoc.add(Restrictions.eq(ConversionRateDoc.PROPERTY_TOCURRENCY, toCurrency));
        if (obcConvRateDoc.uniqueResult() != null) {
            return (ConversionRateDoc) obcConvRateDoc.uniqueResult();
        } else
            return null;

    public static int getConversionRatePrecision(VariablesSecureApp vars) {
        try {
            String formatOutput = vars.getSessionValue("#FormatOutput|generalQtyRelation", "#,##0.######");
            String decimalSeparator = ".";
            if (formatOutput.contains(decimalSeparator)) {
                formatOutput = formatOutput.substring(formatOutput.indexOf(decimalSeparator),
                return formatOutput.length() - decimalSeparator.length();
            } else {
                return 0;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log4j.error("Error getting conversion rate precission", e);
            return 6; // by default precision of 6 decimals as is defaulted in Format.xml

     * Formats a number using the given format, decimal and grouping separator.
     * @param number
     *          Number to be formatted.
     * @param javaFormat
     *          Java number format pattern.
     * @param _decimalSeparator
     *          Symbol used as decimal separator.
     * @param _groupingSeparator
     *          Symbol used as grouping separator.
     * @return Formatted string.
    public static String formatNumber(BigDecimal number, String javaFormat, String _decimalSeparator,
            String _groupingSeparator) {
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(javaFormat)) {
            return formatNumber(number);
        String decimalSeparator = _decimalSeparator;
        String groupingSeparator = _groupingSeparator;
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(decimalSeparator) || StringUtils.isEmpty(groupingSeparator)) {
            decimalSeparator = ".";
            groupingSeparator = ",";
        DecimalFormatSymbols dfs = new DecimalFormatSymbols();
        DecimalFormat dc;
        try {
            dc = new DecimalFormat(javaFormat, dfs);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            // If any error use euroEdition default format
            dc = new DecimalFormat("#0.00", dfs);
        return dc.format(number);

     * Formats a number using the euroEdition (see Format.xml) format.
     * @param number
     *          Number to be formatted.
     * @return Formatted string.
    public static String formatNumber(BigDecimal number) {
        final UIDefinitionController.FormatDefinition formatDef = UIDefinitionController.getInstance()
                .getFormatDefinition("euro", "Edition");

        String formatWithDot = formatDef.getFormat();
        DecimalFormatSymbols dfs = new DecimalFormatSymbols();
        DecimalFormat amountFormatter;
        try {
            // Use . as decimal separator
            final String DOT = ".";
            if (!DOT.equals(formatDef.getDecimalSymbol())) {
                formatWithDot = formatWithDot.replace(formatDef.getGroupingSymbol(), "@");
                formatWithDot = formatWithDot.replace(formatDef.getDecimalSymbol(), ".");
                formatWithDot = formatWithDot.replace("@", ",");
            amountFormatter = new DecimalFormat(formatWithDot, dfs);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // If any error use euroEdition default format
            amountFormatter = new DecimalFormat("#0.00", dfs);
        return amountFormatter.format(number);

     * Returns either the Invoice's Document Number or the Invoice's Supplier Reference based on the
     * Organization's configuration. In case the Supplier Reference is empty, the invoice's document
     * number is returned
     * @param organization
     *          to get its configuration. In case no configuration is available, the invoice's
     *          document number is returned
    public static String getDesiredDocumentNo(final Organization organization, final Invoice invoice) {
        String invoiceDocNo;
        try {
            // By default take the invoice document number
            invoiceDocNo = invoice.getDocumentNo();

            final String paymentDescription = OBDal.getInstance()
                    .get(OrganizationInformation.class, (DalUtil.getId(organization))).getAPRMPaymentDescription();
            // In case of a purchase invoice and the Supplier Reference is selected use Reference
            if (paymentDescription.equals("Supplier Reference") && !invoice.isSalesTransaction()) {
                invoiceDocNo = invoice.getOrderReference();
                if (invoiceDocNo == null) {
                    invoiceDocNo = invoice.getDocumentNo();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            invoiceDocNo = invoice.getDocumentNo();

        return invoiceDocNo;

     * Returns if given payment status and related payment schedule detail belong to a confirmed
     * payment
    public static boolean isPaymentConfirmed(String status, FIN_PaymentScheduleDetail psd) {
        List<Object> parameters = new ArrayList<Object>();
        parameters.add((psd != null) ? psd.getId() : "");
        String result = (String) CallStoredProcedure.getInstance().call("APRM_ISPAYMENTCONFIRMED", parameters, null,

        return "Y".equals(result);

     * Returns a list of Payment Status. If isConfirmed equals true, then the status returned are
     * confirmed payments. Else they are pending of execution
    private static List<String> getListPaymentConfirmedOrNot(Boolean isConfirmed) {

        List<String> listPaymentConfirmedOrNot = new ArrayList<String>();
        try {
            final OBCriteria<> obCriteria = OBDal.getInstance()
            obCriteria.add(Restrictions.eq( + ".id",
            List<> adRefList = obCriteria.list();
            for ( adRef : adRefList) {
                if (isConfirmed.equals(isPaymentConfirmed(adRef.getSearchKey(), null))) {
            return listPaymentConfirmedOrNot;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log4j.error("Error getting list of confirmed payments", e);
            return null;
        } finally {

     * Returns a list of Payment Status. If isConfirmed equals true, then the status returned are
     * confirmed payments. Else they are pending of execution
    private static List<String> getListPaymentConfirmedOrNot(Boolean isConfirmed, FIN_PaymentScheduleDetail psd) {

        List<String> listPaymentConfirmedOrNot = new ArrayList<String>();
        try {
            final OBCriteria<> obCriteria = OBDal.getInstance()
            obCriteria.add(Restrictions.eq( + ".id",
            List<> adRefList = obCriteria.list();
            for ( adRef : adRefList) {
                if (isConfirmed.equals(isPaymentConfirmed(adRef.getSearchKey(), psd))) {
            return listPaymentConfirmedOrNot;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log4j.error("Error building the payment confirmed list", e);
            return null;
        } finally {

     * Returns a list confirmed Payment Status
    public static List<String> getListPaymentConfirmed() {
        return getListPaymentConfirmedOrNot(true);

     * Returns a list confirmed Payment Status
    public static List<String> getListPaymentConfirmed(FIN_PaymentScheduleDetail psd) {
        return getListPaymentConfirmedOrNot(true, psd);

     * Returns a list not confirmed Payment Status
    public static List<String> getListPaymentNotConfirmed() {
        return getListPaymentConfirmedOrNot(false);

     * Returns a list not confirmed Payment Status
    public static List<String> getListPaymentNotConfirmed(FIN_PaymentScheduleDetail psd) {
        return getListPaymentConfirmedOrNot(false, psd);

     * Returns the legal entity of the given organization
     * @param org
     *          organization to get its legal entity
     * @return legal entity (with or without accounting) organization or null if not found
    public static Organization getLegalEntityOrg(final Organization org) {
        try {
            final OrganizationStructureProvider osp = OBContext.getOBContext()
            for (final String orgId : osp.getParentList(org.getId(), true)) {
                final Organization parentOrg = OBDal.getInstance().get(Organization.class, orgId);
                if (parentOrg.getOrganizationType().isLegalEntity()) {
                    return parentOrg;
            return null;
        } finally {

     * Return true if the period is open for a client, document type, organization and accounting date
     * @param client
     *          the client for which it wants to know if the period is open
     * @param documentType
     *          It is the docbasetype from the document type
     * @param org
     *          the Organization for which it wants to know if the period is open
     * @param dateAcct
     *          The accounting date from the document
     * @return boolean
    public static boolean isPeriodOpen(String client, String documentType, String org, String dateAcct) {
        final Session session = OBDal.getInstance().getSession();

        final StringBuilder hql = new StringBuilder();
        hql.append("select max( as period ");
        hql.append(" from FinancialMgmtPeriodControl pc ");
        hql.append("   left join pc.period p ");
        hql.append(" where p.client = '").append(client).append("' ");
        hql.append(" and pc.documentCategory = '").append(documentType).append("' ");
        hql.append(" and pc.periodStatus = 'O' ");
        hql.append(" and pc.organization = ad_org_getcalendarowner('").append(org).append("') ");
        hql.append(" and to_date('").append(dateAcct).append("') >= p.startingDate ");
        hql.append(" and to_date('").append(dateAcct).append("') < p.endingDate + 1 ");

        final Query qry = session.createQuery(hql.toString());

        String period = (String) (qry.list().get(0));

        if (period == null) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;

    public static boolean periodControlOpened(String tableName, String recordId, String idColumnName,
            String orgType) {

        List<Object> parameters = new ArrayList<Object>();
        Object result = CallStoredProcedure.getInstance().call("ad_get_doc_le_bu", parameters, null, false, true);

        Organization org = OBDal.getInstance().get(Organization.class, result);

        return org.getOrganizationType().isLegalEntityWithAccounting();

     * Returns true if the Business Partner is blocked for the document type selected.
     * @param strBPartnerId
     *          . Business Partner Id.
     * @param issotrx
     *          . True if Sales, False if Purchase.
     * @param docType
     *          1: Order. 2: Goods Receipt / Shipment. 3: Invoice. 4: Payment.
    public static boolean isBlockedBusinessPartner(String strBPartnerId, boolean issotrx, int docType) {
        try {
            BusinessPartner bPartner = OBDal.getInstance().get(BusinessPartner.class, strBPartnerId);
            switch (docType) {
            case 1: {
                // Order
                return ((issotrx && bPartner.isCustomerBlocking() && bPartner.isSalesOrder())
                        || (!issotrx && bPartner.isVendorBlocking() && bPartner.isPurchaseOrder()));

            case 2: {
                // Goods Shipment / Receipt
                return ((issotrx && bPartner.isCustomerBlocking() && bPartner.isGoodsShipment())
                        || (!issotrx && bPartner.isVendorBlocking() && bPartner.isGoodsReceipt()));

            case 3: {
                // Invoice
                return ((issotrx && bPartner.isCustomerBlocking() && bPartner.isSalesInvoice())
                        || (!issotrx && bPartner.isVendorBlocking() && bPartner.isPurchaseInvoice()));
            case 4: {
                // Payment
                return ((issotrx && bPartner.isCustomerBlocking() && bPartner.isPaymentIn())
                        || (!issotrx && bPartner.isVendorBlocking() && bPartner.isPaymentOut()));

                log4j.error("Error in isBusinessPartnerBlocking: docType must be between 1 and 4");
                return false;
        } finally {

     * Returns Payment Details from a Payment ordered by Invoice and Order
    public static List<FIN_PaymentDetail> getOrderedPaymentDetailList(FIN_Payment payment) {

        List<FIN_PaymentDetail> pdList = null;

        try {
            final StringBuilder whereClause = new StringBuilder();
            whereClause.append(" as pd ");
                    .append(" left join pd." + FIN_PaymentDetail.PROPERTY_FINPAYMENTSCHEDULEDETAILLIST + " as psd");
                    " where pd." + FIN_PaymentDetail.PROPERTY_FINPAYMENT + ".id = '" + payment.getId() + "'");
            whereClause.append(" order by psd." + FIN_PaymentScheduleDetail.PROPERTY_INVOICEPAYMENTSCHEDULE);
                    .append(", coalesce(psd." + FIN_PaymentScheduleDetail.PROPERTY_ORDERPAYMENTSCHEDULE + ",'0')");

            OBQuery<FIN_PaymentDetail> query = OBDal.getInstance().createQuery(FIN_PaymentDetail.class,
            pdList = query.list();

        } finally {

        return pdList;

     * Returns true if the payment is a reverse payment not a reversed one.
    public static boolean isReversePayment(FIN_Payment payment) {
        final Session session = OBDal.getInstance().getSession();

        final StringBuilder hql = new StringBuilder();
        hql.append("select count(p) ");
        hql.append(" from FIN_Payment p ");
        hql.append(" where p.reversedPayment = '").append(payment.getId()).append("' ");

        final Query qry = session.createQuery(hql.toString());

        return ((Long) qry.list().get(0) > Long.parseLong("0"));

     * Returns the invoice payment status value configured in the payment method in the financial
     * account for a payment
    public static String invoicePaymentStatus(FIN_Payment payment) {
        return invoicePaymentStatus(payment.getPaymentMethod(), payment.getAccount(), payment.isReceipt());

     * Returns the invoice payment status value configured in the payment method in the financial
     * account for a payment
    public static String invoicePaymentStatus(FIN_PaymentMethod paymentMethod,
            FIN_FinancialAccount financialAccount, boolean isReceipt) {
        String status = null;
        for (FinAccPaymentMethod finaccpaymentmethod : financialAccount.getFinancialMgmtFinAccPaymentMethodList()) {
            if (finaccpaymentmethod.getPaymentMethod().equals(paymentMethod)) {
                if (isReceipt) {
                    status = finaccpaymentmethod.getPayinInvoicepaidstatus();
                } else {
                    status = finaccpaymentmethod.getPayoutInvoicepaidstatus();
        return status;

     * This function should only be called when it should update the payment amounts
    public static void updatePaymentAmounts(FIN_PaymentScheduleDetail psd) {

        if (psd.getInvoicePaymentSchedule() != null) {
            BusinessPartner bPartner = psd.getInvoicePaymentSchedule().getInvoice().getBusinessPartner();
            BigDecimal creditUsed = bPartner.getCreditUsed();
            BigDecimal amountWithSign = psd.getInvoicePaymentSchedule().getInvoice().isSalesTransaction()
                    ? psd.getAmount()
                    : psd.getAmount().negate();
            creditUsed = creditUsed.subtract(amountWithSign);
            FIN_AddPayment.updatePaymentScheduleAmounts(psd.getPaymentDetails(), psd.getInvoicePaymentSchedule(),
                    psd.getAmount(), psd.getWriteoffAmount());
        if (psd.getOrderPaymentSchedule() != null) {
            FIN_AddPayment.updatePaymentScheduleAmounts(psd.getPaymentDetails(), psd.getOrderPaymentSchedule(),
                    psd.getAmount(), psd.getWriteoffAmount());
        if (psd.getPaymentDetails().isPrepayment() && psd.getOrderPaymentSchedule() == null
                && psd.getInvoicePaymentSchedule() == null) {
            // This PSD is credit
            BusinessPartner bPartner = psd.getPaymentDetails().getFinPayment().getBusinessPartner();
            BigDecimal creditUsed = bPartner.getCreditUsed();
            BigDecimal amountWithSign = psd.getPaymentDetails().getFinPayment().isReceipt() ? psd.getAmount()
                    : psd.getAmount().negate();
            creditUsed = creditUsed.subtract(amountWithSign);


    public static void updateBusinessPartnerCredit(FIN_Payment payment) {
        if (payment == null) {
        // When credit is used (consumed) we compensate so_creditused as this amount is already
        // included in the payment details. Credit consumed should not affect to so_creditused
        if (payment.getGeneratedCredit().compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0
                && payment.getUsedCredit().compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0) {
            BusinessPartner bp = payment.getBusinessPartner();
            if (payment.isReceipt()) {
            } else {

     * Returns the sequence number of payment status in reference list
    public static int seqnumberpaymentstatus(String status) {
        List<Object> parameters = new ArrayList<Object>();
        int result = Integer.parseInt((String) CallStoredProcedure.getInstance().call("aprm_seqnumberpaymentstatus",
                parameters, null, false));

        return result;

     * This function should only be called when it should update the payment amounts
    public static void restorePaidAmounts(FIN_PaymentScheduleDetail paymentScheduleDetail) {

        BigDecimal psdWriteoffAmount = paymentScheduleDetail.getWriteoffAmount();
        BigDecimal psdAmount = paymentScheduleDetail.getAmount();
        BigDecimal amount = psdAmount.add(psdWriteoffAmount);
        BusinessPartner businessPartner = paymentScheduleDetail.getPaymentDetails().getFinPayment()
        if (paymentScheduleDetail.getInvoicePaymentSchedule() != null) {

                    paymentScheduleDetail.getInvoicePaymentSchedule(), psdAmount.negate(),
            // BP SO_CreditUsed
            businessPartner = paymentScheduleDetail.getInvoicePaymentSchedule().getInvoice().getBusinessPartner();
            if (paymentScheduleDetail.getPaymentDetails().getFinPayment().isReceipt()) {
                increaseCustomerCredit(businessPartner, amount);
            } else {
                decreaseCustomerCredit(businessPartner, amount);

        if (paymentScheduleDetail.getOrderPaymentSchedule() != null) {
                    paymentScheduleDetail.getOrderPaymentSchedule(), psdAmount.negate(),
        // when generating credit for a BP SO_CreditUsed is also updated
        if (paymentScheduleDetail.getInvoicePaymentSchedule() == null
                && paymentScheduleDetail.getOrderPaymentSchedule() == null
                && paymentScheduleDetail.getPaymentDetails().getGLItem() == null
                && !paymentScheduleDetail.getPaymentDetails().isRefund()) {
            // BP SO_CreditUsed
            if (paymentScheduleDetail.getPaymentDetails().getFinPayment().isReceipt()) {
                increaseCustomerCredit(businessPartner, amount);
            } else {
                decreaseCustomerCredit(businessPartner, amount);


     * Method used to update the credit used when the user doing invoice processing or payment
     * processing
     * @param amount
     *          Payment amount
    private static void updateCustomerCredit(BusinessPartner businessPartner, BigDecimal amount, boolean add) {
        BigDecimal creditUsed = businessPartner.getCreditUsed();
        if (add) {
            creditUsed = creditUsed.add(amount);
        } else {
            creditUsed = creditUsed.subtract(amount);
        // OBDal.getInstance().flush();

    private static void increaseCustomerCredit(BusinessPartner businessPartner, BigDecimal amount) {
        updateCustomerCredit(businessPartner, amount, true);

    private static void decreaseCustomerCredit(BusinessPartner businessPartner, BigDecimal amount) {
        updateCustomerCredit(businessPartner, amount, false);