Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at * */ package org.openbmp.db_rest.resources; import org.openbmp.db_rest.DbColumnDef; import org.openbmp.db_rest.DbUtils; import org.openbmp.db_rest.RestResponse; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.sql.DataSource; import*; import; import; import; import java.sql.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; @Path("/orr") public class Orr { @Context ServletContext ctx; @Context UriInfo uri; private DataSource mysql_ds; private enum THREAD_METHODS { GET_IGP_RIB, GET_PEER_ROUTER_ID } /** * Initialize the class Sets the data source * * @throws */ @PostConstruct public void init() { InitialContext initctx = null; try { initctx = new InitialContext(); mysql_ds = (DataSource) initctx.lookup("java:/comp/env/jdbc/MySQLDB"); } catch (NamingException e) { System.err.println("ERROR: Cannot find resource configuration, check context.xml config"); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Run query to get the IGP for the given peer/routerId * * @param peerHashId BGP peer hash id * @param routerId Router ID (IPv4 or IPv6) printed form * @param protocol Either 'ospf' or 'isis' * @param max_age Maximum allowable age for cached IGP SPF * * * @returns Results are returned as a Map list of column definitions * NULL will be returned if there was an error getting the RIB. */ Map<String, List<DbColumnDef>> getIGPRib(String peerHashId, String routerId, String protocol, int max_age) { String tableName = null; String spfProc = null; String route_type_field = ""; if (protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("ospf")) { tableName = "igp_ospf_" + routerId.replace('.', '_'); spfProc = "{call ls_ospf_spf(?, ?, ?,?)}"; route_type_field = "ospf_route_type"; } else if (protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("isis")) { tableName = "igp_isis_" + routerId.replace('.', '_'); spfProc = "{call ls_isis_spf(?, ?, ?,?)}"; route_type_field = "isis_type"; } StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); // first call stored procedure to generate the IGP/SPF table. Connection conn = null; CallableStatement cs = null; try { conn = mysql_ds.getConnection(); cs = conn.prepareCall(spfProc); cs.setString(1, peerHashId); cs.setString(2, routerId); cs.setInt(3, max_age); cs.registerOutParameter(4, Types.INTEGER); cs.execute(); System.out.println(" SPF iterations = " + cs.getInt(3)); // WARNING: If changing the order or adding/removing columns to the below, make sure // to update getIgpPrefixMetric() and mergeIgpWithBgp() - they expect column 6 to be the metric query.append("select igp.prefix as prefix,igp.prefix_len,\n"); query.append(" concat('" + protocol + "') as protocol,\n"); query.append(" l.neighbor_addr as NH,\n"); query.append(" concat('') as ORR,\n"); query.append( " " + route_type_field + " as Type,igp.metric,n.igp_router_id as src_router_id,\n"); query.append(" nei.igp_router_id as nei_router_id,\n"); query.append(" igp.path_router_ids,igp.path_hash_ids,\n"); query.append(" l.neighbor_addr as neighbor_addr,\n"); query.append(" igp.peer_hash_id,p.router_hash_id\n"); query.append(" FROM " + tableName + " igp JOIN ls_nodes n ON (igp.src_node_hash_id = n.hash_id)\n"); query.append(" JOIN bgp_peers p ON (igp.peer_hash_id = p.hash_id)\n"); query.append( " JOIN ls_nodes nei ON (igp.nh_node_hash_id = nei.hash_id and nei.peer_hash_id = '" + peerHashId + "')\n"); query.append(" LEFT JOIN ls_links l ON (igp.nh_node_hash_id = l.remote_node_hash_id and\n"); query.append( " igp.root_node_hash_id = l.local_node_hash_id and l.peer_hash_id = '" + peerHashId + "')\n"); query.append(" WHERE best = TRUE "); query.append(" GROUP BY igp.prefix,igp.prefix_len,l.neighbor_addr\n"); System.out.println("QUERY: \n" + query.toString() + "\n"); } catch (SQLException e) { if (e.getSQLState().equals("45000")) { System.out.println("Procedure returned error " + e.getErrorCode() + " : " + e.getMessage()); } else { System.out.println("Error in query " + e.getErrorCode() + " : " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } finally { try { if (cs != null) cs.close(); if (conn != null) conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return DbUtils.select_DbToMap(mysql_ds, query.toString()); } /** * Runs query to get the routers node routerID based on peer_hash_id * * @param peerHashId BGP peer hash id * * @returns Results are returned as a Map list of column definitions * NULL will be returned if there was an error getting the RIB. */ Map<String, List<DbColumnDef>> getPeerRouterId(String peerHashId) { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("SELECT if(protocol like 'OSPF%', Local_IGP_RouterId, Local_RouterId) as RouterId \n"); query.append( " FROM v_peers p JOIN v_ls_prefixes lp ON (p.peer_hash_id = lp.peer_hash_id and LocalIP = lp.prefix)\n"); query.append(" WHERE p.peer_hash_id = '" + peerHashId + "' LIMIT 1"); System.out.println("QUERY: " + query.toString()); return DbUtils.select_DbToMap(mysql_ds, query.toString()); } /** * Lookup the IGP metric for the prefix (e.g. next hop) passed * * @param prefix IP in print form (this is the next-hop) * @param igpMap IGP RIB map * * @return null if no match, otherwise the column def list that matches is returned */ List<DbColumnDef> getIgpPrefixMetric(String prefix, Map<String, List<DbColumnDef>> igpMap) { List<DbColumnDef> found_cols = null; System.out.println("Lookup IGP metric cost for prefix " + prefix); for (Map.Entry<String, List<DbColumnDef>> row : igpMap.entrySet()) { // Prefix,PrefixLen,LocalPref,ASPath_Count,Origin,MED,NH List<DbColumnDef> cols = row.getValue(); SubnetUtils subU = new SubnetUtils(cols.get(0).getValue() + '/' + cols.get(1).getValue()); subU.setInclusiveHostCount(true); if (subU.getInfo().isInRange(prefix)) { System.out.println(" Found matching prefix, metric is " + cols.get(6).getValue()); found_cols = cols; break; } } return found_cols; } /** * Merge BGP Map into IGP Map by doing a best path selection * * TODO: support addpaths/option for equal bgp paths * * NOTE: Assumed that always-compare-med is enabled * Currently not checking if ibgp or ebgp - this will be added once the collector is updated * to add this column to the bgp_peers table. (it's not efficient to do this via v_peers) * * NOTE: If the igpMap is for an RR (isRR_igp is true) then srcRtr_igpMap should be the source * router IGP map. bgpMap will be updated with the source router IGP next hop cost/path * for RR entries. We do this because we want to see the path and metric from the source router * using the non-optimized selection that the RR would choose. * * @param igpMap IGP Map to the IGP RIB data * @param bgpMap Map to the BGP RIB data * @param srcRtr_igpMap IGP Map for the source router, this is null/ignored if igpMap is the RR * @param isRR_igp True if the IGP is from the route-reflector * * @returns a igp column MAP with BGP prefixes, caller should add this map as needed to existing maps */ Map<String, List<DbColumnDef>> mergeIgpWithBgp(Map<String, List<DbColumnDef>> igpMap, Map<String, List<DbColumnDef>> bgpMap, Map<String, List<DbColumnDef>> srcRtr_igpMap, Boolean isRR_igp) { Map<String, List<DbColumnDef>> mergeMap = new HashMap<String, List<DbColumnDef>>(); String prev_key = null; List<DbColumnDef> prev_cols = null; List<DbColumnDef> prev_igp_nh_cols = null; DbColumnDef protoCol = new DbColumnDef(); protoCol.setName("protocol"); protoCol.setTableName("v_routes"); protoCol.setType(Types.VARCHAR); protoCol.setValue("bgp"); DbColumnDef orrCol = new DbColumnDef(); orrCol.setName("ORR"); orrCol.setTableName("orr"); orrCol.setType(Types.VARCHAR); if (isRR_igp) orrCol.setValue("Not optimized, RR metric selection"); else orrCol.setValue("Optimized - Local IGP metric selection"); boolean merge; for (Map.Entry<String, List<DbColumnDef>> row : bgpMap.entrySet()) { merge = false; // Prefix,PrefixLen,LocalPref,ASPath_Count,Origin,MED,NH List<DbColumnDef> cols = row.getValue(); if (prev_cols == null) { prev_key = row.getKey(); prev_cols = cols; prev_igp_nh_cols = getIgpPrefixMetric(cols.get(6).getValue(), igpMap); continue; } // check if Prefix/len is the same as previous else if (prev_cols.get(0).getValue().equals(cols.get(0).getValue()) && Integer.parseInt(prev_cols.get(1).getValue()) == Integer.parseInt(cols.get(1).getValue())) { // Duplicate prefix, choose the best path // prefer higher local pref if (Integer.parseInt(prev_cols.get(2).getValue()) > Integer.parseInt(cols.get(2).getValue())) merge = true; // Prefer shortest AS PATH (zero is locally originated) else if (Integer.parseInt(prev_cols.get(3).getValue()) < Integer.parseInt(cols.get(3).getValue())) merge = true; // Prefer lower origin else if (!prev_cols.get(4).getValue().equals(cols.get(4).getValue()) && (prev_cols.get(4).getValue().equals("igp") || (prev_cols.get(4).equals("egp") && !cols.get(4).equals("igp")))) merge = true; // Prefer lower med (always compare med) else if (Integer.parseInt(prev_cols.get(5).getValue()) < Integer.parseInt(cols.get(5).getValue())) merge = true; // TODO: Add check for iBGP vs eBGP when column is added to bgp_peers table // Tie breaker is going to be next hop IGP cost else { List<DbColumnDef> igp_nh_cols = getIgpPrefixMetric(cols.get(6).getValue(), igpMap); // If the current entry has a lower IGP metric, then set previous to current and move to next if (igp_nh_cols != null && Integer.parseInt(prev_igp_nh_cols.get(6).getValue()) > Integer .parseInt(igp_nh_cols.get(6).getValue())) { prev_cols = cols; prev_igp_nh_cols = igp_nh_cols; prev_key = row.getKey(); } } } else { merge = true; } if (merge) { List<DbColumnDef> addPrefix = new ArrayList<DbColumnDef>(); if (isRR_igp && srcRtr_igpMap != null) { // Lookup the IGP next hop info from the source router instead of RR based on the RR selection addPrefix.addAll(getIgpPrefixMetric(prev_cols.get(6).getValue(), srcRtr_igpMap)); } else { addPrefix.addAll(prev_igp_nh_cols); } addPrefix.set(0, prev_cols.get(0)); // Prefix addPrefix.set(1, prev_cols.get(1)); // Prefix len addPrefix.set(2, protoCol); // Protocol addPrefix.set(3, prev_cols.get(6)); // NH addPrefix.set(4, orrCol); // ORR mergeMap.put(prev_key, addPrefix); // Add prefix System.out .println(" Add prefix " + addPrefix.get(0).getValue() + "/" + addPrefix.get(1).getValue() + " NH " + addPrefix.get(4).getValue() + " metric " + addPrefix.get(6).getValue()); prev_key = row.getKey(); prev_cols = cols; prev_igp_nh_cols = getIgpPrefixMetric(cols.get(6).getValue(), igpMap); } } // Last previous will need to be added if (prev_cols != null && prev_igp_nh_cols != null) { List<DbColumnDef> addPrefix = new ArrayList<DbColumnDef>(); if (isRR_igp && srcRtr_igpMap != null) { // Lookup the IGP next hop info from the source router instead of RR based on the RR selection addPrefix.addAll(getIgpPrefixMetric(prev_cols.get(6).getValue(), srcRtr_igpMap)); } else { addPrefix.addAll(prev_igp_nh_cols); } addPrefix.set(0, prev_cols.get(0)); // Prefix addPrefix.set(1, prev_cols.get(1)); // Prefix len addPrefix.set(2, protoCol); // Protocol addPrefix.set(3, prev_cols.get(6)); // NH addPrefix.set(4, orrCol); // ORR mergeMap.put(prev_key, addPrefix); // Add prefix System.out.println(" Add prefix " + addPrefix.get(0).getValue() + "/" + addPrefix.get(1).getValue() + " NH " + addPrefix.get(3).getValue() + " metric " + addPrefix.get(6).getValue()); } return mergeMap; } /** * Get IGP RIB with merged BGP RIB for given RouterId * * Merged BGP RIB will contain duplicate entries for selected BGP paths based * on optimized next-hop selection and RR selection. For example: * * prefix is equal in attributes but has two possible next-hops * and, resulting tie breaker is IGP metric. * * Local routerId IGP has metric 20 to and metric 31 to * RR IGP has metric 10 to and 31 to * * Merged table would contain: * via metric 20 (metric 31 on rr) marked as preferred (orr selected) * via metric 31 (metric 10 on rr) marked as not preferred (rr selected w/o orr) * * NOTE: The below method assumes (thus requires) that the bgp peer router * advertising the link-state data is the route-reflector. In other words, * peerHashId (bgp peer hash) learned from bmp router_hash_id is the * route-reflector. * * We can change this to allow selection of BGP peers (one or more bmp routers) * for the BGP RIB merge, but that requires more path/query params and is not needed right now. * * @param peerHashId Peer Hash ID of the BGP peer advertising link state information * @param protocol Either 'ospf' or 'isis' * @param routerId IPv4 or IPv6 print form router ID (use IPv4/IPv6 rid for ISIS) * @param where Advanced WHERE clause to filter the BGP merged prefixes */ @GET @Path("/peer/{peerHashId}/{protocol}/{routerId}") @Produces("application/json") public Response getLsOspfIGP(@PathParam("peerHashId") String peerHashId, @PathParam("protocol") String protocol, @PathParam("routerId") String routerId, @QueryParam("where") String where) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); ScheduledExecutorService thrPool = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(2); queryThread thrs[] = new queryThread[2]; // Get IGP for requested router thrs[0] = new queryThread(this); thrs[0].setArgs(new String[] { peerHashId, routerId, protocol, "30" }); thrPool.schedule(thrs[0], 0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); // Get the router's local router id // TODO: Change to support better identification of route reflector Map<String, List<DbColumnDef>> rrMap = getPeerRouterId(peerHashId); String rr_routerId = null; if (rrMap.size() > 0) rr_routerId = rrMap.entrySet().iterator().next().getValue().get(0).getValue(); if (rr_routerId == null) { System.out.println("Unable to get the routers routerID by peer hash " + peerHashId); return RestResponse.okWithBody("{}"); } // Get the RR IGP thrs[1] = new queryThread(this); thrs[1].setArgs(new String[] { peerHashId, rr_routerId, protocol, "120" }); thrPool.schedule(thrs[1], 0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); // Wait for IGP query and store the results waitForThread(thrs[0]); Map<String, List<DbColumnDef>> igpMap = thrs[0].getResults(); if (igpMap.size() <= 0) { return RestResponse.okWithBody("{}"); } // Get the BGP RIB from RR router List<DbColumnDef> row = igpMap.entrySet().iterator().next().getValue(); String routerHashId = row.get(row.size() - 1).getValue(); String where_str = "router_hash_id = '" + routerHashId + "'"; if (where != null) where_str += " and " + where; StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("SELECT Prefix as prefix,PrefixLen as prefix_len,LocalPref,ASPath_Count,Origin,MED,NH\n"); query.append(" FROM v_routes WHERE "); query.append(where_str); query.append(" ORDER BY prefix_bin,PrefixLen LIMIT 1000\n"); Map<String, List<DbColumnDef>> bgpMap = DbUtils.select_DbToMap(mysql_ds, query.toString()); // Wait for RR IGP query and store the results waitForThread(thrs[1]); Map<String, List<DbColumnDef>> rr_igpMap = thrs[1].getResults(); //long queryTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; thrPool.shutdownNow(); /* * Merge BGP RIB into IGP */ Map<String, List<DbColumnDef>> mergeMap = new HashMap<String, List<DbColumnDef>>(); mergeMap.putAll(igpMap); mergeMap.putAll(mergeIgpWithBgp(igpMap, bgpMap, null, false)); mergeMap.putAll(mergeIgpWithBgp(rr_igpMap, bgpMap, igpMap, true)); long queryTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; return RestResponse.okWithBody(DbUtils.DbMapToJson("orr", mergeMap, queryTime)); } private void waitForThread(queryThread thr) { boolean done = false; int i = 0; while (!done && i < 200) { // Wait up to 5 seconds try { Thread.sleep(25); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (thr.isDone()) { done = true; } i++; } } // Query thread to run in a loop for each partition static public class queryThread implements Runnable { private boolean done = false; private long startTime = 0; private long runTime = 0; private THREAD_METHODS method; Orr parent; private Map<String, List<DbColumnDef>> results = null; private String args[]; queryThread(Orr parent) { this.parent = parent; method = THREAD_METHODS.GET_IGP_RIB; } public void run() { startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); switch (method) { case GET_IGP_RIB: if (args.length == 4) { results = parent.getIGPRib(args[0], args[1], args[2], Integer.parseInt(args[3])); } break; case GET_PEER_ROUTER_ID: if (args.length == 1) { results = parent.getPeerRouterId(args[0]); } break; default: break; } runTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; done = true; } public Map<String, List<DbColumnDef>> getResults() { return results; } public void setResults(Map<String, List<DbColumnDef>> results) { this.results = results; } public long getStartTime() { return startTime; } public void setStartTime(long startTime) { this.startTime = startTime; } public long getRunTime() { return runTime; } public void setRunTime(long runTime) { this.runTime = runTime; } public THREAD_METHODS getMethod() { return this.method; } public void setMethod(THREAD_METHODS method) { this.method = method; } public String[] getArgs() { return this.args; } public void setArgs(String args[]) { this.args = args; } public boolean isDone() { return done; } public void setDone(boolean done) { this.done = done; } } }