Java tutorial
/** * ================================================================== * * This file is part of org.openbase.bco.ontology.lib. * * org.openbase.bco.ontology.lib is free software: you can redistribute it and modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (Version 3) * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * org.openbase.bco.ontology.lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with org.openbase.bco.ontology.lib. If not, see <>. * ================================================================== */ package org.openbase.bco.ontology.lib.manager.aggregation; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.StatUtils; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath; import org.openbase.bco.ontology.lib.manager.aggregation.datatype.OntAggregatedStateChange; import org.openbase.bco.ontology.lib.manager.aggregation.datatype.OntStateChangeBuf; import org.openbase.bco.ontology.lib.utility.StringModifier; import org.openbase.bco.ontology.lib.system.config.OntConfig; import org.openbase.bco.ontology.lib.system.config.OntConfig.Period; import org.openbase.jul.exception.CouldNotPerformException; import org.openbase.jul.exception.MultiException; import org.openbase.jul.exception.NotAvailableException; import org.openbase.jul.exception.VerificationFailedException; import java.time.OffsetDateTime; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import; import; /** * @author agatting on 25.03.17. */ public class DataAggregation { private OffsetDateTime dateTimeFrom; private OffsetDateTime dateTimeUntil; private final Period currentPeriod; private long timeFrameMilliS; public DataAggregation(final OffsetDateTime dateTimeFrom, final OffsetDateTime dateTimeUntil, final Period currentPeriod) throws CouldNotPerformException { if (currentPeriod == null) { throw new CouldNotPerformException( "Could not perform aggregation of aggregated data, because current period is null!"); } this.dateTimeFrom = dateTimeFrom; this.dateTimeUntil = dateTimeUntil; this.currentPeriod = currentPeriod; this.timeFrameMilliS = dateTimeUntil.toInstant().toEpochMilli() - dateTimeFrom.toInstant().toEpochMilli(); } protected class DiscreteStateValues { private final double unitTimeWeighting; private final Period nextPeriod; // the active time in milliseconds for each state value (e.g. ON) private final HashMap<String, Long> activeTimeMap = new HashMap<>(); // the quantity of activation for each state value private final HashMap<String, Integer> quantityMap = new HashMap<>(); public DiscreteStateValues(final List<OntStateChangeBuf> stateChanges, final long unitConnectionTime) throws CouldNotPerformException { this.unitTimeWeighting = calcTimeWeighting(unitConnectionTime); this.nextPeriod = Period.DAY; computeMetadata(preparingStateChanges(unitConnectionTime, stateChanges)); } public DiscreteStateValues(final List<OntAggregatedStateChange> stateChanges) throws CouldNotPerformException { this.unitTimeWeighting = calcTimeWeighting(getTimeWeightingArray(stateChanges), getPeriodLength(currentPeriod)); this.nextPeriod = setNextPeriod(); computeAggregatedMetadata(stateChanges); } /** * Getter for statistical information: unit connection time weighting. A ratio of the connection time of the unit and the aggregation time frame. * * @return a value of range 0..1 with 0: zero connection and 1: full connection of the unit in the aggregation time frame. */ public double getUnitTimeWeighting() { return unitTimeWeighting; } /** * Getter for aggregation period. * * @return the aggregation period. */ public Period getNextPeriod() { return nextPeriod; } /** * Getter for statistical information: active time (value) for each state value (key). * * @return a map with a active time in milliseconds for each state value. */ public HashMap<String, Long> getActiveTimes() { return activeTimeMap; } /** * Getter for statistical information: quantity (value) for each state value (key). * * @return a map with a quantity value for each state value. */ public HashMap<String, Integer> getQuantities() { return quantityMap; } /** * Method computes all metadata (aggregation components) of the input discrete state changes. * Via iteration over the input state change list, the metadata are collected like the quantity for each individual state value. * More metadata should be implemented here if it based on the state changes explicitly. * * @param stateChanges are the state changes to compute the aggregated metadata. * @throws NotAvailableException is thrown in case the state change could not be transformed into a string. */ private void computeMetadata(final List<OntStateChangeBuf> stateChanges) throws NotAvailableException { // special case: there is no new state change. The single list entry is the state change before the aggregation time frame if (stateChanges.size() == 1) { final String stateValue = StringModifier .getLocalName(stateChanges.get(0).getStateValues().get(0).asResource().toString()); // add metadata solution to the hash maps registerActiveTime(stateValue, timeFrameMilliS); registerQuantity(stateValue, 0); // old state change so that quantity is zero return; } long currentTimestampMilliS = 0; long nextTimestampMilliS = 0; long stateValueTimeMilliS; // principle: for each current state change (value) the time borders are taken. Means the current state change (i) and the timestamp of the next // state change (i + 1) for (int i = 0; i < stateChanges.size(); i++) { // consider border cases, which are represented by the aggregation time frame (from and until) if (i == 0) { nextTimestampMilliS = OffsetDateTime.parse(stateChanges.get(i + 1).getTimestamp()).toInstant() .toEpochMilli(); stateValueTimeMilliS = nextTimestampMilliS - dateTimeFrom.toInstant().toEpochMilli(); } else if (i == stateChanges.size() - 1) { stateValueTimeMilliS = dateTimeUntil.toInstant().toEpochMilli() - currentTimestampMilliS; } else { nextTimestampMilliS = OffsetDateTime.parse(stateChanges.get(i + 1).getTimestamp()).toInstant() .toEpochMilli(); stateValueTimeMilliS = nextTimestampMilliS - currentTimestampMilliS; } currentTimestampMilliS = nextTimestampMilliS; // discrete state changes contains one value only final String stateValue = StringModifier .getLocalName(stateChanges.get(i).getStateValues().get(0).asResource().toString()); // add metadata solution of this loop pass to the hash maps registerActiveTime(stateValue, stateValueTimeMilliS); registerQuantity(stateValue, 1); } } /** * Method computes all metadata (aggregation components) of the input aggregated, discrete state changes. * Via iteration over the input state change list, the metadata are collected like the quantity for each individual state value. * More metadata should be implemented here if it based on aggregated state changes explicitly. * * @param stateChanges are the aggregated state changes, which should be aggregated again. * @throws NotAvailableException is thrown in case the state change could not be transformed into a string. */ private void computeAggregatedMetadata(final List<OntAggregatedStateChange> stateChanges) throws NotAvailableException { for (final OntAggregatedStateChange stateChange : stateChanges) { // get the metadata of the state change final String stateValue = StringModifier .getLocalName(stateChange.getStateValue().asResource().toString()); final long activeTime = Long.parseLong(stateChange.getActivityTime()); final int quantity = Integer.parseInt(stateChange.getQuantity()); // add metadata solution of this loop pass to the hash maps registerActiveTime(stateValue, activeTime); registerQuantity(stateValue, quantity); } } /** * Method registers the results of time to the active time hashMap. * * @param stateValueKey is the individual state value. * @param activeTimeVal is the active time of the state value in milliseconds. */ private void registerActiveTime(final String stateValueKey, final long activeTimeVal) { if (activeTimeMap.containsKey(stateValueKey)) { // there is an entry: add data final long totalTime = activeTimeMap.get(stateValueKey) + activeTimeVal; activeTimeMap.put(stateValueKey, totalTime); } else { // there is no entry: put data activeTimeMap.put(stateValueKey, activeTimeVal); } } /** * Method registers the quantity to the quantity hashMap. Existing counting is added. * * @param stateValueKey is the individual state value. * @param quantityValue is the number, which should be added to the quantity counter of the input stateValue. */ private void registerQuantity(final String stateValueKey, final int quantityValue) { if (quantityMap.containsKey(stateValueKey)) { // there is an entry: add data final int totalQuantity = quantityMap.get(stateValueKey) + quantityValue; quantityMap.put(stateValueKey, totalQuantity); } else { // there is no entry: put data quantityMap.put(stateValueKey, quantityValue); } } } protected class ContinuousStateValues { //TODO first state change before time frame necessary @ continuous state values? private final double mean; private final double variance; private final double standardDeviation; private final double timeWeighting; private final int quantity; private final Period nextPeriod; public ContinuousStateValues(List<OntStateChangeBuf> stateChanges, final long unitConnectionTime) throws CouldNotPerformException { stateChanges = preparingStateChanges(unitConnectionTime, stateChanges); final List<String> stateValuesString = getStateValues(stateChanges); final List<Double> stateValuesDouble = convertStringToDouble(stateValuesString); final double stateValuesArray[] = convertToArray(stateValuesDouble); this.mean = calcMean(stateValuesArray); this.variance = calcVariance(stateValuesArray); this.standardDeviation = calcStandardDeviation(stateValuesArray); this.timeWeighting = calcTimeWeighting(unitConnectionTime); this.quantity = calcQuantity(stateValuesString); this.nextPeriod = Period.DAY; } public ContinuousStateValues(final List<OntAggregatedStateChange> stateChanges) throws CouldNotPerformException { if (currentPeriod == null) { throw new CouldNotPerformException( "Could not perform aggregation of aggregated data, because current period is null!"); } this.mean = calcMean(getMeanList(stateChanges)); this.variance = calcVariance(getVarianceList(stateChanges)); this.standardDeviation = calcStandardDeviation(getStandardDeviationList(stateChanges)); this.timeWeighting = calcTimeWeighting(getTimeWeightingArray(stateChanges), getPeriodLength(currentPeriod)); this.quantity = calcQuantity(getQuantity(stateChanges)); this.nextPeriod = setNextPeriod(); } public Period getNextPeriod() { return nextPeriod; } public double getMean() { return mean; } public double getVariance() { return variance; } public double getStandardDeviation() { return standardDeviation; } public double getTimeWeighting() { return timeWeighting; } public int getQuantity() { return quantity; } private double[] getMeanList(final List<OntAggregatedStateChange> aggDataList) throws CouldNotPerformException { final List<String> aggMeanBuf = .collect(Collectors.toList()); return convertToArray(convertStringToDouble(aggMeanBuf)); } private double[] getVarianceList(final List<OntAggregatedStateChange> aggDataList) throws CouldNotPerformException { final List<String> aggVarianceBuf = .collect(Collectors.toList()); return convertToArray(convertStringToDouble(aggVarianceBuf)); } private double[] getStandardDeviationList(final List<OntAggregatedStateChange> aggDataList) throws CouldNotPerformException { final List<String> aggStandardDeviationBuf = .map(OntAggregatedStateChange::getStandardDeviation).collect(Collectors.toList()); return convertToArray(convertStringToDouble(aggStandardDeviationBuf)); } private List<Integer> getQuantity(final List<OntAggregatedStateChange> aggDataList) throws CouldNotPerformException { final List<String> aggQuantityBuf = .collect(Collectors.toList()); return convertStringToInteger(aggQuantityBuf); } private List<String> getStateValues(final List<OntStateChangeBuf> stateValueDataCollectionList) throws NotAvailableException { return -> { try { return StringModifier .getLocalName(ontStateChangeBuf.getStateValues().get(0).asLiteral().getLexicalForm()); //TODO extend to list... } catch (NotAvailableException ex) { return ""; //TODO } }).collect(Collectors.toList()); } } /** * Method is used to check and prepare the input information, which should be aggregated. * * @param unitConnectionTime is the time, which describes the connection time in milliseconds between unit and bco. Inconspicuous connection states should * have connection times equal the time frame of aggregation. * @param stateChanges are the state changes, which should be sorted ascending by including timestamp. * @return the sorted list of state changes. * @throws MultiException is thrown in case the verification of input information, which should be aggregated, is invalid. */ private List<OntStateChangeBuf> preparingStateChanges(final long unitConnectionTime, final List<OntStateChangeBuf> stateChanges) throws MultiException { MultiException.ExceptionStack exceptionStack = null; try { if (unitConnectionTime > timeFrameMilliS) { throw new VerificationFailedException( "The unitConnectionTime is bigger than the time frame of aggregation!"); } } catch (VerificationFailedException e) { exceptionStack = MultiException.push(this, e, null); } try { if (stateChanges.isEmpty()) { throw new VerificationFailedException("The list of state changes is empty!"); } } catch (VerificationFailedException e) { exceptionStack = MultiException.push(this, e, exceptionStack); } try { if (OffsetDateTime.parse(stateChanges.get(0).getTimestamp()).isAfter(dateTimeFrom)) { throw new VerificationFailedException( "First state change is after the beginning aggregation time frame! No information about the state in " + "the beginning time frame! First state change entry should be, chronological, before/equal the beginning time frame."); } } catch (VerificationFailedException e) { exceptionStack = MultiException.push(this, e, exceptionStack); } MultiException.checkAndThrow("Could not perform aggregation!", exceptionStack); // sort ascending (old to young) stateChanges.sort(Comparator.comparing(OntStateChangeBuf::getTimestamp)); return stateChanges; } private Period setNextPeriod() { switch (currentPeriod) { case DAY: return Period.WEEK; case WEEK: return Period.MONTH; case MONTH: return Period.YEAR; default: return null; //TODO } } private int getPeriodLength(final OntConfig.Period period) throws NotAvailableException { //TODO develop logic unit to get the real number dependent on current moment ... switch (period) { case DAY: return 24; case WEEK: return 7; case MONTH: return 4; case YEAR: return 12; default: throw new NotAvailableException( "Could not perform adaption of dateTime for aggregation. Cause period time " + period.toString() + " could not be identified!"); } } private double[] getTimeWeightingArray(final List<OntAggregatedStateChange> aggDataList) throws CouldNotPerformException { final List<String> aggQuantityBuf = .collect(Collectors.toList()); return convertToArray(convertStringToDouble(aggQuantityBuf)); } private List<Double> convertStringToDouble(final List<String> stringValues) throws CouldNotPerformException { try { return; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new CouldNotPerformException( "Could not perform aggregation because stateValueList contains discrete values: " + stringValues); } } private List<Integer> convertStringToInteger(final List<String> stringValues) throws CouldNotPerformException { try { return; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new CouldNotPerformException( "Could not perform aggregation because stateValueList contains discrete values: " + stringValues); } } /** * Method calculates the time weighting of a connection time. Means a value, which describes the ratio of connection time and period time. If an unit has * connection the whole period the value is 1. If the unit has connection half of the period time the value is 0.5. The range is [0..1]. * * @param unitConnectionTime is the connection time of the unit. * @return the time weighting in the range of [0..1]. */ private double calcTimeWeighting(final long unitConnectionTime) { return Double.parseDouble( OntConfig.decimalFormat().format((double) unitConnectionTime / (double) timeFrameMilliS)); } private double calcTimeWeighting(final double[] timeWeightingArray, final int periodLength) { return DoubleStream.of(timeWeightingArray).sum() / periodLength; } private double calcVariance(final double stateValuesArray[]) { return StatUtils.variance(stateValuesArray); } private double calcStandardDeviation(final double stateValuesArray[]) { return FastMath.sqrt(StatUtils.variance(stateValuesArray)); } private double calcMean(final double stateValuesArray[]) { return StatUtils.mean(stateValuesArray); } private int calcQuantity(final List<?> stateValues) { return stateValues.size(); } private double[] convertToArray(final List<Double> stateValues) { final double stateValuesArray[] = new double[stateValues.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < stateValues.size(); i++) { stateValuesArray[i] = stateValues.get(i); } return stateValuesArray; } }