Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016-present Open Networking Laboratory * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static java.lang.Integer.parseInt; import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.utils.UtilConstants.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS; import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.utils.UtilConstants.COLON; import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.utils.UtilConstants.EIGHT_SPACE_INDENTATION; import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.utils.UtilConstants.EMPTY_STRING; import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.utils.UtilConstants.HYPHEN; import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.utils.UtilConstants.JAVA_KEY_WORDS; import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.utils.UtilConstants.NEW_LINE; import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.utils.UtilConstants.ONE; import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.utils.UtilConstants.OPEN_PARENTHESIS; import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.utils.UtilConstants.ORG; import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.utils.UtilConstants.PACKAGE; import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.utils.UtilConstants.PERIOD; import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.utils.UtilConstants.REGEX_FOR_DIGITS_WITH_SINGLE_LETTER; import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.utils.UtilConstants.REGEX_FOR_FIRST_DIGIT; import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.utils.UtilConstants.REGEX_FOR_HYPHEN; import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.utils.UtilConstants.REGEX_FOR_IDENTIFIER_SPECIAL_CHAR; import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.utils.UtilConstants.REGEX_FOR_PERIOD; import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.utils.UtilConstants.REGEX_FOR_SINGLE_LETTER; import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.utils.UtilConstants.REGEX_FOR_UNDERSCORE; import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.utils.UtilConstants.REGEX_WITH_ALL_SPECIAL_CHAR; import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.utils.UtilConstants.REGEX_WITH_DIGITS; import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.utils.UtilConstants.REGEX_WITH_SINGLE_CAPITAL_CASE; import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.utils.UtilConstants.REGEX_WITH_SINGLE_CAPITAL_CASE_AND_DIGITS_SMALL_CASES; import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.utils.UtilConstants.REGEX_WITH_UPPERCASE; import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.utils.UtilConstants.SEMI_COLON; import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.utils.UtilConstants.SLASH; import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.utils.UtilConstants.SPACE; import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.utils.UtilConstants.TEMP; import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.utils.UtilConstants.UNDER_SCORE; import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.utils.UtilConstants.UNUSED; import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.utils.UtilConstants.YANG_AUTO_PREFIX; import static; import static; import static; import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger; /** * Represents common utility functionalities for code generation. */ public final class YangIoUtils { private static final int LINE_SIZE = 118; private static final int SUB_LINE_SIZE = 116; private static final int SUB_SIZE = 60; private static final Logger log = getLogger(YangIoUtils.class); /** * Creates an instance of YANG io utils. */ private YangIoUtils() { } /** * Creates the directory structure. * * @param path directory path * @return directory structure * @throws IOException when fails to do IO operations */ public static File createDirectories(String path) throws IOException { File generatedDir = new File(path); if (!generatedDir.exists()) { boolean isGenerated = generatedDir.mkdirs(); if (!isGenerated) { throw new IOException("failed to generated directory " + path); } } return generatedDir; } /** * Adds package info file for the created directory. * * @param path directory path * @param classInfo class info for the package * @param pack package of the directory * @param isChildNode is it a child node * @throws IOException when fails to create package info file */ public static void addPackageInfo(File path, String classInfo, String pack, boolean isChildNode) throws IOException { pack = parsePkg(pack); try { File packageInfo = new File(path + SLASH + ""); if (!packageInfo.exists()) { boolean isGenerated = packageInfo.createNewFile(); if (!isGenerated) { throw new IOException("failed to generated package-info " + path); } } FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(packageInfo); BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(fileWriter); bufferedWriter.write(parseCopyrightHeader()); //TODO: get the compiler annotations and pass the info bufferedWriter.write(getJavaDoc(PACKAGE_INFO, classInfo, isChildNode, null)); String pkg = PACKAGE + SPACE + pack + SEMI_COLON; bufferedWriter.write(pkg); bufferedWriter.close(); fileWriter.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException("Exception occurred while creating package info" + " file."); } } /** * Parses package and returns updated package. * * @param pack package needs to be updated * @return updated package */ public static String parsePkg(String pack) { if (pack.contains(ORG)) { String[] strArray = pack.split(ORG); if (strArray.length >= 3) { for (int i = 1; i < strArray.length; i++) { if (i == 1) { pack = ORG + strArray[1]; } else { pack = pack + ORG + strArray[i]; } } } else { pack = ORG + strArray[1]; } } return pack; } /** * Cleans the generated directory if already exist in source folder. * * @param dir generated directory in previous build * @throws IOException when failed to delete directory */ public static void deleteDirectory(String dir) throws IOException { File generatedDirectory = new File(dir); if (generatedDirectory.exists()) { try { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(generatedDirectory); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException( "Failed to delete the generated files in " + generatedDirectory + " directory"); } } } /** * Searches and deletes generated temporary directories. * * @param root root directory * @throws IOException when fails to do IO operations. */ public static void searchAndDeleteTempDir(String root) throws IOException { List<File> store = new LinkedList<>(); Stack<String> stack = new Stack<>(); stack.push(root); while (!stack.empty()) { root = stack.pop(); File file = new File(root); File[] fileList = file.listFiles(); if (fileList == null || fileList.length == 0) { continue; } for (File current : fileList) { if (current.isDirectory()) { stack.push(current.toString()); if (current.getName().endsWith(HYPHEN + TEMP)) { store.add(current); } } } } for (File dir : store) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(dir); } } /** * Removes extra char from the string. * * @param valueString string to be trimmed * @param removalString extra chars * @return new string */ public static String trimAtLast(String valueString, String... removalString) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(valueString); String midString; int index; for (String remove : removalString) { midString = stringBuilder.toString(); index = midString.lastIndexOf(remove); if (index != -1) { stringBuilder.deleteCharAt(index); } } return stringBuilder.toString(); } /** * Replaces the last occurrence of a string with a given string. * * @param valueString string under operation * @param removalString string to be replaced * @param replacingString string with which replacement is to be done * @return new string */ public static String replaceLast(String valueString, String removalString, String replacingString) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(valueString); int index = valueString.lastIndexOf(removalString); if (index != -1) { stringBuilder.replace(index, index + 1, replacingString); } else { stringBuilder.append(NEW_LINE + EIGHT_SPACE_INDENTATION + UNUSED + OPEN_PARENTHESIS + ONE + CLOSE_PARENTHESIS + SEMI_COLON); } return stringBuilder.toString(); // TODO remove generation of ENUM if there is no leaf node. } /** * Returns the directory path of the package in canonical form. * * @param baseCodeGenPath base path where the generated files needs to be * put * @param pathOfJavaPkg java package of the file being generated * @return absolute path of the package in canonical form */ public static String getDirectory(String baseCodeGenPath, String pathOfJavaPkg) { if (pathOfJavaPkg.charAt(pathOfJavaPkg.length() - 1) == File.separatorChar) { pathOfJavaPkg = trimAtLast(pathOfJavaPkg, SLASH); } String[] strArray = pathOfJavaPkg.split(SLASH); if (strArray[0].equals(EMPTY_STRING)) { return pathOfJavaPkg; } else { return baseCodeGenPath + SLASH + pathOfJavaPkg; } } /** * Returns the absolute path of the package in canonical form. * * @param baseCodeGenPath base path where the generated files needs to be * put * @param pathOfJavaPkg java package of the file being generated * @return absolute path of the package in canonical form */ public static String getAbsolutePackagePath(String baseCodeGenPath, String pathOfJavaPkg) { return baseCodeGenPath + pathOfJavaPkg; } /** * Merges the temp java files to main java files. * * @param appendFile temp file * @param srcFile main file * @throws IOException when fails to append contents */ public static void mergeJavaFiles(File appendFile, File srcFile) throws IOException { try { FileSystemUtil.appendFileContents(appendFile, srcFile); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException("Failed to merge " + appendFile + " in " + srcFile); } } /** * Inserts data in the generated file. * * @param file file in which need to be inserted * @param data data which need to be inserted * @throws IOException when fails to insert into file */ public static void insertDataIntoJavaFile(File file, String data) throws IOException { try { FileSystemUtil.updateFileHandle(file, data, false); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException("Failed to insert in " + file + "file"); } } /** * Formats the generated file. * * @param dataFile file in which need to verify all lines. * @return updated file * @throws IOException when fails to do IO operations. */ public static File formatFile(File dataFile) throws IOException { // take default Eclipse formatting options. // FIXME: signature generated by eclipse jdt pkg need to be removed /*Map options = getEclipseDefaultSettings(); // initialize the compiler settings to be able to format 1.8 code. options.put(COMPILER_COMPLIANCE, VERSION_1_8); options.put(COMPILER_CODEGEN_TARGET_PLATFORM, VERSION_1_8); options.put(COMPILER_SOURCE, VERSION_1_8); options.put(FORMATTER_TAB_CHAR, SPACE); // change the option to wrap each enum constant on a new line. options.put(FORMATTER_ALIGNMENT_FOR_ENUM_CONSTANTS, createAlignmentValue(true, WRAP_ONE_PER_LINE, INDENT_ON_COLUMN)); // instantiate the default code formatter with the given options. final CodeFormatter codeFormatter = createCodeFormatter(options); String source = FileUtils.readFileToString(dataFile, UTF_8); final TextEdit edit = codeFormatter.format( CodeFormatter.K_COMPILATION_UNIT, // format a compilation unit source, // source to format 0, // starting position source.length(), // length 0, // initial indentation System.getProperty("line.separator") // line separator ); IDocument document = new Document(source); try { edit.apply(document); } catch (MalformedTreeException e) {" failed to format the file {} due to malformed tree.", dataFile.getName()); } catch (BadLocationException e) {" failed to format the file {} due to bad location.", dataFile.getName()); } catch (NullPointerException e) {" failed to format the file {} due to incomplete file ", dataFile.getName()); } FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(dataFile); writer.write(document.get()); writer.close(); */ return dataFile; } /** * Returns the java Package from package path. * * @param packagePath package path * @return java package */ public static String getJavaPackageFromPackagePath(String packagePath) { return packagePath.replace(SLASH, PERIOD); } /** * Returns the directory path corresponding to java package. * * @param packagePath package path * @return java package */ public static String getPackageDirPathFromJavaJPackage(String packagePath) { return packagePath.replace(PERIOD, SLASH); } /** * Returns the YANG identifier name as java identifier with first letter * in small. * * @param yangIdentifier identifier in YANG file. * @return corresponding java identifier */ public static String getSmallCase(String yangIdentifier) { return yangIdentifier.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() + yangIdentifier.substring(1); } /** * Returns the YANG identifier name as java identifier with first letter * in capital. * * @param yangIdentifier identifier in YANG file * @return corresponding java identifier */ public static String getCapitalCase(String yangIdentifier) { yangIdentifier = yangIdentifier.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + yangIdentifier.substring(1); return restrictConsecutiveCapitalCase(yangIdentifier); } /** * Restricts consecutive capital cased string as a rule in camel case. * * @param consecCapitalCaseRemover which requires the restriction of consecutive capital case * @return string without consecutive capital case */ private static String restrictConsecutiveCapitalCase(String consecCapitalCaseRemover) { for (int k = 0; k < consecCapitalCaseRemover.length(); k++) { if (k + 1 < consecCapitalCaseRemover.length()) { if (Character.isUpperCase(consecCapitalCaseRemover.charAt(k))) { if (Character.isUpperCase(consecCapitalCaseRemover.charAt(k + 1))) { consecCapitalCaseRemover = consecCapitalCaseRemover.substring(0, k + 1) + consecCapitalCaseRemover.substring(k + 1, k + 2).toLowerCase() + consecCapitalCaseRemover.substring(k + 2); } } } } return consecCapitalCaseRemover; } /** * Adds prefix, if the string begins with digit or is a java key word. * * @param camelCasePrefix string for adding prefix * @param conflictResolver object of YANG to java naming conflict util * @return prefixed camel case string */ private static String addPrefix(String camelCasePrefix, YangToJavaNamingConflictUtil conflictResolver) { String prefix = getPrefixForIdentifier(conflictResolver); if (camelCasePrefix.matches(REGEX_FOR_FIRST_DIGIT)) { camelCasePrefix = prefix + camelCasePrefix; } if (JAVA_KEY_WORDS.contains(camelCasePrefix)) { camelCasePrefix = prefix + camelCasePrefix.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + camelCasePrefix.substring(1); } return camelCasePrefix; } /** * Applies the rule that a string does not end with a capitalized letter and capitalizes * the letter next to a number in an array. * * @param stringArray containing strings for camel case separation * @param conflictResolver object of YANG to java naming conflict util * @return camel case rule checked string */ private static String applyCamelCaseRule(String[] stringArray, YangToJavaNamingConflictUtil conflictResolver) { String ruleChecker = stringArray[0].toLowerCase(); int i; if (ruleChecker.matches(REGEX_FOR_FIRST_DIGIT)) { i = 0; ruleChecker = EMPTY_STRING; } else { i = 1; } for (; i < stringArray.length; i++) { if (i + 1 == stringArray.length) { if (stringArray[i].matches(REGEX_FOR_SINGLE_LETTER) || stringArray[i].matches(REGEX_FOR_DIGITS_WITH_SINGLE_LETTER)) { ruleChecker = ruleChecker + stringArray[i].toLowerCase(); break; } } if (stringArray[i].matches(REGEX_FOR_FIRST_DIGIT)) { for (int j = 0; j < stringArray[i].length(); j++) { char letterCheck = stringArray[i].charAt(j); if (Character.isLetter(letterCheck)) { stringArray[i] = stringArray[i].substring(0, j) + stringArray[i].substring(j, j + 1).toUpperCase() + stringArray[i].substring(j + 1); break; } } ruleChecker = ruleChecker + stringArray[i]; } else { ruleChecker = ruleChecker + stringArray[i].substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + stringArray[i].substring(1); } } String ruleCheckerWithPrefix = addPrefix(ruleChecker, conflictResolver); return restrictConsecutiveCapitalCase(ruleCheckerWithPrefix); } /** * Resolves the conflict when input has upper case. * * @param stringArray containing strings for upper case conflict resolver * @param conflictResolver object of YANG to java naming conflict util * @return camel cased string */ private static String upperCaseConflictResolver(String[] stringArray, YangToJavaNamingConflictUtil conflictResolver) { for (int l = 0; l < stringArray.length; l++) { String[] upperCaseSplitArray = stringArray[l].split(REGEX_WITH_UPPERCASE); for (int m = 0; m < upperCaseSplitArray.length; m++) { if (upperCaseSplitArray[m].matches(REGEX_WITH_SINGLE_CAPITAL_CASE)) { int check = m; while (check + 1 < upperCaseSplitArray.length) { if (upperCaseSplitArray[check + 1].matches(REGEX_WITH_SINGLE_CAPITAL_CASE)) { upperCaseSplitArray[check + 1] = upperCaseSplitArray[check + 1].toLowerCase(); check = check + 1; } else if (upperCaseSplitArray[check + 1] .matches(REGEX_WITH_SINGLE_CAPITAL_CASE_AND_DIGITS_SMALL_CASES)) { upperCaseSplitArray[check + 1] = upperCaseSplitArray[check + 1].toLowerCase(); break; } else { break; } } } } StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (String element : upperCaseSplitArray) { strBuilder.append(element); } stringArray[l] = strBuilder.toString(); } List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (String element : stringArray) { String[] capitalCaseSplitArray = element.split(REGEX_WITH_UPPERCASE); for (String letter : capitalCaseSplitArray) { String[] arrayForAddition = letter.split(REGEX_WITH_DIGITS); List<String> list = Arrays.asList(arrayForAddition); for (String str : list) { if (str != null && !str.isEmpty()) { result.add(str); } } } } stringArray = result.toArray(new String[result.size()]); return applyCamelCaseRule(stringArray, conflictResolver); } /** * Returns the YANG identifier name as java identifier. * * @param yangIdentifier identifier in YANG file * @param conflictResolver object of YANG to java naming conflict util * @return corresponding java identifier */ public static String getCamelCase(String yangIdentifier, YangToJavaNamingConflictUtil conflictResolver) { if (conflictResolver != null) { String replacementForHyphen = conflictResolver.getReplacementForHyphen(); String replacementForPeriod = conflictResolver.getReplacementForPeriod(); String replacementForUnderscore = conflictResolver.getReplacementForUnderscore(); if (replacementForPeriod != null) { yangIdentifier = yangIdentifier.replaceAll(REGEX_FOR_PERIOD, PERIOD + replacementForPeriod.toLowerCase() + PERIOD); } if (replacementForUnderscore != null) { yangIdentifier = yangIdentifier.replaceAll(REGEX_FOR_UNDERSCORE, UNDER_SCORE + replacementForUnderscore.toLowerCase() + UNDER_SCORE); } if (replacementForHyphen != null) { yangIdentifier = yangIdentifier.replaceAll(REGEX_FOR_HYPHEN, HYPHEN + replacementForHyphen.toLowerCase() + HYPHEN); } } yangIdentifier = yangIdentifier.replaceAll(REGEX_FOR_IDENTIFIER_SPECIAL_CHAR, COLON); String[] strArray = yangIdentifier.split(COLON); if (strArray[0].isEmpty()) { List<String> stringArrangement = new ArrayList<>(); stringArrangement.addAll(Arrays.asList(strArray).subList(1, strArray.length)); strArray = stringArrangement.toArray(new String[stringArrangement.size()]); } return upperCaseConflictResolver(strArray, conflictResolver); } /** * Prefix for adding with identifier and namespace, when it is a java keyword or starting with digits. * * @param conflictResolver object of YANG to java naming conflict util * @return prefix which needs to be added */ public static String getPrefixForIdentifier(YangToJavaNamingConflictUtil conflictResolver) { String prefixForIdentifier = null; if (conflictResolver != null) { prefixForIdentifier = conflictResolver.getPrefixForIdentifier(); } if (prefixForIdentifier != null) { prefixForIdentifier = prefixForIdentifier.replaceAll(REGEX_WITH_ALL_SPECIAL_CHAR, COLON); String[] strArray = prefixForIdentifier.split(COLON); try { if (strArray[0].isEmpty()) { List<String> stringArrangement = new ArrayList<>(); stringArrangement.addAll(Arrays.asList(strArray).subList(1, strArray.length)); strArray = stringArrangement.toArray(new String[stringArrangement.size()]); } prefixForIdentifier = strArray[0]; for (int j = 1; j < strArray.length; j++) { prefixForIdentifier = prefixForIdentifier + strArray[j].substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + strArray[j].substring(1); } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException outOfBoundsException) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("The given prefix in pom.xml is invalid."); } } else { prefixForIdentifier = YANG_AUTO_PREFIX; } return prefixForIdentifier; } /** * Removes empty directory. * * @param path path to be checked */ public static void removeEmptyDirectory(String path) { int index; while (path != null && !path.isEmpty()) { if (!removeDirectory(path)) { break; } else { index = path.lastIndexOf(SLASH); path = path.substring(0, index); } } } private static boolean removeDirectory(String path) { File dir = new File(path); boolean isDeleted = false; if (dir.isDirectory()) { File[] files = dir.listFiles(); if (files != null && files.length == 0) { isDeleted = dir.delete(); } else if (files != null && files.length == 1) { if ("".equals(files[0].getName()) || files[0].getName().endsWith("-temp")) { isDeleted = dir.delete(); } } } return isDeleted; } /** * Converts string to integer number for maven version. * * @param ver version * @return int value of version */ public static int getVersionValue(String ver) { String[] array = ver.split(Pattern.quote(PERIOD)); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (String str : array) { builder.append(str); } return parseInt(builder.toString()); } }