Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016-present Open Networking Laboratory * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.onosproject.yang.compiler.translator.tojava.utils; import org.hamcrest.core.Is; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException; import org.onosproject.yang.compiler.datamodel.YangRevision; import org.onosproject.yang.compiler.translator.exception.TranslatorException; import org.onosproject.yang.compiler.utils.UtilConstants; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import static; import static; import static org.hamcrest.core.IsNot.not; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.translator.tojava.utils.JavaIdentifierSyntax.doesPackageExist; import static org.onosproject.yang.compiler.translator.tojava.utils.JavaIdentifierSyntax.getRootPackage; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; /** * Unit tests for java identifier syntax. */ public final class JavaIdentifierSyntaxTest { private static final String PARENT_PACKAGE = "test5/test6/test7"; private static final String CHILD_PACKAGE = "test1-test2-test3"; private static final String DATE1 = "2000-1-5"; private static final String DATE2 = "1992-01-25"; private static final String PARENT_WITH_PERIOD = "test5.test6.test7"; private static final String CHILD_WITH_PERIOD = "test1test2test3"; private static final String DATE_WITH_REV1 = "rev20000105"; private static final String DATE_WITH_REV2 = "rev19920125"; private static final String VERSION_NUMBER = "v1"; private static final String VALID_PREFIX = "123add-prefix"; private static final String INVALID_PREFIX = "-*()&^&#$%"; private static final String INVALID_PREFIX1 = "abc~!@#$%^&*()_+}{:<>?`1234567890-=[]''|,./SS"; private static final String INVALID_NAME_SPACE_FOR_INVALID_PREFIX = "try:#test3:9case3"; private static final String INVALID_NAME_SPACE1 = "byte:#test2:9test3"; private static final String INVALID_NAME_SPACE2 = "const:#test2://9test3"; private static final String INVALID_NAME_SPACE3 = "CONST:TRY://9test3"; private static final String VALID_NAME_SPACE1 = "123addprefixbyte.test2.123addprefix9test3"; private static final String VALID_NAME_SPACE2 = "yangautoprefixconst.test2.yangautoprefix9test3"; private static final String VALID_NAME_SPACE3 = "abc1234567890ssconst.test2.abc1234567890ss9test3"; private static final String VALID_NAME_SPACE4 = "yangautoprefixconst.yangautoprefixtry.yangautoprefix9test3"; private static final String WITHOUT_CAMEL_CASE = "test-camel-case-identifier"; private static final String WITH_CAMEL_CASE = "testCamelCaseIdentifier"; private static final String WITHOUT_CAMEL_CASE1 = ".-_try-._-.123"; private static final String WITH_CAMEL_CASE1 = "try123"; private static final String WITHOUT_CAMEL_CASE2 = "_try"; private static final String WITH_CAMEL_CASE2 = "yangAutoPrefixTry"; private static final String WITHOUT_CAMEL_CASE3 = "-1-123g-123ga-a"; private static final String WITH_CAMEL_CASE3 = "yangAutoPrefix1123G123Gaa"; private static final String WITHOUT_CAMEL_CASE4 = "a-b-c-d-e-f-g-h"; private static final String WITH_CAMEL_CASE4 = "aBcDeFgh"; private static final String WITHOUT_CAMEL_CASE5 = "TestName"; private static final String WITH_CAMEL_CASE5 = "testName"; private static final String WITHOUT_CAMEL_CASE6 = "TEST-NAME"; private static final String WITH_CAMEL_CASE6 = "testName"; private static final String WITHOUT_CAMEL_CASE7 = "TESTNAME"; private static final String WITH_CAMEL_CASE7 = "testname"; private static final String WITHOUT_CAMEL_CASE8 = "TE-ST-NA-ME"; private static final String WITH_CAMEL_CASE8 = "teStNaMe"; private static final String WITHOUT_CAMEL_CASE9 = "TEST3NAME"; private static final String WITH_CAMEL_CASE9 = "test3Name"; private static final String WITHOUT_CAMEL_CASE10 = "TEST3"; private static final String WITH_CAMEL_CASE10 = "test3"; private static final String WITHOUT_CAMEL_CASE11 = "TEST3nAMe"; private static final String WITH_CAMEL_CASE11 = "test3Name"; private static final String WITHOUT_CAMEL_CASE12 = "TEST3name"; private static final String WITH_CAMEL_CASE12 = "test3Name"; private static final String WITHOUT_CAMEL_CASE13 = "t-RY"; private static final String WITH_CAMEL_CASE13 = "tRy"; private static final String WITHOUT_CAMEL_CASE14 = "TRY"; private static final String WITH_CAMEL_CASE14 = "yangAutoPrefixTry"; private static final String WITHOUT_CAPITAL = "test_this"; private static final String WITH_CAPITAL = "Test_this"; private static final String WITH_SMALL = "test_this"; private static final String WITH_CAMEL_CASE_WITH_PREFIX = "123addPrefixTry"; private static final String WITH_CAMEL_CASE_WITH_PREFIX1 = "abc1234567890Ss1123G123Gaa"; private static final String DATE_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd"; private static final String BASE_DIR_PKG = "target.UnitTestCase."; private static final String DIR_PATH = "exist1.exist2.exist3"; private static final String PKG_INFO = ""; private static SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT); private static YangToJavaNamingConflictUtil conflictResolver = new YangToJavaNamingConflictUtil(); @Rule public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none(); /** * Unit test for private constructor. * * @throws SecurityException if any security violation is observed. * @throws NoSuchMethodException if when the method is not found. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if there is illegal argument found. * @throws InstantiationException if instantiation is provoked for the * private constructor. * @throws IllegalAccessException if instance is provoked or a method is * provoked. * @throws InvocationTargetException when an exception occurs by the method * or constructor. */ @Test public void callPrivateConstructors() throws SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException, IllegalArgumentException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException { Class<?>[] classesToConstruct = { JavaIdentifierSyntax.class }; for (Class<?> clazz : classesToConstruct) { Constructor<?> constructor = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor(); constructor.setAccessible(true); assertThat(null, not(constructor.newInstance())); } } /** * Unit test for root package generation with revision complexity. */ @Test public void getRootPackageTest() throws ParseException { conflictResolver.setPrefixForIdentifier(null); String rootPackage = getRootPackage((byte) 1, CHILD_PACKAGE, getYangRevision(DATE1), conflictResolver); assertThat( rootPackage.equals(UtilConstants.DEFAULT_BASE_PKG + UtilConstants.PERIOD + VERSION_NUMBER + UtilConstants.PERIOD + CHILD_WITH_PERIOD + UtilConstants.PERIOD + DATE_WITH_REV1), is(true)); } /** * Unit test for root package generation with invalid prefix. */ @Test public void getRootPackageWithInvalidPrefix() throws TranslatorException, ParseException { thrown.expect(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.class); thrown.expectMessage("The given prefix in pom.xml is invalid."); conflictResolver.setPrefixForIdentifier(INVALID_PREFIX); String rootPackage1 = getRootPackage((byte) 1, INVALID_NAME_SPACE_FOR_INVALID_PREFIX, getYangRevision(DATE1), conflictResolver); } /** * Unit test for root package generation without complexity in revision. */ @Test public void getRootPackageWithRevTest() throws ParseException { Date date = simpleDateFormat.parse(DATE2); String rootPkgWithRev = getRootPackage((byte) 1, CHILD_PACKAGE, getYangRevision(DATE2), null); assertThat( rootPkgWithRev.equals(UtilConstants.DEFAULT_BASE_PKG + UtilConstants.PERIOD + VERSION_NUMBER + UtilConstants.PERIOD + CHILD_WITH_PERIOD + UtilConstants.PERIOD + DATE_WITH_REV2), is(true)); } /** * Unit test for capitalizing the incoming string. */ @Test public void getCapitalCaseTest() { String capitalCase = getCapitalCase(WITHOUT_CAPITAL); assertThat(capitalCase.equals(WITH_CAPITAL), is(true)); } /** * Unit test for getting the camel case for the received string. */ @Test public void getCamelCaseTest() { conflictResolver.setPrefixForIdentifier(null); String camelCase = getCamelCase(WITHOUT_CAMEL_CASE, conflictResolver); assertThat(camelCase.equals(WITH_CAMEL_CASE), is(true)); String camelCase1 = getCamelCase(WITHOUT_CAMEL_CASE1, conflictResolver); assertThat(camelCase1.equals(WITH_CAMEL_CASE1), is(true)); String camelCase2 = getCamelCase(WITHOUT_CAMEL_CASE2, conflictResolver); assertThat(camelCase2.equals(WITH_CAMEL_CASE2), is(true)); String camelCase3 = getCamelCase(WITHOUT_CAMEL_CASE3, conflictResolver); assertThat(camelCase3.equals(WITH_CAMEL_CASE3), is(true)); String camelCase4 = getCamelCase(WITHOUT_CAMEL_CASE4, conflictResolver); assertThat(camelCase4.equals(WITH_CAMEL_CASE4), is(true)); String camelCase5 = getCamelCase(WITHOUT_CAMEL_CASE5, conflictResolver); assertThat(camelCase5.equals(WITH_CAMEL_CASE5), is(true)); String camelCase6 = getCamelCase(WITHOUT_CAMEL_CASE6, conflictResolver); assertThat(camelCase6.equals(WITH_CAMEL_CASE6), is(true)); String camelCase7 = getCamelCase(WITHOUT_CAMEL_CASE7, conflictResolver); assertThat(camelCase7.equals(WITH_CAMEL_CASE7), is(true)); String camelCase8 = getCamelCase(WITHOUT_CAMEL_CASE8, conflictResolver); assertThat(camelCase8.equals(WITH_CAMEL_CASE8), is(true)); String camelCase9 = getCamelCase(WITHOUT_CAMEL_CASE9, conflictResolver); assertThat(camelCase9.equals(WITH_CAMEL_CASE9), is(true)); String camelCase10 = getCamelCase(WITHOUT_CAMEL_CASE10, conflictResolver); assertThat(camelCase10.equals(WITH_CAMEL_CASE10), is(true)); String camelCase11 = getCamelCase(WITHOUT_CAMEL_CASE11, conflictResolver); assertThat(camelCase11.equals(WITH_CAMEL_CASE11), is(true)); String camelCase12 = getCamelCase(WITHOUT_CAMEL_CASE12, conflictResolver); assertThat(camelCase12.equals(WITH_CAMEL_CASE12), is(true)); String camelCase13 = getCamelCase(WITHOUT_CAMEL_CASE13, conflictResolver); assertThat(camelCase13.equals(WITH_CAMEL_CASE13), is(true)); String camelCase14 = getCamelCase(WITHOUT_CAMEL_CASE14, conflictResolver); assertThat(camelCase14.equals(WITH_CAMEL_CASE14), is(true)); } /** * Unit test for getting the camel case along with the prefix provided. */ @Test public void getCamelCaseWithPrefixTest() { conflictResolver.setPrefixForIdentifier(VALID_PREFIX); String camelCase = getCamelCase(WITHOUT_CAMEL_CASE2, conflictResolver); assertThat(camelCase.equals(WITH_CAMEL_CASE_WITH_PREFIX), is(true)); conflictResolver.setPrefixForIdentifier(INVALID_PREFIX1); String camelCase2 = getCamelCase(WITHOUT_CAMEL_CASE3, conflictResolver); assertThat(camelCase2.equals(WITH_CAMEL_CASE_WITH_PREFIX1), is(true)); } /** * Unit test for getting the camel case along with the invalid prefix provided. */ @Test public void getCamelCaseWithInvalidPrefixTest() throws TranslatorException { thrown.expect(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.class); thrown.expectMessage("The given prefix in pom.xml is invalid."); conflictResolver.setPrefixForIdentifier(INVALID_PREFIX); String camelCase = getCamelCase(WITHOUT_CAMEL_CASE3, conflictResolver); } /** * Unit test for getting the camel case for the received string. */ @Test public void getSmallCaseTest() { String smallCase = getSmallCase(WITHOUT_CAPITAL); assertThat(smallCase.equals(WITH_SMALL), is(true)); } /** * Unit test for getting the camel case for the received string. */ @Test public void getPackageFromPathTest() { String pkg = getJavaPackageFromPackagePath(PARENT_PACKAGE); assertThat(pkg.equals(PARENT_WITH_PERIOD), is(true)); } /** * Unit test for getting the camel case for the received string. */ @Test public void getPathFromPackageTest() { String path = getPackageDirPathFromJavaJPackage(PARENT_WITH_PERIOD); assertThat(path.equals(PARENT_PACKAGE), is(true)); } /** * This test case checks whether the package is existing. * * @throws IOException when failed to create a test file */ @Test public void packageExistTest() throws IOException { String strPath = BASE_DIR_PKG + DIR_PATH; File createDir = new File(strPath.replace(UtilConstants.PERIOD, UtilConstants.SLASH)); createDir.mkdirs(); File createFile = new File(createDir + UtilConstants.SLASH + PKG_INFO); createFile.createNewFile(); assertThat(true,; createDir.delete(); deleteDirectory(createDir); deleteDirectory(new File(BASE_DIR_PKG.replace(UtilConstants.PERIOD, UtilConstants.SLASH))); } private YangRevision getYangRevision(String date) { YangRevision revision = new YangRevision(); try { revision.setRevDate(simpleDateFormat.parse(date)); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return revision; } }