Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.onosproject.t3.cli; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import org.onlab.packet.EthType; import org.onlab.packet.IpPrefix; import org.onlab.packet.VlanId; import org.onosproject.cli.AbstractShellCommand; import; import; import; import; import; import org.onosproject.t3.api.StaticPacketTrace; import org.onosproject.t3.api.TroubleshootService; import org.onosproject.t3.impl.Generator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * Starts a Static Packet Trace for all the multicast routes in the system and prints the result. */ @Command(scope = "onos", name = "t3-troubleshoot-mcast", description = "Traces all the mcast routes present in the system") public class TroubleshootMcastCommand extends AbstractShellCommand { @Option(name = "-v", aliases = "--verbose", description = "Outputs trace for each mcast route") private boolean verbosity1 = false; @Option(name = "-vv", aliases = "--veryverbose", description = "Outputs middle level details of every trace") private boolean verbosity2 = false; @Option(name = "-vvv", aliases = "--veryveryverbose", description = "Outputs complete details of every trace") private boolean verbosity3 = false; @Option(name = "-vid", aliases = "--vlanId", description = "Vlan of incoming packet", valueToShowInHelp = "None") String vlan = "None"; @Override protected void execute() { TroubleshootService service = get(TroubleshootService.class); print("Tracing all Multicast routes in the System"); //Create the generator for the list of traces. VlanId vlanId = vlan == null || vlan.isEmpty() ? VlanId.NONE : VlanId.vlanId(vlan); Generator<Set<StaticPacketTrace>> generator = service.traceMcast(vlanId); int totalTraces = 0; List<StaticPacketTrace> failedTraces = new ArrayList<>(); StaticPacketTrace previousTrace = null; while (generator.iterator().hasNext()) { totalTraces++; //Print also Route if possible or packet Set<StaticPacketTrace> traces = generator.iterator().next(); if (!verbosity1 && !verbosity2 && !verbosity3) { for (StaticPacketTrace trace : traces) { previousTrace = printTrace(previousTrace, trace); if (!trace.isSuccess()) { print("Failure: %s", trace.resultMessage()); failedTraces.add(trace); } else { print("Success"); } } } else { traces.forEach(trace -> { print("Tracing packet: %s", trace.getInitialPacket()); print("%s", T3CliUtils.printTrace(trace, verbosity2, verbosity3)); print("%s", StringUtils.rightPad("", 125, '-')); }); } } if (!verbosity1 && !verbosity2 && !verbosity3) { if (failedTraces.size() != 0) { print("%s", StringUtils.rightPad("", 125, '-')); print("Failed Traces: %s", failedTraces.size()); } previousTrace = null; for (StaticPacketTrace trace : failedTraces) { previousTrace = printTrace(previousTrace, trace); print("Failure: %s", trace.resultMessage()); } print("%s", StringUtils.rightPad("", 125, '-')); print("Summary"); print("Total Traces %s, errors %s", totalTraces, failedTraces.size()); print("%s", StringUtils.rightPad("", 125, '-')); } } private StaticPacketTrace printTrace(StaticPacketTrace previousTrace, StaticPacketTrace trace) { if (previousTrace == null || !previousTrace.equals(trace)) { print("%s", StringUtils.rightPad("", 125, '-')); previousTrace = trace; ConnectPoint initialConnectPoint = trace.getInitialConnectPoint(); TrafficSelector initialPacket = trace.getInitialPacket(); boolean isIPv4 = ((EthTypeCriterion) initialPacket.getCriterion(Criterion.Type.ETH_TYPE)).ethType() .equals(EthType.EtherType.IPV4.ethType()); IpPrefix group = ((IPCriterion) (isIPv4 ? trace.getInitialPacket().getCriterion(Criterion.Type.IPV4_DST) : trace.getInitialPacket().getCriterion(Criterion.Type.IPV6_DST))).ip(); print("Source %s, group %s", initialConnectPoint, group); } StringBuilder destinations = new StringBuilder(); if (trace.getCompletePaths().size() > 1) { destinations.append("Sinks: "); } else { destinations.append("Sink: "); } trace.getCompletePaths().forEach(path -> { destinations.append(path.get(path.size() - 1) + " "); }); print("%s", destinations.toString()); return previousTrace; } }