Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016-present Open Networking Laboratory * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import io.atomix.copycat.server.Commit; import io.atomix.copycat.server.Snapshottable; import io.atomix.copycat.server.StateMachineExecutor; import io.atomix.copycat.server.session.ServerSession; import io.atomix.copycat.server.session.SessionListener; import; import; import io.atomix.resource.ResourceStateMachine; import org.onlab.util.Match; import; import; import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NavigableMap; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.function.Function; import; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static*; /** * State machine corresponding to {@link AtomixConsistentTreeMap} backed by a * {@link TreeMap}. */ public class AtomixConsistentTreeMapState extends ResourceStateMachine implements SessionListener, Snapshottable { private final Map<Long, Commit<? extends Listen>> listeners = Maps.newHashMap(); private TreeMap<String, TreeMapEntryValue> tree = Maps.newTreeMap(); private final Set<String> preparedKeys = Sets.newHashSet(); private AtomicLong versionCounter = new AtomicLong(0); private Function<Commit<SubMap>, NavigableMap<String, TreeMapEntryValue>> subMapFunction = this::subMap; private Function<Commit<FirstKey>, String> firstKeyFunction = this::firstKey; private Function<Commit<LastKey>, String> lastKeyFunction = this::lastKey; private Function<Commit<HigherEntry>, Map.Entry<String, Versioned<byte[]>>> higherEntryFunction = this::higherEntry; private Function<Commit<FirstEntry>, Map.Entry<String, Versioned<byte[]>>> firstEntryFunction = this::firstEntry; private Function<Commit<LastEntry>, Map.Entry<String, Versioned<byte[]>>> lastEntryFunction = this::lastEntry; private Function<Commit<PollFirstEntry>, Map.Entry<String, Versioned<byte[]>>> pollFirstEntryFunction = this::pollFirstEntry; private Function<Commit<PollLastEntry>, Map.Entry<String, Versioned<byte[]>>> pollLastEntryFunction = this::pollLastEntry; private Function<Commit<LowerEntry>, Map.Entry<String, Versioned<byte[]>>> lowerEntryFunction = this::lowerEntry; private Function<Commit<LowerKey>, String> lowerKeyFunction = this::lowerKey; private Function<Commit<FloorEntry>, Map.Entry<String, Versioned<byte[]>>> floorEntryFunction = this::floorEntry; private Function<Commit<CeilingEntry>, Map.Entry<String, Versioned<byte[]>>> ceilingEntryFunction = this::ceilingEntry; private Function<Commit<FloorKey>, String> floorKeyFunction = this::floorKey; private Function<Commit<CeilingKey>, String> ceilingKeyFunction = this::ceilingKey; private Function<Commit<HigherKey>, String> higherKeyFunction = this::higherKey; public AtomixConsistentTreeMapState(Properties properties) { super(properties); } @Override public void snapshot(SnapshotWriter writer) { writer.writeLong(versionCounter.get()); } @Override public void install(SnapshotReader reader) { versionCounter = new AtomicLong(reader.readLong()); } @Override public void configure(StateMachineExecutor executor) { // Listeners executor.register(Listen.class, this::listen); executor.register(Unlisten.class, this::unlisten); // Queries executor.register(ContainsKey.class, this::containsKey); executor.register(ContainsValue.class, this::containsValue); executor.register(EntrySet.class, this::entrySet); executor.register(Get.class, this::get); executor.register(IsEmpty.class, this::isEmpty); executor.register(KeySet.class, this::keySet); executor.register(Size.class, this::size); executor.register(Values.class, this::values); executor.register(SubMap.class, subMapFunction); executor.register(FirstKey.class, firstKeyFunction); executor.register(LastKey.class, lastKeyFunction); executor.register(FirstEntry.class, firstEntryFunction); executor.register(LastEntry.class, lastEntryFunction); executor.register(PollFirstEntry.class, pollFirstEntryFunction); executor.register(PollLastEntry.class, pollLastEntryFunction); executor.register(LowerEntry.class, lowerEntryFunction); executor.register(LowerKey.class, lowerKeyFunction); executor.register(FloorEntry.class, floorEntryFunction); executor.register(FloorKey.class, floorKeyFunction); executor.register(CeilingEntry.class, ceilingEntryFunction); executor.register(CeilingKey.class, ceilingKeyFunction); executor.register(HigherEntry.class, higherEntryFunction); executor.register(HigherKey.class, higherKeyFunction); // Commands executor.register(UpdateAndGet.class, this::updateAndGet); executor.register(Clear.class, this::clear); } @Override public void delete() { listeners.values().forEach(Commit::close); listeners.clear(); tree.values().forEach(TreeMapEntryValue::discard); tree.clear(); } protected boolean containsKey(Commit<? extends ContainsKey> commit) { try { return toVersioned(tree.get((commit.operation().key()))) != null; } finally { commit.close(); } } protected boolean containsValue(Commit<? extends ContainsValue> commit) { try { Match<byte[]> valueMatch = Match.ifValue(commit.operation().value()); return tree.values().stream().anyMatch(value -> valueMatch.matches(value.value())); } finally { commit.close(); } } protected Versioned<byte[]> get(Commit<? extends Get> commit) { try { return toVersioned(tree.get(commit.operation().key())); } finally { commit.close(); } } protected int size(Commit<? extends Size> commit) { try { return tree.size(); } finally { commit.close(); } } protected boolean isEmpty(Commit<? extends IsEmpty> commit) { try { return tree.isEmpty(); } finally { commit.close(); } } protected Set<String> keySet(Commit<? extends KeySet> commit) { try { return tree.keySet().stream().collect(Collectors.toSet()); } finally { commit.close(); } } protected Collection<Versioned<byte[]>> values(Commit<? extends Values> commit) { try { return tree.values().stream().map(this::toVersioned).collect(Collectors.toList()); } finally { commit.close(); } } protected Set<Map.Entry<String, Versioned<byte[]>>> entrySet(Commit<? extends EntrySet> commit) { try { return tree.entrySet().stream().map(e -> Maps.immutableEntry(e.getKey(), toVersioned(e.getValue()))) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); } finally { commit.close(); } } protected MapEntryUpdateResult<String, byte[]> updateAndGet(Commit<? extends UpdateAndGet> commit) { Status updateStatus = validate(commit.operation()); String key = commit.operation().key(); TreeMapEntryValue oldCommitValue = tree.get(commit.operation().key()); Versioned<byte[]> oldTreeValue = toVersioned(oldCommitValue); if (updateStatus != Status.OK) { commit.close(); return new MapEntryUpdateResult<>(updateStatus, "", key, oldTreeValue, oldTreeValue); } byte[] newValue = commit.operation().value(); long newVersion = versionCounter.incrementAndGet(); Versioned<byte[]> newTreeValue = newValue == null ? null : new Versioned<byte[]>(newValue, newVersion); MapEvent.Type updateType = newValue == null ? MapEvent.Type.REMOVE : oldCommitValue == null ? MapEvent.Type.INSERT : MapEvent.Type.UPDATE; if (updateType == MapEvent.Type.REMOVE || updateType == MapEvent.Type.UPDATE) { tree.remove(key); oldCommitValue.discard(); } if (updateType == MapEvent.Type.INSERT || updateType == MapEvent.Type.UPDATE) { tree.put(key, new NonTransactionalCommit(newVersion, commit)); } else { commit.close(); } publish(Lists.newArrayList(new MapEvent<>("", key, newTreeValue, oldTreeValue))); return new MapEntryUpdateResult<>(updateStatus, "", key, oldTreeValue, newTreeValue); } protected Status clear(Commit<? extends Clear> commit) { try { Iterator<Map.Entry<String, TreeMapEntryValue>> iterator = tree.entrySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, TreeMapEntryValue> entry =; String key = entry.getKey(); TreeMapEntryValue value = entry.getValue(); Versioned<byte[]> removedValue = new Versioned<byte[]>(value.value(), value.version()); publish(Lists.newArrayList(new MapEvent<>("", key, null, removedValue))); value.discard(); iterator.remove(); } return Status.OK; } finally { commit.close(); } } protected void listen(Commit<? extends Listen> commit) { Long sessionId = commit.session().id(); listeners.put(sessionId, commit); commit.session().onStateChange(state -> { if (state == ServerSession.State.CLOSED || state == ServerSession.State.EXPIRED) { Commit<? extends Listen> listener = listeners.remove(sessionId); if (listener != null) { listener.close(); } } }); } protected void unlisten(Commit<? extends Unlisten> commit) { try { Commit<? extends AtomixConsistentTreeMapCommands.Listen> listener = listeners.remove(commit.session()); if (listener != null) { listener.close(); } } finally { commit.close(); } } private Status validate(UpdateAndGet update) { TreeMapEntryValue existingValue = tree.get(update.key()); if (existingValue == null && update.value() == null) { return Status.NOOP; } if (preparedKeys.contains(update.key())) { return Status.WRITE_LOCK; } byte[] existingRawValue = existingValue == null ? null : existingValue.value(); Long existingVersion = existingValue == null ? null : existingValue.version(); return update.valueMatch().matches(existingRawValue) && update.versionMatch().matches(existingVersion) ? Status.OK : Status.PRECONDITION_FAILED; } protected NavigableMap<String, TreeMapEntryValue> subMap(Commit<? extends SubMap> commit) { //Do not support this until lazy communication is possible. At present // it transmits up to the entire map. try { SubMap<String, TreeMapEntryValue> subMap = commit.operation(); return tree.subMap(subMap.fromKey(), subMap.isInclusiveFrom(), subMap.toKey(), subMap.isInclusiveTo()); } finally { commit.close(); } } protected String firstKey(Commit<? extends FirstKey> commit) { try { if (tree.isEmpty()) { return null; } return tree.firstKey(); } finally { commit.close(); } } protected String lastKey(Commit<? extends LastKey> commit) { try { return tree.isEmpty() ? null : tree.lastKey(); } finally { commit.close(); } } protected Map.Entry<String, Versioned<byte[]>> higherEntry(Commit<? extends HigherEntry> commit) { try { if (tree.isEmpty()) { return null; } return toVersionedEntry(tree.higherEntry(commit.operation().key())); } finally { commit.close(); } } protected Map.Entry<String, Versioned<byte[]>> firstEntry(Commit<? extends FirstEntry> commit) { try { if (tree.isEmpty()) { return null; } return toVersionedEntry(tree.firstEntry()); } finally { commit.close(); } } protected Map.Entry<String, Versioned<byte[]>> lastEntry(Commit<? extends LastEntry> commit) { try { if (tree.isEmpty()) { return null; } return toVersionedEntry(tree.lastEntry()); } finally { commit.close(); } } protected Map.Entry<String, Versioned<byte[]>> pollFirstEntry(Commit<? extends PollFirstEntry> commit) { try { return toVersionedEntry(tree.pollFirstEntry()); } finally { commit.close(); } } protected Map.Entry<String, Versioned<byte[]>> pollLastEntry(Commit<? extends PollLastEntry> commit) { try { return toVersionedEntry(tree.pollLastEntry()); } finally { commit.close(); } } protected Map.Entry<String, Versioned<byte[]>> lowerEntry(Commit<? extends LowerEntry> commit) { try { return toVersionedEntry(tree.lowerEntry(commit.operation().key())); } finally { commit.close(); } } protected String lowerKey(Commit<? extends LowerKey> commit) { try { return tree.lowerKey(commit.operation().key()); } finally { commit.close(); } } protected Map.Entry<String, Versioned<byte[]>> floorEntry(Commit<? extends FloorEntry> commit) { try { return toVersionedEntry(tree.floorEntry(commit.operation().key())); } finally { commit.close(); } } protected String floorKey(Commit<? extends FloorKey> commit) { try { return tree.floorKey(commit.operation().key()); } finally { commit.close(); } } protected Map.Entry<String, Versioned<byte[]>> ceilingEntry(Commit<CeilingEntry> commit) { try { return toVersionedEntry(tree.ceilingEntry(commit.operation().key())); } finally { commit.close(); } } protected String ceilingKey(Commit<CeilingKey> commit) { try { return tree.ceilingKey(commit.operation().key()); } finally { commit.close(); } } protected String higherKey(Commit<HigherKey> commit) { try { return tree.higherKey(commit.operation().key()); } finally { commit.close(); } } private Versioned<byte[]> toVersioned(TreeMapEntryValue value) { return value == null ? null : new Versioned<byte[]>(value.value(), value.version()); } private Map.Entry<String, Versioned<byte[]>> toVersionedEntry(Map.Entry<String, TreeMapEntryValue> entry) { //FIXME is this the best type of entry to return? return entry == null ? null : new SimpleImmutableEntry<>(entry.getKey(), toVersioned(entry.getValue())); } private void publish(List<MapEvent<String, byte[]>> events) { listeners.values() .forEach(commit -> commit.session().publish(AtomixConsistentTreeMap.CHANGE_SUBJECT, events)); } @Override public void register(ServerSession session) { } @Override public void unregister(ServerSession session) { closeListener(; } @Override public void expire(ServerSession session) { closeListener(; } @Override public void close(ServerSession session) { closeListener(; } private void closeListener(Long sessionId) { Commit<? extends Listen> commit = listeners.remove(sessionId); if (commit != null) { commit.close(); } } private interface TreeMapEntryValue { byte[] value(); long version(); void discard(); } private class NonTransactionalCommit implements TreeMapEntryValue { private final long version; private final Commit<? extends UpdateAndGet> commit; public NonTransactionalCommit(long version, Commit<? extends UpdateAndGet> commit) { this.version = version; this.commit = commit; } @Override public byte[] value() { return commit.operation().value(); } @Override public long version() { return version; } @Override public void discard() { commit.close(); } } }