Source code

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 * Copyright 2015-present Open Networking Foundation
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.onosproject.openflow.controller.impl;

import static org.onlab.util.Tools.groupedThreads;

import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException;
import org.onlab.packet.IpAddress;
import org.onosproject.openflow.controller.Dpid;
import org.onosproject.openflow.controller.OpenFlowSession;
import org.onosproject.openflow.controller.driver.OpenFlowSwitchDriver;
import org.onosproject.openflow.controller.driver.SwitchStateException;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.exceptions.OFParseError;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFAsyncGetReply;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFBadRequestCode;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFBarrierReply;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFBarrierRequest;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFDescStatsReply;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFDescStatsRequest;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFEchoReply;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFEchoRequest;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFErrorMsg;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFErrorType;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFExperimenter;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFFactories;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFFactory;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFFeaturesReply;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFFlowModFailedCode;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFFlowRemoved;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFGetConfigReply;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFGetConfigRequest;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFHello;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFHelloElem;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFMessage;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFMeterFeaturesStatsReply;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFMeterFeaturesStatsRequest;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFPacketIn;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFPortDescStatsReply;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFPortDescStatsRequest;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFPortStatus;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFQueueGetConfigReply;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFRoleReply;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFSetConfig;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFStatsReply;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFStatsReplyFlags;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFStatsType;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFType;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFVersion;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.errormsg.OFBadRequestErrorMsg;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.errormsg.OFFlowModFailedErrorMsg;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.U32;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import io.netty.handler.timeout.IdleStateEvent;
import io.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutException;
import io.netty.util.ReferenceCountUtil;

 * Channel handler deals with the switch connection and dispatches
 * switch messages to the appropriate locations.
class OFChannelHandler extends ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter implements OpenFlowSession {

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OFChannelHandler.class);

    private static final String RESET_BY_PEER = "Connection reset by peer";
    private static final String BROKEN_PIPE = "Broken pipe";

    private final Controller controller;
    private OpenFlowSwitchDriver sw;
    private long thisdpid; // channelHandler cached value of connected switch id

    private Channel channel;
    private String channelId;

    // State needs to be volatile because the HandshakeTimeoutHandler
    // needs to check if the handshake is complete
    private volatile ChannelState state;

     * Timeout in ms to wait for meter feature reply.
    private static final long METER_TIMEOUT = 60_000;

    private volatile long lastStateChange = System.currentTimeMillis();

    // When a switch with a duplicate dpid is found (i.e we already have a
    // connected switch with the same dpid), the new switch is immediately
    // disconnected. At that point netty callsback channelDisconnected() which
    // proceeds to cleaup switch state - we need to ensure that it does not cleanup
    // switch state for the older (still connected) switch
    private volatile Boolean duplicateDpidFound;

    // Temporary storage for switch-features and port-description
    private OFFeaturesReply featuresReply;
    private List<OFPortDescStatsReply> portDescReplies;
    private OFMeterFeaturesStatsReply meterFeaturesReply;
    //private OFPortDescStatsReply portDescReply;
    // a concurrent ArrayList to temporarily store port status messages
    // before we are ready to deal with them
    private final CopyOnWriteArrayList<OFPortStatus> pendingPortStatusMsg;

    //Indicates the openflow version used by this switch
    protected OFVersion ofVersion;
    protected OFFactory factory;

    // deprecated in 1.10.0
    protected OFFactory factory13;
    // deprecated in 1.10.0
    protected OFFactory factory10;

    /** transaction Ids to use during handshake. Since only one thread
     * calls into an OFChannelHandler instance, we don't need atomic.
     * We will count down
    private int handshakeTransactionIds = -1;

    private static final int MSG_READ_BUFFER = 5000;

     * OFMessage dispatch queue.
    private final BlockingQueue<OFMessage> dispatchQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(MSG_READ_BUFFER);

     * Single thread executor for OFMessage dispatching.
     * Gets initialized on channelActive, shutdown on channelInactive.
    private ExecutorService dispatcher;

     * Handle for dispatcher thread.
     * <p>
     * Should only be touched from the Channel I/O thread
    private Future<?> dispatcherHandle = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);

     * Dispatch backlog.
     * <p>
     * Should only be touched from the Channel I/O thread
    private final Deque<OFMessage> dispatchBacklog = new ArrayDeque<>();

     * Create a new unconnected OFChannelHandler.
     * @param controller parent controller
    OFChannelHandler(Controller controller) {

        this.controller = controller;
        this.state = ChannelState.INIT;
        this.pendingPortStatusMsg = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
        this.portDescReplies = new ArrayList<>();
        factory13 = OFFactories.getFactory(OFVersion.OF_13);
        factory10 = OFFactories.getFactory(OFVersion.OF_10);
        duplicateDpidFound = Boolean.FALSE;

    // XXX S consider if necessary
    public void disconnectSwitch() {

    //  Channel State Machine

     * The state machine for handling the switch/channel state. All state
     * transitions should happen from within the state machine (and not from other
     * parts of the code)
    enum ChannelState {
         * Initial state before channel is connected.
        INIT(false) {
            void processOFMessage(OFChannelHandler h, OFMessage m) throws IOException, SwitchStateException {
                illegalMessageReceived(h, m);

            void processOFError(OFChannelHandler h, OFErrorMsg m) throws IOException {
                // need to implement since its abstract but it will never
                // be called

            void processOFPortStatus(OFChannelHandler h, OFPortStatus m) throws IOException {
                unhandledMessageReceived(h, m);

         * We send a OF 1.3 HELLO to the switch and wait for a Hello from the switch.
         * Once we receive the reply, we decide on OF 1.3 or 1.0 switch - no other
         * protocol version is accepted.
         * We send an OFFeaturesRequest depending on the protocol version selected
         * Next state is WAIT_FEATURES_REPLY
        WAIT_HELLO(false) {
            void processOFHello(OFChannelHandler h, OFHello m) throws IOException {
                // TODO We could check for the optional bitmap, but for now
                // we are just checking the version number.
                if (m.getVersion().getWireVersion() >= OFVersion.OF_13.getWireVersion()) {
                    log.debug("Received {} Hello from {} - switching to OF " + "version 1.3+", m.getVersion(),
                    h.ofVersion = m.getVersion();
                    h.factory = OFFactories.getFactory(h.ofVersion);
                } else if (m.getVersion().getWireVersion() >= OFVersion.OF_10.getWireVersion()) {
                    log.debug("Received {} Hello from {} - switching to OF " + "version 1.0", m.getVersion(),
                    h.ofVersion = m.getVersion();
                    h.factory = OFFactories.getFactory(h.ofVersion);
                    OFHello hi = h.factory.buildHello().setXid(h.handshakeTransactionIds--).build();
                } else {
                    log.error("Received Hello of version {} from switch at {}. "
                            + "This controller works with OF1.0 and OF1.3 " + "switches. Disconnecting switch ...",

            void processOFFeaturesReply(OFChannelHandler h, OFFeaturesReply m)
                    throws IOException, SwitchStateException {
                illegalMessageReceived(h, m);

            void processOFStatisticsReply(OFChannelHandler h, OFStatsReply m)
                    throws IOException, SwitchStateException {
                illegalMessageReceived(h, m);

            void processOFError(OFChannelHandler h, OFErrorMsg m) {
                logErrorDisconnect(h, m);

            void processOFPortStatus(OFChannelHandler h, OFPortStatus m) throws IOException {
                unhandledMessageReceived(h, m);

         * We are waiting for a features reply message. Once we receive it, the
         * behavior depends on whether this is a 1.0 or 1.3 switch. For 1.0,
         * we send a SetConfig request, barrier, and GetConfig request and the
         * next state is WAIT_CONFIG_REPLY. For 1.3, we send a Port description
         * request and the next state is WAIT_PORT_DESC_REPLY.
        WAIT_FEATURES_REPLY(false) {
            void processOFFeaturesReply(OFChannelHandler h, OFFeaturesReply m) throws IOException {
                h.thisdpid = m.getDatapathId().getLong();
                log.debug("Received features reply for switch at {} with dpid {}", h.getSwitchInfoString(),

                h.featuresReply = m; //temp store
                if (h.ofVersion == OFVersion.OF_10) {
                } else {
                    //version is 1.3, must get switchport information

            void processOFStatisticsReply(OFChannelHandler h, OFStatsReply m)
                    throws IOException, SwitchStateException {
                illegalMessageReceived(h, m);

            void processOFError(OFChannelHandler h, OFErrorMsg m) {
                logErrorDisconnect(h, m);

            void processOFPortStatus(OFChannelHandler h, OFPortStatus m) throws IOException {

         * We are waiting for a description of the 1.3 switch ports.
         * Once received, we send a SetConfig request
         * Next State is WAIT_CONFIG_REPLY
        WAIT_PORT_DESC_REPLY(false) {

            void processOFStatisticsReply(OFChannelHandler h, OFStatsReply m) throws SwitchStateException {
                // Read port description
                if (m.getStatsType() != OFStatsType.PORT_DESC) {
                    log.warn("Expecting port description stats but received stats "
                            + "type {} from {}. Ignoring ...", m.getStatsType(),;
                if (m.getFlags().contains(OFStatsReplyFlags.REPLY_MORE)) {
                    log.debug("Stats reply indicates more stats from sw {} for " + "port description",
                    h.portDescReplies.add((OFPortDescStatsReply) m);
                } else {
                    h.portDescReplies.add((OFPortDescStatsReply) m);
                //h.portDescReply = (OFPortDescStatsReply) m; // temp store
      "Received port desc reply for switch at {}", h.getSwitchInfoString());
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    log.error("Unable to send setConfig after PortDescReply. " + "Error: {}", e.getMessage());

            void processOFError(OFChannelHandler h, OFErrorMsg m) throws IOException, SwitchStateException {
                logErrorDisconnect(h, m);


            void processOFPortStatus(OFChannelHandler h, OFPortStatus m) throws IOException, SwitchStateException {


         * We are waiting for a config reply message. Once we receive it
         * we send a DescriptionStatsRequest to the switch.
         * Next state: WAIT_DESCRIPTION_STAT_REPLY
        WAIT_CONFIG_REPLY(false) {
            void processOFGetConfigReply(OFChannelHandler h, OFGetConfigReply m) throws IOException {
                if (m.getMissSendLen() == 0xffff) {
                    log.trace("Config Reply from switch {} confirms " + "miss length set to 0xffff",
                } else {
                    // FIXME: we can't really deal with switches that don't send
                    // full packets. Shouldn't we drop the connection here?
                    log.warn("Config Reply from switch {} has " + "miss length set to {}", h.getSwitchInfoString(),


             * Transition to next state based on OF version.
             * @param h current channel handler
             * @throws IOException
            private void nextState(OFChannelHandler h) throws IOException {
                if (h.ofVersion.getWireVersion() >= OFVersion.OF_13.getWireVersion()) {
                    // Meters were introduced in OpenFlow 1.3
                } else {

            void processOFBarrierReply(OFChannelHandler h, OFBarrierReply m) {
                // do nothing;

            void processOFFeaturesReply(OFChannelHandler h, OFFeaturesReply m)
                    throws IOException, SwitchStateException {
                illegalMessageReceived(h, m);

            void processOFStatisticsReply(OFChannelHandler h, OFStatsReply m)
                    throws IOException, SwitchStateException {
                log.error("Received multipart(stats) message sub-type {}", m.getStatsType());
                illegalMessageReceived(h, m);

            void processOFError(OFChannelHandler h, OFErrorMsg m) {
                if (m.getErrType() == OFErrorType.BAD_REQUEST) {
                    OFBadRequestErrorMsg badRequest = (OFBadRequestErrorMsg) m;
                    if (badRequest.getCode() == OFBadRequestCode.BAD_TYPE) {
                        log.debug("{} does not support GetConfig, moving on", h.getSwitchInfoString());
                        try {
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                            log.error("Exception thrown transitioning to next", e);
                            logErrorDisconnect(h, m);
                logErrorDisconnect(h, m);

            void processOFPortStatus(OFChannelHandler h, OFPortStatus m) throws IOException {

         * We are waiting for a OFDescriptionStat message from the switch.
         * Once we receive any stat message we try to parse it. If it's not
         * a description stats message we disconnect. If its the expected
         * description stats message, we:
         *    - use the switch driver to bind the switch and get an IOFSwitch instance
         *    - setup the IOFSwitch instance
         *    - add switch controller and send the initial role
         *      request to the switch.
         * Next state: WAIT_INITIAL_ROLE
         *      In the typical case, where switches support role request messages
         *      the next state is where we expect the role reply message.
         *      In the special case that where the switch does not support any kind
         *      of role request messages, we don't send a role message, but we do
         *      request mastership from the registry service. This controller
         *      should become master once we hear back from the registry service.
         * All following states will have a h.sw instance!
            void processOFStatisticsReply(OFChannelHandler h, OFStatsReply m) throws SwitchStateException {
                // Read description, if it has been updated
                if (m.getStatsType() != OFStatsType.DESC) {
                    log.warn("Expecting Description stats but received stats " + "type {} from {}. Ignoring ...",
                OFDescStatsReply drep = (OFDescStatsReply) m;
      "Received switch description reply {} from switch at {}", drep,;
                // Here is where we differentiate between different kinds of switches
                h.sw = h.controller.getOFSwitchInstance(h.thisdpid, drep, h.ofVersion);

                //                boolean success = h.sw.connectSwitch();
                //                if (!success) {
                //                    disconnectDuplicate(h);
                //                    return;
                //                }
                // set switch information

                log.debug("Switch {} bound to class {}, description {}", h.sw, h.sw.getClass(), drep);
                //Put switch in EQUAL mode until we hear back from the global registry
                //log.debug("Setting new switch {} to EQUAL and sending Role request",
                //        h.sw.getStringId());

                if (h.sw.isDriverHandshakeComplete()) {
                    if (!h.sw.connectSwitch()) {
                } else {


            void processOFError(OFChannelHandler h, OFErrorMsg m) {
                logErrorDisconnect(h, m);

            void processOFFeaturesReply(OFChannelHandler h, OFFeaturesReply m)
                    throws IOException, SwitchStateException {
                illegalMessageReceived(h, m);

            void processOFPortStatus(OFChannelHandler h, OFPortStatus m) throws IOException {

         * We are waiting for the respective switch driver to complete its
         * configuration. Notice that we do not consider this to be part of the main
         * switch-controller handshake. But we do consider it as a step that comes
         * before we declare the switch as available to the controller.
         * Next State: depends on the role of this controller for this switch - either
         * MASTER or EQUAL.

            void processOFError(OFChannelHandler h, OFErrorMsg m) throws IOException {
                // will never be called. We override processOFMessage

            void processOFMessage(OFChannelHandler h, OFMessage m) throws IOException, SwitchStateException {

                if (h.sw.isDriverHandshakeComplete()) {
                    h.state.processOFMessage(h, m);


                if (m.getType() == OFType.ECHO_REQUEST) {
                    processOFEchoRequest(h, (OFEchoRequest) m);
                } else if (m.getType() == OFType.ECHO_REPLY) {
                    processOFEchoReply(h, (OFEchoReply) m);
                } else if (m.getType() == OFType.ROLE_REPLY) {
                } else if (m.getType() == OFType.ERROR) {
                    if (!h.sw.handleRoleError((OFErrorMsg) m)) {
                        if (h.sw.isDriverHandshakeComplete()) {
                } else {
                    if (m.getType() == OFType.EXPERIMENTER
                            && ((OFExperimenter) m).getExperimenter() == RoleManager.NICIRA_EXPERIMENTER) {
                    } else {
                        if (h.sw.isDriverHandshakeComplete()) {

            void processOFPortStatus(OFChannelHandler h, OFPortStatus m) throws IOException, SwitchStateException {

            private void moveToActive(OFChannelHandler h) {
                boolean success = h.sw.connectSwitch();
                if (!success) {


         * We are expecting a OF Multi Part Meter Features Stats Reply.
         * Notice that this information is only available for switches running
         * OpenFlow 1.3

            void processOFEchoRequest(OFChannelHandler h, OFEchoRequest m) throws IOException {
                super.processOFEchoRequest(h, m);
                if (System.currentTimeMillis() - h.lastStateChange > METER_TIMEOUT) {
          "{} did not respond to MeterFeaturesRequest on time, " + "moving on without it.",

            void processOFError(OFChannelHandler h, OFErrorMsg m) throws IOException {
                // Hardware switches may reply OFErrorMsg if meter is not supported
                log.warn("Received OFError {}. It seems {} does not support Meter.", m.getErrType().name(),
                log.debug("{}", m);

            void processOFStatisticsReply(OFChannelHandler h, OFStatsReply m)
                    throws IOException, SwitchStateException {
                switch (m.getStatsType()) {
                case METER_FEATURES:

                    log.debug("Received Meter Features");
                    OFMeterFeaturesStatsReply ofmfsr = (OFMeterFeaturesStatsReply) m;
          "Received meter features from {} with max meters: {}", h.getSwitchInfoString(),
                    h.meterFeaturesReply = ofmfsr;
                    log.error("Unexpected OF Multi Part stats reply");
                    illegalMessageReceived(h, m);

            void processOFFeaturesReply(OFChannelHandler h, OFFeaturesReply m)
                    throws IOException, SwitchStateException {
                illegalMessageReceived(h, m);

            void processOFPortStatus(OFChannelHandler h, OFPortStatus m) throws IOException {

            void processIdle(OFChannelHandler h) throws IOException {
      "{} did not respond to MeterFeaturesRequest, " + "moving on without it.",

         * This controller is in MASTER role for this switch. We enter this state
         * after requesting and winning control from the global registry.
         * The main handshake as well as the switch-driver sub-handshake
         * is complete at this point.
         * // XXX S reconsider below
         * In the (near) future we may deterministically assign controllers to
         * switches at startup.
         * We only leave this state if the switch disconnects or
         * if we send a role request for SLAVE /and/ receive the role reply for
         * SLAVE.
        ACTIVE(true) {
            void processOFError(OFChannelHandler h, OFErrorMsg m) throws IOException, SwitchStateException {
                // if we get here, then the error message is for something else
                if (m.getErrType() == OFErrorType.BAD_REQUEST
                        && (((OFBadRequestErrorMsg) m).getCode() == OFBadRequestCode.EPERM
                                || ((OFBadRequestErrorMsg) m).getCode() == OFBadRequestCode.IS_SLAVE)) {
                    // We are the master controller and the switch returned
                    // a permission error. This is a likely indicator that
                    // the switch thinks we are slave. Reassert our
                    // role
                    // FIXME: this could be really bad during role transitions
                    // if two controllers are master (even if its only for
                    // a brief period). We might need to see if these errors
                    // persist before we reassert

                } else if (m.getErrType() == OFErrorType.FLOW_MOD_FAILED
                        && ((OFFlowModFailedErrorMsg) m).getCode() == OFFlowModFailedCode.ALL_TABLES_FULL) {
                } else {
                    logError(h, m);

            void processOFStatisticsReply(OFChannelHandler h, OFStatsReply m) {
                if (m.getStatsType().equals(OFStatsType.PORT_DESC)) {
                    h.sw.setPortDescReply((OFPortDescStatsReply) m);

            void processOFExperimenter(OFChannelHandler h, OFExperimenter m) throws SwitchStateException {

            void processOFRoleReply(OFChannelHandler h, OFRoleReply m) throws SwitchStateException {

            void processOFPortStatus(OFChannelHandler h, OFPortStatus m) throws SwitchStateException {
                handlePortStatusMessage(h, m, true);

            void processOFPacketIn(OFChannelHandler h, OFPacketIn m) {
                //                OFPacketOut out =
                //                        h.sw.factory().buildPacketOut()
                //                                .setXid(m.getXid())
                //                                .setBufferId(m.getBufferId()).build();
                //                h.sw.sendMsg(out);

            void processOFFlowRemoved(OFChannelHandler h, OFFlowRemoved m) {

            void processOFBarrierReply(OFChannelHandler h, OFBarrierReply m) {

            void processOFFeaturesReply(OFChannelHandler h, OFFeaturesReply m) {

            void processIdle(OFChannelHandler h) throws IOException {
      "{} idle", h.getSwitchInfoString());


        private final boolean handshakeComplete;

        ChannelState(boolean handshakeComplete) {
            this.handshakeComplete = handshakeComplete;

         * Is this a state in which the handshake has completed?
         * @return true if the handshake is complete
        public boolean isHandshakeComplete() {
            return handshakeComplete;

         * Get a string specifying the switch connection, state, and
         * message received. To be used as message for SwitchStateException
         * or log messages
         * @param h The channel handler (to get switch information_
         * @param m The OFMessage that has just been received
         * @param details A string giving more details about the exact nature
         * of the problem.
         * @return display string
        // needs to be protected because enum members are actually subclasses
        protected String getSwitchStateMessage(OFChannelHandler h, OFMessage m, String details) {
            return String.format("Switch: [%s], State: [%s], received: [%s]" + ", details: %s",
                    h.getSwitchInfoString(), this.toString(), m.getType().toString(), details);

         * We have an OFMessage we didn't expect given the current state and
         * we want to treat this as an error.
         * We currently throw an exception that will terminate the connection
         * However, we could be more forgiving
         * @param h the channel handler that received the message
         * @param m the message
         * @throws SwitchStateException we always throw the exception
        // needs to be protected because enum members are actually subclasses
        protected void illegalMessageReceived(OFChannelHandler h, OFMessage m) throws SwitchStateException {
            String msg = getSwitchStateMessage(h, m, "Switch should never send this message in the current state");
            throw new SwitchStateException(msg);


         * We have an OFMessage we didn't expect given the current state and
         * we want to ignore the message.
         * @param h the channel handler the received the message
         * @param m the message
        protected void unhandledMessageReceived(OFChannelHandler h, OFMessage m) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                String msg = getSwitchStateMessage(h, m, "Ignoring unexpected message");

         * Log an OpenFlow error message from a switch.
         * @param h The switch that sent the error
         * @param error The error message
        protected void logError(OFChannelHandler h, OFErrorMsg error) {
            log.error("{} from switch {} in state {}", error, h.getSwitchInfoString(), this);

         * Log an OpenFlow error message from a switch and disconnect the
         * channel.
         * @param h the IO channel for this switch.
         * @param error The error message
        protected void logErrorDisconnect(OFChannelHandler h, OFErrorMsg error) {
            logError(h, error);
            log.error("Disconnecting switch {}", h.getSwitchInfoString());

         * log an error message for a duplicate dpid and disconnect this channel.
         * @param h the IO channel for this switch.
        protected void disconnectDuplicate(OFChannelHandler h) {
            log.error("Duplicated dpid or incompleted cleanup - " + "disconnecting channel {}",
            h.duplicateDpidFound = Boolean.TRUE;

         * Handles all pending port status messages before a switch is declared
         * activated in MASTER or EQUAL role. Note that since this handling
         * precedes the activation (and therefore notification to IOFSwitchListerners)
         * the changes to ports will already be visible once the switch is
         * activated. As a result, no notifications are sent out for these
         * pending portStatus messages.
         * @param h the channel handler that received the message
        protected void handlePendingPortStatusMessages(OFChannelHandler h) {
            try {
                handlePendingPortStatusMessages(h, 0);
            } catch (SwitchStateException e) {

        private void handlePendingPortStatusMessages(OFChannelHandler h, int index) throws SwitchStateException {
            if (h.sw == null) {
                String msg = "State machine error: switch is null. Should never " + "happen";
                throw new SwitchStateException(msg);
  "Processing {} pending port status messages for {}", h.pendingPortStatusMsg.size(),

            ArrayList<OFPortStatus> temp = new ArrayList<>();
            for (OFPortStatus ps : h.pendingPortStatusMsg) {
                handlePortStatusMessage(h, ps, false);
            // expensive but ok - we don't expect too many port-status messages
            // note that we cannot use clear(), because of the reasons below
            // the iterator above takes a snapshot of the list - so while we were
            // dealing with the pending port-status messages, we could have received
            // newer ones. Handle them recursively, but break the recursion after
            // five steps to avoid an attack.
            if (!h.pendingPortStatusMsg.isEmpty() && ++index < 5) {
                handlePendingPortStatusMessages(h, index);

         * Handle a port status message.
         * Handle a port status message by updating the port maps in the
         * IOFSwitch instance and notifying Controller about the change so
         * it can dispatch a switch update.
         * @param h The OFChannelHhandler that received the message
         * @param m The PortStatus message we received
         * @param doNotify if true switch port changed events will be
         * dispatched
         * @throws SwitchStateException if the switch is not bound to the channel
        protected void handlePortStatusMessage(OFChannelHandler h, OFPortStatus m, boolean doNotify)
                throws SwitchStateException {
            if (h.sw == null) {
                String msg = getSwitchStateMessage(h, m,
                        "State machine error: switch is null. Should never " + "happen");
                throw new SwitchStateException(msg);


         * Process an OF message received on the channel and
         * update state accordingly.
         * The main "event" of the state machine. Process the received message,
         * send follow up message if required and update state if required.
         * Switches on the message type and calls more specific event handlers
         * for each individual OF message type. If we receive a message that
         * is supposed to be sent from a controller to a switch we throw
         * a SwitchStateExeption.
         * The more specific handlers can also throw SwitchStateExceptions
         * @param h The OFChannelHandler that received the message
         * @param m The message we received.
         * @throws SwitchStateException if the switch is not bound to the channel
         * @throws IOException if unable to send message back to the switch
        void processOFMessage(OFChannelHandler h, OFMessage m) throws IOException, SwitchStateException {
            switch (m.getType()) {
            case HELLO:
                processOFHello(h, (OFHello) m);
            case BARRIER_REPLY:
                processOFBarrierReply(h, (OFBarrierReply) m);
            case ECHO_REPLY:
                processOFEchoReply(h, (OFEchoReply) m);
            case ECHO_REQUEST:
                processOFEchoRequest(h, (OFEchoRequest) m);
            case ERROR:
                processOFError(h, (OFErrorMsg) m);
            case FEATURES_REPLY:
                processOFFeaturesReply(h, (OFFeaturesReply) m);
            case FLOW_REMOVED:
                processOFFlowRemoved(h, (OFFlowRemoved) m);
            case GET_CONFIG_REPLY:
                processOFGetConfigReply(h, (OFGetConfigReply) m);
            case PACKET_IN:
                processOFPacketIn(h, (OFPacketIn) m);
            case PORT_STATUS:
                processOFPortStatus(h, (OFPortStatus) m);
            case QUEUE_GET_CONFIG_REPLY:
                processOFQueueGetConfigReply(h, (OFQueueGetConfigReply) m);
            case STATS_REPLY: // multipart_reply in 1.3
                processOFStatisticsReply(h, (OFStatsReply) m);
            case EXPERIMENTER:
                processOFExperimenter(h, (OFExperimenter) m);
            case ROLE_REPLY:
                processOFRoleReply(h, (OFRoleReply) m);
            case GET_ASYNC_REPLY:
                processOFGetAsyncReply(h, (OFAsyncGetReply) m);

            // The following messages are sent to switches. The controller
            // should never receive them
            case SET_CONFIG:
            case GET_CONFIG_REQUEST:
            case PACKET_OUT:
            case PORT_MOD:
            case QUEUE_GET_CONFIG_REQUEST:
            case BARRIER_REQUEST:
            case STATS_REQUEST: // multipart request in 1.3
            case FEATURES_REQUEST:
            case FLOW_MOD:
            case GROUP_MOD:
            case TABLE_MOD:
            case GET_ASYNC_REQUEST:
            case SET_ASYNC:
            case METER_MOD:
                illegalMessageReceived(h, m);

         * Default implementation for message handlers in any state.
         * Individual states must override these if they want a behavior
         * that differs from the default.
         * In general, these handlers simply ignore the message and do
         * nothing.
         * There are some exceptions though, since some messages really
         * are handled the same way in every state (e.g., ECHO_REQUST) or
         * that are only valid in a single state (e.g., HELLO, GET_CONFIG_REPLY

        void processOFHello(OFChannelHandler h, OFHello m) throws IOException, SwitchStateException {
            // we only expect hello in the WAIT_HELLO state
            log.warn("Received Hello outside WAIT_HELLO state; switch {} is not complaint.",

        void processOFBarrierReply(OFChannelHandler h, OFBarrierReply m) throws IOException {
            // Silently ignore.

        void processOFEchoRequest(OFChannelHandler h, OFEchoRequest m) throws IOException {
            if (h.ofVersion == null) {
                log.error("No OF version set for {}. Not sending Echo REPLY",;
            OFEchoReply reply = h.factory.buildEchoReply().setXid(m.getXid()).setData(m.getData()).build();

        void processOFEchoReply(OFChannelHandler h, OFEchoReply m) throws IOException {
            // Do nothing with EchoReplies !!

        // no default implementation for OFError
        // every state must override it
        abstract void processOFError(OFChannelHandler h, OFErrorMsg m) throws IOException, SwitchStateException;

        void processOFFeaturesReply(OFChannelHandler h, OFFeaturesReply m)
                throws IOException, SwitchStateException {
            unhandledMessageReceived(h, m);

        void processOFFlowRemoved(OFChannelHandler h, OFFlowRemoved m) throws IOException {
            unhandledMessageReceived(h, m);

        void processOFGetConfigReply(OFChannelHandler h, OFGetConfigReply m)
                throws IOException, SwitchStateException {
            // we only expect config replies in the WAIT_CONFIG_REPLY state
            illegalMessageReceived(h, m);

        void processOFPacketIn(OFChannelHandler h, OFPacketIn m) throws IOException {
            unhandledMessageReceived(h, m);

        // no default implementation. Every state needs to handle it.
        abstract void processOFPortStatus(OFChannelHandler h, OFPortStatus m)
                throws IOException, SwitchStateException;

        void processOFQueueGetConfigReply(OFChannelHandler h, OFQueueGetConfigReply m) throws IOException {
            unhandledMessageReceived(h, m);

        void processOFStatisticsReply(OFChannelHandler h, OFStatsReply m) throws IOException, SwitchStateException {
            unhandledMessageReceived(h, m);

        void processOFExperimenter(OFChannelHandler h, OFExperimenter m) throws IOException, SwitchStateException {
            // TODO: it might make sense to parse the vendor message here
            // into the known vendor messages we support and then call more
            // specific event handlers
            unhandledMessageReceived(h, m);

        void processOFRoleReply(OFChannelHandler h, OFRoleReply m) throws SwitchStateException, IOException {
            unhandledMessageReceived(h, m);

        void processOFGetAsyncReply(OFChannelHandler h, OFAsyncGetReply m) {
            unhandledMessageReceived(h, m);

        void processIdle(OFChannelHandler h) throws IOException {
            // disconnect channel which did no complete handshake
            log.error("{} idle in state {}, disconnecting", h.getSwitchInfoString(), this);

    //  Channel handler methods

    public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception {

        channel =;"New switch connection from {}", channel.remoteAddress());

        SocketAddress address = channel.remoteAddress();
        if (address instanceof InetSocketAddress) {
            final InetSocketAddress inetAddress = (InetSocketAddress) address;
            final IpAddress ipAddress = IpAddress.valueOf(inetAddress.getAddress());
            if (ipAddress.isIp4()) {
                channelId = ipAddress.toString() + ':' + inetAddress.getPort();
            } else {
                channelId = '[' + ipAddress.toString() + "]:" + inetAddress.getPort();
        } else {
            channelId = channel.toString();

        dispatcher = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(groupedThreads("onos/of/dispatcher", channelId, log));

        hack to wait for the switch to tell us what it's
        max version is. This is not spec compliant and should
        be removed as soon as switches behave better.

    public void channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception {"Switch disconnected callback for sw:{}. Cleaning up ...", getSwitchInfoString());

        if (dispatcher != null) {

        if (thisdpid != 0) {
            if (!duplicateDpidFound) {
                // if the disconnected switch (on this ChannelHandler)
                // was not one with a duplicate-dpid, it is safe to remove all
                // state for it at the controller. Notice that if the disconnected
                // switch was a duplicate-dpid, calling the method below would clear
                // all state for the original switch (with the same dpid),
                // which we obviously don't want.
      "{}:removal called", getSwitchInfoString());
                if (sw != null) {
            } else {
                // A duplicate was disconnected on this ChannelHandler,
                // this is the same switch reconnecting, but the original state was
                // not cleaned up - XXX check liveness of original ChannelHandler
      "{}:duplicate found", getSwitchInfoString());
                duplicateDpidFound = Boolean.FALSE;
        } else {
            log.warn("no dpid in channelHandler registered for " + "disconnected switch {}", getSwitchInfoString());

    public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Throwable cause) throws Exception {

        if (cause instanceof ReadTimeoutException) {
            // switch timeout
            log.error("Disconnecting switch {} due to read timeout", getSwitchInfoString());
        } else if (cause instanceof HandshakeTimeoutException) {
            log.error("Disconnecting switch {}: failed to complete handshake", getSwitchInfoString());
        } else if (cause instanceof ClosedChannelException) {
            log.debug("Channel for sw {} already closed", getSwitchInfoString());
        } else if (cause instanceof IOException) {
            if (!cause.getMessage().equals(RESET_BY_PEER) && !cause.getMessage().equals(BROKEN_PIPE)) {
                log.error("Disconnecting switch {} due to IO Error: {}", getSwitchInfoString(), cause.getMessage());
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    // still print stack trace if debug is enabled
                    log.debug("StackTrace for previous Exception: ", cause);
        } else if (cause instanceof SwitchStateException) {
            log.error("Disconnecting switch {} due to switch state error: {}", getSwitchInfoString(),
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                // still print stack trace if debug is enabled
                log.debug("StackTrace for previous Exception: ", cause);
        } else if (cause instanceof OFParseError) {
            log.error("Disconnecting switch " + getSwitchInfoString() + " due to message parse failure", cause);
        } else if (cause instanceof RejectedExecutionException) {
            log.warn("Could not process message: queue full");
        } else {
            log.error("Error while processing message from switch " + getSwitchInfoString() + "state " + this.state,

    public String toString() {
        return getSwitchInfoString();

    protected void channelIdle(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, IdleStateEvent e) throws Exception {
        OFMessage m = factory.buildEchoRequest().build();
        log.debug("Sending Echo Request on idle channel: {}",;
        ctx.write(Collections.singletonList(m), ctx.voidPromise());
        // XXX S some problems here -- echo request has no transaction id, and
        // echo reply is not correlated to the echo request.

    public void userEventTriggered(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object evt) throws Exception {

        if (evt instanceof IdleStateEvent) {
            channelIdle(ctx, (IdleStateEvent) evt);

        super.userEventTriggered(ctx, evt);

    // SimpleChannelInboundHandler without dependency to TypeParameterMatcher
    public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) throws Exception {

        boolean release = true;
        try {
            if (msg instanceof OFMessage) {
                // channelRead0 inlined
                state.processOFMessage(this, (OFMessage) msg);
            } else {
                release = false;
        } finally {
            if (release) {

    //  Channel utility methods

     * Is this a state in which the handshake has completed?
     * @return true if the handshake is complete
    public boolean isHandshakeComplete() {
        return this.state.isHandshakeComplete();

    private void dispatchMessage(OFMessage m) {

        if (dispatchBacklog.isEmpty()) {
            if (!dispatchQueue.offer(m)) {
                // queue full
                // put it on the head of backlog
        } else {

        while (!dispatchBacklog.isEmpty()) {
            OFMessage msg = dispatchBacklog.pop();

            if (!dispatchQueue.offer(msg)) {
                // queue full
                // put it back to the head of backlog

        if (dispatcherHandle.isDone()) {
            // dispatcher terminated for some reason, restart

            dispatcherHandle = dispatcher.submit(() -> {
                try {
                    List<OFMessage> msgs = new ArrayList<>();
                    for (;;) {
                        // wait for new message
                        OFMessage msg = dispatchQueue.take();

                        while (dispatchQueue.drainTo(msgs, MSG_READ_BUFFER) > 0) {
                            if (!channel.config().isAutoRead()) {

                        if (!channel.config().isAutoRead()) {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    // interrupted. gracefully shutting down


     * Return a string describing this switch based on the already available
     * information (DPID and/or remote socket).
     * @return display string
    private String getSwitchInfoString() {
        if (sw != null) {
            return sw.toString();
        String channelString;
        if (channel == null || channel.remoteAddress() == null) {
            channelString = "?";
        } else {
            channelString = channel.remoteAddress().toString();
        String dpidString;
        if (featuresReply == null) {
            dpidString = "?";
        } else {
            dpidString = featuresReply.getDatapathId().toString();
        return String.format("[%s DPID[%s]]", channelString, dpidString);

     * Update the channels state. Only called from the state machine.
     * TODO: enforce restricted state transitions
     * @param state
    private void setState(ChannelState state) {
        this.state = state;
        this.lastStateChange = System.currentTimeMillis();

     * Send hello message to the switch using the handshake transactions ids.
     * @throws IOException
    private void sendHandshakeHelloMessage() throws IOException {
        // The OF protocol requires us to start things off by sending the highest
        // version of the protocol supported.

        // bitmap represents OF1.0, OF1.3, OF1.4, and OF1.5
        // see Sec. 7.5.1 of the OF1.3.4 spec
        U32 bitmap = U32.ofRaw((0b1 << OFVersion.OF_10.getWireVersion()) | (0b1 << OFVersion.OF_13.getWireVersion())
                | (0b1 << OFVersion.OF_14.getWireVersion()) | (0b1 << OFVersion.OF_15.getWireVersion()));
        OFVersion version = Optional.ofNullable(ofVersion).orElse(OFVersion.OF_13);
        OFHelloElem hem = OFFactories.getFactory(version).buildHelloElemVersionbitmap()
        OFMessage.Builder mb = OFFactories.getFactory(version).buildHello().setXid(this.handshakeTransactionIds--)
                .setElements(Collections.singletonList(hem));"Sending {} Hello to {}", version, channel.remoteAddress());

     * Send featuresRequest msg to the switch using the handshake transactions ids.
     * @throws IOException
    private void sendHandshakeFeaturesRequestMessage() throws IOException {
        log.debug("Sending FEATURES_REQUEST to {}", channel.remoteAddress());
        OFMessage m = factory.buildFeaturesRequest().setXid(this.handshakeTransactionIds--).build();

     * Send the configuration requests to tell the switch we want full
     * packets.
     * @throws IOException
    private void sendHandshakeSetConfig() throws IOException {
        log.debug("Sending CONFIG_REQUEST to {}", channel.remoteAddress());
        List<OFMessage> msglist = new ArrayList<>(3);

        // Ensure we receive the full packet via PacketIn
        // FIXME: We don't set the reassembly flags.
        // Only send config to switches to send full packets, if they have a buffer.
        // Saves a packet & OFSetConfig can't be handled by certain switches.
        if (this.featuresReply.getNBuffers() > 0) {
            OFSetConfig sc = factory.buildSetConfig().setMissSendLen((short) 0xffff)

        // Barrier
        OFBarrierRequest br = factory.buildBarrierRequest().setXid(this.handshakeTransactionIds--).build();

        // Verify (need barrier?)
        OFGetConfigRequest gcr = factory.buildGetConfigRequest().setXid(this.handshakeTransactionIds--).build();

     * send a description state request.
     * @throws IOException
    private void sendHandshakeDescriptionStatsRequest() throws IOException {
        // Get Description to set switch-specific flags
        log.debug("Sending DESC_STATS_REQUEST to {}", channel.remoteAddress());
        OFDescStatsRequest dreq = factory.buildDescStatsRequest().setXid(handshakeTransactionIds--).build();

     * send a meter features request.
     * @throws IOException
    private void sendMeterFeaturesRequest() throws IOException {
        // Get meter features including the MaxMeters value available for the device
        OFFactory factory = OFFactories.getFactory(ofVersion);
        log.debug("Sending METER_FEATURES_REQUEST to {}", channel.remoteAddress());
        OFMeterFeaturesStatsRequest mfreq = factory.buildMeterFeaturesStatsRequest()

    private void sendHandshakeOFPortDescRequest() throws IOException {
        log.debug("Sending OF_PORT_DESC_REQUEST to {}", channel.remoteAddress());
        // Get port description for 1.3+ switch
        OFPortDescStatsRequest preq = factory.buildPortDescStatsRequest().setXid(handshakeTransactionIds--).build();

    ChannelState getStateForTesting() {
        return state;

    public boolean isActive() {
        if (channel != null) {
            return channel.isActive();
        return false;

    public void closeSession() {
        if (channel != null) {

    public boolean sendMsg(Iterable<OFMessage> msgs) {
        if (channel.isActive()) {
            channel.writeAndFlush(msgs, channel.voidPromise());
            return true;
        } else {
            log.warn("Dropping messages for switch {} because channel is not connected: {}", getSwitchInfoString(),
            return false;

    public CharSequence sessionInfo() {
        return channelId;
