Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.onosproject.imr; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Activate; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Deactivate; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Reference; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.ReferenceCardinality; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service; import org.onlab.util.KryoNamespace; import org.onosproject.core.ApplicationId; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import; import; import static; import static; /** * Manager of Intent Monitor and Reroute. */ @Component(immediate = true) @Service public class IntentMonitorAndRerouteManager implements IntentMonitorAndRerouteService { private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); private ConsistentMap<ApplicationId, Map<Key, ConnectivityIntent>> monitoredIntentsDistr; private Map<ApplicationId, Map<Key, ConnectivityIntent>> monitoredIntents; private DistributedSet<Key> toBeMonitoredIntents; @Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY) protected IntentService intentService; @Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY) protected FlowRuleService flowRuleService; @Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY) protected LinkService linkService; @Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY) protected HostService hostService; @Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY) protected FlowStatisticStore statsStore; @Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY) protected StorageService storageService; private InternalIntentListener intentListener = new InternalIntentListener(); private InternalFlowRuleListener flowRuleListener = new InternalFlowRuleListener(); @Activate protected void activate() { intentService.addListener(intentListener); flowRuleService.addListener(flowRuleListener); monitoredIntentsDistr = storageService.<ApplicationId, Map<Key, ConnectivityIntent>>consistentMapBuilder() .withSerializer(Serializer.using(KryoNamespaces.API)).withName("IMR-monitoredIntents").build(); monitoredIntents = monitoredIntentsDistr.asJavaMap(); toBeMonitoredIntents = storageService.<Key>setBuilder() .withSerializer(Serializer.using( new KryoNamespace.Builder().register(KryoNamespaces.API).register(Key.class).build())) .withName("IMR-toMonitorIntents").build().asDistributedSet();"IntentMonitorAndReroute activated"); } @Deactivate protected void deactivate() { intentService.removeListener(intentListener); flowRuleService.removeListener(flowRuleListener); monitoredIntents.forEach(((applicationId, keyConnectivityIntentMap) -> keyConnectivityIntentMap.keySet() .forEach(this::removeIntent)));"IntentMonitorAndReroute deactivated"); } private synchronized void storeMonitoredIntent(ConnectivityIntent intent) { log.debug("Store Monitored Intent {}", intent.key()); Map<Key, ConnectivityIntent> temp = monitoredIntents.getOrDefault(intent.appId(), new ConcurrentHashMap<>()); temp.put(intent.key(), intent); monitoredIntents.put(intent.appId(), temp); } @Override public synchronized boolean startMonitorIntent(Key intentKey) { checkNotNull(intentKey, "Intent Key must not be null"); log.debug("Start Monitor Intent: {}", intentKey.toString()); toBeMonitoredIntents.add(intentKey); //Check if the requested intent is already present in the intent manager Intent installedIntent = intentService.getIntent(intentKey); if (!allowedIntent(installedIntent)) { return false; } //Check if the intent that is present in the intent subsystem is already installed if (intentService.getIntentState(intentKey) == IntentState.INSTALLED) { storeMonitoredIntent((ConnectivityIntent) installedIntent); } return true; } /** * Returns whether the intent can be monitored or not. * @param intent The intent you want to check if it is allowed to be monitored. * @return true if the intent's type is of one of the allowed types * ({@link LinkCollectionIntent}, {@link PointToPointIntent}). */ public boolean allowedIntent(Intent intent) { return intent instanceof LinkCollectionIntent || intent instanceof PointToPointIntent; } @Override public synchronized boolean stopMonitorIntent(Key intentKey) { checkNotNull(intentKey, "Intent key must not be null"); log.debug("Stop Monitor Intent: ", intentKey.toString()); if (!toBeMonitoredIntents.contains(intentKey)) { return false; } removeIntent(intentKey); toBeMonitoredIntents.remove(intentKey); return true; } /** * Removes the intent from the internal structure. * @param intentKey Key of the intent to be removed. * @return true if the intent is found and removed, false otherwise. */ private synchronized boolean removeIntent(Key intentKey) { for (Map.Entry<ApplicationId, Map<Key, ConnectivityIntent>> appIntents : monitoredIntents.entrySet()) { if (appIntents.getValue().containsKey(intentKey)) { appIntents.getValue().remove(intentKey); //TODO: check if it works without reputting the map flushIntentStatStore(intentKey); monitoredIntents.put(appIntents.getKey(), appIntents.getValue()); if (appIntents.getValue().isEmpty()) { monitoredIntents.remove(appIntents.getKey()); } return true; } } return false; } /** * Flushes the statistics (from the statistics store) of an intent. * @param intentKey Key of the intent which statistics has to be cleaned. */ private synchronized void flushIntentStatStore(Key intentKey) { checkNotNull(intentKey); //Remove all the flow rule on the stats store related to the passed intentKey intentService.getInstallableIntents(intentKey).stream().map(intent -> (FlowRuleIntent) intent).forEach( intent -> intent.flowRules().forEach(flowRule -> statsStore.removeFlowStatistic(flowRule))); } /** * Generates a new {@Link LinkCollectionIntent} applying the new path. * @param links List of links of the new path. * @param intentKey Key of the intent you want to re-route. * @param appId Application id that submits initially the intent. * @return The new intent, if not possibile it will return the old intent already installed. */ private ConnectivityIntent generateLinkCollectionIntent(List<Link> links, Key intentKey, ApplicationId appId) { checkNotNull(links); checkNotNull(appId); // Gets the oldIntent already installed ConnectivityIntent oldIntent = monitoredIntents.get(appId).get(intentKey); //Flush the statistics of the currently installed intent flushIntentStatStore(intentKey); //get the connect point of the old intent // Left element of the Pair is the ingress, right one is the egress Pair<Set<FilteredConnectPoint>, Set<FilteredConnectPoint>> cpPair = extractEndConnectPoints(oldIntent); if (cpPair == null) { return oldIntent; } // Now generate the new intent LinkCollectionIntent newIntent = LinkCollectionIntent.builder().appId(oldIntent.appId()).key(intentKey) .selector(oldIntent.selector()).filteredIngressPoints(ImmutableSet.copyOf(cpPair.getLeft())) .filteredEgressPoints(ImmutableSet.copyOf(cpPair.getRight())).treatment(oldIntent.treatment()) .priority(oldIntent.priority()).constraints(oldIntent.constraints()) .links(ImmutableSet.copyOf(links)) //TODO: is there a way to get from the old intent? .applyTreatmentOnEgress(true).build(); return newIntent; } @Override public boolean applyPath(Route route) { checkNotNull(route, "Route to apply must be not null"); checkNotNull(route.appId(), "Application id must be not null"); checkNotNull(route.key(), "Intent key to apply must be not null"); checkNotNull(route.paths(), "New path must be not null"); checkArgument(route.paths().size() >= 1); ApplicationId appId = route.appId(); Key key = route.key(); // check if the app and the intent key are monitored if (!monitoredIntents.containsKey(appId)) { return false; } if (!monitoredIntents.get(appId).containsKey(key)) { return false; } // TODO: now we manage only the unsplittable routing Path currentPath = route.paths().stream().max(Comparator.comparing(Path::weight)).get(); // Check if the last and first element of the path are HostId // in this case remove them from the list if (currentPath.path().get(0) instanceof HostId) { currentPath.path().remove(0); } if (currentPath.path().get(currentPath.path().size() - 1) instanceof HostId) { currentPath.path().remove(currentPath.path().size() - 1); } List<Link> links = createPathFromDeviceList(currentPath.path()); // Generate the new Link collection intent, if not possible it will return the old intent ConnectivityIntent intent = generateLinkCollectionIntent(links, key, appId); storeMonitoredIntent(intent); intentService.submit(intent); return true; } @Override public Map<ApplicationId, Map<Key, List<FlowEntry>>> getStats() { //TODO: check if there is a better way to get the statistics Map<ApplicationId, Map<Key, List<FlowEntry>>> currentStatistics = new HashMap<>(); monitoredIntents.forEach((appId, mapIntentKey) -> currentStatistics.putAll(getStats(appId))); return currentStatistics; } @Override public Map<ApplicationId, Map<Key, List<FlowEntry>>> getStats(ApplicationId appId) { checkNotNull(appId); //TODO: is there a better way to get statistics? Map<ApplicationId, Map<Key, List<FlowEntry>>> currentStatistics = new HashMap<>(); currentStatistics.put(appId, new HashMap<>()); if (monitoredIntents.containsKey(appId)) { Set<Key> keySet = monitoredIntents.get(appId).keySet(); for (Key intentKey : keySet) { List<FlowEntry> flowEntries = getStats(intentKey); currentStatistics.get(appId).put(intentKey, flowEntries); } } return currentStatistics; } @Override public Map<ApplicationId, Map<Key, List<FlowEntry>>> getStats(ApplicationId appId, Key intentKey) { checkNotNull(appId); checkNotNull(intentKey); checkArgument(monitoredIntents.containsKey(appId)); checkArgument(monitoredIntents.get(appId).containsKey(intentKey)); Map<ApplicationId, Map<Key, List<FlowEntry>>> currentStatistics = new HashMap<>(); currentStatistics.put(appId, new HashMap<>()); List<FlowEntry> flowEntries = getStats(intentKey); currentStatistics.get(appId).put(intentKey, flowEntries); return currentStatistics; } /** * Returns the list of flow entries of a particular intent. * @param intentKey * @return List of the flow entries of the specified intent, * it contains all the statistics of that intent. */ private List<FlowEntry> getStats(Key intentKey) { List<FlowEntry> currentStatistics = new LinkedList<>(); intentService.getInstallableIntents(intentKey) .forEach(intent -> ((FlowRuleIntent) intent).flowRules().forEach(flowRule -> { ConnectPoint cp = buildConnectPoint(flowRule); currentStatistics.addAll(getStats(cp, flowRule)); })); return currentStatistics; } /** * Returns a list of flow entry related to the connect point and flow rule passed. * @param cp ConnectPoint we want to retrieve the flow entry from. * @param flowRule FlowRule. * @return List of flow entries. */ private List<FlowEntry> getStats(ConnectPoint cp, FlowRule flowRule) { return statsStore.getCurrentFlowStatistic(cp).stream() .filter(flowEntry ->; } /** * Returns a list of links starting from a list of devices. * @param deviceList List of devices. * @return A path in terms of list of links. */ private List<Link> createPathFromDeviceList(List<ElementId> deviceList) { List<Link> path = new ArrayList<>(); if (deviceList.size() == 1) { return path; } // Left element represents the input and right the output List<Pair<DeviceId, DeviceId>> devicePairs = IntStream.range(0, deviceList.size() - 1) .mapToObj(i -> Pair.of((DeviceId) deviceList.get(i), (DeviceId) deviceList.get(i + 1))) .collect(Collectors.toList()); devicePairs.forEach(pair -> { //TODO use GetPath pair by pair? // The common Link between DevEgress and DevIngress is the intersection of their links Set<Link> commonLinks = new HashSet<>(linkService.getDeviceEgressLinks(pair.getLeft())); commonLinks.retainAll(linkService.getDeviceIngressLinks(pair.getRight())); if (commonLinks.size() == 0) { log.error("No link found between node {} and node {}!", pair.getLeft(), pair.getRight()); } else if (commonLinks.size() == 1) { path.add(commonLinks.iterator().next()); } else { //TODO select the one with more bandwidth? log.warn("{} links found between node {} and node {}: taking the first one!", commonLinks.size(), pair.getLeft(), pair.getRight()); path.add(commonLinks.iterator().next()); } }); return path; } @Override public Map<ApplicationId, Map<Key, Pair<Set<ElementId>, Set<ElementId>>>> getMonitoredIntents() { Map<ApplicationId, Map<Key, Pair<Set<ElementId>, Set<ElementId>>>> currentMonitoredIntents = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); monitoredIntents.forEach((appId, appIntents) -> { currentMonitoredIntents.put(appId, new ConcurrentHashMap<>()); appIntents.forEach((intentKey, intent) -> { Pair<Set<ElementId>, Set<ElementId>> endPair = extractEndPoints(intent); if (endPair != null) { currentMonitoredIntents.get(appId).put(intentKey, endPair); } }); }); return currentMonitoredIntents; } @Override public Map<ApplicationId, Map<Key, Pair<Set<ElementId>, Set<ElementId>>>> getMonitoredIntents( ApplicationId appId) { Map<ApplicationId, Map<Key, Pair<Set<ElementId>, Set<ElementId>>>> currentMonitoredIntents = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); currentMonitoredIntents.put(appId, new ConcurrentHashMap<>()); if (monitoredIntents.containsKey(appId)) { monitoredIntents.get(appId).forEach((intentKey, intent) -> { Pair<Set<ElementId>, Set<ElementId>> endPair = extractEndPoints(intent); if (endPair != null) { currentMonitoredIntents.get(appId).put(intentKey, endPair); } }); } return currentMonitoredIntents; } private Set<ElementId> connectedElements(Set<FilteredConnectPoint> cpSet) { Set<ElementId> connectedElem = new HashSet<>(); cpSet.forEach(fcp -> { Set<Host> connectedHosts = hostService.getConnectedHosts(fcp.connectPoint()); if (connectedHosts.size() == 0) { // In this case the end point is an ELEMENT without host connected connectedElem.add(fcp.connectPoint().elementId()); } else { // In this case we can have a set of hosts connected to that endpoint connectedElem.addAll(; } }); return connectedElem; } /** * Extracts the endpoint from an intent. * @param intent * @return {@link Pair} containing in the Left element the set of input {@link ElementId}, * in the Right element the set of output {@link ElementId}. */ private Pair<Set<ElementId>, Set<ElementId>> extractEndPoints(Intent intent) { checkNotNull(intent, "intent must not be null"); Pair<Set<FilteredConnectPoint>, Set<FilteredConnectPoint>> cpPair; cpPair = extractEndConnectPoints(intent); if (cpPair == null) { return null; } return Pair.of(connectedElements(cpPair.getLeft()), connectedElements(cpPair.getRight())); } /** * Returns the end connect points of an intent. * @param intent * @return {@link Pair} containing in the Left element the input end connect points, * in the Right element the output end connect points. */ private Pair<Set<FilteredConnectPoint>, Set<FilteredConnectPoint>> extractEndConnectPoints(Intent intent) { checkNotNull(intent, "intent must not be null"); Set<FilteredConnectPoint> inSet = new HashSet<>(); Set<FilteredConnectPoint> outSet = new HashSet<>(); if (intent instanceof PointToPointIntent) { inSet.add(((PointToPointIntent) intent).filteredIngressPoint()); outSet.add(((PointToPointIntent) intent).filteredEgressPoint()); } else if (intent instanceof LinkCollectionIntent) { inSet.addAll(((LinkCollectionIntent) intent).filteredIngressPoints()); outSet.addAll(((LinkCollectionIntent) intent).filteredEgressPoints()); } return Pair.of(inSet, outSet); } /** * Returns the connect point related to the output port of the rule. * @param rule * @return */ private ConnectPoint buildConnectPoint(FlowRule rule) { PortNumber port = getOutput(rule); if (port == null) { return null; } return new ConnectPoint(rule.deviceId(), port); } /** * Returns the output port related to the rule. * @param rule * @return */ private PortNumber getOutput(FlowRule rule) { for (Instruction i : rule.treatment().allInstructions()) { if (i.type() == Instruction.Type.OUTPUT) { Instructions.OutputInstruction out = (Instructions.OutputInstruction) i; return out.port(); } } return null; } private class InternalIntentListener implements IntentListener { @Override public void event(IntentEvent event) { // It receives only events related to ConnectivityIntent to be monitored Key intentKey = event.subject().key(); switch (event.type()) { case INSTALLED: // When an intent is installed and it need to be monitored // it will pass from the "toBeMonitored" state to the "monitored" state"Monitored intent INSTALLED"); storeMonitoredIntent((ConnectivityIntent) event.subject()); break; case WITHDRAWN: // When an intent is withdrawn // it will go back from the "monitored" state to the "toBeMonitored""Monitored intent WITHDWRAWN"); removeIntent(intentKey); break; case FAILED: log.warn("FAILED event not handled"); break; default: log.warn("Unknown intent event"); } } @Override public boolean isRelevant(IntentEvent event) { /* * Check if the Intent event is relevant. * An intent event is relevant if it is of one of the allowed types * and if it is one of the monitored ones. */ Key intentKey = event.subject().key(); return allowedIntent(event.subject()) && toBeMonitoredIntents.contains(intentKey); } } private class InternalFlowRuleListener implements FlowRuleListener { @Override public void event(FlowRuleEvent event) { FlowRule rule = event.subject(); switch (event.type()) { case RULE_ADDED: case RULE_UPDATED: // In case of rule update, flow statistics are updated if (rule instanceof FlowEntry) { statsStore.updateFlowStatistic((FlowEntry) rule); } break; case RULE_REMOVED: // In case of rule removal, flow statistics are removed from the store"Rule removed: {}",; statsStore.removeFlowStatistic(rule); break; default: log.warn("Unknown flow rule event"); } } @Override public boolean isRelevant(FlowRuleEvent event) { /* * Check if the rule event is relevant and it needs to be managed * A Rule event is relevant if the flow rule it refers to is * part of one of the monitored intents */ FlowRule rule = event.subject(); for (Map.Entry<ApplicationId, Map<Key, ConnectivityIntent>> entry : monitoredIntents.entrySet()) { for (Key key : entry.getValue().keySet()) { List<Intent> ints = intentService.getInstallableIntents(key); for (Intent i : ints) { if (i instanceof FlowRuleIntent && ((FlowRuleIntent) i).flowRules().contains(rule)) { return true; } } } } return false; } } }