Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016-present Open Networking Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.onosproject.driver.pipeline.ofdpa; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.onlab.osgi.ServiceDirectory; import org.onlab.packet.IpPrefix; import org.onlab.packet.MacAddress; import org.onlab.packet.MplsLabel; import org.onlab.packet.VlanId; import org.onosproject.core.ApplicationId; import org.onosproject.core.GroupId; import org.onosproject.driver.extensions.OfdpaSetVlanVid; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import static org.onlab.util.Tools.groupedThreads; import static org.onosproject.driver.pipeline.ofdpa.Ofdpa2Pipeline.*; import static org.onosproject.driver.pipeline.ofdpa.OfdpaGroupHandlerUtility.*; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger; /** * Group handler that emulates Broadcom OF-DPA TTP. */ public class Ofdpa2GroupHandler { protected final Logger log = getLogger(getClass()); // Services, Stores protected GroupService groupService; protected StorageService storageService; protected FlowObjectiveStore flowObjectiveStore; // index number for group creation private AtomicCounter nextIndex; protected DeviceId deviceId; Cache<GroupKey, List<OfdpaGroupHandlerUtility.OfdpaNextGroup>> pendingAddNextObjectives; Cache<NextObjective, List<GroupKey>> pendingRemoveNextObjectives; Cache<GroupKey, Set<OfdpaGroupHandlerUtility.GroupChainElem>> pendingGroups; ConcurrentHashMap<GroupKey, Set<NextObjective>> pendingUpdateNextObjectives; // local store for pending bucketAdds - by design there can be multiple // pending bucket for a group protected ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Set<NextObjective>> pendingBuckets = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private ScheduledExecutorService groupCheckerExecutor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(2, groupedThreads("onos/pipeliner", "ofdpa-%d", log)); /** * Determines whether this pipeline support copy ttl instructions or not. * * @return true if copy ttl instructions are supported */ protected boolean supportCopyTtl() { return true; } /** * Determines whether this pipeline support set mpls bos instruction or not. * * @return true if set mpls bos instruction is supported */ protected boolean supportSetMplsBos() { return true; } /** * Determines whether this pipeline requires popping VLAN before pushing MPLS. * <p> * If required, pop vlan before push mpls and add an arbitrary vlan back afterward. * MPLS interface group will substitute the arbitrary VLAN with expected VLAN later on. * * @return true if this pipeline requires popping VLAN before pushing MPLS */ protected boolean requireVlanPopBeforeMplsPush() { return false; } public void init(DeviceId deviceId, PipelinerContext context) { ServiceDirectory serviceDirectory =; this.deviceId = deviceId; this.flowObjectiveStore =; this.groupService = serviceDirectory.get(GroupService.class); this.storageService = serviceDirectory.get(StorageService.class); this.nextIndex = storageService.getAtomicCounter("group-id-index-counter"); pendingAddNextObjectives = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().expireAfterWrite(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS) .removalListener((RemovalNotification<GroupKey, List<OfdpaNextGroup>> notification) -> { if (notification.getCause() == RemovalCause.EXPIRED && Objects.nonNull(notification.getValue())) { notification.getValue().forEach(ofdpaNextGrp -> fail(ofdpaNextGrp.nextObjective(), ObjectiveError.GROUPINSTALLATIONFAILED)); } }).build(); pendingRemoveNextObjectives = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().expireAfterWrite(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS) .removalListener((RemovalNotification<NextObjective, List<GroupKey>> notification) -> { if (notification.getCause() == RemovalCause.EXPIRED) { fail(notification.getKey(), ObjectiveError.GROUPREMOVALFAILED); } }).build(); pendingGroups = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().expireAfterWrite(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS) .removalListener((RemovalNotification<GroupKey, Set<GroupChainElem>> notification) -> { if (notification.getCause() == RemovalCause.EXPIRED) { log.error("Unable to install group with key {} and pending GCEs: {}", notification.getKey(), notification.getValue()); } }).build(); pendingUpdateNextObjectives = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); GroupChecker groupChecker = new GroupChecker(this); groupCheckerExecutor.scheduleAtFixedRate(groupChecker, 0, 500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); groupService.addListener(new InnerGroupListener()); } ////////////////////////////////////// // Group Creation ////////////////////////////////////// /** * Adds a list of group chain by given NextObjective. * * @param nextObjective the NextObjective */ protected void addGroup(NextObjective nextObjective) { switch (nextObjective.type()) { case SIMPLE: Collection<TrafficTreatment> treatments =; if (treatments.size() != 1) { log.error("Next Objectives of type Simple should only have a " + "single Traffic Treatment. Next Objective Id:{}",; fail(nextObjective, ObjectiveError.BADPARAMS); return; } processSimpleNextObjective(nextObjective); break; case BROADCAST: processBroadcastNextObjective(nextObjective); break; case HASHED: if (!verifyHashedNextObjective(nextObjective)) { log.error("Next Objectives of type hashed not supported. Next Objective Id:{}",; fail(nextObjective, ObjectiveError.BADPARAMS); return; } processHashedNextObjective(nextObjective); break; case FAILOVER: fail(nextObjective, ObjectiveError.UNSUPPORTED); log.warn("Unsupported next objective type {}", nextObjective.type()); break; default: fail(nextObjective, ObjectiveError.UNKNOWN); log.warn("Unknown next objective type {}", nextObjective.type()); } } /** * As per the OFDPA 2.0 TTP, packets are sent out of ports by using * a chain of groups. The simple Next Objective passed in by the application * is broken up into a group chain. The following chains can be created * depending on the parameters in the Next Objective. * 1. L2 Interface group (no chaining) * 2. L3 Unicast group -> L2 Interface group * 3. MPLS Interface group -> L2 Interface group * 4. MPLS Swap group -> MPLS Interface group -> L2 Interface group * 5. PW initiation group chain * * @param nextObj the nextObjective of type SIMPLE */ private void processSimpleNextObjective(NextObjective nextObj) { TrafficTreatment treatment =; // determine if plain L2 or L3->L2 or MPLS Swap -> MPLS Interface -> L2 boolean plainL2 = true; boolean mplsSwap = false; MplsLabel mplsLabel = null; for (Instruction ins : treatment.allInstructions()) { if (ins.type() == Instruction.Type.L2MODIFICATION) { L2ModificationInstruction l2ins = (L2ModificationInstruction) ins; if (l2ins.subtype() == L2ModificationInstruction.L2SubType.ETH_DST || l2ins.subtype() == L2ModificationInstruction.L2SubType.ETH_SRC) { plainL2 = false; } // mpls label in simple next objectives is used only to indicate // a MPLS Swap group before the MPLS Interface Group if (l2ins.subtype() == L2ModificationInstruction.L2SubType.MPLS_LABEL) { mplsSwap = true; mplsLabel = ((L2ModificationInstruction.ModMplsLabelInstruction) l2ins).label(); } } } if (plainL2) { createL2InterfaceGroup(nextObj); return; } // In order to understand if it is a pseudowire related // next objective we look for the tunnel id in the meta. boolean isPw = false; if (nextObj.meta() != null) { TunnelIdCriterion tunnelIdCriterion = (TunnelIdCriterion) nextObj.meta().getCriterion(TUNNEL_ID); if (tunnelIdCriterion != null) { isPw = true; } } if (mplsSwap && !isPw) { log.debug("Creating a MPLS Swap -> MPLS Interface -> L2 Interface group chain."); // break up simple next objective to GroupChain objects GroupInfo groupInfo = createL2L3Chain(treatment,, nextObj.appId(), true, nextObj.meta()); if (groupInfo == null) { log.error("Could not process nextObj={} in dev:{}",, deviceId); fail(nextObj, ObjectiveError.BADPARAMS); return; } Deque<GroupKey> gkeyChain = new ArrayDeque<>(); gkeyChain.addFirst(groupInfo.innerMostGroupDesc().appCookie()); // l2 interface gkeyChain.addFirst(groupInfo.nextGroupDesc().appCookie()); // mpls interface // creating the mpls swap group and adding it to the chain int nextGid = groupInfo.nextGroupDesc().givenGroupId(); int index = getNextAvailableIndex(); GroupDescription swapGroupDescription = createMplsSwap(nextGid, OfdpaMplsGroupSubType.MPLS_SWAP_LABEL, index, mplsLabel, nextObj.appId()); // ensure swap group is added after L2L3 chain GroupKey swapGroupKey = swapGroupDescription.appCookie(); GroupChainElem swapChainElem = new GroupChainElem(swapGroupDescription, 1, false, deviceId); updatePendingGroups(groupInfo.nextGroupDesc().appCookie(), swapChainElem); gkeyChain.addFirst(swapGroupKey); // ensure nextObjective waits on the outermost groupKey List<Deque<GroupKey>> allGroupKeys = Lists.newArrayList(); allGroupKeys.add(gkeyChain); OfdpaNextGroup ofdpaGrp = new OfdpaNextGroup(allGroupKeys, nextObj); updatePendingNextObjective(swapGroupKey, ofdpaGrp); // now we are ready to send the l2 groupDescription (inner), as all the stores // that will get async replies have been updated. By waiting to update // the stores, we prevent nasty race conditions. groupService.addGroup(groupInfo.innerMostGroupDesc()); } else if (!isPw) { boolean isMpls = false; if (nextObj.meta() != null) { isMpls = isNotMplsBos(nextObj.meta()); } log.debug("Creating a {} -> L2 Interface group chain.", (isMpls) ? "MPLS Interface" : "L3 Unicast"); // break up simple next objective to GroupChain objects GroupInfo groupInfo = createL2L3Chain(treatment,, nextObj.appId(), isMpls, nextObj.meta()); if (groupInfo == null) { log.error("Could not process nextObj={} in dev:{}",, deviceId); fail(nextObj, ObjectiveError.BADPARAMS); return; } // create object for local and distributed storage Deque<GroupKey> gkeyChain = new ArrayDeque<>(); gkeyChain.addFirst(groupInfo.innerMostGroupDesc().appCookie()); gkeyChain.addFirst(groupInfo.nextGroupDesc().appCookie()); List<Deque<GroupKey>> allGroupKeys = Lists.newArrayList(); allGroupKeys.add(gkeyChain); OfdpaNextGroup ofdpaGrp = new OfdpaNextGroup(allGroupKeys, nextObj); // store l3groupkey with the ofdpaNextGroup for the nextObjective that depends on it updatePendingNextObjective(groupInfo.nextGroupDesc().appCookie(), ofdpaGrp); // now we are ready to send the l2 groupDescription (inner), as all the stores // that will get async replies have been updated. By waiting to update // the stores, we prevent nasty race conditions. groupService.addGroup(groupInfo.innerMostGroupDesc()); } else { // We handle the pseudo wire with a different a procedure. // This procedure is meant to handle both initiation and // termination of the pseudo wire. processPwNextObjective(nextObj); } } /** * Creates a simple L2 Interface Group. * * @param nextObj the next Objective */ private void createL2InterfaceGroup(NextObjective nextObj) { VlanId assignedVlan = readVlanFromSelector(nextObj.meta()); if (assignedVlan == null) { log.warn("VLAN ID required by simple next obj is missing. Abort."); fail(nextObj, ObjectiveError.BADPARAMS); return; } List<GroupInfo> groupInfos = prepareL2InterfaceGroup(nextObj, assignedVlan); // There is only one L2 interface group in this case GroupDescription l2InterfaceGroupDesc = groupInfos.get(0).innerMostGroupDesc(); // Put all dependency information into allGroupKeys List<Deque<GroupKey>> allGroupKeys = Lists.newArrayList(); Deque<GroupKey> gkeyChain = new ArrayDeque<>(); gkeyChain.addFirst(l2InterfaceGroupDesc.appCookie()); allGroupKeys.add(gkeyChain); // Point the next objective to this group OfdpaNextGroup ofdpaGrp = new OfdpaNextGroup(allGroupKeys, nextObj); updatePendingNextObjective(l2InterfaceGroupDesc.appCookie(), ofdpaGrp); // Start installing the inner-most group groupService.addGroup(l2InterfaceGroupDesc); } /** * Creates an Mpls group of type swap. * * @param nextGroupId the next group in the chain * @param subtype the mpls swap label group subtype * @param index the index of the group * @param mplsLabel the mpls label to swap * @param applicationId the application id * @return the group description */ protected GroupDescription createMplsSwap(int nextGroupId, OfdpaMplsGroupSubType subtype, int index, MplsLabel mplsLabel, ApplicationId applicationId) { TrafficTreatment.Builder treatment = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder(); treatment.setMpls(mplsLabel); // We point the group to the next group. GroupId(nextGroupId)); GroupBucket groupBucket = DefaultGroupBucket.createIndirectGroupBucket(; // Finally we build the group description. int groupId = makeMplsLabelGroupId(subtype, index); GroupKey groupKey = new DefaultGroupKey(Ofdpa2Pipeline.appKryo.serialize(index)); return new DefaultGroupDescription(deviceId, INDIRECT, new GroupBuckets(Collections.singletonList(groupBucket)), groupKey, groupId, applicationId); } /** * Creates one of two possible group-chains from the treatment * passed in. Depending on the MPLS boolean, this method either creates * an L3Unicast Group --> L2Interface Group, if mpls is false; * or MPLSInterface Group --> L2Interface Group, if mpls is true; * The returned 'inner' group description is always the L2 Interface group. * * @param treatment that needs to be broken up to create the group chain * @param nextId of the next objective that needs this group chain * @param appId of the application that sent this next objective * @param mpls determines if L3Unicast or MPLSInterface group is created * @param meta metadata passed in by the application as part of the nextObjective * @return GroupInfo containing the GroupDescription of the * L2Interface group(inner) and the GroupDescription of the (outer) * L3Unicast/MPLSInterface group. May return null if there is an * error in processing the chain */ protected GroupInfo createL2L3Chain(TrafficTreatment treatment, int nextId, ApplicationId appId, boolean mpls, TrafficSelector meta) { return createL2L3ChainInternal(treatment, nextId, appId, mpls, meta, true); } /** * Internal implementation of createL2L3Chain. * <p> * The is_present bit in set_vlan_vid action is required to be 0 in OFDPA i12. * Since it is non-OF spec, we need an extension treatment for that. * The useSetVlanExtension must be set to false for OFDPA i12. * </p> * * @param treatment that needs to be broken up to create the group chain * @param nextId of the next objective that needs this group chain * @param appId of the application that sent this next objective * @param mpls determines if L3Unicast or MPLSInterface group is created * @param meta metadata passed in by the application as part of the nextObjective * @param useSetVlanExtension use the setVlanVid extension that has is_present bit set to 0. * @return GroupInfo containing the GroupDescription of the * L2Interface group(inner) and the GroupDescription of the (outer) * L3Unicast/MPLSInterface group. May return null if there is an * error in processing the chain */ protected GroupInfo createL2L3ChainInternal(TrafficTreatment treatment, int nextId, ApplicationId appId, boolean mpls, TrafficSelector meta, boolean useSetVlanExtension) { // for the l2interface group, get vlan and port info // for the outer group, get the src/dst mac, and vlan info TrafficTreatment.Builder outerTtb = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder(); TrafficTreatment.Builder innerTtb = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder(); VlanId vlanid = null; long portNum = 0; boolean setVlan = false, popVlan = false; MacAddress srcMac; MacAddress dstMac; for (Instruction ins : treatment.allInstructions()) { if (ins.type() == Instruction.Type.L2MODIFICATION) { L2ModificationInstruction l2ins = (L2ModificationInstruction) ins; switch (l2ins.subtype()) { case ETH_DST: dstMac = ((L2ModificationInstruction.ModEtherInstruction) l2ins).mac(); outerTtb.setEthDst(dstMac); break; case ETH_SRC: srcMac = ((L2ModificationInstruction.ModEtherInstruction) l2ins).mac(); outerTtb.setEthSrc(srcMac); break; case VLAN_ID: vlanid = ((L2ModificationInstruction.ModVlanIdInstruction) l2ins).vlanId(); if (useSetVlanExtension) { OfdpaSetVlanVid ofdpaSetVlanVid = new OfdpaSetVlanVid(vlanid); outerTtb.extension(ofdpaSetVlanVid, deviceId); } else { outerTtb.setVlanId(vlanid); } setVlan = true; break; case VLAN_POP: innerTtb.popVlan(); popVlan = true; break; case DEC_MPLS_TTL: case MPLS_LABEL: case MPLS_POP: case MPLS_PUSH: case VLAN_PCP: case VLAN_PUSH: default: break; } } else if (ins.type() == Instruction.Type.OUTPUT) { portNum = ((Instructions.OutputInstruction) ins).port().toLong(); innerTtb.add(ins); } else { log.debug("Driver does not handle this type of TrafficTreatment" + " instruction in l2l3chain: {} - {}", ins.type(), ins); } } if (vlanid == null && meta != null) { // use metadata if available Criterion vidCriterion = meta.getCriterion(VLAN_VID); if (vidCriterion != null) { vlanid = ((VlanIdCriterion) vidCriterion).vlanId(); } // if vlan is not set, use the vlan in metadata for outerTtb if (vlanid != null && !setVlan) { if (useSetVlanExtension) { OfdpaSetVlanVid ofdpaSetVlanVid = new OfdpaSetVlanVid(vlanid); outerTtb.extension(ofdpaSetVlanVid, deviceId); } else { outerTtb.setVlanId(vlanid); } } } if (vlanid == null) { log.error("Driver cannot process an L2/L3 group chain without " + "egress vlan information for dev: {} port:{}", deviceId, portNum); return null; } if (!setVlan && !popVlan) { // untagged outgoing port TrafficTreatment.Builder temp = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder(); temp.popVlan();; innerTtb = temp; } // assemble information for ofdpa l2interface group int l2groupId = l2GroupId(vlanid, portNum); // a globally unique groupkey that is different for ports in the same device, // but different for the same portnumber on different devices. Also different // for the various group-types created out of the same next objective. int l2gk = l2InterfaceGroupKey(deviceId, vlanid, portNum); final GroupKey l2groupkey = new DefaultGroupKey(appKryo.serialize(l2gk)); // assemble information for outer group GroupDescription outerGrpDesc; if (mpls) { // outer group is MPLS Interface int mplsInterfaceIndex = getNextAvailableIndex(); int mplsGroupId = MPLS_INTERFACE_TYPE | (SUBTYPE_MASK & mplsInterfaceIndex); final GroupKey mplsGroupKey = new DefaultGroupKey(appKryo.serialize(mplsInterfaceIndex)); GroupId(l2groupId)); // create the mpls-interface group description to wait for the // l2 interface group to be processed GroupBucket mplsinterfaceGroupBucket = DefaultGroupBucket.createIndirectGroupBucket(; outerGrpDesc = new DefaultGroupDescription(deviceId, GroupDescription.Type.INDIRECT, new GroupBuckets(Collections.singletonList(mplsinterfaceGroupBucket)), mplsGroupKey, mplsGroupId, appId); log.debug("Trying MPLS-Interface: device:{} gid:{} gkey:{} nextid:{}", deviceId, Integer.toHexString(mplsGroupId), mplsGroupKey, nextId); } else { // outer group is L3Unicast int l3unicastIndex = getNextAvailableIndex(); int l3groupId = L3_UNICAST_TYPE | (TYPE_MASK & l3unicastIndex); final GroupKey l3groupkey = new DefaultGroupKey(appKryo.serialize(l3unicastIndex)); GroupId(l2groupId)); // create the l3unicast group description to wait for the // l2 interface group to be processed GroupBucket l3unicastGroupBucket = DefaultGroupBucket.createIndirectGroupBucket(; outerGrpDesc = new DefaultGroupDescription(deviceId, GroupDescription.Type.INDIRECT, new GroupBuckets(Collections.singletonList(l3unicastGroupBucket)), l3groupkey, l3groupId, appId); log.debug("Trying L3Unicast: device:{} gid:{} gkey:{} nextid:{}", deviceId, Integer.toHexString(l3groupId), l3groupkey, nextId); } // store l2groupkey with the groupChainElem for the outer-group that depends on it GroupChainElem gce = new GroupChainElem(outerGrpDesc, 1, false, deviceId); updatePendingGroups(l2groupkey, gce); // create group description for the inner l2 interface group GroupBucket l2InterfaceGroupBucket = DefaultGroupBucket.createIndirectGroupBucket(; GroupDescription l2groupDescription = new DefaultGroupDescription(deviceId, GroupDescription.Type.INDIRECT, new GroupBuckets(Collections.singletonList(l2InterfaceGroupBucket)), l2groupkey, l2groupId, appId); log.debug("Trying L2Interface: device:{} gid:{} gkey:{} nextId:{}", deviceId, Integer.toHexString(l2groupId), l2groupkey, nextId); return new GroupInfo(l2groupDescription, outerGrpDesc); } /** * As per the OFDPA 2.0 TTP, packets are sent out of ports by using * a chain of groups. The broadcast Next Objective passed in by the application * has to be broken up into a group chain comprising of an * L2 Flood group or L3 Multicast group, whose buckets point to L2 Interface groups. * * @param nextObj the nextObjective of type BROADCAST */ private void processBroadcastNextObjective(NextObjective nextObj) { VlanId assignedVlan = readVlanFromSelector(nextObj.meta()); if (assignedVlan == null) { log.warn("VLAN ID required by broadcast next obj is missing. Abort."); fail(nextObj, ObjectiveError.BADPARAMS); return; } List<GroupInfo> groupInfos = prepareL2InterfaceGroup(nextObj, assignedVlan); IpPrefix ipDst = readIpDstFromSelector(nextObj.meta()); if (ipDst != null) { if (ipDst.isMulticast()) { createL3MulticastGroup(nextObj, assignedVlan, groupInfos); } else { log.warn("Broadcast NextObj with non-multicast IP address {}", nextObj); fail(nextObj, ObjectiveError.BADPARAMS); } } else { createL2FloodGroup(nextObj, assignedVlan, groupInfos); } } private List<GroupInfo> prepareL2InterfaceGroup(NextObjective nextObj, VlanId assignedVlan) { ImmutableList.Builder<GroupInfo> groupInfoBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); // break up broadcast next objective to multiple groups Collection<TrafficTreatment> buckets =; // each treatment is converted to an L2 interface group for (TrafficTreatment treatment : buckets) { TrafficTreatment.Builder newTreatment = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder(); PortNumber portNum = null; VlanId egressVlan = null; // ensure that the only allowed treatments are pop-vlan and output for (Instruction ins : treatment.allInstructions()) { if (ins.type() == Instruction.Type.L2MODIFICATION) { L2ModificationInstruction l2ins = (L2ModificationInstruction) ins; switch (l2ins.subtype()) { case VLAN_POP: newTreatment.add(l2ins); break; case VLAN_ID: egressVlan = ((L2ModificationInstruction.ModVlanIdInstruction) l2ins).vlanId(); break; default: log.debug("action {} not permitted for broadcast nextObj", l2ins.subtype()); break; } } else if (ins.type() == Instruction.Type.OUTPUT) { portNum = ((Instructions.OutputInstruction) ins).port(); newTreatment.add(ins); } else { log.debug("TrafficTreatment of type {} not permitted in " + " broadcast nextObjective", ins.type()); } } if (portNum == null) { log.warn("Can't find output port for the bucket {}.", treatment); continue; } // assemble info for l2 interface group VlanId l2InterfaceGroupVlan = (egressVlan != null && !assignedVlan.equals(egressVlan)) ? egressVlan : assignedVlan; int l2gk = l2InterfaceGroupKey(deviceId, l2InterfaceGroupVlan, portNum.toLong()); final GroupKey l2InterfaceGroupKey = new DefaultGroupKey(appKryo.serialize(l2gk)); int l2InterfaceGroupId = L2_INTERFACE_TYPE | ((l2InterfaceGroupVlan.toShort() & THREE_BIT_MASK) << PORT_LEN) | ((int) portNum.toLong() & FOUR_BIT_MASK); GroupBucket l2InterfaceGroupBucket = DefaultGroupBucket.createIndirectGroupBucket(; GroupDescription l2InterfaceGroupDescription = new DefaultGroupDescription(deviceId, GroupDescription.Type.INDIRECT, new GroupBuckets(Collections.singletonList(l2InterfaceGroupBucket)), l2InterfaceGroupKey, l2InterfaceGroupId, nextObj.appId()); log.debug("Trying L2-Interface: device:{} gid:{} gkey:{} nextid:{}", deviceId, Integer.toHexString(l2InterfaceGroupId), l2InterfaceGroupKey,; groupInfoBuilder.add(new GroupInfo(l2InterfaceGroupDescription, l2InterfaceGroupDescription)); } return; } private void createL2FloodGroup(NextObjective nextObj, VlanId vlanId, List<GroupInfo> groupInfos) { // assemble info for l2 flood group. Since there can be only one flood // group for a vlan, its index is always the same - 0 Integer l2FloodGroupId = L2_FLOOD_TYPE | (vlanId.toShort() << 16); final GroupKey l2FloodGroupKey = l2FloodGroupKey(vlanId, deviceId); // collection of group buckets pointing to all the l2 interface groups List<GroupBucket> l2floodBuckets = generateNextGroupBuckets(groupInfos, ALL); // create the l2flood group-description to wait for all the // l2interface groups to be processed GroupDescription l2floodGroupDescription = new DefaultGroupDescription(deviceId, ALL, new GroupBuckets(l2floodBuckets), l2FloodGroupKey, l2FloodGroupId, nextObj.appId()); log.debug("Trying L2-Flood: device:{} gid:{} gkey:{} nextid:{}", deviceId, Integer.toHexString(l2FloodGroupId), l2FloodGroupKey,; // Put all dependency information into allGroupKeys List<Deque<GroupKey>> allGroupKeys = Lists.newArrayList(); groupInfos.forEach(groupInfo -> { Deque<GroupKey> groupKeyChain = new ArrayDeque<>(); // In this case we should have L2 interface group only groupKeyChain.addFirst(groupInfo.nextGroupDesc().appCookie()); groupKeyChain.addFirst(l2FloodGroupKey); allGroupKeys.add(groupKeyChain); }); // Point the next objective to this group OfdpaNextGroup ofdpaGrp = new OfdpaNextGroup(allGroupKeys, nextObj); updatePendingNextObjective(l2FloodGroupKey, ofdpaGrp); GroupChainElem gce = new GroupChainElem(l2floodGroupDescription, groupInfos.size(), false, deviceId); groupInfos.forEach(groupInfo -> { // Point this group to the next group updatePendingGroups(groupInfo.nextGroupDesc().appCookie(), gce); // Start installing the inner-most group groupService.addGroup(groupInfo.innerMostGroupDesc()); }); } private void createL3MulticastGroup(NextObjective nextObj, VlanId vlanId, List<GroupInfo> groupInfos) { // Let's create a new list mcast buckets List<GroupBucket> l3McastBuckets = createL3MulticastBucket(groupInfos); int l3MulticastIndex = getNextAvailableIndex(); int l3MulticastGroupId = L3_MULTICAST_TYPE | vlanId.toShort() << 16 | (TYPE_VLAN_MASK & l3MulticastIndex); final GroupKey l3MulticastGroupKey = new DefaultGroupKey(appKryo.serialize(l3MulticastIndex)); GroupDescription l3MulticastGroupDesc = new DefaultGroupDescription(deviceId, ALL, new GroupBuckets(l3McastBuckets), l3MulticastGroupKey, l3MulticastGroupId, nextObj.appId()); // Put all dependency information into allGroupKeys List<Deque<GroupKey>> allGroupKeys = Lists.newArrayList(); groupInfos.forEach(groupInfo -> { Deque<GroupKey> gkeyChain = new ArrayDeque<>(); gkeyChain.addFirst(groupInfo.innerMostGroupDesc().appCookie()); // Add L3 interface group to the chain if there is one. if (!groupInfo.nextGroupDesc().equals(groupInfo.innerMostGroupDesc())) { gkeyChain.addFirst(groupInfo.nextGroupDesc().appCookie()); } gkeyChain.addFirst(l3MulticastGroupKey); allGroupKeys.add(gkeyChain); }); // Point the next objective to this group OfdpaNextGroup ofdpaGrp = new OfdpaNextGroup(allGroupKeys, nextObj); updatePendingNextObjective(l3MulticastGroupKey, ofdpaGrp); GroupChainElem outerGce = new GroupChainElem(l3MulticastGroupDesc, groupInfos.size(), false, deviceId); groupInfos.forEach(groupInfo -> { // Point this group (L3 multicast) to the next group updatePendingGroups(groupInfo.nextGroupDesc().appCookie(), outerGce); // Point next group to inner-most group, if any if (!groupInfo.nextGroupDesc().equals(groupInfo.innerMostGroupDesc())) { GroupChainElem innerGce = new GroupChainElem(groupInfo.nextGroupDesc(), 1, false, deviceId); updatePendingGroups(groupInfo.innerMostGroupDesc().appCookie(), innerGce); } // Start installing the inner-most group groupService.addGroup(groupInfo.innerMostGroupDesc()); }); } /** * As per the OFDPA 2.0 TTP, packets are sent out of ports by using * a chain of groups. The hashed Next Objective passed in by the application * has to be broken up into a group chain comprising of an * L3 ECMP group as the top level group. Buckets of this group can point * to a variety of groups in a group chain, depending on the whether * MPLS labels are being pushed or not. * <p> * NOTE: We do not create MPLS ECMP groups as they are unimplemented in * OF-DPA 2.0 (even though it is in the spec). Therefore we do not * check the nextObjective meta to see what is matching before being * sent to this nextObjective. * * @param nextObj the nextObjective of type HASHED */ protected void processHashedNextObjective(NextObjective nextObj) { // storage for all group keys in the chain of groups created List<Deque<GroupKey>> allGroupKeys = new ArrayList<>(); List<GroupInfo> unsentGroups = new ArrayList<>(); createHashBucketChains(nextObj, allGroupKeys, unsentGroups); // now we can create the outermost L3 ECMP group List<GroupBucket> l3ecmpGroupBuckets = new ArrayList<>(); for (GroupInfo gi : unsentGroups) { // create ECMP bucket to point to the outer group TrafficTreatment.Builder ttb = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder(); GroupId(gi.nextGroupDesc().givenGroupId())); GroupBucket sbucket = DefaultGroupBucket.createSelectGroupBucket(; l3ecmpGroupBuckets.add(sbucket); } int l3ecmpIndex = getNextAvailableIndex(); int l3ecmpGroupId = L3_ECMP_TYPE | (TYPE_MASK & l3ecmpIndex); GroupKey l3ecmpGroupKey = new DefaultGroupKey(appKryo.serialize(l3ecmpIndex)); GroupDescription l3ecmpGroupDesc = new DefaultGroupDescription(deviceId, SELECT, new GroupBuckets(l3ecmpGroupBuckets), l3ecmpGroupKey, l3ecmpGroupId, nextObj.appId()); GroupChainElem l3ecmpGce = new GroupChainElem(l3ecmpGroupDesc, l3ecmpGroupBuckets.size(), false, deviceId); // create objects for local and distributed storage allGroupKeys.forEach(gKeyChain -> gKeyChain.addFirst(l3ecmpGroupKey)); OfdpaNextGroup ofdpaGrp = new OfdpaNextGroup(allGroupKeys, nextObj); // store l3ecmpGroupKey with the ofdpaGroupChain for the nextObjective // that depends on it updatePendingNextObjective(l3ecmpGroupKey, ofdpaGrp); log.debug("Trying L3ECMP: device:{} gid:{} gkey:{} nextId:{}", deviceId, Integer.toHexString(l3ecmpGroupId), l3ecmpGroupKey,; // finally we are ready to send the innermost groups for (GroupInfo gi : unsentGroups) { log.debug("Sending innermost group {} in group chain on device {} ", Integer.toHexString(gi.innerMostGroupDesc().givenGroupId()), deviceId); updatePendingGroups(gi.nextGroupDesc().appCookie(), l3ecmpGce); groupService.addGroup(gi.innerMostGroupDesc()); } } /** * Creates group chains for all buckets in a hashed group, and stores the * GroupInfos and GroupKeys for all the groups in the lists passed in, which * should be empty. * <p> * Does not create the top level ECMP group. Does not actually send the * groups to the groupService. * * @param nextObj the Next Objective with buckets that need to be converted * to group chains * @param allGroupKeys a list to store groupKey for each bucket-group-chain * @param unsentGroups a list to store GroupInfo for each bucket-group-chain */ protected void createHashBucketChains(NextObjective nextObj, List<Deque<GroupKey>> allGroupKeys, List<GroupInfo> unsentGroups) { // break up hashed next objective to multiple groups Collection<TrafficTreatment> buckets =; for (TrafficTreatment bucket : buckets) { //figure out how many labels are pushed in each bucket int labelsPushed = 0; MplsLabel innermostLabel = null; for (Instruction ins : bucket.allInstructions()) { if (ins.type() == Instruction.Type.L2MODIFICATION) { L2ModificationInstruction l2ins = (L2ModificationInstruction) ins; if (l2ins.subtype() == L2ModificationInstruction.L2SubType.MPLS_PUSH) { labelsPushed++; } if (l2ins.subtype() == L2ModificationInstruction.L2SubType.MPLS_LABEL) { if (innermostLabel == null) { innermostLabel = ((L2ModificationInstruction.ModMplsLabelInstruction) l2ins).label(); } } } } Deque<GroupKey> gKeyChain = new ArrayDeque<>(); // here we only deal with 0 and 1 label push if (labelsPushed == 0) { GroupInfo noLabelGroupInfo; TrafficSelector metaSelector = nextObj.meta(); if (metaSelector != null) { if (isNotMplsBos(metaSelector)) { noLabelGroupInfo = createL2L3Chain(bucket,, nextObj.appId(), true, nextObj.meta()); } else { noLabelGroupInfo = createL2L3Chain(bucket,, nextObj.appId(), false, nextObj.meta()); } } else { noLabelGroupInfo = createL2L3Chain(bucket,, nextObj.appId(), false, nextObj.meta()); } if (noLabelGroupInfo == null) { log.error("Could not process nextObj={} in dev:{}",, deviceId); return; } gKeyChain.addFirst(noLabelGroupInfo.innerMostGroupDesc().appCookie()); gKeyChain.addFirst(noLabelGroupInfo.nextGroupDesc().appCookie()); // we can't send the inner group description yet, as we have to // create the dependent ECMP group first. So we store.. unsentGroups.add(noLabelGroupInfo); } else if (labelsPushed == 1) { GroupInfo onelabelGroupInfo = createL2L3Chain(bucket,, nextObj.appId(), true, nextObj.meta()); if (onelabelGroupInfo == null) { log.error("Could not process nextObj={} in dev:{}",, deviceId); return; } // we need to add another group to this chain - the L3VPN group TrafficTreatment.Builder l3vpnTtb = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder(); if (requireVlanPopBeforeMplsPush()) { l3vpnTtb.popVlan(); } l3vpnTtb.pushMpls().setMpls(innermostLabel) .group(new GroupId(onelabelGroupInfo.nextGroupDesc().givenGroupId())); if (supportCopyTtl()) { l3vpnTtb.copyTtlOut(); } if (supportSetMplsBos()) { l3vpnTtb.setMplsBos(true); } if (requireVlanPopBeforeMplsPush()) { l3vpnTtb.pushVlan().setVlanId(VlanId.vlanId(VlanId.RESERVED)); } GroupBucket l3vpnGrpBkt = DefaultGroupBucket.createIndirectGroupBucket(; int l3vpnIndex = getNextAvailableIndex(); int l3vpnGroupId = MPLS_L3VPN_SUBTYPE | (SUBTYPE_MASK & l3vpnIndex); GroupKey l3vpnGroupKey = new DefaultGroupKey(appKryo.serialize(l3vpnIndex)); GroupDescription l3vpnGroupDesc = new DefaultGroupDescription(deviceId, GroupDescription.Type.INDIRECT, new GroupBuckets(Collections.singletonList(l3vpnGrpBkt)), l3vpnGroupKey, l3vpnGroupId, nextObj.appId()); GroupChainElem l3vpnGce = new GroupChainElem(l3vpnGroupDesc, 1, false, deviceId); updatePendingGroups(onelabelGroupInfo.nextGroupDesc().appCookie(), l3vpnGce); gKeyChain.addFirst(onelabelGroupInfo.innerMostGroupDesc().appCookie()); gKeyChain.addFirst(onelabelGroupInfo.nextGroupDesc().appCookie()); gKeyChain.addFirst(l3vpnGroupKey); //now we can replace the outerGrpDesc with the one we just created onelabelGroupInfo.nextGroupDesc(l3vpnGroupDesc); // we can't send the innermost group yet, as we have to create // the dependent ECMP group first. So we store ... unsentGroups.add(onelabelGroupInfo); log.debug("Trying L3VPN: device:{} gid:{} group key:{} nextId:{}", deviceId, Integer.toHexString(l3vpnGroupId), l3vpnGroupKey,; } else { log.warn("Driver currently does not handle more than 1 MPLS " + "labels. Not processing nextObjective {}",; return; } // all groups in this chain allGroupKeys.add(gKeyChain); } } /** * Processes the pseudo wire related next objective. * This procedure try to reuse the mpls label groups, * the mpls interface group and the l2 interface group. * * @param nextObjective the objective to process. */ protected void processPwNextObjective(NextObjective nextObjective) { log.warn("Pseudo wire extensions are not supported in OFDPA 2.0 {}",; } ////////////////////////////////////// // Group Editing ////////////////////////////////////// /** * Adds a bucket to the top level group of a group-chain, and creates the chain. * Ensures that bucket being added is not a duplicate, by checking existing * buckets for the same output port. * * @param nextObjective the bucket information for a next group * @param next the representation of the existing group-chain for this next objective */ protected void addBucketToGroup(NextObjective nextObjective, NextGroup next) { if (nextObjective.type() != NextObjective.Type.HASHED && nextObjective.type() != NextObjective.Type.BROADCAST) { log.warn("AddBuckets not applied to nextType:{} in dev:{} for next:{}", nextObjective.type(), deviceId,; fail(nextObjective, ObjectiveError.UNSUPPORTED); return; } // first check to see if bucket being added is not a duplicate of an // existing bucket. If it is for an existing output port, then its a // duplicate. Set<TrafficTreatment> duplicateBuckets = Sets.newHashSet(); List<Deque<GroupKey>> allActiveKeys = appKryo.deserialize(; Set<PortNumber> existingPorts = getExistingOutputPorts(allActiveKeys, groupService, deviceId); Set<TrafficTreatment> nonDuplicateBuckets = Sets.newHashSet(); NextObjective objectiveToAdd; -> { PortNumber portNumber = readOutPortFromTreatment(trafficTreatment); if (portNumber == null) { return; } if (existingPorts.contains(portNumber)) { // its possible that portnumbers are same but labels are different int label = readLabelFromTreatment(trafficTreatment); if (label == -1) { duplicateBuckets.add(trafficTreatment); } else { List<Integer> existing = existingPortAndLabel(allActiveKeys, groupService, deviceId, portNumber, label); if (!existing.isEmpty()) { duplicateBuckets.add(trafficTreatment); } else { nonDuplicateBuckets.add(trafficTreatment); } } } else { nonDuplicateBuckets.add(trafficTreatment); } }); if (duplicateBuckets.isEmpty()) { // use the original objective objectiveToAdd = nextObjective; } else if (!nonDuplicateBuckets.isEmpty()) { // only use the non-duplicate buckets if there are any log.debug("Some buckets {} already exist in next id {}, duplicate " + "buckets will be ignored.", duplicateBuckets,; // new next objective with non duplicate treatments NextObjective.Builder builder = DefaultNextObjective.builder().withType(nextObjective.type()) .withId(; nonDuplicateBuckets.forEach(builder::addTreatment); ObjectiveContext context = nextObjective.context().orElse(null); objectiveToAdd = builder.addToExisting(context); } else { // buckets to add are already there - nothing to do log.debug("buckets already exist {} in next: {} ..ignoring bucket add", duplicateBuckets,; pass(nextObjective); return; } if (nextObjective.type() == NextObjective.Type.HASHED) { addBucketToHashGroup(objectiveToAdd, allActiveKeys); } else if (nextObjective.type() == NextObjective.Type.BROADCAST) { addBucketToBroadcastGroup(objectiveToAdd, allActiveKeys); } } private void addBucketToHashGroup(NextObjective nextObjective, List<Deque<GroupKey>> allActiveKeys) { // storage for all group keys in the chain of groups created List<Deque<GroupKey>> allGroupKeys = new ArrayList<>(); List<GroupInfo> unsentGroups = new ArrayList<>(); List<GroupBucket> newBuckets; createHashBucketChains(nextObjective, allGroupKeys, unsentGroups); // now we can create the buckets to add to the outermost L3 ECMP group newBuckets = generateNextGroupBuckets(unsentGroups, SELECT); // retrieve the original L3 ECMP group Group l3ecmpGroup = retrieveTopLevelGroup(allActiveKeys, deviceId, groupService,; if (l3ecmpGroup == null) { fail(nextObjective, ObjectiveError.GROUPMISSING); return; } GroupKey l3ecmpGroupKey = l3ecmpGroup.appCookie(); int l3ecmpGroupId =; // Although GroupDescriptions are not necessary for adding buckets to // existing groups, we still use one in the GroupChainElem. When the latter is // processed, the info will be extracted for the bucketAdd call to groupService GroupDescription l3ecmpGroupDesc = new DefaultGroupDescription(deviceId, SELECT, new GroupBuckets(newBuckets), l3ecmpGroupKey, l3ecmpGroupId, nextObjective.appId()); GroupChainElem l3ecmpGce = new GroupChainElem(l3ecmpGroupDesc, unsentGroups.size(), true, deviceId); // update new bucket-chains List<Deque<GroupKey>> addedKeys = new ArrayList<>(); for (Deque<GroupKey> newBucketChain : allGroupKeys) { newBucketChain.addFirst(l3ecmpGroupKey); addedKeys.add(newBucketChain); } updatePendingNextObjective(l3ecmpGroupKey, new OfdpaNextGroup(addedKeys, nextObjective)); log.debug("Adding to L3ECMP: device:{} gid:{} group key:{} nextId:{}", deviceId, Integer.toHexString(l3ecmpGroupId), l3ecmpGroupKey,; unsentGroups.forEach(groupInfo -> { // send the innermost group log.debug("Sending innermost group {} in group chain on device {} ", Integer.toHexString(groupInfo.innerMostGroupDesc().givenGroupId()), deviceId); updatePendingGroups(groupInfo.nextGroupDesc().appCookie(), l3ecmpGce); groupService.addGroup(groupInfo.innerMostGroupDesc()); }); } private void addBucketToBroadcastGroup(NextObjective nextObj, List<Deque<GroupKey>> allActiveKeys) { VlanId assignedVlan = readVlanFromSelector(nextObj.meta()); if (assignedVlan == null) { log.warn( "VLAN ID required by broadcast next obj is missing. " + "Aborting add bucket to broadcast group for next:{} in dev:{}",, deviceId); fail(nextObj, ObjectiveError.BADPARAMS); return; } List<GroupInfo> groupInfos = prepareL2InterfaceGroup(nextObj, assignedVlan); IpPrefix ipDst = readIpDstFromSelector(nextObj.meta()); if (ipDst != null) { if (ipDst.isMulticast()) { addBucketToL3MulticastGroup(nextObj, allActiveKeys, groupInfos, assignedVlan); } else { log.warn("Broadcast NextObj with non-multicast IP address {}", nextObj); fail(nextObj, ObjectiveError.BADPARAMS); } } else { addBucketToL2FloodGroup(nextObj, allActiveKeys, groupInfos, assignedVlan); } } private void addBucketToL2FloodGroup(NextObjective nextObj, List<Deque<GroupKey>> allActiveKeys, List<GroupInfo> groupInfos, VlanId assignedVlan) { Group l2FloodGroup = retrieveTopLevelGroup(allActiveKeys, deviceId, groupService,; if (l2FloodGroup == null) { log.warn("Can't find L2 flood group while adding bucket to it. NextObj = {}", nextObj); fail(nextObj, ObjectiveError.GROUPMISSING); return; } GroupKey l2floodGroupKey = l2FloodGroup.appCookie(); int l2floodGroupId =; List<GroupBucket> newBuckets = generateNextGroupBuckets(groupInfos, ALL); GroupDescription l2FloodGroupDescription = new DefaultGroupDescription(deviceId, ALL, new GroupBuckets(newBuckets), l2floodGroupKey, l2floodGroupId, nextObj.appId()); GroupChainElem l2FloodGroupChainElement = new GroupChainElem(l2FloodGroupDescription, groupInfos.size(), true, deviceId); //ensure assignedVlan applies to the chosen group VlanId floodGroupVlan = extractVlanIdFromGroupId(l2floodGroupId); if (!floodGroupVlan.equals(assignedVlan)) { log.warn( "VLAN ID {} does not match Flood group {} to which bucket is " + "being added, for next:{} in dev:{}. Abort.", assignedVlan, Integer.toHexString(l2floodGroupId),, deviceId); fail(nextObj, ObjectiveError.BADPARAMS); return; } List<Deque<GroupKey>> addedKeys = new ArrayList<>(); groupInfos.forEach(groupInfo -> { // update original NextGroup with new bucket-chain Deque<GroupKey> newBucketChain = new ArrayDeque<>(); newBucketChain.addFirst(groupInfo.nextGroupDesc().appCookie()); newBucketChain.addFirst(l2floodGroupKey); addedKeys.add(newBucketChain); log.debug("Adding to L2FLOOD: device:{} gid:{} group key:{} nextId:{}", deviceId, Integer.toHexString(l2floodGroupId), l2floodGroupKey,; // send the innermost group log.debug("Sending innermost group {} in group chain on device {} ", Integer.toHexString(groupInfo.innerMostGroupDesc().givenGroupId()), deviceId); updatePendingGroups(groupInfo.nextGroupDesc().appCookie(), l2FloodGroupChainElement); DeviceId innerMostGroupDevice = groupInfo.innerMostGroupDesc().deviceId(); GroupKey innerMostGroupKey = groupInfo.innerMostGroupDesc().appCookie(); Group existsL2IGroup = groupService.getGroup(innerMostGroupDevice, innerMostGroupKey); if (existsL2IGroup != null) { // group already exist processPendingAddGroupsOrNextObjs(innerMostGroupKey, true); } else { groupService.addGroup(groupInfo.innerMostGroupDesc()); } }); updatePendingNextObjective(l2floodGroupKey, new OfdpaNextGroup(addedKeys, nextObj)); } private void addBucketToL3MulticastGroup(NextObjective nextObj, List<Deque<GroupKey>> allActiveKeys, List<GroupInfo> groupInfos, VlanId assignedVlan) { // Create the buckets to add to the outermost L3 Multicast group List<GroupBucket> newBuckets = createL3MulticastBucket(groupInfos); // get the group being edited Group l3mcastGroup = retrieveTopLevelGroup(allActiveKeys, deviceId, groupService,; if (l3mcastGroup == null) { fail(nextObj, ObjectiveError.GROUPMISSING); return; } GroupKey l3mcastGroupKey = l3mcastGroup.appCookie(); int l3mcastGroupId =; //ensure assignedVlan applies to the chosen group VlanId expectedVlan = extractVlanIdFromGroupId(l3mcastGroupId); if (!expectedVlan.equals(assignedVlan)) { log.warn( "VLAN ID {} does not match L3 Mcast group {} to which bucket is " + "being added, for next:{} in dev:{}. Abort.", assignedVlan, Integer.toHexString(l3mcastGroupId),, deviceId); fail(nextObj, ObjectiveError.BADPARAMS); } GroupDescription l3mcastGroupDescription = new DefaultGroupDescription(deviceId, ALL, new GroupBuckets(newBuckets), l3mcastGroupKey, l3mcastGroupId, nextObj.appId()); GroupChainElem l3mcastGce = new GroupChainElem(l3mcastGroupDescription, groupInfos.size(), true, deviceId); List<Deque<GroupKey>> addedKeys = new ArrayList<>(); groupInfos.forEach(groupInfo -> { // update original NextGroup with new bucket-chain Deque<GroupKey> newBucketChain = new ArrayDeque<>(); newBucketChain.addFirst(groupInfo.innerMostGroupDesc().appCookie()); // Add L3 interface group to the chain if there is one. if (!groupInfo.nextGroupDesc().equals(groupInfo.innerMostGroupDesc())) { newBucketChain.addFirst(groupInfo.nextGroupDesc().appCookie()); } newBucketChain.addFirst(l3mcastGroupKey); addedKeys.add(newBucketChain); updatePendingGroups(groupInfo.nextGroupDesc().appCookie(), l3mcastGce); // Point next group to inner-most group, if any if (!groupInfo.nextGroupDesc().equals(groupInfo.innerMostGroupDesc())) { GroupChainElem innerGce = new GroupChainElem(groupInfo.nextGroupDesc(), 1, false, deviceId); updatePendingGroups(groupInfo.innerMostGroupDesc().appCookie(), innerGce); } log.debug("Adding to L3MCAST: device:{} gid:{} group key:{} nextId:{}", deviceId, Integer.toHexString(l3mcastGroupId), l3mcastGroupKey,; // send the innermost group log.debug("Sending innermost group {} in group chain on device {} ", Integer.toHexString(groupInfo.innerMostGroupDesc().givenGroupId()), deviceId); groupService.addGroup(groupInfo.innerMostGroupDesc()); }); updatePendingNextObjective(l3mcastGroupKey, new OfdpaNextGroup(addedKeys, nextObj)); } /** * Removes buckets in the top level group of a possible group-chain. Does * not remove the groups in the group-chain pointed to by this bucket, as they * may be in use (referenced by other groups) elsewhere. * * @param nextObjective a next objective that contains information for the * buckets to be removed from the group * @param next the representation of the existing group-chains for this next * objective, from which the top-level buckets to remove are determined */ protected void removeBucketFromGroup(NextObjective nextObjective, NextGroup next) { if (nextObjective.type() != NextObjective.Type.HASHED && nextObjective.type() != NextObjective.Type.BROADCAST) { log.warn("RemoveBuckets not applied to nextType:{} in dev:{} for next:{}", nextObjective.type(), deviceId,; fail(nextObjective, ObjectiveError.UNSUPPORTED); return; } List<Deque<GroupKey>> allActiveKeys = appKryo.deserialize(; List<Integer> indicesToRemove = Lists.newArrayList(); for (TrafficTreatment treatment : { // find the top-level bucket in the group-chain by matching the // outport and label from different groups in the chain PortNumber portToRemove = readOutPortFromTreatment(treatment); int labelToRemove = readLabelFromTreatment(treatment); if (portToRemove == null) { log.warn( "treatment {} of next objective {} has no outport.. " + "cannot remove bucket from group in dev: {}", treatment,, deviceId); continue; } List<Integer> existing = existingPortAndLabel(allActiveKeys, groupService, deviceId, portToRemove, labelToRemove); indicesToRemove.addAll(existing); } List<Deque<GroupKey>> chainsToRemove = Lists.newArrayList(); indicesToRemove.forEach(index -> chainsToRemove.add(allActiveKeys.get(index))); if (chainsToRemove.isEmpty()) { log.warn("Could not find appropriate group-chain for removing bucket" + " for next id {} in dev:{}",, deviceId); fail(nextObjective, ObjectiveError.BADPARAMS); return; } removeBucket(chainsToRemove, nextObjective); } /** * Removes top-level buckets from a group that represents the given next objective. * * @param chainsToRemove a list of group bucket chains to remove * @param nextObjective the next objective that contains information for the * buckets to be removed from the group */ protected void removeBucket(List<Deque<GroupKey>> chainsToRemove, NextObjective nextObjective) { List<GroupBucket> bucketsToRemove = Lists.newArrayList(); //first group key is the one we want to modify GroupKey modGroupKey = chainsToRemove.get(0).peekFirst(); Group modGroup = groupService.getGroup(deviceId, modGroupKey); if (modGroup == null) { log.warn("removeBucket(): Attempt to modify non-existent group {} for device {}", modGroupKey, deviceId); return; } for (Deque<GroupKey> foundChain : chainsToRemove) { //second group key is the one we wish to remove the reference to if (foundChain.size() < 2) { // additional check to make sure second group key exists in // the chain. log.warn("Can't find second group key from chain {}", foundChain); continue; } GroupKey pointedGroupKey =; Group pointedGroup = groupService.getGroup(deviceId, pointedGroupKey); if (pointedGroup == null) { continue; } GroupBucket bucket; if (nextObjective.type() == NextObjective.Type.HASHED) { bucket = DefaultGroupBucket.createSelectGroupBucket( DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder().group(; } else { bucket = DefaultGroupBucket .createAllGroupBucket(DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder().group(; } bucketsToRemove.add(bucket); } GroupBuckets removeBuckets = new GroupBuckets(bucketsToRemove); List<String> pointedGroupIds; // for debug log pointedGroupIds = .map(TrafficTreatment::allInstructions).flatMap(List::stream) .filter(inst -> inst instanceof Instructions.GroupInstruction) .map(inst -> (Instructions.GroupInstruction) inst).map(Instructions.GroupInstruction::groupId) .map(GroupId::id).map(Integer::toHexString).map(id -> HEX_PREFIX + id).collect(Collectors.toList()); log.debug("Removing buckets from group id 0x{} pointing to group id(s) {} " + "for next id {} in device {}", Integer.toHexString(, pointedGroupIds,, deviceId); addPendingUpdateNextObjective(modGroupKey, nextObjective); groupService.removeBucketsFromGroup(deviceId, modGroupKey, removeBuckets, modGroupKey, nextObjective.appId()); // update store - synchronize access as there may be multiple threads // trying to remove buckets from the same group, each with its own // potentially stale copy of allActiveKeys synchronized (flowObjectiveStore) { // get a fresh copy of what the store holds NextGroup next = flowObjectiveStore.getNextGroup(; List<Deque<GroupKey>> allActiveKeys = appKryo.deserialize(; allActiveKeys = Lists.newArrayList(allActiveKeys); // Note that since we got a new object, and ArrayDeque does not implement // Object.equals(), we have to check the deque elems one by one allActiveKeys.removeIf(active -> remove -> Arrays.equals(remove.toArray(new GroupKey[0]), active.toArray(new GroupKey[0])))); // If no buckets in the group, then retain an entry for the // top level group which still exists. if (allActiveKeys.isEmpty()) { ArrayDeque<GroupKey> top = new ArrayDeque<>(); top.add(modGroupKey); allActiveKeys.add(top); } flowObjectiveStore.putNextGroup(, new OfdpaNextGroup(allActiveKeys, nextObjective)); } } /** * Removes all groups in multiple possible group-chains that represent the next-obj. * * @param nextObjective the next objective to remove * @param next the NextGroup that represents the existing group-chain for * this next objective */ protected void removeGroup(NextObjective nextObjective, NextGroup next) { List<Deque<GroupKey>> allActiveKeys = appKryo.deserialize(; List<GroupKey> groupKeys =; addPendingRemoveNextObjective(nextObjective, groupKeys); allActiveKeys.forEach(groupChain -> groupChain .forEach(groupKey -> groupService.removeGroup(deviceId, groupKey, nextObjective.appId()))); flowObjectiveStore.removeNextGroup(; } /** * Modify buckets in the L2 interface group. * * @param nextObjective a next objective that contains information for the * buckets to be modified in the group * @param next the representation of the existing group-chains for this next * objective, from which the innermost group buckets to remove are determined */ protected void modifyBucketFromGroup(NextObjective nextObjective, NextGroup next) { if (nextObjective.type() != NextObjective.Type.SIMPLE) { log.warn("ModifyBucketFromGroup cannot be applied to nextType:{} in dev:{} for next:{}", nextObjective.type(), deviceId,; fail(nextObjective, ObjectiveError.UNSUPPORTED); return; } VlanId assignedVlan = readVlanFromSelector(nextObjective.meta()); if (assignedVlan == null) { log.warn("VLAN ID required by simple next obj is missing. Abort."); fail(nextObjective, ObjectiveError.BADPARAMS); return; } List<GroupInfo> groupInfos = prepareL2InterfaceGroup(nextObjective, assignedVlan); // There is only one L2 interface group in this case GroupDescription l2InterfaceGroupDesc = groupInfos.get(0).innerMostGroupDesc(); // Replace group bucket for L2 interface group groupService.setBucketsForGroup(deviceId, l2InterfaceGroupDesc.appCookie(), l2InterfaceGroupDesc.buckets(), l2InterfaceGroupDesc.appCookie(), l2InterfaceGroupDesc.appId()); // update store - synchronize access as there may be multiple threads // trying to remove buckets from the same group, each with its own // potentially stale copy of allActiveKeys synchronized (flowObjectiveStore) { List<Deque<GroupKey>> modifiedGroupKeys = Lists.newArrayList(); ArrayDeque<GroupKey> top = new ArrayDeque<>(); top.add(l2InterfaceGroupDesc.appCookie()); modifiedGroupKeys.add(top); flowObjectiveStore.putNextGroup(, new OfdpaNextGroup(modifiedGroupKeys, nextObjective)); } } /** * Checks existing buckets in {@link NextGroup} to verify if they match * the buckets in the given {@link NextObjective}. Adds or removes buckets * to ensure that the buckets match up. * * @param nextObjective the next objective to verify * @param next the representation of the existing group which has to be * modified to match the given next objective */ protected void verifyGroup(NextObjective nextObjective, NextGroup next) { if (nextObjective.type() == NextObjective.Type.SIMPLE) { log.warn("verification not supported for indirect group"); fail(nextObjective, ObjectiveError.UNSUPPORTED); return; } log.trace("Call to verify device:{} nextId:{}", deviceId,; List<Deque<GroupKey>> allActiveKeys = appKryo.deserialize(; List<TrafficTreatment> bucketsToCreate = Lists.newArrayList(); List<Integer> indicesToRemove = Lists.newArrayList(); // Iterating over the treatments of the next objective allows // to detect missing buckets and/or duplicate buckets (to be removed) for (TrafficTreatment bkt : { PortNumber portNumber = readOutPortFromTreatment(bkt); int label = readLabelFromTreatment(bkt); if (portNumber == null) { log.warn("treatment {} of next objective {} has no outport.. " + "cannot remove bucket from group in dev: {}", bkt,, deviceId); fail(nextObjective, ObjectiveError.BADPARAMS); return; } List<Integer> existing = existingPortAndLabel(allActiveKeys, groupService, deviceId, portNumber, label); if (existing.isEmpty()) { // if it doesn't exist, mark this bucket for creation bucketsToCreate.add(bkt); } if (existing.size() > 1) { // if it exists but there are duplicates, mark the others for removal existing.remove(0); indicesToRemove.addAll(existing); } } // Detect situation where the next data has more buckets // (not duplicates) respect to the next objective if (allActiveKeys.size() > && // ignore specific case of empty group !( == 0 && allActiveKeys.size() == 1 && allActiveKeys.get(0).size() == 1)) { log.warn( "Mismatch detected between next and flowobjstore for device {}: " + "nextId:{}, nextObjective-size:{} next-size:{} .. correcting", deviceId,,, allActiveKeys.size()); List<Integer> otherIndices = indicesToRemoveFromNextGroup(allActiveKeys, nextObjective, groupService, deviceId); // Filter out the indices not present otherIndices = -> !indicesToRemove.contains(index)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); // Add all to the final list indicesToRemove.addAll(otherIndices); } log.trace("Buckets to create {}", bucketsToCreate); log.trace("Indices to remove {}", indicesToRemove); if (!bucketsToCreate.isEmpty()) {"creating {} buckets as part of nextId: {} verification", bucketsToCreate.size(),; //create a nextObjective only with these buckets NextObjective.Builder nextObjBuilder = DefaultNextObjective.builder().withId( .withType(nextObjective.type()).withMeta(nextObjective.meta()).fromApp(nextObjective.appId()); bucketsToCreate.forEach(nextObjBuilder::addTreatment); // According to the next type we call the proper add function if (nextObjective.type() == NextObjective.Type.HASHED) { addBucketToHashGroup(nextObjBuilder.addToExisting(), allActiveKeys); } else { addBucketToBroadcastGroup(nextObjBuilder.addToExisting(), allActiveKeys); } } if (!indicesToRemove.isEmpty()) {"removing {} buckets as part of nextId: {} verification", indicesToRemove.size(),; List<Deque<GroupKey>> chainsToRemove = Lists.newArrayList(); indicesToRemove.forEach(index -> chainsToRemove.add(allActiveKeys.get(index))); removeBucket(chainsToRemove, nextObjective); } if (bucketsToCreate.isEmpty() && indicesToRemove.isEmpty()) { // flowObjective store record is in-sync with nextObjective passed-in // Nevertheless groupStore may not be in sync due to bug in the store // - see CORD-1844. XXX When this bug is fixed, the rest of this verify // method will not be required. GroupKey topGroupKey = allActiveKeys.get(0).peekFirst(); Group topGroup = groupService.getGroup(deviceId, topGroupKey); int actualGroupSize = topGroup.buckets().buckets().size(); int objGroupSize =; if (actualGroupSize != objGroupSize) { log.warn( "Mismatch detected in device:{}, nextId:{}, nextObjective-size" + ":{} group-size:{} .. correcting", deviceId,, objGroupSize, actualGroupSize); } if (actualGroupSize > objGroupSize) { // Group in the device has more chains List<GroupBucket> bucketsToRemove = Lists.newArrayList(); //check every bucket in the actual group for (GroupBucket bucket : topGroup.buckets().buckets()) { GroupInstruction g = (GroupInstruction) bucket.treatment().allInstructions().iterator().next(); GroupId gidToCheck = g.groupId(); // the group pointed to boolean matches = false; for (Deque<GroupKey> validChain : allActiveKeys) { if (validChain.size() < 2) { continue; } GroupKey pointedGroupKey =; Group pointedGroup = groupService.getGroup(deviceId, pointedGroupKey); if (pointedGroup != null && gidToCheck.equals( { matches = true; break; } } if (!matches) { log.warn("Removing bucket pointing to groupId:{}", gidToCheck); bucketsToRemove.add(bucket); } } // remove buckets for which there was no record in the obj store if (bucketsToRemove.isEmpty()) { log.warn("Mismatch detected but could not determine which" + "buckets to remove"); } else { GroupBuckets removeBuckets = new GroupBuckets(bucketsToRemove); groupService.removeBucketsFromGroup(deviceId, topGroupKey, removeBuckets, topGroupKey, nextObjective.appId()); } } else if (actualGroupSize < objGroupSize) { // Group in the device has less chains // should also add buckets not in group-store but in obj-store List<GroupBucket> bucketsToAdd = Lists.newArrayList(); //check every bucket in the obj for (Deque<GroupKey> validChain : allActiveKeys) { if (validChain.size() < 2) { continue; } GroupKey pointedGroupKey =; Group pointedGroup = groupService.getGroup(deviceId, pointedGroupKey); if (pointedGroup == null) { // group should exist, otherwise cannot be added as bucket continue; } boolean matches = false; for (GroupBucket bucket : topGroup.buckets().buckets()) { GroupInstruction g = (GroupInstruction) bucket.treatment().allInstructions().iterator() .next(); GroupId gidToCheck = g.groupId(); // the group pointed to if ( { matches = true; break; } } if (!matches) { log.warn("Adding bucket pointing to groupId:{}", pointedGroup); TrafficTreatment t = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder().group(; // Create the proper bucket according to the next type if (nextObjective.type() == NextObjective.Type.HASHED) { bucketsToAdd.add(DefaultGroupBucket.createSelectGroupBucket(t)); } else { bucketsToAdd.add(DefaultGroupBucket.createAllGroupBucket(t)); } } } if (bucketsToAdd.isEmpty()) { log.warn("Mismatch detected but could not determine which " + "buckets to add"); } else { GroupBuckets addBuckets = new GroupBuckets(bucketsToAdd); groupService.addBucketsToGroup(deviceId, topGroupKey, addBuckets, topGroupKey, nextObjective.appId()); } } } pass(nextObjective); } ////////////////////////////////////// // Helper methods and classes ////////////////////////////////////// protected void updatePendingNextObjective(GroupKey groupKey, OfdpaNextGroup nextGrp) { pendingAddNextObjectives.asMap().compute(groupKey, (k, val) -> { if (val == null) { val = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); } val.add(nextGrp); return val; }); } protected void updatePendingGroups(GroupKey groupKey, GroupChainElem gce) { pendingGroups.asMap().compute(groupKey, (k, val) -> { if (val == null) { val = Sets.newConcurrentHashSet(); } val.add(gce); return val; }); } protected void addPendingUpdateNextObjective(GroupKey groupKey, NextObjective nextObjective) { pendingUpdateNextObjectives.compute(groupKey, (gKey, nextObjs) -> { if (nextObjs != null) { nextObjs.add(nextObjective); } else { nextObjs = Sets.newHashSet(nextObjective); } return nextObjs; }); } protected void addPendingRemoveNextObjective(NextObjective nextObjective, List<GroupKey> groupKeys) { pendingRemoveNextObjectives.put(nextObjective, groupKeys); } protected int getNextAvailableIndex() { return (int) nextIndex.incrementAndGet(); } protected void processPendingUpdateNextObjs(GroupKey groupKey) { Set<NextObjective> nextObjs = pendingUpdateNextObjectives.remove(groupKey); if (nextObjs != null) { nextObjs.forEach(nextObj -> { log.debug("Group {} updated, update pending next objective {}.", groupKey, nextObj); pass(nextObj); }); } } protected void processPendingRemoveNextObjs(GroupKey key) { pendingRemoveNextObjectives.asMap().forEach((nextObjective, groupKeys) -> { if (groupKeys.isEmpty()) { pendingRemoveNextObjectives.invalidate(nextObjective); pass(nextObjective); } else { groupKeys.remove(key); } }); } protected void processPendingAddGroupsOrNextObjs(GroupKey key, boolean added) { //first check for group chain Set<OfdpaGroupHandlerUtility.GroupChainElem> gceSet = pendingGroups.asMap().remove(key); if (gceSet != null) { for (GroupChainElem gce : gceSet) { log.debug( "Group service {} group key {} in device {}. " + "Processing next group in group chain with group id 0x{}", (added) ? "ADDED" : "processed", key, deviceId, Integer.toHexString(gce.groupDescription().givenGroupId())); processGroupChain(gce); } } else { // otherwise chain complete - check for waiting nextObjectives List<OfdpaGroupHandlerUtility.OfdpaNextGroup> nextGrpList = pendingAddNextObjectives.getIfPresent(key); if (nextGrpList != null) { pendingAddNextObjectives.invalidate(key); nextGrpList.forEach(nextGrp -> { log.debug( "Group service {} group key {} in device:{}. " + "Done implementing next objective: {} <<-->> gid:0x{}", (added) ? "ADDED" : "processed", key, deviceId, nextGrp.nextObjective().id(), Integer.toHexString(groupService.getGroup(deviceId, key).givenGroupId())); pass(nextGrp.nextObjective()); updateFlowObjectiveStore(nextGrp.nextObjective().id(), nextGrp); // check if addBuckets waiting for this completion pendingBuckets.compute(nextGrp.nextObjective().id(), (nextId, pendBkts) -> { if (pendBkts != null) { pendBkts.forEach(pendBkt -> addBucketToGroup(pendBkt, nextGrp)); } return null; }); }); } } } /** * Processes next element of a group chain. Assumption is that if this * group points to another group, the latter has already been created * and this driver has received notification for it. A second assumption is * that if there is another group waiting for this group then the appropriate * stores already have the information to act upon the notification for the * creation of this group. * <p> * The processing of the GroupChainElement depends on the number of groups * this element is waiting on. For all group types other than SIMPLE, a * GroupChainElement could be waiting on multiple groups. * * @param gce the group chain element to be processed next */ private void processGroupChain(GroupChainElem gce) { int waitOnGroups = gce.decrementAndGetGroupsWaitedOn(); if (waitOnGroups != 0) { log.debug("GCE: {} not ready to be processed", gce); return; } log.debug("GCE: {} ready to be processed", gce); if (gce.addBucketToGroup()) { groupService.addBucketsToGroup(gce.groupDescription().deviceId(), gce.groupDescription().appCookie(), gce.groupDescription().buckets(), gce.groupDescription().appCookie(), gce.groupDescription().appId()); } else { groupService.addGroup(gce.groupDescription()); } } private void updateFlowObjectiveStore(Integer nextId, OfdpaNextGroup nextGrp) { synchronized (flowObjectiveStore) { // get fresh copy of what the store holds NextGroup next = flowObjectiveStore.getNextGroup(nextId); if (next == null || nextGrp.nextObjective().op() == Operation.ADD) { flowObjectiveStore.putNextGroup(nextId, nextGrp); return; } if (nextGrp.nextObjective().op() == Operation.ADD_TO_EXISTING) { List<Deque<GroupKey>> allActiveKeys = appKryo.deserialize(; allActiveKeys = Lists.newArrayList(allActiveKeys); // If active keys shows only the top-level group without a chain of groups, // then it represents an empty group. Update by replacing empty chain. if (allActiveKeys.size() == 1 && allActiveKeys.get(0).size() == 1) { allActiveKeys.clear(); } allActiveKeys.addAll(nextGrp.allKeys()); flowObjectiveStore.putNextGroup(nextId, new OfdpaNextGroup(allActiveKeys, nextGrp.nextObjective())); } } } private class InnerGroupListener implements GroupListener { @Override public void event(GroupEvent event) { switch (event.type()) { case GROUP_ADDED: processPendingAddGroupsOrNextObjs(event.subject().appCookie(), true); break; case GROUP_REMOVED: processPendingRemoveNextObjs(event.subject().appCookie()); break; case GROUP_UPDATED: processPendingUpdateNextObjs(event.subject().appCookie()); break; default: break; } } } }