Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 Mikhail Titov. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.onesec.raven.ivr.actions; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import javax.script.Bindings; import javax.script.SimpleBindings; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import static org.onesec.raven.ivr.IvrEndpointConversation.*; import org.onesec.raven.ivr.impl.IvrConversationScenarioNode; import org.raven.RavenUtils; import org.raven.annotations.NodeClass; import org.raven.annotations.Parameter; import org.raven.conv.BindingScope; import org.raven.conv.ConversationScenarioState; import org.raven.expr.impl.BindingSupportImpl; import org.raven.expr.impl.ScriptAttributeValueHandlerFactory; import org.raven.tree.Node; import org.raven.tree.impl.BaseNode; import org.weda.annotations.constraints.NotNull; /** * * @author Mikhail Titov */ @NodeClass(parentNode = IvrConversationScenarioNode.class, importChildTypesFromParent = true) public class CollectDtmfsActionNode extends BaseNode { private final static String VALIDATION_ERROR = ""; private final static String VALIDATION_ERROR_BINDING = "VALIDATION_ERROR"; @NotNull @Parameter(defaultValue = "*") private String stopDtmf; @NotNull @Parameter(defaultValue = "POINT") private BindingScope bindingScope; @NotNull @Parameter(defaultValue = DTMFS_BINDING) private String dtmfsBindingName; @NotNull @Parameter(defaultValue = "false") private Boolean autoJoin; @Parameter private String joinSeparator; @Parameter(valueHandlerType = ScriptAttributeValueHandlerFactory.TYPE) private Object postProcess; @NotNull @Parameter(defaultValue = "false") private Boolean usePostProcess; @Parameter private Integer maxDtmfsCount; @Parameter private Long autoStopDelay; @NotNull @Parameter(defaultValue = "SECONDS") private TimeUnit autoStopDelayUnit; private BindingSupportImpl bindingsSupport; private CollectDtmfsErrorHandler errorHandler; @Override protected void initFields() { super.initFields(); bindingsSupport = new BindingSupportImpl(); } @Override protected void doInit() throws Exception { super.doInit(); initNodes(false); } @Override protected void doStart() throws Exception { super.doStart(); initNodes(true); } private void initNodes(boolean start) { errorHandler = (CollectDtmfsErrorHandler) getNode(CollectDtmfsErrorHandler.NAME); if (errorHandler == null) { errorHandler = new CollectDtmfsErrorHandler(); addAndSaveChildren(errorHandler); if (start) errorHandler.start(); } } public CollectDtmfsErrorHandler getErrorHandler() { return errorHandler; } @Override public boolean isConditionalNode() { return true; } @Override public void formExpressionBindings(Bindings bindings) { super.formExpressionBindings(bindings); bindingsSupport.addTo(bindings); } @Override public Collection<Node> getEffectiveNodes() { if (getStatus() != Node.Status.STARTED) return null; Bindings bindings = new SimpleBindings(); formExpressionBindings(bindings); String tempDtmfsKey = getTempDtmfsKey(); ConversationScenarioState state = getConversationState(bindings); List<String> dtmfs = (List<String>) state.getBindings().get(tempDtmfsKey); if (dtmfs == null) { dtmfs = new LinkedList<String>(); state.setBinding(tempDtmfsKey, dtmfs, BindingScope.POINT); state.setBinding(dtmfsBindingName, dtmfs, bindingScope); } String dtmf = (String) bindings.get(DTMF_BINDING); Integer _maxDtmfsCount = maxDtmfsCount; if (stopDtmf.equals(dtmf)) return processStopAction(state, dtmfs, tempDtmfsKey); else { String lastTsKey = getLastTsKey(); long curTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (!(EMPTY_DTMF + "").equals(dtmf)) { dtmfs.add(dtmf); if (_maxDtmfsCount != null && dtmfs.size() == _maxDtmfsCount) return processStopAction(state, dtmfs, tempDtmfsKey); else if (autoStopDelay != null) state.setBinding(lastTsKey, curTime, BindingScope.POINT); } else { Long _autoStopDelay = autoStopDelay; if (_autoStopDelay != null) { Long lastTs = (Long) state.getBindings().get(lastTsKey); if (lastTs != null && lastTs + autoStopDelayUnit.toMillis(autoStopDelay) <= curTime) return processStopAction(state, dtmfs, tempDtmfsKey); } } return null; } } String getLastTsKey() { return RavenUtils.generateKey("lastTsKey", this); } String getTempDtmfsKey() { return RavenUtils.generateKey("dtmfs", this); } private boolean postProcessDtmfs(ConversationScenarioState state, List<String> dtmfs) { boolean success = false; if (!dtmfs.isEmpty()) { success = true; Object res = dtmfs; boolean updateBindings = false; if (autoJoin) { res = StringUtils.join(dtmfs, joinSeparator); updateBindings = true; } if (usePostProcess) { bindingsSupport.put(DTMFS_BINDING, res); bindingsSupport.put(VALIDATION_ERROR_BINDING, VALIDATION_ERROR); try { res = postProcess; updateBindings = success = res != VALIDATION_ERROR; } finally { bindingsSupport.reset(); } } if (updateBindings) state.setBinding(dtmfsBindingName, res, bindingScope); } return success; } public Collection<Node> processStopAction(ConversationScenarioState state, List<String> dtmfs, String tempDtmfsKey) { state.setBinding(tempDtmfsKey, null, BindingScope.POINT); state.setBinding(getLastTsKey(), null, BindingScope.POINT); return postProcessDtmfs(state, dtmfs) ? super.getEffectiveNodes() : errorHandler.getErrorActions(); } private ConversationScenarioState getConversationState(Bindings bindings) { return (ConversationScenarioState) bindings.get(CONVERSATION_STATE_BINDING); } public BindingScope getBindingScope() { return bindingScope; } public void setBindingScope(BindingScope bindingScope) { this.bindingScope = bindingScope; } public String getStopDtmf() { return stopDtmf; } public void setStopDtmf(String stopDtmf) { this.stopDtmf = stopDtmf; } public String getDtmfsBindingName() { return dtmfsBindingName; } public void setDtmfsBindingName(String dtmfsBindingName) { this.dtmfsBindingName = dtmfsBindingName; } public Boolean getAutoJoin() { return autoJoin; } public void setAutoJoin(Boolean autoJoin) { this.autoJoin = autoJoin; } public String getJoinSeparator() { return joinSeparator; } public void setJoinSeparator(String joinSeparator) { this.joinSeparator = joinSeparator; } public Object getPostProcess() { return postProcess; } public void setPostProcess(Object postProcess) { this.postProcess = postProcess; } public Boolean getUsePostProcess() { return usePostProcess; } public void setUsePostProcess(Boolean usePostProcess) { this.usePostProcess = usePostProcess; } public Integer getMaxDtmfsCount() { return maxDtmfsCount; } public void setMaxDtmfsCount(Integer maxDtmfsCount) { this.maxDtmfsCount = maxDtmfsCount; } public Long getAutoStopDelay() { return autoStopDelay; } public void setAutoStopDelay(Long autoStopDelay) { this.autoStopDelay = autoStopDelay; } public TimeUnit getAutoStopDelayUnit() { return autoStopDelayUnit; } public void setAutoStopDelayUnit(TimeUnit autoStopDelayUnit) { this.autoStopDelayUnit = autoStopDelayUnit; } }