Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2017 Cambridge Systematics, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.onebusaway.rss.impl; import com.rometools.rome.feed.module.Module; import; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.jdom2.Namespace; import org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.AgencyAndId; import org.onebusaway.rss.model.AffectsClauseRssBean; import org.onebusaway.rss.model.IServiceAlert; import org.onebusaway.rss.model.TimeRangeRssBean; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * Translate IServiceAlert to RSS via ROME plugin. */ public class ServiceAlertRssModuleGenerator implements ModuleGenerator { private static Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ServiceAlertRssModuleGenerator.class); private static final Namespace SERVICE_ALERT_NS = Namespace.getNamespace("oba", IServiceAlert.URI); @Override public String getNamespaceUri() { return IServiceAlert.URI; } private static final Set NAMESPACES; static { Set nss = new HashSet(); nss.add(SERVICE_ALERT_NS); NAMESPACES = Collections.unmodifiableSet(nss); } @Override public Set<Namespace> getNamespaces() { return NAMESPACES; } @Override public void generate(Module module, Element element) { // this is not necessary, it is done to avoid the namespace definition in every item. Element root = element; while (root.getParent() != null && root.getParent() instanceof Element) { root = (Element) element.getParent(); } root.addNamespaceDeclaration(SERVICE_ALERT_NS); Element sas = null; Element channel = getElement(root, "channel"); if (channel == null) { throw new RuntimeException("missing channel from element=" + root); } sas = getElement(channel, "ServiceAlerts"); if (sas == null) { sas = generateSimpleElement("ServiceAlerts", ""); sas.setName("ServiceAlerts"); channel.addContent(sas); } if (module instanceof IServiceAlert) { IServiceAlert isa = (IServiceAlert) module; if (isa.getId() != null) { Element sa = generateSimpleElement("ServiceAlert", ""); sa.setName("ServiceAlert"); sa.addContent(generateSimpleElement("id", isa.getId())); sa.addContent(generateSimpleElement("summary", isa.getSummary())); sa.addContent(generateSimpleElement("description", isa.getDescription())); sa.addContent(generateSimpleElement("reason", isa.getReason())); sa.addContent(generateSimpleElement("severity", isa.getSeverity())); if (isa.getPublicationWindows() != null && !isa.getPublicationWindows().isEmpty()) { Element publicationWindows = generateSimpleElement("PublicationWindows", ""); publicationWindows.setName("PublicationWindows"); sa.addContent(publicationWindows); for (TimeRangeRssBean trb : isa.getPublicationWindows()) { Element timeRange = generateSimpleElement("TimeRange", ""); timeRange.addContent(generateSimpleElement("from", "" + trb.getFrom())); timeRange.addContent(generateSimpleElement("to", "" + trb.getTo())); publicationWindows.addContent(timeRange); } } if (isa.getAffectsClauses() != null && !isa.getAffectsClauses().isEmpty()) { Element affectsClauses = generateSimpleElement("AffectsClauses", ""); affectsClauses.setName("AffectsClauses"); sa.addContent(affectsClauses); for (AffectsClauseRssBean acrb : isa.getAffectsClauses()) { Element affect = generateSimpleElement("Affect", ""); if (acrb.getAgencyId() != null && acrb.getRouteId() == null && acrb.getStopId() == null && acrb.getTripId() == null) affect.addContent(generateAgencyElement("agencyId", acrb.getAgencyId())); if (acrb.getRouteId() != null) affect.addContent(generateAgencyElement("routeId", acrb.getRouteId())); if (acrb.getStopId() != null) affect.addContent(generateAgencyElement("stopId", acrb.getStopId())); if (acrb.getTripId() != null) affect.addContent(generateAgencyElement("tripId", acrb.getTripId())); affectsClauses.addContent(affect); } } sas.addContent(sa); } } else { _log.error("unknown type=" + module); } } private Element getElement(Element root, String name) { if (root == null || name.equals(root.getName())) { return root; } List<Element> elements = root.getChildren(); for (Element e : elements) { // recurse Element found = getElement(e, name); if (found != null) return found; } return null; } protected Element generateSimpleElement(String name, String value) { Element element = new Element(name, SERVICE_ALERT_NS); element.addContent(value); return element; } protected Element generateAgencyElement(String key, String agencyId) { Element agency = new Element("Agency", SERVICE_ALERT_NS); agency.setName("Agency"); try { AgencyAndId agencyAndId = AgencyAndId.convertFromString(agencyId); agency.addContent(generateSimpleElement("agency", agencyAndId.getAgencyId())); agency.addContent(generateSimpleElement(key, agencyAndId.getId())); return agency; } catch (Exception e) { agency.addContent(generateSimpleElement(key, agencyId)); return agency; } } }