Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2011 Metropolitan Transportation Authority * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.annotation.PreDestroy; import lrms_final_09_07.Angle; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import org.joda.time.format.ISODateTimeFormat; import org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.AgencyAndId; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import tcip_3_0_5_local.NMEA; import tcip_final_3_0_5_1.CcLocationReport; import tcip_final_3_0_5_1.CcLocationReport.EmergencyCodes; import; import; import; import; import; import; @Component public class VehicleLocationInferenceServiceImpl implements VehicleLocationInferenceService { private static Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(VehicleLocationInferenceServiceImpl.class); private static final DateTimeFormatter XML_DATE_TIME_FORMAT = ISODateTimeFormat.dateTimeParser(); @Autowired private ObservationCache _observationCache; @Autowired private OutputQueueSenderService _outputQueueSenderService; @Autowired private VehicleAssignmentService _vehicleAssignmentService; @Autowired private TransitGraphDao _transitGraphDao; @Autowired private BundleManagementService _bundleManagementService; private BundleItem _lastBundle = null; private ExecutorService _executorService; private int _skippedUpdateLogCounter = 0; private int _numberOfProcessingThreads = 2 + (Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 5); private final ConcurrentMap<AgencyAndId, VehicleInferenceInstance> _vehicleInstancesByVehicleId = new ConcurrentHashMap<AgencyAndId, VehicleInferenceInstance>(); private ApplicationContext _applicationContext; public void setNumberOfProcessingThreads(int numberOfProcessingThreads) { _numberOfProcessingThreads = numberOfProcessingThreads; } /** * Usually, we shoudn't ever have a reference to ApplicationContext, but we * need it for the prototype * * @param applicationContext */ @Autowired public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) { _applicationContext = applicationContext; } @PostConstruct public void start() { if (_numberOfProcessingThreads <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("numberOfProcessingThreads must be positive");"Creating thread pool of size=" + _numberOfProcessingThreads); _executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(_numberOfProcessingThreads); } @PreDestroy public void stop() { _executorService.shutdownNow(); } /**** * Service Methods ****/ /** * This method is used by the simulator to inject a trace into the inference process. */ @Override public void handleNycTestInferredLocationRecord(NycTestInferredLocationRecord record) { verifyVehicleResultMappingToCurrentBundle(); synchronized (_vehicleInstancesByVehicleId) { final VehicleInferenceInstance i = getInstanceForVehicle(record.getVehicleId()); final Future<?> result = _executorService.submit(new ProcessingTask(i, record, true, false)); _bundleManagementService.registerInferenceProcessingThread(result); } } /** * This method is used by the simulator to inject a trace into the inference PIPELINE, but not through * the inference algorithm itself. */ @Override public void handleBypassUpdateForNycTestInferredLocationRecord(NycTestInferredLocationRecord record) { verifyVehicleResultMappingToCurrentBundle(); synchronized (_vehicleInstancesByVehicleId) { final VehicleInferenceInstance i = getInstanceForVehicle(record.getVehicleId()); final Future<?> result = _executorService.submit(new ProcessingTask(i, record, true, true)); _bundleManagementService.registerInferenceProcessingThread(result); } } /** * This method is used by the simulator to inject real time records into the inference * process. This is used as a replacement to the queue infrastructure by some users, so * we don't handle this as a simulation. */ @Override public void handleNycRawLocationRecord(NycRawLocationRecord record) { verifyVehicleResultMappingToCurrentBundle(); synchronized (_vehicleInstancesByVehicleId) { final VehicleInferenceInstance i = getInstanceForVehicle(record.getVehicleId()); final Future<?> result = _executorService.submit(new ProcessingTask(i, record, false, false)); _bundleManagementService.registerInferenceProcessingThread(result); } } /** * This method is used by the queue listener to process raw messages from the message queue. * * ***This is the main entry point for data in the MTA project.*** */ @Override public void handleRealtimeEnvelopeRecord(RealtimeEnvelope envelope) { final CcLocationReport message = envelope.getCcLocationReport(); if (!_bundleManagementService.bundleIsReady()) { _skippedUpdateLogCounter++; // only print this every 25 times so we don't fill up the logs! if (_skippedUpdateLogCounter > 25) { _log.warn("Bundle is not ready or none is loaded--we've skipped 25 messages since last log event."); _skippedUpdateLogCounter = 0; } return; } verifyVehicleResultMappingToCurrentBundle(); // construct raw record final NycRawLocationRecord r = new NycRawLocationRecord(); r.setUuid(envelope.getUUID()); r.setLatitude(message.getLatitude() / 1000000f); r.setLongitude(message.getLongitude() / 1000000f); final Angle bearing = message.getDirection(); if (bearing != null) { final Integer degrees = bearing.getCdeg(); if (degrees != null) r.setBearing(degrees); } r.setSpeed(message.getSpeed()); r.setDestinationSignCode(message.getDestSignCode().toString()); r.setDeviceId(message.getManufacturerData()); final AgencyAndId vehicleId = new AgencyAndId(message.getVehicle().getAgencydesignator(), Long.toString(message.getVehicle().getVehicleId())); r.setVehicleId(vehicleId); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(message.getOperatorID().getDesignator())) r.setOperatorId(message.getOperatorID().getDesignator()); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(message.getRunID().getDesignator())) r.setRunNumber(message.getRunID().getDesignator()); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(message.getRouteID().getRouteDesignator())) r.setRunRouteId(message.getRouteID().getRouteDesignator()); final EmergencyCodes emergencyCodes = message.getEmergencyCodes(); if (emergencyCodes != null) r.setEmergencyFlag(true); else r.setEmergencyFlag(false); final tcip_3_0_5_local.CcLocationReport gpsData = message.getLocalCcLocationReport(); if (gpsData != null && gpsData.getNMEA() != null) { final NMEA nemaSentences = gpsData.getNMEA(); final List<String> sentenceStrings = nemaSentences.getSentence(); for (final String sentence : sentenceStrings) { if (sentence.startsWith("$GPGGA")) r.setGga(sentence); if (sentence.startsWith("$GPRMC")) r.setRmc(sentence); } } final DateTime time = XML_DATE_TIME_FORMAT.parseDateTime(message.getTimeReported()); r.setTime(time.getMillis()); r.setTimeReceived(new Date().getTime()); // validate timestamp from bus--for debugging only final String RMCSentence = r.getRmc(); if (RMCSentence != null) { final String[] parts = RMCSentence.split(","); if (parts.length == 13) { final String timePart = parts[1]; final String datePart = parts[9]; if (timePart.length() >= 6 && datePart.length() == 6) { try { final DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("ddMMyy HHmmss"); formatter.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); final Date fromDRU = formatter.parse(datePart + " " + timePart); final long differenceInSeconds = (fromDRU.getTime() - time.getMillis()) / 1000; if (differenceInSeconds > 30 * 60) { // 30m _log.debug("Vehicle " + vehicleId + " has significant time difference between time from DRU and time from record\n" + "Difference in seconds: " + differenceInSeconds + "\n" + "Difference in hours: " + (differenceInSeconds / 60 / 60) + "\n" + "Raw timestamp: " + message.getTimeReported() + "\n" + "From RMC: " + datePart + " " + timePart); } } catch (final ParseException e) { _log.debug("Unparseable date: " + datePart + " " + timePart); } } } } synchronized (_vehicleInstancesByVehicleId) { final VehicleInferenceInstance i = getInstanceForVehicle(vehicleId); final Future<?> result = _executorService.submit(new ProcessingTask(i, r, false, false)); _bundleManagementService.registerInferenceProcessingThread(result); } } @Override public NycTestInferredLocationRecord getNycTestInferredLocationRecordForVehicle(AgencyAndId vid) { final VehicleInferenceInstance instance = _vehicleInstancesByVehicleId.get(vid); if (instance == null) return null; final NycTestInferredLocationRecord record = instance.getCurrentState(); if (record != null) record.setVehicleId(vid); return record; } @Override public void resetVehicleLocation(AgencyAndId vid) { _vehicleInstancesByVehicleId.remove(vid); _observationCache.purge(vid); } /**** * Debugging Methods ****/ @Override public List<NycTestInferredLocationRecord> getLatestProcessedVehicleLocationRecords() { final List<NycTestInferredLocationRecord> records = new ArrayList<NycTestInferredLocationRecord>(); for (final Map.Entry<AgencyAndId, VehicleInferenceInstance> entry : _vehicleInstancesByVehicleId .entrySet()) { final AgencyAndId vehicleId = entry.getKey(); final VehicleInferenceInstance instance = entry.getValue(); if (instance != null) { final NycTestInferredLocationRecord record = instance.getCurrentState(); if (record != null) { record.setVehicleId(vehicleId); records.add(record); } } else { _log.warn("No VehicleInferenceInstance found: vid=" + vehicleId); } } return records; } @Override public Multiset<Particle> getCurrentParticlesForVehicleId(AgencyAndId vehicleId) { final VehicleInferenceInstance instance = _vehicleInstancesByVehicleId.get(vehicleId); if (instance == null) return ImmutableMultiset.of(); return instance.getCurrentParticles(); } @Override public Multiset<Particle> getCurrentSampledParticlesForVehicleId(AgencyAndId vehicleId) { final VehicleInferenceInstance instance = _vehicleInstancesByVehicleId.get(vehicleId); if (instance == null) return ImmutableMultiset.of(); return instance.getCurrentSampledParticles(); } @Override public List<JourneyPhaseSummary> getCurrentJourneySummariesForVehicleId(AgencyAndId vehicleId) { final VehicleInferenceInstance instance = _vehicleInstancesByVehicleId.get(vehicleId); if (instance == null) return Collections.emptyList(); return instance.getJourneySummaries(); } @Override public VehicleLocationDetails getDetailsForVehicleId(AgencyAndId vehicleId) { final VehicleInferenceInstance instance = _vehicleInstancesByVehicleId.get(vehicleId); if (instance == null) return null; final VehicleLocationDetails details = instance.getDetails(); details.setVehicleId(vehicleId); return details; } @Override public VehicleLocationDetails getBadDetailsForVehicleId(AgencyAndId vehicleId) { final VehicleInferenceInstance instance = _vehicleInstancesByVehicleId.get(vehicleId); if (instance == null) return null; final VehicleLocationDetails details = instance.getBadParticleDetails(); details.setVehicleId(vehicleId); details.setParticleFilterFailureActive(true); return details; } @Override public VehicleLocationDetails getBadDetailsForVehicleId(AgencyAndId vehicleId, int particleId) { final VehicleLocationDetails details = getBadDetailsForVehicleId(vehicleId); if (details == null) return null; return findParticle(details, particleId); } @Override public VehicleLocationDetails getDetailsForVehicleId(AgencyAndId vehicleId, int particleId) { final VehicleLocationDetails details = getDetailsForVehicleId(vehicleId); if (details == null) return null; return findParticle(details, particleId); } /**** * Private Methods ****/ private VehicleInferenceInstance getInstanceForVehicle(AgencyAndId vehicleId) { VehicleInferenceInstance instance = _vehicleInstancesByVehicleId.get(vehicleId); if (instance == null) { final VehicleInferenceInstance newInstance = _applicationContext .getBean(VehicleInferenceInstance.class); instance = _vehicleInstancesByVehicleId.putIfAbsent(vehicleId, newInstance); if (instance == null) instance = newInstance; } return instance; } /** * Has the bundle changed since the last time we returned a result? * * @return boolean: bundle changed or not */ private boolean bundleHasChanged() { boolean result = false; final BundleItem currentBundle = _bundleManagementService.getCurrentBundleMetadata(); // active bundle was removed from BMS' list of active bundles if (currentBundle == null) return true; if (_lastBundle != null) { result = !_lastBundle.getId().equals(currentBundle.getId()); } _lastBundle = currentBundle; return result; } /** * If the bundle has changed, verify that all vehicle results are present in * the current bundle. If not, reset the inference to map them to the current * reference data (bundle). Also reset vehicles with no current match, as they * may have a match in the new bundle. */ private void verifyVehicleResultMappingToCurrentBundle() { if (!bundleHasChanged()) return; for (final AgencyAndId vehicleId : _vehicleInstancesByVehicleId.keySet()) { try { final VehicleInferenceInstance vehicleInstance = _vehicleInstancesByVehicleId.get(vehicleId); final NycTestInferredLocationRecord state = vehicleInstance.getCurrentState(); // no state if (state == null) {"Vehicle " + vehicleId + " reset on bundle change: no state available."); this.resetVehicleLocation(vehicleId); continue; } // no match to any trip if (_transitGraphDao.getBlockEntryForId( AgencyAndIdLibrary.convertFromString(state.getInferredBlockId())) == null || _transitGraphDao.getTripEntryForId( AgencyAndIdLibrary.convertFromString(state.getInferredTripId())) == null) {"Vehicle " + vehicleId + " reset on bundle change: no matched trip/block."); this.resetVehicleLocation(vehicleId); continue; } // make sure none of the current journey summaries contain blocks we no longer have boolean vehicleStateResetVehicle = false; for (Particle particle : getCurrentSampledParticlesForVehicleId(vehicleId)) { final VehicleState particleState = particle.getData(); final BlockStateObservation particleBlockState = particleState.getBlockStateObservation(); if (particleBlockState == null) continue; final BlockInstance blockInstance = particleBlockState.getBlockState().getBlockInstance(); final BlockConfigurationEntry blockConfig = blockInstance.getBlock(); final BlockEntry block = blockConfig.getBlock(); final ScheduledBlockLocation blockLocation = particleBlockState.getBlockState() .getBlockLocation(); final BlockTripEntry activeTrip = blockLocation.getActiveTrip(); if (_transitGraphDao.getBlockEntryForId(block.getId()) == null || _transitGraphDao.getTripEntryForId(activeTrip.getTrip().getId()) == null) {"Vehicle " + vehicleId + " reset on bundle change: particle had no matched trip/block."); this.resetVehicleLocation(vehicleId); vehicleStateResetVehicle = true; break; } } if (vehicleStateResetVehicle) continue;"NOT resetting vehicle ID " + vehicleId); } catch (final Exception e) { // if something goes wrong, reset inference state"Vehicle " + vehicleId + " reset on bundle change: exception thrown: " + e.getMessage()); this.resetVehicleLocation(vehicleId); } } } private VehicleLocationDetails findParticle(VehicleLocationDetails details, int particleId) { final List<Entry<Particle>> particles = details.getParticles(); if (particles != null) { for (final Entry<Particle> pEntry : particles) { Particle p = pEntry.getElement(); if (p.getIndex() == particleId) { final Multiset<Particle> history = TreeMultiset.create(); while (p != null) { history.add(p, pEntry.getCount()); p = p.getParent(); } details.setParticles(history); details.setHistory(true); return details; } } } return null; } public class ProcessingTask implements Runnable { private final AgencyAndId _vehicleId; private final NycRawLocationRecord _nycRawLocationRecord; private NycTestInferredLocationRecord _nycTestInferredLocationRecord; private final VehicleInferenceInstance _inferenceInstance; private boolean _bypass = false; private boolean _simulation = false; public ProcessingTask(VehicleInferenceInstance inferenceInstance, NycRawLocationRecord record, boolean simulation, boolean bypass) { _inferenceInstance = inferenceInstance; _vehicleId = record.getVehicleId(); _nycRawLocationRecord = record; _simulation = simulation; _bypass = bypass; } public ProcessingTask(VehicleInferenceInstance inferenceInstance, NycTestInferredLocationRecord record, boolean simulation, boolean bypass) { _inferenceInstance = inferenceInstance; _vehicleId = record.getVehicleId(); _nycTestInferredLocationRecord = record; _nycRawLocationRecord = RecordLibrary.getNycTestInferredLocationRecordAsNycRawLocationRecord(record); _simulation = simulation; _bypass = bypass; } @Override public void run() { try { // operator assignment service in simulation case: returns a 1:1 result to what the trace indicates is the // true operator assignment. if (_simulation) { final DummyOperatorAssignmentServiceImpl opSvc = new DummyOperatorAssignmentServiceImpl(); final String assignedRun = _nycTestInferredLocationRecord.getAssignedRunId(); final String operatorId = _nycTestInferredLocationRecord.getOperatorId(); if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(assignedRun) && !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(operatorId)) { final String[] runParts = assignedRun.split("-"); opSvc.setOperatorAssignment( new AgencyAndId(_nycRawLocationRecord.getVehicleId().getAgencyId(), operatorId), runParts[1], runParts[0]); } _inferenceInstance.setOperatorAssignmentService(opSvc); _log.warn("Set operator assignment service to dummy for debugging!"); } // bypass/process record through inference boolean inferenceSuccess = false; synchronized (_inferenceInstance) { if (_nycRawLocationRecord != null) { if (_bypass == true) { inferenceSuccess = _inferenceInstance .handleBypassUpdate(_nycTestInferredLocationRecord); } else { inferenceSuccess = _inferenceInstance.handleUpdate(_nycRawLocationRecord); } } } if (inferenceSuccess) { // send input "actuals" as inferred result to output queue to bypass inference process if (_bypass == true) { final NycQueuedInferredLocationBean record = RecordLibrary .getNycTestInferredLocationRecordAsNycQueuedInferredLocationBean( _nycTestInferredLocationRecord); record.setVehicleId(_vehicleId.toString()); // fix up the service date if we're shifting the dates of the record to now, since // the wrong service date will make the TDS not match the trip properly. if (record.getServiceDate() == 0) { final GregorianCalendar gc = new GregorianCalendar(); gc.setTime(_nycTestInferredLocationRecord.getTimestampAsDate()); gc.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); gc.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); gc.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); record.setServiceDate(gc.getTimeInMillis()); } _outputQueueSenderService.enqueue(record); // send inferred result to output queue } else { final NycVehicleManagementStatusBean managementRecord = _inferenceInstance .getCurrentManagementState(); managementRecord.setInferenceEngineIsPrimary( _outputQueueSenderService.getIsPrimaryInferenceInstance()); managementRecord .setDepotId(_vehicleAssignmentService.getAssignedDepotForVehicleId(_vehicleId)); final BundleItem currentBundle = _bundleManagementService.getCurrentBundleMetadata(); if (currentBundle != null) { managementRecord.setActiveBundleId(currentBundle.getId()); } final NycQueuedInferredLocationBean record = _inferenceInstance .getCurrentStateAsNycQueuedInferredLocationBean(); record.setVehicleId(_vehicleId.toString()); record.setManagementRecord(managementRecord); _outputQueueSenderService.enqueue(record); } } } catch (final ProjectionException e) { // discard this one } catch (final Throwable ex) { _log.error("Error processing new location record for inference on vehicle " + _vehicleId + ": ", ex); resetVehicleLocation(_vehicleId); _observationCache.purge(_vehicleId); } } } @Override public void setSeeds(long cdfSeed, long factorySeed) { ParticleFactoryImpl.setSeed(factorySeed); CategoricalDist.setSeed(cdfSeed); } }