Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2011 Metropolitan Transportation Authority * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package; import gov.sandia.cognition.math.LogMath; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.ObjectUtils; import org.apache.commons.math.util.FastMath; import org.onebusaway.geospatial.model.CoordinatePoint; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.onebusaway.realtime.api.EVehiclePhase; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Motion model implementation for vehicle location inference. Determine if the * vehicle is in motion, and propagate the particles' positions or states. * * @author bdferris, bwillard */ public class MotionModelImpl implements MotionModel<Observation> { /** * Effective sample size thresholds that trigger resampling. */ private static final double _essNoRunInfoTransitionThreshold = 0.60; private static final double _essRunInfoTransitionThreshold = 0.65; private BlocksFromObservationService _blocksFromObservationService; /** * Distance, in meters, that a bus has to travel to be considered "in motion" */ static private double _motionThreshold = 20; @Autowired public void setJourneyMotionModel(JourneyStateTransitionModel journeyMotionModel) { } @Autowired public void setDestinationSignCodeService(DestinationSignCodeService destinationSignCodeService) { } @Autowired public void setBlocksFromObservationService(BlocksFromObservationService blocksFromObservationService) { _blocksFromObservationService = blocksFromObservationService; } static public void setMotionThreshold(double motionThreshold) { _motionThreshold = motionThreshold; } static public double getMotionThreshold() { return _motionThreshold; } public EdgeLikelihood edgeLikelihood = new EdgeLikelihood(); public ScheduleLikelihood schedLikelihood = new ScheduleLikelihood(); public RunTransitionLikelihood runTransitionLikelihood = new RunTransitionLikelihood(); public GpsLikelihood gpsLikelihood = new GpsLikelihood(); public RunLikelihood runLikelihood = new RunLikelihood(); public MovedLikelihood movedLikelihood = new MovedLikelihood(); /* * Some of these likelihoods need services attached. */ public DscLikelihood dscLikelihood; public NullStateLikelihood nullStateLikelihood; public NullLocationLikelihood nullLocationLikelihood; private JourneyStateTransitionModel _journeyStateTransitionModel; private BlockStateSamplingStrategy _blockStateSamplingStrategy; private final static double _distancePastEndMargin = 100d; @Autowired public void setNullStateLikelihood(NullStateLikelihood nullStateLikelihood) { this.nullStateLikelihood = nullStateLikelihood; } @Autowired public void setNullLocationLikelihood(NullLocationLikelihood nullLocationLikelihood) { this.nullLocationLikelihood = nullLocationLikelihood; } @Autowired public void setDestinationSignCodeRule(DscLikelihood dscRule) { this.dscLikelihood = dscRule; } @Autowired public void setJourneyStateTransitionModel(JourneyStateTransitionModel journeyStateTransitionModel) { _journeyStateTransitionModel = journeyStateTransitionModel; } @Autowired public void setBlockStateSamplingStrategy(BlockStateSamplingStrategy blockStateSamplingStrategy) { _blockStateSamplingStrategy = blockStateSamplingStrategy; } private boolean allowParentBlockTransition(VehicleState parentState, Observation obs) { final BlockStateObservation parentBlockState = parentState.getBlockStateObservation(); if (parentBlockState == null && (!obs.hasOutOfServiceDsc() && obs.hasValidDsc())) return true; if (parentBlockState != null) { /* * When a bus is waiting to start a block within the snapping distance * and then it starts moving, we want to make sure that */ if (EVehiclePhase.isActiveBeforeBlock(parentState.getJourneyState().getPhase()) && parentBlockState.isSnapped() && _blocksFromObservationService.hasSnappedBlockStates(obs)) { return true; } if (!parentBlockState.isRunFormal() && obs.hasValidDsc()) { /* * Always expect that we can go off from a detour when * the run-info is bad. */ if (parentState.getJourneyState().getIsDetour()) { return true; } /* * We have no good run information, but a valid DSC, so we will allow a * run transition when there are snapped states and it's not in * progress. This way we're less likely to get deadheads with in-service * signs floating along routes. */ if (_blocksFromObservationService.hasSnappedBlockStates(obs)) { if (EVehiclePhase.IN_PROGRESS != parentState.getJourneyState().getPhase()) { return true; } } /* * If we have no good run info and we're near/at the end of trip and our * observations moved a distance past the end of the trip. */ if (JourneyStateTransitionModel.isLocationOnATrip(parentBlockState.getBlockState())) { final double tripDab = parentBlockState.getBlockState().getBlockLocation() .getDistanceAlongBlock() - parentBlockState.getBlockState().getBlockLocation().getActiveTrip() .getDistanceAlongBlock(); final double distanceMoved = TurboButton.distance(obs.getLocation(), obs.getPreviousObservation().getLocation()); if (tripDab + distanceMoved + _distancePastEndMargin >= parentBlockState.getBlockState() .getBlockLocation().getActiveTrip().getTrip().getTotalTripDistance()) { return true; } } } /* * If we've finished a run/block and changed our dsc to a valid one, then * keep checking for new states. */ if (parentState.getJourneyState().getPhase().equals(EVehiclePhase.DEADHEAD_AFTER) && obs.hasValidDsc() && !Objects.equal(obs.getLastValidDestinationSignCode(), parentState.getBlockState().getDestinationSignCode())) return true; } if (obs.getPreviousObservation() != null) { /* * If we didn't have snapped states, and now we do. */ final boolean hadNoSnappedStates = !_blocksFromObservationService .hasSnappedBlockStates(obs.getPreviousObservation()); final boolean hasSnappedStates = _blocksFromObservationService.hasSnappedBlockStates(obs); if (hadNoSnappedStates && hasSnappedStates) return true; } return false; } public static boolean hasDestinationSignCodeChangedBetweenObservations(Observation obs) { String previouslyObservedDsc = null; final NycRawLocationRecord previousRecord = obs.getPreviousRecord(); if (previousRecord != null) previouslyObservedDsc = previousRecord.getDestinationSignCode(); final NycRawLocationRecord record = obs.getRecord(); final String observedDsc = record.getDestinationSignCode(); return !ObjectUtils.equals(previouslyObservedDsc, observedDsc); } private boolean allowGeneralBlockTransition(Observation obs, double ess, boolean previouslyResampled, boolean anySnapped) { if (hasDestinationSignCodeChangedBetweenObservations(obs)) return true; final double essResampleThreshold; if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(obs.getOpAssignedRunId()) && obs.getFuzzyMatchDistance() == null) { essResampleThreshold = _essNoRunInfoTransitionThreshold; } else { essResampleThreshold = _essRunInfoTransitionThreshold; } if (previouslyResampled && ess / ParticleFactoryImpl.getInitialNumberOfParticles() <= essResampleThreshold) { return true; } /* * If none of our current particles are snapped, yet there were snapped states and there are * currently snapped states, then resample, since there's usually a problem when nothing is snapped * in these cases. */ if (obs.getPreviousObservation() != null) { final boolean hadSnappedStates = _blocksFromObservationService .hasSnappedBlockStates(obs.getPreviousObservation()); final boolean hasSnappedStates = _blocksFromObservationService.hasSnappedBlockStates(obs); if (hasSnappedStates && hadSnappedStates && !anySnapped) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public Multiset<Particle> move(Multiset<Particle> particles, double timestamp, double timeElapsed, Observation obs, boolean previouslyResampled) throws ParticleFilterException { final Multiset<Particle> results = HashMultiset.create(); boolean anySnapped = false; /* * TODO FIXME could keep a particle-set-info record... */ for (final Multiset.Entry<Particle> parent : particles.entrySet()) { final VehicleState state = parent.getElement().getData(); if (state.getBlockStateObservation() != null && state.getBlockStateObservation().isSnapped()) { anySnapped = true; break; } } final double ess = ParticleFilter.getEffectiveSampleSize(particles); final boolean generalBlockTransition = allowGeneralBlockTransition(obs, ess, previouslyResampled, anySnapped); double normOffset = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (final Multiset.Entry<Particle> parent : particles.entrySet()) { final VehicleState parentState = parent.getElement().getData(); final BlockStateObservation parentBlockStateObs = parentState.getBlockStateObservation(); final Set<BlockStateObservation> transitions = Sets.newHashSet(); if (generalBlockTransition || allowParentBlockTransition(parentState, obs)) { /* * These are all the snapped and DSC/run blocks */ transitions.addAll(_blocksFromObservationService.determinePotentialBlockStatesForObservation(obs)); } else if (parentBlockStateObs != null) { /* * Only the snapped blocks. * We are also allowing changes to snapped in-progress states when * they were sampled well outside of allowed backward search distance. */ final double backwardDistance = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; transitions.addAll(_blocksFromObservationService.advanceState(obs, parentState.getBlockState(), backwardDistance, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)); } BlockStateObservation newParentBlockStateObs; if (parentBlockStateObs != null) { newParentBlockStateObs = _blocksFromObservationService.getBlockStateObservationFromDist(obs, parentBlockStateObs.getBlockState().getBlockInstance(), parentBlockStateObs.getBlockState().getBlockLocation().getDistanceAlongBlock()); } else { newParentBlockStateObs = null; } transitions.add(newParentBlockStateObs); /* * We make a subtle distinction here, by allowing the previous state to * remain as a transition but unaltered. This helps in cases of * deadhead->in-progress transitions, since, later on, the block state we * create in the following will be treated differently, signaled by way of * pointer equality. */ final double vehicleHasNotMovedProb = MovedLikelihood.computeVehicleHasNotMovedProbability(obs); for (int i = 0; i < parent.getCount(); ++i) { final Particle sampledParticle = sampleTransitionParticle(parent, newParentBlockStateObs, obs, vehicleHasNotMovedProb, transitions); normOffset = LogMath.add(sampledParticle.getLogWeight(), normOffset); results.add(sampledParticle); } } /* * Normalize */ for (final Entry<Particle> p : results.entrySet()) { final double thisTotalWeight = p.getElement().getLogWeight() + FastMath.log(p.getCount()); double logNormed = thisTotalWeight - normOffset; if (logNormed > 0d) logNormed = 0d; p.getElement().setLogNormedWeight(logNormed); } return results; } private Particle sampleTransitionParticle(Entry<Particle> parent, BlockStateObservation newParentBlockStateObs, Observation obs, final double vehicleHasNotMovedProb, Set<BlockStateObservation> transitions) throws ParticleFilterException { final long timestamp = obs.getTime(); final VehicleState parentState = parent.getElement().getData(); final CategoricalDist<Particle> transitionDist = new CategoricalDist<Particle>(); Multiset<Particle> debugTransitions = null; if (ParticleFilter.getDebugEnabled()) debugTransitions = HashMultiset.create(); for (final BlockStateObservation proposalEdge : transitions) { final SensorModelResult transProb = new SensorModelResult("Transition"); final double inMotionSample = ParticleFactoryImpl.getThreadLocalRng().get().nextDouble(); final boolean vehicleNotMoved = inMotionSample < vehicleHasNotMovedProb; final MotionState motionState = updateMotionState(parentState, obs, vehicleNotMoved); final Map.Entry<BlockSampleType, BlockStateObservation> newEdge; JourneyState journeyState; /* * We have to allow for a driver to start a trip late, so we check to see * if during the transition it was snapped or not. If not, then we assume * it may still be not in service */ newEdge = sampleEdgeFromProposal(newParentBlockStateObs, proposalEdge, obs, parentState.getJourneyState().getPhase(), vehicleNotMoved); journeyState = _journeyStateTransitionModel.getJourneyState(newEdge.getValue(), parentState, obs, vehicleNotMoved); final VehicleState newState = new VehicleState(motionState, newEdge.getValue(), journeyState, null, obs); final Context context = new Context(parentState, newState, obs); transProb.addResultAsAnd(edgeLikelihood.likelihood(context)); transProb.addResultAsAnd(gpsLikelihood.likelihood(context)); transProb.addResultAsAnd(dscLikelihood.likelihood(context)); transProb.addResultAsAnd(runLikelihood.likelihood(context)); transProb.addResultAsAnd(schedLikelihood.likelihood(context)); transProb.addResultAsAnd(runTransitionLikelihood.likelihood(context)); transProb.addResultAsAnd(nullStateLikelihood.likelihood(context)); transProb.addResultAsAnd(nullLocationLikelihood.likelihood(context)); transProb.addResultAsAnd(movedLikelihood.likelihood(context)); /* * TODO: this is mainly for debug and can/should be removed. */ transProb.addLogResultAsAnd(newEdge.getKey().name(), 0); final Particle newParticle = new Particle(timestamp, parent.getElement(), 0.0, newState); newParticle.setResult(transProb); if (ParticleFilter.getDebugEnabled()) { final double logWeight = parent.getElement().getLogWeight() + newParticle.getResult().getLogProbability(); newParticle.setLogWeight(logWeight); debugTransitions.add(newParticle); } transitionDist.logPut(transProb.getLogProbability(), newParticle); } final Particle newParticle; if (transitionDist.canSample()) { newParticle = transitionDist.sample(); final double logWeight = parent.getElement().getLogWeight() + newParticle.getResult().getLogProbability(); newParticle.setLogWeight(logWeight); } else { final SensorModelResult transProb = new SensorModelResult("Transition (null)"); final double inMotionSample = ParticleFactoryImpl.getThreadLocalRng().get().nextDouble(); final boolean vehicleNotMoved = inMotionSample < vehicleHasNotMovedProb; final MotionState motionState = updateMotionState(parentState, obs, vehicleNotMoved); final JourneyState journeyState = _journeyStateTransitionModel.getJourneyState(null, null, obs, vehicleNotMoved); final VehicleState nullState = new VehicleState(motionState, null, journeyState, null, obs); final Context context = new Context(parentState, nullState, obs); transProb.addResultAsAnd(edgeLikelihood.likelihood(context)); transProb.addResultAsAnd(gpsLikelihood.likelihood(context)); transProb.addResultAsAnd(dscLikelihood.likelihood(context)); transProb.addResultAsAnd(runLikelihood.likelihood(context)); transProb.addResultAsAnd(schedLikelihood.likelihood(context)); transProb.addResultAsAnd(runTransitionLikelihood.likelihood(context)); transProb.addResultAsAnd(nullStateLikelihood.likelihood(context)); transProb.addResultAsAnd(nullLocationLikelihood.likelihood(context)); transProb.addResultAsAnd(movedLikelihood.likelihood(context)); newParticle = new Particle(timestamp, parent.getElement(), 0.0, nullState); newParticle.setResult(transProb); final double logWeight = parent.getElement().getLogWeight() + newParticle.getResult().getLogProbability(); newParticle.setLogWeight(logWeight); } if (ParticleFilter.getDebugEnabled()) newParticle.setTransitions(debugTransitions); return newParticle; } public static enum BlockSampleType { NOT_SAMPLED, SCHEDULE_STATE_SAMPLE, EDGE_MOVEMENT_SAMPLE }; private Map.Entry<BlockSampleType, BlockStateObservation> sampleEdgeFromProposal( BlockStateObservation parentBlockStateObs, BlockStateObservation proposalEdge, Observation obs, EVehiclePhase parentPhase, boolean vehicleNotMoved) { Map.Entry<BlockSampleType, BlockStateObservation> newEdge; if (proposalEdge != null) { if (parentBlockStateObs != null) { /* * When a state is transitioning we need to consider whether the * proposal edge is snapped or not, since that leads to different * sampling procedures. Also, we propagate non-snapped states * differently. */ final double currentScheduleDev = BlockStateObservation.computeScheduleDeviation(obs, parentBlockStateObs.getBlockState()); final boolean runChanged = hasRunChanged(parentBlockStateObs, proposalEdge); if (proposalEdge.isSnapped()) { newEdge = Maps.immutableEntry(BlockSampleType.NOT_SAMPLED, proposalEdge); } else if (runChanged) { newEdge = Maps.immutableEntry(BlockSampleType.SCHEDULE_STATE_SAMPLE, _blockStateSamplingStrategy .samplePriorScheduleState(proposalEdge.getBlockState().getBlockInstance(), obs)); } else { /* * When our previous journey state was deadhead-before we don't want * to "jump the gun" and expect it to be at the start of the first * trip and moving along, so we wait for a snapped location to appear. */ if (EVehiclePhase.AT_BASE == parentPhase) { newEdge = Maps.immutableEntry(BlockSampleType.NOT_SAMPLED, parentBlockStateObs); } else if (EVehiclePhase.isActiveDuringBlock(parentPhase)) { newEdge = Maps.immutableEntry(BlockSampleType.EDGE_MOVEMENT_SAMPLE, _blockStateSamplingStrategy.sampleTransitionDistanceState(parentBlockStateObs, obs, vehicleNotMoved, parentPhase)); } else if (EVehiclePhase.isActiveBeforeBlock(parentPhase) && FastMath.abs(currentScheduleDev) > 0.0) { /* * Continue sampling mid-trip joins for this block... */ newEdge = Maps.immutableEntry(BlockSampleType.SCHEDULE_STATE_SAMPLE, _blockStateSamplingStrategy.samplePriorScheduleState( parentBlockStateObs.getBlockState().getBlockInstance(), obs)); } else { newEdge = Maps.immutableEntry(BlockSampleType.NOT_SAMPLED, parentBlockStateObs); } } } else { if (proposalEdge.isSnapped()) { newEdge = Maps.immutableEntry(BlockSampleType.NOT_SAMPLED, proposalEdge); } else { newEdge = Maps.immutableEntry(BlockSampleType.SCHEDULE_STATE_SAMPLE, _blockStateSamplingStrategy .samplePriorScheduleState(proposalEdge.getBlockState().getBlockInstance(), obs)); } } } else { newEdge = Maps.immutableEntry(BlockSampleType.NOT_SAMPLED, null); } return newEdge; } public static boolean hasRunChanged(BlockStateObservation parentEdge, BlockStateObservation proposalEdge) { if (proposalEdge != null) { if (parentEdge != null) { if (proposalEdge.getBlockState().getRunId() != null && parentEdge.getBlockState().getRunId() != null && !proposalEdge.getBlockState().getRunId().equals(parentEdge.getBlockState().getRunId())) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return true; } } else if (parentEdge != null) { return true; } else { return false; } } public MotionState updateMotionState(Observation obs, boolean vehicleHasNotMoved) { return updateMotionState(null, obs, vehicleHasNotMoved); } public static MotionState updateMotionState(VehicleState parentState, Observation obs, boolean vehicleHasNotMoved) { long lastInMotionTime = obs.getTime(); CoordinatePoint lastInMotionLocation = obs.getLocation(); if (parentState != null) { final MotionState motionState = parentState.getMotionState(); final double d = TurboButton.distance(motionState.getLastInMotionLocation(), obs.getLocation()); /* * FIXME there's an inconsistency here (with having sampled * whether we moved or not). */ if (d <= _motionThreshold) { lastInMotionTime = motionState.getLastInMotionTime(); lastInMotionLocation = motionState.getLastInMotionLocation(); } } return new MotionState(lastInMotionTime, lastInMotionLocation, vehicleHasNotMoved); } public EdgeLikelihood getEdgeLikelihood() { return edgeLikelihood; } public ScheduleLikelihood getSchedLikelihood() { return schedLikelihood; } public GpsLikelihood getGpsLikelihood() { return gpsLikelihood; } }