Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2011 Metropolitan Transportation Authority * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.onebusaway.geocoder.model.GeocoderResult; import; import org.onebusaway.geospatial.model.CoordinateBounds; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.onebusaway.presentation.model.ArrivalDepartureBeanListFilter; import; import org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.ArrivalAndDepartureBean; import org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.ArrivalsAndDeparturesQueryBean; import org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.ListBean; import org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.NameBean; import org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.RouteBean; import org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.RoutesBean; import org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.SearchQueryBean; import org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.StopBean; import org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.StopGroupBean; import org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.StopGroupingBean; import org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.StopWithArrivalsAndDeparturesBean; import org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.StopsBean; import org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.StopsForRouteBean; import org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.TripStopTimeBean; import org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.TripStopTimesBean; import org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.service_alerts.NaturalLanguageStringBean; import org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.service_alerts.SituationBean; import org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.trips.TripBean; import org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.trips.TripDetailsBean; import org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.trips.TripDetailsInclusionBean; import org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.trips.TripStatusBean; import org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.trips.TripsForRouteQueryBean; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; @Component public class NycSearchServiceImpl implements NycSearchService { private final static Pattern routePattern = Pattern.compile("(?:[BMQS]|BX)[0-9]+", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); // print vehicle display logic debugging messages to console? private boolean debug = false; // when querying for stops from a lat/lng, use this distance in meters private double distanceToStops = 100; private WebappIdParser idParser = new WebappIdParser(); @Autowired private TransitDataService transitService; @Autowired private GeocoderService geocoderService; @Autowired private NycConfigurationService configurationService; @Autowired private ServiceAreaService serviceArea; @Autowired private ArrivalDepartureBeanListFilter adbeanFilter; private static final SearchResultComparator searchResultComparator = new SearchResultComparator(); @Override public List<SearchResult> search(String q, Mode m) { List<SearchResult> results = new ArrayList<SearchResult>(); if (q == null) return results; q = q.trim(); if (q.isEmpty()) return results; String[] fields = q.split(" "); // we are probably a query for a route or a stop ID if (fields.length == 1) { if (isStop(q)) { SearchQueryBean queryBean = makeSearchQuery(q); StopsBean stops = transitService.getStops(queryBean); for (StopBean stopBean : stops.getStops()) { StopSearchResult stopSearchResult = makeStopSearchResult(stopBean, m); results.add(stopSearchResult); } } else if (isRoute(q)) { SearchQueryBean queryBean = makeSearchQuery(q); RoutesBean routes = transitService.getRoutes(queryBean); for (RouteBean routeBean : routes.getRoutes()) { List<RouteSearchResult> routeSearchResult = makeRouteSearchResult(routeBean, m); results.addAll(routeSearchResult); } } // we should be either an intersection and route or an intersection } else { // if we're a route, set route and the geocoder query appropriately String route = null; String queryNoRoute = null; if (isRoute(fields[0])) { route = fields[0]; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(32); for (int i = 1; i < fields.length; i++) { sb.append(fields[i]); sb.append(" "); } queryNoRoute = sb.toString().trim(); } else if (isRoute(fields[fields.length - 1])) { route = fields[fields.length - 1]; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(32); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length - 1; i++) { sb.append(fields[i]); sb.append(" "); } queryNoRoute = sb.toString().trim(); } // we are a route and intersection if (route != null) { List<StopsBean> stopsList = fetchStopsFromGeocoder(queryNoRoute); for (StopsBean stopsBean : stopsList) { for (StopBean stopBean : stopsBean.getStops()) { boolean useStop = false; List<RouteBean> routes = stopBean.getRoutes(); for (RouteBean routeBean : routes) { String idNoAgency = idParser.parseIdWithoutAgency(routeBean.getId()); if (idNoAgency.equalsIgnoreCase(route)) { useStop = true; break; } } if (useStop) { StopSearchResult stopSearchResult = makeStopSearchResult(stopBean, m); results.add(stopSearchResult); } } } } else { // try an intersection search List<StopsBean> stopsBeanList = fetchStopsFromGeocoder(q); for (StopsBean stopsBean : stopsBeanList) { List<StopBean> stopsList = stopsBean.getStops(); for (StopBean stopBean : stopsList) { StopSearchResult stopSearchResult = makeStopSearchResult(stopBean, m); results.add(stopSearchResult); } } } } return sortSearchResults(results); } private Map<String, List<StopBean>> createDirectionToStopBeansMap(String routeId) { Map<String, List<StopBean>> directionIdToStopBeans = new HashMap<String, List<StopBean>>(); StopsForRouteBean stopsForRoute = transitService.getStopsForRoute(routeId); List<StopBean> stopBeansList = stopsForRoute.getStops(); List<StopGroupingBean> stopGroupings = stopsForRoute.getStopGroupings(); for (StopGroupingBean stopGroupingBean : stopGroupings) { List<StopGroupBean> stopGroups = stopGroupingBean.getStopGroups(); for (StopGroupBean stopGroupBean : stopGroups) { NameBean name = stopGroupBean.getName(); String type = name.getType(); if (!type.equals("destination")) continue; List<StopBean> stopsForDirection = new ArrayList<StopBean>(); String directionId = stopGroupBean.getId(); Set<String> stopIds = new HashSet<String>(stopGroupBean.getStopIds()); for (StopBean stopBean : stopBeansList) { String stopBeanId = stopBean.getId(); if (stopIds.contains(stopBeanId)) stopsForDirection.add(stopBean); } directionIdToStopBeans.put(directionId, stopsForDirection); } } return directionIdToStopBeans; } private TripsForRouteQueryBean makeTripsForRouteQueryBean(String routeId) { TripsForRouteQueryBean tripRouteQueryBean = new TripsForRouteQueryBean(); tripRouteQueryBean.setRouteId(routeId); tripRouteQueryBean.setMaxCount(100); tripRouteQueryBean.setTime(new Date().getTime()); TripDetailsInclusionBean inclusionBean = new TripDetailsInclusionBean(); inclusionBean.setIncludeTripBean(true); inclusionBean.setIncludeTripSchedule(true); inclusionBean.setIncludeTripStatus(true); tripRouteQueryBean.setInclusion(inclusionBean); return tripRouteQueryBean; } public boolean isStop(String s) { // stops are 6 digits int n = s.length(); if (n != 6) return false; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (!Character.isDigit(s.charAt(i))) { return false; } } return true; } public boolean isRoute(String s) { Matcher matcher = routePattern.matcher(s); return matcher.matches(); } private List<StopsBean> fetchStopsFromGeocoder(String q) { List<StopsBean> result = new ArrayList<StopsBean>(); // FIXME HACK: append brooklyn to addresses to prevent manhattan adresses from being // returned instead--use google viewport biasing instead? if (q != null && q.isEmpty() == false) { q = q + " brooklyn, ny"; } List<GeocoderResult> geocoderResults = geocoderService.geocode(q).getResults(); for (GeocoderResult geocoderResult : geocoderResults) { double lat = geocoderResult.getLatitude(); double lng = geocoderResult.getLongitude(); CoordinateBounds bounds = SphericalGeometryLibrary.bounds(lat, lng, distanceToStops); // and add any stops for it SearchQueryBean searchQueryBean = makeSearchQuery(bounds); searchQueryBean.setMaxCount(100); StopsBean stops = transitService.getStops(searchQueryBean); result.add(stops); } return result; } private List<RouteSearchResult> makeRouteSearchResult(RouteBean routeBean, Mode m) { ConfigurationBean config = configurationService.getConfiguration(); List<RouteSearchResult> results = new ArrayList<RouteSearchResult>(); String routeId = routeBean.getId(); String routeShortName = routeBean.getShortName(); String routeLongName = routeBean.getLongName(); // create lookups keyed by directionId to the different bits of // information we need for the response Map<String, List<StopBean>> directionIdToStopBeans = createDirectionToStopBeansMap(routeId); Map<String, String> directionIdToHeadsign = new HashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, String> directionIdToTripId = new HashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, Map<String, NaturalLanguageStringBean>> directionIdToServiceAlerts = new HashMap<String, Map<String, NaturalLanguageStringBean>>(); Map<String, Map<String, Double>> tripIdToStopDistancesMap = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Double>>(); Map<String, List<DistanceAway>> stopIdToDistanceAways = new HashMap<String, List<DistanceAway>>(); TripsForRouteQueryBean tripQueryBean = makeTripsForRouteQueryBean(routeId); ListBean<TripDetailsBean> tripsForRoute = transitService.getTripsForRoute(tripQueryBean); List<TripDetailsBean> tripsList = tripsForRoute.getList(); // create a map of trip ids->(stop ids->distances along trip values) to // figure out which stop the vehicle is between. This is all with schedule data only so far... for (TripDetailsBean tripDetailsBean : tripsList) { TripBean trip = tripDetailsBean.getTrip(); String tripId = trip.getId(); String tripDirectionId = trip.getDirectionId(); String tripHeadsign = trip.getTripHeadsign(); // FIXME: most common headsign? directionIdToHeadsign.put(tripDirectionId, tripHeadsign); directionIdToTripId.put(tripDirectionId, tripId); if (!tripIdToStopDistancesMap.containsKey(tripId)) { TripStopTimesBean schedule = tripDetailsBean.getSchedule(); List<TripStopTimeBean> stopTimes = schedule.getStopTimes(); for (TripStopTimeBean tripStopTimeBean : stopTimes) { StopBean stopBean = tripStopTimeBean.getStop(); String stopId = stopBean.getId(); double distanceAlongTrip = tripStopTimeBean.getDistanceAlongTrip(); Map<String, Double> stopIdToDistance = tripIdToStopDistancesMap.get(tripId); if (stopIdToDistance == null) { stopIdToDistance = new HashMap<String, Double>(); tripIdToStopDistancesMap.put(tripId, stopIdToDistance); } stopIdToDistance.put(stopId, distanceAlongTrip); } } TripStatusBean tripStatusBean = tripDetailsBean.getStatus(); // compile a list of service alerts that affect this route+direction Map<String, NaturalLanguageStringBean> serviceAlertIdsToNaturalLanguageStringBeans = directionIdToServiceAlerts .get(tripDirectionId); if (serviceAlertIdsToNaturalLanguageStringBeans == null) { serviceAlertIdsToNaturalLanguageStringBeans = new HashMap<String, NaturalLanguageStringBean>(); directionIdToServiceAlerts.put(tripDirectionId, serviceAlertIdsToNaturalLanguageStringBeans); } if (tripStatusBean.getSituations() != null) { for (SituationBean situationBean : tripStatusBean.getSituations()) { NaturalLanguageStringBean serviceAlert = serviceAlertIdsToNaturalLanguageStringBeans .get(situationBean.getId()); if (serviceAlert == null) { serviceAlertIdsToNaturalLanguageStringBeans.put(situationBean.getId(), situationBean.getDescription()); } } } // should we display this vehicle on the UI specified by "m"? if (tripStatusBean == null || !shouldDisplayTripForUIMode(tripStatusBean, m)) continue; /* * Now that we have a structure of stops and each stop's distance along * the route, we can calculate how far the vehicle (for which we only have * distance along *route*) is away from its next stop in meters (which we * also have a distance along route for). */ StopBean closestStop = tripStatusBean.getNextStop(); if (closestStop != null) { String closestStopId = closestStop.getId(); double distanceAwayFromClosestStopInMeters = tripStatusBean.getNextStopDistanceFromVehicle(); int distanceAwayFromClosestStopInFeet = (int) this .metersToFeet(distanceAwayFromClosestStopInMeters); List<DistanceAway> stopDistanceAways = stopIdToDistanceAways.get(closestStopId); if (stopDistanceAways == null) { stopDistanceAways = new ArrayList<DistanceAway>(); stopIdToDistanceAways.put(closestStopId, stopDistanceAways); } // (we're always 0 stops away from our next stop, by definition) DistanceAway distanceAway = new DistanceAway(0, distanceAwayFromClosestStopInFeet, new Date(tripStatusBean.getLastUpdateTime()), m, config.getStaleDataTimeout(), FormattingContext.ROUTE, tripStatusBean); stopDistanceAways.add(distanceAway); } } // for each route direction for the route we are creating a result for... for (Map.Entry<String, List<StopBean>> directionStopBeansEntry : directionIdToStopBeans.entrySet()) { String directionId = directionStopBeansEntry.getKey(); String tripId = directionIdToTripId.get(directionId); String tripHeadsign = directionIdToHeadsign.get(directionId); // on the off chance that this happens degrade more gracefully if (tripHeadsign == null) continue; // get list of stops for this route *direction* List<StopBean> stopBeansList = directionStopBeansEntry.getValue(); Map<String, Double> stopIdToDistances = tripIdToStopDistancesMap.get(tripId); // (sort by order in route) if (stopIdToDistances != null) { Comparator<StopBean> stopBeanComparator = new NycSearchServiceImpl.StopBeanComparator( stopIdToDistances); Collections.sort(stopBeansList, stopBeanComparator); } // for each stop on the route, by order bus will stop there... List<StopItem> stopItemsList = new ArrayList<StopItem>(); for (StopBean stopBean : stopBeansList) { String stopId = stopBean.getId(); List<DistanceAway> distances = stopIdToDistanceAways.get(stopId); if (distances == null) distances = Collections.emptyList(); // if there is more than one vehicle stopping at this stop, sort the // vehicles by distance away from this stop Collections.sort(distances); StopItem stopItem = new StopItem(stopBean, distances); stopItemsList.add(stopItem); } // get a list of unique service alerts that affect this route direction List<NaturalLanguageStringBean> serviceAlerts = null; Map<String, NaturalLanguageStringBean> serviceAlertIdsToServiceAlerts = directionIdToServiceAlerts .get(directionId); if (serviceAlertIdsToServiceAlerts == null) { serviceAlerts = Collections.emptyList(); } else { serviceAlerts = new ArrayList<NaturalLanguageStringBean>(serviceAlertIdsToServiceAlerts.values()); } RouteSearchResult routeSearchResult = new RouteSearchResult(routeId, routeShortName, routeLongName, tripHeadsign, directionId, stopItemsList, serviceAlerts); results.add(routeSearchResult); } return results; } private boolean shouldDisplayTripForUIMode(TripStatusBean statusBean, Mode m) { // UI states here: // // don't show non-realtime trips (row 8) if (statusBean == null || statusBean.isPredicted() == false || Double.isNaN(statusBean.getDistanceAlongTrip())) { return false; } String status = statusBean.getStatus(); String phase = statusBean.getPhase(); // hide disabled vehicles (row 7) if (status != null && status.toLowerCase().compareTo("disabled") == 0) { return false; } // hide deadheading vehicles (except within a block) (row 3) // hide vehicles at the depot (row 1) if (phase != null && phase.toLowerCase().compareTo("in_progress") != 0 && phase.toLowerCase().compareTo("layover_before") != 0 && phase.toLowerCase().compareTo("layover_during") != 0) { return false; } // hide deviated vehicles from mobile web + sms interfaces (row 4) if (m == Mode.MOBILE_WEB || m == Mode.SMS) { boolean routeIsOnDetour = false; List<SituationBean> situations = statusBean.getSituations(); if (situations != null) { for (SituationBean situationBean : situations) { String miscelleanousReason = situationBean.getMiscellaneousReason(); if (miscelleanousReason != null && miscelleanousReason.compareTo("detour") == 0) { routeIsOnDetour = true; break; } } } if ((status != null && status.toLowerCase().compareTo("deviated") == 0) && !routeIsOnDetour) { return false; } } // hide data >= (hide timeout) minutes old (row 5) ConfigurationBean config = configurationService.getConfiguration(); if (new Date().getTime() - statusBean.getLastUpdateTime() >= 1000 * config.getHideTimeout()) { return false; } return true; } private StopSearchResult makeStopSearchResult(StopBean stopBean, Mode m) { ConfigurationBean config = configurationService.getConfiguration(); String stopId = stopBean.getId(); String stopName = stopBean.getName(); String stopDirection = stopBean.getDirection(); List<Double> latLng = Arrays.asList(new Double[] { stopBean.getLat(), stopBean.getLon() }); Map<String, List<DistanceAway>> routeIdToDistanceAways = new HashMap<String, List<DistanceAway>>(); Map<String, String> headsignToDirectionId = new HashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, String> routeIdToHeadsign = new HashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, Boolean> routeIdToDetouredFlag = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); List<RouteItem> availableRoutes = new ArrayList<RouteItem>(); Map<String, NaturalLanguageStringBean> serviceAlertIdsToServiceAlerts = new HashMap<String, NaturalLanguageStringBean>(); ArrivalsAndDeparturesQueryBean query = new ArrivalsAndDeparturesQueryBean(); query.setTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); query.setMinutesBefore(60); query.setMinutesAfter(90); StopWithArrivalsAndDeparturesBean stopWithArrivalsAndDepartures = transitService .getStopWithArrivalsAndDepartures(stopId, query); // this process uses unfiltered routes so that the interfaces show routes that // typically stop at a given stop, even if there are no "live"/tracked vehicles currently // serving that route right now. List<ArrivalAndDepartureBean> arrivalsAndDepartures = stopWithArrivalsAndDepartures .getArrivalsAndDepartures(); for (ArrivalAndDepartureBean arrivalAndDepartureBean : arrivalsAndDepartures) { TripBean tripBean = arrivalAndDepartureBean.getTrip(); String headsign = tripBean.getTripHeadsign(); String routeId = tripBean.getRoute().getId(); String directionId = tripBean.getDirectionId(); // FIXME: most common headsign? routeIdToHeadsign.put(routeId, headsign); headsignToDirectionId.put(headsign, directionId); // add service alerts to our list of service alerts for all routes at this stop // and check if route is on detour if (arrivalAndDepartureBean.getSituations() != null) { for (SituationBean situationBean : arrivalAndDepartureBean.getSituations()) { NaturalLanguageStringBean serviceAlert = serviceAlertIdsToServiceAlerts .get(situationBean.getId()); if (serviceAlert == null) serviceAlertIdsToServiceAlerts.put(situationBean.getId(), situationBean.getDescription()); String miscelleanousReason = situationBean.getMiscellaneousReason(); if (miscelleanousReason != null && miscelleanousReason.equals("detour")) { routeIdToDetouredFlag.put(routeId, true); break; } } } } // ...since this is data used for display of realtime data only, we use the filtered bean list here: List<ArrivalAndDepartureBean> filteredArrivalsAndDepartures = adbeanFilter.filter(arrivalsAndDepartures); for (ArrivalAndDepartureBean arrivalAndDepartureBean : filteredArrivalsAndDepartures) { TripBean tripBean = arrivalAndDepartureBean.getTrip(); TripStatusBean tripStatusBean = arrivalAndDepartureBean.getTripStatus(); String routeId = tripBean.getRoute().getId(); // hide deviated vehicles from mobile web + sms interfaces (row 4) Boolean routeIsOnDetour = routeIdToDetouredFlag.get(routeId); if (m == Mode.MOBILE_WEB || m == Mode.SMS) { String status = tripStatusBean.getStatus(); if ((status != null && status.toLowerCase().compareTo("deviated") == 0) && (routeIsOnDetour == null || routeIsOnDetour == false)) { continue; } } double distanceFromStopInMeters = arrivalAndDepartureBean.getDistanceFromStop(); int distanceFromStopInFeet = (int) this.metersToFeet(distanceFromStopInMeters); int numberOfStopsAway = arrivalAndDepartureBean.getNumberOfStopsAway(); if (debug) System.out.println(" +++ ADDING TO ARRIVAL LIST"); DistanceAway distanceAway = new DistanceAway(numberOfStopsAway, distanceFromStopInFeet, new Date(arrivalAndDepartureBean.getTripStatus().getLastUpdateTime()), m, config.getStaleDataTimeout(), FormattingContext.STOP, tripStatusBean); List<DistanceAway> distanceAways = routeIdToDistanceAways.get(routeId); if (distanceAways == null) { distanceAways = new ArrayList<DistanceAway>(); routeIdToDistanceAways.put(routeId, distanceAways); } distanceAways.add(distanceAway); } // for arrivalanddeparture beans /* * Create AvailableRoute objects for each route at the given stop. Bring in * DistanceAway objects, if available, from above. */ List<RouteBean> routes = stopBean.getRoutes(); for (RouteBean routeBean : routes) { String routeId = routeBean.getId(); String shortName = routeBean.getShortName(); String longName = routeBean.getLongName(); String headsign = routeIdToHeadsign.get(routeId); if (headsign == null) continue; List<DistanceAway> distanceAways = routeIdToDistanceAways.get(routeId); if (distanceAways == null) distanceAways = Collections.emptyList(); Collections.sort(distanceAways); RouteItem availableRoute = new RouteItem(shortName, longName, headsign, headsignToDirectionId.get(headsign), distanceAways); availableRoutes.add(availableRoute); } // Make list of service alerts from our list of unique alerts that apply to routes at this stop List<NaturalLanguageStringBean> serviceAlerts = null; if (serviceAlertIdsToServiceAlerts.isEmpty()) { serviceAlerts = Collections.emptyList(); } else { serviceAlerts = new ArrayList<NaturalLanguageStringBean>(serviceAlertIdsToServiceAlerts.values()); } StopSearchResult stopSearchResult = new StopSearchResult(stopId, stopName, latLng, stopDirection, availableRoutes, serviceAlerts); return stopSearchResult; } private double metersToFeet(double meters) { double feetInMeters = 3.28083989501312; return meters * feetInMeters; } private SearchQueryBean makeSearchQuery(String q) { return makeSearchQuery(q, serviceArea.getServiceArea()); } private SearchQueryBean makeSearchQuery(CoordinateBounds bounds) { return makeSearchQuery(null, bounds); } private SearchQueryBean makeSearchQuery(String q, CoordinateBounds bounds) { SearchQueryBean queryBean = new SearchQueryBean(); queryBean.setType(SearchQueryBean.EQueryType.BOUNDS_OR_CLOSEST); queryBean.setBounds(bounds); queryBean.setMaxCount(5); if (q != null) queryBean.setQuery(q); return queryBean; } private List<SearchResult> sortSearchResults(List<SearchResult> searchResults) { Collections.sort(searchResults, NycSearchServiceImpl.searchResultComparator); return searchResults; } public static class StopBeanComparator implements Comparator<StopBean> { private final Map<String, Double> stopIdToDistances; public StopBeanComparator(Map<String, Double> stopIdToDistances) { this.stopIdToDistances = stopIdToDistances; } @Override public int compare(StopBean o1, StopBean o2) { Double d1 = stopIdToDistances.get(o1.getId()); Double d2 = stopIdToDistances.get(o2.getId()); if (d1 == null) d1 = Double.valueOf(0); if (d2 == null) d2 = Double.valueOf(0); return d1.compareTo(d2); } } public static class SearchResultComparator implements Comparator<SearchResult> { @Override public int compare(SearchResult o1, SearchResult o2) { if ((o1 instanceof RouteSearchResult) && (o2 instanceof StopSearchResult)) return -1; else if ((o1 instanceof StopSearchResult) && (o2 instanceof RouteSearchResult)) return 1; else if ((o1 instanceof RouteSearchResult) && (o2 instanceof RouteSearchResult)) return ((RouteSearchResult) o1).getName().compareTo(((RouteSearchResult) o2).getName()); else if ((o1 instanceof StopSearchResult) && (o2 instanceof StopSearchResult)) return ((StopSearchResult) o1).getName().compareTo(((StopSearchResult) o2).getName()); else throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown search result types"); } } }