Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2011 Metropolitan Transportation Authority * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.onebusaway.enterprise.webapp.actions.m; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.onebusaway.geospatial.model.CoordinatePoint; import org.onebusaway.presentation.model.SearchResult; import org.onebusaway.presentation.model.SearchResultCollection; import; import; import; import; import org.onebusaway.util.SystemTime; import; import org.onebusaway.enterprise.webapp.actions.OneBusAwayEnterpriseActionSupport; import org.onebusaway.enterprise.webapp.actions.m.model.GeocodeResult; import org.onebusaway.enterprise.webapp.actions.m.model.RouteAtStop; import org.onebusaway.enterprise.webapp.actions.m.model.RouteResult; import org.onebusaway.enterprise.webapp.actions.m.model.StopResult; import org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.RouteBean; import org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.service_alerts.ServiceAlertBean; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; public class IndexAction extends OneBusAwayEnterpriseActionSupport { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Autowired private ConfigurationService _configurationService; @Autowired private TransitDataService _transitDataService; @Autowired private RealtimeService _realtimeService; @Autowired private SearchService _searchService; private SearchResultCollection _results = new SearchResultCollection(); private boolean _resultsOriginatedFromGeocode = false; private String _q = null; private CoordinatePoint _location = null; private String _type = null; public void setQ(String q) { if (q != null) { this._q = q.trim(); } } public void setL(String location) { String[] locationParts = location.split(","); if (locationParts.length == 2) { this._location = new CoordinatePoint(Double.parseDouble(locationParts[0]), Double.parseDouble(locationParts[1])); } } public void setT(String type) { this._type = type; } public String execute() throws Exception { if (_q == null) return SUCCESS; SearchResultFactory factory = new SearchResultFactoryImpl(_transitDataService, _realtimeService, _configurationService); // empty query with location means search for stops near current location if (_location != null && _q.isEmpty()) { if (_type.equals("stops")) { _results = _searchService.findStopsNearPoint(_location.getLat(), _location.getLon(), factory, _results.getRouteFilter()); } else { _results = _searchService.findRoutesStoppingNearPoint(_location.getLat(), _location.getLon(), factory); } } else { if (_q.isEmpty()) { return SUCCESS; } _results = _searchService.getSearchResults(_q, factory); // do a bit of a hack with location matches--since we have no map to show // locations on, // find things that are actionable near/within/etc. the result if (_results.getMatches().size() == 1 && _results.getResultType().equals("GeocodeResult")) { this._resultsOriginatedFromGeocode = true; GeocodeResult result = (GeocodeResult) _results.getMatches().get(0); // if we got a region back, list routes that pass through it if (result.getIsRegion()) { _results = _searchService.findRoutesStoppingWithinRegion(result.getBounds(), factory); // if we got a location (point) back, find stops nearby } else { _results = _searchService.findStopsNearPoint(result.getLatitude(), result.getLongitude(), factory, _results.getRouteFilter()); } } } return SUCCESS; } /** * METHODS FOR VIEWS */ public List<ServiceAlertBean> getGlobalServiceAlerts() { List<ServiceAlertBean> results = _realtimeService.getServiceAlertsGlobal(); return (results != null && results.size() > 0) ? results : null; } public String getGoogleAnalyticsSiteId() { return _configurationService.getConfigurationValueAsString("display.googleAnalyticsSiteId", null); } public String getGoogleAnalyticsValue() { // event tracking String label = getQ(); if (label == null) { label = ""; } label += " [M: " + _results.getMatches().size() + " S: " + _results.getSuggestions().size() + "]"; label = label.trim(); return label; } public String getGoogleAnalyticsLabel() { String action = "Unknown"; if (_results != null && !_results.isEmpty()) { if (_results.getResultType().equals("RouteInRegionResult")) { action = "Region Search"; } else if (_results.getResultType().equals("RouteResult")) { if (_location != null) { action = "GPS Route Search"; } else { action = "Route Search"; } } else if (_results.getResultType().equals("GeocodeResult")) { action = "Location Disambiguation"; } else if (_results.getResultType().equals("StopResult")) { if (_location != null) { action = "GPS Stop Search"; } else { action = "Stop or Intersection Search"; } } } else { if (getQueryIsEmpty() && _location == null) { action = "Home"; } else { action = "No Search Results"; } } return action; } public String getQ() { if (_q == null || _q.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { return StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(_q.replace("&", "&")); } } public String getL() { if (_location != null) return _location.getLat() + "," + _location.getLon(); else return null; } public String getT() { return this._type; } public String getRouteColors() { Set<String> routeColors = new HashSet<String>(); for (SearchResult _result : _results.getMatches()) { RouteResult result = (RouteResult) _result; routeColors.add(result.getColor()); } return StringUtils.join(routeColors, ","); } public String getCacheBreaker() { return String.valueOf(SystemTime.currentTimeMillis()); } public boolean getQueryIsEmpty() { return (_q == null || _q.isEmpty()); } public String getLastUpdateTime() { return DateFormat.getTimeInstance().format(new Date()); } public String getResultType() { return _results.getResultType(); } public Set<String> getUniqueServiceAlertsForResults() { Set<String> uniqueServiceAlerts = new HashSet<String>(); for (SearchResult _result : _results.getMatches()) { if (_results.getResultType().equals("RouteResult")) { RouteResult result = (RouteResult) _result; uniqueServiceAlerts.addAll(result.getServiceAlerts()); } else if (_results.getResultType().equals("StopResult")) { StopResult result = (StopResult) _result; for (RouteAtStop route : result.getAllRoutesAvailable()) { uniqueServiceAlerts.addAll(route.getServiceAlerts()); } } } return uniqueServiceAlerts; } public SearchResultCollection getResults() { return _results; } public boolean getResultsOriginatedFromGeocode() { return _resultsOriginatedFromGeocode; } public String getTitle() { if (_location != null && getQueryIsEmpty()) { return ""; } if (_results.getMatches().size() == 1) { SearchResult result = _results.getMatches().get(0); if (_results.getResultType().equals("StopResult")) { StopResult stopResult = (StopResult) result; return ": Stop " + stopResult.getCode() + " " + stopResult.getName(); } else if (_results.getResultType().equals("RouteResult")) { RouteResult routeResult = (RouteResult) result; return ": Route " + routeResult.getShortName(); } } if (!getQueryIsEmpty()) { return ": " + _q; } return ""; } public String getRouteFilterShortName() { Object[] routeBeans = _results.getRouteFilter().toArray(); if (routeBeans.length > 0) { RouteBean routeBean = (RouteBean) routeBeans[0]; return routeBean.getShortName(); } else { return null; } } public String getUseAgencyId() { return _configurationService.getConfigurationValueAsString("display.useAgencyId", "false"); } public String getShowAgencyNames() { return _configurationService.getConfigurationValueAsString("display.showAgencyNames", "false"); } }