Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2011 Danny Kunz * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package org.omnaest.utils.structure.array; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.omnaest.utils.reflection.ReflectionUtils; import org.omnaest.utils.structure.collection.CollectionUtils; import org.omnaest.utils.structure.collection.list.ListUtils; import org.omnaest.utils.structure.element.ObjectUtils; import org.omnaest.utils.structure.element.converter.ElementConverter; import org.omnaest.utils.structure.iterator.IterableUtils; /** * Helper methods for arrays. * * @see CollectionUtils * @author Omnaest */ public class ArrayUtils { /** * Returns an {@link Array} containing all elements of each of the given {@link Array}s. If any given {@link Array} is null, it * will be ignored.<br> * <br> * As long as at least one {@link Array} instance is given this function returns an {@link Array} instance itself. If no * {@link Array} instance is available null will be returned. * * @param elementArrays * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <E> E[] merge(E[]... elementArrays) { // final List<E> retlist = new ArrayList<E>(); // Class<?> componentType = null; for (E[] elements : elementArrays) { if (elements != null) { // if (componentType == null) { componentType = componentType(elements.getClass()); } // retlist.addAll(Arrays.asList(elements)); } } // return componentType != null ? retlist.toArray((E[]) Array.newInstance(componentType, retlist.size())) : null; } /** * Converts a given array into a new array with a new element type. * * @param arrayFrom * @param arrayToType * @param elementConverter * {@link ElementConverter} * @return */ public static <TO, FROM> TO[] convertArray(FROM[] arrayFrom, Class<TO> arrayToType, ElementConverter<FROM, ? extends TO> elementConverter) { // @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final TO[] arrayTo = (TO[]) (arrayFrom != null ? Array.newInstance(arrayToType, arrayFrom.length) : new Object[0]); return convertArray(arrayFrom, arrayTo, elementConverter); } /** * Similar to {@link #convertArray(Object[], Class, ElementConverter)} but uses the given target array if the size fits * otherwise it will construct a new array with the same component type * * @param arrayFrom * @param arrayTo * : instance of the array later returned. Use the return value to set this list. The array will not be necessarily * changed only by the call as parameter. * @param elementConverter * {@link ElementConverter} * @return */ public static <TO, FROM> TO[] convertArray(FROM[] arrayFrom, TO[] arrayTo, ElementConverter<FROM, ? extends TO> elementConverter) { // TO[] retvals = null; // if (arrayTo != null && arrayFrom != null && elementConverter != null) { // if (arrayTo.length == arrayFrom.length) { // retvals = arrayTo; // int index = 0; for (FROM element : arrayFrom) { // final TO convertedElement = elementConverter.convert(element); retvals[index++] = convertedElement; } } else { // @SuppressWarnings({ "cast", "unchecked" }) final Class<TO> arrayToType = (Class<TO>) componentType((Class<TO[]>) arrayTo.getClass()); retvals = convertArray(arrayFrom, arrayToType, elementConverter); } } // return retvals; } /** * Converts a given array into a new list with a new element type, whereby all elements which convert to null will be excluded * in the target list. * * @param arrayFrom * @param arrayTo * @param elementConverter * @return */ public static <TO, FROM> TO[] convertArrayExcludingNullElements(FROM[] arrayFrom, TO[] arrayTo, ElementConverter<FROM, TO> elementConverter) { List<TO> listTo = ListUtils.convertExcludingNullElements(Arrays.asList(arrayFrom), elementConverter); return listTo == null ? null : listTo.toArray(arrayTo); } /** * Returns a new array with all tokens of the given string array being trimmed * * @param stringArray * @return new array with all trimmed tokens */ public static String[] trimStringArrayTokens(String[] stringArray) { // String[] retvals = null; // if (stringArray != null) { // retvals = new String[stringArray.length]; // for (int ii = 0; ii < retvals.length; ii++) { // String value = stringArray[ii]; value = value != null ? value.trim() : null; // retvals[ii] = value; } } // return retvals; } /** * Returns a non primitive {@link Array} for a primitive one * * @param primitiveArray * @return */ public static Object[] toObject(Object primitiveArray) { // Object[] retvals = null; // if (primitiveArray != null) { try { // Class<? extends Object> primitiveArrayType = primitiveArray.getClass(); Class<?> componentType = primitiveArrayType.getComponentType(); if (componentType.isPrimitive()) { componentType = ObjectUtils.primitiveWrapperTypeFor(componentType); } int length = Array.getLength(primitiveArray); retvals = (Object[]) Array.newInstance(componentType, length); // for (int ii = 0; ii < retvals.length; ii++) { retvals[ii] = Array.get(primitiveArray, ii); } } catch (Exception e) { } } // return retvals; } /** * Returns true if the given type is not null and {@link Class#isArray()} is true * * @param type * @return */ public static boolean isArrayType(Class<?> type) { return type != null && type.isArray(); } /** * Returns true if the object is an {@link Array} * * @param object * @return */ public static boolean isArray(Object object) { return object != null && isArrayType(object.getClass()); } /** * Returns the component type of a given array type. Returns null if the given type is no array type or there can no component * type be detected. * * @see #arrayType(Class) * @param arrayType * @return */ public static Class<?> componentType(Class<?> arrayType) { return isArrayType(arrayType) ? arrayType.getComponentType() : null; } /** * Returns the length of a given array instance or -1 if the given instance is not an array instance. * * @param arrayObject * @return */ public static int length(Object arrayObject) { return arrayObject != null && isArray(arrayObject) ? Array.getLength(arrayObject) : -1; } /** * Returns an typed {@link Array} based on the given {@link Collection} and the given array component type<br> * <br> * If null is given as {@link Collection} null is returned, too. If the given type is null, {@link Object} is used as component * type. * * @see Collection#toArray(Object[]) * @param collection * {@link Collection} * @param type * {@link Class} * @return new {@link Array} instance */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <E> E[] valueOf(Collection<? extends E> collection, Class<E> type) { // E[] retvals = null; // if (collection != null) { retvals = collection .toArray((E[]) Array.newInstance(type != null ? type : Object.class, collection.size())); } // return retvals; } /** * Returns an typed {@link Array} based on the given {@link Iterable} and the given array component type<br> * <br> * If null is given as {@link Iterable} null is returned, too. If the given type is null, {@link Object} is used as component * type. * * @see Collection#toArray(Object[]) * @param iterable * {@link Collection} * @param type * {@link Class} * @return new {@link Array} instance */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <E> E[] valueOf(Iterable<? extends E> iterable, Class<E> type) { // E[] retvals = null; // if (iterable != null) { final List<? extends E> list = ListUtils.valueOf(iterable); retvals = list.toArray((E[]) Array.newInstance(type != null ? type : Object.class, list.size())); } // return retvals; } /** * Returns a new {@link Array} instance based on the {@link Class} types of the given elements. The first shared type which can * be cast to the expected return type is used.<br> * <br> * The automatic detection of element types is based on reflection and has a high impact on performance if the given element * types have large inherited type graphs. * * @see #valueOf(Class, Object...) * @param elements * @return */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public static <E> E[] valueOf(E... elements) { // final boolean inherited = true; final boolean onlyReturnInterfaces = false; final boolean intersection = true; final Class<?>[] types = ArrayUtils.convertArray(elements, Class.class, new ElementConverter<E, Class>() { @Override public Class convert(E element) { return element != null ? element.getClass() : null; } }); final Set<Class<?>> assignableTypeSet = ReflectionUtils.assignableTypeSet(inherited, onlyReturnInterfaces, intersection, types); // final Class<E> type = (Class<E>) IterableUtils.firstElement(assignableTypeSet); // return valueOf(type, elements); } /** * @param elements * @return */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public static <E> E[] valueOf(Class<E> type, E... elements) { // E[] retvals = null; // final Class componentType = type == null ? Object.class : type; final int length = elements.length; retvals = (E[]) Array.newInstance(componentType, length); // for (int ii = 0; ii < length; ii++) { retvals[ii] = elements[ii]; } // return retvals; } /** * Return the sum of all given {@link Integer} values * * @param values * @return */ public static int sumOf(int... values) { // int retval = 0; // for (int value : values) { retval += value; } // return retval; } /** * Calculates a {@link BitSet} which has its bits set to true at the same index where the related element from one array to the * other array is not {@link #equals(Object)} * * @param elements1 * @param elements2 * @return {@link BitSet} with modified index bits set to true */ public static <E> BitSet differenceBitSet(E[] elements1, E[] elements2) { final BitSet retvals = new BitSet(); if (elements1 == null && elements2 != null) { retvals.set(0, elements2.length); } else if (elements1 != null && elements2 == null) { retvals.set(0, elements1.length); } else if (elements1 != null && elements2 != null) { for (int ii = 0; ii < elements1.length || ii < elements2.length; ii++) { if (ii >= elements1.length || ii >= elements2.length) { retvals.set(ii); } else if (!org.apache.commons.lang3.ObjectUtils.equals(elements1[ii], elements2[ii])) { retvals.set(ii); } } } return retvals; } /** * Returns an array type based on the element type * * @see #componentType(Class) * @param componentType * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <E> Class<E[]> arrayType(Class<E> componentType) { return (Class<E[]>) Array.newInstance(componentType, 0).getClass(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T> T[][] splitAsArrayGroups(Class<T> elementType, T[] array, int... groupStarts) { List<T[]> retlist = new ArrayList<T[]>(); if (groupStarts != null) { boolean first = true; int groupStart = 0; for (int groupEnd : groupStarts) { if (!first) { T[] subArray = Arrays.copyOfRange(array, groupStart, groupEnd); retlist.add(subArray); } groupStart = groupEnd; first = false; } T[] subArray = Arrays.copyOfRange(array, groupStart, array.length); retlist.add(subArray); } return retlist.toArray((T[][]) Array.newInstance(elementType, 0, 0)); } }